What are the features of retail sales? Features of a retail purchase and sale agreement

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Features of a retail purchase and sale agreement

Retail sales agreement defined in Art. 492 of the Civil Code as an obligation under which the seller, engaged in business activities of selling goods at retail, undertakes to transfer to the buyer goods intended for personal, family, home or other use not related to business activities.

Buyers under this agreement are mainly citizens, but they can also be legal entities, including commercial organizations, provided that they do not purchase the goods for profit.

A retail purchase and sale agreement is a public contract. This means that it must be concluded with everyone who contacts a retailer on the same terms.

The peculiarity of this agreement is that it is concluded using a public offer, i.e. proposals to conclude an agreement addressed to an indefinite number of persons. In particular, a public offer includes the display of goods at the point of sale, demonstration of their samples or provision of information about the goods sold (descriptions, catalogs, photographs
and so on.). These actions are recognized as a public offer, regardless of whether the price and other essential terms of the retail purchase and sale agreement are indicated. The exception is cases where the seller has clearly determined that the goods in question are not intended for sale (for example, goods displayed in a store window indicate that they are samples and are not for sale).

From Art. 493 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation it follows that a retail purchase and sale agreement, as a rule, is considered concluded in the proper form from the moment the seller issues a cash receipt or sales receipt or other document confirming payment for the goods to the buyer. However, this does not mean that the mentioned documents can be considered as a type of written form of the contract - they only confirm the fact that the contract was concluded orally.

Since in most cases a retail purchase and sale agreement is concluded and executed simultaneously, an oral form is usually used. At the same time, the buyer’s lack of a cash or sales receipt or other document confirming payment for the goods does not in itself deprive him of the opportunity to refer to witness testimony in confirmation of the conclusion of the contract and its terms. Witness testimony is assessed by the court in conjunction with all evidence collected in the case.

The peculiarity of concluding a purchase and sale agreement is that it can be concluded by performing implied actions, i.e. behavior from which the will of the person to complete a transaction is clear (clause 2 of Article 158 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). We are talking, in particular, about the sale of goods using machines. When making such transactions, the owner of the machines is obliged to provide buyers with information about the seller of goods by placing on the machine or providing buyers in another way with information about the name (company name) of the seller, his location, operating hours, as well as the actions that the buyer needs to take to receive goods. The contract is considered concluded from the moment the buyer performs the actions necessary to receive the goods (for example, putting a token or coin into the machine).

The main obligation of the seller under a retail purchase and sale agreement is to transfer the goods to the buyer immediately after payment in the sales area, however, it is possible to conclude an agreement with the condition of delivery of the goods. In this case, the seller is obliged, within the period established by the contract, to deliver the goods to the place specified by the buyer, and if it is not specified, to the place of residence of the citizen or the location of the legal entity who is the buyer. In this case, the retail purchase and sale agreement is considered fulfilled from the moment the goods are delivered to the buyer, and in its absence - to any person who presents a receipt or other document indicating the conclusion of the agreement or the delivery of the goods, unless otherwise provided by law, other legal acts or agreement or does not follow from the essence of the obligation (Article 499 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Under a retail purchase and sale agreement, the seller is obligated to provide the buyer with the necessary and reliable information about the product offered for sale (clause 1
Art. 495 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This general position is specified in the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, according to Art. 7–9 of which the seller, as well as the manufacturer of the relevant product, are obliged to provide the necessary and reliable information about the name and affiliation of their enterprise, price, consumer properties of the product, conditions of its purchase, rules and methods of use and storage, warranty obligations and the procedure for filing claims. The seller is also responsible for informing the consumer about the operating hours and rules of trade in the goods he sells.

An essential condition for retail purchase and sale is the same price for all buyers. It must be declared by the seller at the time of concluding the retail purchase and sale agreement.

In the event that a retail purchase and sale agreement provides for advance payment for goods (Article 487 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the buyer’s failure to pay for the goods within the period established by the agreement is recognized as his refusal to fulfill the agreement, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties (Clause 2 of Article 550 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation ).

Since a retail purchase and sale agreement is usually concluded and executed simultaneously, the buyer's primary obligation to pay for the goods is fulfilled immediately upon conclusion of the agreement. However, in certain types of purchase and sale agreements, the moments of conclusion and execution of the agreement do not coincide (agreements with the condition of advance payment, purchase and sale on credit). In such contracts, the buyer’s obligation to pay for the purchased goods becomes essential.

In contracts with the condition of advance payment, the buyer’s failure to pay for the goods is regarded as his refusal to fulfill the contract without the application of consequences in the form of compensation for losses.

If the buyer fails to pay for goods sold to him on credit, the buyer does not become obligated to pay interest for the unlawful use of someone else’s money.

Under a retail purchase and sale agreement, the buyer has the right, within fourteen days from the moment the non-food product is transferred to him, unless a longer period is announced by the seller, to exchange the purchased product at the place of purchase and other places announced by the seller for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimensions, style, color or configuration, making the necessary recalculation with the seller in case of a difference in price (clause 1 of Article 502 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

If the seller does not have the goods necessary for exchange, the buyer has the right to return the purchased goods to the seller and receive the amount of money paid for it.

The buyer's request for an exchange or return of goods must be satisfied if the product has not been used, its consumer properties are preserved and there is evidence of its purchase from this seller.

The sale of goods based on samples is regulated in a special way. Samples are understood not only as standards of products that determine the requirements for their quality, but also as the products themselves, displayed at the point of sale, but not intended for transfer to the buyer. In addition, the product description, its catalog, etc. are considered as a sample. (Clause 1 of Article 497 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Unlike other retail sales contracts, in this case the moment of conclusion and the moment of execution of the contract do not coincide, and the transfer of goods does not take place at the place of sale. Unless otherwise provided by law, other legal acts or an agreement, the moment of execution of this agreement is considered the moment of delivery of the goods to the place specified in the agreement, and if it is not specified in the agreement - to the place of residence of the buyer-citizen or to the location of the legal entity - the buyer.

The buyer has the right to terminate an already concluded contract unilaterally without going to court, subject to compensation to the seller for the necessary expenses incurred in connection with the performance of the contract.

The rules for selling goods by sample specify the procedure for their sale. In particular, an organization that sells goods by sample must have designated premises for displaying samples of the goods offered for sale.

Samples of goods that require buyers to become familiar with their structure and operation are demonstrated in the presence of a sales consultant in assembled, technically sound condition, without external damage. Audio and video equipment products, music products, photographic and film equipment, watches, household appliances and other goods that do not require special equipment for connection and commissioning are demonstrated in working condition.

In relation to goods dangerous to the life and health of citizens, the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (Article 7) provides for the use of a number of special measures aimed at preventing harm.

Requirements ensuring safety for life and health are mandatory and must be established in standards, and for certain types of goods - in legislative acts. The manufacturer is obliged to develop and the seller to inform the consumer about special rules for the use, transportation or storage of goods, if this is necessary for his safety.

Products whose standards establish safety requirements are subject to mandatory certification. Their sale and import without a certificate is prohibited. If during the operation or storage of goods it is established that they cause or may cause harm to the life, health or property of citizens, the manufacturer is obliged to suspend their production, and the seller is obliged to suspend their sale until the causes of harm are eliminated, and, if necessary, take measures to withdraw them from circulation and feedback from consumers.

Violation of the buyer's rights entails not only property liability, but also compensation for moral damage, which is expressed in physical and (or) moral suffering caused by non-fulfillment or improper execution of the retail purchase and sale agreement.

Art. 15 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” establishes that moral damage caused to a consumer as a result of a violation by the manufacturer (performer, seller) of his rights provided for by the legislation on the protection of consumer rights is subject to compensation by the causer of harm if he is at fault.

Material index
Course: Obligations to transfer property into ownership (other property rights) and use
Didactic plan
Concept, subject and content of the purchase and sale agreement
Features of a retail purchase and sale agreement
The concept of an exchange agreement
Elements of an exchange agreement
Contents of the exchange agreement
Features of the supply agreement
Contract for the supply of goods for government needs
The relationship between supply agreement and contracting
Energy supply agreement
Subject and form of the real estate sale agreement
Features of the sale of certain types of real estate (residential premises, etc.)

