What to do in a prison architect. Prison Architect review of the final version

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Guide to the passage of the game Prison Architect: buildings, materials, rooms, the purpose of the rooms.

Buildings and materials

It takes a lot of resources to build buildings, so before building, you need to check all the necessary materials and their quantity. Of course, at the start, you are unlikely to be able to build a whole prison with all the blocks, but Moscow was not built right away. You start slowly, at first small but important buildings, and then expand and expand. It is important to know that when building an extension to a small building, the wall between them can be removed. You can build buildings from two materials - brick or concrete, and this only affects the exterior. Actually, there are no differences even in the strength of the materials, so it doesn’t matter which blocks to build, choose the one that you personally like.

There are two types of cover - the one you install indoors (floor) and the one you install outside your prison (road). Flooring, like road, affects the speed of movement of units on the map. Accordingly, outside the prison, it is most advantageous to lay out a cover, due to which the units move slowly. So, when escaping, the prisoners will not be able to go far, and you will have time to react. If you lay out a concrete slab, you will get a surface that you can quickly move on. Such a plate is used in the construction of paths for patrolmen - both for dogs and for ordinary ones. Also, tiles are perfect inside buildings so that prisoners can quickly move between cells, rooms, etc. Do not forget about decorative things, because some blocks are perfect for decorating the perimeter of the prison.

The walls are also of two types - brick and concrete. Accordingly, as it was written before, the difference between them is only visual. In addition, blocks can be used to sort buildings and rooms. For example, entertainment and recreation rooms are built of brick, and more strict rooms like cells, showers, etc. are built of concrete. A matter of taste, however. But there are also fortified walls that block the path of any prisoner who wants to escape. The thing is that an ordinary wall lends itself to digging faster, while fortified ones will have to dig for a very long time, which makes the likelihood of escape lower. The fortified wall is very expensive in terms of resources, so it is usually installed around the paved blocks of the prison. But such walls also have a clear disadvantage - electricity and plumbing cannot be carried through them, and when you change an ordinary wall to a reinforced one, the installed wires and pipes are automatically removed.

When some prisoner was lucky enough to dig a wall after escaping from prison, you should immediately fill up the dug passage. To do this, select a worker and assign a backfill command to it. After that, you will receive information about the entire tunnel - length, shape - accordingly, it will all have to be filled up.

Rooms and their purpose

The cell is a single room 2x3 with bars. In such rooms, there must be a bed and a toilet. This is the most standard set in the cell. In addition, if you are concerned about the quality of living for each prisoner, then it is in your power to equip the cell better. You can expand the chamber, as well as put in it a table, shower, chairs, radio and other amenities. The quality of the cells is a parameter that shows what a particular prisoner needs. For details, you can refer to the section Logistics or Bureaucracy. In order not to expand the chamber in vain and not build a whole block, you can standard sizes fit a shower, a bookshelf and even a radio. The dissatisfaction and the degree of tension created by the prisoner will immediately decrease.

General cell - many prisoners are usually temporarily in it. For example, people were brought to your prison, but the rooms have not yet been rebuilt, it is in the general cells that they will be until you send them to solitary. In the common cell there are beds, shops, telephones, showers and toilets. You can also install other amenities.

Family cell - it serves as a refuge exclusively for female prisoners. Such a camera is almost twice as large - 4x4. Children and women who gave birth in prison live in family cells. There is only one family in one cell. You can install the same amenities as in other cameras.

The children's room is also located in the women's prison, but is needed for children. Children stay in the children's room for a while, where they can eat and play. Accordingly, it is best to build a children's room near the kitchen, and install a distribution table in it.

The punishment cell is an important room into which you throw delinquent prisoners. As soon as the prisoner leaves the punishment cell, he will be in a depressed state, due to which he will not be able to start escapes and sabotage. The punishment cell is always 1x1 in size, and is closed with a special door, or lattice, the difference between which is only in price. You need to build punishment cells as much as you have problem prisoners. Accordingly, the more dangerous and violent prisoners, the more you need to build punishment cells in order to contain the influx of sabotage and escapes.

