Superfood is better than any medicine. Superfoods: what are they?

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Beneficial features: contains lauric, capric, caprylic acids, rich in vitamins E and K, and has animicrobial properties. Promotes calcium absorption, strengthens teeth and gums. Accelerates tissue regeneration, improves immunity, maintains healthy cholesterol levels. Improves metabolism, helps fight stress well.

Application: This wonderfully versatile product can be used as a substitute for other vegetable oils for cooking, and as a moisturizing mask for hair, face and entire body.

Chia seeds

Beneficial features: rich in omega-3s, fiber, antioxidants and minerals. Helps lower cholesterol, helps keep you feeling full longer, and is gluten-free.

Application: Add 2-3 tablespoons per day to smoothies, yogurt, and salads. When soaked in water, they expand in volume, making them ideal puddings.

Berry chia pudding for breakfast

¼ cup chia seeds
¾ cup almond milk
½ cup berries
2 dates, pitted
½ teaspoon vanilla extract, or vanillin to taste

Cooking method:

Soak chia in almond milk overnight. The next day, puree with berries, dates, vanilla and the required amount of almond milk to achieve the desired consistency (like thick yogurt). Serve with fresh berries.

Blondie with chia seeds

1 medium banana
250 g peeled pumpkin
2 tbsp. l. chia seeds
½ tsp. soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. with a heap of cinnamon
¼ tsp. ground ginger
ground cloves on the tip of a knife
¼ tsp. nutmeg
¼ cup sweetener (you can use stevia, agave or cane sugar)
2 tbsp. l. coconut oil

Cooking method:

Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Beat the banana in a blender and add to the dry mixture. Add butter and pumpkin and beat thoroughly in a blender until smooth. The mass should become sticky. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the dough on it. Roll out to a thickness of 1 cm and cut into portions. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until done for 20-25 minutes.

Salmon breaded with chia seeds

400 g salmon fillet (one strip)
½ cup chia seeds
¼ cup sesame seeds
For the sauce:
1 tsp. honey
1 tbsp. l. olive oil
lemon zest, salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method:

Mix chia seeds and sesame seeds in a bowl. Roll the fish in the seeds. Place the fish on a baking sheet and bake for 12 minutes on each side. Prepare the sauce. Mix honey, oil and lemon zest, add salt and pepper. Serve the fish with the sauce.

Maca powder

Lepidium meyenil, known as Peruvian ginseng or maca powder, is a herbaceous biennial plant of the cruciferous family native to the Andes Mountains. It is collected at an altitude of at least 4000 meters. When you buy this high altitude superfood, pay attention to the packaging. It should say vegetable “Gelatinized / vegan maca powder” - this is better absorbed.

Beneficial features: rich in vitamins B, C and E, contains a lot of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and amino acids. Positively affects the hormonal system and helps increase libido levels. Improves women's health and mood, energizes and promotes skin cell regeneration.

Application: add to smoothies, plant-based milk shakes, warm drinks, energy bars, cookies. Start with 1 tablespoon per day and increase the dose gradually every three days, up to 3-6 tablespoons per day.

5 Options for Energy Bars Made from Maca Powder

No. 1. Apple-cinnamon: 1-2 tbsp. l. poppy powder, 0.5 cups of walnuts (pre-soaked in water and dried for better absorption), 0.5 cups of almonds (also soaked and dried), 1 tbsp. dates, 1 tbsp. dried apples, 1.5 tsp. cinnamon, 1-2 tbsp. l. water

No. 2. Ginger cookie: 1-2 tbsp. l. poppy powder, 1.5 cups cashew nuts (soaked and dried), 1.5 cups dates, 1.5 tsp. ginger powder, 3/4 tsp. cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. cloves, 1-2 tbsp. l. water as needed

No. 3. Lemon Lime: 1-2 tbsp. l. poppy powder, 1 cup cashew nuts (soaked and dried), 1 tbsp. dates, 0.5 tbsp. coconut flakes, 3 tbsp. l. citric acid, 2 tbsp. l. lime juice