The simplest type of business is a business based on retail sales. Due to the fact that the final product is accessible to the buyer, the retail outlet becomes the most priority place for him. But practical knowledge allows us to conclude that the owners of retail outlets place the wrong emphasis, and therefore the company’s profit remains much less than it could be. Are there tools to make retail sales effective?

Retail- a type of trade that is based on the purchase of various goods for use for personal purposes, and not for the purpose of resale or rental for further profit.

Retail functions:

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  • Monitoring the need for a particular product.
  • Formation of a product range and range of services, taking into account the needs and requirements of the buyer by increasing the number of suppliers.
  • Payment for goods received for retail sale.
  • Carrying out activities related to reception, storage and labeling. Calculation and setting of retail price for goods.
  • Providing various types of services to the supplier or buyer, such as: freight forwarding, consultations of various kinds, informing the client on issues of concern and others.
  • Retail sales are the main driver of goods on the market. Auxiliary tools in this case: advertising support, sales promotion and contact between the seller and the buyer.

Retail sale is the final stage in commodity circulation and the initial stage in the production process and circulation. Retail sales include: the benefit of the seller and his interest in it, consumer demand and the need for high quality services and goods.

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Features of retail sales

The rules of retail sales are provided for by a contract, which is based on an oral agreement between the buyer and seller. A retail purchase and sale agreement involves the retail sale of goods by the seller, on the basis of permission to carry out business activities, to the buyer for personal use, and not for the purpose of resale or rental for further profit. The parties to the retail purchase and sale agreement in this case are the seller and the buyer.

The retail purchase and sale agreement is the most common among all civil law agreements. This demand is due to the fact that millions of transactions are made every day to purchase various goods.

A retail purchase and sale agreement is a type of general purchase and sale agreement and has distinctive nuances:

1. Subjects of the agreement

The seller of goods here are individuals or legal entities whose activities are regulated by law and involve trading in small quantities or individually, which is not typical for wholesale sales. The legislation also provides for the conduct of more than one activity by the seller, thus, in addition to retail sales, production, wholesale trade and other types are allowed. This type of activity, like retail sales, along with others, is professional and requires compliance with all the rules and regulations prescribed by law, including responsibility for the consequences assigned to the merchant.

The bulk of sellers are represented by trade organizations, which may have different forms of ownership and organizational and legal bases. Some types of retail sales regulated by law require a license, for example: jewelry, alcohol, tobacco products, etc.

2. Subject of the agreement

The purchase of goods at retail provides only for the personal needs of the buyer; activities aimed at further profit-making (entrepreneurial), which have distinctive features in the form of a supply agreement or contracts, are excluded here.

Retail purchase and sale is based on a public contract that prescribes the following obligations to the seller:

  • sell goods to everyone who applies;
  • all buyers are equal for the seller and do not have preferential characteristics, except in cases regulated by the legislative framework and other acts regulating rights;
  • the price of a retail product must be the same, with the exception of granting preferential rights to purchase for a certain category of citizens, regulated by the legislative framework;
  • refusal to sell goods in cases where they are in stock is excluded.

3. Trading service

Any retail purchase and sale involves the availability of additional services and cannot be limited by a simple act of purchase and sale. Today, services include more than a hundred different services. Some of them are mandatory and are specified in the purchase and sale agreement, the second part belongs to the category of additional ones and its inclusion in the purchase and sale agreement is not mandatory. But it must be fixed in a contract of another type, for example, a work contract, a storage contract, a paid services contract, etc.

4. Conclusion of an agreement

The conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement has some distinctive features - it is a public offer, the product is offered through advertising, catalogues, with the obligatory recording of special terms of the agreement, if any. An indispensable condition is the display of the product or its samples on display windows and counters at the point of retail sale; simply demonstrating information about the product being sold is allowed; the presence of a price and special terms of the contract does not exclude demonstration information. Cases are excluded where, according to the seller, any type of product is not intended for retail sale.

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In what form is it possible to organize retail sales?

Retail sales in its organization have some features associated with the presence of a whole complex of components that can make the sale of goods more effective. Here, commercial transactions directly depend on the form of organization for selling goods. The organizational form of retail sale of goods is a complex on the basis of which a company is built, regulated by certain rules. The main ones:

  • application and development of strategies for the use of various forms and typical directions of retail trade organizations;
  • location of the trade and retail enterprise;
  • sales methods and customer service features;
  • pricing decisions that require a specific policy;
  • planning and regulation of internal mechanisms of a trade organization;
  • informing the buyer about the seller, providing various ways to contain product data and data about services;
  • conditions governing the purchase and sale agreement upon its conclusion, or an agreement relating to the provision of services, involving a paid form.

An enterprise engaged in retail trade involves the following forms of retail purchase and sale of goods:

  • shop trade involves the retail sale of goods at a permanent retail facility that can provide the buyer with optimal conditions at all stages of the purchase;
  • non-store trade involves sales not in a store where regular retail sales take place;
  • commission trading involves the sale of goods, which is based on a commission agreement;
  • trading at auctions has a distinctive feature: here retail sales involve making a purchase at an auction at the maximum offered price by one of the buyers. In this case, the time and place of the auction are discussed in advance;
  • trade by samples– this type of retail purchase and sale involves demonstrating samples of goods to the buyer, from which he can choose what he needs. Sources of information can be different, including all types of printed media, photos, and any other sources.
  • trading using vending machines;
  • outbound trade provides for trade in territories established locally, negotiated with the administrative authority, outside the facility where the main and permanent trade is carried out;
  • trade at the fair. Here, as a rule, local authorities act as organizers; legal and individuals. The date, time and place of the event are discussed in advance;
  • distance selling is based on the offer of goods to the buyer through television or radio broadcasting; the use of other means of telecommunication is also allowed:
  • parcel trade has a distinctive feature that involves ordering goods using catalogs and other means containing information about the product. Delivery methods can be any, through postal items of all types;
  • electronic commerce involves ordering with subsequent purchase using information systems and specialized networks;
  • television trade involves the purchase of goods in a television store;
  • trade in retail markets is based on the sale of agricultural products grown in farm-type farms;
  • mixed trade can combine several types of retail sales organization (for example, a TV shop and an offline store).

Methods of retail sales of goods in retail outlets

Retail sales are based on the following mandatory methods:

1. Self-service

Goods sold on a self-service basis are the most convenient way of purchasing for the buyer, which allows them to partially relieve the seller and direct his activities to other areas that are useful and necessary for the store, which are the basis for the effectiveness of retail sales. In this case, the buyer has access to all products and gets the opportunity to independently familiarize himself with the group that is most interesting to him, but at the same time he can contact the seller for consulting assistance. The purchase of the selected product occurs in the cash register area of ​​the store. The advantages of the retail sales method also include the fact that with its help it becomes possible to increase the throughput of a store or sales floor.

The self-service method is suitable for selling goods for various purposes, the exception in this case is large-sized goods or complex technical ones, when the buyer will not be able to independently understand both the characteristics of the product and check the operation of the technical apparatus; here, consultation with the seller is a necessity. This also includes a group of goods that require pre-cutting or packaging before retail sale.

The functions of a salesperson on the sales floor of a self-service store include displaying and arranging groups of goods on shelves, monitoring their integrity and availability, and providing advisory services to the buyer. The actual sale of goods in retail trade will include the following stages:

  • Accompanying the buyer if necessary, which includes a mandatory meeting, information about goods, services, and advantageous offers.
  • Providing the client with a basket or trolley for convenience of shopping.
  • Possibility of independent selection of goods and further delivery to the cash department of the store.
  • Calculation of the total cost of goods with the issuance of a receipt.
  • Payment for purchased goods.
  • Packaging and subsequent placement in a package or bag of the buyer.
  • Delivery of a basket or grocery cart to its storage location.

This list of operations may vary depending on the nature of the product being sold, for example, as in the retail sale of complex household appliances, where there is a need for advisory services from the seller and checking for serviceability of the selected product.

