Vitamin B7 biotin. Vitamin B7 (Biotin, Vitamin H, Coenzyme R)

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Every person needs a variety of vitamins. These components are needed by the body to ensure the normal functioning of all organs. The use of B7 is important. Vitamin affects the condition of the skin, hair, nails. The component is preserved during heat treatment, which makes it especially valuable.

Vitamin B7 is called biotin, coenzyme R. The component is water-soluble, it is destroyed at high temperatures. Exists in products and pharmacy products. Its use is important for every person, it is only necessary to comply with the norms depending on age.

Beneficial features

B7 is involved in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and in the activation of vitamin C. Vitamin is in enzyme complexes, carries carbon dioxide through the circulatory system. This substance is especially useful in diabetes mellitus: blood sugar is restored with insulin.

Component properties include:

  • participation in the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • interaction with insulin, restoration of blood sugar levels;
  • activation of the work of ascorbic acid;
  • control of gluconeogenesis;
  • erythrocyte synthesis;
  • DNA formation;
  • hemoglobin synthesis.

Hair also needs B7. Vitamin slows down the aging of the body, protects the skin from irritation, muscles - from pain, and hair - from gray hair. Nails become stronger. That is why vitamin B7 is so important. What products have it? Let's dwell on this in more detail.


Vitamin B7 is common in nature. What products contain it? It is abundant in beans, wheat flour, rice bran, fruits and vegetables. Foods such as melon, champignons, strawberries are rich in substance.

Vitamin B7 is found in the following substances:

  • beef and pork liver;
  • chicken meat;
  • dairy products;
  • egg yolk;
  • sea ​​fish.

Bifid supplements are included in many fermented milk products. They contain more vitamin B7 than unfortified ones. It is beneficial for the intestinal microflora.

Vitamin Preservation

  • fruits and vegetables should be frozen, not canned;
  • before use, products should be washed, and soaking causes a decrease in the amount of the substance;
  • if fruits and vegetables have been in the refrigerator for a long period, there will be little vitamin in them;
  • for cooking, it is advisable to choose enameled dishes;
  • vegetables should be boiled in a peel with a closed lid and over low heat;
  • the component disappears when frying, so the products must be boiled or baked.

Pharmacy funds

It is desirable to use vitamin B7 in the form of natural products. Where else is it contained, in addition to the above? Does the pharmaceutical industry produce artificial analogues?

Vitamin B7 is available in tablets sold in pharmacies. You can find multivitamin preparations. They should be taken strictly according to the instructions. Vitamin B7 in ampoules is also available in pharmacies. To make up for its shortage, doctors prescribe Biotin-Complex, produced by the Artlife factory. This remedy contains not only B7, but also polyphenols, flavonoids. The drug is taken 2 tablets a day with meals.

You can choose other means, which includes B7. Vitamin is in the preparation "Wolvit", produced in India. One tablet will be enough to make up for the lack of this substance. Other sources of the necessary component include Medobiotin, Biotin Forte Germany and Biotin Germany Ratiopharm.

The drug "Biotin" is available in capsules, tablets, injection solutions. If you use the first two forms, then the medicine is taken every day before meals. Usually about 5 mg is required. In case of serious deviations, an increase in the dose is necessary. The course of additional admission - no more than a month.

Injections are used in cases where there are problems with the intestines. The drug is administered intramuscularly every day. One ampoule per day is needed. For external use, its contents are rubbed into the skin, which should be massaged for about 3-4 minutes. The liquid substance eliminates inflammation and rashes on the skin. With prolonged use, it has a lifting effect.

Before using any tool, you need to read the instructions. It contains the dosage, the required time for taking the medicine, the storage rules. It will not be superfluous to consult a doctor who will prescribe a suitable remedy.


Medicines vary in cost. In pharmacies, you can buy "Biotin-complex", which contains B7 (vitamin). The price of such a remedy is about 220-270 rubles for 30 tablets. On the territory of Moscow, the product is sold for 230 rubles.

