Almag 01 operating manual. Almag - characteristics, indications and contraindications

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

One of the most effective drugs based on magnetic radiation is Almag 01 with instructions for use, which you can read in this article. Here you can decide what diseases the device can treat and what contraindications it has.


The Almag 01 device consists of four inductors and an electronic unit. The device is connected to a regular outlet and, thanks to its radiation, acts through coils on individual parts of the human body.

Almag 01 - a device based on magnetic radiation

As soon as Almag 1 is connected to the network, a green indicator on its body lights up, and when exposed to the human body, a green light also lights up. Coils that are applied directly to the body can be placed in completely different areas.

The period of one procedure is twenty minutes, after which the device turns off automatically.

The principle of operation of the Almag 01 device is that, due to the influence of a magnetic field on charged particles of the human body, the following effects occur:

  • metabolic, neurovegetative, immune and intracellular processes are accelerated and restored;
  • tension is relieved;
  • edema conditions are eliminated;
  • inflammation is relieved;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • more active tissue healing occurs;
  • recovery time is reduced;
  • pain sensations are neutralized;
  • the biological field of tissues is restored;
  • The electrical balance of the body is normalized.

Depending on what kind of pathology will be treated with this device, the manipulations also depend, but still there are certain common points for the treatment of all diseases. They are as follows:

  • the first thing you need to do is check the device for functionality;
  • the patient must take a comfortable position;
  • the device should be placed in the area of ​​expected exposure;
  • procedures are recommended to be carried out twice a day at the same time, always before meals;
  • after the first receptions, pain may appear, which then quickly disappear;
  • during the treatment period, the use of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

I would also like to note that you should start using Almag only after carefully studying the instructions for use.

During use, care must be taken to ensure that no moisture penetrates inside the device. In addition, the Almag 01 device should be protected from shock and shock, in no case should it be dropped. It is also forbidden to move and lift the device by its cord and place it in close proximity to magnetically sensitive devices.

Use the device only after reading the instructions and consulting with your doctor.

The following precautions should be observed when using the device:

  • the duration of one procedure should be no more than twenty minutes;
  • in the event that the procedure is carried out on two zones, then in this case the duration of all procedures should be no more than 30 minutes;
  • The device should not be used for treatment in the area of ​​the brain and heart.

When carrying out all procedures using Almaga 01, it is imperative to strictly follow all instructions and take into account contraindications.

Many of us have already heard a lot of rave reviews about such a device as Almag, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows for which diseases it is most suitable.

In many instructions for the use of Almag 1, you can find very scarce information that it is recommended to be used exclusively for the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints, but as practice shows, this device is multifunctional and can be effectively used to treat the following pathologies:

  • hypertension;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • bruises, fractures, hematomas;
  • burns, ligament damage, phlegmon;
  • neurological diseases;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • neurasthenia and depressive states;
  • headaches and cerebrovascular accidents;
  • diabetes mellitus;

The device can be used for a wide range of diseases

Despite such a huge list of pathologies that Almag can cope with, it also has certain contraindications that must be taken into account. These include the following conditions:

  • acute inflammatory and purulent processes;
  • periods after strokes and heart attacks;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe hypotension;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • oncological diseases;
  • systemic blood pathologies;
  • presence of a pacemaker.

These are not all of the contraindications that Almag has; the full list can be found in the complete and understandable instructions for use of the device.

Using a device like Almag is quite simple, since the manufacturers tried to put every effort into the device when developing it and make it not only multifunctional and effective, but also convenient and easy to use.

The belt, which is equipped with special inductors, just needs to be applied to the problem area and turn on the device. After this, the process of getting rid of the pathology begins.

According to the instructions for use of Almag 01, the belt is allowed to be applied to the following areas:

  • legs with problem veins;
  • lower back;
  • the area around the sore joint;
  • spine;
  • collar area.

Treatment of back pain using the Almag device

All family members can use one device, but when using it, it is imperative to take breaks after each session, and the total operating time should not exceed more than six hours.

Note! It is recommended to use Almag 01 only after consultation with your doctor and a thorough examination.