Multi-seat chamber - it can contain from two people. These cells usually have bunk beds. You can build a chamber for 2-10 people, and the size depends on how many you are going to build. Moreover, the number of beds in the cell does not affect the capacity, because it depends on the size of the cell. Install at least ten beds, but if the dimensions do not meet the standards, then 10 prisoners will live in the cell. The minimum size for 4 prisoners is 6 by 3. Interestingly, multi-bed cells may take up less space than single cells while having the same number of residents, but the needs of prisoners in a multi-bed cell will increase faster. This has a bad effect on the mood in the entire prison, so you need to build multi-seat cells wisely.

Dining room - in it the prisoners eat. As in the movies, the most violent events take place here, skirmishes and riots are not uncommon, because the dining room has the most prisoners interacting with each other. The dining room must be built large, and the aisles between the tables and counters should be made much wider so that the prisoners do not crowd. If the situation is likely to escalate, then you should place patrols in the aisles and in the dining room. Skirmishes always occur in the dining room, but if there is no security, then a real riot can begin. If you want to avoid unpleasant situations, then you should connect the dining room with the prison courtyard, and place towers near the entrance, on which snipers will patrol. Thanks to their warning shots, any skirmish comes to naught.

Showers - special cubicles, thanks to which you keep your prisoners clean. In the shower there are watering cans and grates through which water flows. It is necessary to install a shower in the cells, although it is possible to make it common. You can configure this in the Reports - Mode section. Actually, I advise you to put separate showers in the cells, because after the dining room the prisoners will start a fight right next to the shower, accumulating. In addition, you free up a whole hour of work for your people in prison if there is no common shower, otherwise the workers would have to spend time going to the shower and shadowing.

Yard - here the prisoners walk and, accordingly, also accumulate. However, the advantage of the yard is that there is open space, as well as a sea of ​​towers and patrols. The yard can be decorated with trees, put benches and exercise equipment in it. In addition, there are telephone booths in the yard so that prisoners can keep in touch with the outside world.

Warehouse - where you store remote objects. You can safely place the warehouse both inside the prison and in the yard. Still, there is one piece of advice - set up a warehouse outside the prison area. Thus, you will block the path for smugglers inside the prison (section Intelligence - Risk Zones). Thanks to the warehouse, you can get rid of unnecessary blocks in order to clear space.

Delivery - best located near the main entrance to the prison. Transport arrives at this point, delivering food, building materials and other household items to the prison.

Garbage chute - it is worth building near the road so that workers can easily clear the area and immediately throw everything away. The building is only 4 by 6 in size.

Execution room - it is only needed when prisoners who have been sentenced to death arrive in your prison. By the way, remember that suicide bombers do not arrive at once, but only one. If you want death row inmates to arrive in your prison from time to time, then go to the Placement - Zones section. There you need to select a special block in which suicide bombers should arrive. Carrying out the death penalty is a whole ceremony that you can look at.

Workshop - where prisoners can work. The worker tells everyone about the craft of a carpenter so that they do not injure their limbs. Thanks to the workshop, prisoners can provide the prison with beds, license plates and more. The prison will profit from this. If you go to the Reports - Grants section, you can get approval for prisoners to conduct scientific activities. For the good performance of the workshop, you need to install a generator, because it consumes a lot of electricity. The workshop, unfortunately, is a breeding ground for smuggling - weapons and tools. To avoid this, build a detector next to the entrance.

Security room - all security gathers in it. There may be unoccupied guards who are watching what is happening in the prison. Actually, in the rooms there are control panels for doors and cameras. If you fork out, you can install a listening system.

Cabinet - in a regular prison there must be at least 6 cabinets. Offices are needed for - the head of the prison, security, accountant, foreman, psychologist and lawyer.

Infirmary - here you treat injured or sick prisoners and prison workers. In the infirmary, you can fight drug addiction, for which you need one bed. The infirmary can be a breeding ground for smuggling - this medical preparations, from which drugs are made, as well as sharp objects. A metal detector at the entrance will ensure security. A patrol dog can be an extra precaution.

Morgue - temporarily deceased employees or prisoners stay here, who should soon be taken to the district morgue and buried afterwards. It is better to build next to the infirmary, separating them with a wall.

