Matrenin collection for conception. Composition of "Matrona's Infusion" ("Matrona's Broth")

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Most women dream of motherhood, but women’s health does not always allow them to conceive, successfully carry and give birth to a long-awaited baby. Reproductive function is extremely negatively affected by constant stress, poor environmental conditions and many other negative factors. Infertility is also caused by gynecological infections, hormonal disorders in the body, and inflammatory processes in organs. Matryona's decoction for infertility is a natural remedy that will help restore reproductive function and become a mother. The drug is a collection of medicinal herbs that have long been used by healers and traditional healers in the treatment of many female diseases, including infertility.

The uniqueness of the herbal collection lies not only in its composition, which the specialists of the manufacturing company developed on the basis of ancient folk recipes. Medicinal plants included in the herbal mixture contain phytohormones. They contribute to the rapid onset of pregnancy and the successful bearing of a child.

In their properties, phytohormones are close to the female hormones estrogens, which regulate a woman’s reproductive function and control the process of ovulation and conception. Very often, for various hormonal disorders, gynecologists in medical clinics prescribe estrogen for the treatment of infertility. Phytohormones, which contain herbs in the Matryona decoction, are an alternative to estrogens and effectively restore women's health.

With regular use of this herbal infusion, all functions of the genital organs are normalized, the body's defenses are activated, and inflammatory processes in the appendages and uterus disappear. Matryona's decoction was developed specifically for the treatment of infertility and restoration of women's health.

It is enough to take a cup of this herbal tea daily to soon get the desired result. With regular treatment with infusion, pregnancy usually occurs already in the second or third cycle. In especially severe cases, a longer course of taking the drug may be necessary. Tea is very easy to brew at home, and purchasing it does not require additional consultation with a doctor or a prescription.

Matryona's decoction for infertility guarantees mandatory pregnancy and improved women's health. The action of medicinal herbs is aimed at eliminating various gynecological diseases, eliminating adhesions, restoring uterine tissue, and eliminating inflammatory processes. This healing method is absolutely safe, which has been proven more than once by the use of Matryona decoction.

The drug does not cause any side effects or allergic reactions. Gynecologists prescribe Matryona's decoction not only for the rapid onset of pregnancy, but also during menopause, when hormonal changes occur in the body. Medicinal tea promotes a milder course of menopause and improves a woman’s well-being.


Matryona's decoction contains plants that have long been used in the treatment of infertility and to strengthen women's health. Each herb that is included in the herbal collection has its own effective healing properties and has a special therapeutic effect on the female reproductive organs.

The properties of the medicinal plants included in the infusion were studied by specialists - herbalists, so this herbal collection is a highly effective natural remedy that promotes rapid pregnancy and recovery from many gynecological diseases.

The composition of the herbal collection includes:

This plant promotes the production of necessary hormones by the female body. Borovaya uterus has long been used by folk healers in the treatment of gynecological diseases. It quickly stops uterine bleeding, eliminates the inflammatory process in the appendages and uterus, and treats erosion well. The herb contains healing phytohormones, similar in their effects to the female hormones estrogen.

The plant itself effectively increases the woman’s body’s ability to conceive a child. Borovaya uterus also normalizes the functions of the uterus, restores its tissues, and has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The use of infusion from boron uterus is indicated for toxicosis during pregnancy, to prevent miscarriage. The herb perfectly helps to cope with cystitis, hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence, mastopathy, and menstrual disorders.

The plant has a calming and regenerating effect, quickly relieves inflammation in the genitourinary system, relieves cramps and spasms. Oregano contains many useful biologically active substances that normalize ovulation, hormonal balance in a woman’s body, and prevent the development of infections.

This healing plant contains active thymol, which quickly and effectively removes cramps and spasms of the uterine muscles. Oregano strengthens the uterus and prevents miscarriage. In folk medicine, the herb is used for convulsions, spasms, epilepsy, headaches, nervous excitement, and colds. Thanks to the effects of oregano, the uterus is toned, appetite increases, and the psycho-emotional background is normalized.

The plant is widely used in Chinese and Tibetan folk medicine. This medicinal herb has very powerful healing properties. It has been used for a long time to treat female infertility and inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

When used correctly, wintergreen can cure breast cancer, fibroids, ovarian inflammation, cervical erosion, gonorrhea, and menstrual irregularities. The plant is also used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, headaches and epilepsy. Wintergreen has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent properties.

  • Chamomile.

This medicinal herb is well known to almost everyone. Chamomile perfectly relieves inflammation and has antiseptic and antispasmodic effects. Chamomile flowers are used in the treatment of painful menstruation, sore throat and stomatitis, during the treatment of colds and flu.

Chamomile is an excellent antiseptic that actively fights various infections. The plant has an effective analgesic, hemostatic, and anti-inflammatory effect. In the treatment of gynecological infections, chamomile infusion is widely used for douching.

In folk medicine, the herb is used as a highly effective tonic. Wintergreen is used to treat gout, rheumatism, edema, and genitourinary tract infections.

Decoctions and infusions of this medicinal plant are indicated for prolapse of the uterus and kidneys, as well as during the recovery period after childbirth. Infusions from this medicinal plant are an effective tonic and hemostatic agent. They are used for prostatitis, inflammatory processes of the genital organs, stomach diseases, and constipation.

  • Hibiscus.

Hibiscus or hibiscus tea contains many amino acids, vitamins, protein, polysaccharides, and pectin. The hibiscus drink lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, removes harmful toxins from the body, helps strengthen the body and improve immunity.

Hibiscus perfectly fights various types of bacteria and viruses, so the plant is used in the treatment of flu, colds, and sore throats. Hibiscus also quickly relieves spasms, prevents the growth of cancer cells, normalizes sleep and calms the nervous system. The drink quickly restores the functions of the genitourinary system, prevents miscarriage and restores uterine tissue.

The healing properties of medicinal plants, which are part of the Matryona Infusion, guarantee the complete restoration of the female body and the early onset of pregnancy.

Main indications

Matryona's decoction is indicated for early pregnancy, treatment of gynecological inflammations, infections and cysts. Also, regular consumption of this herbal tea effectively eliminates the pain of menstruation and regulates the menstrual cycle itself.

The infusion is used during menopause, improving the hormonal balance of the aging female body, which is losing its reproductive functions.

Product effectiveness

Herbal tea is a natural remedy consisting of medicinal herbs. It does not contain any synthetic or chemical additives. Real reviews of Matryona's decoction indicate that 67% of women who took this remedy for infertility became pregnant already in the second or third menstrual cycle.

Traditional herbal treatment requires long-term treatment. Only 31% of women were able to conceive a child on the fourth menstrual cycle. The effectiveness of Matryona's Infusion has been proven by experiments.