As for the effectiveness of magnetic therapy when using the Almag 01 device, the effect occurs only after long-term use. As practice shows, after the first treatment sessions, many people experience pain in the area of ​​therapy. You should not be upset about this and stop treatment, as the pain will disappear fairly quickly. This will indicate that the treatment is reaching its maximum effectiveness.

The effect of use will not occur immediately; long-term treatment is required

The long-term use of the device to obtain results is explained by the fact that the human body is reconstructed over a long period of time and in the process of this restructuring becomes stronger and stronger.

Many people who have heard about such a unique device as Almag 01 at least once in their lives are concerned about the question of how much it costs and where it can be purchased.

You can buy the device in numerous pharmacies in our country. In addition, if you wish, you can order this device in the online store.

As for the cost, depending on the place of purchase, Almag can be bought from 9,000 to 13,000 rubles. Some stores offer very attractive discounts on this device, so you shouldn’t buy the device at the first place you come across.

The average cost of the device in a pharmacy ranges from 9,000 to 13,000 rubles.

Many agree that the price is very high and give up the idea of ​​purchasing a device for themselves. But I would like to note that Almag is not a drug, but a fairly high-quality and effective device. It will serve you and your loved ones for a long time and will help get rid of numerous diseases.

As for Almag analogues, at present there are no devices that could have such an effect on the human body and create such a raging electromagnetic field.

Experts' opinions

Many medical professionals speak only positively about this device and recommend it for use to their patients. Since Almag 01 is one of the unique devices in its action, which is capable of saving a person from many different diseases after long-term treatment.

In situations where the pathologies are very serious and are in an advanced stage, then the device is used in a comprehensive program with medications. The entire treatment process is compiled exclusively by the attending physician.

As for the reviews of patients who used Almag, those who followed all the recommendations and did not self-medicate received the expected effect from the treatment and were completely satisfied with the treatment. Those who used the device as prescribed by a doctor and did so for a long time noted the following results:

  • when using the device, the pain that accompanied the person for a long time completely disappears;
  • there is a full recovery after the injuries;
  • burns and postoperative scars heal faster;
  • passes stiffness with osteochondrosis;
  • pathologies associated with the joints disappear;
  • expanding range of motion;
  • the general condition of the person improves.

Of course, it does not happen that the device affects all its owners. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that not all patients use the device correctly and follow all recommendations. Many of the patients stop the procedure after one week of use and claim that the device is not effective, even without taking into account the fact that it is recommended for use for a long time.

One type of conservative treatment is magnetic physiotherapy. A course of magnetic treatment can be completed both in a hospital and at home. 01, manufactured at the Elatom Instrument Plant, is suitable for home use.

A traveling pulsed magnetic field is emitted by the device in periodic pulses lasting ≈ 2 ms, with a frequency of 6 Hz. The impulse penetrates quite deeply, up to 7 cm. The body has the following effects:

  1. metabolic processes accelerate;
  2. blood circulation increases locally;
  3. swelling subsides;
  4. drugs are absorbed much faster.

These properties are effective in curing more than 50 diseases.

How to use Almag 01 instructions for use with pictures

In the box you can find the following equipment:

  1. elastic band;
  2. information booklet;
  3. the device itself;
  4. instruction manual with pictures;
  5. instructions for use;
  6. warranty card;
  7. magnetic field indicator;

The device itself weighs about 600 g and looks like 4 large links in the form of coils connected to each other by plastic plates. Each reel has an indicator. There are also two LED indicators on the electronic unit: green is the power indicator, and yellow is the operation of the magnet itself. Almag 01 operates only from a 220 VV network.

After turning it on, to use it, just turn on the device, take a comfortable position and apply it to the painful area for a few minutes. So that the indicators on the links are on the outside. You don't need to configure anything, there is only one mode. Apply to the following areas:

  • small of the back;
  • spinal column;
  • cervical-collar area;
  • peripheral joints.

To check the presence of a magnetic field, a special device is applied to the indicators. The session can be carried out up to 6 hours a day, but every third of an hour the timer goes off and the yellow light goes out, which indicates that it is necessary to give the device a 10-minute rest.

Device Almag 01 instructions for use reviews price

Reviews on the device on the Internet are different. There are many positive, but there are also negative reviews on the device. There are two main reasons for their appearance.

