Succinic acid for weight loss: indications for use, how to take. Using succinic acid for weight loss Is it possible to lose weight with succinic acid?

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The desire to quickly and easily lose weight often forces women to resort to using various nutritional supplements, tablets, teas and decoctions. But such experiments do not always end successfully, since chemicals can cause a big blow to the body and lead to irreparable consequences. The situation is different with natural additives made from natural substances and organic materials, for example, succinic acid. But how effective and safe is this substance for weight loss?

Beneficial features

Succinic acid is a substance that was manufactured and extracted from natural amber, a natural fossil, red-yellow fossilized resin.

It has long been proven that the human body produces succinic acid on its own, but in fairly small doses (only 200 grams per day), unable to equalize the acid balance if necessary. Additionally, the substance can be obtained from the following foods:

  • Low-fat kefir, cheese and yogurt.
  • Seafood.
  • Sunflower and barley seeds.
  • Old wine.
  • White grapes.
  • Brewer's yeast.
  • Baked goods made from rye flour.
  • Green gooseberry.
  • Alfalfa.

The concentration of succinic acid in these products is low, so many connoisseurs of traditional medicine began to use the substance in its pure form and saturate their body with acid directly.

The benefits of taking an additional dose of succinic acid in its pure form are:

  • Normalization of energy exchange at the cellular level.
  • Normalization of the number of fat cells.
  • Reducing cholesterol and insulin levels.
  • Accelerates blood circulation.
  • Improving brain functioning.
  • Stabilization of the nervous system.
  • Liver cell renewal.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Removing waste and toxins.
  • Protect the body from radioactive radiation.
  • Prevention of the appearance and development of tumors.
  • Providing an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Healing of damaged areas.
  • Neutralization of nicotine and ethanol.

The benefits of succinic acid for weight loss

The effectiveness of succinic acid for weight loss is based on:

  1. Synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid.
  2. Provoking the active release of energy by cells.
  3. Accelerating the process of burning calories.
  4. Increasing the amount of oxygen consumed by cells.
  5. Burning fat cells and removing toxins.
  6. Getting rid of swelling.
  7. Reducing body volume and weight loss.

Succinic acid is produced in the form of tablets in paper or plastic packaging and powder. For health improvement and weight loss, the substance is used in the form of tablets, since the form of release does not affect the result, but simplifies the process of use several times.

Most nutritionists recommend drinking succinic acid to those people who play sports, want to get back in shape and lose weight, as this remedy helps catalyze metabolic processes in the body, accordingly burning fat deposits

The taste of succinic acid resembles the familiar citric acid, does not have any specific odor and does not cause unpleasant sensations when taken.

Some note that succinic acid tastes like Ascorbic acid.

It should be noted that the substance serves only as a dietary supplement for weight loss, helping to cleanse the body, normalize its functioning and give it a new boost of energy. To get rid of extra pounds, you should take succinic acid in combination with proper nutrition and physical activity.

How to take it correctly

There are several basic, most common and proven ways to take succinic acid. As a rule, the substance is consumed in its pure form, without mixing it with other food additives, since this is not necessary.

On an empty stomach

In the morning, dissolve four acid tablets (1 gram of substance in total) in a glass of water. Half an hour before meals, on an empty stomach, you need to drink the solution, and then be sure to rinse your mouth. You should drink the drink every morning for four weeks, then take a break for two months.

After meal

Three times a day after each meal, you need to drink one tablet of acid, 0.25 grams each, for 4–8 weeks, depending on the body’s reaction, and then stop for 2 months.


In this case, you need to drink 1 tablet of the substance 3-4 times a day strictly after meals, but every three days you should take a break for a day, limiting yourself to physical activity that day. We continue taking the pills for 1–1.5 months, after which we take a break for at least a month.

Attention: the last dose of tablets should not be later than 22:00, as the substance has an invigorating effect, and it will not be easy to fall asleep at night.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the fact that succinic acid is safe for the body, it has some contraindications, in the presence of which doctors recommend not to take the substance:

  • Individual intolerance or allergy to acid components.
  • Severe form of gestosis in pregnant women.
  • Exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers.
  • Gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Urolithiasis (urolithiasis).
  • Increased intraocular pressure and glaucoma.

With an increased level of stomach acidity as a result of taking acid, there is a risk of developing severe irritation of the mucous membrane and the formation of ulcerative inflammations

If you violate the rules for taking acid and abuse it, the following side effects may occur:

  • Producing too much bile juice.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Dizziness.
  • Gastralgia.

