Why is physical inactivity harmful? What is physical inactivity?

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Physical activity is necessary for every person, but people often forget about it. In the modern world, the problem of lack of movement has become very relevant, because the lifestyle that most people lead excludes physical activity.

Constantly moving around the city in a car, working in an office, preferring passive over active rest - all this does not contribute to improving health, but on the contrary, leads to such a disease as physical inactivity.

What is it and how to avoid this problem, we will now consider in our article.

You will need:

Characteristics of the disease

Physical inactivity is a violation of body functions due to low physical activity and a decrease in the strength of muscle contraction.

Physical inactivity is not officially recognized as a disease, but it leads to many health problems and diseases. Doctors around the world pay a lot of attention to this problem, as every year it affects more and more people. Physical inactivity is a consequence of the fact that people move little, and the lack of movement is the cause of this problem.

What is the danger of lack of movement

  1. There is a dysfunction of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Muscles atrophy, strength and endurance decrease.
  3. There are disturbances in the activity of the nervous system. Adynamia develops and there may be nervous disorders.
  4. A decrease in bone mass progresses, which leads to the development of diseases such as osteoporosis, osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis.
  5. Bones become brittle, leading to frequent fractures.
  6. Physical inactivity leads to diseases of the cardiovascular (coronary heart disease, hypertension) and respiratory systems (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia), as well as problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Possible intestinal upset, nausea, rectal diseases, pancreatitis.
  8. Lung volume and ventilation may decrease.
  9. Negatively affects the endocrine system, in particular, the production of the hormone insulin.
  10. It also has a bad effect on the functioning of the brain - a person feels constant weakness, insomnia, memory impairment, and deterioration in performance.

All this leads to a deterioration in the quality of life, as well as its duration. But the most important thing is that a person cannot understand what the causes of all these disorders and diseases are, and they are very simple - leading a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity.


The main reason for development is a lack of human movement and activity.

In the modern world, everything is done to make people more comfortable, and “more comfort” means doing everything so that a person shows as little physical activity as possible.

An adult spends most of his time at work. Mostly office work, that is, there is a minimum of active movement. Schoolchildren spend time at school, where they sit at their desks for half a day during lessons, and then spend another half an evening doing homework. And at the same time, people are so tired that the best rest for them would be sitting at home watching TV or sitting at the computer. A person is simply too lazy to go outside and take a walk, ride a bike or roller skate for an hour or two.

Of course, it happens that a person, due to certain circumstances (for example, illness), cannot lead an active lifestyle. But even in such cases, the patient needs movement. Only with the doctor's permission.

Who is susceptible to the disease

People whose work does not involve physical activity and schoolchildren who are constantly forced to sit at a desk are susceptible to physical inactivity. Also those who lead an active virtual life. Such people are more interested in life on the Internet than in reality.

Preschool children are also often affected. Often, parents do not have the time or desire to study and play with them, so it is easier for them to make their child watch a cartoon or let them play games on a tablet.

Signs of physical inactivity

  • Constant fatigue and lethargy;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • bad mood, irritability;
  • malaise, drowsiness;
  • appetite decreases;
  • decreased performance.

If you feel these signs in yourself, then you should think about your activity and how much time you spend outdoors.

Physical inactivity has a bad effect on brain function, resulting in headaches, unstable emotional state, and poor sleep. A sign of this disease can also be an increase in appetite, and since a person begins to eat a lot, while moving little, obesity develops, which can lead to poor metabolism and atherosclerosis.


The disease must be treated with movement. But the difficulty is that physical inactivity is not a disease as such. In most cases, the diseases caused by it require treatment. In this case, you should consult an experienced doctor.

The consequences can be different: poor health, brittle bones or severe obesity.

When sitting in one place for a long time, the body gets tired much more than during active physical activity - it is unnatural for a person to stay in one position for a long time. The blood in the body stagnates, the muscles weaken, and various diseases arise.
To avoid all these troubles, many special exercises have been invented that people can perform while sitting in one position. Even while traveling, you can strengthen your body and feel great! Even those who have never tried this practice will enjoy these accessible yoga poses.

1. Awakening
This pose will help you cheer up in the morning, tone your muscles and begin to take control of your day. Sit upright with your hands on your hips. Take a deep breath and feel your chest rise. Exhale, lowering your chin. Repeat this 5 times.

2. Balance pose
Lean your shoulder blades against the wall, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean completely on the wall, align yourself as if you were lying on the floor. Inhale deeply, lifting your chest and moving away from the wall. The lower part of the body should remain static. Try to breathe as deeply as possible, feel how the air fills the entire volume of your lungs.

3. Inner strength
An excellent pose for those who want to instantly concentrate and calm down. Connect your fingers on your chest, pull them away from each other with force, then in the opposite direction. Press tightly together. Keep your shoulders straight, lower them slightly down. Try to breathe while holding your hands tightly together, as if you are creating a protective barrier around yourself.

