Ashwagandha medicinal properties and contraindications reviews. Ashwagandha: medicinal properties and contraindications, how to take

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Ashwagandha is an Indian medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times by healers for all sorts of, then still unexplored, diseases.

For the first time in the general masses, the name of the plant came out through the famous Kama Sutra. It is in this book that the medicinal properties of ashwagandha are mentioned, which help a woman to conceive a child, and a man to strengthen potency.

Ashwagandha, the healing properties and contraindications of which have been studied by healers since ancient times, has other names: sunflower physalis, Ethiopian agol, winter cherry or, the most famous in our area, Indian ginseng.

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What does ashwagandha look like

The root of the medicinal plant smells unpleasant, some even compare this smell to horse sweat. Ashwagandha is an improved version of ginseng. The unique combination of ashwagandha substances for women endows the preparations that are made from it with medicinal properties and a wide range of effects on the human body. The list of contraindications, however, is very concise and short.

Ashwagandha is a perennial shrub with dark green egg-shaped leaves. During the flowering period, the shrub produces many white small flowers and green veins. Fading, white rosettes turn into red tight berries with a fleshy physalis structure. Each berry is framed with an openwork lantern.

Depending on the habitat, you can determine the maximum height of the shrub. Plants reaching a height of 50 cm are commonly found in North America, medium-sized plants in the Middle East and the Mediterranean, and tall ashwagandha bushes that reach 3 meters can be found in Pakistan and India.

The chemical composition of the plant

In Ayurvedic practice, to this day, in the manufacture of medicines from ashwagandha, are used all parts of the shrub- bark, rhizome, fruits, leaves and even seeds. Traditional modern pharmacology, unfortunately, cannot boast of such an assortment, because so far you can only see capsules based on an extract from the ashwagandha root on the pharmacy shelves.

The main components, for which Indian ginseng is valued, belong to the group of active phytosteroids - Vitanons (Vitanolides). These free nitrogen compounds are named after the Latin name for ashwagandha, Withania somnifera. Due to its high metastatic activity, this special substance can effectively fight cancer cells and also has the following properties:

  • eliminates cramps;
  • accelerates the breakdown of adrenaline;
  • normalizes the activity of brain neurons;
  • activates the functions of the hypothalamus;
  • protects cell membranes from oxygen starvation.

The property of vetaferin to suppress the tumor was scientifically proven in 1965. Laboratory studies have shown the high effectiveness of the substance, since in 80% of cancer cells were partially suppressed, and in 20% they disappeared completely.

The University of Pittsburgh conducted research on Vetaferin and proved its positive effect on the central parts of the brain.

Daily intake of Indian ginseng root extract reduces forgetfulness by 60% and increases concentration by 90%.

Such excellent performance has allowed for new research in the direction of the use of ashwagandha. Scientists believe that with the help of this plant, one can go far in the treatment of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Application of Ashwagandha

The medicinal properties of the plant, as well as its composition, have not been fully studied by European medicine. Nevertheless, the fact is known: the components of ashwagandha do not cure the disease on their own, but activate the body's immune system helping him cope with the disease on his own.

Somnifera Root (Ashwagandha):

According to Ayurveda, ashwagandha root recommended in the following cases:

Ashwagandha treats many purely male diseases, which are not customary to talk about in society and for the treatment of which the stronger sex spends fortunes annually. The root extract of the plant increases muscle strength, performance and physical endurance. For women, ashwagandha accelerates tissue regeneration after childbirth., normalizes the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels, relieves pain during menstruation, eliminates the feeling of depression in premenstrual syndrome. Indian ginseng root is a powerful stimulant of the body's natural immune forces.

Ashwagandha: contraindications

Like any folk remedy, ashwagandha herb, like its root, has its own contraindications and cases of overdose, which lead to very unpleasant consequences.

What can happen with an overdose:

  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • labored breathing;
  • feeling of impending loss of consciousness;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • a sharp increase in weight;
  • abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys;
  • chest pain;
  • sudden changes in temperature.

It is forbidden to take ashwagandha in the following cases:

  • with lupus;
  • due to the immunostimulating effect, it is forbidden to take with autoimmune diseases;
  • after an organ transplant or permanent blood transfusion;
  • during breastfeeding or pregnancy, the extract has a bad effect on the intrauterine and further development of the baby;
  • in combination with sedatives, since such a combination can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Ashwagandha preparations

The root of the plant is used in both traditional and folk medicine. Today in pharmacies you can buy ashwagandha in the following form of release:

Any Ashwagandha based product is a dietary supplement.

Indian ginseng in folk medicine

From the herb and the root of the medicinal plant, herbalists prepare medicinal decoctions and tinctures. Everyone can prepare a decoction. To do this, pour a teaspoon of dry powder with two glasses of water and boil for 15-20 minutes, then let the broth stand for another 10-15 minutes. This dose is enough for exactly 1 day. The healing effect of ashwagandha can be enhanced by mixing it with thyme, rhodiola, or eucalyptus.

Of course, the oriental medicine has not bypassed its native lands. Eastern herbalists make a special paste from ashwagandha berries and leaves, which is recommended for external use for severe swelling and extensive wounds. Sometimes bark is also used for these purposes, but it gives a slightly smaller effect. In order to get rid of coughing attacks in asthma, Indians add dry rubbed leaves and roots to smoking mixtures.

Can you grow ashwagandha at home?