No. 4. Coconut cream: 1 cup Macadamia nuts (soaked and dried), 1 cup dates, 0.5 cup coconut flakes, 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract

No. 5. Chocolate cookies: 1-2 tbsp. l. poppy powder, 2 cups cashews (soaked and dried), 1 cup dates, 2 tsp vanilla extract, 2 tbsp. l. chocolate (chips) drops, 1 tbsp. l. water as needed

Method of preparation (4 bars each):

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Open the lid and check the texture: if it sticks to your hand and the dough is easy to form into a bar, then everything is ready; if the texture is a little loose, then add 1 tsp. up to 2 tbsp. l. water and beat again. When the mixture is ready, place it on parchment paper and form into bars. Wrap each bar in paper or film and store in the refrigerator until ready to use.

Acai Berry Powder

Acai is a berry that grows on palm trees in the Amazon rainforest. In recent years, these small, round, dark purple berries have become a cult favorite among health food enthusiasts.

Beneficial features: contain antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals, are rich in fiber, fatty acids and amino acids. They contain vitamins C, A, B1, B2, B3 and E and are sources of calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper.

Application: add 1-2 tablespoons per day to water, freshly squeezed juices, smoothies, vegetable milk shakes, yogurt, sorbet.

Acai cocktail for coffee break

1 tbsp. l. acai powder
1 banana
150 ml natural yoghurt or plant milk
1 tsp honey optional

Cooking method:

Beat all ingredients in a blender at high speed until thick. Place in a bowl, add muesli and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Goji berries

Beneficial features: Goji is a natural source of antioxidants that strengthen immune function and relieve fatigue. They are also rich in vitamin A, which is essential for skin and vision.

Application: 4-5 tablespoons per day. You can eat it raw or soak it in water (you can also drink the water after, since it loses a percentage of the nutrients when soaked) and blend it into a smoothie in a blender.

Hemp seeds

Beneficial features: source of essential fatty acids, including Omega-3,6. They contain the most digestible source of protein compared to meat, eggs, cheese, milk and other protein products. Rich in fiber and minerals, including magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium and vitamin E.

Application: Add 4 tablespoons per day to juices, smoothies, porridge, salads.

Flax seeds

Beneficial features: source of microelements, amino acids, dietary fiber and fiber, manganese, potassium, vitamins A, E, B1 and essential Omega-3 fatty acids. Helps improve mood and emotional harmony.

Application: add to smoothies and porridges. Excellent substitute for eggs in baked goods. Before use, you need to grind it into powder for better absorption.

Salad with flax and hemp seeds

1 cup spinach
Celery stalk
1 small boiled beet
3 cherry tomatoes
1 tbsp. l. hemp seeds
1 tbsp. l. ground flax seeds
1 tbsp. l. coconut oil or other vegetable
Sea salt, pepper to taste
Lemon juice

Cooking method:

Chop the salad ingredients, mix, add seeds, salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle with lemon juice. Bon appetit!

Spirulina (seaweed)

Beneficial features: Stimulates and strengthens the immune system, improves memory, increases energy and metabolism, lowers cholesterol, prevents heart disease, good for digestion and gut health. Rich in antioxidants and iodine.

Cocoa powder is obtained by cold-pressing raw cocoa beans. As a result of this process, live enzymes are preserved and cocoa butter is separated.

Beneficial features: Use for low blood pressure and to increase blood circulation. Rich in antioxidants, neutralize free radicals. Also, cocoa is a good source of iron, potassium and B vitamins. It improves digestion, appetite, and has a calming and relaxing effect. An excellent substitute for sweets.

Application: 1-3 tablespoons per day. Prepare a hot cocoa drink (add 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder and add hot water), add to smoothies, porridge, and baked goods.