4. Healthy spine
When sitting for a long time, for example, on an airplane or doing painstaking work in front of a laptop, you need to take care of the correct position of the spine and relieve it. Roll a towel or scarf into a tight roll and place it between your back and the back of a chair. Lean back, feeling the freedom in your chest and shoulders. Breathe evenly and deeply. This pose is great for coping with the difficulties of sitting for long periods of time!

5. Stretching the thigh muscles
To relieve tension from tired and swollen legs, just place one leg on the table and move it slightly to the side. Feel the tension in the muscles, bend in the direction of the bent leg. Do the same with the other leg.

6. Neck relaxation
Tilt your head in different directions and exhale. Allow your neck to relax completely. This exercise restores blood circulation in the brain well and helps you continue to work productively, even when you have a headache. If you have neck pain, try also doing exercises to move your head up and down using your neck muscles.

7. Shoulder stretch
This pose is useful when your back and shoulders hurt. Interlace your arms in front of you, stretch your shoulders and shoulder blades in different directions. Change hands so that either your right or your left hand is on top. Breathe deeply. Repeat this exercise 5 times for each arm. Make sure your head is level.

8. Predator pose
A pose that will relieve tension from the entire back and give inner peace. Place your hands behind your back, palms facing the back of the chair. Gently lean back, straighten your chest. Reach your opposite elbows with your hands, stretch and freeze in this position for a while.

9. Renewal of energy
This pose can be performed even on public transport! Grasp the handrail with one hand and stretch. Focus on the side you are leaning towards. Feel the stretch in the side muscles of your body. Take a deep breath and exhale several times, and do the same with the other hand.

With this approach to yoga, even those people who have absolutely no time for special classes in the gym will become professionals. You can be in a completely static position and at the same time perform complex poses that instantly charge you with energy and restore vigor. A healthy body and a calm mind are worth a few minutes of exercise each day.

Physical inactivity is a sedentary lifestyle, which results in dysfunctions of the body (musculoskeletal system, blood circulation, breathing, digestion).

Physical inactivity is called a “disease of civilization”, since it was the benefits of civilization and progress that “gave birth” to this disease. Transport, television, and the Internet make us spend a lot of time sitting. We practically do not take walks - we use transport; We do things less and less with our hands, using all kinds of devices that replace our active labor. Nowadays, you can do almost everything without leaving home: order food, clothes and other necessary things, communicate with loved ones and friends, using modern means of communication. Yes, these are good advantages of civilization, but... everything is good in moderation.

The cardiovascular system suffers from this lifestyle: the strength of heart contractions weakens, work capacity decreases, and vascular tone decreases. Metabolism and energy are also negatively affected, and blood supply to tissues is reduced. As a result of inadequate breakdown of fats, the blood becomes “fatty” and flows lazily through the vessels - the supply of nutrients and oxygen decreases.

Without work, muscles weaken and gradually atrophy. Strength and endurance decrease, neuro-reflex connections are disrupted, leading to disruption of the nervous system.

Over time, due to physical inactivity, changes in the musculoskeletal system increase: bone mass progressively decreases (osteoporosis develops), the function of peripheral joints (osteoarthrosis) and the spine (osteochondrosis) suffers. Long-term physical inactivity leads to cardiovascular diseases (coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension), respiratory disorders (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and digestive disorders (impaired intestinal function).

Also, the consequences of physical inactivity can be obesity and atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, depression, myofascial syndromes, endocrine disorders, respiratory disorders, intestinal dysfunction, fatigue and emotional instability.

Causes of the disease:

— limitation of muscle work due to professional characteristics;

- irrational daily routine;

- long-term bed rest due to disruption of the normal functioning of the body (trauma, illness);

- lack of physical activity

Main symptoms: weakness, increased heart rate and pulse, increased blood pressure, fatigue, even with light exertion, emotional instability, nervousness.

By replenishing the deficiency of muscle activity, most disturbances in the body's activity gradually disappear. If you are sick, doctors often prescribe physical therapy classes with a gradual increase in load, or a swimming pool, for rehabilitation.

Physical activity, morning exercises, walking, physical labor, nutritious and regular nutrition, a properly structured daily routine - all this should become a first necessity, like food and personal hygiene.

We suggest you start every morning with a short warm-up right in bed. Such gymnastics helps not only to tone the muscles of the back, chest and abdominals, but also the heart and blood vessels. Do all movements at a slow pace.


Belly breathing

Turning legs and arms in opposite directions

Turns: knees one way, head the other

The recumbent lifestyle of a person has unpleasant consequences for health and is the cause of severe and sometimes irreversible diseases. First of all, it negatively affects the cardiovascular system, which is the most important component of human life. Physical inactivity is the enemy of modern man and is a limitation of motor activity caused by unplanned or acquired factors.