At home, the plant can be grown from seeds. The growing technology includes the following processes:

So far, Indian ginseng is poorly distributed in Europe. Due to the difference in approaches to the traditional treatment of diseases in the East and in the West, the effects of ashwagandha on the human body are not fully understood. That is why very it is dangerous to use ashwagandha without first consulting a doctor. This is especially true for people who want to take a remedy for treatment, and not for prevention. Ashwagandha is a powerful medicine and should not be taken in combination with equally effective medicines.

(English Ashwagandha) is an evergreen perennial shrub native to the Middle East, the Mediterranean and North Africa. Ashwagandha is called Indian ginseng, because this medicinal plant is not inferior in its healing properties to traditional Chinese ginseng. Name "ashwagandha" in translation means "having the smell of a horse", which characterizes the plant as a strong and effective remedy in the fight against many ailments. - a recognized doctor in Ayurveda.

Ashwagandha: plant

- This is a low shrub belonging to the nightshade family. Outwardly, this plant resembles common physalis, it has the same long stems with large oval leaves. Orange berries are located in a kind of boxes on the stems. loves heat and dryness, a humid climate is detrimental to this plant. You can grow Indian ginseng at home, the plant propagates by seeds. In the first year, flowers will appear, and then berries. The main thing is that the plant is warm. For medicinal purposes, fruits, roots, leaves and bark are used. ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha: root

Despite the fact that all parts of the plant are useful and actively used for medicinal purposes, ashwagandha root is a storehouse of useful substances, and it is ashwagandha root is a universal means of combating many diseases. The most useful is the mature root of a 3 or 4 year old plant. But some experts in the field of Ayurvedic medicine argue that a two-year-old root can also be used. Since the plant is mainly grown in greenhouses, the age ashwagandha roots very easy to track. After collection, the raw materials are thoroughly washed and dried, no additional processing is required.

Ashwagandha: composition

Due to its exoticism and use mainly in traditional medicine, the chemical composition ashwagandha not fully explored. But scientists say with confidence that the plant has a lot of useful substances:

  • amino acids:,;
  • saponins,
  • glycosides,
  • steroid lactones,
  • phytosterols,
  • alkaloids,
  • iron,
  • Vitaferin A.

Ashwagandha: medicinal properties

Ashwagandha: application

Wide application ashwagandha in traditional medicine due to its beneficial properties and unique chemical composition.

Combined with other plants ashwagandha greatly enhances the therapeutic effect: and ashwagandha root used to improve vision.

Ashwagandha: for women

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(Withania somnifera, Solanaceae) is the Sanskrit word for " ashwa" means "horse", " gandha" - "smell", thus, ashwagandha- "having the smell of a horse." It is believed that this plant gives "horse" endurance, vitality and sexual energy. In Ayurvedic medicine, the root ashwagandha plays the same role as ginseng in Chinese, but ashwagandha much more accessible and therefore cheaper. Various types of drugs are prepared from it: infusions, milk decoctions, powders, tablets, medicinal oils. It has a tonic, rejuvenating, strengthening nerves, sedative effect.

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It is an effective nootropic (improving brain and memory activity) and biostimulating agent used for mental and physical overwork, asthenic conditions, neuroses, sexual and cardiac weakness. rich in whole a complex of biologically active substances: it includes macro- and microelements, amino acids, peptides, lipids, nucleic acid bases.

Ashwagandha APPLICATION AND DESCRIPTION. The variety of macro- andashwagandhaIt has a positive effect on the processes of respiration and the cardiovascular system, on the hormonal activity of a person.


Contained in ashwagandha amino acids, being the most important components of proteins, enzymes, hormones and many other biologically active substances, are involved in various biological processes of the brain, in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, improve the nutrition of brain nerve cells, are widely used in mental, cardiovascular diseases, increase adaptive reactions with heart failure and stressful conditions of the body. The lipid fraction acts on the cardiovascular system, normalizes the level of blood pressure, stimulates the sexual function of the body, has a rejuvenating effect on it, and has an anti-sclerotic effect. Peptides regulate various biochemical processes, protect the body from foreign elements, have a positive effect on learning and memory processes, regulate sleep, and have a positive effect on the treatment of schizophrenia. Nucleic acid bases take part in the formation of the genetic apparatus of the body, have a stimulating effect on strengthening the protective functions of the body, and have an antitumor effect.
increases mental and physical performance after serious illnesses, injuries and surgical interventions, as well as in asthenic conditions during the off-season, with a sharp change in the weather, with a change in climatic conditions; slows down the aging process, improving the condition of patients with atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, those suffering from peripheral circulation disorders, age-related changes in muscles, bones and joints, activates energy metabolism in an aging body; accelerates the process of wound healing, fusion of bones and connective tissue; improves performance, reduces the manifestations of competitive stress, reduces the effects of damage to muscles, bones and joints caused by physical overload, activates the growth and development of muscles; activates the body's defenses and the immune system, increasing resistance to colds and infectious diseases, increases blood pressure; improves the condition of patients with stress-related diseases (neuroses, neurasthenia, peptic ulcer, cardiovascular diseases, sexoneurosis, liver and kidney diseases), normalizes sleep (in acute sleep deficiency, it can increase the need for sleep); improves sexual function; reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood; has an anti-ulcer effect.

General characteristics of ashwagandha:
Part used: root.
Energy: taste - bitter, astringent, action - warming, taste after digestion - sweet.

VK-P and Ama + (in excess)

Action on tissues: muscles, fat, bones, bone marrow, nervous and reproductive tissues.
Effects on the systems: reproductive, nervous, respiratory.
General action: tonic, rejuvenating, aphrodite, strengthening nerves, sedative, astringent.
Indications: general loss of strength, sexual weakness, nervous exhaustion, recovery period; problems associated with old age, exhaustion in children, memory loss, muscle weakness, spermatorrhea, fatigue, tissue failure, insomnia, paralysis, multiple sclerosis, eye weakness, rheumatism, skin diseases, cough, shortness of breath, anemia, fatigue, infertility, swollen glands.
Warnings: high Ama, severe congestion.