Succinic acid is a unique substance that has an amazing effect on all organs and systems of the body. Its use strengthens protective functions, eliminates disorders of the nervous and mental nature. It leads to weight loss when combined with a healthy and balanced diet, as well as regular physical activity.

The level of physical condition is a factor on which the health of our body and longevity directly depend. Extra pounds disrupt the well-coordinated functioning of the body, and in combination with the influence of unfavorable factors (stress, overwork, excessive loads, etc.), well-being completely worsens, constant fatigue and malaise appear, the immune system weakens, malfunctions occur in all systems, against which the development of various diseases occurs. The development of this condition is facilitated, among other things, by a lack of succinic acid. Normally, it is present in the cells of every body and participates in metabolism, but against the background of stress and other negative conditions, its consumption by the body increases sharply, resulting in its acute deficiency. The use of succinic acid not only leads to improved functioning of the body as a whole, but also helps to activate weight loss processes, helping to lose weight.

Often, excess weight gain is caused by disruptions in metabolic processes. Regular consumption of succinic acid eliminates this problem and additionally serves as an energy boost for the body. Acid is a safe dietary supplement, easily tolerated and has a minimal list of contraindications for use, plus it is completely excreted without accumulating in the body. A positive effect is observed even with minimal doses.

Succinic acid for weight loss exists in the form of tablets, as well as in the form of preparations, where it is combined with the addition of vitamins, microelements and other useful ingredients. When using it, the body does not get used to it, which is important in the process of losing weight, when, having eliminated excess weight, you can easily and without consequences refuse to take it.

Succinic acid can be purchased at any pharmacy chain, and this does not require a doctor's prescription or large expenses.

Succinic acid is present in large quantities in foods such as grapes, brewer's yeast, and aged wine. Since these products are considered “enemies of a slim body,” they should not be consumed during weight loss. A small acid content is observed in kefir and yogurt, seafood, rye bread, and low-fat cheeses.

The effect of succinic acid for weight loss.
The effect of losing weight from taking succinic acid is due to improved metabolism in the body, which stimulates the functioning of all organs and systems. Its action promotes energy production, improvement of cellular respiration, normalization of liver and kidney function, which improves the processes of absorption of necessary substances and elimination of harmful ones. Its use also eliminates swelling and prevents its formation, which affects the weight and condition of the skin.

For this complex weight loss mechanism to work, it is not enough just to take succinic acid, two prerequisites must be met - a balanced diet and daily physical activity. Yes, taking succinic acid preparations will restore body functions, improve overall well-being, and help get rid of excess fluid, toxins and waste, which will affect your weight. But only physical activity can burn fat deposits, and succinic acid will become an effective accelerator of this process. In addition, its use during the period of weight loss will help the body energetically, increasing endurance and stress resistance, preventing the occurrence of fatigue and overwork.

Methods of using succinic acid for weight loss.
There are several ways to take succinic acid for weight loss. In the first option, you need to take one tablet thirty minutes before meals three times a day. The course of admission is one month.

With the second method, you should use the acid in solution: 1 g per glass of water. Take the solution on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. The course of treatment is also designed for a month. Since the solution is very acidic, after taking it it is necessary to rinse the mouth to avoid damage to the enamel.

The third method of using succinic acid involves taking four tablets a day for three days, half an hour before meals, and taking a break on the fourth day. On the day of rest, it is necessary to give up physical activity and it is advisable to arrange a fasting day. This method is also designed for thirty days.

For prevention purposes, the dosage of succinic acid can be selected based on the condition of the body. If after taking you feel a slight dizziness, a warming effect, this is the optimal dose for you.

The last acid intake should not be after eight o'clock in the evening. Due to the invigorating effect, sleep problems may occur.


  • Individual intolerance.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Hypertension.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Cardiac ischemia.

Succinic acid is a substance that is naturally found in the composition of succinates, salts and anions present in every cell of any organism in whose metabolism respiration is present. Including in the human body.

Succinates in the cell are responsible for all metabolic processes: cellular respiration, breakdown of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and their transformation into energy. Besides, succinic acid blocks free radicals and reduces acidity.

Therefore, the presence in the body of a sufficient amount of this substance promises health and longevity. After all, it is the abundance of energy that the body receives that gives a person youth and good health.

Experts say that the cause of aging, and most of the diseases associated with it, is a lack of succinic acid in the body.

In our country, succinic acid is known, first of all, as a good hangover remedy.

Experts have proven that the cause of excess weight is stagnation and deposition of fats in the body. Succinic acid is responsible for the timely breakdown of fats in the cell, as well as for the metabolic rate in general.

Therefore, if you accelerate metabolism, including the process of splitting fats, a person will begin to lose weight faster, and products and preparations based on succinic acid will help in this.

