Inflammation of the nerve in the thoracic spine symptoms. How to treat a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine

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Chest pain can be caused by various reasons. One of them is a pinched nerve in the thoracic region. People don't encounter this problem very often. This disease is more likely to occur in the cervical and lumbar spine. People over 30 years of age are more likely to develop this pathology.

A pinched thoracic nerve is not the most common disease. This is due to the fact that the thoracic spine does not experience as much stress as other parts. But he is also susceptible to pathological processes. The spinal cord has nerve branches that run between the vertebrae of the chest. Inflammation or displacement of cartilage discs, adjacent muscles, damage or deformation of the vertebrae can lead to pinching of the roots of autonomic, motor or sensory nerve fibers. Blood circulation in the affected area becomes difficult and tissue swelling occurs. As a result, nerve cells are damaged, causing pain.

The nature and intensity of pain may vary. Gradual compression of nerve fibers is usually accompanied by a dull aching, and in the acute stage of nerve entrapment, sharp and acute pain. It can be mistaken for a heart attack, or an attack of intercostal neuralgia. Unpleasant sensations occur not only in the sternum, but also in the ribs. Symptoms of strangulation are also often confused with manifestations of diseases such as gastritis or stomach ulcers.


A characteristic feature of a pinched nerve is that the pain usually comes in attacks. Spasms or uncontrolled contractions of the intercostal muscles may also occur.

  • Pain and wave-like spasms in the chest, which worsen with tension, movements of the arms or head, as well as with excessive physical exertion.
  • Numbness in the arms and upper back or chest. Loss of sensation may spread over the entire surface or be localized to a small area.
  • Temporary muscle paralysis. Severe multiple pinched nerves in the thoracic region, complicated by inflammation, can cause muscle stiffness in the upper limbs, as well as temporary paralysis.
  • Symptoms of strangulation may masquerade as an ischemic attack. The pain syndrome is accompanied by arrhythmia and does not respond to cardiac medications.
  • In the case of a particularly acute attack, short-term fainting may occur.

IMPORTANT! – The chronic course of the disease, without appropriate treatment, leads to atrophy of the affected muscles.

Pinched nerves in the chest cavity cause disruption in the functioning of adjacent organs and tissues. There is a violation of synaptic functions, which are caused by compression of the roots.

There are several factors that cause nerve entrapment in the thoracic spine:

  1. Age-related changes. The risk group includes middle-aged and elderly people. Pathological processes occur as bone and muscle structures become deformed over time. This leads to the fact that it becomes more difficult to bear loads and stress, and damage to nerve fibers occurs more often.
  2. Degenerative changes in the structure of the spine. Osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, osteoporosis and arthritis can cause pinching of the nerve fibers of the thoracic spine. These diseases cause destruction of the bone tissue of the vertebrae and cartilage discs. This, in turn, causes the nerve roots to become pinched.
  3. Increased physical activity. Work associated with carrying heavy loads and professional sports activities deform the spine. The distance between the vertebrae is reduced. This leads to changes in the intervertebral discs and the likelihood of nerve entrapment increases significantly.
  4. Muscle spasm. Hypertonicity occurs at a time when muscles are under high load. Spasm in the muscle fibers pinches the roots and creates pain in the tissues of the affected area.
  5. Diseases of the vegetative-vascular system. Lack of blood supply caused by circulatory disorders provokes a deficiency of nutrients. This reduces the quality of nutrition of the spinal tissues. A deficiency of vitamins and minerals gradually leads to the destruction of the structure of the spine. As a result, various defects that appear can become one of the factors leading to damage to the phrenic nerve.
  6. Nervous disorders. Stressful situations and depression weaken the body's protective functions. This can trigger a chain of negative processes that affect the entire body. They can also provoke a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine, the symptoms and signs of which will be quite typical.
  7. Intercostal neuralgia. It occurs when making sudden, jerky movements or when lifting heavy weights.