2. Personalized service

Personalized counter service has the following retail characteristics:

  • greeting the buyer and determining his interests;
  • offer and demonstration of goods;
  • necessary assistance and advisory services to help determine the choice of product;
  • an offer demonstrating the benefits of purchasing related products and new products;
  • performing activities involving cutting, packaging, weighing;
  • carrying out calculation manipulations;
  • final packaging and delivery of the purchase to the client.

A client visiting a store should be greeted warmly by the store's sales staff. Here it is worth focusing on the neatness of the seller’s clothing, his well-groomed appearance and the cleanliness and decoration of the sales area. The client’s interests are clarified through an unobtrusive and polite conversation, where his preferences in models, styles, and so on are clarified.

After the buyer's interests have been determined, the seller begins to demonstrate products that suit the client's needs. At the same time, the seller must favorably emphasize the special features and advantages of each product; if the required product is not available, then a replacement should be offered that is similar in basic characteristics and functions. The seller must be informed about all the features of the assortment presented on the sales floor, including the manufacturer, methods of manufacturing the goods, materials used, rules of use in order to provide detailed advice to the buyer on all issues that arise. The consultation should advantageously emphasize the advantages of the product with an emphasis on high aesthetic indicators, in order to form the consumer’s taste. In large stores, consulting services can be provided by invited employees of the enterprises where the product was manufactured, for example, doctors, engineers, chefs and other specialists. The seller is also obliged to offer the buyer a profitable related product.

3. Sale by samples

The retail sale of goods based on samples is based on their display on the sales floor, where the buyer can freely familiarize himself with them independently or seek the help of the seller. After the buyer has made a choice or purchase, he receives from the seller a product that matches the samples on the sales floor. Here, stock of goods and samples are placed separately. The convenience lies in the fact that it is possible to make maximum use of small retail spaces, providing them only with samples in the largest possible range. Typically, this type of retail sales is used for the sale of large goods, for example: household appliances, furniture, motorcycles, etc.; This also includes products that require additional manipulations during retail sales, such as cutting and measuring.

Large goods must certainly have cards with detailed information about their technical content, manufacturer, price, and article number. If the buyer has questions, the seller provides advisory services.

Sales of large-volume or high-weight goods by sample presuppose the availability of a delivery service provided by the seller from the warehouse or from the manufacturer. The advantage of delivery is that the use of retail space with warehouse space in this case is not necessary, which allows saving on utility bills, rent, transportation costs and, at the same time, provides the buyer with high service, eliminating the need to independently search for transport, loading services and delivery of goods.

4. Selling with open display

The method of retail sales of goods with an open display gives the buyer the opportunity to examine in detail the product that interests him. Such goods must be placed directly at the seller’s workplace. Thus, while the seller is making a purchase, packing it, or making payment for it, or while the buyer is simply waiting for his turn, he can get acquainted with the goods in an open display, thereby taking up his time and, as a rule, adding your main purchase of this product. This method is applicable both in large stores where there is a cash register area, and in small retail outlets where the seller combines all types of services (advisory, packaging, sales processing). The open display method allows you to increase the throughput of the store and partially relieve the seller from providing consulting services, allowing the buyer to get acquainted with the product on their own. Its use is most convenient and advisable at small retail outlets, where sellers are very busy when there are several customers. In large stores, this method serves to increase the volume of retail sales and, accordingly, revenue.

An open display involves special emphasis on the placement of goods; it is recommended to place small goods in the form of a mound (slides), stack larger ones, but in such a way that everyone can be seen by the buyer. It is unacceptable to fasten goods together or fix them to counters; for the convenience of the buyer, it is advisable to form product groups. The product must be supplied with a card indicating the price and required characteristics.

5. Sales on pre-orders

Another convenient type of purchasing goods is the method of retail sales based on pre-orders, which allows the buyer to save time on visiting various stores. In this form, it is possible to sell goods of various types, but there is a predominance of non-food products, since they are easier to deal with due to the lack of short shelf life and, accordingly, their sale does not require short time periods. For a food group, the order fulfillment limit is set from 4 to 8 hours. The order form itself can be either oral or written; it all depends on the convenience of the seller. Payment for goods can be made in several ways: full and partial prepayment, payment upon receipt and payment by transferring the amount for the purchase to the seller’s account. Receipt of the goods can be carried out at the store where it was ordered, with delivery to the buyer’s home, or at the post office if the goods were delivered through these services. Retail sales based on pre-orders are the most convenient way of purchasing for people living in small populated areas located remotely from large cities. This method allows them to save time on traveling and searching for the necessary goods, and also reduces financial expenses on transport services. The buyer, under a retail purchase and sale agreement, receives the desired product in a convenient form of delivery: to the home, to the post office, or pickup from the territory of the intermediary who placed the order.

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7 Ways to Increase Retail Sales

Method 1. Place the product on a gold shelf

The golden shelf is located 15 to 20 cm below the gaze of your store's target audience. Using calculations, we determine the average height of your customer. For example, if in a store or sales area there are mainly products for women, then we proceed from the average data of their height, and in the same way we calculate the height of the shelf for a male customer.

Method 2. Carry out an unusual hot promotion

A well-known department store selling denim clothing has announced a promotion that will last only ten minutes. Its essence was that each buyer was given new jeans as a gift, but a prerequisite was that the buyer had to come in underwear to receive the gift. At the appointed time, there was a huge line of people in swimming trunks at the door of the department store who wanted to take part in the action. The company did not suffer significant losses, but, on the contrary, increased its retail sales significantly, since talk about such an action did not subside for a long time.

Method 3: Spread the right scent in the store

A bookstore has found an ingenious way to increase sales in a retail store by spreading the smell of chocolate into the room, which encourages customers to purchase a book from a series of novels. According to statistics, the smell of citrus fruits stimulates sales growth and increases the purchasing power of a sales area or outlet by 20%.

Method 4. Divide products into four lists

The most common problem for owners of several retail outlets is the discrepancy of goods due to unscheduled deliveries. Here in a good way optimizing the assortment involves dividing the goods for the supplier into four lists; one must be guided by the main position of the network, one’s own priorities in product groups and experience taken from life. The “black list” presupposes the presence of goods that can harm human health and diminish the status of the store; these usually include cheap coffee drinks and various alcoholic cocktails with a high content of harmful substances.

Method 5. Establish closer communication with the buyer

Close communication with your customer helps the seller identify his needs and adjust the work of the staff and the store as a whole, thereby creating a unique service that only your store can offer. The most useful in retail sales will be a small survey that the seller can conduct at the time of making a purchase. Let's look at the example of a store selling equipment. Four simple questions:

  1. Please indicate the size of your land plot (large, small).
  2. Do you use gardening equipment when caring for it?
  3. Is there equipment on your planned purchase list?
  4. From what source did you learn about our store?

Thus, after analyzing the data obtained, the store was able to identify the most effective source of advertising for itself, the buyer’s needs for technology and his plans for a future purchase.

Method 6. Arrange a competition among sellers

Competition among sellers – stimulating the growth of retail sales. Let's consider this method using the example of the Uyuterra network. A six-week competition was announced among sellers and store managers to promote a certain group of products. At the beginning of the work week, store managers received instructions on product groups recommended for promotion. Retail sales results increased in each store, but due to the different locations of each and differences in purchasing power, it was not possible to adequately estimate the volumes. In this regard, a system was introduced where the basis was a rating consisting of the percentage of sales growth and amounts. Thus, the leading store was determined. Over a period of six weeks, we were able to achieve an increase of 45% to 78% across six different product groups.

Method 7. Introduce sellers to the principles of Joe Verdi

The principle of Joe Verdi is most often used in the car trade, but this does not exclude its usefulness in retail sales. The essence of the principle is to create a trusting relationship between the seller and the buyer. Since practice shows that the buyer is distrustful of the seller’s recommendations, believing that it is in his interests to sell low-quality goods as expensively as possible. Verdi's principle is based on the fact that before purchasing, the seller explains to the buyer the need for certain functions in general and the possibility of their use and benefits in life. And then he moves on to the products, explaining the functionality of each. Thus, the buyer gets the opportunity to make his own choice, guided by the knowledge received from the seller. This method is more confidential, and the seller here acts as an assistant.