Succinic acid increases the body's stamina, which helps to withstand longer physical exertion - an indispensable stage of training.

But you need to understand that succinic acid does not act as an energy drink or a dope, it does not cause super abilities and inhuman strength, but only contributes to the natural and healthy functioning of the body, eliminating painful fatigue and loss of strength.

Important to remember! Succinic acid is indicated for use by adults for weight loss as a nutritional supplement.

And this means that if, using succinic acid, you continue to lead a sedentary lifestyle, eat fatty foods and overeat daily, a person will not get better at best, but will not lose weight.

Natural sources of succinic acid

In nature, succinic acid is found in:

  • oysters and other seafood;
  • cheeses;
  • kefir;
  • rye baked goods;
  • curdled milk;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • table wines;
  • cane sugar;
  • turnip;
  • sunflower seeds

A healthy person gets enough succinic acid from food, but a person suffering from excess weight will need large doses of this substance, which are contained in drugs and nutritional supplements.

Interesting fact! Doctors note that in the modern rhythm of life, obtaining succinic acid by regular consumption of food products containing it is not always possible. Life used to be more measured.

The lack of self-propelled transport and mechanized equipment forced people to walk more and apply their own physical strength to work. The body of our ancestors spent more energy on these actions, and required its replenishment through a hearty meal.

Man at the beginning of the last century ate much more food than he does now. And in a natural way it replenished the reserves of essential microelements, including succinic acid.

Nowadays, sitting at a computer and driving a car does not make you so hungry that you can eat as many foods containing succinic acid as you need. Dietary supplements that contain natural microelements come to the aid of modern man.

Succinic acid preparations that can be used for weight loss

The following drugs are produced based on succinic acid:

  • Tablets or powder “succinic acid”, indications for use in adults – weight loss, stress relief.
  • Mekspiridol and its analogues– restore cell membranes, prevent fat oxidation. Can be used as an auxiliary drug to combat obesity.

Contraindications for use by adults of drugs such as Mexidol and other analogues of Mexipridol - disruption of the liver and kidneys

Be careful! The drug “succinic acid” is a biologically active food additive that is permitted in our state and is harmless. It contains a substance extracted from amber, or its synthesized analogue.

Mekspiridol and its analogues are medications that can only be taken with the consent of a doctor. In addition to its beneficial effects on the body, it also has a number of contraindications.

What results should you expect from using acid?

Succinic acid, although indicated for use by adults for weight loss, has a different effect on the body. In essence, it does not “burn” fat, but it eliminates a number of symptoms associated with excess weight, which is extremely difficult to overcome.

Acceleration of metabolism - reduces appetite, as the body is more quickly saturated with the nutrients it needs. Losing weight without changing your diet is impossible - which certainly causes stress, which succinic acid eliminates.

Succinic acid is not a magic remedy for weight loss, but only a good auxiliary element

Obesity can cause diabetes. Overweight people are at risk. Succinic acid helps prevent this disease by promoting the body's production of insulin.

Due to its auxiliary properties for weight loss, succinic acid preparations are indicated for use in adults - weight loss.

But this drug is not a magic pill. But it only works when used correctly in combination with other health measures.

The use of succinic acid for weight loss

Succinic acid is indicated for use for weight loss only if you adhere to certain dosage regimens. There are 3 of them:
Application scheme 1From tablets or powder of succinic acid you need to prepare a solution at the rate of 1 gram of the drug per 1 glass of ordinary water.
The prepared solution should be consumed on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.
After taking, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly.
This regimen is unacceptable for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Use the drug daily for no more than 1 month.
Application scheme 2Take tablets in their pure form 3 times a day after each meal, 2-3 tablets weighing 0.25 grams.
If there are no side effects during treatment, the course of treatment can be extended for another month.
Application diagram 3It differs from regimen 2 only in that after 3 days of use, you should take a 1-day break. The break should be without heavy physical activity and with unloading of food.

Opinions of nutritionists on the use of acid for weight loss

Like any nutritionist, a nutritionist should be very careful about dietary supplements and complex-action drugs for many diseases.

Medicines, including mekspirilol, do not contain only succinic acid, and in none of them is it an active ingredient.

The direct purpose of medications based on succinic acid is to combat depression and severe alcohol poisoning. Therefore, nutritionists cautiously recommend succinic acid for weight loss.

But nutritionists confirm the beneficial effect of succinic acid on human endurance, therefore succinic acid is indicated for use by people who prefer diets with physical activity.

Can succinic acid harm the body?

Succinic acid is indicated for use for weight loss, and dietary supplements containing it are considered harmless to healthy adults. But this is only true if you take the drug correctly.

