Long walk hurts my lower back. Lower back pain while walking

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It is believed that lower back pain, including walking, is humanity's retribution for walking upright. There is not a single person who has not had lower back pain at least once in his life.

The first call is a warning

Lower back pain when walking is usually divided into primary and secondary.
Primary low back pain when walking is associated with morphological changes in the spine, including vertebrae, muscles and ligaments, nerve endings. It can be cumulative pain associated with overexertion, excessive physical activity. Or a more serious option - a herniated disc. In this case pain in the lower back, appearing after long walk. The patient begins to limp from pain when moving. But as soon as he sits down or lies down, she calms down.
Another possible cause of lower back pain when walking is a narrow spinal canal. In this case, it always hurts: both lying down and walking. It spreads along the nerve root: from the buttock to the foot.

The second call is an alarm

Secondary low back pain when walking is associated with spinal injuries, tumors and infections, including the pelvic organs. This is a real alarm. That's far from complete list diseases that cause back pain when walking:

  • endometriosis
  • uterine fibroids
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Inflammatory diseases of the ovaries
  • Diseases of the large vessels
  • kidney disease
  • Chronic prostatitis
  • Individual diseases nervous system.

Left - Right

When diagnosing low back pain, it is important to specify its location as accurately as possible. So, the feeling on the right indicates diseases of the genital area (right appendages of the ovaries and pelvic peritoneum), as well as the appendix, right kidney, ureter, hernia, abdominal wall or intestines. On the left, the intestines, ureter, hernia, and right ovarian appendage may also hurt.

Low back pain when walking in pregnancy

Almost half of pregnant women in late pregnancy experience lower back pain. This is mainly due to the load on the spine and relaxation of the abdominal muscles. Sometimes it gives in the leg after physical exertion or when walking, standing or sitting for a long time. This is due to the mobility of the pubic articulation and symphysis - a physiological phenomenon that prepares the birth canal.
After childbirth, this pain immediately or gradually disappears.
In any case of lower back pain when walking, you should consult a doctor!

On the website of the Internet project about diseases of the musculoskeletal system spinet.ru. an analysis of the results of a survey related to back pain during and after walking is presented. In this survey, 1463 people took part.

In the first survey, we wanted to know how many kilometers a day people walk when they visit the site. The results of this survey are shown below. 1463 people took part in it. This survey serves as an input for evaluating the results of the next survey.

And through the next survey, we wanted to find out how people are affected by walking, over longer distances, compared to the usual “mileage” of a person during the day. 1827 people took part in this survey. The survey results are shown below.

purple result- it reduces, relieves pain for a long time
Green- it reduces back pain while walking

Somewhat belatedly, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the results of the analysis of the survey data. In this article, you can find out what the increase in back pain during and after a walk can mean. Symptoms of what diseases can be back pain, during and after walking. And so, read the recommendations on how to walk correctly, to obtain a therapeutic effect from walking.

Hiking is considered an excellent prevention of back problems. For patients who complain of back pain, doctors recommend walking as often as possible. However, the results of our survey showed that only a small number of people (3.2%) walks help get rid of pain for a long time. And only 11% of respondents cannot complain of pain while walking, but after a walk, the pain returns quickly. Some respondents were in favor of the fact that walks do not affect their well-being in any way (12.8%) or have an ambiguous effect (11.2%). However, the vast majority testified: back pain only intensifies during or after an unusually long walk - 30.9% and 17.4%, respectively. Why does such useful walking cause an increase in painful sensations?

Lower back pain when walking

Most often, pain occurs in the lower back - it is this section of the spine that takes on the greatest load when we stand or walk. The appearance of pain when walking is not a reason to panic. From time to time, everyone, without exception, complains of discomfort during movement. If one hundred percent healthy man If he sits in one place for a long time without getting up, his back will start to hurt. The cause of temporary discomfort may also lie in excessive stress or illness. They took up exercises too actively, lifted a heavy bag, decided to shake the old days and drive the ball - all this leads to microtrauma of muscles and ligaments. In this case, the recipe "go to bed and everything will pass" is the most effective. For minor injuries, rest is the best doctor.

Athletes may also complain of pain when walking. If you play sports, attend training and do not disdain gym, painful sensations signal that you need to strengthen your abdominal muscles. With weak abdominal muscles, the lower back takes on a double load, the result of which is always pain.

Another thing is if the pain while walking is a constant phenomenon. In this case, it acts as a symptom of diseases of varying severity, and not always just the spine. It will not work to determine on your own what the matter is, you need the help of specialists. So, if you complain of back pain while walking, its "culprit" may be:

    Kidney disease.