To diagnose a phenomenon such as a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine, symptoms and signs are insufficient. If you experience chest pain, consult a doctor immediately. To correctly establish a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination. It is carried out by a neurologist.


The doctor interviews the patient, collects anamnesis and performs an examination. The initial neurological examination consists of measuring blood pressure and checking reflex sharpness. Symptoms of pinching are identified, such as the degree of loss of sensitivity in the affected area, and muscle tone is assessed. To clarify the clinical picture and exclude the presence of other diseases, blood tests (general, biochemical, sialic test), as well as additional, high-tech examination measures are prescribed.

Since the disease has ambiguous symptoms and treatment may be prescribed incorrectly, clarification of the diagnosis is required.

The following procedures are intended for this:

  • Radiography. It is prescribed to identify pathologies that provoke the occurrence of pain. Using an x-ray, the chest is carefully examined. It is carried out in three planes to get a more complete picture of existing changes and deformations of the thoracic spine. This can be either mechanical damage or tumor or infectious processes.
  • Electrocardiogram and ultrasound examination of the heart. These techniques are necessary to exclude the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, since the symptoms of compression of nerves in the chest cavity and heart diseases are very similar.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography are performed to accurately determine the location of the defects that caused pinched nerves.
  • Myelography. It is prescribed if standard methods do not provide a complete picture. The procedure requires the use of a contrast agent. This method is rarely used, since the substance must be injected into the spinal canal.

ATTENTION! – Before undergoing such an examination, make sure that you are not allergic to the contrast agent.


What to do if a nerve is pinched in the chest? After diagnosis, the neurologist determines a set of treatment measures.

They are designed to solve the following problems:

  • Stop pinching of the nerve in the thoracic region and restore the synaptic activity of the fibers.
  • Eliminate muscle paroxysm, stop the inflammatory process.
  • Restore the structure of the spine, improve blood circulation.

Since the disease is accompanied by severe pain, it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms and treatment, for this reason, begins with drug therapy. How to treat infringement?

In order for the therapeutic effect to be complete and have the required effect, doctors recommend taking the following medications in parallel:

  1. Analgesics. They help relieve pain.
  2. NSAIDs and NSAIDs. These are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are intended to eliminate the source of inflammation and to treat swelling of inflamed tissues.
  3. Muscle relaxants. Relaxes muscles, stopping spasms. As a result, the nerve in the thoracic region is released.
  4. B vitamins. They contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system, nourish tissues and stabilize the general condition of the body.


How to treat a pinched nerve in the chest with auxiliary means? One of the methods of complex therapy is physiotherapy. It quickly has a positive effect on the body. Electrophoresis and phonophoresis with drugs, UHF, magnetic therapy relieve pain, pinched nerves, and stabilize the body's condition. Auxiliary methods such as massage, acupuncture, and manual therapy restore blood circulation, strengthen nerves and relax muscles twisted by spasms.


After the symptoms have been eliminated and treatment is in its final phase, doctors recommend starting a rehabilitation and preventive exercise therapy complex. Exercises for pinching are selected individually, taking into account the severity of damage to tissues and organs.

Treatment measures at home

The disease is quite serious, so outpatient treatment should be adjusted by a neurologist. Without consulting a specialist, self-medication can aggravate the problem and lead to serious consequences.

If a pinched nerve occurs in the thoracic region, treatment at home is carried out, following all the doctor’s recommendations. There are several folk recipes that will help relieve pain, reduce swelling and inflammation.


A decoction of chamomile, nettle, calendula, and yarrow leaves will help treat pinched nerves in the thoracic region. They act as a good anti-inflammatory agent. It can also be infusions of plantain and lingonberry leaf. The decoctions should be taken up to 5 times a day, ½ cup each, preferably warm. The correct preparation method is indicated on the packaging of pharmaceutical raw materials.