Preparations: decoction, milk decoction, powder (250 to 1 g), paste, medicated oil, ghee medicated oil,

It has an effect on all organs of the body. Its high biological activity is associated with a high content of phytosteroids, lignins, flavonoglycosides, as well as special nitrogenous compounds called vitanloids (somniferin and vitanone). The latter have the strongest effect, despite the fact that they make up only 1.5% in relation to the rest of the chemical components of this plant.

Adaptogenic, nootropic, antidepressant and tonic effects are associated with the action of vitanloids. acts, like a tuning fork, on the central nervous system, ensuring its harmonization with the environment and internal organs.

At ashwagandha clear periods of seasonal activity have not been identified, as manifested in ginseng, eleutherococcus, ginkgo biloba, lemongrass and other adaptogens (they are most active in autumn). However, efficiency ashwagandha increases significantly in periods from 3 days before the full moon and up to 7 days, starting from the full moon. This plant, amazing in its properties, occupies one of the first places in the "golden row" of medicinal herbs growing in Southeast Asia. , having a wide spectrum of action on the human body, has been used by Ayurvedic healers for many millennia as rasayana, or a plant with a pronounced rejuvenating effect. In recent years ashwagandha became very popular in the West - both in the United States and some European countries. Medicines and nutritional supplements made on its basis in these countries have passed successful clinical trials.

Ashwagandhu It is recommended to take both practically healthy people who lead a busy lifestyle, and people who already have health problems. The first category includes especially those people who spend a lot of time at the computer or are connected with other high-frequency equipment, students during the session, athletes and those who have daily work.

Elderly people leading a socially active lifestyle and not having a pronounced pathology of internal organs, ashwagandha also recommended for preventive purposes. Ashwagandha should be used for children and the elderly. In children, ashwagandha promotes the production of growth hormone, and for the elderly, it is the main remedy for strengthening bones and joints, as well as helping with impotence, leucorrhoea and urinary incontinence.

This plant occupies a special place among practicing yogis: it is the main medicinal plant, which both strengthens the body and improves flexibility.

Ashwagandha APPLICATION AND DESCRIPTION. Mechanism of influence ashwagandha on the human body

Ayurveda conditionally divides the human body into three "floors". The upper "floor" includes the organs located above the diaphragm: the brain, pituitary gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands, thymus gland, heart and respiratory system.

The middle "floor" includes mainly the digestive organs: stomach, duodenum, small, blind, transverse colon and pancreas. In addition, the liver and spleen are located here. The lower "floor" includes the organs of the small pelvis: nights, adrenal glands, reproductive system, sigmoid and rectum. The spine, together with the spinal cord, also has the corresponding projections: the cervical and 1-7 thoracic vertebrae belong to the upper level, 8-12 thoracic and 1 lumbar - to the middle, 2-5 lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and coccyx - to the lower level. The arms are connected to the upper floor, and the legs are connected to the lower one.

It has an effect on all three "floors" of the body. First of all, ashwagandha balances the energy of the body. It is believed that for normal operation anna sharira(physical body) and prana sarira(energy-informational body) it is necessary that the energy be distributed as shown in the picture on the left.

However, in a modern person, this distribution of energy is severely disturbed due to an improper lifestyle: chronic stress and constant negative emotions, abuse of coffee and strong black tea, exposure to high-frequency radiation, late bedtime, use of clothes made of synthetic materials and many other factors. An imbalance of energy is detected using pulse diagnostics or the Kirlian method. It usually looks like the picture on the right.

Such a distribution of energy leads, on the one hand, to an overload of the organs of the upper "floor" and fluid retention in the body - to overexcitation of the cells of the nervous system, an imbalance in the functioning of the pituitary and thyroid glands, an increase in arterial and intracranial pressure, an accumulation of mucus in the bronchi and nasal sinuses, and a violation of cardiac activity. , and on the other - to a decrease in the activity of the digestive glands and the accumulation and we(products of incomplete metabolism, slags and toxins) in the intestines, to weakening of the kidneys and imbalance of the adrenal glands, venous congestion of the pelvic organs and dysfunction of the reproductive system.

Normalizes the energy balance during a two-week course (600 mg per day). With further intake of this phytopreparation for 7-10 days of each month, the energy balance is maintained at a normal level, even despite the continued action of the above negative factors for the body.

The phytosterols found in ashwagandha, in their chemical nature are similar to the structure of the male sex hormone - testosterone. Therefore, they stimulate the secretion of the excretion of the prostate and seminal glands, which is necessary for the normal state, increased activity and viability of spermatozoa. They normalize the colloidal balance and pH of the sperm. It is known that in ancient times ashwagandha used to treat male infertility and chronic prostatitis. Phytosterols ashwagandxu prevent the development of prostate adenoma in older men. Phytosterols also have an anabolic effect, activating protein synthesis and promoting the formation and development of skeletal muscles, changing the ratio between muscle and adipose tissue towards the former.

Because the ashwagandha is a male plant, women are sometimes afraid to take it, thinking that this plant will stimulate their manifestation of secondary male sexual characteristics. However, clinical trials ashwagandha conducted in the USA completely dispelled these incorrect conclusions. Moreover, it turned out that long-term use of this plant (4-5 months continuously) normalizes estrogen metabolism and thus prevents the development of fibromyomas and mastopathy. In addition, elimination of dysmenorrhea and algiomenorrhoea was noted in the majority of the examined women: menstruation began to flow regularly and painlessly. American researchers argue that the latter effect is most likely associated with the action of vitanloids.