Vegan ice cream

4 bananas
3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder
Honey, berries optional

Cooking method:

Place bananas in the freezer for 1-2 hours. Next, remove from the refrigerator, add cocoa and blend in a blender. When serving, drizzle with honey and add berries if desired.

Cacao butter

Beneficial features: An excellent source of healthy Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, natural antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, minerals that support mood and the immune system.

Application: Use in raw food desserts, energy bars, as a substitute for vegetable oil, as well as face and hair masks and as an after-shower body oil.

The need for healthy nutrition, which led (or rather, returned) the civilization of limitless consumption to the ideas of vegetarianism and veganism, forced us to take a closer look at all kinds of gifts of nature. Along with Eastern wisdom and various spiritual practices, the outlandish dietary preferences of the bearers of this wisdom also poured into the West.

As a result, people were puzzled by the search for food that would provide the body with all the necessary elements to work at maximum power and at the same time reduce food consumption in general, eliminating animal products (which is what most eastern practices suggest). In nature, especially in ecologically virgin corners of the world that were not trampled by the boots of Western European conquerors, there were many such plants:

All these are powerful sources of various amino acids - proteins, especially necessary for vegetarians, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, iron, other minerals and biologically active substances.

In essence, the hunt for superfoods is an attempt to find alternative sources of nutritious nutrition. © Getty Images

Nowadays, humanity wants to eat less so as not to gain weight. But it is really impossible to get the required amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances with a reduced diet, and even based on fast food.

Superfoods, dry and fresh

In fact, the desire to obtain these same superfoods 500 years ago provoked a wave of geographical discoveries that changed the understanding of the world.

After all, Columbus discovered America, as every schoolchild knows, in search of Indian spices, and literally each of them can safely be included in the list of superfoods. © Getty Images

  • Nutmeg.

  • All kinds of peppers.

By the end of the twentieth century, it became possible to enjoy not only dried powder from distant exotic roots and seeds.

In addition to cereals and beans, a variety of fresh berries and fruits have begun to appear in the ranks of superfoods. Sometimes it seems that the more outlandish the name, the more superpowers the gifts of nature should have.

Most superfoods are exotic fruits. © Getty Images

Good old blueberries are often included on this list. Just like cranberries and sea buckthorn. And this suggests that people's ideas about superfoods have become a little distorted. The fact is that these berries, like many others, are rich. But they just cannot boast of a wide range of vitamins, and especially proteins.

From the point of view of the incredible richness of the composition, which has not yet been fully discovered by scientists, superfoods can be called beekeeping products that have long been familiar to us () and various gifts of the ocean (spirulina, kelp, Icelandic moss), which literally made a splash in cosmetics.

The most important superfood

I wonder which product was the first to receive the title of superfood? If we were running a quiz, the number of correct answers would probably be close to zero.

The word “superfood” was first heard in 1949 in Canada in relation to... a muffin - a cupcake, if in Russian. © Getty Images

Nutritionists of the mid-20th century, in accordance with the generally accepted ideas about benefits at that time, were glad that such a delicious dessert as a muffin contained protein, fat, carbohydrates, and some B vitamins. Little was known about vitamins back then, and the word “ ” did not exist at all.

So what is a superfood? Officially, such a term does not exist. And is it possible that proteins, healthy omega fatty acids in the right proportions and a collection of water- and fat-soluble vitamins generously seasoned with antioxidants can come together in one fruit? Common sense will tell you the answer.

Today, the most important thing for the health and youth of the body, in particular the skin, is variety in diet. Instead of one superfood, we need a super plate with proteins, healthy fats and, of course, a lot of vitamins, microelements, polyphenols, antioxidants.

In Japanese dietetics there is a rule: 19 different foods per week.

Superfoods for skin

Let's figure out what makes sense to look for in cosmetics. First of all, these are vitamins and antioxidants - the main pride of superfoods. And also healthy fatty acids, which come into cosmetics from the wonderful exotic oils of argan, macadamia, and almond (also quite superfoods). And, of course, at the level of instincts, we somehow trust edible components of cosmetics more.