Recreation room - prisoners gather here to relax and have fun. In addition, the room can be useful, because it provides therapy for alcoholism or psychotherapy sessions. When the prison becomes large, then more such rooms should be built.

Laundry room - thanks to the room you keep clean by ironing and washing clothes. Laundries have piping, electricity and washing machines. Prisoners can work in it.

Visiting room - prisoners and people from the outside world contact here. I advise you to build this room large and spacious so that many people fit and there is no crowding. Also, a room should be built near the main entrance to the prison, so that visitors do not walk around the territory, bumping into trouble. You should also go for a little trick - put another door in front of the entrance, creating a pocket so that the prisoner, when trying to escape, falls into a trap. In addition, the visiting room is an excellent breeding ground for smuggling - it needs layers of protection such as surveillance, detectors, patrols and dogs.

Storage room - chemical waste and hazardous substances are stored here. As expected, well suited for smuggling. You can put a guard next to the door.

Kennel - Patrolmen with dogs rest here. In principle, dogs are not that picky, so you can build fewer cages, while dogs have more. While one patrols, the other rests in a cage, and then a shift.

The Armory is an important room, thanks to which you can hire guards and snipers with weapons. There should be a cabinet with weapons in the room. The number of cabinets affects the number of guards and snipers that can be hired.

The staff room is a small room in which a prison worker can rest.

Library - here the prisoners rest, and can also work, but if they have been trained.

Sawmill - here you get firewood for the workshop. The sawmill should be fenced off, and a detector should be placed in it to cut off the option of smuggling, because there are various tools and weapons on the territory.

Class - here the prisoners study. In addition, guards can learn how to use stun guns and other items. Set up several classes to share the educational process.

Dispatch of Goods - All manufactured goods in the workshop come out into the world thanks to this piece of land under the open sky.

Chapel - many prisoners are deeply religious. In the chapel, they will be able to pray to reduce the need for prayer. Prayer will require benches and rugs.

Parole room - prisoners on parole are kept here.

The reception area is a source of contraband, so you should put a detector and a patrol with a dog here. In the waiting room there are only arrived prisoners.

Post office - prisoners work here. You need room to contact the outside world and maintain the Family indicator.

Shop - only prisoners work here. They acquire some goods, thanks to which the treasury of the prison is replenished.

At Prison Architect, I always get excited when I finish building my prison and when the first prisoners arrive. Am I forgetting something? Will I have enough resources? Will it turn into a complete disaster? Today I feel it doubly: I spent ten in-game days and hundreds of thousands of dollars to build a very special prison. Luxurious prison. There will be one prisoner, and he should arrive in a couple of minutes.

The idea here is not just to build a prison for one prisoner and see what happens. As I explained in my review, when inmates escaped from my prison, it really hurt my feelings. I tried very hard to meet the needs of the inhabitants so that they were calm and contented, and when five of them ran away, I felt betrayed and embarrassed that all my efforts were in vain. In my new prison, I want to see if it is possible to make a prisoner so damn happy that he will never try to escape, never hit a guard, never rebel, and never break any rules.

There are more TVs and sofas here than in my house.

So I built the most luxurious prison cell I could manage. It is a spacious room with large windows, wooden and tiled floors, a bathroom with a shower, a pool table, sofas, a telephone, several TVs and a radio. The cell is just a normal door, and there will be no time for blocking in the schedule - my prisoner will be able to enter and leave his cell whenever he wants.

There is also a spacious kitchen within walking distance with a ready staff of chefs. There is an extensive herbal exercise garden overlooking the lake. There is a workshop, a library, classrooms, lounges and a chapel. I have an army of cleaners and gardeners to keep everything clean, and although I have several guards, none are assigned to the rooms my prisoner will spend time in, so he will never feel oppressed or controlled. Of course, there is a fence around the prison - after all, it is still a prison, but I would not say that this place is so similar to it.

It takes real talent to hide something this big and sharp in your ass.

My only prisoner arrives, a 33-year-old convict named Sean Matil. He is serving a nine-year sentence, perhaps ironically by mistake. He is also married and the father of four children. He went to the reception area and looked for what I hope is the only time he's been here. My bodyguard discovered that Mathil tried to smuggle a pair of clippers into the prison, which seems like an odd and incredibly inconvenient choice.