1. Firstly, users ignore contraindications, which are detailed in the instruction Almag 01 with drawings. Contraindications to the use of the medical device are as follows:

  • oncology;
  • high blood pressure;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • hematopoietic diseases;
  • electronic implants, such as a pacemaker;
  • brain disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • poisoning

2. Secondly, the device costs a lot of money: about 10 thousand rubles. and therefore, users often expect an immediate miracle effect from it. The recommended course of treatment is long and ranges from 10 to 20 procedures, and the result will be noticeable no earlier than after 1.5–2 months.

At the beginning of treatment, symptoms may appear indicating a deterioration of the patient’s condition: activation of inflammatory processes and increased pain. This is due to the fact that blood circulation has increased. After a few days, symptoms should normally disappear.

It is important to read the instruction manual carefully before use. And in any case, follow the instructions and directions of your doctor. The doctor must monitor the patient's condition.

Almag 01 instructions for use free download

In addition to the instruction manual, the box also contains instructions for use. It describes in detail the cases in which the device can be useful. How and where exactly to apply based on the diagnosis. If it was lost complete instructions for use of Almag 01 download You can always download it for free in pdf format and print it later for convenience.

With pictures

Despite the fact that some express doubts about the effectiveness of Almag 01, for many years it has been the flagship and sales leader of the entire Elatom Instrument Plant.

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Almag 01 is traveling magnetic field treatment device, affecting the affected organs and helping to neutralize inflammation, pain and restore performance.

The use of the device does not require medical education.

Design and principle of operation of the device

The structure includes an electronic unit - a current pulse generator, as well as 4 inductors. The device also has a cord with a socket and a cable for the impact unit.

The device has indicators through which you can determine the stage of operation of the device.

When connected to the network, a green light flashes, and if the device is working, then a yellow light flashes along with it.

After 22 minutes from connecting to the network, the device stops working and the yellow light goes out. To continue working, you must turn off the device, then reconnect it to the network.

The coils can be applied to the sore spot with either side, and their serviceability is indicated by flashing green indicators.

The magnetic field affects the charged particles of the body. And as a result, metabolic and other processes in the intracellular area are restored and accelerated.

Due to this, tissue restoration processes are activated, their affected areas are restored much faster, which helps recovery.

The magnetic field is pulsed, so it has a special effect. Due to the heterogeneity of the field, the impact occurs on almost all cellular structures.

Traveling waves can penetrate 8 cm into the human body, so the activity will spread to all important organs.

The magnetic effect of this type normalizes the biofield of tissues, organs and electrical balance.

It is worth paying attention to other aspects of the device’s operation. Thus, a magnetic field can stop a nerve impulse in an area. This means that pain can be neutralized. This neutralizes tension, inflammation and swelling of the area.

According to the instructions for use for Almag 01, the device significantly improves blood circulation and blood supply to all organs, which helps heal tissue.


The Almag 01 device has the following performance characteristics:

Purpose of the device

The device is designed to provide a therapeutic effect on the human body using a magnetic field in medical institutions and to the patients themselves at home.

Main indications for using the device:

  • diseases and injuries of the limbs and spine;
  • cardiac system disorders;
  • pathologies of a neurological nature;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • lesions of the female reproductive system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • vein diseases
  • contraindications
  • There are some contraindications:
  • acute inflammation;
  • purulent processes;
  • bleeding;
  • Cancerous formations;
  • Pregnancy;
  • The period after a heart attack;
  • Systemic blood diseases;
  • Brain circulatory disorders;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Age up to 2 years.

Tendon inflammation or - what you need to know about the disease in order to start treatment in a timely manner.

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How to use the device

The magnetic therapy device is applied to the skin or dry gauze tissue - to the sore area in case of damage to the musculoskeletal system.

The course consists of 18 procedures. With such a long-term treatment, after the 6th and 12th sessions, a break is taken for one day. The shortest duration of exposure to the device is 10 minutes (the first 4 procedures), the next 4 days the time increases to 15 minutes, after 8 times - to 20.

After a month, a repeat course should be carried out, then maintenance physiotherapy is provided every three months.

How to use the device?

