Beautiful phrases about spring in prose. Beautiful quotes about spring

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Spring has always been a symbol of birth and renewal. During this period, all living things wake up, and everything we are used to acquires a new color.

Warm sunbeams, early morning bird songs, the rustle of young grass and the sound of the river - all this is associated with spring.

Quotes from Russian poets about spring

Russian poets have always felt the energy and vitality seasons. As a rule, spring was for them a period of new beginnings and inspiration. This time of the year evoked a storm of emotions and passions in people, which poets splashed onto paper.

"Spring is the only revolution in this world..."

F.I. Tyutchev

"Spring is calling you to the village,
It's time for warmth, flowers, work,
It's time for inspirational festivities
And seductive nights.
To the fields, friends! Hurry, hurry..."

A.S. Pushkin

"Spring is not like joy."

S.A. Yesenin

"Oh, spring without end and without edge - without end and without edge dream!"

A.A. Block

"Let life bring happiness to people - spring is in my soul of love."

A.A. Block

"Like the first ray of spring is bright! What dreams descend in it! How captivating you are, a gift of an inflaming spring!"

A.A. Fet

"Spring and grief are not enough: she washed herself in the snow and became only a blush in defiance of the enemy. Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich

Spring is coming, spring is coming - and the quiet warm days of May, a ruddy light round dance crowds merrily behind her..

F. Tyutchev.

Quotes about the spring of Russian writers

Spring has also become symbolic in the works of Russian writers. For them, it was not so important - sunny or cloudy outside the window, what was happening around and what was expected of them. The atmosphere of spring and new life filled their souls, cheered them up and allowed them to renounce the whole world and be left alone with their thoughts, a piece of paper and a pen.

"In the spring, when the earth thaws, people also seem to become softer."

M. Gorky

"Spring is the time of plans and assumptions."

L.N. Tolstoy

"It happens that something does not stick, it comes out badly, and at the same time you feel something good. Remember the good and understand: it's spring"

M.M. Prishvin

"Meanwhile, spring has come, beautiful, friendly, without expectation and deceptions of spring, one of those rare springs that plants, animals and people rejoice together."

L.N. Tolstoy

Quotes about the spring of foreign writers

Like all people, foreign writers enjoyed the spring days. Someone wrote about life, someone about himself, and someone just dreamed. But each line written was saturated with the scent of spring.

"Spring is a real rebirth, a piece of immortality."

G.D. Toro

"In the depths of your hopes and desires lies a silent knowledge of the beyond; and like seeds sleeping under the snow, your heart dreams of spring."

Jubran Hamil Jubran

"The charm of spring is known only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs."

Heinrich Heine

"Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring."

Henry David Thoreau

"Why, spring is in the yard. In the spring, he always becomes mischievous and longs for a new one."

Erich Maria Remarque

“Only now it suddenly dawned that in a week and a half spring will come. And by spring everything is always incredibly fabulous, you can ask any schizophrenic about this.”

Miguel Grace

"... in spring, everyone becomes handsome if he hurries to meet his dream."

Stephen King

Movie Quotes About Spring

Where, if not in the cinema, you can feel the atmosphere of spring at any time of the year. Blooming tulips, couples in love and the chirping of birds - why not a spring fairy tale?

"This is a May-spoiler, this May-sorcerer blows fresh with his fan!"

From the movie "12 chairs"

And in the spring I don't believe in misfortune
And I'm not afraid of drizzling drops.
And in the spring different animals molt,
Only a sunbeam does not shed."

From the movie "Once More About Love"

Quotes about the spring of contemporaries

Spring is a period of inspiration for every person. Not everyone can write down, remember or articulate their feelings. And to those who succeed, you need to say: "thank you." Thank you for the wonderful lines and good mood.

"Perhaps I have never met such a daring and unpredictable woman as Spring Weather."

Anna Sevostyanova

"Spring. Goosebumps run in the stomach: either love, or diarrhea."

Igor Yagupov

“Spring! Who doesn’t love her! The most seedy, lousy dove in the spring preens, becomes kinder, hopes for something of his own.”