The cost depends on the number of tablets or milligrams. Vitamin B7 is sold in ampoules by the piece. You can also buy them through the online store.

Daily rate

The required amount of this substance depends on age:

  • children need to consume B7 in the amount of 10-50 mcg / day;
  • for adolescents, the norm is 50-100 mcg / day;
  • adults require 100-200 mcg / day;
  • for pregnant and lactating women - 250-300 mcg / day;
  • athletes should consume up to 650 mcg of the substance;
  • the rate should be increased for alcohol addicts and people with burns.

vitamin deficiency

Such a phenomenon as hypovitaminosis is quite rare. The body requires the described component in small quantities, and it is found in many products. However, shortages still occur. This is due to the following reasons:

  • malnutrition: the component may be poorly absorbed due to dubious diets;
  • the use of raw egg whites, intravenous nutrition;
  • the death of the intestinal flora due to prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • violation of the activity of the intestine;
  • hemodialysis or lack of digestive enzymes.


Alcoholism and genetic predisposition can adversely affect vitamin absorption. With the lack of this component, the following symptoms appear:

  • hair becomes dull and falls out;
  • nails appear brittle and delamination;
  • there is an excess of sebum, pores are clogged, the skin is flaky;
  • a person feels tired, poor appetite, nausea, muscle pain;
  • inflammation appears on the tongue.

The consequences of hypovitaminosis are unpleasant. Dermatitis develops - skin lesions of the hands, feet, cheeks. In the future, various diseases can develop: from seborrhea to depression.


Hypervitaminosis does not show toxic signs. This is rare, as the vitamin is perfectly absorbed and also excreted from the body. And yet, with hypervitaminosis, such ailments as dermatitis and dysbacteriosis appear. To prevent this, before using the vitamin, you must read the instructions.


Neutralizes the action of the vitamin avidin, which is present in raw egg white, so it is forbidden to eat raw eggs. After heat treatment, the product is safe and does not interfere with the absorption of the component.

Harmful for the combination are:

  • alcohol;
  • antibiotics;
  • heat-treated fats.

Vitamin is needed for various processes in the body. Hypovitaminosis is rare, but it does happen. Then you need to use pure biotin, a complex of vitamins and trace elements. B7 is also necessary for hair. To stimulate their growth, the contents of the ampoules are added to the shampoo.

For athletes

Vitamin B7 is important for athletes. It is needed for the production of amines and obtaining from various energy sources, with the help of which the metabolism of amino acids is carried out. It should be borne in mind that raw egg proteins, especially if they are consumed in large quantities, neutralize the effect of the vitamin. If you drink a lot of eggs, then growth slows down. Vitamin B7 is necessary for every person, but in moderation.

Biotin, or vitamin H, is a water-soluble substance and is absorbed in the small intestine. Biotin is involved in many biochemical processes in the body: gluconeogenesis, fatty acid synthesis, oxidation of propionic acid residues in the Krebs cycle, and a number of others.

The role of vitamin H in the human body

Biotin is necessary for the synthesis of higher fatty acids that are part of the structure of the lipid components of the cell, oxaloacetic acid and purines. Biotin has a beneficial effect on seborrheic dermatitis, brittleness and separation of hair, nails, growth and development disorders. Improves the functional state of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. There is evidence of the ability of biotin to lower blood sugar levels in type II diabetes.

Biotin as a coenzyme is part of carboxylase enzymes, including catalyzing the reactions of the initial stages of gluconeogenesis and fatty acid biosynthesis, is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids, fatty acids, affects the state of the liver and the functions of the nervous system. It is assumed that biotin is involved in the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

Deficiency and excess of vitamin H

Vitamin H deficiency is rare in humans. It occurs mainly when the intestinal microflora is suppressed (during antibiotic treatment), as a result of a very unbalanced diet (very strict diets), when biotin absorption in the intestine is disturbed (malabsorption syndrome), as well as when eating products that destroy biotin (raw eggs, foods, containing preservatives E221-E228) or preventing its absorption (saccharin, alcohol).