The specifics of the manipulation depend on the location of exposure and the disease. But there are also general points:

  1. First you need to check that the device is working.
  2. The patient should sit comfortably.
  3. The device should be located in the affected area. It is possible to carry out the procedure through thin tissue.
  4. Course - 10-20 sessions.
  5. The duration of one manipulation is up to 20 minutes.
  6. It is better to carry out the procedures twice a day at the same time, 3 hours after meals or an hour before.
  7. The course of treatment for a specific area can be repeated after 4 weeks, and then after 3 months.
  8. Pain may appear in the first 3 sessions, then it will disappear. There may be a feeling of warmth.
  9. Do not drink alcohol during treatment.

Efficiency and terms of use

The activity of the device is observed directly during the manipulation, but changes will be visible after several procedures.

As for tangible improvements, they can only be observed 21 days after the start of treatment due to the fact that the action of the device is based on the trace effect. That is, after treatment, the body will gradually rebuild itself and only after a while will it readjust to normal functioning.

So you should immediately prepare for the fact that miracles do not happen, and treatment should be quite long.

The service life of the device is from 5 to 8 years.

Precautions when using the device

It is advisable to use Almag-01 only after studying the instructions for use, contraindications and reviews from specialists.

Inspect the device before performing procedures.

Do not use a device with damaged housing, coils or cables.

Conduct sessions in places convenient for plugging into an electrical outlet, eliminating tension on the cord and cables of the impact unit. Otherwise, use industrial extension cords.

Almag can only be plugged into a working outlet with a voltage of 220V (230V) and a frequency of 50 Hz.

Prevent moisture from penetrating into the electrical unit and coils when treating their surfaces with cleaning compounds. Protect the device from shock and impact.

Treatment Precautions:

  • the duration of the first procedure is up to 20 minutes;
  • session time in the treatment of two zones - up to 30 minutes;
  • the duration of the first 3 sessions for treatment on the cervicothoracic part is up to 10 minutes;
  • There is no direct effect on the heart and brain.


  • lift and move the device by the cord;
  • place the device connected to the network near magnetic storage devices, audio, video devices and other magnetically sensitive devices.

In order to strengthen the body and in the treatment of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, one of the leading roles is given to physiotherapeutic methods of influence. By awakening internal reserves and tuning the body’s natural forces, they launch the process of self-healing. This allows you to reduce or gradually eliminate the use of medications and avoid possible side effects. The arsenal of physiotherapeutic means is huge. The most famous and effective is Almag - a magnetic therapy device. For 15 years it has been widely used in medical institutions, clinics and hospital departments. A portable version of Almag-01 was developed especially for treatment at home - instructions for use and reviews will help you get to know this device better.

Design of the Almag-01 device

The device was created in the early 90s at the request of the country's leading physiotherapists to replace the highly effective, but bulky and inconvenient ALIMP device in practical use. The Almag-01 device, which has the same properties, was developed and produced by the Elatom Instrument Plant:

  • compact;

  • does not require protective grounding during operation;

  • easy to use, does not require medical knowledge or special skills;

  • affordable.

Almag-01 is a magnetic device (N 1 is a number indicating a modification in the series, since later a more complicated version N 2 was released for the most difficult cases of the disease). The healing factor is a traveling electromagnetic field. Generation mode – pulsed, intermittent. Unlike the continuous type, pulsed action has a number of advantages:

  • being very sensitive to the action of magnetic fields, the body adapts more easily, but is less accustomed to the pulsed effect, which allows one to achieve a much greater therapeutic effect;

  • exhibits selectivity due to the ability to regulate in a wide range the frequency of modulation and repeating pulses, shape, duration of exposure, intensity - the main parameters: magnetic flux, induction, permeability, tension;

  • penetrates deeper into tissues and organs;

  • has pronounced biological effects;

  • affects almost all structures at the cellular level, the nervous, bone, endocrine systems, heart, blood and lymphatic vessels are especially sensitive.