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Expert opinion

How to Increase Retail Sales Using Tablets

Yuri Chernyshkov,

commercial director of Kairos company

Today, shopping for the buyer has turned into a whole ritual, where comfort is an indispensable condition, both when choosing a product and when making a purchase - this rule has greatly affected showrooms. The main retail product in our case is tiles, which in their usual form are not so easy to demonstrate to the buyer. For better visualization, we built room layouts using design elements. Here the buyer has the opportunity for a full assessment with possible changes to suit his taste.

The variety of goods in our case is represented by more than 10,000 items, which makes it difficult to place the entire assortment on the sales floor, despite its size. Finding the required product and clarifying its availability can sometimes take a lot of time; this stage forced our customers to wait for a long time, which, naturally, no one liked, and often the buyer refused to make a purchase in order to save time. For this purpose, a “mobile manager” application was developed, which reduced the waiting and searching time for goods to the minimum.

The “mobile manager” application is loaded into the simplest tablet, with the help of which it is possible to quickly check the availability of a product, its quantity, review the available range and find out all the details about the product. Also, now ordering an out-of-stock product can be done in a simple and convenient way - when it arrives at the warehouse, the client receives a notification by email. The application allows you to design your own project using the selected product and receive it by email.

It took employees about a week to master the innovation. This way of working with clients was received with great interest. We decided not to get rid of the main equipment used in the past, but left it as an alternative in case of failures.

Overall, this method allowed us to increase retail sales and increase employee productivity by 20%.

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Effective tools that increase retail sales

Tool 1. Smart marketing

Nowadays, in order to attract a buyer, you need not only to open a business, put goods on shelves and decorate the arch at the entrance with colored balls. The fact is that today in a big city a buyer can always find a place to buy that is more advantageously located for him: near his home, a transport stop or work.

But location is still not the deciding factor. The buyer will always prefer a place with a good assortment, thoughtful and convenient layout of goods, beautiful design and reasonable retail sales methods.

Typically, all of the above points play an important role even for a person who runs in once a day to buy a loaf of bread. That is, these factors directly affect the retail sales and purchase amounts indicated on each customer receipt. Also, in addition to convenient location and a large assortment, it is important to remember about the proper distribution of goods and their circulation.

Tool 2. Planning other people's purchases

The bottom line is that a regular customer who runs in to buy bread, passing by the correctly ordered, aesthetically designed display cases, must, without controlling himself, put as many goods as possible into the basket. That is, location will play an important role here - the further away the main “daily” goods (bread, milk), the more likely it is that the client will buy something else along the way while moving towards the necessary product. This is the so-called “guerrilla marketing” used in retail trade.

Here, beautiful displays and attractive display windows will come to the rescue, that is, standard methods of psychological influence on the buyer. Background accompaniment in the trading floors will also work well here: announcements about various products, promotions and discounts, pleasant music, cleanliness of the halls, absence of strangers unpleasant odors. It will be important how comfortable the customer is in your store; here the main role will be played by friendly and sympathetic staff, always ready to help if the customer is in a difficult situation.

When choosing a strategy, you need to determine the main goal: attracting new customers or retaining existing ones. It is better to give preference to the first point, for the implementation of which in retail trade they use all the known methods of the already described guerrilla marketing.

Tool 3. Monetary interest

Of course, the easiest way to stimulate retail sales is to reduce product prices. But not by reducing the owner's income by trying to win the title of the place with the lowest prices. To increase monetary interest in trading, the right tool is used - discounts.

Discounts are divided into two types. The former are necessary if you need to sell seasonal goods or those that will soon expire (storage). Here they are mandatory in order to avoid large financial losses. The latter are designed to increase demand and the volume of purchased products. As a result, discounts will not cause losses of a size that would be comparable to losses from the retail sale of outdated or low-quality goods.

The next popular and modern tool for increasing sales is bonuses. Such programs can be developed using different methods: sale of two goods for the price of one, reduction in price or gift upon purchase for a specified amount. Various promotions actively stimulate sales. All of the above tools should be in the arsenal of store employees, because the number of customers and the volume of their purchases depend on them, their motivation and perseverance.

Tool 4. Bonus cards

Incentive methods work great. In retail sales management, attracting customers using bonus cards has long been popular. This tool can turn a casual buyer into a regular customer, because the person will have a desire to score more points or the required number of them as soon as possible. This, in turn, will stimulate him to regularly view the store’s promotions and make frequent purchases there.

Also, those who are well versed in the peculiarities of retail sales can use the system of gifts to customers without incurring any damage.

This move can be implemented in different ways: the client can receive a gift after accumulating a certain number of points, making a one-time purchase for the required amount, or simply regularly using the services of a certain store for a long time.

Another similar method: gifts for holidays (both general and personal). For example, discounts on all products, or certain categories of products for the client’s birthday. Here the system already works for itself, because people who have received even a small gift will most often want to tell someone about it, and by word of mouth, new customers with a positive attitude will be attracted to your store.

The third tool in this series is a gift certificate. Often, many buyers find it difficult to decide on the right gift, so simply giving money “in a different form” is best option.

Tool 5. Upselling

In retail trade, the upselling method has long proven its effectiveness. It can be used with equal success both in stores where the staff is behind the counter, and the customer is required to communicate with them directly, and in self-service stores. Indeed, in the second case, communication between sellers and clients is quite possible and important. Sales consultants should be trained to unobtrusively draw the buyer’s attention to various categories of goods, encourage the client to purchase and be sure to remind them of the availability of goods related to the main purchase. At the same time, the sales floor employee should not be too intrusive so as not to alienate the buyer.

An important aspect in the upselling method is the correct layout of goods. Arranging similar types of goods in adjacent display cases or even nearby will help improve retail sales. In this case, the client, having chosen, for example, a shampoo from a certain company, may think about buying the same mask. The entire arrangement of goods should be based on the main principle - the constant supply of additional goods.

Tool 6. Little things in trading

A universal marketing ploy in retail sales is the placement of colored price tags, marks and inscriptions such as “Only with us”, “1+1=3”, “Super price” and others. In this case, seeing such designations, a person does not analyze whether he needs this product right now or even at all, because the desire to make a profitable or seemingly profitable purchase is very strong and will prevail. This can greatly increase sales in retail stores. Cashiers play a very important role in the sale of small items, as they must unobtrusively offer small items in lieu of change. Also, many small items should be placed closer to the checkout, where a person, standing in line, may decide to make a not-so-necessary purchase.

In general, a significant increase in retail sales is possible thanks to the tools described above. Here, each owner chooses his own strategy, which is more suitable for the type of business, expected income and type of products sold.

Expert opinion

Tools for increasing retail sales on the Internet

Igor Komov,

founder and art director of Alchemia

Over time, selling online is becoming more and more profitable. Many retail stores that do not offer online retail services have gone bankrupt and closed. It has long been clear to everyone that retail sales of your goods to a local audience often do not pay off. Because of these statistics, we created our own online channel. Thanks to him, sales volumes have increased tenfold and are trending upward. We achieved all this using four important tools.

We target according to three main criteria: gender, geographic location and age of people who may be interested in the products. Advertising campaigns are created based on these criteria. Such targeted advertising helps to show advertisements of our products only to those people who are related to the target audience of our company.

To promote products, the four most convenient social networks were chosen. These are Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram and Pinterest. The main network we use is Facebook. It is the most convenient, popular in Russia, has many advertising opportunities and stimulates retail sales well. VKontakte is also actively used for publishing advertising teasers, that is, short provocative texts with pictures. Conducting an advertising campaign will be shown using the example of the social network Facebook. We use:

We are collecting a customer base among those who have already made purchases in our store, attended events, or subscribed to our newsletter by filling out our form on the website. All these people receive a letter once every two weeks using a mailing service built into our online store system, through which retail sales are conducted. The informational nature of the newsletter can be different, these include promotions, discounts, participation of our store in some programs, various reviews and news regarding products.

Tool 4. Publications in online media.

Publications in the media most often increase the weight of our brand, rarely giving a direct boost and increasing retail sales of the store. But potential buyers become more loyal when they see positive reviews about products and the fact that the press often publishes information about the brand.