The disease can have an independent character if it is considered as a consequence of surgical interventions and severe childhood injuries.

In most cases, people develop hypodynamia on their own, depriving themselves of daily walks, sports, and increasingly kissing the couch. Only they do not even imagine what deplorable consequences this can lead to.

No wonder doctors say that you need to lead a proper lifestyle, observe a sleep and rest regimen, and do not forget about physical exercises. It is these actions that contribute to the health of the heart, blood vessels and reduce the number of deaths caused by heart attacks and sudden changes in hormonal levels.

The causes of physical inactivity lie not only in a person’s frivolous attitude to their health, but also in previously acquired injuries and diseases:

  • Immobility.
  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Sedentary work.
  • Daily and prolonged contact with the computer.
  • Active smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Disturbance of the biological clock.
  • Sleep deprivation.
  • Prolonged depression.
  • Surgical interventions.
  • Residual infections.
  • Paralysis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Hernia.

In some cases, physical activity is contraindicated, but not more than three days. Doctors give such recommendations to patients only after severe operations. Even the most serious diseases, such as cerebral palsy or paralysis, require daily therapeutic exercises to stimulate the musculoskeletal system.

In the early stages, physical inactivity of a modern person may not manifest itself in any way, disguised as fatigue or apathy. And it can still be prevented and avoid future health problems in the future. To do this, you need to start leading an active lifestyle, but not immediately, but gradually.

Symptoms of physical inactivity in adults and children are varied:

  • Dizziness.
  • Weakness.
  • Neuroses of different types.
  • Negative thinking.
  • Lack of mood.
  • Obesity.
  • Bone fragility.
  • Sharp short pain in the heart.
  • Regular diseases of the lower respiratory tract.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Decreased brain activity.

Damage to blood vessels and the heart caused by moderate physical inactivity leads to auditory and visual disturbances, improper coordination of movement and sudden fainting.

To avoid this, you need to immediately start leading a healthy lifestyle at the initial stage of the disease if at least one of the above symptoms is detected.


Since the disease has several forms of severity, the diagnosis of physical inactivity for each of them is determined by the doctor in accordance with the patient’s medical history.

Initial stage with hidden effect:

  • Scheduled doctor's examination.
  • and urine.
  • Prescribing recommendations, including therapeutic exercises.

The middle stage of physical inactivity with pronounced symptoms:

  • General and .
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Referral to a highly qualified specialist according to symptoms.
  • Carrying out additional procedures at the request of the doctor.
  • Drug and physiotherapeutic treatment.
  • Planning the day.

Severe stage of physical inactivity with the development of a disease:

  • Emergency hospitalization.
  • Examination by several medical specialists.
  • Additional procedures that require a detailed representation of the area of ​​pain.
  • Drug treatment.
  • Prescription of hormonal drugs.
  • Operational intervention.

If the disease has a particularly protracted form and does not respond to general examinations, then several types of in-depth diagnostics are used: magnetic resonance imaging, biopsy, and measurement of respiratory function.


Physical inactivity develops rapidly if you do not follow an active lifestyle and gives rise to very unpleasant diseases that can confine a person to bed or even lead to death.

The following consequences of physical inactivity are distinguished:

  • Atherosclerosis leading to.
  • Obesity contributes to heart disease.
  • Persistent high blood pressure.
  • Ischemic and cerebral, causing heart attacks and Parkinson's syndromes, respectively.
  • Stroke leading to death.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • neurotic disorders.
  • Diseases of the lower respiratory tract.

Very often, patients who have already been treated for complications of physical inactivity are no longer able to return to normal life and, in some cases, remain bedridden. Such predictions are very often confirmed in the case of strokes, although sometimes the patient manages to undergo a slow recovery, but, as a rule, the impairment of auditory speech is irreversible.

After a heart attack, the patient can be paralyzed and forever left lying down. It’s good that medicine is becoming more effective every day, but you shouldn’t put yourself at risk and tempt fate, it’s better to improve your quality of life in time.

The early stage of the disease can disappear without a trace only with the help of the efforts of the patient himself. To restore health, it is necessary to eliminate a sedentary lifestyle, start regular exercise and go to seaside resorts at least once a year. A fresh breeze helps improve overall well-being and enhance physical activity.

Treatment of severe physical inactivity is carried out under regular and, in some cases, constant supervision of cardiologists, neurologists, rheumatologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists or psychotherapists. The disease is quoted only as a cause of pronounced disorders of the body and is a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle or severe injuries.

Patients with severe physical inactivity are placed in hospitals, where a full examination of the body is carried out and treatment is carried out according to the methods of several medical specialists at once. Patients with mental disorders as a result of severe physical inactivity receive drug treatment with psychotropic drugs and regular consultations with psychologists.