    Dystrophic disorders in the spinal cartilage (osteochondrosis).


    Lumbar hernia.

    Muscle inflammation.

The pain can be of a different nature: aching, stabbing, shooting. The appearance of "lumbago" in the back is the most alarming sign. The only thing that can help in this situation is peace. In the supine position, the pain will gradually subside. If you are familiar with shooting pain in the back, it remains only to avoid physical exertion and consult a doctor so that he determines the cause of the problem and prescribes treatment.

With mild aching pain, you should also undergo a diagnosis, but in this case, swimming and therapeutic exercises with an emphasis on stretching will not hurt you. Moderate physical exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the back and support the spine in the correct position. If your back hurts not only when walking, but also when you are standing, there is a high risk that you will be given an unpleasant diagnosis: spinal stenosis. With stenosis, the pain goes away, one has only to sit down. To determine if there are reasons for unrest, you should contact a neurologist and undergo a CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging. This will make it possible to identify changes in the structure of the spine.

Lower back pain after walking

Lower back pain after walking is a much more alarming symptom than complaints of discomfort during movement. In most cases, it indicates that spondylolisthesis is taking place. This medical term refers to the instability of the spine: one of the discs bulges back or forward relative to its "neighbors". If back pain appears only after a long walk, the disease has not had time to become severe. By long walk we mean a distance of more than 3 km. But if the prospect of a little walk causes soreness, and a distance of a kilometer seems to be the limit of possibilities, spondylolisthesis has already passed into a severe form and requires urgent treatment. In especially neglected cases, the instability of the spine can result in a complete inability to "move the legs." To check whether it is really a protrusion of the vertebrae, pay attention to your feelings when going down or climbing stairs. If the pain gets worse, see your doctor as soon as possible.

When Walking Helps

Walking can really help with pain, but only if there are no serious diseases or they are in remission. If you know for yourself such a sin as a sedentary lifestyle, walking will help you avoid numerous problems with the spine. But you have to walk right. What does this mean?

The duration of the "healing" walk depends on the level of your physical fitness. It can last 20 minutes or several hours. It is important that you enjoy the movement.

    Wear only comfortable clothes and shoes.

    Do not carry heavy bags and folders with you - any heaviness harms the spine.

    Walk at a pace that is comfortable for you, but stick to a brisk pace. Your breathing should not go astray, but let your gait remain energetic.

    While walking, draw in your stomach, straighten and relax your shoulders. Hunched tense back - key factor, painful in the spine.

    Try to walk either every day or every other day.

    It does not hurt to combine walks with therapeutic exercises or a little warm-up.

Walking improves blood circulation and strengthens the back muscles. The muscular corset plays an important role - the muscles hold the vertebral discs in the correct position. And if they are too weak to cope with this task, problems are inevitable. Pay attention to how you sit. A slight stoop, the habit of leaning forward strongly can be the causes of back pain that disappears after a walk.

Lower back pain while walking is manifested in cases where there are underlying causes of the disease of the lower back itself. The loin is located in the lower part of the back, on which a large mass of our body is concentrated when moving. Often there are complaints of people that it hurts the lower back, there is a sharpness and weakness, you constantly want to lie down and it hurts to unbend your back. The causes of pain can be rare walks, that is, physical inactivity, low physical activity, diabetes, resulting from a reduced amount of nutrition, but can also appear as a result of frequent training, for example, in dancers and gymnasts. When most of the body weight is on the spine, in particular, on the lower back, then an imbalance occurs, as a result of which its disease occurs.

Pain in the spine and lower back can be divided into 2 groups: primary and secondary pain. Usually, primary pain occurs due to the fact that the blood supply to the tissues connecting the intervertebral discs is disturbed. Disturbances occur in the muscles and blood vessels, and there is also a general weakness of the entire spinal system. The first signals can be pain when walking, when performing a series exercise, as well as crack. Of course, most do not pay attention to such symptoms, considering them familiar to everyday life, and therefore often this form of the disease can gradually develop into a more serious one, when you no longer need an ointment and healing balm, but the help of a specialist in the field of surgery.