Media must be chosen carefully. We test each of them using a certain method: we publish for readers a small competition or several photos of clothes that match the jewelry of our store. Next, we look at whether calls are received after a certain publication goes on sale; if so, then we continue to cooperate with this product.

How to keep records of retail sales and supplies of goods

Proper record keeping of retail sales of goods will help you manage your business more efficiently. In the case of retail sales, the main controlled object will be the product. Here, the responsibilities of the accounting department should include accounting for goods and recording them in all necessary operations. This will help the business owner always have up-to-date information and provide the opportunity to timely adjust the assortment and work processes in the store. Thus we get:

  • Accurate information about the integrity of the product and its availability.
  • Up-to-date information on gross income and inventory of goods in the warehouse and in the store.

The objectives of accounting are:

  • financial liability for goods received and sold;
  • accuracy and error-free processing of transactions related to goods;
  • information about inventory, its accuracy;
  • control of slow-moving and expired goods;
  • control of total income;
  • control of the correctness and reliability of all financial transactions with goods.

All goods supplied to retail from wholesale organizations must have a package of necessary documents that must be properly executed in accordance with the requirements of current legislation for certain types of goods.

Goods delivered using a certain type of transport must be included in the consignment note. This document should be prepared in two copies. One for the supplier of the goods, the second for the recipient.

All goods supplied for retail sale must have accompanying certification documentation. Where the manufacturer states how safe the product is for human health and life, whether it harms the environment, and whether the product complies with the standards adopted in the country.

If the supplied goods are classified as imported, then they must have a mark from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service of the Russian Federation with confirmation of passing the assessment. Food products without such a mark cannot be sold at all.

Goods intended for retail trade and received by the store for the corresponding sale must be received on the same day by the financially responsible person and the data entered into the store database.

Sales accounting, produced in retail trade, must contain the issuance of a cash register receipt and show the revenue of a specific cashier for a shift. Based on the report compiled on the revenue of each cashier, the total amount of revenue must be generated at the same time. All this is calculated at the end of the month.

Daily reports from the cashier-operator serve as the basis for generating entries that record the total sales revenue for the day. By subtracting the purchase price of the product from the total revenue as a difference, you can see the store’s profit from retail sales of the product. Maintaining such records is possible at a price for sale or purchase.

  • How to teach selling: a technique for quickly training novice salespeople

What mistakes does retail sales not forgive?

Mistake 1. Alcohol is sold during “prohibited hours”

In accordance with Art. 16 Federal Law No. 171 of November 22, 1995, alcohol is not subject to retail sale in stores. Additional restrictions may also be permitted by local authorities.

In case of violation of the current legislation and recording the fact of retail sale of alcohol at prohibited times, responsibility is borne by entity and the company person responsible for enforcing the rules. Sanctions are imposed in the form of a fine on the violating company from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. and for the responsible person from 5 to 10 thousand rubles (Article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Error 2. Cigarettes were in the buyer's field of view

In accordance with Federal Law No. 15 of 02.20.13, retail sale of tobacco products is allowed only if there is a specialized display case; a list listing the goods and the cost on the counter is acceptable. The color of the background and font are also regulated by law - only white paper with black font of the same height can be used. The range of tobacco products becomes available to the buyer only after a corresponding request. The use of the inscriptions “Tobacco” and “Cigarettes” is unacceptable. In case of non-compliance with legal requirements, the organization is subject to fines in the amount of 30 to 50 thousand rubles, while the responsible person of the company (director) is fined in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand rubles. and the violating seller in the amount of 2 to 3 tr. (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation 14.53)

Error 3. The seller did not check the client’s age

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, when retailing alcohol or tobacco products, the seller is obliged to check the buyer’s age by presenting him with a document reflecting it. In case of non-compliance with legal requirements, the organization is subject to penalties in the amount of 100 to 150 thousand rubles, while the responsible person of the company (director) is fined in the amount of 30 to 50 thousand rubles. and the violating seller in the amount of 3 to 5 tr. (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation 14.53) when selling tobacco products. And when selling alcohol to a minor, sanctions are imposed in the form of a fine (Article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) on the violating company from 300 to 500 tr., on the responsible person - from 100 to 200 tr. and for the seller - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Here it is necessary to remember that the organization can receive from the violating seller the amount for which it was fined due to his fault at the time of illegal retail sale. Also, in cases where a violation is registered again, the head of the company is subject to criminal prosecution, with a fine of 50 to 80 thousand rubles. and with an order prohibiting holding certain positions for a period of up to 3 years.

Error 4. The scale shows a couple of grams too much

The most common mistake in the retail sale of goods is the buyer's body kit, often through no fault of the seller, that is, not in a special way. Such a violation, after an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor, is punishable by a fine on the violating company from 20 to 50 thousand rubles, and on the responsible person - from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. and for the seller - from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation 14.7). It also provides for the client to file a lawsuit for damages.

Error 5. There is no change, we don’t accept bank cards, and the check was thrown away

Another common mistake in the retail sale of goods is not giving change and a receipt to the buyer; this is regarded by law as shortchanging. Such a violation, after verification, is punishable by a fine on the violating company from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. and for the responsible person - from 10 to 20 tr. The seller's refusal to sell goods to the buyer in the absence of a small change is also a direct violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Service in this case is the responsibility of the seller, and it is the responsibility of the store management to provide the cash department with small change for issuing change. From January 1, 2015, the seller has no right to refuse service to the buyer using a bank card. Otherwise, the violating company will be fined from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. (Article 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Today, businesses with fewer than 15 employees and revenues of less than 60 million may not accept payment by bank card.

In cases with a check, when the buyer cannot always pick it up but cannot find it when he returns, penalties are also provided after an inspection by the tax authority based on the client’s request. A fine is imposed on the store manager in the amount of 3 to 4 thousand rubles. and for organization - from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. (Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Here it is necessary to remember that the amount is indicated for each individual case; if there are several of them, it can increase significantly.

  • Inevitable sales: a universal technique for sellers

Expert opinion

What should a manager do if violations occur?

Konstantin Galin,

partner, senior lawyer at Nektorov, Savelyev and Partners, Moscow

Oleg Chunarev,

lawyer at Nektorov, Savelyev and Partners, Moscow

Tip 1. Write down the rules and familiarize them with them. After review, each of them must put a personal signature on the document. Explain that they will bear full financial responsibility in cases where penalties are imposed on the enterprise due to their fault.

Tip 2: Key Points job descriptions issue it in the form of a memo for the seller and place it at his workplace. For the seller, this is the cash register area, so that all the most important excerpts from legislative framework were in his visible zone and served as a constant reminder.

Tip 3. Systematically make purchases under the guise of a secret shopper, this method will allow us to identify weaknesses in the process of retail sales of goods.

Tip 4. If the regulatory body records violations of the seller, file an application with the court. There is a possibility that financial liability may be reduced.

Information about the experts

Yuri Chernyshkov, commercial director of the Kairos company. Kairos is a large retail chain in the south of Russia, specializing in the sale of ceramic tiles and sanitary ware. Founded in 1992. Includes eight showrooms and two shopping centers in Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don and Sochi. The dealer network includes 103 official partners. There are more than 300 people on staff.

Igor Komov, founder and art director of Alchemia. Igor Komov graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute with a degree in architectural environmental design in 2007. Alchemia is a manufacturer of designer jewelry. The brand was created in 2007. There are ten people on staff.

Konstantin Galin, partner, senior lawyer at Nektorov, Savelyev and Partners, Moscow. Konstantin Galin graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law, Russian School of Private Law under the President of the Russian Federation. Specializes in providing legal services in the field of protecting the company's assets, collecting losses from the company's management, etc.

Oleg Chunarev, lawyer at Nektorov, Savelyev and Partners, Moscow. Oleg Chunarev graduated from the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Specializes in conducting expertise in the field of corporate disputes. LLC "Nektorov, Savelyev and Partners" Area of ​​activity: support of transactions, resolution of litigation, consultations on taxation, bankruptcy and antimonopoly regulation.

