Mouse fever prevention after possible infection. List of diseases that can be contracted from mice

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, some infectious diseases are transmitted to humans from rodents - rats, mice, squirrels. Cute looking little gray mice can be carriers of viruses, some of which are incompatible with life.

Headache, shortness of breath, elevated body temperature, confusion, lethargy, severe pain in the lower back, rash spreading throughout the body. All these signs indicate that a person has become infected mouse fever which are carried by rodents.

This disease is very dangerous not only for its symptoms, but also for its consequences. Mouse fever can cause disability and even death.

Characteristics of the disease

Mouse fever is a zoonotic infection - this means that the causative agents of the disease are small animals, namely rodents. There have been cases when ticks became carriers of infection.

The causative agent of the disease is Hantavirus with different strains. This anomaly is characterized by bleeding from the nose, gums, intoxication of the body, fever and disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. The disease is seasonal - frequent cases occur from May to October, when rodents lead an active lifestyle.

Worth knowing! Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome virus was first discovered in Korea in 1976 in field mice. HFRS was spread throughout the world by rats migrating on ships. First of all, those who have contact with rodents or their secretions become infected with mouse fever.

According to statistics, men aged 16 to 50 years are affected by this pathology more often than women and children. There is currently no cure for the virus. The largest HFRS epidemic was recorded in the Far East.

Routes of infection

An adult can get an infection in several ways:

Medicine claims that there is only one reliably confirmed way of infection with hantiavirus - through the respiratory tract. Animals themselves do not suffer from the virus, nor does infection occur from person to person. The disease is unilateral.

Symptoms of mouse fever

Most often, men suffer from this disease. The virus, having entered the male body, goes through an incubation period that lasts from a week to 45 days. The period of development of the disease depends on the human immune system and the severity of intoxication, on average 21 days.

The initial stage of mouse fever passes without symptoms. Further, having entered the active stage, the disease begins to manifest itself.

Experts identify only four stages of HFRS:

  • Initial or febrile. This stage has a short period, only three days. At this time, the body temperature can rise to 40 degrees, and the patient assumes that he has a cold.
  • Oligouric. The name of this stage is due to the symptoms of hemorrhagic and renal nature. Namely, a decrease in body temperature, vomiting mixed with blood, pain in the lower back and abdomen. The nose begins to bleed and the gums begin to bleed. The stool has a tarry appearance. The eyelids swell, the whites of the eyes become streaked with blood. The heart rate slows down significantly. The body becomes dehydrated, sleep becomes inadequate, and appetite disappears. Renal intoxication is observed, followed by a decrease in the amount of urine excreted. All signs appear on days 4–7.
  • Polyuric. At this stage, the volume of urine tends to normal levels, urination becomes more frequent, some signs of mouse fever disappear, others become smaller. Swelling of the face occurs, a headache appears, and sleep disappears completely. The patient begins to gradually recover. This stage of the disease begins on the 10th day.
  • Convalescent. During this period, the skin rash disappears, and kidney function is completely restored. The density of urine is normalized. The patient develops an appetite. The fourth stage is the slowest; the rehabilitation process for a man lasts up to six months.

Important! Without timely treatment, HFRS can be fatal. At the first signs of illness, you need to visit a specialist who will prescribe an effective treatment regimen.

Diagnosis of HFRS

Diagnosis of mouse fever is a rather complex process, based on a scrupulous collection of the patient’s medical history.

Diagnostics proceed as follows:

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in men is much more complex and has more distinct symptoms than in children.

There are few special methods for studying the mouse fever virus:

  • PCR or polymerase chain reaction, which can be used to detect the genetic data of the causative agent of the virus in the patient’s blood;
  • A general blood test can only reveal a decrease in platelets; it will not give other indicators specific to this disease;
  • During the oliguric stage, urine examination will show the presence of protein and red blood cells;
  • Blood taken for biochemical analysis will reveal altered readings of enzymes, namely creatine, urea;
  • In severe murine fever, blood sampling will show coagulation abnormalities.


Treatment of the disease occurs as follows:

Need to know! The fatal outcome ranges from 2 to 10 percent and is observed in those patients who did not seek help from specialists, but preferred self-medication. Mouse fever is a serious disease and traditional medicine is powerless here. You should not put yourself or your loved ones at risk.