About 23% of women who took this herbal tea were able to recover from various gynecological diseases of an acute and sluggish nature. Today, every woman can start taking Matryona Infusion for the rapid onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. This product has already helped millions of women become mothers and experience the joy of motherhood.

Many women suffering from infertility are interested in whether the information about the healing effects of Matryon infusion is true? The drug has all the certificates confirming the high effectiveness of this herbal collection. Conducted studies of the product prove that the use of Matryona Infusion in the treatment of infertility and female diseases gives excellent positive results.

Borovaya uterus, which is the main component of the herbal collection, has long been the most famous medicinal plant that healed women's ailments. According to doctors, this healing herb has such miraculous properties due to the phytohormones it contains. They stimulate the female body to fertilize, ensuring ovulation and normalizing the menstrual cycle. Moreover, the boron uterus prevents miscarriage and reduces other risks during pregnancy.

Instructions for use

Herbal infusion is very easy to prepare at home. The resulting drink has a pleasant taste and aroma. The drug has no analogues, so it is impossible to prepare the herbal mixture yourself at home. The manufacturer of the natural composition has developed Matryona Infusion in a strict ratio of various medicinal herbs.

To prepare the infusion, one sachet of the product is poured with boiling water, after which you need to let the herbal tea brew for about ten minutes. The infusion should be taken 1-2 times daily with meals. The course of treatment with the drug can be quite long, but under no circumstances should you stop drinking Matryona’s infusion. Herbal tea can be taken for up to six months, after which you need to take a break. Then the intake of herbal tea is resumed.

Matryona's decoction is a highly effective natural herbal mixture in the treatment of female infertility. In many cases, treatment with this remedy helped those women who were treated in expensive clinics and did not get the desired pregnancy to become mothers. Today, even the IVF procedure does not give 100% positive results. A safe, natural and affordable remedy, Matryona Infusion ensures easy passage of the egg through the fallopian tube and promotes its rapid fertilization.

Is it possible to collect it yourself?

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to make Matryona’s decoction yourself? Doctors categorically do not recommend trying to prepare herbal tea at home on your own. Matryona's decoction contains the correct percentage of all medicinal herbs that are included in the product.

It is impossible to obtain an absolutely identical ratio of medicinal plants at home. These attempts can only harm your own body and not get a positive result in the treatment of infertility and female diseases. The composition of the effective herbal collection was developed taking into account the latest scientific knowledge, and modern technologies and special methods of processing medicinal raw materials were used in the production of the natural product.

average cost

The price for Matryona’s decoction is 1200 rubles. On the official website of the drug manufacturer there are discounts and various promotions that allow you to purchase this medicine at the lowest cost.

It is difficult to find the drug in pharmacies and the price, as a rule, will be inflated, about 2000 rubles.

Where to buy Matryona's decoction?

An effective decoction of Matryona was developed by specialists from the Moscow Institute of Traditional Medicine. This newest drug has passed all the necessary studies and has quality certificates. In the development of the product, ancient unique recipes of traditional medicine were used, which have been used for many centuries in the treatment of female infertility. Today, treatment with this herbal mixture is absolutely safe and gives positive results in most cases.

Unfortunately, the high popularity of a high-quality drug has caused the appearance of many counterfeits of herbal preparations. Today, Matryona's decoction can be purchased in pharmacies at an inflated price. Moreover, pharmacy owners unreasonably increase the price of this drug. This fact has been repeatedly revealed by pharmacy chain auditors. Moreover, it is not uncommon for counterfeit herbal teas to appear on sale in pharmacies.

You can only protect yourself from purchasing a low-quality counterfeit of Matryona’s decoction if you buy this herbal mixture on the official website. Representatives of the pharmaceutical company that produces this drug guarantee the high quality of the product and the full composition of medicinal herbs.

Real reviews of use

Review #1

I have long despaired of having a child. The doctors shrugged their shoulders because they diagnosed me with ovarian sclerocystosis. As the gynecologist explained to me, the ovaries had a dense capsule that made it difficult for the egg to come out. Deciding to improve women’s health, I started taking Matryona’s decoction, which I read about on one of the Internet forums. Positive reviews from real girls and women convinced me to try this drug. I consoled myself with the thought that even if it didn’t help, then because of the natural ingredients there would be no harm to the body.

I didn’t even think about pregnancy. I drank this herbal tea twice a day to relieve inflammation. I was immensely surprised by my pregnancy. And it came only thanks to taking Matryona’s Infusion. I have little faith in doctors now. Nobody gave me a guarantee that I could get pregnant.

I carried my daughter to term without any complications; for two weeks in the third month of pregnancy I was in the hospital for conservation – rather to protect myself from possible risks. My daughter was born absolutely strong and healthy. Now she is one year old, and I am a happy mother at thirty-six years old. I advise all girls who are desperate to have a child to take Matryona Infusion daily. The result will not be long in coming!

Irina, 36 years old - Kyiv, Ukraine

Review #2

Matryona's decoction is a new innovative product from a Russian manufacturer, which is aimed at completely restoring the reproductive function of the body. I drank the herbal tea every day for four months before I got pregnant. I bought the drug not at the pharmacy, but on the manufacturer’s website, because I didn’t want to spend money on something unknown.

I’ve heard from many people that pharmacies can sell a completely different, non-original herbal tea in a box. It is very easy to drink this tea in the morning and evening. I brew it like a regular brew and after five minutes you are already enjoying the aromatic drink. After a month of using Matryona Infusion, I noticed that my health improved, and my periods became less painful.

Previously, I could even take painkillers during menstruation, my lower abdomen hurt so much. And then a real miracle happened - I got pregnant. The child was born in excellent spirits and without any complications. Soon a long-awaited and beloved son appeared in our family. Thanks to the manufacturer and developers of this unique herbal mixture.

Catherine. 25 years - Moscow

Review #3

I cured severe inflammation of the appendages with Matryona's Infusion. In fact, I bought the product only for this purpose. I drank tea for a month. After two weeks, the pain in the lower abdomen completely disappeared, and smear tests showed that I did not have any infections.

Now I am an absolutely healthy woman without female diseases. This remedy cures infections, cystitis, and inflammation of the ovaries very well. I recommend everyone to drink Matryona’s herbal infusion to improve their women’s health.

Alevtina, 29 years old - Minsk, Belarus

Real reviews from doctors

Review #1

In my gynecological practice, I have heard more than once about Matryona’s miracle infusion from my patients. Many girls and women took this drug to achieve the desired pregnancy. Two of my patients drank Matryona’s herbal mixture to eliminate inflammation.