IN ashwagandha natural antibiotics have also been found that suppress the reproduction of gonococci, staphylococci, hemolytic streptococcus and colibacilli. Some researchers point to the antiviral effect of the plant. Perhaps this is due to an increase in the activity of the nonspecific link of immunity by vitanloids.

Ashwagandhu can be successfully used in the complex treatment and prevention of peptic ulcer, liver pathology and lipid metabolism disorders.

The basis of its action is due to the fact that it increases Ojas (Ojas, in modern terms, is the energy of the immune system and sexual strength). When the level of Ojas falls, it is accompanied by degenerative and chronic diseases, difficult to treat or incurable infections and nervous disorders.

Ashwagandha should be used in a sattvic diet, i.e. food that promotes spiritual enlightenment.

Ashwagandha can be used in the form of tonic enemas (decoction).

It is one of the most powerful tonic herbs that replenishes the energy of the body.

It is used for severe prolonged diarrhea, for chronic dysentery,

With Vata-type hemorrhoids, when the hemorrhoids are dry, hard, painful, non-purulent, accompanied by constipation.

Ashwagandha is also indicated for Vata-type malabsorption, a condition of weakness of the small intestine, which is caused by adverse environmental factors, including dysbacteriosis. Vata malabsorption is accompanied by gas, bloating and migrating pain, dry skin, cracked tongue and anus, weight loss, and a tendency to arthritis. Periods when the stool is watery and frothy alternate with periods when the stool is dry and hard. There is a loss of energy, which ashwagandha replenishes.

Ashwagandha is also used in the complex treatment of candidiasis, which, according to, is considered a manifestation of internal weakness and disturbed harmony. Therefore, the goal of treating candidiasis is not only to kill the fungus, but also to increase energy levels.

Ashwagandha is also used in the treatment reduced body weight as a means of calming the nervous system. However, it should be borne in mind that if you are overweight, exceeding the recommended dosages of ashwagandha can lead to the accumulation of toxins and further weight gain.

In general, ashwagandha should not be used in the treatment of colds, but in cases of dry cough, loss of voice and hoarseness, insomnia and weakness, it can be used as a tonic. It is good to use ashwagandha during the recovery period after colds.

Ashwagandha is not used in the treatment of asthma, as it can worsen the condition, but its use is indicated for long-term debilitating treatment between attacks.

Similarly, ashwagandha is used in the treatment of hay fever and allergic rhinitis: it is not used in the acute phase of the disease, and is used in the periods between attacks of the disease as a tonic for the lungs.

Thus, the general principle of using ashwagandha in the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system is manifested: as a tonic, ashwagandha can worsen the condition in the acute phase of the disease, but during the recovery period, the use of ashwagandha is very useful, as it restores and strengthens the immune system.

Ashwagandha is indicated in the treatment of heart diseases, when they are manifested by palpitations, a feeling of interruption in the work of the heart, a feeling of numbness and constriction in the chest, as well as pain in the region of the heart of a throbbing, bursting or explosive nature. At the same time, insomnia, shortness of breath, dry cough, constipation, and often dark circles under the eyes are disturbing. The patient is annoyed by noise and loud speech. Attacks usually occur after overwork at work or excessive physical exertion. Anxiety, timidity, fear, anxiety, sometimes fainting are noted, after which these symptoms intensify.

In cases of Vata-type hypertension, which is accompanied by intermittent, periodic manifestations and nervous disorders, ashwagandha is used for a long time, so in this course of hypertension, mainly tonic therapy is indicated.

Ashwagandha can also be used for Vata-type urinary tract infections, which are accompanied by a long chronic course without exacerbations. In this case, ashwagandha acts as a kidney tonic.

Ashwagandha is of particular importance as a remedy for impotence in men, as it is an excellent tonic for the male reproductive system. In this regard, the use of ashwagandha is also shown in the treatment of prostatitis and Vata-type genital herpes (Vata-type genital herpes disappears without redness, inflammation, and is accompanied by dry skin, constipation, insomnia and loss of strength).

Ashwagandha APPLICATION AND DESCRIPTION. Ashwagandha is also used in the treatment of premenstrual Vata-type syndrome, which is accompanied by anxiety, depression, insomnia, constipation, headache and severe painful cramps. Nervousness, agitation, absent-mindedness are noted, dizziness, ringing in the ears, fainting, rapidly changing mood and capriciousness are possible. A woman may experience excitement, a feeling of uselessness, a feeling of cold, thirst and dry skin. She may feel like she is dying. Thoughts of suicide may appear, but with the onset of menstruation, all this passes. It is characterized by a short, only a few days, duration of menstruation with increased pain at dawn and at sunset (Vata time).

Ashwagandha is also well suited for the treatment of amenorrhea (delay or absence of menstruation), menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding), Vata-type leucorrhoea (leucorrhoea - brown, sticky and dry, with severe soreness), as well as menopause.

Of the other special conditions of a woman in which ashwagandha should be used, its particular usefulness during pregnancy, as well as miscarriage and in the complex treatment of female infertility, should be noted.

Ashwagandha is also shown in the complex treatment of chronic, without high fever, fevers, when tonic therapy is usually required.

Ashwagandha can also be used for injuries during the recovery period, when wound healing is slow or there has been significant tissue damage. Ashwagandha has a good effect on fractures, as well as in the recovery period after operations.