A lack of succinic acid may be one of the reasons for the development of various ailments in a person. But its deficiency in itself does not cause a person any discomfort. The same cannot be said about an overdose.

Contraindications - who should not use succinic acid for weight loss

Taking acid is contraindicated for people of the following categories:

  • with an allergic reaction to the drug;
  • those suffering from gastritis, ulcers and other acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if a diagnosis is made of angina pectoris and other cardiovascular diseases;
  • if diagnosed with glaucoma;
  • if a diagnosis is made of urolithiasis.

Succinic acid is indicated for adults to use for weight loss, and has no specific contraindications for pregnant and lactating women. But it is not recommended to use it in this case.

Pregnancy and lactation, when the body needs additional sources of nutrients, is not the best time to lose weight.

Acid should be used for weight loss after consulting a doctor in combination with other medications and physical activity. And if the effect is not achieved as quickly as desired, you should not increase the dose yourself.

If there are contraindications, it is better to refrain from using succinic acid and use alternative means. And when using it, you must strictly adhere to the dosage regimen.

Useful video about the benefits and use of succinic acid. Incl. and for weight loss

Succinic acid. Indications for use in adults:

Succinic acid and weight loss. Effect in different areas of life:

succinic acid

Pharmacological group

Biologically active additives

For weight loss

Indications for the use of succinic acid for weight loss

Probably, even the most demanding young lady in terms of a slim figure, using “Succinic Acid” for weight loss, will be interested in what this natural drug is actually intended for and what other benefits can be obtained from taking it.

Succinic acid itself is produced in sufficient quantities in the body of a healthy person (about 200 g per day). It is a metabolite of the Krebs cycle, providing the body's cells with energy, since it stimulates the breakdown of glucose and the production of adenosine triphosphate, which is a source of energy for any of their biochemical processes in the body, thereby optimizing energy metabolism in the body.

External sources of succinic acid are drinks for the production of which the fermentation process is used (fermented milk drinks, wines, beer, etc.), some fruits, grapes, sunflower seeds, currants, asparagus, rye flour products, as well as products in which this the component acts as an acidity regulator.

The whole problem is that our body, over many years of evolution, has never learned to synthesize succinic acid in reserve. All acid produced by the body and received from the outside is immediately consumed in the form of energy. But what if the amount of succinic acid produced in the body and coming from outside is sharply reduced for various reasons?

A deficiency of succinic acid can lead to metabolic disorders, a decrease in the body’s resistance to negative external influences, and its weakening. As a result of metabolic disorders, many organs and systems of the body suffer, and various diseases develop.

Succinic acid tablets are positioned by the manufacturer as a source of this valuable substance, which has an extraordinary therapeutic effect in certain pathological conditions:

  • Asthenic conditions. The remedy is especially beneficial for older people with age-related ailments. Also indicative is the positive effect of the drug when providing first aid to people in extreme conditions, for example, to reduce the negative effects of oxygen starvation.
  • Conditions associated with sclerotic changes in the blood vessels of the brain (memory impairment, fatigue, etc.). Good results are observed with combination therapy together with Amber Acid for such pathologies as dyscirculatory encephalopathy and cerebral atherosclerosis.
  • Headache and dizziness resulting from impaired cerebral circulation and lack of oxygen and nutrients in brain cells.
  • Many cardiovascular pathologies (coronary artery disease, various forms of angina, arterial hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis, etc.), for which multicomponent drug therapy is prescribed throughout life. “Succinic acid” helps to reduce the long list of drugs in primary therapy, enhances their effect and, in some cases, shortens the course of treatment.

The drug is also interesting as a prophylactic agent for cardiac ischemia by increasing the level of succinates

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, etc.). The effectiveness of the drug is again based on increasing the level of succinates.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2. And again, the effect of succinates, which can regulate insulin production, can be traced.
  • Oncological diseases. The succinates in the drug are able to localize in the area of ​​the tumor and inhibit the growth and reproduction of cancer cells, which significantly affects the condition of cancer patients, increasing their life expectancy and reducing the percentage of premature deaths.

The drug can also reduce the negative effects of chemotherapy treatment of malignant tumors.

  • Benign tumors (cyst, fibroids, etc.).
  • Diseases of the respiratory system (in case of inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchi, the drug improves the well-being of patients and accelerates recovery by improving the body's defenses).
  • Respiratory viral and bacterial infections (sore throat, influenza virus, ARVI, etc.). It is recommended to take large doses of the drug, which stimulate the immune system to fight the disease and allow you to return to work duties in a short time.