In order to relieve symptoms and make treatment more effective, compresses from alcoholic herbal tinctures are used. They are prepared from the same herbs as decoctions. An ointment made from hop cones and propolis is very popular. Rubbing with wormwood tincture also relieves pain.

A warm bath with medicinal herbs will relax muscles that have suffered from heavy loads, spasms that have caused pinching in the pectoral girdle. The water should not be hot, as excessive heating increases the inflammatory process.

If conservative treatment methods do not give a positive result, and the symptoms of infringement worsen, doctors resort to surgical intervention. This is an extreme measure that is used in advanced cases complicated by severe concomitant pathologies.

Damage to the nerve structures in the chest is quite rare. The pathology most often develops after injuries to the thoracic vertebrae, with osteochondrosis or scoliosis. The clinical manifestations of the disease are similar to those of intercostal neuralgia. The process is accompanied by severe pain and requires immediate medical attention.

The disease begins acutely. Its first sign is a sharp, seemingly causeless chest pain. The localization of pain depends on the location of the pinched nerve trunk. The left-sided location of the lesion manifests itself in the form of severe pain on the left, reminiscent of coronary pain syndrome.

The nature of the symptoms of a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine resembles intercostal neuralgia. The pain can be girdling in nature, radiating to the area of ​​the ribs, stomach, and upper extremities. The sensations intensify when you inhale, when the chest increases in volume and the sore spot begins to move. In addition, increased pain is observed with prolonged static loads.

Pinching of vegetative type fibers leads to somatic disorders. In this case, arrhythmias, an increase or decrease in blood pressure, intestinal atony, and disturbances in the food processing process may be observed. In some cases, pinched nerve in the thoracic region leads to the development of paresthesia, loss of skin sensitivity, paresis and paralysis.

Causes of pinching

The root cause of the disease is a reduction in the diameter of the holes in which the roots of the spinal nerves lie. The following conditions and diseases can lead to this:

  • protrusion or herniation of an intervertebral disc;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • injuries;
  • heredity;
  • rachiocampsis.

Protrusion is a protrusion of the intervertebral fibrous ring without its rupture. Hernia is a more developed form of pathology. In this case, the integrity of the ring is broken, and the jellylike body exits into the hernial sac. If a protrusion or hernia is localized in the area where the spinal nerve exits, they can put pressure on it, causing symptoms of entrapment.

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative process that occurs in the tissues of the spinal column and leads to a decrease in the height of the vertebrae. Accordingly, the diameter of the vertebral foramina decreases and the nerve is pinched.

A pinched nerve in the thoracic spine can occur due to inflammation of the nervous tissue – neuralgia. The inflammatory process leads to swelling of the trunk and an increase in its diameter. In this case, the nerve begins to touch the walls of the hole, which leads to pain.

Injury of a traumatic nature can occur both at the time of injury and some time after that. At the time of injury, pathology develops when the vertebrae are destroyed, most often occurring by compression type. In a later period, pinching symptoms may be caused by traumatic tissue swelling.

The main provoking factor of the disease is a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, the formation of a pathological focus is influenced by trauma, age and the presence of vascular diseases.

Hereditary weakness of the fibrous rings indirectly affects the appearance of the pathology in question. For this reason, intervertebral hernias develop, which, as mentioned above, can put pressure on the nerve.

When the spine is curved in the frontal plane (scoliosis), the diameter of the vertebral foramina is reduced on one side. This becomes the cause of chronic neurological pathology, including pinched nerves.


A pinched nerve in the thoracic region is diagnosed based on an objective clinical picture and complaints made by the patient. One of the signs is the appearance of pain in the stomach, limbs, and neck when pressing on the projection area of ​​the strangulated trunk. Further examination is carried out using hardware techniques.

As a rule, radiography is sufficient to make a diagnosis. The image shows the area of ​​pathology and the changes that have occurred in it. When planning conservative treatment, this may be sufficient.

