What is UHF therapy? Choosing a UHF device for home use

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

One of the most common and effective methods of physiotherapy is UHF therapy. What is its advantage and how is it carried out?

Physiotherapy is a field of medicine that studies the effects of external physical factors and their use for treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. Physiotherapy treats with heat, cold, ultrasound, electric current, laser, ultraviolet and infrared radiation, mud, and water.

UHF therapy has a number of positive aspects:

  1. Does not require the use of medications. Physical therapy may allow you to reduce medications or significantly reduce dosages.
  2. Minimizes side effects during the disease period.
  3. Reduces treatment time. Physiotherapy shortens the course of the disease by almost 2 times and reduces the frequency of relapses. The recovery period is more complete.
  4. Increases immune defense, accelerates healing processes. The body's protective and compensatory capabilities are stimulated.
  5. Universal. Widely used for all organs and systems.
  6. Effective in the prevention of many diseases.
  7. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, it is possible to select a comprehensive and adequate treatment.
  8. Treatment can be carried out both in physiotherapy departments and at home.
  9. Few contraindications.

The main thing is treatment courses. Single procedures are not beneficial. They should be carried out every day or a day or two. The duration of the course is usually 10 days. In some cases, treatment lasts up to 20 days. But, according to experts, if the treatment period is longer, the body will adapt and the effect of the physiotherapeutic procedure will begin to decline. 10-12 sessions are enough. And what is very important: the subsequent procedure is superimposed on the previous one and thereby speeds up the healing process.

Another rule is complexity. If several types of physical therapy are used, this makes it possible to influence all mechanisms of the disease. These are laser, magnet, DDT (), electrophoresis, ultrasound, UHF (ultrasonic frequency).

Each of them is effective and efficient in its own way. But only before prescribing one of them, the doctor must examine the patient.

UHF therapy is based on the mechanism of action of ultra-high frequency (40 MHz) electric field pulses. The effect is carried out using special capacitor plates, which are connected to an area of ​​the body. Ions and charged particles begin to vibrate, the orientation of the dipoles changes, and electrical energy begins to transform into thermal energy. UHF eddy currents generate heat in tissues.

The process of strengthening local blood circulation begins. Due to this, the number of leukocytes increases. They begin to stimulate the growth of collateral vessels (lateral, roundabout). Hyperemia occurs, nerve impulses accelerate, and the regulation of the nervous system begins to increase. Excitation of the cerebral cortex increases, the trophic and regulatory factor increases. This occurs with high intensity in organs with high resistance: bones, tendons.

The procedure is carried out using a UHF device. There are stationary and portable ones for procedures at home.


  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • diseases of the blood and endocrine system;
  • neoplasms;
  • pregnancy.

No preliminary preparation is required for the procedure. Without removing clothes, the patient lies down on a wooden (required!) couch on his left side. First, electrodes are selected that correspond to the area of ​​the pathology site. The plates are fixed, treated with an alcohol solution and brought directly to the desired area.

There are two methods for placing electrodes: longitudinal and transverse.

With transverse electrodes are located opposite each other. One plate is aimed at the diseased area, and the other at the opposite side. The transverse arrangement allows the electromagnetic field to pass through the entire body and have a general effect. The distance between the skin and the plate should not be less than 2 cm.

When installing longitudinally, the electrodes are applied only to the site of pathology. In this case, the electromagnetic field penetrates shallowly, so it is used to treat superficial diseases.

The power or so-called heat dosage is selected individually. There are three degrees: athermic (the patient does not feel heat), oligothermic (the heat is felt weakly) and thermal (pronounced warmth).

The degree of power depends on the pathology. Inflammatory processes are affected by athermic. To speed up healing, oligothermic therapy is needed. To enhance the inflammatory response for the purpose of provocation (in some treatment methods), thermal dosage is used. The therapy session should last no more than 15 minutes. Number of sessions – 10 -15.


  • for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spinal cord injuries;
  • for inflammatory and purulent skin diseases;
  • for pulmonary inflammation;
  • for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

UHF therapy is effective for injuries, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, osteomyelitis, arthritis and polyarthritis.

Method of performing on joints:

  • for the area of ​​small joints of the hand, capacitor plates are placed on the dorsal and palmar surfaces, for other joints;
  • For the hip joint area, the plates are placed on the anterior and posterior surfaces or on the anterolateral and lumbosacral spine.

When treating the spine, electrodes are placed in the cervical and lumbosacral regions or on the spine (site of the lesion) and on the abdomen. The intensity of the effect of the procedure on the joints - without heat or with the sensation of it (oligothermic dosage).

UHF procedures can also be performed at home. To do this, it is imperative to follow safety rules and strictly monitor the frequency and duration of treatment, taking into account all contraindications. Be sure to use a UHF device purchased from a specialized store and certified.

At home, it is advisable that the plates are installed not by the sick person himself, but by his loved one.

Sometimes it is almost impossible to determine the required gap on your own.

Possible complications

Complications are extremely rare during UHF procedures. However, it is possible:

  • burns from excessively hot plates touching the skin;
  • deterioration of the general condition of the disease;
  • temperature increase;
  • electric shock due to a faulty UHF device;
  • bleeding in patients with bleeding disorders.

Is there an effect?

Back in the 80s of the last century, Soviet physiotherapists, after numerous clinical studies, proved that UHF electromagnetic fields:

  • enhance lymph and blood circulation;
  • reduce the vital activity of pathogenic organisms and slow down the absorption of toxins at the site of inflammation;
  • relieve spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs;
  • dilate capillaries and arterioles;
  • accelerate blood flow in the pathological area.

And it should be said that physiotherapy is the safest and most proven method for the treatment and prevention of diseases with a minimum of medications. It becomes more effective when other methods and procedures are combined in treatment: exercise therapy, massage, acupuncture. The main thing is that the course of treatment is carried out by an experienced and highly qualified doctor.