A 2 or 3-week course of taking “Succinic acid” is an excellent prevention of exacerbations of chronic pathologies, especially in the autumn-spring period.

  • Intoxication of the body of various etiologies. It is an antidote for poisoning by substances such as lead, mercury, and arsenic.
  • Peripheral circulation disorders (the use of the drug in the treatment of varicose veins is indicative).
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder, liver and kidneys (kidney and gallstones, fatty liver, cirrhosis, etc.).
  • Alcohol addiction.
  • Depressive states and sleep disorders on their background.

The drug is used to prevent various genetic mutations, improve metabolism in tissues, maintain immunity (taking in parallel with medications that restore microflora in the intestines is indicative), treat joints, relieve muscle pain and fatigue after heavy physical exertion, improve the condition of skin and hair, well and, of course, for weight correction.

Release form

Such a valuable dietary supplement is produced by pharmaceutical companies in Ukraine and the Russian Federation in the form of tablets of various dosages and with different packaging options. The production and distribution of Amber Acid is carried out by Elitfarm LLC and the Russian company Mosbiopharm.

So the Russian drug has a dosage of 100 mg (succinic acid plus auxiliary components: starch, glucose, aerosil, talc and calcium stearate). The Ukrainian analogue has a dosage of 250 mg, and in addition to succinic acid (150 mg), the tablet also contains 10 mg of ascorbic acid.

Despite the fact that the dietary supplement is called “Succinic acid,” the main substance in the composition of the drug is represented by acetylaminosuccinic acid, which is a derivative of natural succinic acid. This is due to the fact that salts and essential succinates are absorbed in the intestines much better than the original product.

“Succinic acid”, which is used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, and for weight loss and for the purpose of rejuvenating the body, can be found on sale both in the form of a plate containing 10 tablets, and in a package of 4, 8 and even 10 plates.

In the complete list of medications you can find other drugs containing succinic acid, or rather its derivatives. Here is a small list of such medications: Mexipridol, Armadin, Gelofusin, Limontar, Reamberin, Hyalual Artro (succinic acid in combination with hyaluronic acid).


In the instructions for the drug “Succinic Acid”, which is widely used in a comprehensive weight correction program as an effective means for weight loss, is positioned as an antihypoxic, metabolic and antioxidant agent.

A valuable property of succinic acid is its ability to increase the protective and adaptive properties of the body, stimulate it to fight the disease, due to which the drug has such extensive and varied indications for use. Alleviating the condition of patients in most pathologies is also facilitated by the normalization of cellular respiration, as well as metabolic processes in the body.

The positive effect of the drug on joint diseases is due to two actions: improved blood circulation and a mild diuretic effect. In this way, salt deposits accumulated over the years are washed out of the joints and inflammation goes away.

In case of kidney stones and cholelithiasis, succinic acid helps to destroy stones and remove them in the form of sand from the body.

The beneficial effect for the gastrointestinal tract is to stimulate the production of gastric juice, thereby improving the digestion and absorption of food and increasing appetite. Succinic acid also improves the motility of the digestive tract, positively affecting muscle contractile function.

By the way, it is this effect that ensures an increase in physical endurance and performance of the whole organism.

The effectiveness of the drug for type 2 diabetes mellitus is due to the ability of succinic acid to stimulate the synthesis of insulin in the body of patients and optimize metabolism.

In the treatment of various poisonings and alcohol addiction, the antioxidant, metabolism-stimulating properties of the drug are used. Thanks to it, the breakdown of alcohol and harmful substances in the blood occurs faster, which means they leave the body much earlier. In this way, symptoms of intoxication of the body are prevented.

By the way, the desire for alcohol in alcoholics also decreases. But the quality of blood readings and the condition of the liver are undergoing changes for the better.

Succinic acid also has a positive effect on the nervous system, which explains its popularity as an antidepressant.

It is believed that, having a positive effect on the entire body, succinic acid can increase sexual desire. And this applies to both men and women.

And finally, the benefits of “Amber Acid” for those who have decided to fight excess weight safely and without discomfort. In this case, the emphasis is on improving the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing metabolism, cleansing the body of harmful toxins and excess water. A slight diuretic effect against the background of good metabolism helps not only to effectively and effortlessly burn accumulated fat, but also to remove excess water from the body, which also affects body weight and often manifests itself in the form of unsightly swelling of the legs and face, as well as “bags” under the eyes.


“Succinic acid” tablets for weight loss or other purposes are taken orally by swallowing, i.e. orally. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, it quickly spreads throughout the body. Absorbed in the intestines, succinic acid penetrates the blood and various tissues of the body, where it participates in catabolic reactions, with a full cycle lasting about half an hour (ultimately forming water and CO 2).