The results of taking the infusion surprised and pleased me - three girls became pregnant within six months, and those patients who treated inflammation of the appendages with the drug completely got rid of the disease. Now I recommend that my patients take Matryona’s decoction constantly along with the prescribed therapy.

As a concomitant medicine, the infusion perfectly tones, strengthens the body and restores the functions of the female genital organs.

Mikhail Sergeevich, gynecologist, 44 years old - Moscow

Review #2

The drug is a highly effective natural herbal mixture. Its medicinal herbs do not cause any side effects when taking tea and actively affect the reproductive function of a woman.

As a doctor, I can confidently recommend it as an additional herbal medicine to strengthen women’s health, improve immunity and eliminate various gynecological diseases. The drug has repeatedly undergone experiments and studies that have proven its positive results in the treatment of gynecological diseases and infertility.

Svetlana Vladimirovea, gynecologist, 40 years old - Novosibirsk

Matryona's decoction for infertility often solves this problem. The diagnosis of infertility is being made more and more often.

Married couples constantly turn to the best clinics in order to experience the joy of motherhood and fatherhood.

Are you having any problem? Enter “Symptom” or “Name of the disease” into the form, press Enter and you will find out all the treatment for this problem or disease.

The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions! .

Every year medicine comes up with more and more new drugs, one of which is Matryona’s decoction.

Composition and manufacturers

One of the well-known pharmaceutical companies in Russia has been developing this drug for a long time.

The components of this medicine have been known since time immemorial; they were used to treat female diseases, one of which was infertility.

What is included in the drug:

  • Borovaya uterus is an effective and popular remedy for improving women's health and preventing many gynecological diseases.
  • Evening primrose - helps strengthen women's health, helps cope with all health complications during pregnancy.
  • Wintergreen - useful for heavy matte bleeding, helps stop it.
  • Oregano - relieves pain symptoms during menstruation, helps treat many female diseases.
  • Wintergreen - normalizes the functioning of the ovaries.
  • Chamomile has a beneficial effect on a woman’s emotional state.
  • Hibiscus - stops the aging of cells in a woman’s body.

This medicine contains a small amount of essential oils, which well protect the woman’s body weakened by pregnancy and have a beneficial effect on the emotional state.

Together, all these components enrich the body with many vitamins and beneficial microelements that are necessary to maintain many functions in a woman’s body.

Experts identify several main types of infertility and their causes:

  • Problems with the menstrual cycle and ovulation. In women with a menstrual cycle of less than 21 days or more than 35 days, the egg becomes incapable of fertilization.
  • Impaired functioning of the ovaries. This occurs due to poor hormone production in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Hormones are produced in the wrong quantities, which disrupts the functioning of the ovaries; the egg simply does not have time to mature, or is lifeless.

    Violation of the production of necessary hormones becomes a consequence of brain diseases - tumors or severe injuries.

  • Hormonal disbalance. Disturbed hormonal levels can cause absence of menstruation, or permanent death of eggs.
  • Cervical erosion. If pregnancy does not occur for a long period of time, then the uterus should be checked for erosion. It should be removed, and then infertility issues should be resolved.

Healing properties of the decoction

The decoction helps fight infertility, or rather the factors that lead to it:

  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Adhesions and microtraumas that occur due to erosion and various damage to the uterine mucosa;
  • Inflammation and diseases of the pelvic organs, which help delay conception and impossibility of fertilization of the egg;
  • Stress, unstable emotional state and experiences.

While taking the decoction, a woman feels harmony and peace, her emotional state is always under control. Thanks to the components included in the drug, the production of the hormone progesterone improves. The hormone helps the egg meet the sperm for speedy fertilization.

After conception, the decoction preserves pregnancy, reduces the risk of miscarriage and malformation of the fetus.

Its natural composition is known for its healing properties; these components help fight many gynecological diseases and help strengthen women's health.


The importance of correct use

How to prepare Matryona decoction at home? Along with the medicine there are always instructions for use, in which everything is described in detail.

There is nothing complicated in preparing this medicinal drink; you need to pour one tablespoon of the decoction into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for the time specified in the instructions.

A glass of this medicinal product is divided into several parts to be taken throughout the day. It is better to consume with food, but you can also take it half an hour before meals. The dosage is often prescribed by the attending physician, because in the fight against infertility, the factor that interferes with conception is treated.

Each gynecological disease includes its own specific dose of the drug. It is produced in the same way as tea bags and is convenient to use. One bag of decoction is intended for brewing one glass; the bag is placed in water and brewed for a few minutes.

The usual course of treatment with this drug is one month. Depending on the complexity of the disease, the attending physician may increase the course to 2 months.

Contraindications for use and side effects

The composition of the collection is unique in the presence of natural components, so it cannot cause any serious complications or side effects.

This medicine has no contraindications for use; any woman who has reached the age of majority can take it without fear for her health.

The absence of chemical elements helps the drug have a beneficial effect on the woman’s body and helps fight diagnoses such as infertility.

Nevertheless, if you analyze the effect of each component on the body, then there are contraindications. The decoction contains hibiscus, which can increase acidity in the stomach. For people with ulcers and acidity problems, avoid using this drug.

Oregano should not be used for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Wintergreen can cause low blood pressure. Borovaya uterus helps thin the blood and affects hormonal levels in the body. People with blood clotting problems should avoid this drug.

Infertility is often a consequence of some disease or injury.

In other cases, the inability to have children is due to the presence of a gynecological disease.

If sexual activity occurs without contraception for a year and pregnancy does not occur, then this is infertility. Infertility is not a death sentence; it needs and can be cured.

Both women and men need to see a doctor. After passing some tests, the doctor prescribes therapy.

Treatment should take place in both partners at the same time.

It is better to try to prevent this diagnosis through preventive measures. Women must observe the rules of personal hygiene, eat a balanced diet, avoid catching colds, visit a gynecologist regularly and treat all existing diseases.

Men should eat, avoid promiscuity, try not to wear tight underwear and visit a urologist regularly.

The advantage of this decoction for infertility compared to medications

Manufacturers approached the creation of medicines with great responsibility. The unique composition of the product has proven its undeniable advantages over other similar drugs, thanks to clinical trials.

Almost 89% of women diagnosed with infertility were able to get pregnant within a few months after drinking the decoction.

Herbal treatment has the following advantages over the use of synthetic drugs:

  1. Has no obvious contraindications. Herbal medicine is not as aggressive as drug therapy. Side effects are minimal. The main thing is that the decoction does not cause undesirable effects on a woman’s health.
  2. High performance. Experts do not deny the positive effects of the decoction on the body. In those few unfortunate percentages of the total huge number of pregnant women, the decoction still helps the healing of the reproductive organs.
  3. The decoction is indicated for use at any age. Only with the onset of menopause is it appropriate to stop using it.
  4. Complex effects on the female body. The decoction helps restore reproductive function and avoid the development of inflammatory and infectious processes. Its important goal is to improve the health of the female body.