Additional sources:

  1. General physiotherapy. A.K. Ushmarov, D.R. Rakita, N.A. Rondaleva, V. Garmash. Section: miscellaneous. Library. www.MEDLITER.ru – electronic medical books.
  2. Practical physiotherapy. A.A. Ushakov. Section: Exercise therapy, physiotherapy, rehabilitation and massage. Library. www.MEDLITER.ru – electronic medical books.

UHF therapy (ultra high frequency therapy) – therapeutic use of the electrical component of an alternating magnetic field of high and ultra-high frequencies.

Mechanism of action of UHF therapy:

  • oscillatory effect, which is characterized by a change in the biological structure of cells at the physicochemical and molecular level;
  • a thermal effect that results in heating of body tissue by converting ultra-high frequencies of an electromagnetic field into thermal energy.

The following ranges of electromagnetic waves are used in UHF therapy:

  • 40.68 MHz (most UHF devices in Russia and the CIS countries operate on this range);
  • 27.12 MHz (this range is mostly used in Western countries).

The frequency of electromagnetic oscillations is of two types:

  • continuous oscillation, in which there is a continuous electromagnetic effect on the affected area;
  • pulse oscillation, which produces a series of pulses that last from two to eight milliseconds.

There are the following methods for installing electrodes:

  • transverse method;
  • longitudinal method.

Depending on the existing disease and the doctor’s indications, different dosages of the sensation of heat are used during UHF.

Depending on the dose of exposure to UHF fields, the following changes may be observed in the human body:

  • increased phagocytic activity of leukocytes;
  • decreased exudation ( release of fluid into tissue during inflammatory processes);
  • activation of fibroblast activity ( cells that form connective tissue in the human body);
  • increased permeability of vessel walls;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in tissues.

The advantage of UHF therapy is that its use is possible in acute inflammatory processes and fresh fractures. Typically, these disorders are a contraindication to various physiotherapeutic treatments. As a rule, the duration of the UHF therapy procedure for an adult is from ten to fifteen minutes. On average, a course of treatment includes from five to fifteen procedures, which are usually carried out daily or every other day.

Features of UHF for newborns and children:

  • UHF therapy can be used only a few days after the birth of the child;
  • low-thermal dosage is used;
  • devices with low power are used; so children under seven years of age are shown a power of no more than thirty watts, and school-age children - no more than forty watts;
  • for children under five years of age, electrodes are bandaged to the required area, and instead of an air gap between the plate and the skin, a special bandage gasket is inserted (to avoid burns);
  • UHF therapy is used no more than twice a year;
  • It is recommended to perform an average of five to eight treatment procedures (no more than twelve).

The duration of the UHF procedure depends on the age of the child

UHF is one of the methods of physiotherapy that can be used for inflammatory diseases that are in the active phase. During the inflammatory process, an inflammatory infiltrate is formed at the site of the lesion due to the accumulation of blood and lymph cells, which can resolve under the influence of UHF. During the procedure, the saturation of calcium ions in the affected area increases, which leads to the formation of connective tissue around the inflammatory focus and prevents the further spread of infection. However, it should be noted that this method of treatment is used only in cases where there are conditions for drainage of purulent contents from the affected area.

System name

Name of the disease

Mechanism of action of UHF

Diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • rhinitis;
  • angina;
  • sinusitis;
  • frontal sinusitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • otitis.

In the presence of infectious processes (for example, pneumonia, tonsillitis, otitis media) it produces an inhibitory effect on the vital activity of microorganisms. Has an analgesic and immunostrengthening effect. Favorable conditions are created for the healing of affected tissues, and the risk of complications is reduced.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

  • hypertension of the first and second stages;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders (for example, with atherosclerosis).

It has a vasodilating effect, which leads to improved peripheral and central blood circulation. Produces a positive effect on myocardial contractility. By reducing the increased tone of the vascular wall, it helps lower blood pressure and also reduces tissue swelling.

Digestive system diseases

  • esophagitis;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • enteritis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • constipation

It has a general strengthening effect on the human body. For diseases accompanied by pain, it produces an analgesic effect. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect (for example, for cholecystitis, colitis) and accelerates the tissue healing process (for example, for stomach and duodenal ulcers). With spasms of the stomach, gall bladder, and intestines, it produces an antispasmodic effect (relaxing effect). Also, after the procedure, intestinal motility and bile secretion improve.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • salpingitis;
  • oophoritis;
  • salpingo-oophoritis
  • endometritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • candidiasis.

The inflammatory reaction decreases, an anti-edema effect occurs, blood circulation and healing of affected tissues improves.

Skin diseases

  • streptoderma;
  • boils;
  • carbuncles;
  • abscess;
  • herpes simplex;
  • eczema;
  • phlegmon;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • acne;
  • psoriasis;
  • hidradenitis;
  • felon;
  • dermatitis;
  • frostbite;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bedsores;
  • wounds.

In case of skin diseases, it prevents the process of wound suppuration. If the infectious-inflammatory process is in the active phase, this procedure has a bactericidal effect (inhibits the activity of bacteria). Stimulates the skin's protective system, in which the work of immune cells such as lymphocytes, Langerhans cells, mast cells and others is activated. Microcirculation in the affected area also improves, which helps accelerate the process of tissue epithelization (regeneration). In the presence of allergic diseases, it has a desensitizing (anti-allergic) effect on the body.

Nervous system diseases

  • neuritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • Phantom pain;
  • plexitis;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica);
  • spinal cord injuries;
  • causalgia;
  • encephalitis;
  • injuries of the brain and spinal cord (contusions, concussion, compression of the brain or spinal cord).