A cleansing and at the same time moisturizing mask for oily and combination skin contains the famous Japanese superfood - black algae. They provide a powerful moisturizing effect in combination with hyaluronic acid and saturate the skin with a mass of useful microelements. This effect is conveniently combined with the cleansing power of charcoal and lipohydroxy acid.

In addition to intensely moisturizing hyaluronic acid, the mask contains coconut water from young Malaysian coconuts. This super-rich substance helps smooth out wrinkles around the eyes and, unlike the rich coconut oil that forms later in the nut, is great for the delicate skin around the eyes. By the way, coconut water is especially popular not only among fans of Asian cuisine, but also among those who want to lose weight.

This wonderful product boasts the presence of cocoa butter, coconut oil and powder from the seeds of the cupuaçu tree. We are not very familiar with the latter yet. Cupuacu is a relative of cocoa, also very gifted by nature. Moreover, it is considered the most expensive fruit in Latin America, because it cannot be picked from the tree - you must wait for the fruit to fall to the ground, otherwise it will not ripen. Surprisingly, the Japanese show great interest in cupuasu.

In addition to retinopeptides that trigger skin regeneration processes, the mask contains goji berry extract, known for its antioxidant properties, that is, protecting the skin from the negative effects of free radicals.

The serum, designed to compensate for some of the shortcomings of aging skin during the period when its functions naturally weaken, includes rice bran oil, as well as capsicum extract. A true superfood for skin. More about the product

The main component and source of pride for the manufacturer is quinoa husk extract. Together with phytic acid derived from unprocessed rice, as well as other fruit acids, micropeeling stimulates the natural renewal of skin cells, restoring its freshness, evening out color and texture.

The emulsion carefully and thoroughly cleanses skin of any type, simultaneously charging it with the energy of acai berries. This superfood, extremely rich in antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids, restores skin, helps it resist negative environmental influences, making it smoother and firmer. The word “nutri” in the name refers to the nutritional effect of the emulsion.

The men's line cream contains spirulina superfood extract, rich in proteins, minerals, antioxidants, and other biologically active substances. Restores the activity of skin cells, making them less vulnerable to external adverse conditions. Scientists suggest that spirulina is one of the relict algae that participated in the formation of the earth's atmosphere suitable for life. In a battle against time, such power will also come in handy.

Or rouge means "red gold". But in this case we are not talking about a precious metal, but about saffron. More precisely, about the pistils of a flower, well known to us in the form of thin threads of red-orange color. Saffron, like most exotic spices, is an extremely valuable product. Its extract has a calming effect. Due to its composition, this cream can be called a superfood for the skin.

The formula contains nourishing oils (shea butter), antioxidants (tocopherol and green algae extract). By the way, saffron extract also protects against free radicals. Proxilan stimulates collagen synthesis and thus increases skin elasticity. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and improves tone, and Hepes renews. The cream smoothes wrinkles, tightens pores, moisturizes and refreshes the skin, restores its radiance and elasticity.

Goji berries, spirulina, chia seeds, acai - all these are superfoods, without which, if you believe the texts on the topic, eating right is not only difficult, but absolutely impossible. And today most of us understand that a “superfood” most often means a product with a maximum concentration of vitamins and impressive nutritional value. And just a few years ago they were considered “magic pills” that help you lose weight and cope with all diseases.

What are superfoods and are they really needed in the diet? This material contains everything you wanted to know about them, but were afraid to ask.

What are "superfoods"

According to the American Heart Association, there is no scientific definition of superfoods. "They don't have their own food group, so obviously it's a marketing term for foods that have more or less significant health benefits," New York-based nutritionist Despina Hyde tells Live Science.

But aside from the above, superfoods are something between a food and a dietary supplement (most often) that can significantly improve the quality of your diet. Dried berries and seeds, roots and leaves, powders and extracts, rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, phytochemicals and various beneficial acids.