The miracle of the decoction lies in its unique composition. Here are collected the most healing herbs for women's health. Each of the plants has long been used in medicine to treat female diseases - and infertility.

The advantage of the product is that it can also be used to maintain pregnancy. The dosage is slightly reduced, but the decoction does not harm the fetus. Taking the decoction facilitates labor and helps prevent birth complications.

Use for conception

The main indication for use of the drug is infertility. The use of this infusion helps if pregnancy does not occur based on the following factors:

  1. Diagnosis of primary infertility. The woman could not get pregnant due to serious pathologies of the reproductive system.
  2. Diagnosis of secondary infertility. It is characterized by the inability of a woman to conceive a second child. The cause of secondary symptoms will be previous diseases of the pelvic organs, health problems in the husband, or incompatibility in a second marriage.
  3. Lack of an accurate diagnosis due to non-pregnancy. A complete examination does not allow a diagnosis of infertility to be made - the woman is healthy. Doctors suggest waiting and hoping for a miracle.

The course of treatment is about one month. Sometimes, for special individual indications, it is tedious to drink it for 3–4 months. Directions for using the decoction:

  1. One filter bag or 1 tablespoon of dry product, filled with boiled water, you need approximately 200-220 ml.
  2. You need to leave for 10 minutes and the product is ready.
  3. The recommended number of doses is once a day, with meals.

You need to drink the decoction every day and always brew it fresh. Beneficial substances from medicinal herbs accumulate in the body gradually. Long-term use cannot indicate the low effectiveness of this collection.

The treatment course should last 21 days, then the drug should not be taken for a week. If necessary, the reception is resumed again. Treatment can last six months. If a long-term pregnancy does not occur, you need to rest for 6 months. Taking the decoction will benefit your health and the herbs will have their healing effect. The product does not have a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The woman does not feel any bad consequences.

The advantage of the decoction in terms of price

The decoction is created on the basis of natural ingredients, without the addition of expensive synthetic additives. And therefore it is much cheaper than medical drugs. You can calculate the benefits of purchasing a product if you compare the price of an individual component. Each of the herbs is selected in the correct proportions, and there is no need to take any additional ones.

Composition of the medicinal collection:

  1. Borovaya uterus, the plant is popularly called female grass. It has the maximum content of useful substances for the female body. It has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, but in a gentle manner.
  2. Lily of the valley helps produce female hormones. Improves well-being during toxicosis, significantly reduces the threat of miscarriage.
  3. Hibiscus (hibiscus) is indicated for use as a diuretic. Relieves spasms, relaxes muscle tone. Removes harmful substances and toxins from the body.
  4. Oregano is indispensable in relieving nervous tension. In folk medicine it is used to relieve pain.
  5. Winter-loving plant, strengthens the protective immune forces.
  6. Wintergreen is traditionally used in the treatment of ovarian diseases. Prevents the development of inflammation, prevents the threat of miscarriage, and can be used for toxicosis.
  7. Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory, tonic and anti-stress plant.

The decoction has an inexpensive price tag if you consider the significance of all its components. Each therapeutic effect, if presented in tablets or suspensions, will cost much more. It is impossible to purchase Matryona's Decoction in a pharmacy; it is sold only on the official website of the manufacturer. More often the product is offered at a significant discount. You can buy a unique decoction for infertility for about 1000 rubles.

For a long time, collecting herbs and roots was not only a way of survival, but also a sacred tradition, carefully preserved and reverently passed on from mother to daughter. Based on age-old wisdom, the foundation of herbal medicine is based, aimed at minimizing side effects from the effects of chemical medicinal substances on the body and maximizing the result achieved in the process of fighting the disease with the help of medicinal herbal preparations.

A prominent representative of a medicinal natural composition that has high performance in curing illness is Matrona’s Decoction. The healing collection took its name from the legend about the holy old woman, who healed infertile women in word and deed. The composition of the collection includes exclusively natural ingredients. Carefully selected herbs enhance each other's effects, helping desperate women achieve the desired result.

How to use

Matryona's decoction, like any other medicinal herbs, must be taken for a long time. Only in this case the effect will be long-term and stable. The average course duration is 2-3 months. But it all depends on your disease and its neglect. The maximum duration of treatment is 6 months with several breaks for a week.

  1. To boil water.
  2. Place the bag containing the dried “grass” into any clean container and fill it with 200 ml of boiled water.
  3. Let it brew for 5-10 minutes.
  4. You can drink.

It is recommended to take 1 time per day with meals (1 day = 1 sachet). If the resulting drink is too bitter for your taste, you can dilute it with boiled water. In this case, the number of doses should be divided into 2-3 times. The taste of the finished drink is specific. It takes some getting used to.

The decoction should be prepared daily. It is advisable to consume it fresh. After 21 days of daily use, it is recommended to take a week break. Then the course can be repeated. If you fail to get pregnant after six months, you should take a six-month break, after which treatment is resumed. During the break, the body will not only rest a little, but will also fully feel the accumulated power of medicinal herbs.

Matryona's decoction, and doctors' reviews confirm this, can be used as an additional therapy to the main drug treatment. It does not “conflict” with traditional medications; on the contrary, it enhances their effect.

Before starting to take herbal medicine concomitantly with traditional medicine, notify your doctor.


Matryona's decoction for infertility is recommended for women who have been diagnosed with infertility by a doctor. It is also suitable for those who have all their tests in order, but something still prevents them from conceiving a child. Ladies suffering from diseases that are incompatible with the process of bearing a child should also try this remedy. An ancient recipe, which contains only medicinal herbs, should improve reproductive function. Matryona's decoction, reviews confirm this, gives hope even where official medicine helplessly shrugs.


The components of the medicinal drink are usually well tolerated. They can be prescribed at any age, starting from adulthood. The composition is non-toxic, does not cause addiction, or serious side effects. It treats carefully and does not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • ulcer;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • hypotension.

Do not use during pregnancy (oregano in the decoction causes contractions of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage); children under 18 years of age.

Those prone to frequent allergies and those suffering from the listed ailments should definitely consult their doctor before use.