Produces an analgesic effect by inhibiting processes in the central nervous system, and also helps reduce muscle spasms. Also, at the site of exposure, blood circulation improves, which leads to an acceleration of the healing process of nervous tissue. In diseases accompanied by impaired conduction of nerve impulses, it helps to restore them.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • fracture;
  • bruises;
  • dislocations;
  • arthritis and polyarthritis;
  • osteomyelitis.

During the procedure, the tissues affected by UHF are heated, which causes vasodilation and improved blood circulation. Around the affected area, roundabout (collateral) vessels form. The blood entering the affected area nourishes the affected tissue (for example, bone, cartilage) and accelerates the process of its regeneration.

Eye diseases

  • blepharitis;
  • scleritis;
  • glaucoma;
  • burns;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • uveitis;
  • abscess of the eyelid;
  • barley.

Improves microcirculation in the eyelids and mucous layer of the eyes. Has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. It also helps to enhance the phagocytosis reaction (phagocytes are special cells in the body that destroy pathogenic microorganisms), which accelerates the process of healing and tissue regeneration.

Dental diseases

  • alveolitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • ulceration of the oral mucosa;
  • burns;
  • injuries.

During exposure to an electromagnetic field in the gums, blood circulation improves, growth stops, and the viability of bacteria is inhibited. Pain is also effectively reduced.

Rehabilitation period

  • postoperative wounds;
  • postoperative infiltrates;
  • rehabilitation after injuries;
  • rehabilitation after illness.

By improving microcirculation and creating collateral vessels, the process of regeneration of affected tissues is accelerated. The risk of wound infection is significantly reduced, since the ultra-high-frequency electric field has a detrimental effect on pathological microorganisms that can cause suppuration of the postoperative wound. During the rehabilitation period, this procedure helps to increase the body's defenses and also has an analgesic effect, which speeds up and facilitates the recovery process.

Therapeutic effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • secretory;
  • vasodilator;
  • muscle relaxant;
  • immunosuppressive;
  • trophic.
There are absolute and relative contraindications for UHF therapy.

Absolute contraindications:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • stage 3 hypertension;
  • malignant tumors;
  • feverish conditions;
  • hypotension;
  • the patient has a pacemaker;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, persistent angina;
  • venous thrombosis;
  • formed purulent focus of inflammation.

Relative contraindications:

  • benign tumors;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • the presence of metal objects in the body of no more than two sentiments (for example, metal dentures).

UHF therapy adult department

Service code Price
B01.054.001 600-00
A17.01.008 400-00
A17.01.008 1000-00
A17.03.006 400-00
A17.03.006 1000-00
A17.08.004 400-00
A17.08.004 1000-00
A17.09.004 400-00
A17.09.004 1000-00
A17.25.003 400-00
A17.25.003 1000-00
A17.26.006 400-00
A17.26.006 1000-00

UHF therapy children's department

Service code Name of medical service Price
B01.054.001 Examination (consultation) with a physiotherapist 600-00
A17.01.008 Exposure to ultra-high frequency currents on the skin (UHF 60 device) 350-00
A17.01.008 Exposure to ultra-high frequency currents on the skin (UHF 60 device) 5 procedures 900-00
A17.03.006 Exposure to ultra-high frequency currents for bone pathology (UHF 60 device) 350-00
A17.03.006 Exposure to ultra-high frequency currents for bone pathology (UHF 60 device) 5 procedures 900-00
A17.08.004 Exposure to ultra-high frequency currents for diseases of the upper respiratory tract (UHF 60 device) 350-00
A17.08.004 Exposure to ultra-high frequency currents for diseases of the upper respiratory tract (UHF 60 device) 5 procedures 900-00
A17.09.004 Exposure to ultra-high frequency currents for diseases of the lower respiratory tract (UHF 60 device) 350-00
A17.09.004 Exposure to ultra-high frequency currents for diseases of the lower respiratory tract (UHF 60 device) 5 procedures 900-00
A17.25.003 Exposure to ultra-high frequency electric fields for diseases of the hearing organ (UHF 60 device) 350-00
A17.25.003 Exposure to ultra-high frequency electric fields for diseases of the hearing organ (UHF 60 device) 5 procedures 900-00
A17.26.006 Exposure to ultra-high frequency currents for diseases of the organ of vision (UHF 60 device) 350-00
A17.26.006 Exposure to ultra-high frequency currents for diseases of the organ of vision (UHF 60 device) 5 procedures 900-00

UHF therapy is one of the best physiotherapeutic techniques for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But what is it? UHF therapy (also known as ultra-high-frequency therapy) involves exposing damaged tissue to a powerful (high-frequency) electromagnetic field.

The procedure can be carried out even at home, as there are portable UHF devices for home use. This physiotherapeutic technique is effective only against the background of standard treatment (physical therapy, medications), but in itself is quite weak.

1 What is UHF therapy?

UHF therapy is one of the most popular physiotherapeutic techniques, based on the effect of a high-frequency electromagnetic field on various organs of the patient. What does UHF treat? UHF therapy is justified for various inflammatory diseases, but most often it is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Electromagnetic fields are generated by a special device – a UHF device. It generates fields with powers of 27.12 and 40.68 MHz. When an electromagnetic field interacts with the patient’s body, two types of electric current arise.

The action of UHF radiation is aimed at increasing the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and enhancing proliferative processes in connective tissues. Due to this, the regenerative and immune mechanisms of the body are strengthened, pain and inflammation (including swelling) are eliminated.

The procedure is absolutely safe for the human body and even children are allowed to perform it. Even constant therapy with UHF (daily for several weeks) does not negatively affect the patient’s body.

1.1 Device for UHF therapy: description

UHF devices were created back in Soviet times. The most popular models were UHF-30, UHF-62 and UHF-66 devices. The modern model of the device is the UHF-80 device.

Nowadays the 30th and 66th models are also used, but the 62nd model is used very rarely due to its relatively low power.