What is included in the Almag-01 delivery kit and how the device works is described in detail in the instructions supplied with it. The package contains:

  • electronic unit – pulse current generator, rectangular box measuring 137x60 mm, height 4.5 cm;

  • a light indicator (green and yellow) located on the unit body, indicating the operating phase and a separate control indicator for checking the presence of a magnetic field pulse;

  • network cord;

  • 4 double-sided coils connected to each other by a soft tape - impact nodes or emitters applied to the skin. Their diameter is 90 mm, thickness is 15 mm;

  • flexible cable connecting the generator with the applicators;

  • elastic medical bandage for fixing the device;

  • the weight of the device is not more than 6-7 kg.

Magnetic therapy is a treatment method based on the positive effect of a low-frequency magnetic field on the human body. The body consists of cells of different types formed by ionized molecules, each with an electrical charge. The operating principle of Almag-01 is based on the fact that a magnetic field acting on human tissue creates electric currents. They affect the body's water systems, free radicals, ionized biological molecules - proteins, enzymes. Changes in the physicochemical properties and orientation of charged particles in the body contribute to:

  • changes in the permeability of intracellular membranes, acceleration of biochemical and biophysical processes, improvement of tissue trophism, faster removal of toxic decomposition products;

  • restoration of natural electromagnetic parameters disturbed as a result of injury or illness;

  • a decrease in viscosity, blood thinning, which makes it difficult for the formation of blood clots;

  • normalization of metabolism, blood circulation in individual zones and the body as a whole;

  • launching regeneration - restoration of lost or damaged areas of tissues and organs;

  • blocking the transmission of nerve impulses from the damaged area, responsible for pain;

  • stimulation of nerve fibers that regulate vascular tone. This causes expansion of blood vessels, reduction of inflammatory swelling, and returns mobility to the joint;

  • activation of immune processes, general strengthening effect.

The field generated by the device is characterized by the following indicators:

  • frequency of repeated magnetic pulses – 6 Hz;

  • the duration of exposure of the supplied pulses is in the range from 1.5 to 2.5 ms;

  • induction or magnetic flux density – 20 mT;

  • the effective penetration depth of traveling waves is 6-8 cm.

Such technical characteristics explain that the Almag-01 device treats thanks to its effects at the cellular level not only on bones and joints, but also on internal organs.

How to use at home

Almag-01 is a portable device that has no analogues for the treatment of many diseases. The effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous medical tests and protocols signed by officials from leading Russian clinics.

The device was designed taking into account maximum safety and comfort of the patient, since it can be used outside the walls of a medical institution, but independently, right at home. No special qualifications required.

How to use - the correct sequence of actions, nuances of Almag-01 operation, recommendations and warnings are indicated in the instructions for use. Compliance with the following rules will help you make optimal use of the device’s capabilities:

  • Before using, keep the device for at least 4 hours at room temperature, make sure that the connecting wires, plug are intact, that there are no external damage to parts or any other problems. If necessary, wipe the outer, skin-contact surfaces of the parts of the device with a cloth moistened with a disinfectant solution for medical purposes for plastic products. Avoid getting the solution inside.

  • It is connected to a regular household power outlet with a rated supply voltage of 220-230V, designed for household appliances. Away, at least 0.5 m, from magnetic storage media (flash drives, disks, credit cards, videos, key cards).

  • The illuminated green indicator located on the generator body indicates that the device is in good condition and ready for operation. Simultaneously with it, a yellow lamp lights up, signaling the beginning of the formation and distribution of current pulses over the emitters. A pulsed magnetic field running from one coil to another will be formed and distributed in space - you can start a therapy session. The operability of the device is also indicated by 4 green indicators flashing with equal frequency, located in the center of the applicator coils. Additionally, you can verify the presence of a magnetic field using a special testing indicator - applying it to the coils and observing the reaction. Depending on the variety, the control indicator will vibrate or flash green.

  • After 22 minutes, the yellow lamp associated with the timer will automatically turn off and the radiation will stop. The device requires 10 minutes. a break during which it is disconnected from the power supply. Afterwards it is ready for reuse. In this intermittent mode, Almag-01 provides 6 hours of uninterrupted operation.

  • Apply inductors with any working surface directly to the skin or, in order to maintain hygiene, to the diseased area, covered with a light cloth. The effect remains the same when applied through a plaster or gauze bandage.

