The best candles for hemorrhoids. Candles for hemorrhoids: inexpensive and effective Candles for hemorrhoids

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Hemorrhoids are treated not only with systemic remedies (tablets), but also with local remedies such as ointments for external hemorrhoids and suppositories for internal hemorrhoids. Rectal suppositories are quite effective, especially in the early stages.

In this article, we will consider the most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids, tell you how this or that drug differs from another, what are its benefits, price and contraindications

Regardless of what caused the appearance of hemorrhoids, prevention of this disease is very important. And the most effective in the prevention of candles, which in turn are divided into:





Which candles for hemorrhoids to choose specifically for you depends on the symptoms that prevail in you personally! The main directions of suppositories are listed below.



Main advantage


Anti-inflammatory action

Powerful hormonal suppositories.

With analgesic effect.

Enhanced with steroid hormone.

Leader among buyers.

Antiseptic and analgesic effect.

Quickly eliminates pain, burning and itching.

Vegetable candles with the lowest price.

Herbal candles.

They have no contraindications.

Anti-inflammatory effect.

complex effect.

Antimicrobial effect.

No. 1 in sales.

The most effective candles for hemorrhoids


Price: 75 rubles

Methyluracil is the main active ingredient. The excipient is witepsol. The drug has anabolic activity, has an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. It accelerates the healing process of wounds, promoting the maturation of healthy epithelium.

According to doctors' reviews, the effectiveness of the drug is really high - suppositories alleviate the condition in almost 90% of patients. However, additional treatment is required as the drug does not address the cause of the symptoms.

Use during pregnancy is possible, subject to agreement with the doctor. Children are recommended half the dosage.

Contraindications: cancer of the blood, bone marrow, or lymphatic system, less than 8 years of age.


    The best suppositories for stage 1 hemorrhoids.

Price: 230 r.

Nigepan differs from all previous ones in the presence of heparin, a substance that dissolves blood clots, and benzocaine, an anesthetic. Prescription drug!

According to customer reviews, nigepan relieves pain well and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Contraindications: bleeding from the anus, individual intolerance.


    Anti-inflammatory action.

Price: 415 r.

Proctosan is a natural remedy with a unique formula of active ingredients that often makes it one of the best. The composition of which includes bufeksamak - anti-inflammatory, bismuth subgallate - a disinfectant that reduces bleeding, lidocaine - a local analgesic that relieves pain, itching and burning, and titanium dioxide - has a regenerating and drying effect.

Buyers confirm the rapid elimination of hemorrhoid symptoms when using these suppositories.

Contraindications Keywords: childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding, syphilis, tuberculosis.

Candles from hemorrhoids with severe pain syndrome


    Powerful hormonal suppositories.

Price: 320 r.

Proctosedyl M is prescribed for severe forms of hemorrhoids, with severe pain.

It contains 4 active substances:

    Framycetin is an antibiotic that fights gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

    Hydrocortisone - a hormone from the group of glucocorticosteroids, significantly reduces pain, inflammation, swelling and itching, reduces the volume of exudate and serous compartments.

    Esculoside is a compound that restores flexibility and vascular permeability. That is, it fights the cause of hemorrhoids!

    Benzocaine and butamen are painkillers that relieve itching and spasm.

Contraindications: lesions of the perianal area with tuberculosis, viral or fungal infection, neoplasms in the intestines, pregnancy,


    Quickly eliminates pain, burning and itching.

Price: 440 r.

Procto-glivenol is used as a venotonic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Relieve intense pain, itching, regulate skin tone.

Tribenoside - improves blood circulation in hemorrhoids, improves their tone, relieves swelling and inflammation in the perianal area.

Lidocaine - acts as a local anesthetic, reduces itching.

According to many patients, procto-glivenol is the best suppository for hemorrhoids.

Contraindications: liver failure.


    An analgesic formula.

Price: from 470 rubles

Relief Advance contains shark liver oil and benzocaine. Shark oil stops bleeding, regenerates tissues, and effectively relieves inflammation. Benzocaine has an analgesic effect.

Contraindications: acute blockage of blood vessels by blood clots, reduced content.


    Enhanced with steroid hormone.

Price: 500 r.

Relief Ultra contains shark liver oil, like all formulas of this brand. Shark oil is quite effective in relieving inflammation, has a regenerating effect.

It also contains zinc sulfate monohydrate, which additionally accelerates tissue regeneration, fights anal fissures and erosions.

In addition, this formula is fortified with the corticosteroid hormone hydrocortisone, which quickly relieves pain, inflammation, itching and burning.

Contraindications: An absolute contraindication is neoplasms and infections of any etiology in the anorectal zone, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, hypernatremia, severe diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and breastfeeding; individual intolerance.

Relative contraindications (under medical supervision) include severe hypertension, HIV, tachycardia or arrhythmia, and osteoporosis.


    Eliminates pain, burning and itching in a minute.

Price: 240 r.

Hepatrombin G is an extremely effective remedy due to the content of the hormone prednisolone. Within the first minutes, pain, itching, burning go away, the remedy is effective even with severe pain.

In addition to prednisolone, the composition includes heparin (anticoagulant with anti-exudative and regenerating action) and lauromacrogol 600 (anesthetic with anti-sclerosing effect).

Hepatrombin G does not affect the cause of hemorrhoids, it only eliminates the symptoms. Therefore, additional treatment is required.

According to reviews, discomfort is felt during the first 20 minutes. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days due to the content of prednisolone and other potent substances.

Analog: gepazolon, with a cost of 325 rubles. Instead of lauromacrogol, regular lidocaine is used.

Contraindications: infection of the anus, syphilis affecting the intestines, pregnancy in the 1st trimester, tuberculosis, tumor of the gastrointestinal tract, individual intolerance, bleeding tendency.

Candles for bleeding


    Leader among buyers.

Price: 420 r.

Relief suppositories are anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor rectal suppositories. They contain shark liver oil, which has a hemostatic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect, and phenylephrine, which has a vasoconstrictive effect.

The basis of the suppository is cocoa butter, this component has a softening effect on hemorrhoids and inflamed skin around them.

Contraindications: children under 12 years of age, history of thromboembolism and granulocytopenia. It is used with caution in cases of high blood sugar, pregnancy, increased thyroid function.


    Antiseptic and analgesic effect..

Price: 100 r.

Anestezol is one of the cheapest suppositories of natural origin for hemorrhoids. It consists of benzocaine (pain reliever), bismuth (constricts blood vessels, increases blood coagulation), zinc (anti-inflammatory effect), menthol (antiseptic, constricts blood vessels). Candles have a slight laxative effect.

Buyers speak quite well about these suppositories, the price plays an important role. Treatment must be combined with other drugs, since after the course is stopped, the pain returns.

Contraindications: age under 12 years, intolerance to the main substances of the drug.


    Quickly eliminates all the symptoms of hemorrhoids, affects the cause of the appearance.

Price: 440 r.

The most inexpensive candles for hemorrhoids

1 Candles "extract belladonna"

    The best vegetable candles with the lowest price.

Price: 60 rubles

Candles " belladonna extract " are the cheapest in the domestic market, but at the same time, one of the best. Belladonna - she is belladonna, relieves spasms, including in the intestines, reduces sensitivity to pain at the level of nerve impulses. However, these suppositories do not solve the problem of hemorrhoids, but will help temporarily relieve pain. The result will be visible after the first application.

A side effect is a slight laxative effect of belladonna, which can cause flatulence. In addition, a burning sensation after insertion, discomfort is possible. Apply them 2-3 times a day for a week.

Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, prostate hypertrophy, colitis and intestinal atony, individual intolerance.

Side effects: tachycardia, thirst, dry mouth, diarrhea, visual disturbances (accommodation, paresis, pupil dilation).


Price: 75 rubles

Description of the drug and contraindications are described.


    Herbal candles.

Price: 85 p.

Candles for hemorrhoids - betiol, unlike belladonna extract, also contain ichthyol, which has an antispasmodic effect. The belladonna is a good herbal pain reliever.

Contraindications Key words: angle-closure glaucoma, prostate enlargement, childhood.


    They have no contraindications.

Price: 95 rubles

The composition includes only one active substance - ichthyol (ichthammol). It has anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates pain, has a keratolytic and antiseptic effect.

In addition, ichthyol increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs, as a result, they help with inflammation of the prostate in men and inflammation of the uterus and ovaries in women.


Candles for hemorrhoids during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In the group of drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the form of suppositories, practically nothing is recommended for use during lactation and pregnancy, especially during its 1st trimester, when the organs and systems of the fetus are formed. However, there is a group of suppositories for which these conditions are not an absolute contraindication - Natalsid, suppositories with belladonna extract. Posterizan, glycerin suppositories for hemorrhoids, Olestezin, Nigepan, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil, Betiol, Neo-Anuzol.

Limited use (in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, as well as during breastfeeding) - suppositories Relief and Relief Advance, Ultraprokt, Gepatrombin G. Using them, you need to analyze the effect of their use and the possible risk to the health of the child.

Video: Maryana Abritsova, a surgeon-coloproctologist, will tell you about the intricacies of using suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy:


    Elimination of pain from the first candle.

Price: 375 r.

Natalside includes an extract from brown algae - sodium alginate, which is used as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent, stimulates tissue healing. Used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Buyers note a good analgesic effect, which occurs after the first candle. The drug is completely herbal, and has a minimum of contraindications.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, age up to 14 years (for children under 14 years old, the children's form of suppositories - Alginatol) is recommended for use.


    Anti-inflammatory effect.

Price: 150 r.

Olestezin for hemorrhoids is a combination drug that is used in proctology as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent for hemorrhoids, anal itching and rectal fissures.

It consists of three active ingredients: benzocaine (relieves pain and discomfort), sea buckthorn oil (relieves inflammation, stops bleeding, regenerates tissues, tones blood vessels), and sulfaetidol (local antibiotic).