Despite the comprehensive beneficial effects, there are a number of pathologies and temporary conditions of the body in which it is strictly forbidden to drink this collection:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, complicated by increased acidity in the body.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Phlebeurysm.
  5. Urolithiasis disease.
  6. Kidney pathologies.
  7. Pathological change in blood quality associated with an increase in hemoglobin.
  8. Chronic liver diseases.
  9. Age up to 18 years.
  10. Blood clotting disorders.
  • when taking paracetamol as a permanent therapeutic agent;
  • in combination with hormonal therapy. Individual components of the collection affect the level of estrogen in the body;
  • in combination with antihypertensive therapy.

In the absence of pathological changes in the body, the medicine has no side effects. The manufacturer warns that individual intolerance to individual components of the drug is fraught with:

  • the occurrence of acute allergic reactions;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the occurrence of acute headaches or nausea;
  • changes in the nature of discharge during the menstrual cycle.

During the course of herbal medicine using Matryona's decoction, a pulling sensation may occur in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms do not indicate individual intolerance, but are the first sign that the positive properties of the collection have begun to have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system.

What's included

The infusion of Matryona consists of medicinal herbs, which have long been known for their healing properties in the treatment of infertility. This means that Matryona’s decoction is natural and safe, and almost everyone can take it, even for preventive purposes. What herbs are in its composition and how many are there? According to the request “Matryona infusion composition” it includes the following components:

  • Borovaya uterus.
  • Evening primrose (lily of the valley).
  • Hibiscus.
  • Winter-lover.
  • Oregano.
  • Chamomile.
  • Wintergreen.

Each of these herbs performs a specific beneficial function, thanks to which this collection has helped many women become pregnant.

  1. Borovaya uterus is the main herbal medicine. This herb has an anti-inflammatory effect, treats uterine bleeding and menstrual irregularities, and can be taken to combat ovarian diseases and tubal obstruction. The boron uterus successfully overcomes infectious diseases of the reproductive organs and reduces the likelihood of miscarriage. Because of its beneficial properties, it is included in many medicinal preparations intended for the treatment of infertility; it is worth drinking even for prevention.
  2. Thanks to lily of the valley extract, hormonal levels are normalized, which stimulates the onset of ovulation and helps with tubal obstruction. It also has a beneficial effect on pregnancy.
  3. Hibiscus has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves spasms in the muscles of the uterus. In addition, it helps the body get rid of toxins.
  4. Wintergreen also has an anti-inflammatory effect. But the main thing is its ability to normalize ovarian function. During pregnancy, it can help reduce the symptoms of toxicosis.
  5. Wintergreen is intended to strengthen the immune system and fight infectious diseases. It is used to treat infertility, inflammation of the appendages, and cystitis. In addition, it is useful to take it for bleeding.
  6. Oregano helps relieve pain and eliminate cramps. It is also an excellent sedative.
  7. Chamomile has a huge number of beneficial properties. It is used to strengthen the body, for colds, inflammatory processes, and to improve metabolism. It is also useful in the treatment of infertility.

In addition to herbs, Matryona's infusion also includes minimal doses of natural oils and amino acids that strengthen the immune system. All herbs in the decoction are in optimal doses, due to which the medicine does not cause harm. It does not require a prescription. However, this does not mean that it should be used without the recommendation of doctors, without familiarizing yourself with the rules of admission. It has minor contraindications.

Composition of Matryona Decoction

The composition of the herbal collection includes herbs that can be found in forests, meadows and even in personal plots. These plants and their healing properties have been known for a long time, but in the composition of Matryona’s collection they are combined in the correct proportion, which is also of great importance in treatment.

These are plants such as:

  • boron uterus is the main component in the treatment of female diseases and infertility. All elements of the plant - stem, leaves, flowers - have healing properties. This plant has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties;
  • evening primrose (or lily of the valley) – is responsible for the production of female hormones, during pregnancy reduces the risk of miscarriage, alleviates toxicosis;
  • hibiscus (or hibiscus tea) – has good diuretic properties, helps remove toxins from the body, and also relaxes muscles and relieves spasms;
  • wintergreen - used for inflammatory processes, normalizes the activity of the ovaries. The collection includes leaves, flowers, stem. During pregnancy, protects against miscarriage, relieves toxicosis;
  • wintergreen - strengthens the body and improves immunity;
  • oregano – used as a painkiller, relieves nervous tension;
  • field chamomile flowers – relieves inflammation and nervous tension.

Matryona's decoction is a miracle cure for pregnancy

The main component of the decoction is boron uterus, which is very useful for female diseases. As part of Matryona's Decoction, it is supplemented with evening primrose, the more common name is lily of the valley, which is also used for female diseases. Together, these herbs normalize the nervous system, normalize hormone function, and help establish a normal menstrual cycle. The collection also contains amino acids, natural oils and a complex of vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of all organs. Due to this, when using the infusion, immunity is increased and both the condition of the reproductive system and the entire body as a whole improves, because this is necessary when bearing a child.

The collection does not contain hazardous substances or any chemicals, but only dried herbs. Consequently, the only contraindication for the use of infusion is individual intolerance to herbs, which can be found extremely rarely. Therefore, the herbal mixture is harmless and has no age restrictions for use. You just need to take into account the dosage and treatment regimen, and try not to disrupt the cycle of taking the infusion.

How it works

A positive result from a folk remedy is achieved thanks to the complex, long-term effect of medicinal plants on the problem that caused the inability to bear a child. It is effective for various gynecological ailments, improves the health of the female body, relieves nervous tension provoked by the awareness of the inability to procreate, etc.

  1. Treats a variety of gynecological ailments. The components of the healing drink have been used for centuries by healers and healers in the fight against pyelonephritis, fibromatosis, cysts, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, erosions, thrush, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, cervical dysplasia, mastopatitis, mastitis and other diseases that interfere with getting pregnant. Although then these ailments did not have such clever names.
  2. Helps cope with psychological discomfort and nervous tension. The components of the natural drug have a relaxing effect on the body and calm the nervous system. A girl who takes a decoction becomes more self-confident, opens up to the outside world, copes better with life’s difficulties, and recovers faster.
  3. Strengthens the immune system. The drink improves the functioning of the body’s natural defenses, after which the immune system more effectively and quickly eliminates various inflammatory processes, favors the speedy healing of wounds, and restoration of the functioning of the reproductive organs.
  4. Promotes conception and healthy pregnancy. Long-term use of the decoction leads to healing from many diseases that impede conception. After recovery and restoration of normal immune function, pregnancy becomes real. The phytohormones included in the collection are similar to estrogen, a female hormone. They not only help to quickly get rid of various inflammatory processes, but also minimize the risk of miscarriage.

Before mass production of the infertility remedy began, it was tested by scientific laboratories. The averaged results made it possible to see the overall picture of the drink’s effect:

  • For 23% of women, the herbal mixture cured gynecological diseases;
  • 31% were able to get pregnant after a 4-month course;
  • 67% of those who tried the effective drink became pregnant 2-3 cycles after the course.