Finding the contraband means he won't be taken to his comfortable cell, but instead spend some time alone. Luckily, I knew this would be the case, so I prepared a nice room for him: bookshelves, sofa, TV, toilet and shower, and even a telephone. Unfortunately, Matil is shackled so he can't use the facilities, but I hope he understands that this is more of a hotel than a prison.

Bookshelves separate the word "lit" (lit) from the word "solitary" (lonely).

He soon finds himself in his cell, where he slowly makes his way around his new surroundings. After looking around, he walks a little into the courtyard, then goes to the dining room (first-class, of course). He returns to his cell, where he spends the whole night walking slowly and not sleeping. I guess that's okay: who can sleep on their first night in jail, especially after they recently had a pair of garden shears pulled out of their ass?

He takes a shower in the morning, puts on a clean uniform, uses a pay phone to talk to his family, and begins what will be his usual routine for the next few days: eating, eating, watching TV in his cell, talking on the phone, and visiting the yard occasionally. to look at the lake.

Soon he begins to take safety lessons in the workshop under the guidance of my foreman. He eventually passes the class - I'm very proud of him - and since then every day he spends several hours making license plates and cutting logs. Matil has another hobby that worries me a little, but I'll get back to it in a minute.

I hope he doesn't try to hide the carpenter's saw in his ass.

A prison with one inmate has a downside: it doesn't allow me to go through several stages of grants, which ultimately limits Matil's ability to rehabilitate. For example, since he has shown an aptitude for working in a shop, I would like him to take part in carpentry training. A prerequisite, however, is a grant for the production department of the prison, which has its own preliminary program - the adaptation program for prisoners. To complete this program, I need to assign three prisoners to work in the laundry, kitchen and lavatory. I can't do it simply because I don't have enough prisoners.

I consider building a separate prison on the other side of the road, building a massive foundation, but then reality takes over. Too much extra work. New rooms and buildings, utilities, security patrols, schedules and classes, staff, and everything else involved in running a real prison.

It seems tedious and pointless, especially since I already have funds to save. Even though I don't want to spoil Matil's life by adding new prisoners, I'm starting to organize a small prison block next to Matil's hotel, capable of accommodating a couple of dozen prisoners. I hope no one cuts him.

While construction is going on, an unfortunate time comes when I have to look for Matil. You see, from time to time he took walks to the northern fence, where, as if by chance, he circled around the trees. Right in the middle of the night. I know it's more than just walking.

Just a midnight walk by the fence. There is nothing suspicious in this.

First I search his cell (while he is having breakfast so as not to disturb him) and also search the workshop while he sleeps and find nothing. Finally, I inspect it, and my guard finds some contraband: Matil has a mobile phone. I exhale - from the guy who arrived with the clippers in his ass, I expected much worse - but still, I'm a little disappointed. First of all, if it was drugs or alcohol, I might have a chance to use all those therapy rooms that I built and put to work those psychologists that I hired, because they spent weeks just hanging around the offices that I for built them. Alas.

Mostly I'm just annoyed because why does he even need a cell phone? There are two phones in his cell - I think you could use them - and a few more in the yard. Does he just want to play Flappy Bird or use Snapchat? Are new friends in Sprint really necessary? Does he think I've bugged the payphones and listen to his calls?

Yes, it's a tiny mortuary with one slab. I planned everything.

I listened to him, of course. I have a whole room with 24/7 security monitoring his conversations, which is why I confirmed my suspicions that he wants someone to visit the prison and throw things over the fence for him. I know I could put a stop to this by building a second perimeter fence, but the idea is not to stop him from breaking the rules, but to make him so damn happy that he never wants to break the rules. Apparently, no matter how good my prison is, it's not enough to make him completely happy.

As for violations, that's not the main thing. Without metal detectors and supervision, without restriction of movements and the need to open doors for him, Matil could smuggle kitchen utensils and workshop tools all day long, but decided not to. I think that's a plus, and when his family comes to visit, I don't think he'll have much to complain about.

Don't worry kids, daddy's cell is probably better than your current house.