  • During the session, the patient should be in a comfortable, relaxed position - sit or lie down. It is advisable to choose the time in the morning and evening hours, 1 hour before meals or after waiting 2-3 hours after eating. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited during the entire period of treatment.

  • The duration of the course and the exact time of exposure is determined by the doctor based on the type of disease, the individual characteristics of the body and why Almag-01 is prescribed - for therapeutic, prophylactic or general health purposes. The procedures should be carried out daily, preferably 2 times a day at the same time. Start therapy with 10 min. sessions, gradually increasing the time: after 4 procedures by 5 minutes, after 8 - by 10 minutes. The duration of the course is usually 10-20 sessions, then a mandatory 4-week break.

  • At the end of the session, turn off the device. Keep away from direct sunlight, heating elements and high temperatures.

Indications and contraindications

The need to use the Almag device for the treatment of joints, problems with the spine or other diseases is decided by the doctor after examining the patient and making a diagnosis. The instruction contains the method of application of Almag-01, indications and contraindications.

The device is useful for a number of diseases.

Main indications:

  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: injuries, inflammatory diseases, hernia, osteochondrosis of any of the sections of the spine. Also, damage to the ligaments and muscles, purulent inflammation of the cellular spaces, difficult to heal wounds, burns and their consequences;

  • neurological syndromes, incl. orthopedic neurology, vascular brain lesions;

  • venous insufficiency of the upper and lower extremities, diseases of the heart and blood vessels: hypertension, ischemia, atherosclerosis, endarteritis;

  • inflammation of the vein wall (phlebitis), blockage of veins or arteries by a thrombus, phlebectomy performed - an operation to remove varicose veins;

  • Gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis;

  • endocrine diseases associated with disorders of the pancreas, complications associated with diabetes mellitus;

  • violations of the respiratory function of the lungs - bronchial obstruction, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchiectasis;

  • dermatological diseases, diseases of the genital organs in women, reproductive, genitourinary spheres.

Physiotherapy or therapy with magnets is considered a safe method, it does not directly harm the body, because. natural for humans. Some patients who have a certain disease and pathological condition are prohibited from using magnet treatment. In order for Almag-01 not to be harmful, it is important to take into account the limitations, the complete list contains instructions. Here are the main ones:

  • acute purulent infections, inflammatory processes of various localization caused by pyogenic microflora;

  • predisposition to bleeding, diseases of the blood, hematopoietic organs - bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen;

  • hypothalamic syndrome, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;

  • hypotension – decreased muscle tone or general, expressed by low blood pressure;

  • cancerous tumors;

  • early period of a heart attack, severe form of cardiac ischemia;

  • pregnancy;

  • alcohol intoxication;

  • an implanted pacemaker in an area affected by a magnetic field.

Side effects may develop if the instructions for use are not followed or if the doctor’s orders are ignored. This may be increased pain, discomfort, individual reactions - headache, dizziness, itching, rash, gag reflex.

How to be treated with Almag-01

Having studied numerous reviews about Almag-01, we can conclude:

  • the effect is not noticeable immediately, only after 2-3 days of use the pain and swelling begin to gradually subside. For more tangible improvements, regular long-term treatment is required;

  • Almag is especially useful for the back - after 4-5 sessions of complex treatment, pain, muscle flaccidity subsides, and stiffness in the spine disappears;

  • for arthritis, osteochondrosis, gout and other inflammatory diseases of the spinal column and joints, medications are often ineffective; combining them with Almag-01 provides a rapid analgesic effect without the use of large doses of non-steroidal drugs;

  • some note an improvement in overall well-being - normalization of sleep, relief of tension and anxiety. Wounds and postoperative scars heal faster, Almag-01 helps to get rid of or reduce such unpleasant phenomena as belching, bloating, flatulence, nausea;

  • with regular use, there is a noticeable decrease in the size of the veins, a beneficial effect of Almag-01 on visual acuity and respiratory functions is noted;

  • successfully used for hypertension: primary hypertension, renal origin and vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type. In the first case, 12 sessions are required - apply the device to the collar area, this is a reflexogenic zone responsible for ensuring the functioning of the heart and the constancy of blood pressure. The impact on the receptors located in this place reduces the force of heart contractions and frequency, and the pulsed magnetic field helps to dilate blood vessels. In the other two cases, it is prescribed to alternate the effect on the collar zone with the zone of direct projection of the adrenal glands - located on the back, in the lumbar region, under the ribs. About 18 procedures will be required, and blood pressure will be constantly monitored during treatment.

