Muscovy insurance company license revoked where to apply. Insurer Moskovia remains without a license

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On May 31, 2017, there was an accident involving a LADA-217220 car that belongs to me. My car was driven by a driver authorized to drive under an MTPL policy. During the accident, bodily injuries were caused to the passenger, which, as a result of a forensic medical examination, were not established as harm to health, for which I received a resolution dated 06/09/2017. During the inspection, the culprit in the accident was identified - the driver of another car, who has a compulsory motor liability insurance policy from OO IC Moskovia.

On June 13, 2017, I contacted this insurance company to submit an application for insured event, however, they did not accept my documents, since, according to an employee of the insurance company, I had an incomplete set - there were no details for transferring the payment. On June 14, 2017, I contacted the insurance company again, having a complete set of documents in hand. An employee of the insurance company D-va I.A. accepted my application, registering it under number 0562272. On the same day, an initial inspection of the car was carried out by an expert from the insurance company at my place of residence. On July 21, 2017, a car inspection was carried out, during which an expert from the insurance company was present, a list of damages was compiled and signed by both parties.

After the expiration of the period established by Federal Law No. 40 dated April 25, 2002 “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners,” on July 14, 2017, I contacted the insurance company OO SK Moskovia to clarify the situation, since insurance compensation was not made and I did not was notified of the results of the repair cost calculation vehicle. According to an employee of the insurance company S-ich I.L. Based on the inspection of the vehicle in the case of compensation (B 079746), the insurance payment was calculated, but they refused to provide me with information about the results of the calculation, since the employees do not have access to the appropriate database and, according to the employees, the Moscovia insurance company is deprived of its license and all employees are fired.

I asked for clarification through the RSA hotline, where they told me that they did not have information about the deprivation of the license of this insurance company. Employees of the insurance company tried to kick me out of the office, called the police and the local police officer, because I refused to leave the office of the insurance company, they also refused to accept my claim and give me copies of documents about the insured event, since I handed over all the originals to the insurance company when writing the application on June 14 .2017. My claim was accepted only in the presence of police officers and a local police officer.

As a result of my visit, I did not receive any clarification from representatives of the Investigative Committee. They gave me the telephone number of the office in Moscow, which directly deals with compensation for losses, but I could not get through to this telephone number (tel. 84956321313, 8495777701). No one answered me on the insurance company hotline listed on the official website. I wrote an appeal to the website of the insurance company OO SK Moskovia. I want to sort it out pre-trial, but apparently I will be forced to go to court.

On May 31, 2017, there was an accident involving a LADA-217220 car that belongs to me. My car was driven by a driver authorized to drive under an MTPL policy. During the accident, bodily injuries were caused to the passenger, which, as a result of a forensic medical examination, were not established as harm to health, for which I received a resolution dated 06/09/2017. During the inspection, the culprit in the accident was identified - the driver of another car, who has a compulsory motor liability insurance policy from OO IC Moskovia.

On June 13, 2017, I contacted this insurance company to file an application for an insured event, but they did not accept my documents, since, according to an insurance company employee, I had an incomplete set - there were no details for transferring the payment. On June 14, 2017, I contacted the insurance company again, having a complete set of documents in hand. An employee of the insurance company D-va I.A. accepted my application, registering it under number 0562272. On the same day, an initial inspection of the car was carried out by an expert from the insurance company at my place of residence. On July 21, 2017, a car inspection was carried out, during which an expert from the insurance company was present, a list of damages was compiled and signed by both parties.

After the expiration of the period established by Federal Law No. 40 dated April 25, 2002 “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners,” on July 14, 2017, I contacted the insurance company OO SK Moskovia to clarify the situation, since insurance compensation was not made and I did not was notified of the results of calculating the cost of repairing the vehicle. According to an employee of the insurance company S-ich I.L. Based on the inspection of the vehicle in the case of compensation (B 079746), the insurance payment was calculated, but they refused to provide me with information about the results of the calculation, since the employees do not have access to the appropriate database and, according to the employees, the Moscovia insurance company is deprived of its license and all employees are fired.