I placed a new cell block and got a bunch of new inmates, which is weird for a place that feels like a luxury hotel built on a college town. Naturally, everything around immediately becomes like a prison. I'm starting to find drugs and alcohol in cells and over the fence, and there are regular brawls and fights in the shower (at least my medical team finally has something to do). Luckily, Matil hardly crosses paths with the new prisoners. He takes a short walk to the dining room and finishes eating by the time the crowd arrives, and then he either returns to his cell or to the workshop. No one interferes with him, perhaps because he simply does not contact them.

In the end, Matil really leaves my luxurious prison, but in a legal way. He is paroled. On the one hand, it's nice to see him free. On the other hand, I was left with a disturbing thought. Will he have trouble adjusting to life outside, not for the usual reasons, but simply because he doesn't have enough sofas, TVs, and good hot food? I made his stay in prison so damn comfortable, filled with freedom and luxury, that it might be in his best interest to come again.

Be nice, Sean.

Dungeon Keeper Theme Hospital The Escapists Dwarf Fortress RimWorld

Things like "The Green Mile" and "The Shawshank Redemption" have taught many to look at prisons as a haven for sad romantics, tortured by life. While Andy Dufresne was digging his way out of Shawshank, the viewer, wiping his eyes with a handkerchief, was sincerely happy for him.

However, if everyone were as innocent as he was, they wouldn't build prisons.

Construction of places not so remote in Prison Architect- this, of course, is entertainment, but do not underestimate the cunning of prisoners and bureaucrats. In order for the prison to work, you just need to put four walls in a square, draw the location of the cells, bring a couple of meters of pipes and wires and launch a crowd of maniacs and sadists into your creation. However, by the evening of the first day, you will find that the prisoners sent all the guards to the hospital, and they themselves are rushing on a stolen garbage truck towards Mexico.

Whip, carrot and electric chair

Shopping center "Alcatraz". No, we won't give you a map of the trading floors.

When creating the first prison project, you need to plan your every step, calculate the budget for several in-game days in advance, take into account random events and situations. For example, you built several reliable cells, hired two-meter guards in armor and with guns, launched dogs into the corridors, and at the morning check the cells turned out to be empty, because the prisoners dug tunnels outside with the help of spoons, toilet drains and such and such a grandmother.

And this is just one of a hundred possible problems. Fires, floods, criminal gangs, regular riots will not let you relax and do quiet construction. You are not building Ikea, everything is serious in the prison business.

So building walls is the least of your worries. The main thing here is not only to build a reliable prison, but to make it work. At this point, the in-game economy is connected, which is even affected by the mood in which your prisoners wake up.

If they are tired, they will not work, study, fill in for cleaners, or make license plates for export. Instead, they will start fights using all the items found in the prison, steal keys, weapons, get drunk and refuse to attend rehabilitation courses.

The prisoners will have to sleep in close quarters and under the noise of working machines. But at least it's warm.

If you take care of the prisoners, give them time for dates, self-development and some kind of freedom of movement, they will answer you in the same way: they will not destroy your guards, but they will actively work for the benefit of the prison budget.

Each prisoner has a name, a biography, vices and carries a burden of guilt on his shoulders. Those convicted of minor crimes do not sit long, do not get into fights, do not like to rebel, and certainly will never bite a patrol dog. Ordinary prisoners who have committed moderate crimes will sit longer, so they will gladly work for you to reduce their sentence.

But with those who were imprisoned for violence, torture and murder, you definitely suffer. True, they pay well for them, but these people will not miss the opportunity to destroy the regime that restrains them. It will take a lot of time, effort and money to re-educate such people.

Sometimes people you know will drop by.

closed day

Prison Architect- this is primarily a "sandbox" for experiments. Set the regime of any severity, force the prisoners to hang out for fourteen hours, arrange a complete search in their cells in the middle of the night, beat them with electricity, put them in a punishment cell without a toilet for a couple of days. The effect will be about the same, only the hatred of the prisoners may one day overflow.

Handling all this is taught by the campaign added to the release of five episodes: each of them has different plots and different characters. This is not the most important and far from the most interesting part of the game, it exudes hopelessness, significantly dissonant with the style Prison Architect and her cheerful outlook on things.