Possible complications of HFRS

Hemorrhogenic fever with renal syndrome is dangerous due to its complications. Viral bacteria can infect any human organ.

With timely seeking help from a medical institution and proper treatment, such cardinal side effects are not observed. This infection is known for its ability to affect the urinary system of representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

It is especially insidious if the patient has low immunity or suffers from chronic pathologies. A secondary bacterial infection often occurs, followed by concomitant severe diseases such as sepsis, meningitis, and malaria.

If a man falls ill with mouse fever, then at the time of its development he you should beware of blows to the kidney area to avoid parenchymal rupture and subsequent death. Quite often, after recovery, men may experience short-term disturbances in brain activity, twitching of small muscles, and uremia.

Important! Mouse fever in men is a very dangerous disease. Symptoms should not be neglected, even if they are similar to acute respiratory infections.

Disease prevention

It is better to prevent the disease from mouse fever than to spend a long time being treated and recovering from it. There is no vaccination against this virus, so it is best to take all necessary precautions. Personal hygiene and its observance are the best means of prevention.

  • Systematic cleaning of the premises using antiseptics, gloves and masks. Removing dust will help avoid infection, especially if it is a country house. After all, it is in the dust that the mouse fever virus is found.
  • Thorough hand washing with soap or special products.
  • Timely treatment of abrasions and other skin injuries.
  • Avoid touching mice or their carcasses with bare hands.
  • Mandatory food washing.
  • When vacationing in the forest or at the dacha, you should especially strictly observe all hygiene rules.

Preventive measures to combat the infection and spread of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome must necessarily include regular disinfection of rooms in which mice are found. Complete destruction of rodent populations in areas of natural foci of infection. It is necessary to improve the forest park area and carry out sanitary and educational work with the population.

Hemorrhagic or murine fever is a disease of viral etymology that, without proper medical treatment, leads to the destruction of the liver and kidneys. Self-medication can lead to death for the patient.


The disease mouse fever is caused by a virus that provokes pain in the lower back, head and muscles, and fever. Transmission of the disease occurs only through direct or indirect contact with a rodent carrier. People living or vacationing in rural areas are at increased risk. The consequences of the disease can be very dangerous for a person, so if symptoms are detected, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests. A timely visit to the clinic will help you begin adequate treatment and avoid complications.

What is mouse fever

Representatives of rodents often become carriers of infections. Mouse fever is an acute disease caused by a virus of natural focal origin. The manifestations of the disease resemble colds with fever, aches and chills. However, mouse disease in humans leads to intoxication of the body, kidney problems and thrombohemorrhagic syndrome. It has been established that men suffer this fever more severely than women. A lethal outcome is possible due to renal complications and untimely treatment of the mouse disease.

How can you get mouse fever?

The mechanism of transmission of mouse fever is based on the spread of the virus from animal to human. In this case, rodents are only carriers, but do not experience symptoms of the disease. The virus is not transmitted between people. Experts know several ways to become infected with mouse fever:

    Airborne dust– a person inhales small particles of mouse feces.

  • Contact– the virus enters small lesions on the skin upon contact with infected objects.
  • Nutritional– a person consumes water or food that is contaminated with mouse excrement.

People living or vacationing in rural areas are at particular risk of contracting mouse fever. The disease is widespread throughout almost the entire territory, excluding some areas of Africa. The danger of infection occurs from late spring to early autumn, but there are cases of people getting sick with fever during warm winters. According to medical practice, mouse disease can even affect a group of people at the same time.

Incubation period

After the patient has become infected, the first signs of the disease may appear within 4-46 days. On average, the incubation period for mouse fever is about 1 month. During this stage, the virus begins to multiply in the human body, spreading over large areas. The accumulation of pathogenic fever cells occurs in the tissues of various organs and lymph nodes. How quickly mouse flu manifests itself depends on the functioning and state of the human immune system.

Symptoms of mouse fever

Clinical symptoms of murine fever depend on the stage of the disease. Doctors distinguish 3 periods:

    Elementary– lasts less than 3 days. At this stage, diagnosing the mouse disease is difficult, since the manifestations are nonspecific. The symptoms are similar to the flu. Body temperature rises to 40 degrees, chills occur. The patient complains of intense headaches, dry mouth and general weakness. Upon examination, the doctor may detect conjunctivitis in the neck, upper chest, face. Often one of the signs of a fever is the appearance of a rash.