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug.


    complex effect.

Price: 80 r.

The drug with a combined action, is used as an analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, local anti-inflammatory agent, has an astringent and general effect against the manifestations of hemorrhoids.

Neo-anusole contains: bismuth subnitrate (protection of the rectal mucosa), zinc oxide (anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect), iodine (antiseptic effect), tannin (stops bleeding), as well as resorcinol and methylene blue (antimicrobial effect).

Contraindications: individual intolerance.


    Antimicrobial effect.

Price: 350 r.

Combined suppositories for hemorrhoids, which increases the resistance of the skin of the perianal region and the rectal mucosa to pathogenic bacteria. Used during lactation and pregnancy.

Compound: microbial inactivated cells of Escherichia coli.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to phenol.

Candles for children

1 Candles "Sea buckthorn oil"

    No. 1 in sales.

Price: 90 r.

Rectal suppositories "sea buckthorn oil" is a safe remedy that fights the symptoms of hemorrhoids well. The preparation contains natural sea buckthorn oil, which promotes accelerated tissue regeneration, stimulates the restoration of the skin and mucous membranes. The effect is noticeable after the first candle. It is used in the complex therapy of hemorrhoids, including during pregnancy.

Due to the low cost, these candles receive many positive reviews. Among the shortcomings, a bright orange color can be distinguished, which remains on the underwear when it flows out, and is difficult to wash off.

Contraindications: allergic reactions to sea buckthorn oil.

How to insert candles from hemorrhoids?

If these rules are observed, the maximum effectiveness of the drugs is guaranteed:

    A prerequisite is the hygiene of the perianal area.

    It is necessary to carry out the prevention of constipation, using mild laxatives such as Lactulose in the minimum dosage.

    The frequency of the use of suppositories - in the morning and in the evening or once, after defecation, the course of treatment is calculated on average for 1-2 weeks.

    The ineffectiveness of drugs, the appearance of atypical symptoms is a reason for revising the prescriptions of the proctologist.

Video: Maryana Abritsova, a coloproctologist surgeon, will tell you the correct technique for inserting a candle:

Education: Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (1996). In 2003 he received a diploma from the educational and scientific medical center for the administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Updated: 05/10/2018 12:54:58 PM

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Hemorrhoids are a widespread and unpleasant disease of predominantly middle age, in which the veins surrounding the rectum become inflamed, injured, and pathologically dilated. This all leads to the sensation of a foreign body and itching in the anus, and then there is pain, bleeding, and prolapse of hemorrhoids. All this significantly impairs the quality of life. Fortunately, modern medicine has a large arsenal of various drugs for hemorrhoids, both for local and internal use.

Rating of the best remedies for hemorrhoids

Nomination place Name of product price
The best remedies for hemorrhoids in women 1 417 ₽
2 310 ₽
3 427 ₽
4 71 ₽
5 383 ₽
The best remedies for hemorrhoids in men 1 1 445 ₽
2 420 ₽
3 245 ₽
4 224 ₽
5 410 ₽
The best candles for hemorrhoids 1 521 ₽
2 433 ₽
3 87 ₽
4 298 ₽
The best pills for hemorrhoids 1 533 ₽
2 432 ₽
3 990 ₽

The best remedies for hemorrhoids in women

In the female body, nature itself has laid a predisposition to vascular disorders. The reason for this is pregnancy and childbirth. Increased synthesis of progesterone contributes to a deterioration in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and a sedentary lifestyle of a pregnant woman and the high pressure of the fetus that it exerts on blood vessels and tissues at the end of pregnancy further exacerbate the predisposition to vascular disorders.

In the mechanism of childbirth, high pressure develops, which also leads to microcirculation disorders. Additionally, you can name many professions characteristic of women, when they spend all the time standing on their feet, or, on the contrary, sit during the entire working time. All this as a result leads to venous congestion in the legs and pelvic area, the formation of varicose veins of the lower extremities and hemorrhoids. Here are some remedies that help women in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

This tool is designed to quickly relieve symptoms of exacerbation of hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. The product contains a corticosteroid hormone based on fluocortolone, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Additionally, the composition of the suppositories includes lidocaine, which immediately produces a powerful analgesic effect. It is this combination that allows the drug to occupy high positions in the ratings of antihemorrhoid drugs. The remedy is indicated for various types of proctitis, and in the form of a rectal cream, it can be applied with skin lesions in the anus.

Relief Pro should be inserted into the anus after defecation and hygiene measures. The use of suppositories is recommended twice a day, and in severe cases with vascular thrombosis and with severe pain in the first two days - three times a day. The product is produced by the German concern Bayer, the package contains 12 rectal suppositories, which can be purchased at retail from 500 rubles, in spring 2018 prices.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the remedy include the rapid onset of the therapeutic effect. The disadvantages of the remedy include a rather high price and possible overdose symptoms when using suppositories more than 3 times a day. The most pronounced effects are manifested by the cardiovascular and nervous systems, therefore, a doctor should prescribe Relief Pro.

Trombless is a remedy that comes in the form of a gel for external use, and it contains the substance heparin, which reduces blood clotting and prevents thrombosis, and also has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. With hemorrhoids, the drug is indicated in complex therapy, together with other drugs, such as painkillers and laxatives. It is necessary to apply the gel, easily rubbing into the perianal area, after appropriate hygiene measures.

The tool is used daily, the average duration of the course is 5-7 days. The tool is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical manufacturer OAO Nizhpharm, and the price of one package of gel weighing 50 grams starts from 260 rubles. A similar preparation containing heparin is available under the commercial names Lavenum, Lyoton 1000, and Thrombogel.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the remedy include its good tolerability, painless use (since at the beginning of therapy in the period of exacerbation, it is sometimes even painful to administer suppositories), and an affordable price. The drug is used in the complex therapy of varicose veins of the legs, which allows it to be used in women with double effectiveness in case of joint diagnoses. The disadvantages of the remedy include individual intolerance, in which there are various disorders of blood coagulation.

This tool deservedly got into the rating of antihemorrhoid drugs, as it has a local anesthetic effect, reduces the formation of varicose veins of the rectum, and protects blood vessels. The composition of the product includes tribenoside, which is able to reduce capillary permeability and vascular tone, it reduces the release of inflammatory and pain mediators.

Lidocaine, as in the case of Relief Pro, has a rapid analgesic effect when using suppositories. The agent is used only rectally, twice a day, in the morning and evening until the relief of acute symptoms, and then the agent must be used once. The duration of the general course of treatment is determined by the doctor. These candles are produced by the French company Dela Pharm, and it is represented in Russia by the Swiss concern Novartis Pharma. You can buy a package of rectal suppositories in the amount of 10 pieces starting from the price of 375 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive qualities of this remedy include an effective combination, the presence of a modern tribenoside component, and a quick action. The negative aspects of the drug include the presence of contraindications, among which, in addition to individual intolerance, liver failure. Perhaps a rare development of side effects - angioedema and local reactions in the form of burning and itching.

Troxerutin got into the rating as a means for a complex effect on microcirculation, it can treat not only hemorrhoids. The list of indications includes about two dozen names of various diseases, including thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. The active ingredient is a natural bioflavonoid - a derivative of rutin.

The drug is able to reduce the permeability of the capillary walls, and increases the tone of the vessels of the microvasculature. This leads to a decrease in edema and inflammation of the vascular wall, the drug is indicated for use in both the acute and chronic stages of hemorrhoids. The agent is used in the form of capsules, which contain 300 mg of the active substance. Capsules are used after meals three times a day, the course of treatment is about a month. The medicine is produced by many domestic manufacturers, and is inexpensive. For a package of 50 capsules, it is enough to pay only 150 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Troxerutin include the availability and universal specificity, which allows the treatment of many vascular syndromes, and the disadvantages include the undesirability of its use in gastric ulcers, in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as such reported side effects in the form of headache and allergic reactions. With the simultaneous appointment of troxerutin and aspirin, it enhances the effect of the latter on the vascular wall.

The tool is famous for its unique multi-component nature, which made it possible to give it one of the places in the ranking. One of the active ingredients is bismuth compounds together with titanium dioxide. The composition of the drug includes bufexamak, which inhibits inflammation and acts on prostaglandins, and lidocaine.

All these substances are active, and as a result, suppositories have anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic effects. Due to the bismuth compound, the astringent and drying activity of the drug arises. These suppositories are shown, in addition to hemorrhoids, also for cracks, proctitis and itching of the anus. In addition to suppositories, Proctosan is available in the form of a rectal ointment, with which treatment can be started in the acute period, when the introduction of a suppository is still quite painful.

If suppositories are prescribed, then they are prescribed one suppository two or three times a day, and after the acute pain drains, the drug continues to be prescribed for one or two weeks. These candles are produced by the German company Stada, and you can buy a package of 10 candles starting from 330 rubles. at spring 2018 prices.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this tool, of course, include a multifaceted action, it quickly improves the local condition of the patient. Contraindications to the drug are standard, for example, pregnancy and breastfeeding, hypersensitivity to individual components, no special contraindications are noted anymore. A curious and rare side effect when using this remedy can be considered a decrease in the strength of condoms, but the instructions do not specify exactly how Proctosan and latex interact.

The best remedies for hemorrhoids in men

The causes of male hemorrhoids are much more prosaic than in women. Most often, it leads to the use of alcohol, which causes plethora of venous vessels, smoking and men's craving for spicy foods. As a result of the abuse of alcohol and nicotine, thrombotic processes occur, the vascular lumen decreases, and spicy food contributes to a sharp plethora of intestinal vessels, irritates the rectal wall and contributes to the occurrence of hemorrhoids. In addition, physical labor and weight transfer, and power sports contribute to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, and the progression of symptoms of hemorrhoids. What drugs for the treatment of this unpleasant disease are included in the rating of male remedies?