It's no coincidence that blueberries top many superfood lists: They're rich in vitamins, soluble fiber, and phytochemicals, as expected. But it's good to keep in mind that the same nutrients can be found in other berries, such as strawberries, cranberries or blackberries. A 2013 study published in the journal Circulation found that a high intake of phytochemicals (flavonoids) can reduce the risk of developing it in young women.

Beans and whole grains

Beans are an excellent source of low-fat protein and insoluble fiber, which can lower levels and reduce appetite. Whole grains are so named because, unlike processed grains, they do not lack fiber, which is important for normal digestion. Like beans, they contain protein as well as ample vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in minerals and healthy fats, but they also contain plenty of calories, so it's important to keep a close eye on the size of each serving. use them as a topping in light vegetable salads to increase the nutritional value of the latter and, as a result, make the dish more satisfying.

Kale cabbage

The composition of kale lives up to the hype around it. But here it is important to remember that other dark leafy vegetables have similar abilities in terms of influence on the body: chard, spinach, Chinese cabbage, romaine lettuce, parsley and lettuce. The secret is that they are all literally packed with vitamins, among which the most are vitamins A, C and K, as well as fiber, calcium and other useful minerals.

Sweet potato

Typically added to the list of superfoods for the same reasons as dark leafy greens. It contains a sufficient amount of fiber to normalize metabolic processes and a lot of vitamin A. In addition, sweet potatoes do not require the addition of salt, butter or cream during the cooking process, since its taste is already quite bright, which means it is an excellent option for a dietary lunch .


Salmon, sardines, mackerel and other types of fatty fish are rich in fatty acids, which studies show reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. By the way, a team of scientists from Harvard University concluded that the benefits of eating fish may significantly outweigh the risk of harm to your health contained in this fish.

Exotic fruits

Every year this fruit is different, but, nevertheless, the tendency to call something exotic a superfood has persisted for a long time. Acai, noni, pitahaya, rambutan or pomegranate - choose what you like. , for example, contains ellagitannins (ellagic acid), which, according to several studies, have anti-cancer properties. The same acid can be found in sweet raspberries, if someone likes it better.

Should you eat superfoods?

In conclusion, let's say that superfoods (which also include green tea, yogurt, olives and some other foods) will in most cases be good for you. Another thing is that they should still be perceived as, albeit extremely nutritious, but ordinary food. Therefore, do not expect miracles and instant changes from consuming superfoods.

Scientists do not use the term “superfood”, and this, in our opinion, is significant. A PubMed search, for example, will only turn up about a dozen results. Moreover, some of them warn about the dangers of superfoods, which often reach the supermarket in your city from afar and are not stored at this time in the most environmentally attractive conditions.

In conclusion, we remind you that the best way to get everything that superfoods promise you is. And all the products that you include in it will work for your excellent health and good mood, even if no one calls them “super”.

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The so-called “superfoods” (products with a very high concentration of useful substances that are not found anywhere else in nature) have existed on the planet for more than a thousand years, but only now, in the wake of the passion for proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, athletes, vegetarians and adherents of healthy lifestyle. But we should not forget that the term “superfood” itself is neither scientific nor medical - it was invented by marketers, as were its exaggerated benefits for the body.

Superfoods themselves and products using them are often unreasonably expensive. Therefore, it is much more economical and correct to find a worthy replacement for them.

website I found out whether superfoods are really necessary for proper nutrition and whether it is worth believing in their incredible benefits.

1. Goji berries

Myth: Goji, or Tibetan berries of longevity, is a unique and healthy product that contains 5 times more vitamin C than tangerines. Regular consumption of berries strengthens the immune system, stabilizes heart function, can regulate blood pressure, relieves depression, rejuvenates and promotes weight loss.

Reality: goji - wolfberry, or common wolfberry, contains less vitamin C than black currant. To get the same amount of antioxidants as a regular red apple, you'll need to drink 13 servings of goji berry juice. In fact, there is not a single scientific evidence that these berries have effective positive effects on health.