The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the devices reaches the tissues affected by the disease almost without loss. The circulation of the electromagnetic field in the organs generates displacement currents, which, unlike electric currents, are safe and easily penetrate almost all tissues of the body.

The output power of the simplest portable devices is 15-20 W, the most powerful - 100 W. Stationary devices generate power of 100-150 W. The high power of UHF therapy is also used to treat children; it does not pose any health hazard.

Device for UHF therapy "Strela"


The duration of the procedure is 5-20 minutes. The standard course of therapy is 12 procedures, which are carried out either daily or every other day.

2 Indications for UHF therapy

There are more than a hundred direct indications for ultra-high frequency therapy, which are grouped together for ease of description. There are seven such groups in total, but in most cases (80%) UHF therapy is used specifically to treat the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for UHF therapy (list of disease groups):

  1. Acute diseases of the skin and subcutaneous cells, occurring with severe inflammatory processes (including purulent diseases).
  2. Inflammatory pathologies of the ENT organs (ARVI, colds).
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system (pneumonia, bronchitis).
  4. Inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, spondylosis, arthritis and arthrosis, spondylolisthesis, injuries and muscle strains).
  5. Pathologies of the peripheral nervous system (depression, cognitive impairment, vegetative-vascular dystonia).
  6. Inflammatory pathologies of the gastrointestinal system (including ulcers, erosions, gastritis).
  7. Inflammatory pathologies of the reproductive system in women and men.

2.1 Contraindications

Despite the high safety of ultra-high frequency therapy, its use is limited by a small number of contraindications. Contraindications are relative (temporary, such as pregnancy or fever) and absolute (heart defects, genetic diseases).

List of general contraindications to UHF therapy:

  • pregnancy in any trimester;
  • hypotensive disease (persistent decrease in blood pressure);
  • cardiovascular failure, heart defects, Brugada syndrome;
  • malignant neoplasms in any organ;
  • genetic blood diseases (thrombophilia, hemophilia), leukemia and lymphoma, acute vasculitis (including thrombocytopenic purpura);
  • the presence of foreign metal objects in the area of ​​application of the device, including an implanted pacemaker (pacemaker);
  • high body temperature (fever) of any etiology (not only due to infectious diseases);
  • the presence of recent burns in the affected area (the UHF device itself, in rare cases, can also cause a burn).

3 How is UHF therapy performed?

To carry out the technique, wooden furniture is prepared, and immediately before the procedure begins, the size of the capacitor plates used to transmit the electromagnetic pulse is selected. It is selected based on data about the disease that needs to be treated.

Next, the capacitor plates are fixed transversely, longitudinally or tangentially (that is, in the same plane), depending on the location of the pathological process. When attaching the plates, make sure that there is a gap of up to six centimeters between each of them.

What is it for? The gap prevents the dissipation of energy emitted by the UHF device. Due to this, it is possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of the procedure. The last stage is the choice of dose and power of electromagnetic fluxes.

The first procedure is usually a test one: low-power devices are used to determine the most optimal settings for a particular patient. It is for this reason that in many clinics the first procedure is cheaper than subsequent ones.

To achieve minimal results, 4 sessions are needed, but for full treatment you should complete the full course (10-15 procedures).

3.1 Where is it made and how much does it cost?

Ultrahigh-frequency therapy is carried out in a hospital or clinic setting. It is also performed in private medical offices. Treatment is carried out by doctors of different specializations: therapists, neurologists and vertebrologists (if there is a disease of the cervical region).

You can undergo UHF treatment using a portable home device. The only problem is its cost - the most budget model will cost 20,000 rubles.

The cost of UHF therapy in Moscow and the Moscow region (current for 2017):

  • clinic “Miracle Doctor” - 520 rubles per session;
  • clinic "ProfMedPomoshch" - 450 rubles per session;
  • for treatment in a hospital - about 400 rubles per session;
  • family medical center on Pererva - 565 rubles per session.

The test procedure (“fitting”) in most clinics costs 30-50% cheaper (about 150-200 rubles) than a regular treatment session.

3.2 Conducting UHF therapy in a sanatorium (video)

Update: October 2018

UHF therapy is a common physiotherapeutic procedure that many have probably encountered. In this article we will tell you what it is, when it is prescribed, how it works for a particular disease, and who should not use this method for treatment.

UHF therapy (ultra-high frequency therapy) is used in physiotherapy and is based on the use of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields. Essentially, this is heat treatment that penetrates deep into organs and tissues using special equipment. One of the significant advantages of this method is that the use of UHF therapy is possible for fresh fractures and acute inflammatory processes. These conditions are a contraindication to most physiotherapeutic treatments.

UHF promotes:

  • acceleration of regenerative processes, including healing of fractures and tissue damage;
  • reducing swelling;
  • activation of central and peripheral circulation;
  • reducing pain sensitivity;
  • inhibition of the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • strengthening of proliferative processes of connective tissue elements;
  • increasing the efficiency of immunological reactions.

Ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields were first used as a treatment method in Germany in 1929. The invention of the apparatus and method was prompted by complaints from radio station personnel about the negative effects of radio waves on health.

Mechanism of action and equipment for the procedure

The mechanism of action of the procedure is based on two effects:

  • oscillatory, characterized by changes in the biological structure of cellular elements at the molecular and physicochemical levels;
  • thermal, leading to heating of tissues when ultra-high frequencies of the EM field are converted into thermal energy.

When interacting with the electromagnetic field generated by the physiotherapeutic device and the patient’s body, 2 types of electric current are generated.