Perhaps Detralex, or its analogues with the commercial names Venarus and Phlebodia, are the most active venotonics and venoprotectors. They consist of natural remedies, diosmin and hesperidin. And these bioflavonoids are able to influence microcirculation and protect blood vessels. As a result of the course intake of Detralex, the extensibility of the veins and the stagnation of blood in them decrease, the permeability of capillaries and their fragility decrease. It is important that the high effect of Detralex is confirmed by numerous clinical studies. Detralex, in addition to hemorrhoids, is used for chronic venous insufficiency, when there are complaints of swelling, fatigue and pain in the legs.

The remedy should be taken for acute hemorrhoids in a rather high dose, 6 tablets per day, 3 in the morning and three in the evening, this dosage is maintained for 4 days, and then halved, and the medicine is taken for another 3 days. Detralex is produced by the well-known French company Servier, and for a package of 30 tablets, designed for 2 weeks of administration (for chronic hemorrhoids), you will have to pay 670 rubles. The drug is available in suspension for oral administration.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Detralex include convenience and safety of use, no cases of overdose have been described. It is recommended to pay attention to side effects, among which nausea, diarrhea and dyspeptic disorders were most often noted. Of course, the positive effects include the absence of contraindications to taking the remedy, except for individual intolerance - after all, it is from plant components. The disadvantages include, perhaps, not too low price.

Relief Advance was included in the rating of hemorrhoids treatment due to its pronounced and very strong analgesic effect. Sometimes it is very important for men to relieve a symptom, since a proctologist will prescribe complex therapy, and good anesthesia is very important on the first day of an exacerbation. These suppositories contain benzocaine, which is many times greater in local anesthetic and analgesic activity than novocaine and lidocaine, which are part of most rectal suppositories.

Benzocaine is not absorbed into the blood, and does not have a resorptive effect, and cocoa butter, which is part of the candles, softens and soothes the rectal mucosa. In addition to hemorrhoids, these suppositories are indicated for proctitis and rectal fissures, during various small diagnostic studies, and after surgery. You can buy Relief Advance rectal suppositories in the amount of 12 pieces per pack at a price of 415 rubles. It is necessary to use these funds no more than 4 times a day, after hygiene procedures.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of the remedy include small symptoms of an overdose if more than 3 suppositories are administered per day. May be disturbed by drowsiness or anxiety, this should be taken into account when prescribing drugs, which must be carried out by a doctor. Side effects such as hyperemia and itching in the anus, as well as allergic reactions such as rash and urticaria can be attributed to the negative aspects of prescribing the drug. The positive aspects include a very fast effect, complete anesthesia and a fairly low price of the drug.

Another complex drug for the treatment of male hemorrhoids, which is available in rectal suppositories, is Nigepan. These suppositories contain both a heparin derivative and the same benzocaine. This allows you to enhance the effect of suppositories, and in addition to pronounced local anesthesia, it becomes supplemented with anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects, or anticoagulant. It is necessary to apply Nigepan one suppository twice a day for one or two weeks. This drug is produced by the domestic manufacturer OAO Nizhpharm, for one package of 10 suppositories you will have to pay from 220 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the remedy include its effectiveness in the development of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, both external and internal, and low price. As for the negative qualities, in patients in the first two to three days of use, a slight increase in rectal bleeding (if any) may occur, which subsequently disappears. In the event that the drug is prescribed in conjunction with other drugs to improve the rheological properties of blood, with anticoagulants, then careful monitoring of INR and specialist consultation is necessary before prescribing the drug.

This herbal preparation is a bioflavonoid derived from horse chestnut, the active ingredient is escin. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, has been added to further improve nerve trophism and conductivity. Aescusan has an angioprotective and anti-edematous effect; of herbal preparations, perhaps only Detralex can be compared with it. The tool belongs to venotonics, and can be used, except for hemorrhoids and varicose veins of the lower extremities, and chronic venous insufficiency.

This drug, packaged in rectal suppositories for topical use, has a complex hemostatic effect, is able to fight chronic inflammation, and produces a reparative effect. Candles are included in the rating due to the content of a unique ingredient - sodium alginate, which is a natural polysaccharide, and it is obtained from kelp, or brown seaweed.

The main component of the active substance is hyaluronic acid, which improves the processes of cell division of the mucous membrane of the colon and the walls of hemorrhoidal vessels. After entering the rectum, this component of the suppositories swells strongly and turns into a gel. As a result, it also exhibits an enveloping effect. The drug is administered after hygiene procedures (one suppository once or twice a day). Candles are produced by the domestic manufacturer OAO Nizhpharm, and cost from 405 rubles. for one pack of 10 suppositories, which is enough for 5 days at the maximum dosage.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since the active ingredient is a natural polysaccharide, an overdose is impossible. The medicine can be used as a symptomatic remedy to stop hemorrhoidal bleeding, which other suppositories cannot do. This also increases the rating of this drug. The negative features of this drug include only individual hypersensitivity and various local allergic reactions to algae, in the form of itching, urticaria or rash.

The best candles for hemorrhoids

Many of the above drugs for hemorrhoids are available in suppositories, or in suppositories. Their range is so large that it is difficult to find any particularly worthy effective means that are the best. However, modern multicomponent agents that can affect inflammation, swelling, bleeding and pain have the greatest effect. What funds are included in the rating of the best candles for hemorrhoids?

Continues the line of Relief suppositories Ultra Relief, which is used for many diseases of the rectum. The active substances include the corticosteroid hormone hydrocortisone, zinc sulfate and cocoa bean butter. These substances have anti-inflammatory, regenerating, vasoconstrictive, antipruritic and drying effects. Zinc sulfate at the same time promotes the healing of cracks and erosion. It is recommended to use this drug after washing and hygiene procedures, and should be administered no more than up to 4 suppositories per day. This good medicine is produced by the German concern Bayer, and for one package of 12 rectal suppositories you should pay from 455 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted positive aspects of this drug include high efficiency and complex action, affordable price and the absence of cases of overdose. The disadvantages include those conditions in which the use of glucocorticosteroids is contraindicated: this is an infectious lesion of the anorectal zone, severe diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and lactation. In the event that the patient has severe arterial hypertension, severe heart rhythm disorder, osteoporosis and endocrine disorders, then only a doctor should prescribe this drug, and the expected effect of the treatment should exceed the potential risk of side effects.

This drug is perhaps one of the most multicomponent for the local treatment of hemorrhoids. It contains an analgesic potent local substance - benzocaine, a small amount of hydrocortisone, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, the antibiotic framycetin, which is able to suppress microbial infection in case of symptoms of proctitis and infected anal fissures.

The composition of the drug also includes esculoside, which is similar in structure to vitamin P. It is able to reduce capillary fragility and restore their elasticity, and this reduces the risk of bleeding. Additionally, the analgesic effect of Proctosedil is enhanced by butamben, which is also a local anesthetic and is indicated for various dermatitis, wounds and burns. Additionally, the therapeutic formula is enhanced with heparin, which has an antithrombotic effect.

Such a universal composition allows the drug to actively fight various forms of hemorrhoids, and the therapeutic analgesic effect can be seen within a few minutes after administration. Apply the drug one suppository twice a day, but not more than 7 days. There is a form of Proctosedyl M, which is available as a rectal ointment. This drug is produced by Sanofi Aventis, and you can buy a package of 10 rectal suppositories for 324 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of the drug are a continuation of its advantages: the more the product contains components, the more often an allergic reaction can be expressed. In some cases, there is a side effect in the form of burning and dryness of the mucous membrane of the anus and rectum, and with prolonged use without a doctor's prescription, effects characteristic of long-term use of steroid hormones may develop. The advantages of candles include speed of action, Proctosedyl is able to replace several funds alone, as well as a very affordable price and good quality.

These candles for hemorrhoids can be called one of the most popular folk remedies, which is why they got into this rating. The main action of Neo-anuzole is antiseptic and astringent. This is achieved due to the content of bismuth compounds, zinc oxide, tannin, resorcinol and iodine. Everyone knows that lotions from tea can reduce redness and inflammation, and tea contains tannin.

These suppositories are used rectally no more than twice a day, and they can be bought at almost any pharmacy. For a package of 10 candles, you need to pay only about 90 rubles. Additionally, this remedy has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antispasmodic effects.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Neo-anuzole include affordable prices and mild action, the absence of interaction with other drugs and the rare development of side effects, which can be expressed as a slight irritation of the skin around the anus. Minor negative qualities include the dark blue color of the candles, which is due to the addition of methylene blue - this can stain your hands. The positive properties include almost exclusively local action, because all the drugs that are part of these rectal suppositories are not absorbed from the surface of the rectum into the blood. The drug is released without a prescription.

Antihemorrhoid suppositories Gepazolon are a multicomponent drug for topical use. It contains heparin in the form of a sodium salt, which thins the blood and has anticoagulant and antithrombotic effects, the local anesthetic lidocaine, which reduces the severity of pain, and the corticosteroid hormone prednisone.

This drug is used to treat acute and chronic hemorrhoids and anal fissures. The drug is injected into the rectum no more than 2 times a day, the course of treatment is up to 7 days, but as prescribed by the attending physician, it can be extended twice - up to two weeks. This drug is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Altfarm. You can buy it at a price of 255 rubles. for one pack of 10 candles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the drug include its good tolerability, subject to the recommended dosage and when using the remedy for short treatment courses. In the event that the drug is used for more than a month, then the appearance of systemic effects of corticosteroid hormones associated with the penetration of prednisolone into the bloodstream is not excluded. Therefore, in such patients, especially the elderly, who arbitrarily, without a doctor's prescription, use this remedy for a long time, osteoporosis, a violation of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of erosive gastritis, signs of diabetes mellitus, adrenal suppression and other manifestations of endocrine dysfunction may occur. Therefore, these suppositories should be used in a short course and on the recommendation of specialists, then the reception will be completely safe.