2. Chia seeds

Myth: Regular consumption of seeds promotes fat burning, weight loss, satisfying hunger, lowering cholesterol, and normalizing blood sugar levels.

Reality: Of course, this is a healthy product, but in terms of the amount of vitamins and dietary fiber, chia seeds do not differ from ordinary flax and sesame seeds. And studies have shown that eating chia seeds does not help you lose weight.

3. Green coffee

Myth: green coffee contains less caffeine than regular coffee, and the chlorogenic acid it contains helps you lose weight, eliminates cellulite, improves hair growth and strengthens it, and eliminates stretch marks.

Reality: in fact, green coffee is no different from black coffee in terms of the amount of caffeine and chlorogenic acid. It is important to know that during processing, green coffee is often found in unsterile conditions, and the amount of coffee dust hazardous to health is such that workers are prohibited from entering the plant without a mask. In addition, this coffee is not roasted, which means bacteria and microbes remain on the beans.

4. Quinoa

Myth: Krupaquinoa is a powerful general strengthening agent; it replenishes the body’s strength, removes all harmful substances from it, and frequent consumption of quinoa even helps prevent the development of cancer.

Reality: Yes, this product is rich in protein (almost like buckwheat), contains dietary fiber and is a source of healthy carbohydrates, but it contains few nutrients, and the cereal is not the most easily digestible. Therefore, the best alternative is the usual buckwheat or an additional serving of vegetables.

5. Coconut sugar

Myth: Coconut sugar promotes the body's production of the hormone glucagon, which helps burn fat and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It has a positive effect on heart function, improves sleep quality, and reduces the risk of cancer.

Reality: The calorie content of coconut sugar is practically no different from regular sugar. On the contrary, coconut sugar is less sweet than beet sugar, so when consumed, you may need more of it to get the usual taste with the same calorie content. There are useful substances in this sugar, but there are few of them, and its price is several times higher than that of its white counterpart.

6. Spirulina

Myth: spirulina is a unique plant that can cure up to 70% of diseases known in the modern world; its regular use slows down aging and helps to lose weight. A source of complete protein that can replace animal protein.

Reality: There are indeed a lot of useful substances in live spirulina, but after processing, drying, and creating capsules, all the beneficial properties are reduced by 50%. Researchers did not find any elements in it that could affect weight loss. Spirulina contains a lot of protein, but less complete than milk and eggs. And to meet protein needs, you need to eat more than 100 grams of spirulina per day, which is problematic.

What I love about smoothies is the feeling of accomplishment they give me towards my body. I drank one bottle and you no longer have to worry about whether you ate salad twice a day or not. And I’ll tell you honestly: there are days when this miracle drink just doesn’t fit into me, but laziness in the morning to prepare a normal breakfast wins out. I mix everything that is healthy in a blender and then literally force myself to drink it. Since I’ve been doing this exactly since the second of January with almost no breaks, and it’s already September, it’s no wonder that it’s starting to get boring. They don't even save new recipes. As one of my clients put it: “I want to chew something.” But I drink them. Sometimes with pleasure, and sometimes without. And why all? Because smoothies are the EASY solution. A kind of superfood.

This is what we will talk about today about superfoods.

I simply cannot ignore this topic, because it is gaining momentum every day. So…

Do miracles happen? Is it possible to get the maximum with a minimum of effort? What about health from a bag? There are miracle creams that prolong the youth of the skin (and they really prolong it! Or so it just seems to me?...) Is there a similar solution for health? A kind of magic potion that you drink in one fell swoop and you look younger day by day. Well, at least you're not getting old. The answer is yes. Recently, an excellent product called superfoods has appeared on the health market..