Ashwagandha is useful in arthritis, when it is necessary to stop degenerative and atrophic processes in the bone tissue, however, it is necessary to ensure that the tonic, which is heavy in nature, does not increase the formation of toxins from undigested food.

Ashwagandha has shown good efficacy in the complex therapy of cancer, which has been proven by clinical trials. In this case, high dosages are used - from 30 grams per day and above.

Ashwagandha should be used for children and the elderly. In children, ashwagandha promotes the production of growth hormone, and for the elderly, it is the main remedy for strengthening bones and joints, as well as helping with impotence, leucorrhoea and urinary incontinence.

Ashwagandha has been shown to have a positive effect on Vata-type hair loss, which is accompanied by dry skin, anxiety, insomnia, constipation, indigestion, and often occurs after a severe fright or serious illness.

And, of course, ashwagandha is one of the most important Ayurvedic remedies for the treatment of disorders of the nervous system. In particular, ashwagandha is used for deficiency and degenerative processes such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. Ashwagandha is the main remedy for the treatment of anxiety that accompanies many nervous disorders. It is a good remedy for insomnia, migraine , as well as in epilepsy in combination with calamus.

Special attention should be paid to ashwagandha in the treatment of mental disorders. In this case, ashwagandha is used along with cow ghee. Ashwagandha is very useful in Vata-type insanity, which is accompanied by unreasonable laughter, crying or singing, memory loss, incoherent speech, chaotic gestures or impaired coordination of movements. Such a patient looks exhausted, exhausted, he is overcome by fears, anxieties, depression, insomnia and nightmares.

Ashwagandha is also used for disorders associated with yogic practices, such as pranayama or the awakening of the Kundalini. Kundalini can also get out of control when doing strong meditation techniques or as a result of taking drugs.

Ashwagandha is useful in the treatment of tobacco smoking in Vata types, and drug addiction in all types.

Ashwagandha is an amazing and very beneficial medicinal herb. Flowers, leaves, and especially the roots of this plant are used for treatment. This plant is an adaptogen, which means that its medicinal properties are able to activate the body's defenses to fight stress and fatigue, giving a lot of strength and energy. But ashwagandha is not only famous for this, it also has many other health benefits. It has been proven to lower blood sugar levels, reduce cortisol levels, make the brain work better, and even act as an antidepressant.

In the article we will consider scientific facts about what ashwagandha is, its medicinal properties and contraindications for its use, how to take it and in what dosage.

Ashwagandha - medicinal properties and contraindications for men and women. Photo -

Medicinal properties of ashwagandha

Let us consider in more detail the scientifically proven beneficial properties of this amazing plant.

1. Used since ancient times as a medicinal herb

Ashwagandha is perhaps one of the most significant herbs in Ayurveda, a type of alternative medicine based on Indian principles of healthy lifestyle and natural healing. Ashwagandha has been used in Ayurveda for a very long time - more than three thousand years it has been used to combat stress, calm the body and at the same time increase energy levels and improve concentration.

"Ashwagandha" in Sanskrit means "the smell of a horse", which characterizes its unique smell and ability to increase strength. The botanical name is Withania somnifera and it is also called "Indian ginseng" and "winter cherry".

Ashwagandha is a small shrub with yellow flowers that grows in India and North Africa. For treatment, the dosage form of an extract or powder is used. The roots and leaves of the plant are crushed to obtain a healing remedy for various diseases. Many of the plant's medicinal properties are due to its high concentration of anonides, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties.

Ashwagandha is a famous herb in Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine). Today, it is a popular dietary supplement due to its health benefits.

2. Reduces blood sugar levels

One of the medicinal properties of ashwagandha is its ability to lower blood sugar levels.

A laboratory study found that the plant raises insulin secretion while improving insulin sensitivity (). Several human studies have confirmed the property of the plant to lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, but also in healthy people (). In addition, in one four-week study in patients with schizophrenia treated with ashwagandha, the value of the average reduction in fasting blood sugar was 13.5 mg/dl, compared with 4.5 mg/dl in those who received placebo ().

In a small study, six people with type 2 diabetes who took this medicinal herb for 30 days lowered their fasting blood sugar levels as effectively as taking a diabetes drug ().

Ashwagandha may lower blood sugar levels due to its effect on insulin secretion and sensitivity.

3. Has anticancer properties

Animal and test-tube studies have shown that ashwagandha helps induce apoptosis, which is the programmed death of cancer cells. It also inhibits the growth of new cancer cells in several ways.

First, the plant is believed to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are toxic to cancer cells but do not harm healthy cells. Secondly, it may cause cancer cells to become less resistant to apoptosis.

Scientists have shown that ashwagandha has the potential to treat several types of cancer, including lung cancer, breast and ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and brain cancer ().

In one experiment on mice with ovarian tumors, ashwagandha alone and also in combination with an anti-cancer drug reduced tumor growth by 70%! Plant treatment also prevented the "spread" of cancer to other organs ().

Although there are no studies to confirm these results in humans, the available studies are promising.

Animal and in vitro studies have found that ashwagandha promotes tumor cell death and may therefore be effective against certain types of cancer.

4. May Reduce Cortisol Levels

Cortisol is known in medicine as the "stress hormone". The adrenal glands release cortisol in response to stress and when blood sugar drops too low. Unfortunately, sometimes cortisol levels can become chronically elevated, which can cause spikes in blood sugar and an increase in belly fat (visceral fat).

One of the medicinal properties of ashwagandha is the ability to reduce cortisol levels.