If a more detailed examination is necessary, the patient is prescribed a computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scan. These methods are the most informative and allow you to accurately localize the location of the infringement, assess its degree and determine the need for a particular surgical intervention.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine, which are moderate, can be relieved with conservative therapy. In this case, the patient is prescribed the following groups of medications:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • diuretics;
  • means to improve regional blood circulation;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • multivitamin complexes, mainly with B vitamins.

In case of severe pain, it is relieved with the help of novocaine blockade - the injection of a local anesthetic into the pinched area.

After the acute period subsides, patients are prescribed physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage and mud therapy. Thermal procedures are rarely used, as heat leads to vasodilation and increased tissue swelling. If necessary, skeletal traction can be used.

Surgical treatment consists of mechanical removal of the object causing the pinching. The surgical technique depends on the root cause of the disease. An intervertebral hernia requires the installation of an artificial corset in place of the damaged disc; in the event of injury, vertebral fragments are fixed in the correct position. When the spine is curved, an external frame is mounted on it to maintain the correct degree of bending.

Spinal surgeries are technically complex and have a high degree of risk, so they are performed only if there is no effect from conservative treatment.

Treatment at home

Methods used at home are unable to eliminate the root cause of the disease. However, with their help it is possible to temporarily eliminate pain. For this purpose, distracting and warming agents are used.

Distracting agents (wormwood rubbing) irritate the surface of the skin and draw blood away from the site of inflammation. Accordingly, tissue swelling decreases, and along with it, the severity of the pain syndrome decreases.

Warm baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs are used as warming methods. It should be remembered that taking such baths in the acute period of the disease can aggravate the situation. Before using them, you should consult a specialist.

Nerve entrapment in the thoracic region is a serious disease that requires complex measures. Preventing it is much easier than curing it. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, move actively, and perform physical exercises that do not involve excessive stress.

Thoracic neuralgia is a pathological condition that occurs as a result of irritation or pinching of the intercostal nerves, accompanied by severe pain. This ailment is usually of a secondary nature. This suggests that its symptoms appear against the background of diseases already existing in the human body. Clinicians often call thoracic neuralgia an “insidious deceiver,” since its symptoms are similar to the manifestations of ailments of organs localized in the sternum.

Thoracic neuralgia is a disease of middle-aged and older people. In isolated cases, it also occurs in children. It is worth noting that the disease itself does not pose a particular danger to the health and life of the patient, but this does not mean at all that it does not need to be treated. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a medical facility for diagnosis and diagnosis. It is unacceptable to treat the disease on your own.


Since the thoracic spine is less mobile than the cervical spine, some experts are inclined to assume that pinching in this area rarely occurs. But that's not true. The entire length of the spinal column of a healthy person is enveloped in nerve endings that react to even the slightest disturbances in the body. The causes of chest neuralgia can be both unfavorable factors and various ailments.

Reasons for progression of pathology:

  • decreased body reactivity;
  • inflammation in the tissues that are located next to the nerves;
  • injuries of the thoracic spinal column;
  • the presence of benign and malignant tumors;
  • blood circulation disorder;
  • hypertonicity of muscle structures;
  • increased virus activity;
  • muscle spasms that occur in a person due to a sharp turn of the body;
  • incorrect body position during rest;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • salt deposits;
  • deformation of the intercostal space;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • Incorrect posture can also provoke the progression of the disease, since it causes a disproportionate load on the spine.

Risk factors:

  • vitamin B hypovitaminosis;
  • hypothermia;
  • drinking alcohol in large doses;
  • vascular diseases that lead to their destruction;
  • ailments associated with impaired blood circulation in nerve endings;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • intoxication;
  • malnutrition.


The main symptom of neuralgia of the thoracic spine is severe pain. At the location of the pinching, a person experiences aching or burning pain. Character - paroxysmal. The pain syndrome tends to intensify when performing active movements, while sneezing or coughing, or when taking a deep breath.