Honestly, I have little faith in various miracle solutions. But here a breakthrough is evident. I'm certainly not advocating that you give up chopping lettuce and switch to powders entirely. But these superfoods can add a ton of nutrition in one fell swoop to your diet. At the same time, they are easy to use, and many even call them the food of the future. So, what kind of animal is this?

What are superfoods

Superfoods- These are concentrates of various vegetables, fruits and herbs in powder form. They have a very intense taste due to the unusually high concentration of starting products per 1 gram of weight. For example, to produce 12.5 grams of spinach powder, as many as 100 grams of fresh product are used.

There are a great variety of superfoods - from the popular chlorella to the more familiar beets and blueberries. The good thing about the powder is that it can supplement your diet with the most beneficial microelements (vitamins/minerals) without much effort on your part. It is convenient to take it with you on trips, where apart from a boring buffet for breakfast and business dinners for lunch, nothing is expected, and cutting salads is not possible.

Superfood Guide

Superfoods have strong flavors, so you'll have to experiment a little to see which ones you like best. I had a client who loved chlorella, but couldn’t stand spirulina (I’ll write about what kind of beast these are a little later). Even if you love blueberries, you may not like blueberries as a superfood. Therefore, your addictions to certain products will not be able to become a navigator in choosing a superfood. On the other hand, if you have already bought some kind of powder that is not suitable for you, you can simply reduce the amount of it that you eat at a time. Don't throw it away! Because, despite all the advantages of superfoods, their prices are rather high.

When purchasing, pay attention to the absence of additives such as preservatives and sugar, and also give preference to those superfoods that are made using cold freezing or by gradual extraction. And, of course, the expiration date is also important. The less time has passed since the product was developed, the better.

Superfoods are based on the healthiest foods that are extremely rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, prevent cancer, balance blood sugar and prolong youth, and also fight a number of diseases. A kind of plant, only in concentrated form.

So, you purchased this super product and now you are sitting and thinking about how to eat it.

Here are the options for using superfoods:

  • Add powder to smoothies. Be careful with the quantity at first. Start with, for example, 1/2 teaspoon per 1 liter of smoothie. If you like it, gradually increase the quantity. There are no clear recommendations here, because everyone has different taste preferences.
  • Sprinkle them porridge or muesli, again, starting with a small amount of powder.
  • Add them to salads. By the way, it is not necessary to add only green options. Berries, such as goji or blueberries, make a good addition to almost any green salad.
  • Just dilute them in a bottle of water. A good option because sometimes it can be terribly boring to drink regular water.
  • Try adding them to coconut milk with berries and chia seeds. Recipe - .

There are many superfood options on the market. From individual plants to mixes. For example, there is simply “Green powder” - a mixture of various greens such as spinach, zucchini, alfalfa, lime, etc. Or there are options where the composition contains only one plant. Now let’s take a closer look at them so that you don’t get lost in the sea of ​​possibilities and choose exactly what you need. Although, it seems to me, no matter what you take, everything is a storehouse of useful substances. But still…

Beneficial properties of various superfoods:


A real bomb of antioxidants. Prevents heart disease, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, cataracts, and also stabilizes blood sugar and improves vision. Extraordinarily rich in vitamins A, C, E and K. Included in top 20 anti-aging products and in addition improves digestion.

Hemp seed

Increases energy levels and speeds up metabolism (I foresee joy for those suffering lose weight and looking for easy solutions). Lowers blood pressure And cholesterol level in blood. Helps fight food addictions such as sugar and flour. Rich in monounsaturated (hint: the right kind) fats, protein and essential amino acids. Popular among vegans as a food supplement.


Extraordinarily rich in my favorite vitamin C. For this reason, simply irreplaceable for beauty and skin health, for immunity and vigor. Contains a lot of fiber and antioxidants, and also regulates the functioning of the nervous system.


Single-celled algae of freshwater bodies. Indispensable for detoxifying the body. Prevents constipation And intestinal diseases. Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fiber. Improves the functioning of the immune system and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Protein powder

Available in many options: soy, wheat, rice or animal protein based. I categorically do not recommend the latter, because many studies indicate that animal protein in LARGE quantities leads to cancer. I'm still not persuading you to give up meat completely, but adding animal protein as a powder is clearly overkill.