In one study, people with chronic stress who took the plant had significantly reduced levels of cortisol compared to a control group. Those who took the highest dose had a 30% decrease in cortisol ().

Ashwagandha supplements may help lower cortisol levels in individuals with chronic stress.

5. Reduces stress and anxiety

Ashwagandha's most well-known adaptogen healing property is its ability to reduce stress.

Research suggests that the plant can block the nerve impulses that respond to triggering a stressful condition. So, several experiments involving real patients have shown that it can effectively reduce the symptoms of stress in people with anxiety disorders ().

In a 60-day study of 64 people with chronic stress, patients in the additional group reported an average 69% reduction in anxiety and insomnia compared to 11% in the placebo group ().

In another six-week study, 88% of people who took ashwagandha reported a half reduction in anxiety compared to those who took a placebo ().

Ashwagandha has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in both animal and human studies.

6. Reduces symptoms of depression

Although this medicinal property has not yet been studied as extensively, several studies show that ashwagandha may help relieve depression.

In one controlled 60-day study in 64 adults, those who took 600 mg of the herbal remedy per day reported a 79% reduction in symptoms of major depression, while the placebo group reported a 10% increase. However, only one of the participants in this study had a previous history of depression. For this reason, the relevance of the results is unclear.

The limited research available demonstrates that ashwagandha can help reduce symptoms of depression.

7. May Boost Testosterone and Increase Male Fertility

Ashwagandha supplements can have a profound effect on testosterone levels and reproductive health.

One study looked at 75 men with infertility and poor sperm counts. The men took ashwagandha daily for 2 months. As a result, all subjects had an increase in sperm count and motility. Also, one of the positive effects was a significant increase in testosterone levels. The scientists also said that the group taking the plant increased their plasma levels of antioxidants ().

In another study, men who took ashwagandha for stress found higher levels of antioxidants and better sperm quality. After three months of treatment, 14% of men became pregnant wives.

Ashwagandha helps increase testosterone levels and also significantly improves sperm quality and fertility (ability to conceive) in men.

8. Increases muscle mass and strength

Studies have revealed that ashwagandha has the ability to improve lean body composition and increase muscle strength.

In a study looking for a safe and effective dosage for taking the plant, healthy men who consumed 750-1250 mg per day had increased muscle strength after 30 days.

In another study, those who took the plant had significantly greater gains in muscle mass. It also more than doubled the reduction in body fat percentage compared to the placebo group ().

Ashwagandha has been shown to increase lean body mass, reduce body fat, and increase strength in men.

9. May Reduce Inflammation

Among the medicinal properties of ashwagandha is the ability to reduce inflammation.

Human studies have found that the plant can increase the activity of a person's natural immune cells (killer cells), which fight infection and help a person stay healthy ().

It has also been shown to reduce inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP). This marker is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

In one controlled trial, the group that took 250mg of ashwagandha daily saw a 36% decrease in CRP on average compared to a 6% decrease in the placebo group ().

Ashwagandha has been shown to increase the activity of natural killer cells in the body while reducing markers of inflammation.

10. Reduces cholesterol and triglycerides

In addition to its anti-inflammatory effects, ashwagandha has medicinal properties to improve heart health by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides.

Animal studies have shown that taking the herb significantly reduces bad cholesterol and triglycerides. One experiment on rats showed that ashwagandha lowered total cholesterol by almost 55% and triglycerides by as much as 45% (). However, human studies have reported less significant results - a reduction in unhealthy fats has been observed, but not as significant.

In a 60-day study, a group of adults with chronic fatigue who took the highest dose of the herbal remedy experienced a 17% reduction in "bad" LDL cholesterol and an 11% reduction in triglycerides.

Ashwagandha may help reduce the chance of developing heart disease by reducing bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

11. May Improve Brain Function By Improving Memory

Test-tube and animal studies show that ashwagandha can reduce the presence of memory and brain problems caused by injury or disease. Studies have shown that this herb promotes increased antioxidant activity, which protects the cells of the nervous system from the effects of harmful free radicals.

In one study in rats with epilepsy treated with ashwagandha, almost complete impairment of spatial memory disappeared! Most likely, this is due to a decrease in the influence of oxidative stress due to the effect of antioxidants ().

Although ashwagandha has traditionally been used to improve memory in Ayurveda, little research has been done in this area so far. In one controlled study, healthy men took 500 mg of the herbal remedy. As a result, all of them reported a significant improvement in reaction speed and speed of problem solving and decision making compared to those who used placebo ().

Another eight-week study in 50 adults found that taking 300 mg of ashwagandha extract twice daily significantly improved overall memory and attention (34).

Ashwagandha supplements may improve brain function, memory, reaction time, and ability to complete tasks.

12. Safe for most people and widely available

Ashwagandha is a safe herbal product for most people.


Some people should not take ashwagandha. These include:

  • Pregnant and lactating women
  • People with autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and type 1 diabetes.
  • People who are taking medication to treat thyroid disorders should exercise caution when consuming ashwagandha, as it can increase thyroid hormone levels.

Taking this herbal medicine can also lower your blood sugar and blood pressure, so you may need to adjust your dose of this herb.

How to take ashwagandha

The recommended dosage of this herb is usually between 125mg and 250mg per day. In the studies described, people took higher doses of ashwagandha, and therefore had a significantly greater positive effect and improvement.

If you wish to supplement your diet with ashwagandha, look for an extract of the plant's root or powder in 450-500 mg capsules and take it once or twice a day.