  1. In anatomical structures characterized by high electrical conductivity (lymph, blood, urine and tissues with good blood supply), charged particles oscillate with the frequency of a given field and a conduction current arises in the tissues. Since particles vibrate in a viscous medium, energy absorption develops, which is associated with overcoming the resistance of this medium. Energy absorption is called ohmic loss. The energy absorbed by tissues is released as heat.
  2. In tissues that are close in their electrical properties to dielectrics (nervous, fatty, connective, bone), dipoles are formed - polar molecules that change their orientation with the frequency of vibration of the high-frequency field. The rotation of dipole particles in dielectrics leads to the formation of a displacement current, and the losses that are associated with the particles overcoming a viscous medium are called dielectric losses.

When exposed to UHF, the displacement current predominates - the field penetrates deeply, almost without loss, into tissues that do not conduct electric current well. The main heat release is realized due to conduction currents.

A classic UHF therapy device is equipped with a high-frequency generator, electrodes, which are an electrical conductor, inductors that create a magnetic flux, and emitters. The devices are stationary (“UHF-300”, “Impulse-2”, “Impulse-3”, etc.) and portable (“UHF-30”, “UHF-66”, “UHF-80”, etc.). All of them are classified by power: low power up to 30 W, medium - UHF up to 80 W and high power up to 350 W.

Procedure parameters

When conducting UHF therapy, two ranges of electromagnetic waves are used:

  • 40.68 MHz. This range is working for most domestic devices, and is also found on foreign equipment;
  • 27.12 MHz. This range is most often used in Europe.

The current power is selected depending on the area of ​​intended impact. When installing electrodes on the cervical region or face, a power of 20 to 40 W is used, when treating the pelvic organs and joints - 70-100 W.

The frequency of electromagnetic oscillations during the UHF procedure is of 2 types:

  • continuous oscillation - impact on the affected area in a continuous mode;
  • pulse oscillation - a series of pulses is produced, each duration is from 2 to 8 ms.


The procedure is performed in the physiotherapy department. There is a separate cabin with a wooden daybed. The patient is in a lying or sitting position, depending on the location of the affected area and general condition. You don’t have to take off your clothes - electromagnetic fields easily penetrate fabric and even plaster.

Electrodes are selected individually depending on the area of ​​the diseased area of ​​the body. There are two types of capacitor electrodes:

  • plate-discs made of metal and coated with insulating material;
  • rectangular soft plates with an area of ​​up to 600 cm.

The plates are installed in special holders, treated with a disinfectant solution and brought to the site of exposure.

Installation of electrodes is carried out in two ways:

  1. transverse;
  2. longitudinal.

With the transverse installation method, the electrodes are placed opposite each other, with one plate installed on the projection of the diseased area, and the second on the opposite side.

This arrangement of the electrodes ensures the penetration of the electromagnetic field through the entire body of the patient. Those. In addition to the local, there is also a general effect. The distance between the body and the electrode should not be less than 2 centimeters.

With the longitudinal installation method, the electrodes are applied only to the diseased part of the body. This method is most relevant in the treatment of superficial diseases, since in this case the electromagnetic fields do not penetrate very deeply. The space between the electrodes and the body should be no more than 1 centimeter.

As for the installation of electrodes relative to the diseased area, the principle is this: the closer the plate is to the affected area, the stronger the thermal effect will be. It is also important to follow safety rules - if the electrodes are placed incorrectly, burns can occur.

After the electrodes are installed on the body, the device (generator) is turned on and a certain electric current power is set, at which the patient receives a therapeutic dose of UHF. The electromagnetic field power is adjusted using a special regulator located on the generator control panel.

The patient's sensations and effect depend on the dose rate:

  1. Thermal dose (100-150 W). A provocative effect in which a person feels pronounced heat in the area where the electrodes are installed.
  2. Oligothermic dose (40-100 W). Cellular nutrition, blood circulation and metabolism improves. Thermal sensations are insignificant.
  3. Athermic dose (15-49 W). Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The patient does not feel any thermal effects.

Depending on the selected dose of UHF fields, the following changes develop in the body, which we wrote about above (increased phagocytic activity of leukocyte cells, activation of fibroblast function, stimulation of metabolic processes, and others).

The duration of the session for adult patients is 10-15 minutes. The course includes 5 to 15 procedures, which are performed every other day or daily.

Features of UHF for children

The procedure can be performed on children of any age, including newborns a few days after birth, but no more than 2 courses per year. Most often, indications for UHF are diseases of the ENT organs and upper respiratory tract - they are prescribed for sinusitis, sinusitis and other inflammatory processes. During the session, devices with low power and low-thermal dosage are used:

  • children under 7 years old - dose rate no more than 30 W;
  • children 7-16 years old - dose rate no more than 40 W.

For children under 5 years old, electrodes are installed on the affected area, and instead of an air gap between the electrode and the skin, a special bandage is placed to prevent burns.

  • 0-6 months: up to 5 minutes;
  • 6-12 months: up to 7 minutes;
  • 12 months – 7 years: up to 8 minutes;
  • children from 7 years old: 10 minutes.

Indications for UHF procedure

The purpose of treatment, parameters and duration of the procedure depend on:

  • patient's age;
  • stage and course of the existing disease;
  • general condition;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • the presence of restrictions and contraindications for the procedure.

The procedure is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • ENT organs and respiratory system: bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, pansinusitis, otitis media, laryngitis and tonsillitis;
  • the cardiovascular system: hypertension stages 1 and 2, obliterating endarteritis, cerebral circulatory disorders, varicose veins;
  • musculoskeletal system: radiculitis, arthritis and polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, dislocations, bruises, bone fractures, osteomyelitis;
  • digestive organs: gastritis, esophagitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, viral hepatitis, hepatocholecystitis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis, colitis, constipation, paraproctitis;
  • genitourinary system: nephritis, epididymitis, pyelonephritis, salpingitis, cystitis, endometritis, oophoritis, salpingoophoritis, prostatitis, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis;
  • nervous system: neuralgia, neuritis, migraine, phantom pain, insomnia, plexitis, sciatica, spinal cord and brain injuries, encephalitis, causalgia, Raynaud's disease, polyneuritis;
  • skin: boils, carbuncles, abscesses, streptoderma, neurodermatitis, herpes simplex, trophic ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, acne, hidradenitis, dermatitis, felon, burns, frostbite, phlegmon, wounds, including purulent, bedsores;
  • organs of vision: glaucoma, conjunctivitis, eyelid abscess, burns, uveitis, barley, scleritis, blepharitis;
  • in dentistry: gingivitis, alveolitis, ulceration of the oral mucosa, periodontitis, periodontitis, burns, injuries;
  • in the postoperative period: postoperative infiltrates and wounds;
  • rehabilitation after injuries and illnesses.