The best pills for hemorrhoids

Tablets and oral preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids are mainly drugs that soften feces and facilitate bowel movements. This is a very important stage of pathogenetic treatment, since it allows all the above drugs to work effectively in suppositories, and prevent the occurrence of an exacerbation associated with constipation and straining. What funds are considered the most worthy to take a place in the ranking?

This drug is a herbal remedy, it weakens due to the action of the psyllium seed coat. The medicinal effect of the shell of psyllium seeds is manifested due to the presence of a large amount of dietary fiber and plant mucus. The shell of one psyllium seed can absorb 50 times more water than its own weight. It is this fact that contributes to a significant moistening of the stool and the formation of normal feces. At the same time, the swollen mucous mass lubricates the intestinal wall and prevents re-damage of the rectal mucosa during defecation.

Of course, the indications for the use of laxatives are much wider than hemorrhoids. These are various options for constipation, bowel cleansing before surgery and other indications. For ease of use, psyllium seeds are prepared in the form of special granules with an orange flavor. A suspension is prepared from them. It is recommended to use this medicine orally, one sachet two or three times a day, previously mixed in one glass of water. Instead of water, you can take fruit juice or any other liquid. After drinking, you should also drink a glass of water. This product is produced by the German company Dr. Falk Pharma, and you can purchase 20 single bags at a price of 470 rubles, and a dry suspension in the amount of 300 grams in a jar can be purchased for at least 1000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this laxative include high efficiency and a mild effect on the intestines, which made it possible to get into the rating, and the disadvantages are the development of symptoms in case of an overdose in the form of flatulence and discomfort in the abdomen. There is a recommendation not to take a laxative at bedtime, and a fluid load during treatment is required, in which at least one and a half liters of fluid is applied per day. The disadvantages include a fairly high price.

Guttalax, manufactured by Sanofi, is a medicine in tablets or drops for oral administration, which has a pronounced laxative effect that can stimulate intestinal motility. The active substance of both tablets and drops is sodium picosulfate. This agent is broken down by microbes in the human intestine, and stimulates the colon mucosa. Besides hemorrhoids, this remedy is indicated for habitual constipation, intestinal dysbacteriosis, and errors in diet. Tablets should be taken with plenty of liquid, and for regular morning stools, it is recommended to take a laxative at night. An adult patient is prescribed one or two 5 mg tablets daily. You can buy the drug starting from 450 rubles. for a pack of 50 tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the drug include the fact that it begins to act only at the level of the large intestine, and does not affect the processes of digestion and absorption in the small intestine, and therefore can be prescribed to patients with digestive disorders in the duodenal region. The negative sides include possible side effects in the form of discomfort, nausea, hypersensitivity to the active substance, as well as a large list of contraindications for use, from obstructive bowel disease to lactase deficiency and dehydration. Therefore, a doctor's consultation before prescribing the remedy should be mandatory.

Phlebodia 600, containing an active angioprotective agent - diosmin, is widely used for various types of vascular dysfunction, from hemorrhoids and varicose veins to other chronic circulatory disorders. This medicine is the "gold standard" in the treatment of chronic venous pathology. It has a tonic effect on the veins, improves the drainage function of the lymphatic system of the rectal nodes, reduces capillary permeability and has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also constricts blood vessels. This leads secondarily to a decrease in bleeding. It is recommended to use this remedy for exacerbation of hemorrhoids, 2 or 3 tablets per day with meals, for a week, that is, one tablet 3 times a day. This drug is produced by the French pharmaceutical company InoTerra. One package, designed for 10 days out of 30 pieces, can be purchased at 2018 prices for 820 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantages of the drug include the absence of an overdose, since the active substance is a natural bioflavonoid, the absence of interaction with other drugs, and the rare development of side effects. However, in the treatment of acute hemorrhoids, it is imperative to include other local remedies that are used together, in the form of rectal suppositories. A rather high price can contribute to the patient's negative decision on the use of the drug.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Hemorrhoids are a pathological process that affects the cavernous bodies around the rectum. The disease develops due to excessive blood flow and stagnation in the vessels of the small pelvis. The elasticity of the ligaments that hold the rectum and the surrounding vessels is broken. It is fixed outside of the lumen of the rectum. When the nodes fall out, infringement, bleeding develops. The pathological process is accompanied by severe pain, discomfort, worsens the patient's quality of life.

Pathology is chronic, requires complex treatment with the use of general therapeutic and local remedies. Suppositories for resorption of hemorrhoids are considered to be effective and affordable means for treatment.

Today's pharmaceutical industry provides patients with a range of medicines in the form of suppositories to get rid of an unpleasant disease. The final choice is made by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's condition.

A number of rectal suppositories with various principles of action have been developed. The chemical composition and pharmacological action of suppositories varies. Effects of exposure to suppositories:

  1. Pain relieving effect. The suppositories contain local anesthetics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Of the local anesthetics, benzocaine or lidocaine is often included in the composition of therapeutic agents.
  2. The anti-inflammatory effect is due to the presence in the dosage form of non-steroidal components, corticosteroid hormones. Candles are characterized by anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect. Suppositories contain potent components - should be used in a short course.
  3. Hemostatic and wound healing components stop bleeding from anal fissures and heal.
  4. Suppositories containing venotonics strengthen the vascular walls, increase the elasticity of the tissues of the cavernous bodies. With an exacerbation of hemorrhoids with a prolapse of the nodes outward, this reduces the node in size, helps to reduce it.
  5. The addition of anticoagulants to the composition of suppositories prevents the development of blood clots in the vessels of the small pelvis. Heparin is often used as the active substance. When bleeding from anal fissures, it is strictly contraindicated to use candles!

Rectal absorbable suppositories are made on the basis of solid oils (cocoa butter). Once in the rectum, they melt easily. Active active substances are absorbed through the mucous membrane and act on the internal nodes. Ointments for hemorrhoids with prolapsed nodes are used to treat the external form of the disease.


Candles have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Relieve swelling, help resorption of hemorrhoids. The suppositories contain local anesthetic lidocaine and venotonics.

Candles quickly melt at a temperature of 38-39 degrees, are absorbed into the tissues of the rectum and cavernous bodies. Means are effective in the acute stages of the disease, when the inflamed node has fallen out and hurts.


The suppositories contain the local anesthetic benzocaine. Suppositories contain zinc - an antiseptic - and menthol, which has an analgesic effect, eliminates burning in the anus.


The composition of the candles includes an extract of the belladonna plant. The drug has a pronounced analgesic effect, relieves spasms. Under the influence of the drug, the rectum stops hurting, swelling. The drug has long been used in proctology, characterized by effectiveness in internal forms of the disease.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories

The group of drugs includes corticosteroid hormones, substances that have a venotonic effect. The drugs quickly eliminate the inflammatory process, accelerate the resorption of the hemorrhoid. Apply in a short course. Contraindications to the use of suppositories are the period of gestation and early childhood.

Hepatrombin G

The hormonal drug is effective in the treatment of the acute stage of hemorrhoids. The composition contains a glucocorticosteroid component, heparin - helps relieve swelling, prevent the formation of blood clots. The drug is effective when the knot does not resolve for a long time.

It should be used in a short course due to the side effects that glucocorticosteroids have on the body. Thanks to the suppositories, it is possible to relieve swelling, pain during hemorrhoids, achieve a reduction in size of the bumps, and prevent prolapse. If a large knot fell out, it is recommended to use.

Proctosedyl M

Proctosedyl M suppositories have a similar composition - they contain a hormonal component, venotonics. Due to the presence of a vasoconstrictor in the composition, inflammation is removed with the help of suppositories, bleeding stops. Treatment helps protect against thrombosis, often a complication of hemorrhoids. Candles are effective when the hemorrhoids are inflamed and do not resolve for a long time.


The drug in the composition contains the hormonal component prednisolone, heparin. Suppositories relieve pain, swelling during inflammation. Prevent the formation of blood clots in the nodes. With the development of bleeding, suppositories are contraindicated.

Wound healing suppositories

For the healing of wounds and fissures of the rectum and for ruptures of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use suppositories with an anti-inflammatory and healing component.


The drug was created on the basis of seaweed extract. Safe and effective for the treatment of inflammatory processes and cracks in hemorrhoids. The use of Natalsid suppositories is required to heal wounds and microscopic cracks in the mucous membrane, reduce bleeding, inflammation in the nodes. Indications for use are external and internal hemorrhoids.


Relief - popular suppositories for hemorrhoids, absorbable nodes and affecting the speedy healing. The drug is based on shark liver oil. It has a pronounced wound healing and resolving effect.

Treatment with Relief suppositories reduces the inflammatory process, relieves itching and burning in the rectum. Candles with antiseptic action prevent the attachment of a secondary infection, the development of complications. Against the background of the use of suppositories, hemorrhoids decrease in size, blood flow in the vessels of the rectum improves. Relief is available in the form of an ointment for external use - you can treat prolapsing hemorrhoids.

Candles and ointments Relief are safe, used to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women, young children.

Methyluracil suppositories

They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, absorbable and wound-healing effect.

Candles containing propolis are characterized by anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action. Known for strong allergenic properties. It is required to apply with care.

Glycerin suppositories

Suppositories with glycerin have a dual effect on inflamed hemorrhoids. One side is a laxative effect and prevention of constipation. The other side is the enveloping effect of glycerin, the ability to heal microscopic wounds and cracks.

The use of suppositories during pregnancy, in early childhood

Hemorrhoids often develop in women during pregnancy. An increase in pressure in the pelvic cavity due to an increase in the uterus is considered a provoking factor for the development of the disease in pregnant women.