Since the intercostal nerves have a lot of branches that go to vital organs, sometimes the pain can radiate to the heart, stomach, lower back, shoulder blades, etc. Gradually, the clinic is supplemented by another symptom - stiffness in the chest area. At the location of the affected nerve ending, there is a decrease or complete loss of sensitivity of the skin.

Pain syndrome is usually accompanied by the following symptoms: increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances. It is worth noting that thoracic neuralgia is often confused with heart diseases due to the similarity of the clinic. Therefore, when making an accurate diagnosis, it is important to exclude pathologies of the heart muscle. To do this, you need to know the distinctive signs of neuralgia:

  • attacks of pain have no connection with physical. loads. They can occur at any time, even during complete rest of the patient;
  • the severity of pain directly related to chest movements;
  • pain syndrome due to neuralgia can last for a long period of time, and it is not relieved by nitroglycerin;
  • pain points can be felt along the spinal column, in certain areas of the chest and in the spaces between the ribs.


In order to accurately establish a diagnosis, one should take into account the symptoms of the disease, the duration of its course, the results of palpation examination, as well as the results of tests (instrumental and laboratory).

Laboratory techniques:

  • (necessary to exclude the presence of a systemic inflammatory process in the body);
  • taking nasopharyngeal swabs;
  • blood test for the presence of infectious agents.

Instrumental techniques:

  • X-ray;

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of the disease is usually carried out in several stages. The first thing the doctor needs to do is eliminate the severe pain syndrome. Only after this can you begin to treat the disease that caused the pinching.

The patient is given strict bed rest for 3–4 days. The surface of the bed must be hard - this is a prerequisite for effective treatment. If necessary, you can place a hard shield under the mattress.

Drug treatment of pathology includes the following drugs:

  • painkillers from the NSAID group. These drugs are included in the treatment plan to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation. If the patient experiences very severe pain, then doctors may resort to lidocaine blockade;
  • muscle relaxants. These drugs help to quickly eliminate muscle spasms, thereby alleviating the patient’s condition;
  • B vitamins. They must be included in the treatment plan, as they have a positive effect on nerve structures;
  • sedatives.

It is also important to identify the true cause that provoked the occurrence of neuralgia. If a person has a history of any general disease, then treatment should definitely begin.

In order to restore the anatomical position of the thoracic and cervical spine, the course of treatment must include:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • a course of manual therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • acupuncture;
  • set of exercises;
  • laser therapy.

If conservative treatment turns out to be ineffective, then in this case they resort to surgical treatment methods - they eliminate the root causes of the pathology (they treat osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs, etc.).


Sometimes, together with traditional medicine methods, various folk remedies can be prescribed. It is worth immediately noting that self-medication with such means is unacceptable. They can only be used with the permission of your doctor.

For neuralgia, the following remedies are used:

  • baths with sea salt and sage;
  • infusion of immortelle;
  • horseradish and black radish juice;
  • compresses made from steamed flax seeds.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Pain syndrome is an uncomfortable sensation that every person has felt at least once in their life. Almost all diseases are accompanied by such an unpleasant process, so this syndrome has many varieties, each of which has its own causes, symptoms, their intensity, duration and methods of treatment.

A pinched nerve in the thoracic spine is a rather unpleasant factor that negatively affects the entire system. Usually, pinching is the result of unsuccessful movement, but it may indicate serious degenerative changes, including. osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine, or a herniated disc. Which caused the corresponding pinching.

The causes of pinched nerves in the thoracic spine can be divided into two main groups:

  • Mechanical damage. In particular, there can be both unintentional due to careless rotation, and pinching caused by an axial load disproportionate to the muscle corset;
  • Degenerative changes. There can be both changes in position and sensitivity due to scoliosis, and the worst thing - osteochondrosis.

Let's look at what these or other causes indicate.

Changes in nerve sensitivity

With age, the spine changes its standard position. There are cases of age-related scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis. Accordingly, the thoracic spine is also at risk of deformation. In this case, the pinched nerve occurs due to movement and general changes in the vertebrae. In this case, pinched nerves can be cured, but it can only be stopped by massage and strengthening the muscle corset.