  • Oliguric period – lasts 5-11 days. This stage is also characterized by high temperature. Its reduction does not improve the general condition of the patient. This period of mouse flu is characterized by the occurrence of pain in the lumbar region, which can have varying degrees of severity. The patient begins to experience nausea and vomiting, occurring several times a day. These manifestations are not related to food or medications. The condition is accompanied by abdominal pain and bloating. At this stage, the mouse virus affects the kidneys, which leads to swelling of the face and eyelids.
  • Polyuric– consists of gradual recovery: cessation of vomiting and pain, normalization of sleep and appetite, increasing the amount of fluid during urination. At the same time, the patient retains a feeling of dry mouth and general weakness, which begin to disappear after a few days.

In an adult

Symptoms of mouse fever in an adult:

    temperature about 40 degrees;

  • intense headaches;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • pain in the eyes, blurred vision, photosensitivity;
  • rare pulse;
  • the appearance of redness on the skin in the face and neck;
  • the formation of a small rash on the sides, armpits;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • nosebleeds;
  • eye hemorrhages.

In children

Symptoms of mouse fever in children:

    high body temperature (up to 40 degrees);

  • severe pain in muscles and joints;
  • frequent nausea, vomiting;
  • visual impairment;
  • chills, general weakness;
  • migraine;
  • profuse bleeding from the nose and gums.

The first signs of mouse fever

Many patients do not pay attention to the first signs of mouse fever because they resemble a common cold or acute respiratory illness. The onset of the disease is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, chills, headaches and general weakness in the body. In addition, a rash and redness of the skin may form. A patient at the initial stage of an illness caused by the mouse fever virus begins to feel constant dry mouth.

Often the first manifestations of the disease are less acute, reminiscent of mild symptoms. In this case, a slight cough, general malaise, and drowsiness periodically occur. If you do not see a doctor for treatment when the fever just begins to develop, it will become more severe and begin to progress rapidly.

How to spot mouse fever

It can be very difficult for specialists to determine mouse fever in humans. The first stage of diagnosis is a thorough history taking. This sets:

    whether there was contact with an infected animal, whether there was a bite;

  • the fact that the patient is in places where the virus is widespread: field, cottage, forest;
  • change of stages that characterize mouse infection;
  • signs of hemorrhagic fever, renal dysfunction, intoxication syndrome.

Laboratory methods that can help in diagnosis include:

    general blood test - helps to detect a slight decrease in the number of platelets;

  • PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) - with this study, specialists can detect in the patient’s blood genetic structures characteristic of the pathogen that causes murine typhus;
  • at the oligoanuric stage, a general urine test will reveal red blood cells and protein;
  • a biochemical blood test will show changes in the levels of enzymes (creatine, urea) that are responsible for kidney function;
  • in severe cases of the disease, doctors take blood to determine the degree of its coagulation.

Treatment of mouse fever

The correct procedure for treating mouse fever is determined by the doctor individually, in accordance with the symptoms, severity and stage of the disease. There is a need to carry out all activities in the hospital infectious diseases department. The patient is prescribed bed rest for up to 1 month and a diet. The following drugs can be prescribed as drug therapy:

    antiviral drugs (,);

  • painkillers (Analgin, Ketorol);
  • antipyretic drugs (, Paracetamol);
  • anti-inflammatory (Piroxicam, Aspirin);
  • vitamin therapy (ascorbic acid);
  • infusion therapy (saline and glucose solution 5%);
  • for thrombosis, anticoagulants are prescribed;
  • if the disease is severe, hormonal therapy with glucocorticosteroids is used for treatment.

Diet for mouse fever

Therapeutic treatment should be accompanied by a diet for mouse fever. It is necessary to exclude the consumption of salty, spicy and heavy protein foods from the diet. If the disease has a typical course and no complications arise, experts recommend using diet No. 4. The following foods should not be eaten as part of this diet:

    fatty and rich broths and soups with pasta, milk and cereals;

  • fatty meat and fish, canned food, offal;
  • whole milk, fermented milk products;
  • vegetables and beans;
  • barley, pearl barley and millet porridge;
  • products made from flour (white crackers without crust are allowed);
  • sweets, honey, fruits and berries, jam, compotes;
  • coffee and cocoa with milk;
  • carbonated drinks.