Vitamin H deficiency leads to deterioration of the skin condition (dryness, unhealthy color, peeling, dermatitis), drowsiness, muscle weakness, anemia, hypotension, increased blood sugar and cholesterol levels, growth retardation in children. Prolonged lack of it provokes a decrease in immunity, severe exhaustion of the body, anxiety and depression, and even the appearance of hallucinations.

The need for biotin increases with high stress on the body, both physical and psychological (sports, hard work, pregnancy and lactation, neuropsychic overload), in the cold season, with an excess of carbohydrates in the diet, contact with harmful chemicals , with diabetes mellitus, burns, infectious diseases, with antibiotic treatment.

Cases of hypervitaminosis H in humans have not been recorded in medical practice. In very rare cases, when using drugs that include biotin, side effects due to individual intolerance are possible.

Human Sources of Biotin

The need for vitamin H in humans is covered mainly by its biosynthesis by the intestinal microflora. A small part comes from food. Soy, peas, mushrooms, cauliflower, liver, egg yolk are rich in biotin.

Polyphenols and flavonoids .

Additional ingredients: dry extract of grape leaves, silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide, talc, calcium stearate, MCC, crosscarmellose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, maltodextrin, polyethylene glycol and tartrazine varnish dye.

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of tablets from 30 pieces per pack.

pharmachologic effect

The complex replenishes lack of vitamin H .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Biotin - what is it?

Vitamin H (Biotin) is an essential component that takes part in the production of higher fatty acids, it is necessary for metabolic processes - when carbohydrates interact with insulin , maintaining a stable level of sugar in the composition. In addition, vitamin B7 helps eliminate brittleness and delamination of hair and nails, improve their growth and development, and reduce symptoms. .

Biotin vitamins also control the metabolism of fats in hair and skin. Biotin is actively used for hair when you need to stop hair loss. Also, this substance is involved in the absorption of protein, the decomposition of fatty acids and the subsequent burning of fat. A beneficial effect of the substance on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, synthesis was noted.

With a lack of this, the body develops seborrheic dermatitis , hair loss, anemia , nausea, depression, loss of appetite, muscle pain, increased and so on.

Indications for use

Vitamins with Biotin are prescribed for:

  • lack of vitamin H caused by malnutrition, alcohol abuse, prolonged treatment with anticonvulsants, and;
  • the need to normalize blood sugar levels;
  • violations of the functions of the sebaceous glands on the scalp, causing brittleness and hair loss.

Also, the drug is prescribed as an adjuvant therapy for weakness in the muscles, , loss of appetite, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Contraindications for use

Vitamin complex is not prescribed for:

  • intolerance its components;
  • , .

Side effects

When this drug is taken in acceptable dosages, side effects do not develop.

Instructions for use Biotin Complex (Method and dosage)

Therapeutic and preventive measures require taking a double dosage of the drug. Before using the vitamin complex, you need to visit a specialist to clarify the dose.

Biotin - what foods contain

Vitamin H is found in small amounts in many foods. However, most of the vitamin in: kidneys, liver, yeast, legumes, nuts and cauliflower. Somewhat less in tomatoes, eggs, spinach and mushrooms.

With a healthy gut, a sufficient amount of biotin is synthesized in the body. Therefore, it is important to consume foods that can normalize the intestinal microflora, such as: lactic acid products and sauerkraut.


Taking high doses of this vitamin does not cause an overdose, since the excess substance is excreted in the urine.


The simultaneous use of the complex with anticonvulsants reduces the level of the active ingredient in the blood, as its elimination from the body is accelerated.

Combination with drugs valproic acid able to inhibit the activity that disrupts the absorption of Biotin and lowers its bioavailability.

Competitive interaction marked with vitamin B5 And pantothenic acid that reduces the effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, all these funds are recommended to be taken at different times.

Zinc potentiates the effect of the vitamin, enhancing its effect on the growth of skin appendages.