The half-life of the drug is about 25-26 minutes. At the same time, the active substance itself does not tend to accumulate in the body, since it is completely converted into energy.

Using succinic acid for weight loss during pregnancy

The use of succinic acid during pregnancy, when serious hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, helps to significantly improve her condition, alleviate unpleasant symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance, prevent toxicosis that occurs in the early and late stages, or at least reduce their intensity.

Working for two (and sometimes for three, four, etc.), a pregnant woman’s body spends much more energy than before, so she can quickly get tired, even to the point of developing a condition called loss of strength. But the expectant mother needs these strengths like no one else. This means that an additional source of energy is needed, which is succinic acid, which also improves cellular metabolism and accelerates fat burning, and therefore it can be used for safe weight loss during pregnancy. Of course, only if the expectant mother’s weight significantly exceeds the norm, which in her delicate position is fraught with complications (both during pregnancy and during childbirth).

The use of succinic acid during pregnancy allows not only to optimize the cellular respiration of the mother and fetus, but also to protect the unborn baby from various viruses, bacteria and toxins that negatively affect its development and the course of pregnancy itself. This beneficial effect of the drug is achieved by increasing the mother’s body’s own defenses and strengthening the histohematic barrier between the fetus and maternal blood.

As you can see, taking succinic acid helps to significantly reduce the likelihood of having a baby with various congenital malformations. However, there are some restrictions regarding pregnant women. You need to take succinic acid tablets in limited quantities, no more than 7 and a half grams during the period from conception to childbirth.

Prescription of the drug for pregnant women, which depends on the duration of pregnancy, will also be indicative:

  • I trimester – between 12 and 14 weeks inclusive,
  • II trimester – from 24 to 26 weeks inclusive,
  • III trimester – the last month of pregnancy (15-25 days before the expected date of birth).

The dosage and preventive course in this case are as follows: 250 mg (1 or 2.5 tablets depending on the dosage) per day for 10 days.


Despite all the benefits of taking succinic acid and its compounds, the attitude towards it is still twofold. On the one hand, succinic acid is not considered a foreign element for our body, since some of it is produced by the body itself. But on the other hand, the effect of this valuable organic acid may not benefit everyone.

First of all, it is worth mentioning patients with diseases of the digestive system associated with increased secretion of gastric juice. Taking succinic acid, especially on an empty stomach, can aggravate diseases such as gastritis with high acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, because any acids have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, especially if it is inflamed or damaged (ulcers or erosions). But succinic acid also stimulates the production of bile, which is a strong irritant.

It turns out that what is good for the gallbladder does not always benefit the stomach. Although, in case of impaired motility of the biliary tract and the gallbladder itself, you should also be careful with drugs such as succinic acid.

The drug can increase diastolic blood pressure, so its use is undesirable for patients with fluctuations in blood pressure or persistently elevated levels.

Increased metabolism in some cases can lead to active formation of oxalates (urinary stones). This should be taken into account in patients with urolithiasis and those who have such a tendency.

During pregnancy, “Amber Acid” can be used by women for weight loss, to prevent complications during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as to combat the manifestations of toxicosis. However, if the patient is diagnosed with a severe degree of gestosis, which occurs in late pregnancy, it is better to refrain from taking succinic acid so as not to complicate the situation.

According to the instructions, it is not advisable for patients with glaucoma to take the supplement.

Those who decide to improve their body health with the help of succinic acid need to remember that this drug has a stimulating effect on the brain, which can affect the quality of sleep. For this reason, it is not recommended to take the tablets before bed or late in the evening.

Side effects of succinic acid for weight loss

If the succinic acid drug is taken for preventive purposes or for weight loss by healthy people, then no negative reactions are observed when using permissible doses. Unless in some cases there may be hypersensitivity reactions to the drug in the form of allergic manifestations.

It’s another matter if a person does not adhere to the instructions and ignores the clause on contraindications for use. In this case, the side effects of the drug may also remind you.

Deterioration of the condition may be observed in patients with arterial hypertension or fluctuations in blood pressure, since the use of succinic acid can lead to an increase in its levels.

An identical situation is observed in “stomach sufferers” or “ulcer sufferers”. Succinic acid will increase the acidity of the stomach, which will lead to an exacerbation of the inflammatory process and can provoke the formation of erosions on the mucous membrane and even bleeding from ulcers. In this case, taking the drug will be accompanied by pain in the epigastric region (gastralgia) and other unpleasant symptoms characteristic of diseases of the digestive system.