If rat fever provokes malfunctions in the urinary system, then you will need to eat food rich in vitamins B, C and K. Doctors prescribe in this case. What can you eat if you have mouse fever like this:

    low-fat ham and sausages, mild cheese;

  • vegetable salads;
  • soups with pasta and cereals in vegetable broth;
  • sturgeon caviar;
  • weak tea, coffee, cocoa with milk and cream, sweet juices;
  • dairy products;
  • sweets (you should exclude ice cream and baked goods);
  • pies and biscuits without soaking, puddings;
  • boiled liver, meat and tongue, cutlets and meatballs;
  • vegetables (exclude mushrooms and cucumbers);
  • soft-boiled eggs;
  • pasta with added butter.

Consequences of mouse fever

An infection caused by a fever virus, carried by rats, mice and other rodents, is capable of severe damage to the human urinary system. It often provokes kidney problems. The consequences of mouse fever can be expressed in the following diseases:


  • renal failure;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • uric acid diathesis.

During the period of mouse fever, secondary infections of a bacterial nature may occur, which can cause the development of serious illnesses:

    Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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    Symptoms and treatment of mouse fever, consequences and prevention of the disease

Employees of the Rybinsk Rospotrebnadzor are concerned about the surge of a dangerous disease. The number of cases of fever was more than three times higher than the annual average. In addition, one death was recorded. In the last week alone, two people have contacted doctors with her symptoms.

The virus attacks men much more often, health officials say. The number of the strong half of humanity among the sick exceeds 70%. Children under two years of age rarely suffer from mouse fever. The highest risk of infection is among livestock breeders and farmers. Although almost 65% of cases were registered among the urban population.

Memo prepared by Rospotrebnadzor specialists

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is an acute viral disease of a zoonotic nature, characterized by systemic damage to small vessels and peculiar kidney damage. In Russia, in terms of incidence, HFRS occupies a leading place among natural focal human diseases and is detected in 61 of 89 administrative territories.

In the Yaroslavl region, HFRS has been registered for more than 50 years. Since the beginning of 2015, 228 cases have been recorded.

In recent years, infections most often occurred in the territories of the Uglich, Tutaevsky, Yaroslavl and Myshkinsky municipal districts, although you can become infected in any municipal district of the Yaroslavl region.

Most infections occurred in endemic areas within natural outbreaks. However, in cities there are cases of HFRS infection as a result of anthropogenic transformation of the territories of natural HFRS foci adjacent to cities.

The main route of infection with HFRS is aerogenic, in which the virus, contained in the biological secretions of rodents in the form of an aerosol, enters through the upper respiratory tract into the human lungs, and is then transported through the blood to other organs and systems. A person becomes infected through contact with hay, straw, and vegetables contaminated with rodent secretions. Cases of HFRS diseases are observed when consuming food products with which rodents have been in contact (vegetables, fruits, baked goods, etc.). Infection is possible through direct contact with rodents.

Most often, human infection occurs in natural foci:

– when visiting the forest during walks and hiking trips;

– hunting and fishing; when picking mushrooms and berries;

– when collecting firewood and brushwood, individual haymaking;

– during the period of work in collective gardens and vegetable gardens, dachas, apiaries;

– when working in production and enterprises (construction sites, drilling sites, oil fields, forestry enterprises);

– when carrying out excavation work with the destruction of burrows and nests of rodents in buildings located near the forest.

Clinic: high temperature, up to 38-39 degrees, chills, kidney damage like nephroso-nephritis - lower back pain, first increased diuresis, and then anuria. Bleeding gums, there may be hemorrhages into the skin.

Prevention of hemorrhagic fever

In order to avoid infection, it is necessary to fight rodents, destroying them by all available means (setting traps, laying out poisoned bait, etc.). Premises where food products are stored must be rodent-proof. When working with hay, straw, disassembling vegetables, and cleaning country houses, wear gloves and protective masks. In addition, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene - wash your hands after working in the garden, contact with rodents, contaminated vegetables.