Many medical procedures during pregnancy are contraindicated. Proctologists select safe drugs for expectant mothers. Effective, safe for hemorrhoids in pregnant women and children, suppositories and Relief ointment. The active substances of the drugs do not penetrate the hematoplacental barrier - they do not harm the unborn baby.

Proven hemorrhoid ointment for external use in children and pregnant women - Relief ointment. With the addition of a secondary infection and the development of bleeding, Levomekol ointment is effective.

The pharmaceutical industry does not produce special suppositories for hemorrhoids for children. Use candles for adults. They are divided into parts based on the body weight of the child. It is required to insert candles carefully to a shallow depth. Before use, it is desirable to clean the intestines.

Almost any disease is treated using systemic and local medicines. Systemic drugs include injectable solutions and tablets. Local medicines are called medicines that must be applied to a specific place.

In case of inflammation of hemorrhoids, creams and ointments (for the external form of the disease) and rectal suppositories (for internal affected bumps) are considered local remedies.

The latter type of drug is considered extremely effective, especially in the initial stages of the disease. You should take a closer look at the most effective candles for hemorrhoids, their features, cost and contraindications.

Features of drugs

Antihemorrhoidal suppositories are usually called rectal, since they must be placed in the rectum. This organ in Latin transcription sounds like rectum.

Rectal suppositories have the fastest possible effect, penetrating through the mucous membranes of the rectum and entering directly into nearby blood vessels.

Candles from internal hemorrhoids can vary in:

  • incoming components;
  • rendered therapeutic effect;
  • duration of therapy.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with rectal suppositories is carried out at any stage of the pathological process, including exacerbations. Local preparations relieve inflammation and pain, stop bleeding, and relieve itching in the rectum.

Suppositories are single-component, that is, including only one active ingredient, or multi-component, that is, having several active ingredients at once.

In any case, it is the proctologist who should prescribe these medications, and before using them, the patient must carefully study the annotation.

Instructions for use

The use of candles for hemorrhoids requires a balanced approach. First of all, you should make sure that the suppository was stored in the refrigerator, the packaging is intact, and the medication has not expired.

If any one nuance is not observed, most likely, candles from hidden hemorrhoids will not help. However, do not forget about other rules for the use of such drugs.

  1. Anti-hemorrhoid suppositories are used after emptying the intestines (you can make a cleansing enema), since the process of introducing the drug into the rectum can cause the urge to defecate, which can negate the effect of the procedure.
  2. To insert a rectal suppository into the anus, the patient must lie on his side. This is the optimal position, which ensures the best penetration of the drug into the rectum.
  3. The next step is to remove the treatment "cone" from the package. You can not do this in advance, because the candles quickly melt at room temperature, and even more so in your hands.
  4. With one hand, it is necessary to push the gluteal muscles apart, and with the other hand, insert the anal insert so that it passes through the sphincter ring and ends up in the rectum.
  5. If such a procedure for men or female patients is unpleasant and painful, the tip of the suppository should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or low-fat ointment.
  6. To prevent the leakage of the melted drug, you need to lie on your stomach and lie down for about half an hour. If there is an urge to defecate, it is better to endure, allowing the active components to penetrate into the rectal mucosa.
  7. Since the base of candles (paraffin or petroleum jelly) can leak under the influence of high temperatures, care should be taken to prevent contamination of clothing.

In addition, hemorrhoids are often accompanied by difficulties with bowel movements, so the attending physician may prescribe a simultaneous appointment.

The frequency of application of suppositories from hemorrhoids depends on the severity and stage of the disease.

Most often, doctors prescribe 1-2 suppositories per day for 7-14 days. If any adverse effects occur, treatment is reviewed.

Types of drugs

Often, patients are dissatisfied with the fact that suppositories intended for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids are powerless before the disease. This usually happens due to the fact that patients themselves choose a medication for themselves, not focusing on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Rectal suppositories from hemorrhoids are conditionally divided into several large categories.

  • Anticoagulants (anticoagulants). With internal hemorrhoids, microscopic blood clots often occur, which then, when combined, develop into thrombosis of hemorrhoids. Heparin, the active ingredient in such drugs, prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens the walls of veins and capillaries.
  • Hemostatic (hemostatic) drugs. Such medicines include anti-inflammatory, restoring damaged tissues in hemorrhoids. The combination of these effects helps to prevent bleeding.
  • Hormonal suppositories. The inclusion of glucocorticosteroids in the composition of rectal suppositories allows you to give. In addition, hormonal substances reduce vascular permeability and reduce the outflow of fluids into tissues, which reduces the severity of inflammatory processes. Usually antihemorrhoidal hormonal suppositories are prescribed in severe cases.
  • Angioprotectors. Hemorrhoids are characterized by increased permeability of blood vessels in the rectum. Angioprotective suppositories for internal hemorrhoids and fissures reduce the permeability of venous and capillary membranes, normalize metabolism in blood vessels, improve microcirculation and regenerate cells.
  • Astringent suppositories. Bismuth and zinc are the main ingredients that astringent hemorrhoid suppositories contain. Such drugs are able to dry inflamed tissues, resulting in reduced swelling and soreness. In addition, the active ingredients have a disinfecting effect and protect damaged areas with the help of the created film.
  • Immunity modulating drugs. Hemorrhoids often become a "gate" for pathogenic microbes, therefore, for complex therapy, proctologists can prescribe immunomodulatory suppositories for hemorrhoids. They improve local protection, regenerate damaged tissues, relieve inflammation and increase the body's resistance to harmful bacteria.
  • Candles with herbal ingredients. Effective and fairly inexpensive candles for hemorrhoids, which are popular among patients of all categories. The composition of these natural medicines includes herbal ingredients such as ginkgo biloba, extract and pomace from.
  • Homeopathic preparations. Gently affect the damaged areas of the rectum. The effectiveness of such suppositories is not as high as that of other medicines, but they are distinguished by relative safety, the almost complete absence of restrictions and minor contraindications. Most often, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, they are used in the complex therapy of the disease.

Such a variety of drugs that affect internal hemorrhoids simply obliges patients to consult a specialist before choosing the optimal medication.

In the case of incorrectly selected rectal suppositories, the condition may worsen, the transition of acute hemorrhoids to a chronic form. And if used improperly, patients are not immune from cracks.

Suppositories for resorption hemorrhoidal nodes

Many patients are constantly wondering which suppositories for hemorrhoids are better. It is impossible to answer unambiguously, since the effectiveness of the remedy will depend on the severity of the symptoms and the course of the disease.

Suppositories with heparin

Hepatrombin G

Let's consider their properties. Inexpensive and effective rectal suppositories with anti-clotting properties.

The main active ingredients are the following substances:

  • - prevents the occurrence of microscopic blood clots;
  • - relieves inflammation and swelling, has an anti-exudative and antipruritic effect;
  • lauromacrogol - an analgesic component, helps to sclerotate (narrow the blood vessels) the affected hemorrhoid.

The approximate duration of therapy is 7 days. The frequency of use depends on the severity of the symptoms - usually suppositories are used 1-2 times a day.

The drug is prohibited for use in the presence of the following restrictions:

  • increased bleeding;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilitic manifestations affecting the intestines;
  • infection of the anus;
  • tumor of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the first 3 months of pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to ingredients.

Side effects include discomfort in the rectal area.

from hemorrhoids cost from about 165 to 195 rubles.


Another good candles of combined action, which are indicated for independent or complex therapy.

The main advantage is that the drug can also be used with already formed blood clots in the anus.

The properties of the suppository are determined by the active components included in it. Among them:

  • heparin;
  • prednisolone;
  • lidocaine is a well-known anesthetic, it is the analgesic properties that provide high efficiency.

The duration of therapy should not exceed 14 days. Apply candles up to two times a day.

The main diseases and conditions in which the use of the drug is prohibited:

  • infection of the anal area;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • first trimester of gestation;
  • ingredient intolerance.

Really good suppositories that are well tolerated by patients. In some situations, irritation occurs in the rectum.

The approximate price is from 220 rubles.


A two-component drug prescribed in cases where hemorrhoids are complicated by thrombotic processes.

The active ingredients of these suppositories are:

  • heparin;
  • benzocaine is a chemical compound that has an anesthetic effect.

The duration of therapy ranges from 10 days to 2 weeks. Candles should be used after going to the toilet or hygiene procedures 2 times a day.

These rectal suppositories are characterized by a minimum number of restrictions and adverse reactions. do not use with intolerance to the ingredients, and the only undesirable consequence is an allergy.

You can buy a medicine for 190-230 rubles.

Hemostatic suppositories


Anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive rectal suppositories. These suppositories are indicated in the treatment of hemorrhoids, fissures, minor injuries and erosive lesions of the rectum. Especially often they are prescribed for bleeding from the anus.

Active ingredients of the drug:

  • phenylephrine - helps to reduce the lumen of capillaries and veins, resulting in an outflow of blood from inflamed hemorrhoidal cones;
  • shark liver oil - stops blood, regenerates, heals mucous membranes and relieves inflammation.

Suppositories are administered after each visit to the toilet (no more than 4 times a day). The duration of use is determined by the attending physician after examining the patient.

The main restrictions for admission:

  • reduced number of granulocytes in the blood;
  • thromboembolism - blockage of blood vessels by blood clots;
  • ingredient intolerance.

It is necessary to use the medication with extreme caution, since an overdose may increase blood clotting.

They cost about 370 rubles.


Natural medicine, whose action is due to the natural ingredient - sodium alginate. This substance stops the blood, heals wounds, relieves pain, relieves inflammation. In addition, the work of the intestines is additionally normalized.

Among the contraindications are the following conditions:

  • intolerance to components;
  • age restrictions (forbidden to 14 years).

With a diagnosis of "" treatment is carried out for 1-2 weeks, the frequency of use is 1 suppository 2 times a day.