Matryona's decoction for infertility is a life-saving straw that pulls married couples out of the abyss of despair. Using a natural herbal mixture brings the joyful moment of the birth of a long-awaited baby closer.


Matryona infusion is a collection of specially selected herbs that grow in forests, meadows, and vegetable gardens everywhere. These plants have been known to people for a long time, but here they are selected in the right proportions to obtain the greatest healing effect.

Matryona's decoction was created on the basis of ancient Russian recipes from healers who treated women's diseases and infertility, based on the action of phytohormones, close to estrogens, without chemical compounds and harm to health.

What herbs are included in the collection:

  1. Borovaya uterus - there is no more feminine herb for the treatment of gynecological diseases and infertility than this. All parts of this plant are healing - leaves, stems and flowers. The main effects are anti-inflammatory and diuretic.
  2. Lily of the valley is responsible for the production of female sex hormones, reduces the risk of miscarriage, and alleviates the symptoms of toxicosis.
  3. Hibiscus flowers (hibiscus) - have a diuretic effect, which reduces blood pressure, the herb strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relieves spasms, and removes toxins.
  4. Wintergreen - normalizes the activity of the ovaries, prevents miscarriage, improves well-being during toxicosis.
  5. Wintergreen - increases immunity, treats diseases of the genitourinary system.
  6. Oregano - this herb is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, relieves emotional stress.
  7. Field chamomile flowers stop inflammatory processes, relieve spasms and nervous tension.

The collection also contains amino acids, essential oils, and vitamins from herbs, which help increase immunity and improve the condition of the female genital area and the entire body as a whole, which is so necessary for the expectant mother.

Detailed composition

Matryona's decoction is simple in composition, but surprisingly effective due to the pharmacological properties endowed with the herbs included in it.

Hog queen or ortilia

It is the backbone and main active component of the infusion. From time immemorial, the herb has been used as the main medicine of traditional medicine in the fight against diseases of the genitourinary system in women. Natural antioxidants contained in the structure of the plant give it anti-inflammatory, diuretic, hemostatic and immunomodulatory properties.

This effect of the hog uterus helps in preparing the woman’s body for conception and recovery from acquired pathologies. Positive effects are also present after pregnancy. Regular use of ortilia minimizes the risk of miscarriages and helps cope with toxicosis in the first trimester.

Evening primrose (primrose or lily of the valley)

The plant is not a common raw material in pharmacology. But due to its wide spectrum of action affecting hormonal levels, it is actively used in gynecology. Substances produced during the fermentation process promote the onset of ovulation, which greatly increases the chances of getting pregnant. Anti-inflammatory, tonic and antibacterial properties allow the use of primrose in the treatment of endometriosis and normalization of the menstrual cycle. Thanks to the effect it has both locally on lesions of the uterus and on the general hormonal background of a woman, evening primrose has earned the title of “ambulance” among gynecologists. The plant also has a beneficial effect on the body, promoting the gentle elimination of toxins.


In pharmacology, both the “ground” part of the plant and the rhizomes are used. The active components and antioxidants that wintergreen is rich in have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, sedative, hemostatic and astringent effects. In Matrona's Decoction, the aerial part of the plant is used for pregnancy. It is worth noting that the use of wintergreen in combination with boron uterus mutually enhances the effectiveness of the herbs.

Sudanese rose

Sudanese rose, better known as hibiscus tea, has immunomodulatory and tonic properties. In gynecology, it is used to relax smooth muscles and eliminate tone in the muscle tissue of the uterus.


This plant is called nothing more than “girl’s helper”. Taking it regularly will not only improve the menstrual cycle, but also relieve pain that occurs 4-7 days before the start of menstruation and continues for several days after. Oregano is also used as a strong sedative that restores the nervous system after breakdowns. In the postpartum period, it is used as a powerful lactogenic agent.

winter lover

The use of a natural medicinal product is recommended equally for women and men. One of the main means of herbal medicine that specifically combats acquired infertility. The functionality of the plant includes the active solution of problems associated with diuresis and the frequent occurrence of colds and inflammatory diseases. But wintergreen also has a number of contraindications, the main one of which is the risk of blood clots.


It is actively used both in orthodox pharmacology and in herbal medicine. It has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In gynecology, they are used both internally (in the form of tea) and externally (through douching).


All components are medicinal plants, collected under strict adherence to the rules of collection, drying and storage. They do not contain radioactive elements or harmful metals and are absolutely safe for health. Apart from dried herbs, there is nothing else (chemical additives) in the composition.

Main components:

  1. Borovaya uterus. A plant used in ancient times to combat infertility. It contains a number of substances that help cope with many gynecological diseases. Known antiseptic, anticoagulant, diuretic, bactericidal, disinfectant, antimicrobial agent. It can increase immunity, normalize the endocrine system, and stimulate mental activity. The plant has a positive effect on metabolism, the gastrointestinal tract, and normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Eliminates hormonal imbalance, improves the functions of the reproductive organs. Reduces the pain of the menstrual cycle and normalizes its course. Restores the patency of the fallopian tubes, treats inflammation.
  2. Hibiscus tea. Naturally strengthens the body's natural defenses and is a barrier to many infections. Regulates the menstrual cycle, saves from neuroses, and relieves depression. Stabilizes blood pressure. An effective remedy for the prevention of cancer.
  3. Wintergreen. The richest medicinal plant. Valued in folk medicine for its ability to stimulate the sex glands and cope with inflammation of the reproductive system. It is part of many drugs for the treatment of infertility, tubal obstruction, adnexitis, and endometriosis. The plant is used for general strengthening.
  4. Chamomile flowers. A universal miracle plant used for inflammation of the genital organs. Calms the central nervous system, overcomes stress and insomnia. It has an analgesic, antispasmodic effect, and accelerates regeneration. Normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, relieves inflammation of the uterine appendages, reduces pain during menstruation.
  5. Winter-lover. It is used for painful bleeding in the uterus, its prolapse, cystitis, pyelonephritis, edema, hormonal imbalances, and for the prevention of oncology.
  6. Oregano. Has bactericidal properties. Calms the nervous system and fights insomnia. Stimulates and tones the smooth muscles of the uterus. Used for late menstruation.

The complex effect of nature’s gifts helps cure many gynecological diseases, facilitates the passage of sperm to the egg, and promotes speedy conception.