For prevention purposes:

– when working with a large amount of dust (demolition of old buildings, loading hay, straw, grass, dismantling stacks of boards, logs, piles of brushwood, cleaning premises, etc.), it is necessary to use gloves and a respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage;

– cleaning of premises should be carried out only using wet methods;

– strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene;

– products must be inaccessible to rodents and stored in metal, tightly closed containers. Food products damaged by rodents cannot be used for food without heat treatment;

– do not drink water from open reservoirs;

– Under no circumstances should you touch living or dead rodents without gloves or rubber gloves.

Preventive measures are aimed mainly at exterminating rodents in places where there are foci of HFRS, and at protecting people in contact with rodents or objects contaminated with their secretions.

  • Information Agency "Cheryomukha"

Many people do not like mice and rats, and girls are often simply terrified of them. And doctors say that there are real reasons to stay away from rodents. After all, they can carry a lot of different diseases, including deadly ones. These diseases include mouse fever, which is also known as hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. This is a rather unpleasant disease that can lead to the development of various complications. Let's clarify in a little more detail what mouse fever is, whether it is transmitted from person to person or not, let's talk.

Mouse fever is an acute viral natural focal disease. Its development is accompanied by the appearance of fever, general intoxication and a kind of kidney damage. In the absence of adequate treatment, the disease can severely damage the kidneys and even cause death.

Is mouse fever transmitted from person to person?

The causative agent of mouse fever is carried by rodents - field mice, rats, and bats. The main vector is considered to be the bank vole.
The disease is not transmitted from person to person, this is impossible.
Infection occurs mainly through airborne dust. In this case, the person inhales contaminated dust.

There is also evidence that mouse fever is transmitted to humans through nutritional means, when water or food becomes infected with secretions of infected rodents, or fever is transmitted to humans through an infection that enters the body with dirty hands.

Residents of rural areas, as well as tourists, are especially susceptible to the disease.

How to suspect the development of mouse fever?

At the initial stage of development, mouse fever does not make itself felt at all. The duration of the incubation period can vary from seven to forty-six days. The disease usually develops within three weeks.

At the initial stage of mouse fever, the patient’s temperature rises to almost forty degrees. Chills are possible. The disease also leads to severe headaches. The patient is bothered by severe dry mouth and general weakness. On examination, redness of the skin is noticeable, and a hemorrhagic rash may appear. Some patients complain of deterioration of vision, namely the appearance of the so-called “mesh” and “fog” before the eyes.

With further development of the disease, the temperature remains the same high; if it decreases, the patient’s condition worsens. The classic symptom of this stage is pain in the lower back, which can have varying degrees of severity. At the same time, vomiting develops, abdominal pain and bloating are possible. Kidney damage is accompanied by corresponding symptoms: puffiness of the face, pasty eyelids, oliguria. Pathological processes can lead to the development of bleeding from the nose or gums. Bloody vomiting is also possible. This stage of the disease is considered especially dangerous; if the patient is not provided with appropriate medical care, he may die.

With adequate correction, a polyuric period begins. The patient is no longer bothered by vomiting, the severity of pain in the abdomen and also in the lower back is somewhat reduced, appetite and sleep are normalized. The volume of urine excreted also gradually increases. Recovery is coming slowly.

Is there a cure for mouse fever?

If the development of muscle fever is suspected, the patient requires urgent hospitalization. Therapy is carried out exclusively in the infectious diseases department, and patients must adhere to strict bed rest.

To date, there are no specific treatments for mouse fever. The method of treatment is selected on an individual basis, while doctors take into account the characteristics of the course of the disease, the stages of its development, the presence of complications and, of course, age indicators.

Patients with mouse fever require detoxification therapy. Doctors also take measures to normalize the patient’s general condition, to stabilize the water-salt balance, and to prevent and correct complications. Medications usually include antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and antiviral compounds.

Control of kidney activity plays an extremely important role. Doctors monitor the volume of fluid injected and the amount removed. If drug correction does not help restore normal kidney function, extracorporeal hemodialysis is performed.

Patients with mouse fever must adhere to dietary nutrition. If the disease proceeds without complications, they are advised to eat according to diet No. 4, and otherwise - according to treatment table No. 1.

Possible complications of mouse fever

This pathological condition can lead to serious impairment of kidney function - to the development of azotemic uremia or to kidney rupture. In addition, pathological processes can cause eclampsia (the occurrence of convulsions that are accompanied by loss of consciousness), cause the development of acute vascular insufficiency, pulmonary edema and focal pneumonia. The complications that arise, in turn, can provoke the development of death.