Mechanism of action in the treatment of various pathologies

  • As mentioned above, UHF is used for acute inflammation. With the development of the inflammatory process at the site of the outbreak, an inflammatory infiltrate is formed due to the accumulation of blood cells and lymph. The procedure is precisely aimed at resolving the inflammatory infiltrate. During the session, the concentration of calcium ions in the area of ​​the procedure increases, which leads to the formation of connective tissue near the source of inflammation and prevents further spread of infection. An increase in the permeability of capillary walls leads to increased entry into the site of inflammation of immune bodies and protective cells of the reticuloendothelial system. But in the presence of purulent inflammation, the technique is permissible only if there are conditions for drainage of pus from the affected area.
  • During treatment infectious processes of the upper and lower respiratory tract there is an inhibitory effect on the vital activity of microbes. An analgesic and immunostrengthening effect develops, favorable conditions are created for the regeneration of affected tissues and the risk of complications is reduced. The expansion of capillaries and a significant improvement in the permeability of the vascular wall leads to an increase in the body's susceptibility to drugs. Activation of phagocyte cells helps to more actively fight infection.
  • In therapy cardiovascular pathologies the procedure is prescribed primarily to develop a vasodilator effect. Leads to improvement of central and peripheral blood circulation. There is an improvement in myocardial contractile function. Reducing the increased tone of the vascular wall leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Amelioration of the venous outflow occurs, and the capillaries significantly expand. After the procedure, tissue swelling associated with dysfunction of the cardiovascular system decreases.
  • Use for diseases digestive organs provides a general strengthening effect on the body, reducing pain and eliminating spasms. An anti-inflammatory effect is realized and tissue healing processes are accelerated, which is relevant in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers. After the procedure, there is an increase in motor and secretory function - improvement in intestinal motility and bile secretion.
  • Procedure indicated as part of ancillary treatment of diseases genitourinary area, leads to the elimination of the inflammatory reaction, reduction of swelling, improvement of blood circulation and healing of affected tissues.
  • When treating diseases of the nervous system, an analgesic effect develops by inhibiting the development of pain in the brain. Blood circulation improves, which leads to faster healing and regeneration of nerve tissue. There is an improvement in the conduction of nerve impulses. The tone of the sympathetic nervous system decreases and the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system increases.
  • When treating eye diseases, microcirculation in the mucous layer of the eyes and eyelids improves. Antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects are realized, phagocytosis reactions are enhanced, which accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration and healing.
  • During treatment gum diseases There is an improvement in blood circulation, the viability of bacteria is inhibited. Painful sensations are significantly reduced.
  • UHF for fractures used from 2-3 days after applying plaster, has an analgesic effect, helps reduce tissue swelling, accelerates the process of formation of primary callus and bone tissue regeneration in general. Helps eliminate muscle spasms.
  • The procedure takes on particular importance in the rehabilitation period after operations and diseases: microcirculation improves and a network of collateral vessels is formed, which leads to an acceleration of the regeneration process of affected tissues. UHF therapy reduces the risk of infection of a postoperative wound, since it inhibits the vital activity of pathological microorganisms that can cause suppuration. In general, the procedure helps activate the body’s defenses and has an analgesic effect, which facilitates the healing process.

The effectiveness of treatment with UHF depends on the stage and severity of the disease, the duration of exposure and the range of electromagnetic vibrations, the location of the procedures, the individual sensitivity of the patient and the use of other treatment methods.

Contraindications to the UHF procedure

Among the absolute contraindications to the procedure:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hypertension stage 3;
  • persistent angina;
  • fever;
  • malignant tumors;
  • the patient has a pacemaker;
  • venous thrombosis;
  • foreign metal bodies in the body more than 2 cm (for example, an implanted joint prosthesis).

Expectant mothers are wondering whether UHF can be performed during pregnancy. The answer is clear - no, this is an absolute contraindication to the procedure.

Relative contraindications to therapy are benign tumors, hyperthyroidism and the presence of metal objects no more than 2 cm (metal dentures).

Side effects

After UHF, the following adverse reactions may develop:

  • Skin burn. Thermal damage can develop due to the use of a damp cloth pad during the procedure, as well as if the metal electrode plate touches the skin.
  • Bleeding. Using this type of treatment before surgery increases the risk of bleeding during surgery. The electromagnetic field leads to tissue heating and, causing redness in the affected area, can lead to increased bleeding.
  • Scar formation. One of the therapeutic effects of UHF therapy is the acceleration of the development of connective tissue, which forms a protective barrier during inflammatory processes and prevents the spread of infection throughout the body. But in situations where there is a risk of developing scar tissue (especially after abdominal surgery), UHF is not recommended.
  • Electric shock. A rare occurrence that is possible if safety rules are violated if the patient touches exposed parts of the device that are energized.

Safety rules and special instructions

The use of medical equipment requires caution:

  • use stationary devices only in shielded rooms;
  • if the procedure is carried out in a ward using a mobile device, the patient is placed at a safe distance from grounded and metal objects;
  • Before starting the procedure, carefully inspect the wires and check their integrity. If uninsulated wires are detected, the procedure must not be carried out. The wires must not come into contact with each other, directly with the patient’s body and metal objects;
  • technical and therapeutic circuits are tuned into resonance with each other.