Why I chose Matrona's decoction for pregnancy

I have always dreamed of having a large number of children, and I was lucky to meet a man in my life who, just like me, loves children and dreams of a full-fledged family. Five years ago we got married, but I never managed to get pregnant. We went to doctors, underwent many examinations, but none of the specialists could name the exact cause of our problem. It seems that both my husband and I are quite healthy, no pathologies were found, however, pregnancy never occurred. The doctors just shrugged their shoulders, saying they didn’t even know how they could help us.

And so, when I had almost said goodbye to my dream of children, one friend advised me to try Matryona’s decoction for pregnancy. At first I was wary: what kind of decoction is this? After all, due to my medical education, I am quite skeptical about all kinds of folk remedies. However, the story of a friend who, after several years of futile attempts to get pregnant, tried this remedy and within a year and a half became the happy mother of a charming baby, impressed me.

I found out what the decoction consists of, and was convinced that it does not contain chemical components, which means that there will definitely be no harm from it. I decided to try it and have never regretted it! After just a week of taking the decoction, my physical and emotional state improved noticeably. I became more energetic and cheerful. I continued to take Matryona’s infusion without particularly hoping for any results, rather perceiving it as a useful natural remedy for strengthening the immune system and raising vitality.

But then, about three months later, when I finished taking it, my health noticeably worsened: weakness, drowsiness appeared, and even bouts of nausea occurred periodically. I went for a consultation with my doctor and found out that... I was pregnant! My husband and I’s happiness knew no bounds! Our first child is due to be born in a month. I started drinking Matryona’s infusion again and feel great, despite my rather late first pregnancy!

The naturalness and availability of the medicinal components included in the composition suggests the possibility of making your own tincture at home. One of the most common questions regarding the collection is: “What is the Decoction of the Holy Blessed Matryona of Moscow in composition and where can I find its recipe?” The forums are replete with advice not only on home production, but also with a detailed step-by-step description of the preparation of medicinal raw materials.

Experts say that, theoretically, it is possible to find herbs and make a real healing decoction. There are many ways to do this. But in practice the situation is not so simple, since at home it is difficult to achieve the required quality of fermentation of raw materials. And also, given the wide profile of the effects of the constituent components on the body and the possibility of unpleasant side effects, it is necessary to maintain the ratio of herbal ingredients. Even 1 extra gram can deprive Matryona's Decoction of its healing properties. Is it worth risking both your own health and the result?


The desire to become a mother is inherent in every normal woman, however, due to various negative environmental factors, the onset and birth of a child becomes a pipe dream for many.

Reproductive function is affected by the environmental situation, food quality, lifestyle, chronic diseases, etc. There are very frequent situations in which various medical methods of treating infertility are ineffective. In such cases, many women turn to folk remedies.

There is a unique remedy consisting of several well-known plants, the combination of which helps to normalize important processes occurring in the female body.

With the help of this herbal collection, you can regulate the menstrual cycle, eliminate hormonal imbalances, remove toxins from the body, get rid of inflammatory processes, etc.

You can purchase this miraculous remedy at any pharmacy and take it in accordance with the attached instructions for use. The presence of contraindications and side effects should be taken into account, as well as the likelihood of developing allergies if there is a tendency to pathological reactions on the part of the immune system.

Composition of Matryona's collection

Matryona's collection for infertility consists of the following plants:

  1. Ortilia, better known as the hog queen, is the main component of this healing mixture. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, strengthens women's health, prevents spontaneous abortion, and reduces the manifestations of toxicosis.
  2. Chamomile is a popular and effective anti-inflammatory and antiseptic remedy used in both official and folk medicine. This plant calms the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, and stimulates metabolism in the body. Copes well with inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.
  3. Wintergreen helps normalize the functions of the ovaries, eliminates the symptoms of thrush, cystitis, has a beneficial effect on digestion, and also removes toxic substances and waste from the body, cleanses it. There is also a diuretic, antiallergic and hemostatic effect as a result of the use of this plant. Wintergreen is used for the prevention and treatment of malignant processes.
  4. Evening primrose is a plant that has other names, for example, lily of the valley, primrose. It is widely used to treat female diseases such as endometriosis, and also tidies up the hormonal system, cleanses and heals the body. When taking this drug, the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly, and the risk of miscarriage becomes minimal.
  5. Wintergreen has a general beneficial effect on the body, strengthens the immune system, eliminates infections, and relieves inflammation. This plant has been used since ancient times to normalize women's health, treat genitourinary pathologies and infertility.
  6. The hibiscus or hibiscus plant, which is also called the Sudanese rose, effectively cleanses the body of waste and toxins, increases performance, strengthens the body's defenses, relaxes smooth muscles, and tones.
  7. Oregano is a good antibacterial, sedative and analgesic. Helps with insomnia, relieves emotional stress, and improves the menstrual cycle.


The infertility remedy from Matrona is recommended for use by many gynecologists, since this product contains exclusively natural ingredients without the inclusion of foreign substances. The effectiveness of herbs is evidenced by a large number of positive reviews from women who managed to improve their health, as well as conceive and bear a child.

The effects of herbs on the body's fertility

The plants that are included in the medicinal collection from Matrona are indicated for use in cases of secondary infertility caused by hormonal disorders, inflammatory and infectious processes in the reproductive system.

This natural remedy has a number of advantages in comparison with medications, having a beneficial effect on the female body. When taking these plants, not only does physical health improve, but also problems such as frigidity and hormonal imbalances are eliminated.

The healing properties of the herbal collection are explained by the fact that these plants contain phytohormones, similar in their action to female estrogens, which play a key role in the onset and normal course of pregnancy.

The unique composition of Matryona's decoction for infertility allows you to take it as an independent remedy, without the need to use medications, to improve female fertility. Herbs have a complex effect, complementing each other and activating the body’s own resources:

  • Blood supply to the uterus improves.
  • The monthly cycle is normalized.
  • The ovaries are stimulated.
  • The hormonal system is balanced.
  • The general state of health and well-being improves.

Instructions for use

The medicinal collection is available in the form of filter bags for brewing. For a single dose, you need to pour boiling water over one of them and leave for ten to fifteen minutes.

In the loose form of this product, you need to pour boiling water over one dessert spoon and leave for at least ten minutes before use.

To treat infertility, you need to drink two to three glasses of this drink every day for several months.

If necessary, the course can be repeated after six months.

You should not expect instant positive results, since each woman’s body is individual, and there are also different reasons why conception becomes impossible.

Usually the effect is achieved after 3-6 months.


The collection for the treatment of infertility is considered absolutely safe, however, there are several contraindications to its use:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Allergic reactions to plants that are part of the collection.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver.
  5. Thrombosis.

In rare cases, headaches may occur as a result of taking the drug, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and nausea.


The herbal collection from Matrona can be taken not only for treatment, but also for various pathologies of the genitourinary system, and also as a prophylactic against female diseases.