Terms of sale

The vitamin complex is available without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Storage of tablets requires a cool, dry place out of the reach of children.

Best before date


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

The main analogues are represented by drugs: Glucosil, Laminarin, Hepaton, Neurostabil, Formula of a woman, Discovery strength, Discovery excellent student And Discovery Charm .


Drinking alcohol can reduce the absorption of biotin.

Biotin Complex reviews

These products are popular with many patients. At the same time, people who took Biotin vitamins for hair, whose reviews are found on various forums, report its high effectiveness. It is especially useful for women who want to improve the condition of their nails and hair. They say that vitamins with Biotin for hair not only stop unwanted processes, but also strengthen hair and normalize the growth process.

Those who have not heard about this vitamin immediately show interest in it, asking on the forms what is Biotin and where is it contained?

Despite the safety and high efficiency of this complex, it is not recommended to take it on your own. When you need to make up for the lack of this component, but there is no way to accurately determine its deficiency, experts recommend including in your diet what this vitamin contains.

Price Biotin Complex, where to buy

Modern pharmacies offer vitamins of different groups, including vitamins for hair, nails, and so on.

The price of Biotin in a pharmacy for 30 tablets is 2300-2600 rubles. In Moscow, you can buy Biotin at a price of 2300 rubles, in St. Petersburg the price is about the same.

You can buy Biotin Forte, 40 tablets, at a cost of 2650 rubles.

  • Internet pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Internet pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Internet pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan

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In the formation of glucokinase, the body helps the H vitamin. Without it, glucose metabolism would not occur. Biotin accumulates in the liver, where the production of glucokinase also occurs. Thus, a full-fledged carbohydrate metabolism is carried out, and a person does not experience health problems.

A bit from the history of discovery

In 1901, scientists conducted a series of studies that subsequently made it possible to identify biotin in the composition of various products. It has been observed that the growth of yeast occurs under the influence of a certain substance. Its ingredients were pantothenic acid, inositol and an unknown substance, which was named biotin. The name comes from the Greek "bios", which means "life".

In 1931, 1.1 mg of pure biotin was obtained from egg white. One can imagine the scale of the study, which required the processing of 250 kg of egg powder!

Special experiments were also carried out on rats. The scientists observed changes in their coats in an environment where the subjects were deprived of vitamin H or received as much as needed.

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General characteristics of the vitamin

This is a white substance, consisting of the smallest crystals, which dissolves in an alkaline environment and is destroyed only at the highest temperatures.

The liver and muscles store glycogen, carbohydrates that help maintain normal blood sugar levels. Without biotin, glycogens would not be fully absorbed by the body.

Biotin also helps in the absorption of protein, pantothenic and folic acid, vitamin B 12. Fatty acids are decomposed into useful components. Vitamin H assists in burning unnecessary fat.

Since there is some sulfur in biotin, it is able to keep the nails, hair and skin of a person in excellent condition. To look good, you need to eat foods containing biotin, which acts as a vehicle for the delivery of sulfur.

Vitamin H is not a hair growth stimulant, but, nevertheless, it is able to stop the process of hair loss. If the body contains a sufficient amount of it, the hair will be obedient, soft and shiny.

Purines and carbon dioxide, which contain the basic hereditary information about the human body, could not communicate with each other if biotin did not help them. It is also indispensable in the formation of hemoglobin.

Vitamin has a therapeutic effect in the development of seborrheic dermatitis in babies who have just been born. In adults, biotin is not as effective in such diseases.

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What does vitamin deficiency lead to?

The intestinal microflora produces vitamins h in sufficient quantities, but this fact has not yet been finally proven by scientists. Newborns are often admitted to hospitals with suspected biotin deficiency. The imperfect intestinal tract of the child is not yet able to produce the right amount of beneficial bacteria. Adults who, due to various diseases, are forced to live on intravenous nutrition, also lack biotin.