Pinching under load

Usually, with a weak muscle corset, axial loads can instantly change the position of the vertebrae, cause stretching and, as a result, pinch the nerve. This is usually popularly called “straining your back.” Treat symptomatically. You need to avoid prolonged exercise, warm your back and sleep on an orthopedic mattress.

This is the most common type of pinching. Usually, in order to pinch a nerve, you need to take vasodilators.

Most often, the nerve is subjected to a single impact, and painful sensations are just the result of damage to the nerve tissue. What should we do in this case? Go to the doctor, have a specialized massage, and use anesthetics to dull the pain. Usually such infringement goes away within 4-7 days. After which you can lead a normal life again.


Osteochondrosis is degenerative changes in the joints that lead to their grinding. The result is a change in the position of the bones, and direct contact with the nerves. In this case, pinched nerves of the thoracic region are quite frequent visitors. How is this treated? First, it is necessary to stop osteochondrosis. The treatment itself involves removing the nerve that has entered the affected area.


What are the actual symptoms of such pinching? This can be either explicit or implicit:

  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Pain syndrome;
  • Pain similar in description to angina pectoris;
  • Decreased mobility in the damaged area.

Usually the symptoms help determine the cause of pinched nerves.

Pinched nerves can cause an imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract. Firstly, this is a change in the position of the intestines; Secondly, these are abdominal cramps and indigestion. Usually this indicates not only a pinched nerve, but also a change in the position of the vertebrae or prolapse of an intervertebral hernia.

Pain syndrome

Pain syndrome is the main symptom of a pinched nerve in the thoracic region of the spine. It usually indicates damage to nerve tissue. Treat by removing the nerve or waiting for its complete regeneration. During the waiting period, it is recommended to smear the damaged area with anesthetics, and take analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. This will help get rid of pain and alleviate the plight of the patient.

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If the pinching remains, the level of mobility decreases due to the inability to resist pain. Even when taking analgesics and anesthetics, the pain does not go away. This indicates that the nerve is still located between the vertebrae, and inflammatory mediators do not allow it to slip out of the affected area. It is treated by fixing the spine or removing the nerve.

Pain syndrome similar to angina pectoris

Very often, pain from a pinched nerve is in many ways similar to angina pectoris. Because the pain manifests itself not in the back, but in the thoracic region. In this case, it is better to consult a cardiologist in order to avoid improper treatment. If the thoracic nerve near the heart muscle was pinched, then this can only indicate one thing, lordosis of the spine. Therefore, after the symptoms have resolved, it is necessary to contact a surgeon to determine the type of curvature.

The concept of a pinched nerve should be understood literally: one of the nerve roots is pinched either by the vertebrae or the spinal discs. As a result, various types of pain arise. For some it is aching and constant pain, for others they cannot straighten their back at all and complain of numbness in the arm and lumbago.

The intensity and nature of the pain depends on which nerve was pinched:

  • nerve responsible for sensitivity;
  • nerve that performs motor functions;
  • nerve responsible for autonomic function.

Those who suffer from osteochondrosis or exacerbations of neuralgia are well aware of attacks of acute and burning pain when a nerve is pinched in the thoracic region. It is not so easy to alleviate your condition - intercostal neuralgia and pinching are almost impossible to anesthetize with conventional analgesics. Moreover, attacks can easily be mistaken for heart failure, since outwardly the symptoms are almost identical:

  • The thoracic spine, unlike the cervical spine, is inactive. Therefore, it is believed that pinching in it occurs much less frequently than in other departments. But in reality, the entire spine is surrounded by nerve endings that subtly respond to the slightest imbalance.
  • Sometimes intercostal neuralgia can be caused by a sudden movement, an unsuccessful turn of the body, or lifting a heavy object. Moreover, the heaviness can be habitual if we are talking about athletes accustomed to stress.