If the patient has metal prostheses, for example, crowns, the dose should be reduced.

UHF therapy is not used before diagnostic punctures and surgical interventions, since the resulting hyperemia in the area of ​​the procedure leads to the risk of bleeding.

It is also undesirable to treat the right and left ears at the same time, because Overexcitation of the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the medulla oblongata may develop, which is fraught with the development of a severe outcome.

Due to the fact that the formation of connective tissue is stimulated, it is impossible to carry out UHF for a long time during pneumonia - the risk of developing pneumosclerosis increases. A similar situation is possible with orchiepididymitis (sclerosation of the ducts) and after operations (development of adhesive disease).

If the plaster cast is still fresh (the first 2-3 hours), and there is a wet bandage on the wound, the procedure is also not performed.

UHF therapy (ultra high frequency therapy) is a physiotherapeutic treatment method that uses ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields. UHF therapy is a kind of heat treatment that, using special equipment, penetrates human tissues and organs.

UHF electromagnetic fields contribute to:

  • healing of wounds and fractures;
  • reduction of edema;
  • stimulation of peripheral and central blood circulation;
  • pain reduction;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes.
In 1929, ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields were used for the first time in Germany as a treatment method. The invention of UHF therapy was facilitated by complaints from people who worked at radio stations, who stated that they felt some kind of negative influence from radio waves.

Mechanism of therapeutic action

UHF therapy has the following effects:
  • oscillatory effect, which is characterized by a change in the biological structure of cells at the physicochemical and molecular level;
  • a thermal effect that results in heating of body tissue by converting ultra-high frequencies of an electromagnetic field into thermal energy.

Device structure

The classic UHF therapy device is equipped with the following components:
  • high frequency generator ( device that produces ultra-high frequency energy);
  • electrodes in the form of capacitor plates ( electrical conductor);
  • inductors ( responsible for creating magnetic flux);
  • emitters.
There are two types of UHF devices:
  • stationary;
  • portable.
The following stationary devices are used for UHF therapy:
  • "UHF-300";
  • "Screen-2";
  • "Impulse-2";
  • "Impulse-3".
The following portable devices are used for UHF therapy:
  • "UHF-30";
  • "UHF-66";
  • "UHF-80-04".

Devices operating in pulse mode are also popular.

Among the Russian pulsed UHF therapy devices, the following are distinguished:

  • "Impulse-2";
  • "Impulse-3".
Among foreign UHF therapy devices, the following are distinguished:
  • "Ultraterm";
  • "K-50";
  • "Megapulse";
  • "Megatherm".
The following ranges of electromagnetic waves are used in UHF therapy:
  • 40.68 MHz ( Most UHF devices in Russia and the CIS countries operate on this range);
  • 27.12 MHz ( this range is mostly used in Western countries).
The frequency of electromagnetic oscillations is of two types:
  • continuous oscillation, in which there is a continuous electromagnetic effect on the affected area;
  • pulse oscillation, which produces a series of pulses that last from two to eight milliseconds.

Carrying out the UHF procedure

Wooden furniture is used for UHF therapy. During the procedure, the patient is usually in a sitting or lying position, depending on the location of the affected area, as well as the general condition of the patient. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to take off your clothes, since UHF exposure can penetrate through things and even plaster casts. After the patient has taken a comfortable position, the preparation of the capacitor plates is carried out ( type of electrode).

To begin with, the patient is selected with the optimal size electrodes in relation to the affected area of ​​the body. Then the plates are attached to the holders and, after wiping with an alcohol-containing solution, they are brought to the sore spot.

There are the following methods for installing electrodes:

  • transverse method;
  • longitudinal method.

Transverse method
This installation method means that the electrodes must be located opposite each other. In this case, one plate should be directed towards the diseased area of ​​the body, and the other - on the opposite side. Due to this arrangement, electromagnetic fields penetrate through the entire body of the patient, thereby exerting a general effect. The distance between the electrode and the body should not be less than two centimeters.

Longitudinal method
With this method, electrodes are applied only to the affected side. This installation method is used in the treatment of superficial diseases, since electromagnetic fields in this case penetrate shallowly. The space between the electrode and the body should not exceed more than one centimeter.

UHF therapy electrodes are installed at a certain distance. The closer the plate is to the affected area, the stronger the thermal effect ( If placed incorrectly, it can lead to burns.).

After installing the electrodes, the medical worker sets a certain power of electricity at which the patient receives the required UHF dose. The power of electromagnetic fields is adjusted using a special regulator, which is located on the generator control panel. Depending on the existing disease and the doctor’s indications, different dosages of the sensation of heat are used during UHF.

UHF heat dose Power Mechanism of action Patient's feelings
Thermal dose from 100 to 150 W used for provocative purposes the patient experiences pronounced thermal sensations
Oligothermic dose from 40 to 100 W improves cellular nutrition, metabolism and blood circulation characterized by slight thermal sensations
Athermic dose from 15 to 40 W produces an anti-inflammatory effect the patient does not feel warm

Depending on the dose of exposure to UHF fields, the following changes may be observed in the human body:
  • increased phagocytic activity of leukocytes;
  • decreased exudation ( release of fluid into tissue during inflammatory processes);
  • activation of fibroblast activity ( cells that form connective tissue in the human body);
  • increased permeability of vessel walls;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in tissues.
The advantage of UHF therapy is that its use is possible in acute inflammatory processes and fresh fractures. Typically, these disorders are a contraindication to various physiotherapeutic treatments.

As a rule, the duration of the UHF therapy procedure for an adult is from ten to fifteen minutes. On average, a course of treatment includes from five to fifteen procedures, which are usually carried out daily or every other day.