Customer reviews confirm that suppositories are well tolerated, only in some situations allergic reactions can occur.

The approximate cost is 350 rubles.

Relief Advance

Hemostatic properties are provided by the shark liver oil contained in the preparation. This substance increases blood clotting, helps to heal damaged areas of the mucosa. The anesthetic present in the composition further reduces the intensity of pain.

Another advantage is that they are allowed during the period of bearing a baby. Of course, after taking into account all the risks and threats, which include, among other things:

  • intolerance to ingredients;
  • thromboembolism;
  • low granulocyte count.

The drug should be administered 4 times a day after defecation. Patients usually tolerate these suppositories well, rarely allergic conditions occur.

The medication is quite expensive - prices vary from 400 to 450 rubles.

Glucocorticosteroid suppositories


A multicomponent hormonal drug quickly relieves itching and inflammation due to the corticosteroid flucortolone, and also accelerates resorption hemorrhoidal node. The local anesthetic present in the composition additionally relieves pain.

Suppositories are used 2-3 times a day for a week. Especially often prescribed for severe forms of the disease, complicated by thrombosis of blood vessels.

Hormonal suppositories for hemorrhoids and rectal preparations are contraindicated for use in the following situations:

  • tuberculosis and syphilis of the rectum;
  • infections in the anus;
  • first trimester of gestation;
  • childhood.

Among the undesirable consequences, unpleasant sensations in the anus are distinguished, local allergic reactions rarely occur.

The drug is quite expensive - about 650 rubles.

Relief Ultra

In addition to shark liver oil - the main component of all medicines, whose name begins with the word "relief", suppositories contain the hormone hydrocortisone and zinc sulfate.

Hormonal substances help reduce inflammation, constrict veins and capillaries, and relieve itching. Zinc compounds accelerate healing, fight cracks and promote resorption. hemorrhoidal nodes.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, suppositories are used four times a day after defecation and hygiene procedures.

Contraindications include the following conditions:

  • infectious lesions of the anus;
  • tuberculous or syphilitic lesions of the anus;
  • tumor of the rectum;
  • excess sodium in the body;
  • bearing a child;
  • ingredient intolerance.

Patient reviews prove that undesirable consequences rarely occur. Itching and burning on the skin and mucous membranes at the injection site of the suppository may occur.

The price of suppositories is about 500 rubles.

Proctosedyl M

This Indian hormonal medication is most often prescribed for severe forms of hemorrhoids, for example, after complicated labor or surgery.

- a multicomponent drug, which includes analgesic components, an antibiotic and a hormonal substance - hydrocortisone acetate.

Suppositories relieve the condition quickly - within a week, however, the presence of the hormone in the composition requires gradual withdrawal: from 3-4 times on the first day to once by the seventh day of use.

  • tuberculosis or syphilis in the anus;
  • infectious lesion of the rectum;
  • gestation and breastfeeding;
  • early age;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • heart disease.

Undesirable effects occur infrequently, usually in the form of drying out of the mucous membranes of the anus or allergic reactions (itching or redness).

The usual cost of rectal suppositories is 370 rubles.

Angioprotective drugs


The names of the suppository and the active ingredient are the same. is able to optimize the process of cell regeneration, accelerate tissue repair through various immune mechanisms.

It is necessary to treat with this drug from a week to 3-4 months. The frequency of use of candles is 1-2 inserts up to four times a day.

  • blood cancer;
  • oncological pathology of the lymphatic system;
  • bone marrow tumor.

Candles are well tolerated, sometimes there are discomfort after the introduction of the suppository into the anus. Allergies are extremely rare.

The cost does not exceed 90 rubles.


A two-component angioprotective drug that improves blood circulation, protects the walls of blood vessels, additionally anesthetizes and relieves inflammation, and helps the resorption of hemorrhoids.

The suppository contains the following ingredients:

  • tribenoside - increases tone and reduces the permeability of cell membranes, and also relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • lidocaine.

The frequency of use should not exceed 2 times a day. A candle is administered in the morning or evening after a bowel movement. When the condition stabilizes, you need to switch to a single use of the medication.

Suppositories are prohibited in case of:

  • hypersensitivity to ingredients;
  • liver diseases;
  • pregnancy (first weeks);
  • minority.

Rarely enough itching appears in the anus. The drug can also act on intestinal motility, activating its contractions.

The price range is from 400 to 420 rubles.


An expensive medicine developed by Italian pharmacists for the treatment of rectal pathologies.

The main component is hyaluronic acid, which promotes the restoration of cells and tissues, improves the nutrition of blood vessels, and increases their elasticity.

The advantage of the drug is the ability to use the drug for a long time in the absence of any undesirable consequences.

In extremely rare cases, intolerance to the ingredients of suppositories may occur.

Suppositories are used once a day. However, the multiplicity can be increased in case of a severe course of the disease.

The price of the medication is 700-850 rubles.

Astringent suppositories


Cheap suppositories for hemorrhoids, which are suitable for complex therapy of pathology. Components have the following useful qualities:

  • bismuth - dries, "knits" and contributes to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • zinc - acts similarly, further reducing the severity of the inflammatory process;
  • belladonna - an extract of this plant helps to reduce the muscle tone of the rectum, but increases the activity of the anal valve.

The duration of use depends on the severity of the disease. An anal plug is inserted several times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Among the restrictions on use, the following conditions are distinguished:

  • low motility of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart diseases;
  • weak muscle tone;
  • gestation and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to ingredients;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia.

It is not excluded the occurrence of local allergies, constipation or diarrhea. In rare situations, drowsiness, tachycardia, migraine, dry mouth are possible.

The cost of a suppository is from 70 to 90 rubles.


This is a multi-component local preparation that relieves inflammation and spasms, has astringent and antiseptic properties.

The difference from the previous suppository lies in a more saturated composition and permission for use during pregnancy.

Neo-Anuzole suppositories are injected into the anus several times a day until the patient's condition improves.

The drug is cheap - the cost is about 80 rubles.


The domestic drug contains, in addition to bismuth and zinc, an anesthetic and menthol. Such a rich composition allows antihemorrhoidal suppositories to relieve pain, constrict blood vessels, eliminate inflammation, and protect damaged areas.

Candles are used twice a day after bowel movements and other hygiene procedures. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Restrictions on the use of suppositories:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • underage age.

Adverse reactions occur quite often - in about 10% of cases. Usually patients note discomfort in the anus, sometimes there is a laxative effect of suppositories.

In general, anal inserts are inexpensive and effective, the usual cost is 75 rubles.

Immunomodulating suppositories


Suppositories are used as part of the complex therapy of diseases of the rectum, including inflammation of hemorrhoidal cones.

Multiplicity of use - 3-4 times a day, duration - at least three weeks.

An article by a specialist proctologist tells about how to properly treat, which drugs, including suppositories, are considered as safe as possible.

To make the answer as detailed as possible, it is necessary to consider the main varieties of these medicines. Suppositories are divided according to composition, strength of therapeutic effect and duration of use.

One point unites them - all medicines are designed to maximize the relief of the symptoms of the disease: relieve soreness and inflammation, reduce itching and swelling, heal damaged tissues, stop bleeding and further increase the nodules.

From our material you will learn how hemorrhoids are treated with rectal suppositories, which antihemorrhoidal suppositories are considered the most effective and affordable, what the correct choice of such drugs should be based on.

For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, suppositories are often an indispensable remedy. They are used at almost any stage of the disease, they are used directly for the treatment of the disease, for preventive purposes and in a comprehensive recovery course after the removal of hemorrhoids.

Candles against hemorrhoids have important advantages over other therapeutic forms. Let's talk about these advantages in more detail.

  • Suppositories act locally, the active ingredients do not enter the stomach, enter the systemic circulation in minimal amounts, and are excreted from the body as soon as possible. All this together reduces the risk of undesirable consequences.
  • Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids have fewer restrictions compared to tablets or injectable drug administration. Suppositories are suitable for the treatment of patients with gastrointestinal diseases, renal failure, hypertension.
  • These drugs are relatively easy to use. It is enough to be careful and careful to insert the suppository into the anus. It is only important to strictly follow the dose and instructions for a particular remedy.
  • Candles from internal rectal hemorrhoids most often have a complex effect due to the multicomponent composition. They are able to relieve pain, bleeding, swelling and other negative symptoms.
  • In addition, it is impossible not to note the ease of storage. Antihemorrhoid suppositories have a long shelf life - up to 5 years. Opened packaging is stored in the lower part of the refrigerator, and sealed blisters retain their qualities even at room temperature.

Despite the presence of numerous advantages, suppositories are not able to replace complex conservative treatment. Rectal suppositories should be used together with systemic remedies and after consultation with an experienced doctor.

Varieties of rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids

The choice of the most effective pharmaceutical preparation for internal hemorrhoids should be determined by the characteristics of the course of the disease. As for rectal suppositories, they can be divided into several large categories.

  1. Anticoagulants. This group includes drugs in which one of the leading ingredients is heparin. Such suppositories prevent the occurrence of blood clots, improve blood circulation by reducing blood clotting, and further increase venous tone.
  2. Hemostatics. These drugs fight bleeding from hemorrhoids by narrowing the vascular channels, restoring the affected epithelial layer, and relieving inflammatory processes (read more about suppositories in the article of our author).
  3. Anesthetics. The anesthetic active substances contained in the composition help with painful hemorrhoids. Their use is justified at any stage of treatment, including after surgery (read more about).
  4. Hormonal suppositories. Due to the content of corticosteroids, such agents are considered more effective and efficient. They are prescribed for severe pain, itching, inflammatory processes. At the same time, they have a large number of contraindications.
  5. Venotonics and angioprotectors. Such drugs help to improve microcirculation and blood flow in the vessels, increase venous tone, reduce the permeability of capillary and venous walls, promote healing and regenerative processes.
  6. Immunomodulators. They improve the quality of local immunity, as a result of which the damaged areas of the mucosa become more resistant to pathogens and begin to recover.
  7. Astringents. Bismuth and zinc compounds make it possible to dry, disinfect the affected areas, and also create a special film on the surface of the mucosa that prevents infection.
  8. Homeopathic candles. Not the most effective drugs, but among the advantages one can note the softness of the impact, the almost complete absence of contraindications and undesirable consequences.