The same thing happens when a person takes antibiotics for a long time. Medicines destroy pathogenic microorganisms, but along with them, some of the beneficial and necessary bacteria also die. In the body of a person suffering from bad habits, this vitamin is also lacking. Athletes who regularly drink raw eggs and consume large amounts of protein foods should not forget about biotin.

The human brain needs a constant supply of glucose to function properly. 100 ml of blood should receive 80-100 mg of glucose. Biotin maintains a stable level of sugar in the bloodstream. With insufficient glucose production, people become irritable and nervous. They experience chronic fatigue, weakness and lethargy. If the deficiency of glucose is too significant, then the person with great difficulty performs ordinary, everyday activities and feels very bad.

The limit of the accumulated volume of glucose in the female body is 300 g of glucose, and in the male - 400 mg. Therefore, its stock is consumed faster by the fairer sex. They are more likely than men to fall into a depressed state and experience fatigue and nervous strain. The skin turns pale, nails and hair become brittle.

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What does excess lead to?

With an excess of biotin, side effects are very rare. They appear only in case of individual intolerance. An allergic reaction manifests itself through shortness of breath or a rash on the skin. Urticaria also signals that the body does not accept a certain type of product. If a rejection reaction occurs, it is necessary to reconsider the diet. Such situations are extremely rare.

Returning to rats, it is worth noting that an overdose of the vitamin causes frequent miscarriages in them. But these fears are superfluous in relation to man. Women during pregnancy with an excess of biotin feel good and only note that nails and hair began to grow faster, and their appearance improved.

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Under what conditions does the need for a vitamin increase?

During the day, the human body should produce 0.15-0.3 mg of biotin. It is required:

  • during active sports;
  • under difficult working conditions, when the body experiences daily physical overload;
  • in cold climates;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with neuropsychic overstrain;
  • when working during which there is contact with harmful chemicals;
  • with the development of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • with long-term antibiotic treatment.

If the body does not receive enough magnesium, it can signal unpleasant symptoms of a lack of biotin.

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What products contain?

The daily menu should contain a set of different products. Only a varied diet can deliver enough biotin to the body. Preference should be given to the following foods:

  • eggs (preferably soft-boiled);
  • lactic acid products and milk;
  • legumes and nuts (sources of plant-based proteins);
  • kidneys and liver (thanks to them, the body receives animal protein);
  • fruits;
  • White mushrooms;
  • vegetables (preferably raw or steamed), etc.

If a person is not worried about the intestines, he is cheerful, cheerful and energetic, then you should not worry about the lack of biotin in the body.

Vitamin B7 (biotin) benefits and harms, contraindications, why the body of women needs it, features of intake during various cycles.

B7, H or biotin - belongs to the B vitamin group. It is a cofactor for the body and helps in fat and leucine metabolism and glucogenesis.

Biotin is an active substance that is part of enzymes that are responsible for protein and fat balance. By participating in the synthesis of glucokinase, it helps to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body.

Biotin - vitamin B7 (H) is extremely important for pancreas and liver. Working with insulin, a hormone from the pancreas, it improves the regulation of carbohydrates in the body.

Its participation in the release of glucokinase is necessary for the body. It is produced with the participation of biotin accumulated in the liver.

Biotin is also needed to create carbohydrates that are collected in the liver and muscles - glycogen. And subsequently, their assimilation by the body, which leads to the conversion of 72% of amino acids. It's necessary stabilization of blood glucose. As a result, B7 is the most important vitamin for diabetics and not only.

Together with other B-group vitamins, namely B12, pantothenic and folic acids, biotin helps to properly absorb protein. At the same time, it is also needed for burning fat and its subsequent decomposition.

Can biotin help you lose weight?

Running and other physical exercises also contribute to weight loss.

300 micrograms of biotin per day- the norm for the average person who wants to say goodbye to being overweight.

Indeed, participating in the metabolism of both carbohydrates and proteins, and fats, biotin helps to lose weight with the right diet, lifestyle, and, most importantly, consumption strictly regulated by the doctor.

Biotin capsules are sold as a dietary supplement. It is also found in a variety of foods that we are familiar with.