But if you think of the campaign as an extended training, it will go much easier. Here they will teach how to build, and earn money, and call the special forces and firefighters if the situation in the prison gets out of control.

Not Tarantino, not Tarantino...

In the second release mode - "Escape" - you are settled in any rebuilt prison, your own or someone else's, like an ordinary prisoner. There are two ways to escape: start rampaging, earning reputation and supporters, and then arrange a bloody riot, or find a spoon and dig a tunnel to freedom through the toilet bowl mentioned above. Entertainment came out, alas, at one time - with The Escapists this regime was not even close.

Grandfather planted ... but it ran away

Over the three years of early access, Introversion has introduced a ton of systems and mechanics - it's really just huge simulator - but there are still a lot of things that need to be debugged. AI is stupid and gets confused in three pines without clear instructions, and deaf "brakes" in big size prisons (regardless of the level of hardware) hint that the mobile version of the game is a controversial idea.

A large prison is not at all a guarantee of financial well-being. Sometimes it's even quite the opposite.

The authors themselves bring the project to mind very slowly, so the players have long added a bunch of things and functions with modifications. The Steam Workshop has, for example, classic bunk beds - they are available in any real prison, but the developers Prison Architect hands have not reached them yet.

In a word, Prison Architect although not completely reliable prison simulator, but it gives a lot of room for creativity - original and entertaining. Someone will like to build large prisons that bring millions of dollars in income, while someone will go further - into modding. This is interesting.

Prison Architect can be bought at

Rooms is an interface tool that allows you to assign assignments to rooms.

  • To assign a room, you need to select it in the menu and "stretch" it to the number of cells you want to allocate for it.
  • In order for the room to "work", all conditions must be met.
  • Exploring aspects of Bureaucracy in the Bureaucracy panel will open closed room views.

Export zone

The export area is a room where workers store items for sale, such as wood (if there is no workshop), boards (if there is no carpenter's table or all carpenter's tables have boards), car numbers and beds. Passing trucks pick up goods from the export zone, and then the second ones are sold immediately after leaving the map.


A kennel is a room in which cynologists spend time and their dogs rest.

staff room

Staff room - a room where tired members of the staff rest. Tired staff are slower than untired ones.

Lumber room

Closet - A room used to store cleaning supplies such as Bleach, which are then used by Prisoners or Janitors to clean the prison.



A mortuary is a place where dead prisoners or staff are transferred and can be of any size. The corpses from your prison will be taken out by the Hearse.


The infirmary is a room through which doctors can treat injured or unconscious prisoners and staff members. If necessary, the prisoner can be taken to the infirmary by a guard for medical attention. The guards, in case of injury, themselves come for medical care. A doctor is needed for the operation of the infirmary.


The chapel is a room where prisoners can pray. The multi-faith of the chapel helps all prisoners to turn to their god (and maybe to the gods).

garbage dump

Garbage dump - a room that stores waste from your prison. Waste is collected in garbage bags and taken to a landfill. The dump can be any size. At the beginning of the game you have one dump.
Workers collect construction debris and removed items in garbage bags, cooks collect food waste, guards collect smuggled items seized from prisoners. Next, the garbage bags are delivered to the landfill. The number of items in a trash bag is determined by the weight (in kilograms) of the items in it.

arrival zone

The Arrivals Zone is a room where trucks deliver new ingredients for the kitchen, new building materials and objects, and new prisoners along the way. The arrival zone can be of any size. At the beginning of the game, there is already one arrival zone.
Arriving prisoners are transported immobilized to the arrivals area, where a guard awaits to escort them to solitary confinement or a common cell.

At least part of the arrival area must be connected to the road, otherwise the trucks will not be able to unload objects and prisoners.


Warehouse - a room in which various objects and materials are stored. Workers move arrived objects from the arrival area to the warehouse. Ingredients and prisoners are not moved to the warehouse. Also, all dismantled and canceled objects are moved to the warehouse.
The warehouse has no requirements. It can be any size, indoor or outdoor.


The office allows you to place the following employees in it: the head of the prison, the master, the lawyer, the psychologist, the head of security, the accountant. Unlike other rooms, an office does not have to have a door.