Retail, in accordance with the BEE, this is “the last stage of trade in the sale of goods and the provision of services directly to the consumer in exchange for the money available to him. Levy, M. and Weitz, B.A. offer a slightly different definition: “Retailing is a set of business activities that add value to goods and services sold to consumers for personal or family use.

Retail Features :

Sells goods in small quantities to the final buyer, which is the final stage of their movement from the sphere of production to the sphere of consumption;

Needs special retail premises equipped and adapted to serve customers;

It is distinguished by the great territorial fragmentation of its network of shops, pavilions, tents, trays and the variety of forms of private entrepreneurship;

It requires a lot of work to create a trade assortment taking into account the rapidly changing demand and desires of customers.

Retail trade in the form of a trading network is the most important component of the material and technical base of trade. It accounts for more than 70% of the value of all fixed assets in the industry. Ensuring a high level of organization of the retail trading network is an important condition for increasing the economic efficiency of trade.

The level of organization and development of the retail trade network determines the quality of trade services to the population, the growth rate of trade turnover, the acceleration of trade turnover, and the profitability of trade enterprises. A trading enterprise is understood as a property complex used by an organization for the purchase and sale of goods and the provision of trade services(the property complex includes: land plots, buildings, structures, equipment, inventory, goods, rights of claim, debts, company name, trademarks, etc.).

The subject of retail trade is not only the sale of goods, but also trade services and the provision of additional services to customers For buyers, the level of trade service determines the image of the enterprise, convenience and minimal time spent on making a purchase. The services provided are accompanied by the purchase of goods and, in addition, after-sales service for the goods sold. Hence, The retail trade process consists of targeted sales of goods, customer service, sales and after-sales services.

A trading enterprise, entering the consumer market, where the sale of goods is carried out in competition, must comply with certain rules, the main one of which states: the better the capabilities and wishes of customers are taken into account, the more goods can be sold and their turnover will be accelerated.

Having sold the goods and received a given profit, the trading enterprise achieves its goal .

The objectives of a retail trade enterprise may be :

Studying requests and needs for goods with a focus on purchasing power;

Expansion and updating of the trade assortment;

Development of new market segments;

Formation and regulation of the processes of supply, storage, preparation for sale and sale of goods in connection with the goals of the trading enterprise;

Ensuring the specified turnover of material and labor resources;

Ensuring stable competitive positions in the market;

Improving procurement activities, etc.

In this case, special attention is paid to the interaction of a retail trade enterprise with manufacturers of goods and wholesale enterprises. All these components together form a technological chain in the process of bringing products to the final buyer.

Retail functions are determined by its essence and consist in the following:

Satisfying the population's needs for goods;

Bringing goods to customers by organizing their spatial movement and delivery to points of sale;

Maintaining a balance between supply and demand;

Influence on production in order to expand the range and increase the volume of goods;

Improving trading technology and improving customer service.

There are certain differences in the content of commercial activities of retail trade and individual retail enterprises. The latter not only implement the above functions to one degree or another, but also perform their own inherent functions, which can be divided into two groups:

1) In relation to suppliers (manufacturers, resellers):

Providing information on the structure and dynamics of demand, requests, unmet needs;

Providing suppliers with sales of their goods;

Implementation of measures to promote goods;

Acceptance of risk in connection with possible theft, damage, obsolescence of goods;

Financing (purchase on an advance payment basis.

2)In relation to final customers:

Formation of a trade assortment, expansion and updating it taking into account changes in demand;

Development and implementation of pricing policy;

Implementation of measures to stimulate the sale of goods;

Ensuring an attractive design, store atmosphere, convenient layout of retail space for making purchases and providing services;

Customer service, provision of pre-sale and after-sale services;

Providing customers with information, demonstrating goods, helping in choosing the right product, advising on the correct use of the product;

Warehousing, storage, packaging, packaging of goods;

Ensuring the stability of the trade assortment.

There is another approach to systematizing the functions of retail enterprises. In this case, the following are distinguished:

1)Trading functions:

Studying consumer demand for goods;

Formation and management of trade assortment;

Inventory management;

Search and selection of suppliers, organization of ordering and delivery of goods;

Planning the volume of sales and purchases of goods;

Organization of product promotion;

Sale of goods, customer service.

2)Technological functions:

Acceptance of received goods in terms of quantity and quality;

Organization of storage of goods;

Performing operations related to the production finishing of goods (packaging, packing, labeling, etc.);

Timely delivery of goods to the sales area, their display on commercial equipment;

Carrying out settlements with customers.

Regulated by the norms of §2, ch. 30 (Article 492-505 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Under contract retail purchase and sale a seller engaged in business activities of selling goods at retail undertakes to transfer to the buyer goods intended for personal, family, home or other use not related to business activities (Clause 1 of Article 492 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Signs of a retail purchase and sale agreement:

    Special subject composition: the seller must be an entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur or commercial organization); the buyer can be not only a citizen, but also a legal entity (where we are talking about the functioning of, for example, the buyer’s office). If the buyer under the contract is a citizen, then the provisions of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and other legal acts adopted in accordance with it (“Rules for the sale of certain types of goods”, “Rules for the sale of goods by sample”, etc.) apply to the relations of the parties. .

    Publicity: a commercial organization that is a party to a public contract cannot refuse everyone who contacts it to conclude a contract, except in cases of lack of the necessary goods. In case of refusal, you can force the party to enter into an agreement and demand compensation for damages through the court.

A retail purchase and sale agreement can be concluded using a public offer (contains all essential conditions, the agreement is concluded with each applicant).

    A specific feature of a retail purchase and sale agreement is item: the seller is obliged to transfer goods intended exclusively for personal, family, household, household purposes not related to business activities.

By virtue of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” consumer is a citizen (individual) who purchases, orders, uses or intends to purchase, order goods, work, services for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities. Relations with the participation of a citizen-consumer arise not only from a retail purchase and sale agreement, but also from any paid civil law contracts in which one party is the consumer, and the other party (his counterparty) is the seller (sales the goods under the purchase agreement). sales), performer (performs work or provides services under a paid contract) or manufacturer (an organization, regardless of its legal form, that creates goods for further sale to the consumer). Relationships from the purchase and sale agreement exist only on a reimbursable basis.

    A specific feature of a retail purchase and sale agreement is the requirement for contract form. The contract can be concluded either in written or oral form.

Written form occurs when the buyer adheres to the conditions set out in forms or other standard forms by the seller. In this case, the retail purchase and sale agreement acquires the features of an adhesion agreement.

If the law or agreement does not establish special requirements for the form of a retail purchase and sale agreement, the agreement is considered concluded in proper form from the moment it is issued by the seller to the buyer sales or cash receipt or other document confirming payment for the goods.

    When concluding a retail purchase and sale agreement, the seller is responsible for pre-sale preparation of the goods and, if there are deficiencies, warning the buyer about them.

When selling goods of inadequate quality to the buyer, the provisions of Art. 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, however, if the relationship involves consumer – his rights when a defect is detected in the product are regulated by Art. 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. The right to choose a behavior option always belongs to the buyer (consumer):

    Demand a replacement for a product of the same brand, model, article;

    Demand replacement with a product of a different brand, model, article;

    Demand a reduction in the purchase price;

    Demand compensation for losses;

    Refuse the contract and demand a refund of the amount paid. At the request of the seller and at his expense, return goods with defects.

    The concept of "consumer";

    Right to information;

    The right to the quality of goods, works, services;

    The right to safety of goods, works, services;

    The right to compensation for harm caused to the life and health of the consumer, his property and the environment;

    The right to be heard.

Types of retail sales agreement.

The Civil Code distinguishes types of retail purchase and sale agreements on various grounds:

    Sale of goods with the condition that the buyer accepts it within a certain period of time (Article 496).

    Sale of goods based on samples, descriptions, catalogs (Article 497 of the Civil Code).

    Selling goods remotely.

    Sale of goods using machines (Article 498 of the Civil Code).

    Sale of goods with the condition of its delivery to the buyer.

    Sales rental agreement (Article 501 of the Civil Code).

In addition to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in addition to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the provisions of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, as well as the “Rules of Sale”, approved by Government Decree, apply to relations involving consumers.