Separately, there are products with a specially increased level of biotin. For an ordinary person, 30-100 micrograms per day is enough.

This amount is completely covered by normal food and the synthesis of biotin in the body.

Therefore, in order to increase its amount, nutritional supplements and a special diet are needed.

Biotin – has a high overdose rate. For side effects to appear, you need to exceed the daily rate by at least 100 times. On the other side. Biotin is not a magic weight loss aid.

It only works with normal diet and physical activity. For example, a person who consumes biotin and walks 3-4 km a day will get a stable effect and lose weight.

Biotin for multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis develops when the sheath of nerve fibers consisting of myelin is damaged. Biotin - improves their metabolism. Vitamin B7 speeds up myelin production, which improves functioning the entire nervous system and as a result - slows down the development of multiple sclerosis. Also, biotin suppresses the symptoms of this pathology.

Studies have shown the action of biotin: with regular consumption of 10 times the daily norm, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis became less pronounced. The sensations of pain decreased and the energy component of metabolism returned to normal.

In France, patients reported vision improvement with an increase in the dose of vitamin B7. Also, improvement in vision and elimination of partial paralysis was noted during experiments in Canada. At the same time, as a result of all experiments, clinical indicators improved in 91% of patients.

Why does a woman's body need it so much?

The male body accumulates an average of 25% more glucose. On average, the maximum supply of glucose in the female body is 300 g. As a result, its reserves quickly depleted and blood sugar starts to drop.

Consequences - nervousness, irritability, depression, reduced performance and insomnia. Therefore, it is very important for a woman to consume a daily biotin intake of 150-300 micrograms.

It will help stabilize your blood sugar levels. And given the participation of biotin in the breakdown of fats, it will prevent weight gain.

biotin during pregnancy

There are no specific requirements or the required dose of biotin intake during pregnancy.

But, since biotin is extremely important for the absorption of food and metabolism, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the consumption rate.

During pregnancy, it is important to keep stable glucose level.

Therefore, it will be beneficial for the general condition of the body to consume 250-400 micrograms of biotin per day during both pregnancy and lactation.

Symptoms of Biotin Deficiency

Skin problems- the first sign of a lack of vitamin B7. Paleness, dryness, and flaking, as well as perioral dermatitis and a smooth, pale tongue, are clear signs of a biotin deficiency.

With a further decrease in its quantity, conjunctivitis, nausea, decreased appetite, nausea, general weakness, depression, drowsiness, ataxia, muscle pain, hair loss and hypotension. It also increases the level of cholesterol, sugar and anemia is manifested.

Biotin deficiency can be hereditary. And it will appear immediately and later. Consequences are problems with coordination of movements, difficulty in learning, developmental delay and convulsions.

Daily amount of biotin:

  • Adult man - 100-200 mcg;
  • Adult woman - 150-300 mcg;
  • A woman during pregnancy - 250-400 mcg;
  • Child - 50-150 mcg;

With a balanced diet, a person receives 150-300 micrograms of biotin.

How long can you take biotin?

Reception of biotin is necessary for its congenital deficiency or for pregnant women.

In the first case, biotin intake is necessary all the time, or after consulting a doctor, you can switch to a special diet with foods containing vitamin H.

Women need to consume biotin throughout pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects and overdose of biotin

An overdose of biotin is not possible. It is excreted from the body naturally. Any excess biotin is excreted in urine and sweat.

Therefore, even when a large amount is consumed quickly, only slight sweating and an urge to urinate may occur.

Acne from biotin

The appearance of acne from biotin is impossible. The rumor about this appeared due to the fact that vitamin H is often used in sports nutrition. The appearance of acne is caused by other components of these products.


Biotin, vitamin 7 or vitamin H is essential for metabolism. It is involved in the absorption of all food components and improves the balance of glucose.

Biotin is important for diabetics, patients with a lack of biotin and slows down the development of multiple sclerosis. In all other cases, it is enough to eat normally.

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