Concerning secondary degree diseases, then the process of tumor formation, mechanical damage to tissues, muscles inside the lower back is considered. All this is accompanied by debilitating pain, often a feeling of dumbness and the inability to bend and unbend the back. If you have the slightest suspicion that there are problems with the spine, you should consult a doctor. Pain is highly discouraged. By the way, it is not at all necessary that pain should be associated with damage to the lower back itself, its internal components, since there are often cases when fibroids, tumors in the kidneys, lungs, and malignant formations in the urinary system lead to its pathology. And when such formations occur, the inflammation moves towards the back, up, and if the formations are in the upper part of the body, then they will gradually begin their downward movement, affecting healthy parts of the body. That is why it is important to pay attention to your health before the disease has captured all healthy cells.

Now it is worth considering those people who are at risk of getting a disease in the lower back and feel it while walking:

Drivers of vehicles and workers leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Work associated with active physical activity, where most of the elements performed fall on the lower back.

Standing lifestyle, for example, sellers, hairdressers. By the way, there is a little secret for such processions. To get rid of pain and prevent its occurrence, you should put a thick book on the floor and in a standing position, change the support of one leg, that is, alternately put it to the right, then left leg on a book. Thus, the weight of the body will not be focused solely on the lower back and problems with the spine can be avoided.

Country workers and lovers of garden plots. Not everyone likes to plant flowers, vegetables and fruits. However, this activity is useful, since physical activity is observed when performing various kinds of movements. However, if you stay in a bent position for a long time, you are more likely to get a disease such as osteochondrosis.

This list is also complemented by reasons such as a woman's pregnancy. In this position, a woman must take into account both her weight and the weight of the child, that is, a huge load falls on her lower back, in view of which she must arrange respite for herself while walking and take horizontal position. Now they are developing all sorts of tools to help young mothers endure pregnancy with less risk to themselves and the fetus. There are also vitamins necessary to strengthen the bone tissue of pregnant women.

People who are overweight are at risk and therefore should remember to take care of themselves and try to avoid fatty foods.

Lower back pain can appear suddenly and disappear at the same moment, or it can force and pat its owner. What is the first thing to do to de-stress? lumbar and protect yourself from diseases of osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and sciatica, as well as the main enemy - lumbalgia. First of all, you need to give the body time to relax and take a break from routine work. Moreover, this does not mean that the rest time should take 5-10 minutes, at best, the pain will disappear in 3-5 days. It is best to keep bed rest in mind and use a flat, hard surface. If the pain is too painful, then you can take painkillers, pregnant women can wear a bandage that can take on some of the work and provide comfort and reliability. People who often sit should warm up right at the workplace. We are not talking about lifting the barbell or push-ups from the floor, but simple twisting and pulling will be quite appropriate. At home in the morning it is worth doing exercises, running, if the terrain allows and there is free time. In the evenings, be sure to massage the lower back and the entire back, using a relaxing cream or balm. The pain will disappear while walking and will no longer bother you.

Pain that occurs when walking in the lumbar region should disturb the person, as they may indicate various diseases. In no case should such a symptom be neglected.

Primary causes of pain

The primary causes of lower back pain during walking are associated primarily with morphological changes in the spine, including ligaments and muscles, nerve endings and vertebrae. It is possible that there is cumulative pain, the occurrence of which is explained by excessive physical activity and overexertion.

A more serious option is also possible, when a similar sensation is caused by a herniated intervertebral disc. With this disease, the pain that appears after a long walk is so strong that the person begins to limp when moving. But as soon as the patient sits down or lies down, the pain instantly disappears.

One more possible cause this kind of pain is a narrow spinal canal, however, in this case, pain annoys a person not only in the process of walking, but even in the prone position.

Secondary causes of pain

Secondary pain in the lower back during walking is associated with various kinds of spinal injuries, infections and tumors. So, the following diseases are capable of causing such pain: chronic prostatitis, uterine fibroids, endometrium, dysmenorrhea. May cause pain and inflammatory diseases ovaries, kidney disease, diseases of the nervous system or large vessels.

Pain localization

When diagnosing pain in the lower back, it is important to indicate their location as accurately as possible. So, pain on the right speaks of diseases of the genital area, intestines or abdominal wall, ureter, hernia or appendix. On the left, the ureter, hernia, intestines, and right ovarian appendage can also hurt.

Features of treatment

Pain in the lower back when walking can be different - shooting, aching, stabbing. The most alarming symptom is the occurrence of "lumbago" in the back. The patient in such a situation needs peace, since in the supine position the pain subsides over time. The only correct option is to contact a specialist for a reliable diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

deal with the weak aching pain therapeutic exercises and swimming will help. Moderate physical activity helps to strengthen the muscles of the back and maintain the spine in the correct position.

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