Dosage and administration

Based on the information provided by the manufacturer and described in the official instructions, Succinic Acid tablets for weight loss or other purposes should be taken before meals. But if a person has inflammatory or ulcerative lesions of the stomach, the drug can be taken during or even after meals, not forgetting about drugs that combat hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid.

However, such patients need to understand that “Succinic Acid” is not a medicine, much less a vital or irreplaceable one, which means, if necessary, you can always find drugs or dosage forms that are safe for the gastrointestinal mucosa.

The recommended daily dose for patients over 18 years of age is 0.25-1 g with a therapeutic course of 28-30 days. The dosage of the drug and frequency of administration may vary depending on the person’s age, diagnosis and purpose of administration.

For example, to prevent a hangover, it is enough to take 1 tablet of 250 mg 20 minutes before a feast; to improve appetite and digestion, the same dose is taken 1 to 3 times a day before starting to eat. But for cancer patients, the drug is prescribed in significant doses - from 2 to 20 tablets, which must be taken during the day.

As you can see, taking large doses of the drug does not have a negative effect on the body and does not cause an overdose. In addition, succinic acid does not accumulate in the body, which means its long-term use should not affect health. However, doctors do not recommend using the drug for more than 4 weeks. It is better to divide the therapeutic course into shorter ones and repeat it after some time.

How to take succinic acid to combat excess weight

In terms of body contouring, overweight people have some advantages, the main ones being the opportunity to choose and lose weight with additional benefits for the health of the whole body.

So, to lose weight using Amber Acid, you can choose one of three effective methods:

  1. According to the instructions: 0.75 mg per day, divided into 3 doses. In this case, the drug should be taken before meals, 25-30 minutes before the meal. The drug is taken for a month, after which you either stop there or repeat the course after a short time.
  2. Succinic acid in the amount of 3 or 4 tablets is taken for exactly 3 days. This should be done, as in the first case, 30 minutes before meals. Day 4 – day off (rest from both pills and fatty, heavy foods). The course lasts 1 month.
  3. You should drink 1 or 0.5 glasses of water every day on an empty stomach in the morning for the same 30 days. After which the oral cavity is rinsed with clean water to prevent tooth enamel from being damaged by the acid from the weight loss composition.

Whatever method is chosen, one cannot rely only on succinic acid. Yes, it improves metabolism and removes harmful toxins, but if you continue to force the body with low-quality and fatty foods, ignoring physical activity, fat deposits will still remain in their places if they are not replenished with new reserves.

Succinic acid very rarely reacts with other drugs, resulting in undesirable effects (weakening of the effect, incompatibility of drugs, increasing the concentration of active substances in the blood plasma with a subsequent undesirable increase in effect). However, the parallel use of anxiolytics and succinic acid for weight loss or for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes can lead to a weakening of their effect by succinates. The same applies to drugs from the group of barbiturates that have a sedative effect, tranquilizers, and muscle relaxants.

Treatment of infectious diseases is often accompanied by the use of various groups of drugs. These are mainly antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. To this list you can also add anthelmintic and antituberculosis drugs, which also have a noticeable toxic effect on the liver. By using succinic acid as part of complex therapy for bacterial infections and helminthic infestations, it is possible to reduce the toxic effects of the above groups of drugs on the human body.

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Some information about the drug

Despite the fact that “Succinic Acid” is considered just a biologically active supplement that does not cause addiction or overdose, when using it for weight loss, and especially for medicinal purposes, you should not be so careless and take the drug without prior consultation with your doctor or nutritionist . Only they can assess the appropriateness of such a step and prescribe (or adjust) an effective dosage, stipulating the duration of the therapeutic course.

In any case, before swallowing the first tablet, you should carefully re-read the instructions included with the drug. Most drug descriptions on the Internet contain abbreviated information that needs to be compared with the original. Only in this case can one be convinced of the safety of treatment or prevention.

When the functioning of the body is disrupted, the amount of succinic acid, which is an essential component of metabolic processes, decreases. And to replenish reserves of this substance, many overweight people use succinic acid for weight loss, sold as dietary supplements in pharmacies. Losing weight for many people is a complex and difficult task. Difficulties arise due to metabolic disorders.

Excess weight creates a large additional load on the body, and the result is a weakening of its functions and the cessation of full-fledged work. Such negative phenomena cause the accumulation of excess body weight, and numerous attempts to get rid of at least 2 kg do not bring a positive result. Succinic acid is a special component that helps people maintain their slim figure by getting rid of excess fat deposits. Thanks to it, energy metabolism in the cells of the body is normalized, and physical activity is maintained. This natural substance stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and liver, thereby effectively cleansing the body of toxins. Getting rid of extra pounds occurs intensively, dynamically and without the use of dietary restrictions. How feasible and effective is this method, and does it harm human health? Read more about this in our article.