Tatiana Tolstaya

Spring is not just one of the seasons, it is a new life. A magical time when nature comes to life, the gentle sun warms, birds sing joyfully on the branches, everything around turns green, blooms, and smells sweet.

They are written on social networks, set as a status on instagram, viber, whatsapp. After all, it is simply impossible to remain silent about a miracle. Sayings about spring help to accurately and interestingly convey what is happening in our souls this season. Just a few lines - and everyone around will know about your positive attitude.

Spring is incredibly amazing. She gives us the brightest colors and becomes the subject of inspiration. It is unlikely that there will be at least one author who has not touched on this topic in his works. So much has been said about her in poetry and prose, songs have been sung, original quotes from books have been collected.

Who can convey spring beauty better than Russian poets and writers? They wrote the most magnificent phrases about spring, which have long become known and loved by everyone.

They very accurately reveal all the charm of the sunny season, and the literary language turns the quotes of great people and the thoughts of the classics into masterpieces that you want to read and retell to each other.

Spring and love are inseparable concepts. They, like two sisters or girlfriends, always go side by side, awakening quivering feelings in the hearts of people. New meetings, confessions, secrets and mysteries.

This is a time of charm, inspiration, happy relationships. It makes you dizzy, pushes you to do the most unusual things, helps you love, create and become happy.

Beautiful phrases about spring and love allow you to tell the whole world about positive emotions that overwhelm your soul and the most beautiful feeling in the world, from which wings just grow behind your back and you begin to feel capable of anything.

Springtime is always positive and fun. Is it possible to be gloomy when birds are singing outside the window, buds are blooming, green grass is breaking through? One glance at the meadows of dandelions, poppies, tulips can improve even the worst mood. So I want to have fun, walk, joke.

It is simply impossible not to love warm days. They are fraught with so many new, interesting things and give bright hopes.

In the morning - when the sun rises, illuminating flowering trees, in the afternoon, when looking at the birds returning to their homeland, in the evening, after the onset of a romantic time for dates.

No season can boast such a huge number of wonderful sayings, quotes, statuses with meaning, like spring. Although a lot has been written about autumn, winter and summer, it still surpassed them hundreds of times.

Aphorisms about spring are diverse, delightful, unusual. After reading, I want to not only write down or remember beautiful thoughts about spring, but also be sure to pass it on to others.

“Only when a person is deprived of external being, like winter, is there hope that a new spring will arise in him” [Rumi].

sayings famous people about spring.

Sayings about spring, famous people quotes ## 1-10:

saying #1

Spring is such a time of year when it is very good to start something new.

[Haruki Murakami]

statement #2:

Spring is the time of plans and assumptions.

[L. Tolstoy]

saying #3:

Everything is new in spring! Yes, and the springs themselves are always so new - none is like the other, each has something of its own, which gives it a special, unique charm.

[L. Montgomery]

saying #4:

The charm of spring is known only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs ...

saying #5:

If there were no winter, spring would not seem so beautiful to us; if there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable.


saying #6:

Spring in April: the other day it snowed, then the sun came out, then hid, and there was a feeling that spring was having a difficult birth.

[F. Ranevskaya]

saying #7:

Every year something in you dies as the leaves fall from the trees and their bare branches sway defenselessly in the wind in the cold winter light. But you know that spring will definitely come, just as you are sure that the frozen river will be free of ice again. But when the cold rains poured incessantly and killed the spring, it seemed as if a young life had been ruined for no reason.


saying #8:

Do you know what it is, of course? It's spring fever. That's what it's called. And if you have already picked it up, you want to - you don’t even know what exactly - but you want it so much that your heart just aches.

saying #9:

Waiting for spring is like waiting for paradise.

[Stephen King]

saying #10:

Spring is a time of follies, only by surrendering to which is it possible to fully enjoy happiness. Even the most fleeting...

[Elchin Safarli]

Sayings about spring, famous people quotes ## 11-20:

saying #11:

No, that's enough - I can't live without Spring!


saying #12:

The day was sunny and windy, such a day when you can go around the corner of the house, hide from the wind, press your back against the wall slightly warmed by the sun and feel with all your heart the joy of the arrival of spring and warmth ... Stand, squint and smile.

[E. Grishkovets]

saying #13:

May my heart always dream of May ...