Fever is not transmitted from person to another person, but there are other ways of infection. Unfortunately, doctors do not know effective measures that will help prevent infection with mouse fever. It is important to maintain personal hygiene.

Mouse fever is an acute viral natural focal disease, which is characterized by the appearance of fever, general intoxication of the body and a kind of kidney damage. Doctors more often use the term hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, and the name “mouse fever” is more common among the population. The disease is very dangerous because if it is not treated promptly and correctly, severe complications develop. The most dangerous of them is kidney damage, which can lead to disability and even death.

Transmission of the virus to humans is usually carried out by airborne dust, but in the summer the most common route of infection is through food contaminated with rodents or through dirty hands. Cases of transmission of the disease from one person to another have not been recorded. Rural residents are more likely to suffer from mouse fever, and the most common cases of the disease are recorded in men aged 16 to 50 years. The disease is characterized by seasonality - outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome are observed from May to October.

In Russia, natural foci of mouse fever are located in the Volga and Ural regions.

Signs and course of mouse fever

Hemorrhagic rash is one of the symptoms characteristic of this pathology.

During the course of the disease, several periods are distinguished, which successively replace each other.

  1. The first period is the incubation period, lasting from 7 to 46 days, but most often 21-25 days. During this period, there are no manifestations of the disease, and the person is not even aware of his illness. Then the disease enters the initial stage.
  2. The initial stage of mouse fever is very short and lasts no more than 3 days. It is characterized by an acute onset, an increase in body temperature up to 40°C, chills, and weakness. Patients complain of severe headache and dry mouth. The skin on the face, neck and chest becomes red, and a hemorrhagic rash and conjunctivitis may appear. Sometimes the disease can begin gradually; for several days the patient experiences weakness, malaise, and a slight cough, which can be regarded as a cold.
  3. Oligouric stage (period of renal and hemorrhagic manifestations). This period begins from 2-4 days of illness. High fever remains, but body temperature begins to decrease from 4-7 days of illness, however, the general condition of the patient does not improve, and often even worsens. The main manifestation of this period is the appearance of intense pain in the lumbar region and abdomen, and after 1-2 days repeated vomiting occurs. The skin on the body becomes dry, the face and neck are still hyperemic, conjunctivitis persists, and a pronounced hemorrhagic rash (pinpoint subcutaneous hemorrhages) appears. Kidney damage manifests itself in the form of swelling of the face, especially the eyelids. In patients, the volume of urine excreted is sharply reduced, up to anuria (complete absence of urine excretion).
  4. From 9-13 days of illness, the oliguric period is replaced by a polyuric period. Vomiting stops, pain in the lower back and abdomen decreases and then completely disappears. The daily amount of urine increases sharply and exceeds the norm (up to 3-5 liters). Severe weakness remains.
  5. The final period of illness is the period of recovery. At this time, the patient’s condition and kidney functions normalize, and skin manifestations of the disease disappear.

Treatment of mouse fever

Treatment of mouse fever can only be carried out by a doctor in the infectious diseases department of a hospital. Self-medication is unacceptable and life-threatening.

  • patients are prescribed strict bed rest for a period of 1 to 4 weeks;
  • antiviral drugs (ingavirin, amiksin, Lavomax);
  • antipyretic drugs (paracetamol, Nurofen);
  • painkillers (analgin, ketorol);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, piroxicam);
  • infusion therapy (saline solution, 5% glucose solution);
  • vitamin therapy (ascorbic acid, group B drugs).

If necessary, hormonal therapy with glucocorticoid hormones (prednisolone) may be prescribed. If thrombotic complications develop, anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin) are prescribed. In case of severe kidney damage during the oliguric period, patients may require hemodialysis.

Prevention of mouse fever

If the patient has severe intoxication, he is prescribed infusion therapy.

Contact with rodents should be avoided, both outdoors and at home. When going on vacation or to work in nature, it is necessary to carefully pack food and store it in places inaccessible to carriers of infection (metal, tightly sealed containers). Products damaged by rodents should never be used for food.

In addition, to prevent the disease, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene: thoroughly washing your hands with soap before each meal.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you suspect an acute infectious disease that does not go away within a few days, you should contact an infectious disease specialist. In addition, if renal failure develops, the patient will be examined by a nephrologist.

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