Dining room

Dining room - a room in which prisoners can eat. This only happens during "Eat" in the daily routine.
Cooks from the kitchen bring prepared food and clean trays to the dining room serving tables, where the prisoners take them. All uneaten food becomes garbage, and dirty trays are taken to the kitchen for washing. There should be an appropriate number of sinks so that the cooks have time to wash everything. From here, prisoners can steal the tool (spoon) and weapon (fork). It is also desirable to have a guard at the post, sometimes prisoners can start a fight in the absence of food at all.


The kitchen is a room in which cooks prepare food from ingredients for the prisoners.
Ingredients are delivered by truck to the arrivals area, from where they are taken to the refrigerators in the kitchen. A couple of hours before meals, cooks begin to prepare food using the stove. Cooked food is delivered to serving tables in the dining room. Also in the kitchen, cooks wash dirty food trays in the sink.
Prisoners can steal knives from the kitchen.

Security room



Forestry - a room in which automatic planting and cutting of trees is carried out. Can be used to sell logs at the start of the game, or to convert logs into planks and then sell the latter. Very comfortable place to work.


The break room is one of the places that prisoners can visit during their free time ("Free Time") to reduce the level of boredom.

It has not yet been proven whether their boredom level will decrease upon entering a room, but it has been confirmed that it will decrease upon their interaction with break room items such as TVs, Pool Tables, and Bookshelves.


Library - a room in which only prisoners who have completed a basic course of education can work. Prisoners can come to the library, borrow books and read them periodically. After reading the book, the prisoners bring it back, but very rarely the book remains in the same state as it was originally. Be careful! In the library, inmates can steal scissors and use them as weapons.

visit room

Visiting room - a room where prisoners can visit their families. At this point, the prisoner's family can give him any of the most existing contraband items. When communicating with his family, the prisoner's need for a family decreases. Do not forget to put metal detectors at the exit or set up a patrol for dogs inside!

shower room

Shower room - a room in which prisoners can satisfy their need for hygiene. Prisoners can take a shower during "Shower" or "Free Time" in the daily routine.
The shower room must have shower heads (Shower Head) connected to the water supply.

While showering, the nozzles produce water that spreads across the floor and can flow out of the room, damaging any object upon contact, with the exception of the nozzles themselves and drainage holes. To prevent water from flowing out of the room, it is recommended to install drainage holes (Drain) on the floor on the exit space.


The Laundry uses Prison Labor to collect dirty clothes and do laundry. Inmates will use Laundry Baskets to collect and distribute clothes in your prison.

While working in the laundry, prisoners sometimes take away all the laundry baskets, as a result of which the room will not meet the requirements. But the laundry will continue to operate, and the laundry baskets will eventually be returned to their place.

The optimal size of the laundry room is 80m². Every 4m² allows you to hire one prisoner (maximum 20).

Clean clothes will first be thrown into a pile and then placed in a laundry basket. Prisoners will begin to distribute clean clothes and collect dirty ones. Prisoners will put on clean clothes only after the shower, if it is in the daily routine. The dirty clothes are then washed in the laundry, ironed and given out again.


Bed production requires the placement of a carpenter's table, and at least one convict must complete an advanced training course (become a professional furniture maker).

In order to work in the workshop, prisoners must complete a training course on workshop safety.

Workshop - a room where the labor of prisoners is used for the production and subsequent sale:

  • Car license plates from sheets of steel.
  • Planks of wood (a tree can be grown on your territory by placing a Foresty room on the ground)
  • Beds (wooden, only for sale at $400 apiece) from planks.

The produced products are stacked on the table. You need to place an export area so that the workers automatically transfer the license plates to it, and then stack it in passing trucks. License plates are sold for $10 each. Part of the money received goes to working prisoners (at midnight). As a result, the prison net profit$23 per sheet of steel.

parole room

Parole room - a room in which a prisoner can apply for Parole (abbr. - Parole) after serving 50% or 75% of the sentence. The head of security and the head of the prison participated in the version of the appearance on parole. In subsequent versions, a parole attorney and a parole inspector come to the parole hearing. Upon completion of the hearing, the prisoner may or may not be released, depending on the required chance of recidivism (Default - 33%). The maximum % recurrence can be configured in the report, section "Rules". Upon release, you may receive a $3,000 prisoner parole bonus, or you may receive a $10,000 fine for committing a crime again.