In the cardiology department, surgery may be required along with taking pills. Neurologists treat patients with impaired brain activity using drugs that stabilize cerebral circulation.

Severe physical inactivity is the reason why patients appear in the trauma department, where they not only restore the musculoskeletal system, but also laboratory examine the level of microelements in the body that are responsible for bone density.

The disease leads to severe disruption of the hormonal system, so patients in critical condition are admitted to endocrinology departments, where doctors prescribe hormonal, strictly dosed pills to restore the patient’s vital functions.

A severe form of physical inactivity very often leads people to obesity, therefore, for complete recovery, nutritionists develop a special one for their patients and give recommendations on physical exercise.

In children

Unfortunately, physical inactivity is also pronounced in children of the new generation due to the abundance of computers, tablets and early use of phones. Powerful radio waves and radiation transmit unfavorable signals to the brain, which cause nervous disorders, fatigue, drowsiness and apathy.

In addition, physical inactivity syndromes are observed in children with birth trauma and perinatal hypoxia (), so if possible, you should at least go to the pool with your child. Even for bedridden patients, daily exercises are recommended to prevent stagnation in the veins and sudden ruptures of blood clots.

To avoid the serious consequences of physical inactivity, start walking at least half an hour a day and watch your diet, adding healthy foods to your diet.

Regular physical activity is necessary for all people, regardless of age and gender. Systematic training strengthens the muscular system, including the myocardium, prevents congestion in the lungs, and improves blood circulation in the vessels. People who exercise regularly have good memory, high performance and good immune status.

Hypodynamia is one of the most acute problems in the modern world. The disease called by this term does not exist in medicine, but this condition can lead to disruption of the functions of many organs and systems. That is why doctors around the world are paying more and more attention to physical inactivity among the population every year. It’s not difficult to guess the meaning of this term; “hypodynamia” means “reduced activity.”

Causes of physical inactivity

Even people with limited mobility need movement.

The main reason for physical inactivity in people in the modern world is obvious. Achievements of technological progress make human life more comfortable, but few people think that a decrease in physical activity, for example, when using a personal car, has a negative impact on health. In addition, physical inactivity is a constant companion for people in so-called sedentary professions (programmers, managers, etc.). This problem does not bypass children, especially of school age, who after classes (during which they also sit) prefer to spend their free time at home on the computer rather than on the street.

Of course, there are reasons why a person is forced to limit his movement, for example, due to serious illness or as a result of injury. But even in such cases, patients need movement. It’s not for nothing that ancient healers said: “Movement is life.”

Symptoms of physical inactivity

Physical inactivity is a condition that is accompanied by a huge number of symptoms, most of which are a consequence of insufficient physical activity. The following main features can be distinguished:

  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • bad mood, irritability;
  • general malaise, fatigue;
  • decreased appetite;

Almost every person can periodically feel such symptoms, but few people associate them with physical inactivity. Therefore, when such signs appear, you should think about whether you are devoting enough time to physical training.

A long-term decrease in physical activity leads to atrophic changes in muscles and bone tissue, metabolism is disrupted, and protein synthesis decreases.

Physical inactivity has an extremely adverse effect on the functioning of the brain, causing headaches, insomnia, and people becoming emotionally unbalanced. Another sign of physical inactivity is an increase in appetite, which results in an increase in the amount of food consumed. Reduced physical activity and excessive nutrition can quickly lead to the development of obesity, which contributes to the occurrence of lipid metabolism disorders and. It is known that the presence of atherosclerosis significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This is also facilitated by increased fragility of blood vessels, which is also a consequence of metabolic disorders.

Considerable attention should be paid to physical activity in children, especially of school age. When sitting at a desk for a long time, blood stagnates in the vessels of the lower extremities, which leads to depletion of the blood supply to other organs, including the brain. As a result, thought processes, memory and concentration deteriorate.

In addition, sedentary children have a weak muscular system. Due to the weakness of the back muscles, they develop poor posture. As we see, the consequences of physical inactivity can be expressed in dysfunction of many organs and systems, and often such disorders are associated with low physical activity in the last place, although in fact this is not the case.

Prevention of physical inactivity

Daily morning exercises and walks in the fresh air are useful at any age and help reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases.

Obviously, prevention measures should be aimed at increasing physical activity in each person. Children need to be taught from early childhood to do daily morning exercises, active games in the fresh air, compulsory attendance at physical education classes at school, and attendance at sports sections is very useful.

Recently, sports centers and fitness clubs have become widespread, regular visits to which are an excellent prevention of physical inactivity. However, the inability to attend sports centers should not be the reason for insufficient physical activity.

Every person can take daily walks and jogs in the fresh air. In addition, it is useful to have any exercise machine at home, not necessarily expensive and large; in every home there is a place for a simple jump rope, expander or dumbbells.

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