Features of UHF for newborns and children:

  • UHF therapy can be used only a few days after the birth of the child;
  • low-thermal dosage is used;
  • devices with low power are used; so children under seven years of age are shown a power of no more than thirty watts, and school-age children - no more than forty watts;
  • For children under five years of age, electrodes are bandaged to the required area, and instead of an air gap between the plate and the skin, a special bandage pad is inserted ( to avoid burns);
  • UHF therapy is used no more than twice a year;
  • It is recommended to perform an average of five to eight treatment procedures ( no more than twelve).
The duration of the UHF procedure depends on the age of the child.

Indications for UHF procedure

When prescribing UHF, the following factors are taken into account:
  • patient's age;
  • the course and stage of the existing disease;
  • general health of the patient;
  • presence of concomitant diseases;
  • presence of contraindications for the procedure.
UHF is one of the methods of physiotherapy that can be used for inflammatory diseases that are in the active phase.

During the inflammatory process, an inflammatory infiltrate is formed at the site of the lesion due to the accumulation of blood and lymph cells, which can resolve under the influence of UHF. During the procedure, the saturation of calcium ions in the affected area increases, which leads to the formation of connective tissue around the inflammatory focus and prevents the further spread of infection. However, it should be noted that this method of treatment is used only in cases where there are conditions for drainage of purulent contents from the affected area.

UHF is used in the treatment of:

  • diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs ( ear, throat, nose);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • eye diseases;
  • dental diseases;
  • in the postoperative period.

System name Name of the disease Mechanism of action of UHF
Diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs In the presence of infectious processes ( for example, pneumonia, sore throat, otitis media) produces an inhibitory effect on the vital activity of microorganisms. Has an analgesic and immunostrengthening effect. Favorable conditions are created for the healing of affected tissues, and the risk of complications is reduced.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • hypertension of the first and second stages;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • cerebral circulatory disorder ( for example, with atherosclerosis).
It has a vasodilating effect, which leads to improved peripheral and central blood circulation. Produces a positive effect on myocardial contractility. By reducing the increased tone of the vascular wall, it helps lower blood pressure and also reduces tissue swelling.
Digestive system diseases
  • viral hepatitis;
It has a general strengthening effect on the human body. For diseases accompanied by pain, it produces an analgesic effect. Also has an anti-inflammatory effect ( for example, with cholecystitis, colitis) and accelerates the tissue healing process ( for example, with stomach and duodenal ulcers). With spasms of the stomach, gall bladder, and intestines, it produces an antispasmodic effect ( relaxing effect). Also, after the procedure, intestinal motility and bile secretion improve.
Diseases of the genitourinary system The inflammatory reaction decreases, an anti-edema effect occurs, blood circulation and healing of affected tissues improves.
Skin diseases
  • carbuncles;
  • herpes simplex;
  • phlegmon;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bedsores;
  • wounds.
In case of skin diseases, it prevents the process of wound suppuration. If the infectious-inflammatory process is in the active phase, this procedure has a bactericidal effect ( inhibits the activity of bacteria). Stimulates the skin's protective system, in which the work of immune cells such as lymphocytes, Langerhans cells, mast cells and others is activated. Microcirculation in the affected area also improves, which helps accelerate the epithelization process ( recovery) fabrics. In the presence of allergic diseases, it has a desensitizing effect on the body ( antiallergic) action.
Nervous system diseases
  • Phantom pain;
  • plexitis;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve ( sciatica);
  • spinal cord injuries;
  • causalgia;
  • brain and spinal cord injuries ( contusions, concussion, compression of the brain or spinal cord).
Produces an analgesic effect by inhibiting processes in the central nervous system, and also helps reduce muscle spasms. Also, at the site of exposure, blood circulation improves, which leads to an acceleration of the healing process of nervous tissue. In diseases accompanied by impaired conduction of nerve impulses, it helps to restore them.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • phagocytes are special cells in the body that destroy pathogenic microorganisms), which accelerates the process of healing and tissue regeneration.
Dental diseases
  • alveolitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • ulceration of the oral mucosa;
  • burns;
  • injuries.
During exposure to an electromagnetic field in the gums, blood circulation improves, growth stops, and the viability of bacteria is inhibited. Pain is also effectively reduced.
Rehabilitation period
  • postoperative wounds;
  • postoperative infiltrates;
  • rehabilitation after injuries;
  • rehabilitation after illness.
By improving microcirculation and creating collateral vessels, the process of regeneration of affected tissues is accelerated. The risk of wound infection is significantly reduced, since the ultra-high-frequency electric field has a detrimental effect on pathological microorganisms that can cause suppuration of the postoperative wound. During the rehabilitation period, this procedure helps to increase the body's defenses and also has an analgesic effect, which speeds up and facilitates the recovery process.

The effectiveness of UHF treatment may depend on the following factors:
  • stage and severity of the disease;
  • range of electromagnetic vibrations;
  • duration of the procedure;
  • place of impact;
  • use of additional treatments;
  • individual sensitivity to the influence of electric current.

Contraindications for UHF

There are absolute and relative contraindications for UHF therapy.

The following absolute contraindications exist:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • stage 3 hypertension;
  • malignant tumors;
  • feverish conditions;
  • hypotension;
  • the patient has a pacemaker;
  • pregnancy;
  • Bleeding. Using UHF before surgery increases the risk of bleeding. The electromagnetic field, heating the tissue and causing hyperemia in the affected area, can subsequently lead to bleeding.
  • Scar. One of the therapeutic effects of UHF is aimed at the development of connective tissue, which, for example, during inflammatory processes creates a protective barrier, preventing the spread of infection throughout the body. However, in some cases where there is a risk of developing unwanted scar tissue ( for example, after abdominal surgery), UHF is not recommended.
  • Electric shock. A side effect that may occur in rare cases if safety rules are not followed, if the patient comes into contact with exposed live parts of the device.

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