[S. Yesenin]

saying #14:

I sleep - she is alone above me.

The one that people call spring

I call loneliness.


saying #15:

Tulips and daffodils are the orange-gold storm of spring.

[Erich M. Remarque]

saying #16:

It happens that something doesn’t stick, it doesn’t work out well, and at the same time you feel something good. Remember the good and understand: it's spring.

[M. Prishvin]

saying #17:

In the spring, even the boot whispers something tender in the ear.

[Emil Meek]

saying #18:

It is impossible to say to spring: “Come immediately and last as long as necessary.” One can only say: “Come, fall over me with the grace of hope and stay with me as long as possible.”

[Paulo Coelho]

saying #19:

Spring is the only revolution in this world.

The wind brought a hint of a spring song from afar, somewhere light and deep in the sky, a patch opened up.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Mentally change winter to spring and fall in love.

"E. Safarli"

Spring is the time of plans and assumptions.

With the beginning of spring, I wish you an enchanting good mood, and family happiness!

Spring justifies stupidity. After all, in order to bear fruit, you must bloom, and you cannot bloom without blossoming.

"Elena Ermolova"

Spring breaks hearts, Beats in everyone's heart...

In March, Cupids practice archery on crampons.

If we are guilty of something, then in our own prophetic dreams. Life promises to be long, like this spring.

Deep autumn is like a cool summer, and the approach of winter makes itself felt with the smell of spring.

"Elena Ermolova"

Until winter leaves, spring will not come.

"Silovan Ramishvili"

Spring - dream, smile, enjoy every moment!

Yes, spring is on the way. In the spring, he always becomes mischievous and longs for a new one.

Red eggs, ruddy faces, pink light. Well, how can you not resurrect here!

"Valery Krasovsky"

What do you think the snow turns into when it melts? - Of course in the water. - Wrong! It turns into spring.

Spring will show who ate how much in winter.

Every winter I wonder how it is possible to live outside the city, and every spring I begin to understand this.

Spring has come, the roads are floating!

"Igor Krasnovsky"

For those who have a garden head, in the spring the most troubles begin.

"Yuri Tatarkin"

Spring came! And I fell for it again!

It happens that something doesn’t stick, it doesn’t work out well, and at the same time you feel something good. Remember the good and understand: it's spring.

"Mikhail Prishvin"

Spring arrived just in time.

Unfortunately, this spring won't give us back what we've been missing!

Let spring live in your heart no matter what is outside the window!

The earth is afraid of spring. The ice is melting, tearing the veins. Kidneys strain and burst - this is pain ... this is childbirth. The old, which has not had time to outlive its own, clashes with the young, which has not had time to enter into force ...

"Mikhail Prishvin"

There are signs of a revolutionary situation: the earth does not want to live in the old way, the snow cannot.

"Elena Ermolova"

This is a May-spoiler, this May-sorcerer breathes fresh with his fan!

Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring.

Make plans for the year in the spring, plans for the day in the morning.

No, that's enough - I can't live without Spring!

"IN. Vysotsky"

In the spring, even the boot whispers something tender in the ear.

Spring is such a time of the year that even pants cannot hide your high spirits!

Spring is in full swing. So summer is coming soon. And behind it is autumn, autumn melancholy - and so far until spring!

"Elena Ermolova"

In spring, everyone becomes handsome if he hurries to meet his dream.

It is in the spring that people suddenly notice how immoral the four-legged behavior is on the street, although the animals mate all year round.

Stas Yankovsky

Yes, this is the slogan of the most romantic time of the year.

This is the time for the revival of feelings, emotions, the time for new discoveries and undertakings. The spring months are created for inspiration, love and good mood.

Well, so that spring comes to the Internet, we offer you quotes about spring. Some of them will make you think and rethink something in life, others will make you smile and cheer you up. Spring in life and in the soul - how wonderful everything is, right?

Appeared as a trembling lump,
Dry chicken - spring. "Ariadne Efron"

Spring is a time of follies, only by surrendering to which it is possible to fully enjoy happiness. Even the most fleeting

Couldn't start a new life on the first of January? Start from March... Spring is another chance.