Such a variety of medicines is another argument for a thoughtful approach to antihemorrhoid therapy. The choice of rectal suppositories should be carried out by the proctologist after the diagnosis and determination of the leading symptoms.

The most effective candles for hemorrhoids

Candles from hemorrhoids, the list of which is presented below, are the most popular among patients. However, only a doctor can accurately determine which drug will most effectively cope with the symptoms.


Active Ingredients Heparin, prednisolone acetate, lidocaine.
Description An anticoagulant drug with antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory effects for local use in proctological practice.

Heparin prevents the formation of blood clots and blood clotting, reduces the volume of exudate, restores damaged tissues. Prednisolone relieves inflammation and allergic reactions, swelling, soreness and itching. Lidocaine is an anesthetic.

  • External and internal hemorrhoids;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoid veins;
  • fistulas;
  • eczematous lesions of the perianal region;
  • anal itching;
  • cracks;
  • preparation for surgery and treatment of operated hemorrhoids.
Contraindications Infections of the anorectal zone caused by a virus, fungus, as well as intolerance to any ingredient and childhood.
Unwanted Consequences The reviews show that the drug is usually well tolerated by patients, if the dosage and duration of the therapeutic course are not exceeded.

The prednisolone component, if used for too long, can cause:

  • insomnia;
  • steroid diabetes;
  • arrhythmia;
  • bradycardia;
  • increased perspiration.

Allergic conditions associated with lidocaine and heparin element are not excluded.

Application features In the case of rectal hemorrhoids, one suppository is injected into the anus twice a day. In the external form of the disease, the suppository is not fully inserted into the anus, allowing the base to remain outside.

The duration of the treatment course usually does not exceed 14 days.

Overdose Significant adverse reactions are not excluded.
There are no clinically reliable data on the interaction of suppositories with other drugs.
The use of suppositories during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding is strictly prohibited. The limitation is due to the possibility of transfer of active ingredients to the fetus or child through breast milk.
Price From 250 rubles.

Active Ingredients Heparin, prednisolone, lauromacrogol 600.
Description The heparin component is a substance that prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces the volume of exudate, and accelerates regeneration processes in tissues.

Prednisolone is designed to relieve inflammation and allergic reactions, reduce effusion, swelling and itching. Laurocrogol relieves pain and promotes adhesion of the affected hemorrhoid veins.

  • External and internal form of hemorrhoidal disease;
  • anal vein thrombosis;
  • anal fissures;
  • fistulas;
  • eczematous lesions of the anorectal zone.
Contraindications Syphilis, tuberculosis, infections of the anorectal zone caused by viruses, fungal microorganisms, as well as intolerance to any ingredient.
Unwanted Consequences Hypersensitivity reactions, redness of the skin, itching.
Application features Dosage - one suppository 1-2 times a day after a bowel movement. The average duration of therapy is 7 days.
Overdose There are no data on overdose with Gepatrombin G suppositories.
Interaction with other drugs Information on the interaction of suppositories with other drugs is not available.
Use during pregnancy and lactation According to the medical annotation, the drug is not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Price From 170 rubles.

Active Ingredients Heparin, benzocaine.
Description The heparin component has antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties. Promotes regeneration and healing of damaged tissues.

Benzocaine reduces the severity of pain by blocking nerve impulses. Refers to anesthetics.

Indications Good candles for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease, which is complicated by microthrombi.
Contraindications The drug is prohibited for use in case of hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary ingredients.
Unwanted Consequences The development of local allergic conditions is not excluded.
Application features The patient injects 1 suppository into the anus twice a day after a bowel movement or cleansing procedure. The duration of treatment is 10-14 days (for more information about the application, see the article of our author).
Overdose There are no data on overdose with Nigepan suppositories.
Interaction with other drugs Currently, there is no information on the interaction of suppositories with other drugs of systemic and local functioning.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The safety of using suppositories during childbearing and breastfeeding has not been established, so the drug is not recommended during these periods.

If the doctor prescribes this remedy, it is necessary to strictly adhere to his recommendations and pay attention to various undesirable reactions.

Price From 190 rubles.


Active Ingredients Phenylephrine, shark liver oil.
Description A drug with anti-inflammatory, healing and vasoconstrictive properties for local use in proctological practice.

Phenylephrine helps to reduce vascular gaps, resulting in a balance between filling and outflow of blood in hemorrhoids. This allows you to reduce itching, swelling, volume of exudate.

Shark liver oil stops blood, promotes tissue regeneration and healing, and additionally relieves inflammation.

Indications According to the instructions, Relief suppositories are used for diseases of the anus and rectal canal, for acute and chronic hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by bleeding and cracks.

It is also possible symptomatic treatment of rectal itching, soreness and other negative manifestations that accompany proctological pathologies.

  • Intolerance to the ingredients of the product;
  • thromboembolism;
Unwanted Consequences Very rarely, local hypersensitivity reactions occur.
Application features Relief should be injected into the anus 1 suppository four times a day - in the morning and evening, and also after defecation.
Overdose There are no data on overdose with Relief suppositories.
Interaction with other drugs Phenylephrine, which is contained in the drug in the drug, reduces the effectiveness of medicines for high blood pressure.

If you simultaneously use the drug with antidepressants, then the development of a hypertensive crisis cannot be ruled out.

Use during pregnancy and lactation The medical annotation for the drug states that it is undesirable to use it during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. However, the attending physician may decide on the admissibility of the use of suppositories, having assessed the risks and the intended benefits.
Price From 380 rubles.

Active Ingredients Benzocaine, shark liver oil.
Description These are anti-inflammatory and anesthetic rectal suppositories for local use in proctological practice.

Shark liver oil effectively relieves the inflammatory process, increases blood clotting, promotes healing and restoration of damaged tissues.

Benzocaine allows you to block the occurrence and transmission of nerve signals, resulting in an analgesic effect.

  • External and rectal form of hemorrhoidal disease;
  • erosive lesions of the anus;
  • anal fissures;
  • anal itching.

The drug can be used for pain relief by patients who have undergone surgery in the anus.

  • Intolerance to the components of the agent;
  • acute blockage by detached blood clots of blood vessels;
  • reduced content of granulocytes in the blood.
Unwanted Consequences Very rarely, local hypersensitivity reactions occur. In addition, itching and redness of the skin is possible.
Application features The drug is used only after the hygiene procedure.

Suppositories from internal hemorrhoids are injected into the anus in the morning and evening and after defecation. The recommended daily dose is 4 suppositories.

Overdose If you do not follow medical recommendations, then the development of the so-called benzocaine absorption is possible, in which convulsive phenomena, drowsiness, excitability are observed.

Another overdose option is methemoglobinemia, characterized by cyanosis and impaired breathing. If you exceed the dose of shark oil, it is possible to increase blood clotting.

Interaction with other drugs There are currently no reports of interactions with other drugs.
Use during pregnancy and lactation During childbearing and breastfeeding, the drug is used only after consulting a doctor, if he determines that the benefits to women's health outweigh the risks to the fetus or child.
Price From 400 rubles.

Active Ingredients sodium alginate.
Description Natural hemostatic is a hemostatic drug with additional therapeutic effects.

Sodium alginate is a naturally occurring, viscous polysaccharide derived from brown seaweed.

Suitable for men and women with hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by bleeding, soreness, inflammation. Additionally, it optimizes intestinal peristalsis and normalizes fecal masses.

Indications Suppositories are used:
  • from cracks in the anal canal in the stage of epithelialization;
  • from chronic hemorrhoids, accompanied by bleeding;
  • from proctosigmoiditis;
  • from inflammatory processes in the rectum after surgery.
Contraindications The drug has a minimum number of contraindications. It is forbidden to use it for children under 14 years of age and with intolerance to the main and auxiliary ingredients.
Unwanted Consequences Allergic reactions to the main ingredient in the form of hives, rashes, itching and burning sensations are extremely rare.
Application features The drug is applied rectally. In this case, the candle is inserted into the rectal canal after defecation or cleansing procedures.

Daily dosage - 2 suppositories. The duration of the therapeutic course should not exceed 14 days.

Interaction with other drugs When combined with other drugs, no negative reactions were found.
Use during pregnancy and lactation There are no restrictions on use during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. However, before use, be sure to consult with an experienced specialist.
Price From 330 rubles.


Active Ingredients Benzocaine, bismuth subgallate, zinc oxide, menthol.
Description A fairly cheap anesthetic drug with antiseptic and disinfectant qualities.

Benzocaine helps to block nerve impulses and relieve severe pain.

Bismuth compounds are intended for disinfection, vasoconstriction, increased coagulation of blood, exudate and mucous secretions through the formation of a protective film on the mucous membrane.

Zinc compounds are designed to dry, eliminate inflammatory processes, protect damaged mucous membranes.

The menthol component is an antiseptic that allows you to constrict blood vessels and reduce pain.

Indications You can buy and use the drug for chronic and acute hemorrhoids, as well as in the case of the formation of anal fissures.
  • Intolerance to the main and auxiliary ingredients of the drug;
  • age under 12 years old.
Unwanted Consequences Quite often there is a pronounced burning sensation in the rectal canal. Less commonly, patients report a laxative effect and hypersensitivity reactions.
Application features The drug is traditionally used after a bowel movement or a cleansing procedure.