Mail - a room in which mail is brought for prisoners (letters, parcels). Mail can be delivered by prisoners (during work) and guards (at any time when free). + Prisoner improves mood.


Shop - a room in which prisoners work. Goods are brought here, which the prisoners sort while working. Prisoners who don't work in the shop can buy something for themselves as they walk by, and you get their money.

prison yard

The prison yard is a room in which prisoners can walk and breathe fresh air. Prisoners visit the prison yard during the "Yard" of the daily routine, if the yard has a door that prohibits the passage of prisoners. Also, if the prison yard has a normal door, prisoners can visit it during the "Free Time" daily routine.

Not mandatory, but useful, is the presence in the prison yard of facilities that meet the needs of prisoners:

  • Weights Bench - Need for Exercise (Exercise)
  • Phone (Phone) - the need for a family (Family)
  • Pool Table and TV (Recreation)
  • Bench (Bench) and Chair (Chair) - the need for comfort (Comfort)
  • Prayer rug and pew
  • Toilet

You can also decorate the prison yard with lamps and trees.


Solitary confinement is a room where prisoners can live and sleep. If there is no free solitary cell available, prisoners will move to a common cell if available. If a common cell is not built, then the prisoners will be held without a cell.

It must be remembered that only one prisoner can be accommodated in one solitary cell, no matter how many beds it has.

  • At the beginning of the construction of a prison, it is better to build a common cell than cells, because the common cell can accommodate more prisoners.
  • The chamber can be 2x2 in size if the explored point is small chambers in the bureaucracy, or if the entry cell is marked as a chamber. This is not a bug. This is done to save space.
  • From version 35, the cell has a comfort level, so if you want less confrontation between guards and prisoners, then it’s better to make a shower, TV, etc. in the cell in addition to the bed and toilet.
  • Also, in the cell, you can additionally install a telephone, a prayer rug (church pew) (a prayer rug can be placed directly under the shower on the drain); All of these can be used by prisoners during the lockdown regime.

For the presence of these objects, the comfort level of the camera increases by 1 (up to a maximum of 10).

  1. The area of ​​the chamber is at least 6 (2x3) (if small chambers are researched in the bureaucracy menu, then smaller chambers can be built)
  2. Chamber area not less than 9 (3x3)
  3. Chamber area not less than 16 (4x4)
  4. The presence of a window (lattice)
  5. Having an office desk
  6. Bookshelf
  7. TV
  8. Shower (requires drain or electrical appliances will be damaged)
  9. Radio

punishment cell

A punishment cell is a room that is used to hold prisoners who have committed misdemeanors, such as fighting with other prisoners or members of staff, damaging items, bringing smuggled items, attempting to escape, etc.

The prisoner is kept in the punishment cell for a certain period, determined by his misconduct.

In the N-th version of the alpha, the ability to set the time for how long the prisoner will be placed in the punishment cell has been added.

execution room

As of alpha 31, it is possible to execute prisoners. To do this, you need to open the execution in the Bureaucracy and wait for the suicide bombers to be available for collection. After the arrival of the suicide bomber, the "Appeal of the death sentence" item will appear in the "Programs". The program is held in the parole room in the presence of a judge and an assistant lawyer. Prisoners who fail the program lose their chances of appeal on a percentage basis. If the "Probability of mitigation" is below 10%, the execution can be carried out without the risk of a fine of $50,000.


The place where the prisoners arrive. Upon arrival, they are given new uniforms and searched.

  • It is advisable to install on the first day, as prisoners often smuggle contraband into the prison.
  • Build a reception room at the entrance to the prison, passing one more room will make it harder to escape.

Shared Camera

General cell - a room in which prisoners are kept until no solitary cell is available or free. The common cell can accommodate an unlimited number of prisoners.

The common cell can be used as a temporary solution, as a kind of "sump" for prisoners, while the construction of solitary cells is underway. If you keep prisoners in a common cell for too long, they may start a riot. And if a lot of prisoners gather in a common cell (in relation to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room), this can develop into a full-fledged uprising.

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