In the spring we must live in the present, we will think about the future in long winter evenings, we will remember the past in a dreary autumn.

The blanket is still white
Fluffy old snows,
But we see the beginning of spring,
The familiar trace of her steps. "Vladimir Bolshakov"

Only youth and love can be more beautiful than spring. "Stephen King"

On the street along which she walked, spring was already glimmering, as if someone was kissing her neck, but as soon as she looked back, there was no one but the sun's rays. "Rinat Valiullin"

Spring, like a woman, says - I’m already on my way, and she sits in a dressing gown, with a wet head and paints her nails!

Waking up quietly from sleep
Happiness gently knocks on the window ...
- You didn't know? It's me, spring!
Open up, something important is about to happen!

This spring start all over again, forget everything old and be just happy!!!

Spring ... A meter of snow interferes a little

I'm waiting for spring, it has a beginning,
Start against everything
Like that boat at the pier
What awaits the awakened river. "Leonid Alekseev"

Spring... Everything will be different!!!

Spring!!! I want something ... Either diversity to ugliness, or ugliness for a change ...

In each of us lives a small, very gentle little man. In the spring, he wakes up to get his dose of sunshine and love!

I will never get used to spring. Year after year she amazes me, she delights me. And neither age nor the accumulated doubts and sorrows have any meaning. "Rene Barjavel"

Spring again, flowers again, dreams come true again!!!

Spring ... And the rudiments appear
All feelings exciting again.
Such that even removed gloves
They try to hug each other.

Spring has come, shining with magic, it is possible to compare it with a deity. Hurry to breathe in, hurry to hug her, take your love from her lips ...

Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring. "Henry David Thoreau"

Spring is a great time to rediscover love in your own heart, recognizing it in the eyes of people, in the cries of birds, in a sprout breaking through the thickness of the earth ...

Spring justifies stupidity. After all, in order to bear fruit, you must bloom, and you cannot bloom without blossoming. "Elena Ermolova"

Spring is coming, trying
Sighs in the whole chest,
Winter is about to end
And the sadness fades. "Evgeny Vitalievich Antonyuk"

May life bring happiness to people - spring is in my soul of love. "Alexander Blok"

The spring wind carries the smell of happiness.

Everything is new in spring! Yes, and the springs themselves are always so new - none is like the other, each has something of its own, which gives it a special, unique charm. Lucy Montgomery

Oh, spring without end and without edge -
Endless and endless dream! "Alexander Blok"

Wind in the head, spring in the heart...

Every year something in you dies as the leaves fall from the trees and their bare branches sway defenselessly in the wind in the cold winter light. But you know that spring will definitely come, just as you are sure that a frozen river will be free of ice again. But when the cold rains poured incessantly and killed the spring, it seemed as if a young life had been ruined for no reason. "Ernest Hemingway"

Spring also affects people. Unbends the backs of those who lowered their shoulders. Smoothes wrinkles on the face. Makes you take a deep breath of air, heady to dizziness. "Albert Likhanov"

In March, look more often at the skies ... Piercing blue, deep, blue ... In the spring, it is the heavens - not the sky. They beckon somewhere far away, for a dream, soothe, fill the soul with hope and harmony.

Spring will drive anyone crazy. Ice and he moved.

Spring is like a woman: she paints for a long time, picks up a beautiful outfit, and when she comes, her presence will make at least one person a little happier.

Spring, like a girl, laughs, wants to fall in love with a man ...

Is it love
Is it spring
Is it too much modesty?
Finally left ... "Anna Kudasheva"

Spring is a real rebirth, a piece of immortality. "Henry David Thoreau"

In spring, everyone becomes handsome if he hurries to meet his dream.

Having sheltered each other's lonely spring, the two snowmen exchanged hearts forever.

There is a whole spring ahead to learn to appreciate what will be, and not what has passed ...

There, behind the hills, the sun sang ... You take a step - spring is behind you.

Spring supplies us with the soaring of desires.

If there were no winter, spring would not seem so beautiful to us; if there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable.

Spring! The trees are dressing, the women are undressing...

Remember that the best spring is the one in the soul, not in short quote on the monitor page. So don't waste your time looking for spring phrases on the internet. Better just try to enjoy the first spring sun.

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