I asked for clarification through the RSA hotline, where they told me that they did not have information about the deprivation of the license of this insurance company. Employees of the insurance company tried to kick me out of the office, called the police and the local police officer, because I refused to leave the office of the insurance company, they also refused to accept my claim and give me copies of documents about the insured event, since I handed over all the originals to the insurance company when writing the application on June 14 .2017. My claim was accepted only in the presence of police officers and a local police officer.

As a result of my visit, I did not receive any clarification from representatives of the Investigative Committee. They gave me the telephone number of the office in Moscow, which directly deals with compensation for losses, but I could not get through to this telephone number (tel. 84956321313, 8495777701). No one answered me on the insurance company hotline listed on the official website. I wrote an appeal to the website of the insurance company OO SK Moskovia. I want to sort it out pre-trial, but apparently I will be forced to go to court.

The deplorable situation with the Moskovia insurance company was known at the beginning of 2017. Both within the company and many insurance intermediaries (agents, brokers, car dealerships) it was known that the financial situation of Moskovia Insurance Company was extremely dangerous and the chances that the organization will survive, extremely low. Realizing that they would no longer have to answer for the policies, the management of the insurance company in 2017 set low rates for car insurance and at the same time significantly increased commissions to intermediaries for the sale of IC Moskovia policies.

As a result, hundreds of gullible motorists were deceived, to whom unscrupulous car dealership employees or insurance agents managed to sell unsecured pieces of paper.

What should policy holders of the Moskovia insurance company do now?

If you are the owner of an MTPL policy
If you are the owner of a CASCO agreement

If you have not yet experienced any insurance event, we recommend that you enter into a new insurance contract with another organization. To avoid problems associated with double insurance, the contract with Moscovia should be terminated in this case. Termination of the contract can be done remotely by sending by mail the corresponding notice to the legal address or head office of Moscovia (108840 Moscow, Troitsk, Tsentralnaya St. 3, office 9) or to the branch address known to you in your city.

If an insured event occurs and you need to recover insurance compensation under CASCO, then your algorithm of actions will be as follows:

1. Pre-trial settlement – ​​20-50 days. You need to submit an application for payment of insurance compensation by mail, attaching all documents related to the event (state traffic police, police, fire inspection certificates, etc.).

2. Filing a claim in court. In accordance with the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, you can file a claim at the place of your registration. Depending on the cost of the claim (amount of damage) and the area of ​​your registration, the trial will last from 2 to 5 months.

3. Submitting a writ of execution to the bailiff service. Most likely, by the time the trial ends, bankruptcy proceedings will have already been initiated against the Moscovia Insurance Company. In this case, you should contact the bankruptcy trustee with a writ of execution and join the queue of creditors of the insurance company.

Services of the Legal Bureau "Insurance Rules" for clients of IC "Moscovia" under CASCO agreements:
  • Consultation on preparation of documents for payment or termination of the contract – 1000 rubles;

    Goal: to give you step-by-step guidance on how to independently resolve the issue of payment or termination of the contract.

  • Preparation, submission (sending), control of execution of notice of termination of the insurance contract - 3,500 rubles;

    Goal: to create a package of documents to eliminate problems associated with double insurance and to be able to file a claim to recover the money paid for the policy Money;

  • Full management of the case for the collection of insurance compensation under the Casco policy - 10,000 rubles. Includes preparing and filing a claim, participating in court hearings without limiting their number and without additional payments for individual sessions, obtaining a court decision and a writ of execution and submitting them to the FSSP (bailiffs) or the arbitration manager.

    The service does not include conducting an independent examination and supervising the process of collecting funds in enforcement/bankruptcy proceedings.

    Purpose: submitting a writ of execution to the authorized body to collect funds.

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