1. Retail

The purpose of retailing is to satisfy the diverse needs of customers.

The trader is the link between the producer and the consumer. Its job is to buy in bulk goods in demand from different places and from different suppliers, and then sell them at a profit.

Experience of developed countries market economy indicates that over time, retail trade comes under the control of a number of large trading companies.

Despite the fact that these companies control less than half of all retail outlets, they still account for more than 2/3 of the total retail turnover.

Therefore, small retail enterprises have to make a lot of efforts in the fight for customers.

The dominant position in the market is occupied by the buyer, not the seller.

The effectiveness of a retailer is ultimately determined by careful consideration of all the details of trading activities.

In Russia, retail trade is currently the main type of commercial activity for many Russians. In conditions of commodity shortages, the role of the retailer is extremely simplified.

However, as the consumer market becomes saturated various types goods during the economic transformations in Russia, the small trader will have to work hard to win his place in the sun.

This can be achieved if you thoroughly understand your market and are able to satisfy the needs of your customers to the maximum extent possible.

Remember that in any type of business there is always a place for the “small trader”.

After reading this brochure, you will learn what you should pay attention to if you decide to engage in retail trade.

In addition, other brochures in the “Marketing” block of this curriculum will help you better understand this issue.

2. Specifics of retail trade

It is widely believed that retail trade is about high turnover and low prices. This is largely facilitated by large trading companies that seek to reduce prices for goods by reducing the number of services offered to their customers.

A small trader is not able to seriously compete with large trading companies. However, he can find a small niche in the market and fill it.

It has three notable advantages:

  • speed, because in order to make a decision, you do not need to coordinate all issues with management every time;
  • specialization, since he knows exactly which products are in high demand and which are not;
  • quality of service, since he knows exactly what types of services customers need and provides them.

Large firms do not have the advantages noted above, so if you are planning to go into retail trade, use them to the maximum extent to increase your income.

If you want to succeed in business, you need to clearly understand the circle of your potential customers - where they are and who they are. You must be sure that buyers will come to you and not to your competitors.

To do this you need:

  • sell products that your customers need;
  • provide services that your clients need;
  • create a favorable atmosphere in the store.

Try to answer the questions below.

  • What do you trade?
  • Can you describe your customers?
  • What types of services are important to them?

To better understand this issue, you can read the brochure entitled “Identifying Your Potential Buyers” from the first part of the “Marketing” block of this training program.

3. What types of goods are you going to sell?

The products that you are going to offer to your customers must be in demand. This is so obvious that, at first glance, it’s not even worth talking about. However, many stores are filled with these types of products that waste shelf space. We are talking about stocks of those types of goods that have not been in demand for a long time.

In this regard, the first thing you need to do is sort out your inventory and check the records associated with the sale of goods. If some products have not been sold for six months, try to get rid of them.

You can:

  • sell them at discounted prices;
  • implement them during a sales promotion campaign.

Storing “idling” inventory increases the expenditure side of your enterprise’s budget.

Therefore, in order to avoid accumulating large stocks of slow-moving goods, constantly monitor market conditions and switch to trading new, in-demand goods.

Then you will always keep up with the requests of your customers, offering them new models and samples, sometimes even anticipating their needs.

If you find out that somewhere they have launched the production of new high-quality popular goods, try to buy some of these goods or, perhaps, the entire batch in bulk. This will give you a unique opportunity to get ahead of your competitors. You may be able to sell these products under your trademark as your own branded product.

You can take a different path. The main thing for this is to find the optimal supplier of the goods you need. You can establish small wholesale and retail trade from a warehouse for cash payment without delivering goods to customers. This form of trading will allow you to reduce prices as much as possible and, as a result, gain an advantage over your competitors, of course, provided that you are supplied with the most popular goods.

In addition, you can obtain the right to trade using the trademark of a well-known company such as Union or Sinti.

Do you have any inventory? Review your notes and try to answer the questions below.

  • What products are not sold within six months?
  • What products are in steady demand?
  • Do you have sufficient stocks of these goods?
  • What types of goods do you not consider necessary to stock? Why?
  • What new products can be profitable?
  • Are there any local products you should sell?

4. What types of services could you offer?

One of the types of services you offer may be the delivery of goods to customers. Of course, this requires certain costs, but some clients need this kind of service and are willing to pay for it.

Another type of possible services on your part is providing the necessary consulting assistance to your clients related to the use of goods purchased from you: food, freezers, furniture, etc.

Some buyers, of course, would be satisfied with the exchange of an old item for a new one with partial monetary compensation for the residual value of the used item. Often the readiness of your customers to make a purchase of some new product depends on this. It is possible that you will have to deal not only with new, but also with used goods. At the very least, you should be prepared to take back the old item from your client.

Another possible type of service is the sale of goods on credit. In Russian conditions, this type of service is likely to attract a large number of buyers.

In addition, you can demonstrate the performance properties and features of the use of the products you offer, and in some cases (for example, this applies to food) give your product for testing.

Now try to answer the questions below, taking into account the specifics of your business.

  • What could you offer your clients?
    • exchanging an old item for a new one
    • consulting
    • service
    • demonstration of product properties; product samples
    • Financial services
    • goods delivery
    • other types of services
  • What additional or related services would you like to offer your clients?

5. Creating a favorable atmosphere in the store

Having determined the circle of potential buyers, you need to think about creating a favorable atmosphere in the store that is conducive to making a purchase.

There are two opposing types of buyers.

Some customers come to the store hoping to quickly buy the item they need. In this case, everything in the store should be arranged in such a way as to simplify and speed up the purchasing process. Correct, convenient layout of goods plays an important role. They should be grouped according to their functional purpose (for example: perfumes, creams, deodorants, lotions, etc. should be placed separately and not mixed with other products such as electric shavers, towels, terry robes, etc.). You need to use bright, visible product signs. The interior and interior design of the store should also be rich and bright. Sales personnel should be active, cheerful and optimistic. For this type of buyer, sales promotion measures can have a good effect.

Another type of buyer is represented by those people who are not in a hurry and can walk around the store for a long time, choosing products that interest them. In this case, everything in the store should be arranged somewhat differently.

In any case, the goods should be displayed very conveniently for the buyer, but the order of their layout should be less strict. Product signs may be less bright. The interior and interior design of the store should be designed in soft, calm colors. Sales personnel must behave confidently, with dignity and with reasonable restraint.

Probably, in this case you need to strive for the “golden mean”. Try to determine what your customers are guided by when making a purchase, and take this into account in the process of economic activity of your store, as well as when organizing the work of your sales staff.

How should your store be structured?

Everything will be determined by what type of buyer it will be aimed at: a quick, targeted purchase or a leisurely selection of the product you like.

This will depend on:

  • general atmosphere in the store;
  • the environment inside the store;
  • types of goods offered and their layout;
  • Your trade policy.

Maybe you'll stick to self-service. In this case, the buyer should be able to easily and unhinderedly move around the store and quickly find the products he needs.

In addition, you will have to make some allowance for damage and theft of a certain number of goods displayed in the store.

If you intend to sell small but quite expensive goods (for example, jewelry), they should be conveniently displayed and clearly visible, but out of reach of buyers. In this regard, you will need to use a lot of counter space to display the products you offer.

In addition, you will likely need space to display and display small billboards with product samples, flyers, banners, photographs, etc., designed to encourage your visitors to make impulse purchases.

You may need a specific place to demonstrate the performance properties and features of the use of goods, distribute samples, as well as for trying on goods (clothing, shoes) and tasting them (if we are talking about food products).

In short, your premises should attract visitors and instill in them hope for a profitable purchase of necessary and joyful goods.

If you managed to get a client into the store, in this case it is the turn of the sales staff to show their professional skills. You must be one hundred percent sure that your salespeople are well trained.

They are required to:

  • know all the products;
  • answer any questions from customers;
  • know all the nuances of your trade policy, including the possibility of selling goods on credit, exchanging an old item for a new one, delivering goods to customers, etc.

Perhaps the most important thing is their attitude towards customers. No matter how much anxiety and trouble a client may cause, the seller must show with all his appearance that for him this buyer is the most desirable in the world!