Most patients are satisfied with the result, noting positive qualities, but there are negative reviews:

  • at the beginning of use, the pain syndrome intensifies;

  • unpleasant tingling, feeling of discomfort during the session;

  • lack of a pronounced therapeutic effect.

The ability to positively influence human health is confirmed by many experts, but you should not count on instant results and rely on Almag-01 as a panacea for all diseases. According to medical practitioners, the device is not capable of completely curing serious illnesses. But, as evidenced by doctors’ reviews, as part of complex therapy, Almag-01 has an additional therapeutic effect. It is based on the trace effect, i.e. The magnetic field creates conditions for the restructuring of the body, after which it begins to function normally. It is important to be patient.

How you use the device also matters. Each disease has its own area for application of the applicator and the direction of movement of the pulses. In case of joint damage or osteochondrosis, it is enough to place the flexible emitting ruler along the diseased area in any order, but when treating varicose veins or problems with the peripheral nervous system in the lower extremities, it is important that the running impulses follow from bottom to top. You cannot simultaneously treat more than 2 joints or apply a magnetic field to the heart, brain or eyes.

Device cost

They purchase Almag-01 in medical equipment stores, stationary pharmacy chains, via the Internet, or order directly from the factory. The price varies from 8 to 9.5 thousand rubles. The official website of the manufacturer ( provides the opportunity to buy Almag-01 at a discount. Including delivery, the price will be 8,500 rubles. The manufacturer provides service and maintenance, the warranty period is 24 months. The price of the device is high, but if all requirements are met, the manufacturer guarantees 5-8 years of impeccable service and physiotherapy at home.

Before starting use, be sure to consult your doctor and undergo the necessary examination.

The problem of back pain is urgent. Every person has experienced this feeling at least once. There are diseases that cause a constant feeling of pain not only in the back, but also in other parts of the body. There are many ways to help with pain, ranging from conservative to surgical. Recently, the Almag device, based on magnetic therapy, has been gaining popularity, created specifically to combat this problem and improve the quality of life of patients.

Principle of operation

Almag 01 is a source of magnetic rays that have a healing effect on the body. It is a means of physiotherapeutic treatment (). It consists of 4 interconnected coils (magnetic current emitters) connected by a cable to a power cord. Also included is a magnetic radiation indicator and an elastic bandage for fixation. The device is convenient for home use, just like. It should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician as magnetic therapy.

The operating principle of the device is the emission of magnetic currents. The coils included in the composition are interconnected by flexible structures, so they are freely applied to the affected area and the device is connected to the network. There is a magnet inside the coils. Under the influence of a current power of 220 volts, pulsed currents are formed in the coils, which are then converted into magnetic radiation. As a result, a field – a magnet – is formed in the space around the coils of the device.

Magnetic rays penetrate the skin to a depth of 8 centimeters. They improve blood circulation, relieve pain impulses and improve metabolism; magnetic therapy is based on this. In addition, Almag 01 has a slight warming effect.


There are many indications for using the drug. The instructions state several diseases for which the use of a magnetic therapy device is recommended. All of them are accompanied by pain, limitation of movement and activity, they differ only in location. According to the instructions, the indications for using Almag are:

  • Any diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system:, neuritis, bursitis, tendonitis. All these diseases are inflammatory in nature. With the help of Almag, due to the action of magnetic rays, the feeling of swelling is removed and, not immediately, gradually. Sprains and tears of ligaments, fractures during the recovery period, bruises are also accompanied by a feeling of pain and an increase in edema, therefore magnetic therapy will be quite effective. Also indicated for the formation of hernias, osteochondrosis, etc. Since in these diseases the structure of the cartilage is disturbed, its blood supply is disrupted. The magnet improves microcirculation both in the joints and in the spine. You can use Almag 01 for hematomas, wounds, swelling, burns, scars.
  • Diseases of a neurological nature. The effect is more based on the relaxing and calming effect of the procedure.