Schematically, the pathology can be depicted as follows:

Even for specialists, it is sometimes difficult to visually distinguish neuralgia from the heart. Additional examination is required to exclude cardiac disorders.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

In most cases, the autonomic or sensory nerve is compressed. A person experiences severe pain in the heart area. It is similar to the heart - periodically stabbing, pulsating. There are problems with breathing - when trying to take a deep breath, the pain intensifies.

Heart medications don't work. There is a feeling of severe stiffness in the chest area, which increases with any movement. Usually the pain is felt from the ribs to the spine, and the heart rhythm may be disturbed. The symptoms are very similar to ischemia or a heart attack, which is often misdiagnosed. But, unlike heart pain, pain caused by a pinched nerve is very long-lasting and cannot be relieved by medications.

If the nerve is severely compressed, severe pain in the gastric region may occur. They feel very similar to ulcers, colitis and gastroenteritis. You can check on your own by taking an antispasmodic: the medicine will help with stomach pain, but not with neuralgia.

The patient's condition is aggravated if discomfort occurs in the muscles. In response to the pinching of the nerve ending, the muscles begin to contract convulsively, which increases the pain several times.

But the persistence of painful sensations during the development of neuralgia is not a necessary condition. They can occur sporadically and vary in nature and duration. An attack can begin even at night, when the body is at complete rest.

Sometimes pinching occurs at the moment when overstrained muscles relax and the person takes a free pose.

Reasons for appearance

Pinched nerves are more common in older people. The aging of the body has a strong impact on the nervous system, bone tissue, and wear and tear of the spine. But age is not the only cause of neuralgia.

Vegetative-vascular disorders to a greater extent provoke pinched nerve roots, and not only in the chest area. Considering that almost every person has such dystonia, almost everyone is at risk of neuralgia and various pinchings. Usually it manifests itself quite clearly with headaches and a reaction to weather conditions.

But also the autonomic nerves are sensitive to moral and psychological overload. Often people who consider themselves healthy complain of intercostal pain and headaches that occur only after stress.

But the most important reasons for a pinched nerve in the chest are exacerbation of osteochondrosis and increased tone of the muscles associated with the back. In the first case, due to disturbances in the bone tissue, the vertebrae become very close together. As a result, the nerve endings become pinched.

In the second case, with muscle hypertonicity, the situation becomes more complicated, since muscle spasms do not allow the tissues to relax, which increases the destructive effect. Both reasons are common among those who engage in physical activity. The occurrence of pain is not the only problem.

When nerve endings are pinched, the blood circulation process worsens, the vascular system suffers, and the body does not receive important enzymes transmitted by the blood on time. A hernia in the thoracic region can also cause compression of nerve endings.

Pinched nerves can occur due to uncomfortable postures and prolonged strain on the back. Sometimes the cause may be the presence of an intervertebral hernia. It is important to know that if exacerbations are not relieved in time and osteochondrosis is not treated, the nerve endings will be pinched regularly.


Treatment depends entirely on the root cause that served as the impetus for the compression of the nerve ending and on which nerve was damaged. But there are still a few actions that are common.

The main thing is to try to free the nerve itself and restore its functionality. Manual therapy is well suited for this; even light acupressure can reduce muscle activity, which will alleviate the condition. Often even a one-time massage can eliminate soreness.

However, for recovery it is extremely difficult to eliminate the pain. Because it tends to come back and aggravate the condition. It is necessary to find the source of the problem and identify the causes of pinching.

Osteochondrosis, as the main provocateur of neuralgia and pinching, needs constant monitoring. Therefore, you need to visit a neurologist to conduct a comprehensive study.

Typically, drug treatment includes drugs that strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and antispasmodics. The latter can act to relax muscle tone, which will relieve pain. In case of severe lesions of the spine, a fixing corset is prescribed.