If you don’t yet have your own utility room, think about what its size should be. If you are already engaged in retail trade, think about whether you are using your retail space effectively enough?

Try to draw a scaled-down plan of your retail space on a piece of paper.

Cut out several squares of paper on the same scale, which will represent the various elements of the interior of your store that stand on the floor.

This is about:

  • counters;
  • baskets for goods;
  • fitting rooms;
  • box office;
  • warehouses;
  • place of registration of delivery of goods;
  • places for displaying product samples.

Move these squares around on a piece of paper until you find the best placement for them. Be sure to leave room for yourself, sales staff, and customers.

After this, you can try to make such an arrangement directly in the store and see how convenient and practical it is.

Until you have done the work described above, you should not buy commercial equipment if you are not yet involved in retail trade.

First, find the best option for placing all the necessary elements of your retail interior on paper, and then move on to its practical implementation.

This may take a lot of time, but it is better to make all the necessary corrections at the preparatory stage rather than change anything in the process of your business activity, when all the commercial equipment and various fixtures are finally placed.

6. Competition

Now is the time to think about competition.

What store or stores will you be competing with?

The answer to this question is necessary in order to “highlight” your store and make it more attractive to potential buyers. We have already discussed above how everything should be arranged inside the store. However, we should not forget about the enormous importance of the appearance of the store. It should attract visitors. And then the favorable internal atmosphere you created and the professionalism of your sales staff should have their say. You need to try to make sure that the visitor simply cannot leave your store without purchasing.

In order to beat your competitors, you must know what products they sell and at what prices, what special offers they offer.

Make a list of your competitors. Visit them and pay attention to the following points:

  • appearance;
  • window dressing;
  • interior design of the store;
  • store layout;
  • use of product indicators;
  • behavior of sales personnel;
  • types of goods and their layout;
  • price level;
  • number of customers in the store.

7. Exterior design of the store

You must attract the attention of buyers to the goods or services you offer. Otherwise, potential buyers will turn to your direct competitors.

You can attract customers with the help of an appropriate demonstration effect and good external design of the store.

Of course, the most powerful means of external influence is the store window. Don’t forget also about the appropriate interior design:

  • counters;
  • gender;
  • shelves;
  • various devices.

The entire environment should attract attention. If it is possible to give it at least a little movement, even better. Moving objects immediately catch the eye. This could be some kind of electromechanical device such as swinging balls, showing a video cassette, demonstrating samples of the products offered by your employees, etc.

However, you should know when to stop everything. This especially applies to the design of shop windows. You should not display all the products you offer on display. Limit yourself to a relatively small number of items. A transparent showcase on which the main product is displayed best attracts the attention of passers-by, forcing them to involuntarily slow down and peer closely at the product samples displayed on the display. This is the best way to arouse the interest of passersby.

Change your advertising messages from time to time (for example, once a month). For example: “Genuine leather shoes from Italy”, “Furniture from Finland”, “The best canned meat from Denmark”, etc. This can be anything that is directly related to the products you offer.

If passers-by have already stopped by to see you, then the interior decor should amaze them even more. It can either harmonize or contrast with the appearance of your store. She must finally win over the client.

Surely many suppliers of goods will be able to provide you with various materials advertising these products, for example:

  • leaflets;
  • stickers on window glass;
  • shields in full human height.

What is the best way to design a store? What are you offering? Some of this has already been said, but you may have your own original ideas. Don't forget about the high efficiency of seasonal window display updates.

Try to describe your future store in detail. This will also help you determine how much space you will need for its exterior design.

8. Advertising

You must be sure that customers know about the existence of your store. They need something to attract them. This requires advertising.

You must determine why your store is better than your competitors' stores. This could be, for example:

  • wider range of products;
  • speed and quality of service;
  • various additional services, including orders by phone, delivery of goods to customers, sale of goods on credit, etc.;
  • convenient geographical location of your store.

Your customers should know about all this.

It may be best to regularly drop your promotional materials into the mailboxes of nearby houses, for example, once every two months. This could be, for example, an advertising brochure telling about the products you offer and their use.

This way, you can report on the activities of your store, and residents of neighboring houses will know that they can buy exactly what they need from you.

If you work using a well-known brand, you can count on powerful advertising support from the parent company of this well-known company.

Such large trading companies systematically conduct advertising campaigns throughout the country, reminding of their existence and announcing upcoming special events aimed at stimulating sales.

Maybe sometimes it is worth taking part in various exhibitions and some local events. If the products you offer arouse some interest and are somewhat unique, be sure to take part in the exhibition. Try to save the names and addresses of visitors to your stand. They can complement the list of clients to whom you will send your advertising brochures.

  • Is it possible to somehow connect the advertising of your store with a local or even national event such as the Russian football championship or another sport, a theater performance or concert, a beauty contest, a flower exhibition, etc.?
  • Is there any billboard near your store? If there is, can you use it?
  • What manufacturing companies could you count on to support you when running your advertising campaign?
  • Are you going to use advertising brochures?
  • If yes, what would you pay special attention to?
  • Are there any exhibitions held in your region that you could also take part in?
  • If so, what products would you showcase?

The answers to these questions will help you create a plan for your advertising campaign.

9. Measures aimed at regulating sales

During the year, manufacturing companies hold many special events aimed at stimulating sales. The purpose of these events is to attract the attention of buyers to the goods they produce.

For a limited period of time, manufacturing companies can reduce prices for their goods. Since the cost burden in this case is borne by the manufacturers, you can safely participate in such events. In any case, your competitors will not fail to take advantage of the opportunity given to them to reduce prices.

If we are talking about selling expensive goods, then manufacturing companies can offer something for free as a gift. So, for example, when you buy a VCR, you may be given several blank video cassettes.

Another possible option is to provide free service for a certain period of time (for example, a year). In this case, of course, your participation will also be required. As a rule, the manufacturer is ready to compensate you for all costs associated with free customer service.

You yourself can make appropriate commercial offers. For example, small manufacturing firms often offer fairly cheap goods.

You can, of course, find other suppliers of these types of goods that you could offer to your visitors at relatively low prices. Having included your commercial interest in the selling price, you can carry out sales promotion activities with peace of mind. These types of special offers from you can be of particular interest to customers.

Now let's think about what sales promotion activities you could hold, and with whom.

  • What special commercial offers could you make to your visitors?
  • How much profit do you make as a result of sales?
  • How much of the resulting profit could you spend on special offers?
  • What specific “suggestions” could you make?
  • What types of goods could you sell at reduced prices?

10. Maintaining the high authority of your enterprise in the eyes of the public

The most valuable thing any entrepreneur has is his business reputation. This makes clients contact you again and again, and also recommend you to all their relatives, friends and acquaintances.

The business reputation of an entrepreneur engaged in retail trade is based on:

  • reliability and quality of the products offered;
  • willingness to answer any buyer question;
  • high quality of service.

In other words, you must provide your customers with everything that you would like to receive yourself when buying a product.

As you can see, creating a business reputation for an enterprise begins with you and your staff.

You can maintain the high authority of your company in the eyes of the public with the help of articles in the press. In this case, we are not talking about paid advertisements, but about materials specially prepared by newspaper employees that may arouse the interest of readers.

Is it possible, in your opinion, to prepare a special material for some local newspaper, which will talk about the economic activities of your enterprise, the products you offer, your regular customers, etc.? Local newspapers are always looking for stories like this.

Try to remind the public about yourself as often as possible by talking about your enterprise in the local press. This will help create a reliable business reputation for your company.

11. Let's summarize

All small retailers must compete with large retailers for market share. Don't be discouraged. Remember that small firms can win a decent share of the market from large trading companies.

They can offer their customers such a wide range of additional services that large trading companies have never dreamed of. If this suits you, you can rely on the variety and high quality of services offered to customers.

Try to sell products that are in strong demand among customers. In addition to core products, you can sell various non-core and ancillary types of products.

Your trump cards are speed, convenience, high quality of service. Clients need an individual approach. They want the purchased goods to be delivered to them without delay. You can provide them with all this. And this is far from the end of your abilities.

You can bring real joy to the customer. The success of your trading activity depends on this.

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