  • Cardiovascular pathology. The Almag device is used for coronary artery disease, atherosclerotic vascular lesions, hypertension, including symptomatic hypertension, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. The main thing is to control the course of the disease using medication. It is possible to use Almag 01 for these diseases if there are no contraindications. The effect is mainly based on stimulation of blood circulation, activation of vascular activity and a calming effect.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: used for chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis. Almag 01 treatment is based on stimulating blood circulation and accelerating scarring of defects. Also relieves pain.
  • Diseases of the pelvis, for example, inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis), pelvic injuries, decreased ovarian function. The device’s action is also aimed at relieving pain and improving well-being.
  • Respiratory diseases: chronic bronchitis and asthma of bronchial origin, pneumonia in the recovery stage, chest bruises. The medical device allows you to improve blood supply to target organs, speed up recovery, and relieve pain.
  • Complications of diabetes mellitus.


Contraindications are limited. But it is important to follow them and not use the Almag 01 device if you have the conditions listed below, since you can do more harm than good. Almag 01 is contraindicated for use:

  1. In the presence of purulent diseases, both external and internal. Because the inflammatory process can worsen when exposed to magnetic current and cause complications. If this is an external inflammation, then you should not place foreign objects against the lesion.
  2. If you are pregnant. Under no circumstances! Since magnetic current, like any other radiation, can harm the fetus and lead to termination of pregnancy.
  3. If you have increased bleeding or decreased blood clotting, you should not use it.
  4. When detecting tumor diseases. Since physiotherapy can promote the growth and progression of the tumor.
  5. With increased thyroid function (thyrotoxicosis).
  6. There are also contraindications to using the device while intoxicated.
  7. In the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis, especially in active form. In this condition, you also cannot use this drug or any physical procedures.
  8. For uncompensated coronary heart disease (severe forms of arrhythmias, angina, heart attack). It is possible to start using the device when the compensation condition has been achieved. If you have a pacemaker, it is strictly contraindicated!
  9. If there have been operations for fractures of the spine or bones, metal rods or frames have been inserted, the use of Almag is also prohibited, these are direct contraindications.
  10. If adverse reactions to the drug occur (itching, rash, dizziness, nausea, etc.), you should stop using it.

How to use?

Before use, you must connect Almag 01 to the network. Before doing this, be sure to disinfect its surfaces with a soft cloth soaked in a disinfectant solution. This can be hydrogen peroxide, a solution of ethyl alcohol, or chloramine. You can simply use detergent.

Disinfection must be repeated at least twice with an interval of ten minutes. Allow the device to dry, then plug it in.

The device has magnetic radiation indicators. There are two of them. As soon as you turn on the device, one of them lights up green. The second one lights up yellow a little later and starts blinking. The Almag device will blink for 22 minutes, since this is the time it takes to heat the device and the appearance of a magnetic field. The following algorithm:

  • Disconnect Almag 01 from the network and turn it on again. Both indicators should light up green.
  • The kit includes a control indicator. It can be brought to each of the coils to check their performance. It should give a color signal if it is working properly.

  • It is necessary to take the coils in your hands, put them on the place of impact, take a calm pose. Coils can be placed directly on the skin, on fabric (diaper, clothes), even on top of plaster.
  • The duration of exposure varies and depends on the disease being treated. The time for the procedure is determined by the attending physician. Leave for a minimum of ten to fifteen minutes.
  • At the end of use, turn off the drug, put it in a dry, cool place, protected from sunlight.


Almag 01 is lightweight and easy to use. Both an elderly person and a child can cope with it. The main thing is to follow the instructions. The main advantages of this device over other methods:

  1. Safety. A relative concept, since there is still a danger associated with contact with electricity. But the magnetic field is absolutely safe, there is no harmful effect.
  2. Treatment with Almag is effective. The effect comes gradually, but noticeable.
  3. Availability. Available at any pharmacy and medical equipment store.
  4. Compact and convenient packaging.
  5. Ease of maintenance and care.
  6. A minimum of side effects while observing contraindications.

Thus, the Almag 01 device, as well as the device, is a modern and effective method of physiotherapy. The Almag device is affordable and convenient to use at home. It is important to follow the instructions when using.

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