On the other hand, plant-based protein powder is a great idea for a morning smoothie. After all, according to the science of a good night's sleep and daytime vigor, we really need protein in the morning. But there is very little of it in a vegetable smoothie. Therefore, adding protein powder will not hurt at all. In addition, protein provides building material for muscles, lowers blood pressure and prevents type 2 diabetes. Another important plus: it prolongs the feeling of fullness.

Red powder ("Reds")

Superfoods made from various berries and fruits. For example, from cranberries, strawberries, pomegranates, apples, cherries, Goji, carrots, etc. Look at the composition. Such mixtures improve digestion, support immunity, increase overall energy levels, help with cardiovascular system and brain function.

Greens/green powder

A superfood consisting of various green plants. For example, from spinach, spirulina, chlorella, parsley, etc. Green plants contain an unusually high amount of chlorophyll, which is primarily Helps prevent cancer and also provides detoxification for the entire body. Contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which means they are simply irreplaceable for overall health.


Powder obtained from green tea. This superfood contains 100 times more antioxidants than regular green tea. Contains a lot vitamin C, zinc and magnesium, which means it helps the hormonal system work and stabilizes blood sugar. Prevents constipation and maintains skin condition. Increases energy levels, including in case of anemia.


Another type of unicellular algae of freshwater bodies. Also used for detoxification. Used by the Aztecs 500 years ago as a medicine. Rich in protein, vitamins, in particular vitamin B12, which vegans usually lack. Contains a lot of iron, calcium and beta-carotene. Increases energy levels and reduces blood cholesterol levels.

Maca / "Maca"

Made from the root of the Maca plant, which grows in Peru. Rich in vitamins B, C and E, iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium. Contains a lot of protein and fiber. Increases energy levels, maintains bone integrity and helps fight menstrual pain.

Curly cabbage

My favorite product in natural form. First of all, it prevents cardiovascular diseases and cleanses the liver. Provides us with beautiful skin, improves vision, maintains bone health and improves digestion. Rich in antioxidants. Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Rich in protein, fiber, vitamins A, C and K, potassium, calcium. Contains many antioxidants that fight aging throughout the body. Supports normal functioning of the immune system and increases energy levels. Improves blood quality.


Richest source of antioxidants. Fights aging, prevents cardiovascular diseases and helps fight and prevent depression. (Oh, that's why, when I'm sad, I want chocolate!) This miracle powder also prevents cancer. Cocoa is extremely rich in various vitamins and minerals, but it is especially rich in magnesium. This makes it indispensable for menstrual cramps, poor sleep, asthma and headaches.. So it’s not for nothing that many people on the planet adore chocolate. I, as you know, am among them.

Goji berries

Unfortunately, the sellers overdid it at one time, and now even I perceive the phrase “Goji berries” almost as a dirty word. In those days when they tried to sell them on us as a means of losing weight, we developed a persistent aversion to the very name, not to mention the berries. But it’s completely in vain! These berries won’t help you lose weight (why would that be?!), but they will bring a lot of benefits. First of all, they improve the functioning of the liver and help it recover after processing all the harmful substances that pass through it. Rich in essential amino acids, B vitamins, betacarotene and selenium, the latter regulates metabolism and is indispensable for the normal functioning of the hormonal system. In general, this miracle berry was used back in China as a means for good mood, physical endurance and vitality in general.

Of course, this is not a complete list of the superfoods you can find. But, in my opinion, there is plenty to choose from. Personally, while writing this article, I had an unbearable desire to make a smoothie with the addition of one of these miracle powders. Well, I'll go get busy.

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ATTENTION! This article is not a direct guide to action. Please do not self-medicate and consult a specialist. The author is not responsible for the consequences of independently selected treatment.

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