After the pain symptoms are relieved, light exercises and manual therapy are prescribed. This helps restore lost functions of the spine, return it to its natural state and prevent muscle spasms. It should be taken into account that when a hernia is identified, it is advisable to consult with a treating specialist about its removal. In some cases, the presence of a hernia in the thoracic region regularly provokes pain and pinching.

It is important to understand that a pinched nerve in the chest can only be treated by identifying the original source.

Pain relief only helps temporarily, delaying the period. We must not forget that the pain brought by pinching is a signal for help, a pain symptom of the body. Delayed treatment may result in partial paralysis or disability. Osteochondrosis does not stand still, the wear and tear of bone tissue is irreversible and it is simply impossible to avoid it.

A sore back needs therapy and rest, gentle conditions. Experts recommend treatment twice a year, but sometimes once a year is enough to maintain the spine so that you no longer experience pain.

Therapeutic exercises

One of the options for quickly getting rid of a pinched nerve in the thoracic region is a list of treated gymnastic exercises. Gymnastics can be performed both in case of exacerbation of the disease and in the chronic form.

The main rule that must be observed during gymnastics is to prevent the manifestation of pain. Every time you experience pain while performing any exercise, you need to stop and take a comfortable position:

  1. Sit on a chair and straighten your back. Place your hands on the back of your head and bend. Pressing your spine against the top of the back of the chair, bend back and lean forward. It is necessary to repeat such movements four times. Breathing should also be controlled; while bending back, you need to inhale, and when bending forward, exhale.
  2. Get on all fours and fix your spine in this position. At the same time, you must keep your head straight so that the spinal column is aligned. Start arching and arching your back. Make sure that the cervical spine is a harmonious continuation of the position of the rest of the spine. It is recommended to do 5-8 repetitions at a time. After each deflection or arching, you need to return to the starting position.
  3. Lie on your stomach and place your arms near your body, resting on your palms. From this position, raise your upper body. The feet remain on the floor. The number of repetitions recommended for performance is 5-8. When reaching the end point during the exercise, you should not tilt your head back too much. The thoracic region should stretch directly due to arching.
  4. From a supine position, you need to raise your head, neck and upper torso and lift your legs off the floor. Number of repetitions 8-10 times.


After the pain has subsided and the disease has been eliminated, it is very important not to allow the disease to reappear. To do this, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • It is not recommended to eat too large portions of food at one time, thereby overloading the body. This leads to unnecessary stress on the vertebrae;
  • if possible, it is advisable to visit resorts and sanatoriums near the sea;
  • If in everyday life there is a need to carry a rather heavy bag, then this must be done in a certain way. It is necessary to periodically change the shoulder on which the load falls;
  • if your daily lifestyle involves regular sitting, then you need to take breaks and do gymnastics or just walk;
  • Avoid hypothermia of the thoracic spine; always ensure that clothing is appropriate for the weather;
  • After a working day or before going to work, it is recommended to do light exercises.


  • Considering that the symptoms of a pinched nerve in the thoracic region are very similar to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to undergo diagnostic measures and rule out heart disease.
  • You can also understand that a nerve has been pinched in the thoracic region, and heart disease has not manifested itself, by the effectiveness of cardiac medications. If the medicine does not work, then the cause of the pain syndrome is a pinched nerve.
  • It is important to ensure that you do not overexert your muscles throughout the day, as pinching can occur as muscle tissue relaxes after being overexerted.
  • The essence of the cure for pinching in the thoracic region is to free the nerve and restore its normal functionality.
  • It should be understood that when faced with the problem of a pinched nerve, you cannot be cured using any one method. It is necessary to resort to both various procedures and drug treatment. Only comprehensive measures can definitely get rid of the disease.

Fitness trainer, group exercise instructor, nutritionist

Provides general consultations on nutrition, selection of a diet for pregnant women, weight correction, selection of nutrition for exhaustion, selection of nutrition for obesity, selection of an individual diet and therapeutic nutrition. Also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; athlete recovery.

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