While ashwagandha is safe for most people, it should not be consumed by certain segments of the population despite its medicinal properties. Contraindications for taking the plant are: pregnancy, lactation, autoimmune disorders and thyroid disease. The recommended therapeutic dosage of ashwagandha is about 500 mg taken 1-2 times a day.


So, we examined in detail - what is ashwagandha, medicinal properties and contraindications for its use. Let's summarize briefly:

  • Ashwagandha is a traditional medicinal plant with many health benefits.
  • It can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, relieve symptoms of depression, increase fertility and testosterone levels in men, and may even improve brain function.
  • Taking ashwagandha supplements will be a simple and effective way to improve your health and quality of life. But before taking this remedy for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult your doctor.
  • August 30, 2018
  • medicinal plants
  • Natali Mikhaelis

Have you ever wondered why ashwagandha is banned in Russia? To answer this question, first you need to understand what this plant is, why it is so famous in the world and what medicinal properties and contraindications it has. You can find answers to these questions in this article.

Why is medicinal herb so popular?

Ashwagandha is an Indian root used in Ayurveda as an adaptogen. The plant helps fight various diseases that are caused by severe stress. It has a calming effect and has a positive effect on the human nervous system.

Ashwagandha has been highly valued for its unique medicinal properties for thousands of years. Adherents of Ayurvedic teachings have long realized that this plant contains a huge supply of natural forces. This healing herb is a source of excellent health, youth, vitality and energy. In this regard, the plant is actively used by many pharmacists to create medicines that help women and men improve their mental, physical and emotional state.

The Indian root has a rather powerful effect on the human body, so it cannot be treated lightly. You should know not only about the existing contraindications, which are many, but also about the features of the use of drugs and traditional medicine based on this plant. It is imperative to follow the dosage rules, as well as follow the instructions for use in order not to harm your own body.

plant description

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a perennial branched shrub that bears red berries. Reaches a height of 1 meter. There are not so many places on our planet where this healing plant grows:

  • northern Africa (Mediterranean region);
  • some parts of India;
  • eastern part of Asia.

Ashwagandha is also known under other names: Ethiopian agol, sunny-leaved physalis, Indian ginseng, winter cherry. As a rule, only the root of this plant is used for therapeutic purposes, but its fruits also have a number of healing properties.

Ashwagandha can be compared to Chinese ginseng in terms of its beneficial qualities, however, there is one important difference between these two herbs - the price. Due to the fact that the Indian version is much cheaper, its availability to the general population increases. This allows it to be widely used in the preparation of various medicines and even culinary delights.

The word ashwagandha itself is of Sanskrit origin. It is a compound of two words: ashva - horse and ganda - smell. In this regard, the translation will look something like this: "having the smell of a horse." And this plant got its name for a reason. Everyone knows that horses are quite hardy and strong animals. In ancient times, noting the amazing properties of ashwagandha to endow a person with vigor, strength, health and sexual energy like a horse, it was decided to give the healing herb just such a name. Even after thousands of years, the remedy from Ayurveda never ceases to amaze people with its unique properties.

plant composition

What are the medicinal properties and contraindications of ashwagandha? In order to understand this issue, you first need to learn about the substances that make up this plant, because it is thanks to its preventive and therapeutic composition that the grass is very popular all over the world.

Ashwagandha's active ingredients include saponins, phytosterols, alkaloids, and phenolic acids. Also, the plant contains a fairly large number of peptides, lipids, various micro- and macroelements. Sitoindosides, lactones, steroids, coumarins are no less important components of the Indian root. Due to the fact that ashwagandha contains a large amount of plant antibiotics, ashwagandha is able to eliminate most pathogenic microorganisms, up to the most dangerous species - gonococci, streptococci and staphylococci.

As soon as the plant enters the human digestive system, its active components will quickly be absorbed by the body. After entering the bloodstream, they are carried throughout the body with great speed and achieve a therapeutic goal.

Medicinal properties

The list of medicinal properties and contraindications of ashwagandha is quite extensive. The plant has a fairly wide spectrum of action:

  • For female representatives, this healing herb is a valuable find. It helps not only to correct the menstrual cycle, but also significantly relieves pain during it. There are also fairly high chances of being healed of fibroids, mastopathy and other benign formations with the help of ashwagandha. The action of the plant is aimed at normalizing metabolism, which will also be useful for people with eating disorders. Also, ashwagandha is an indispensable tool for women who have had childbirth, as it establishes full lactation, reduces the risk of postpartum depression and helps to restore health faster.
  • For men, medicinal herbs will be no less valuable. It can be used as an adjunct during the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland. Ashwagandha from India helps fight spermatorrhea (continuous or frequent ejaculation from the urethra) and is indispensable for men suffering from impotence and other sexual disorders. Also, products based on the medicinal root help to increase the quantity and quality of seminal fluid. Improve the volume and strength of muscles, increase endurance and performance of the body.
  • Perhaps one of the reasons why ashwagandha is banned in Russia is that the plant is a powerful aphrodisiac that can increase sexual desire in both men and women.

There is also an opinion that Indian ginseng helps prevent the development of certain cancers, although studies in this area are few. Therefore, it is impossible to confidently state that ashwagandha prevents the development of malignant tumors or even treats cancer.

Indications for use

Now we have figured out that the Ayurvedic herb has a real ability to fight many diseases. Therefore, it will not be surprising to hear that there are many indications for the use of drugs and folk remedies based on ashwagandha:

  • fibrosis and other benign formations;
  • prostate adenoma, prostatitis, adnexitis and other problems associated with the genitourinary system;
  • apathy, weakness, chronic fatigue;
  • impotence, decreased libido;
  • suspiciousness, anxiety, panic attacks and other psychosomatic symptoms;
  • poor quality of seminal fluid;
  • various diseases of a gynecological nature;
  • metabolic disorders, endocrine diseases, hormonal problems, diabetes mellitus of all types;
  • genital herpes.