Succinic acid is a remedy that helps activate metabolic processes in the body and accelerate weight loss. The work of all systems and organs is stimulated, energy production improves, cell respiration improves, beneficial substances are absorbed better, and harmful substances are quickly eliminated. It removes swelling and prevents its reappearance in the future, improves the condition of the skin, and promotes weight loss. Note that for effective weight loss, taking succinic acid will not be enough.

You must meet 2 more important conditions, namely:

  • give your body physical activity daily;
  • review your diet, make it correct and balanced.

Regular use of the drug will help restore the functionality of the body, rid it of toxins, waste and excess fluid, and improve overall well-being. Undoubtedly, all this will affect weight indicators. The extra pounds will stop adding, but in order to remove the already accumulated “reserves”, you need to exercise. Succinic acid will only become a weight loss accelerator. The use of this component increases the body's resistance to stress and endurance, helping it with energy. A person who is losing weight is less tired and overworked.

So, thanks to the use of succinic acid, the following positive processes occur:

  • energy production becomes more efficient;
  • the body's defense against cancer is stimulated;
  • body cells become less sensitive to oxygen starvation;
  • the work of the liver and kidneys is activated;
  • if there are inflammatory foci in the body, then taking succinic acid suppresses the production of histamine in them;
  • stress is easier to bear;
  • when using medications, their medicinal effect increases;
  • a positive effect on the launch of weight loss mechanisms if a person follows a diet and exercises regularly;
  • The process of losing weight with grueling physical training is easier, because the substance gives a feeling of a surge of strength.

Taking dietary supplements with succinic acid allows you to lose weight faster while maintaining health and vigor.

Does succinic acid really help you lose weight?

People who dream of saying goodbye to those hated extra pounds have probably wondered how to properly take succinic acid to lose weight, and whether this substance really helps in weight loss? Succinic acid really helps to lose weight when taken regularly, although it is not a panacea. If you want to give your body a slender and graceful shape, use its properties to the maximum, and do not forget to combine taking pills with sports activities and a balanced diet.

Be sure to include foods rich in succinic acid in your diet. These include:

  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • grapes (grape wine);
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • seafood;
  • Rye bread.

The total amount of the substance can be increased by including dietary supplements in the menu.

The benefits and harms of succinic acid

Succinic acid is a component that is produced in the body of all people in the required quantities. If a person is not overweight and does not need to lose weight, then he should not take succinic acid. An excess of this component will negatively affect the functioning of organs and systems, which will provoke health problems. At the same time, a lack of succinic acid slows down the process of losing weight, since metabolism is disrupted and the so-called freezing occurs. Taking medications and foods rich in it will help activate your metabolism. In combination with physical activity, a varied and balanced diet, this accelerates weight loss and helps to quickly return to a slim figure.

There are several ways to take acid for weight loss. Pharmacies offer it in the form of tablets, which come with instructions for use.

Recipe No. 1

Take 1 tablet 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. To achieve the weight loss effect, drink the drug for 1 month.

Recipe No. 2

The product is used in the form of a solution. The dosage is as follows. Dissolve 1 g of the drug in 1 glass of boiled water.

Advice. To prevent tooth enamel from being damaged by acid, rinse your mouth with water immediately after drinking the drink.

Take the resulting mixture on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before your first meal. The course of taking the drug is 1 month.

Recipe No. 3

This method involves a 30-day course of taking diet pills according to the following scheme.

  • 4 tablets daily for 3 days, 30 minutes before meals;
  • Day 4 – rest, fasting day without physical activity;
  • Take the tablets for 3 days according to the regimen described above;
  • 8th day – rest;
  • Stick to the plan for a month.

The drug can also be used for preventive purposes, selecting the dosage individually, following the instructions for use and enlisting the help of a medical specialist. At optimal doses, a warming sensation and subtle dizziness may occur. Due to the fact that the drug has an invigorating effect on the body, it is advisable to take it no later than 8 o’clock in the evening.

Contraindications for use

Despite the large number of positive reviews about the drug, taking succinic acid for weight loss is not always possible.

There are a number of contraindications for which it is prohibited to use this substance:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • glaucoma;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • hypertension.

If you want your weight loss to not harm your health and to proceed without stress and bad mood, include foods and dietary supplements with succinic acid in your menu. If your arsenal for fighting excess weight is replenished with such a drug, and is supplemented with reasonable physical activity and nutritious, healthy food, then losing weight will happen quickly and without problems. Take advantage of the useful information about acid that is presented in this article and say goodbye to those extra pounds forever!

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