Daily dose - 1-2 suppositories. The duration of the therapeutic course is set on an individual basis, usually at least a week.

Overdose To date, there are no known cases of overdose with these suppositories.
Interaction with other drugs When combined with other drugs, no negative reactions were found.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The instruction says that it is possible to use the drug during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. However, you should consult with a proctologist in advance to exclude possible undesirable consequences and threats.
Price From 80 rubles.

Active Ingredients Thick extract from belladonna (belladonna) leaves.
Description Inexpensive and effective rectal suppositories with antispasmodic and anesthetic properties.

The extract from the leaves of belladonna contributes to the blocking of nerve impulses, due to which the pain syndrome is stopped, the tone of the gallbladder and bile ducts decreases, and spasms of the rectal canal disappear.

  • Cracks in the anal canal;
  • intestinal colic;
  • hemorrhoids, accompanied by severe pain syndrome.
  • Angle-closure glaucoma;
  • benign growth of prostate tissue;
  • atonic state of the intestine;
  • exacerbated ulcerative colitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Unwanted Consequences In rare cases, there may be a violation of visual function, paralysis of accommodation, increased intraocular pressure, fear of light. Disorders of the stool are not excluded.
Application features Candles are introduced into the rectal canal one at a time twice or thrice a day. With an acute course of the disease, the number of suppositories can be increased.
Overdose If the recommended doses are exceeded, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, a decrease in the production of milk secretion, a decrease in sweating, and an increase in temperature may occur.
Interaction with other drugs Belladonna extract reacts with certain drugs. That is why it is imperative to consult a specialist before use.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The use of candles with belladonna in the early stages can lead to spontaneous abortion. In the following trimesters, the advisability of prescribing the drug should be assessed by the attending physician.
Price From 40 rubles.

Active Ingredients Benzocaine, sea buckthorn oil, sulfaetidol.
Description A drug that has anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. It is actively used in proctological practice.

Benzocaine, as a local anesthetic, is designed to relieve soreness and discomfort in the rectal canal.

Sea buckthorn berry oil relieves inflammation in bumps, tones up venous vessels, helps restore damaged tissues, stop bleeding.

The third component - sulfaetidol - has pronounced antimicrobial and bacteriostatic properties.

  • Chronic or acute form of hemorrhoidal disease;
  • anal fissures;
  • rectal itching.
Contraindications Rectal suppositories are not used for hypersensitivity to the main and minor ingredients of the drug.
Unwanted Consequences The occurrence of local allergic reactions is not excluded, diarrhea is also possible, which is associated with an increase in intestinal motility.
Application features Candles are injected into the anal canal twice a day, one at a time. With the severity of negative symptoms, the number of suppositories can be increased.

The duration of the therapeutic course is determined individually, but on average it is 5-10 days.

Overdose To date, no cases of overdose with these suppositories have been identified.
Interaction with other drugs When combined with other drugs, no negative reactions were found.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The use of these suppositories is not prohibited during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. But before using, be sure to consult with your doctor.
Price From 135 rubles.

Hormonal suppositories

Active Ingredients Fluocortolone hexonate, fluocortolone pivalate, cinchocaine hydrochloride.
Description Antihemorrhoidal hormonal suppositories, which effectively and as soon as possible relieve inflammation and bring relief.

The steroidal elements of fluocortolone are designed to improve blood circulation at the local level, reduce itching, swelling of the mucous membrane, pain syndrome and accelerate tissue healing.

The anesthetic action of cinchocaine allows you to block the formation and transmission of nerve signals, resulting in reduced pain.

Indications Suppositories are prescribed to alleviate the severity of the negative symptoms of such proctological pathologies as superficial rectal cracks, inflammation of the rectal mucosa and hemorrhoids.
Contraindications The use of Ultraproct is prohibited in case of:
  • syphilitic or tuberculous manifestations in the perianal zone;
  • viral infections;
  • hypersensitivity to a corticosteroid, anesthetic or other components of the drug.
Unwanted Consequences In rare cases, there is a burning sensation, rectal itching, dry skin in the area of ​​​​application. Allergic manifestations are also possible.
Application features The drug should be injected into the anus one suppository 1-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Despite the speed of action and quick relief, suppositories are used for at least a week. The maximum duration of treatment is a month.

Overdose Research data have shown that the likelihood of acute negative consequences with a single use of the drug in high dosages is extremely small.
Interaction with other drugs Laboratory studies and patient reviews did not reveal any interaction or incompatibility of Ultraproct with other medications.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The use of steroid drugs is highly undesirable in the first trimester of pregnancy, since the risk of developing a cleft palate in the fetus increases.

Despite the low absorption of fluocortolone into the general circulation, the drug is prohibited for use in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, use is acceptable, but it should be short-term. Nursing mothers should use suppositories with caution.

Price From 620 rubles.

Active Ingredients Hydrocortisone acetate, zinc sulfate monohydrate, shark liver oil.
Description Hydrocortisone, which is a corticosteroid hormonal substance, helps to get rid of inflammation, itching, and allergic reactions as soon as possible.

The zinc element is designed to heal damaged areas of the mucous membrane, fight cracks and erosive skin lesions.

Shark liver oil increases blood clotting, increases the resistance of affected tissues to negative effects.

  • Chronic and acute internal hemorrhoids;
  • rectal fissures;
  • erosive lesions of the skin of the anus;
  • perianal dermatitis.
  • Infection of the anus with bacteria, fungi or viruses;
  • neoplasms in the field of application;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome;
  • hypernatremia;
  • intolerance to the ingredients of the drug.
Unwanted Consequences During therapy, undesirable effects such as itching, redness of the skin and allergic reactions are possible.
Application features According to the instructions, it is necessary to introduce 1 suppository into the rectal canal up to four times a day: in the morning and in the evening, and also after each bowel movement. Preliminary hygiene procedures are required.
Overdose Cases of exceeding the dose with subsequent violations of the normal functioning of the body are not described. There is speculation that excessive use will lead to serious health problems.
Interaction with other drugs Data on pharmaceutical interactions of Relief Ultra with other medicines are not provided.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The drug is not recommended for use in case of pregnancy and lactation.
Price From 480 rubles.

Active Ingredients Framycetin sulfate, hydrocortisone acetate, esculoside, benzocaine, butamen.
Description According to the official description, this Indian preparation is more correctly called not suppositories, but rectal capsules. The properties of the drug are due to its main components.

Framycetin is an antibacterial substance that is active against some gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

Hydrocortisone, due to its hormonal origin, can reduce inflammation, relieve swelling and itching, reduce the volume of exudate and serous compartments.

The venotonic substance esculoside protects the blood channels from damage, reduces the fragility and permeability of the walls of veins and capillaries.

The anesthetics benzocaine and butamen are designed to relieve soreness, itching and spastic conditions in the closing anal valve.

  • Internal hemorrhoids of acute or chronic form;
  • inflammation of the rectal mucosa;
  • eczematous lesions of the tissues of the perianal region;
  • preparation for surgery and postoperative recovery;
  • rectal cracks;
  • anal itching.
Contraindications Anti-hemorrhoid suppositories are forbidden to use if the ingredients are intolerant, as well as in the case of:
  • lesions of the application area with tuberculosis, viral or fungal infection;
  • neoplasms in the rectal canal.

Patients with high blood pressure and heart failure are advised to use the remedy with great caution.

Unwanted Consequences It is impossible to exclude the occurrence of local reactions in the form of discomfort in the anorectal zone, burning and dryness in the rectal canal. Rarely, allergic reactions occur.
Application features Suppositories should be injected into the anus in the morning and evening, as well as after each bowel movement (up to 4 times a day).
Overdose Data on overdose have not been made public.
Interaction with other drugs
Use during pregnancy and lactation Candles are contraindicated for use during childbearing and breastfeeding.
Price From 350 rubles.

Venotonics and angioprotectors

Active Ingredients tribenoside, lidocaine.
Description Two-component venotonic, angioprotector, whose active ingredients have an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Tribenoside helps to eliminate stagnation of blood in hemorrhoids, increases the tone of the veins, reduces the permeability of the vascular membranes. Additionally, it relieves inflammation, swelling.

Lidocaine is a locally acting analgesic that reduces the severity of pain and reduces itching.

Indications The main purpose is the therapy of the initial stages of internal hemorrhoids. In the last stages, they are used exclusively as part of complex treatment.
  • Hypersensitivity to the main and secondary components of the drug;
  • liver failure.
Unwanted Consequences Serious allergic reactions, including anaphylactic ones, are extremely rare. Possible local skin reactions - itching, rashes, urticaria.
Application features In case of severe symptoms, 1 suppository is used 2 times a day: in the morning and evening. As soon as the condition stabilizes, you should switch to a single use of the drug.
Overdose Cases of negative reactions when the permissible dose was exceeded were not recorded.
Interaction with other drugs There are no data on possible interactions with other drugs.
Use during pregnancy and lactation Use in the first trimester of pregnancy is prohibited. At a later date, the decision to take the drug should be made by the attending physician after weighing all the risks.

During the lactation period, it is also necessary to weigh the potential benefits for the mother and the likely threat to the child.

Price From 400 rubles.

Active Ingredients Ginkgo biloba extract, butamen.
Description Suppositories for internal hemorrhoids with venotonic and angioprotective effects. An important nuance is that this expensive drug is made from natural raw materials.

Ginkgo biloba extract helps to optimize blood circulation in capillary vessels and veins, reduces the permeability of their walls, and is an antioxidant.

Butamen is a local anesthetic that quickly eliminates soreness, itching and other unpleasant sensations in the rectal canal.

Indications Suppositories are used for complicated and uncomplicated hemorrhoids. In addition, it can be used before and after rectal surgery.
Contraindications The drug is prohibited for use in case of hypersensitivity to any component, as well as with an increased content of thyroid hormones in the body.
Unwanted Consequences

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