Ayurvedic herb is also an indispensable helper for people who are forced to work and live in a busy rhythm. It helps fight fatigue and tones the body. Ashwagandha root will be useful for athletes training for wear and students during the session. Bodybuilders will also find use for this herb, as incorporating ashwagandha into your daily diet will allow you to build muscle mass faster.

Instructions for use

The herb ashwagandha is available in various dosage forms: decoction, tincture, oil, paste (in most cases sold ready-made), powder. The simplest option is capsules, which contain the drug. Ashwagandha extract should be taken with extreme caution, following the instructions that are necessarily attached to the drug. How many tablets to take and how often - will depend on the disease that you suffer from. For example, for preventive purposes (for a general improvement in well-being and uplifting mood), one to two capsules per day are taken. In case of any disease, the total dosage may be increased several times, however, we strongly advise you to consult a specialist before starting a course of self-treatment.

Combination with other drugs

In order to achieve a more powerful effect of Indian ginseng treatment, it is recommended to take it in combination with other Ayurvedic drugs, for example, together with brahmi, a remedy that strengthens and stimulates the cells of the nervous system.

Combined with ghee and arjuna, ashwagandha will give a good effect in the treatment and prevention of heart disease. And if you take a healing herb along with chandraprabha bati or gokshuradi guggul, you can prevent or cure inflammation of the urinary tract.


Ashwagandha should by no means be considered a harmless remedy, since the fruits and roots of the plant contain a large amount of active substances that can have a strong influence on blood composition, the state of internal tissues, homeostasis, and so on. Although it is worth noting that any, even the most natural drug, has a list of contraindications. Therefore, before starting a course of treatment with ashwagandha, you need to familiarize yourself with the full list of contraindications for this remedy:

  • For women during pregnancy and lactation, it is strictly forbidden to take medicines based on a medicinal plant. However, if necessary, you can consult with a specialist in this matter. If the doctor allows you to take ashwagandha, then "Indian ginseng" will not harm you.
  • Do not forget about various allergic reactions to one or more components of the remedy. Therefore, if you are an allergic person with experience, then it is better to refrain from taking ashwagandha. Side effects may include redness, a rash on the body, or even breathlessness.
  • With excessive thyroid function, stomach ulcers, as well as other diseases of the digestive system, you should refrain from taking drugs based on the healing root. However, it should be borne in mind that in some cases, ashwagandha can even improve the patient's condition. Therefore, it is worth consulting with a specialist.
  • You should also be wary of the Ayurvedic herb if you are taking other medications. To begin with, it is worth consulting with an experienced pharmacist about the compatibility of two or more drugs, so that unwanted side reactions do not occur.
  • It is strictly forbidden to give ashwagandha root and preparations based on it to young children.

If you have read the list of contraindications and did not find anything dangerous in it, then you can safely start a course of treatment with ashwagandha. The method of application and the required dosage will be described below.


In order to prevent deterioration of well-being due to the use of drugs based on Ayurvedic herbs, it is necessary to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. It is best, of course, to be able to consult with a specialist about the use of a particular remedy. In general, ashwagandha should be well tolerated by the body and should not cause side effects.

How to take ashwagandha at home? The drug should be taken before meals in compliance with the dosage indicated on the package or recommended to the patient by a medical specialist. For preventive purposes, the course of admission should not exceed two weeks for the first month. The next five months, ashwagandha is taken for 7 days. However, if you feel a deterioration in the condition, you should immediately stop taking the Ayurvedic plant.

Overdose symptoms

If you take a large dose of active substances, overdose symptoms may begin. Among the most common side effects: hallucinations, vomiting, toxic brain damage. Also, a person may develop irritable stomach syndrome, decrease pressure, and inhibition of reactions may appear. Also, uncontrolled intake of the drug can result in slowness, drowsiness, depression (due to a strong sedative effect), apathy, loss of strength. To avoid the development of side effects and turn the use of the drug for good, be sure to follow the indicated dosage.

Why is ashwagandha banned in Russia?

In many countries in Europe and Asia, as well as in the United States, ashwagandha is called an effective auxiliary drug that helps fight many diseases. However, in our country, reviews of preparations based on Ayurvedic plants are ambiguous. Some experts are positive about the use of Indian ginseng for preventive and therapeutic purposes, others reject the very idea of ​​using a medicinal root. So why is ashwagandha and all preparations based on it banned in Russia?

Most people who criticize the Ayurvedic herb cite the fact that it causes not only a number of side effects, but also addiction. An overdose of the active substance will also not lead to anything good. Most Russian medical professionals are against ashwagandha because they are afraid that people will start taking this remedy uncontrollably for self-medication and will only aggravate their condition. It was out of compliance with security measures that the state decided to ban the use of any drugs based on the Ayurvedic plant.

Yes, an overdose can really bring great harm to the body, however, if you follow the rules for taking the drug, ashwagandha can help overcome many diseases that conventional remedies are not able to cope with. Due to the fact that on the territory of the Russian Federation there is a ban on any drug that contains Ayurvedic herbs, it will not be possible to find a healing agent in free sale. However, many specialized online stores sell Indian ginseng. For example, the iHerb website provides a huge range of dietary supplements from well-known manufacturers (Dabur, Himalaya, etc.). In particular, here you will find medicines based on Ayurvedic herbs, as well as dried ashwagandha itself.

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