Video: Matryona infusion for pregnancy. Reviews

Surely there are no women who, sooner or later, would not want to become a happy mother of a beautiful baby. Unfortunately, not all representatives of the fairer sex manage to get pregnant with just one desire. After all, poor ecology, past illnesses, constant worries and stress have a stronger and stronger impact on human health, including on their reproductive function.

If intensive attempts to conceive a baby do not bring the desired result for a long time, then doctors talk about infertility. At the same time, they argue that such a phenomenon is not a death sentence. Today, almost all difficulties with conceiving a child can be resolved. Therefore, experts do not recommend despair, but advise making every effort to eliminate all the factors that prevent a woman from becoming pregnant.

What are the causes of infertility?

It is quite difficult to answer the question posed. This is due to the fact that there is a huge number. They may be associated with hormonal disorders in both partners, infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, abnormal structures of the internal genital organs, and so on.

Quite often, after prolonged and unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, many couples think about IVF. However, this procedure is very expensive. Moreover, it is not always effective. Therefore, some experts recommend using alternative medicine methods.

What drugs promote pregnancy?

Today there are many drugs that create favorable conditions for conceiving a child. However, supporters of traditional medicine argue that there is nothing better than herbal remedies. One of the most effective and efficient remedies is “Matrona’s Infusion”. It helps well to maintain an existing pregnancy, as well as cure infertility.

It is no secret that in ancient times, for various diseases, people used only natural remedies in the form of herbs, fruits, berries, etc. Such components contain all the necessary nutrients that are easily absorbed by the body and do not affect it in a detrimental way.

“Infusion of Matrona” was created by healers who wisely selected medicinal herbs that could have a positive effect on women. This collection not only promotes pregnancy, but also strengthens and improves the health of the expectant mother, helps to bear the fetus, and also has a beneficial effect on the birth process.

Composition of the folk remedy

What is included in the “Infusion of Matrona”? The composition of this product is chosen perfectly. The herbs that this medicine contains can be easily found in the local forest, meadows, clearings, etc.

To make a real “Infusion of Matrona”, all the necessary components must be combined in strict proportions.

So, the composition of the product in question includes:

  • Hibiscus or hibiscus tea is an excellent diuretic. It not only removes all toxins from the body, but also relieves spasms and also relaxes muscles.
  • Lily of the valley or is responsible for the intensive production of female sex hormones. During pregnancy, this component helps reduce the risk of miscarriage and eases the course of toxicosis.
  • The flower eliminates inflammation and nervous tension.
  • Wintergreen is also used for inflammatory processes. This substance normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, prevents miscarriage and eliminates toxicosis.
  • The boron uterus is the main component of the collection in question. It is very often used to treat infertility and other female diseases. It should also be noted that this plant exhibits diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Wintergreen strengthens a woman’s body and improves immunity.
  • Oregano is used as a pain reliever. It also eliminates nervous tension.

Features of collection

As you can see, “Matrona’s Infusion” consists only of natural ingredients. Its main active ingredient is This plant works well for female diseases. In addition, it is a unique addition to an herb such as evening primrose. By the way, this component is also used for women's diseases.

The combination of the mentioned substances helps to normalize the functioning and production of female sex hormones, and also has a positive effect on the nervous system and regulates the menstrual cycle.

“Matrona’s infusion” for infertility includes a complex of vitamins, amino acids and oils necessary for the proper functioning of the organs and systems of the expectant mother. This composition of the drug helps to increase immunity and improve the condition of the reproductive system.

It should also be noted that the herbal collection in question does not include synthetic and dangerous components. It contains only dried herbs.


“Matrona’s Infusion,” reviews of which are presented below, has virtually no contraindications. It is prohibited to take it only if you have an individual intolerance to medicinal plants.

It should also be said that this drug has no age restrictions. Its use requires taking into account only the dosage and treatment regimen recommended by the doctor.

Operating principle

Do you know how each herb included in the product works? “Matrona’s infusion,” according to experts, includes phytohormones that are close to natural female hormones. They are actively involved in the treatment of gynecological diseases and prepare the woman’s body for future pregnancy.

Thanks to herbs such as chamomile and oregano, the collection in question helps eliminate nervous and muscle tension, as well as normalize a person’s psychological state.

Due to the presence in the drug of components that exhibit diuretic properties, all toxins and waste are effectively removed from the body of the expectant mother.

The therapeutic effect of this drug is manifested not only in eliminating gynecological diseases, but also in creating favorable conditions for conception, as well as preventing spontaneous abortion.


“Matrona’s Infusion” is used at home by women aged 30-50 years with a terrible diagnosis of infertility. Experts report that taking this herbal remedy promotes the following results:

  • In 66% of women, the long-awaited pregnancy occurred in the 3rd cycle;
  • in 30% of women, the long-awaited pregnancy occurred 4 months after completion of the therapeutic course;
  • In 22% of women, all gynecological diseases (not severe) disappeared.


“Infusion of Matrona” can be purchased at a pharmacy at a very reasonable price. The advantages of this tool also include the following:

  • no age restrictions;
  • promotes pregnancy and restores lost women's health;
  • safety during use and absence of contraindications;
  • natural composition without chemicals and hazardous substances.

How to make “Infusion of Matrona”?

The herbal mixture in question can be purchased at regular pharmacies. However, you will not be required to provide a doctor's prescription. This is due to the fact that such a drug is absolutely safe for health. It has no side effects or contraindications.

So how should you prepare the “Infusion of Matrona”? The prescription of this medicine requires strict adherence to the following recommendations:

  • One bag of herbal mixture must be filled with 200 ml of hot boiled water. If the drug was purchased in bulk form, then it should be taken in the amount of one tablespoon.
  • Pour boiling water over the medicinal herb, cover the container with a lid, and then infuse for 7-13 minutes. After some time, the fertility drug will be completely ready.
  • The infusion should be taken one glass once a day with meals. If you find the drink bitter, you can drink it in three doses.

Method of correct use

To obtain the desired result, the medication in question should be drunk daily only in freshly brewed form.

Treatment of infertility with this remedy can last quite a long time. What is this connected with? Experts say that when taking a herbal decoction, its beneficial components can accumulate in a woman’s body gradually. Moreover, they act for a long time.

Typically, the course of taking such an infusion ranges from several months to six months. During the treatment process, you should definitely take breaks and monitor your condition.

At the beginning of the course, the infusion must be taken for 21 days. Next, you should stop treatment for 7 days. If necessary, this course is repeated several times.

There are cases when even six months of treatment with this remedy does not give the desired result. In such a situation, doctors recommend taking a six-month break. This will allow the woman’s body to rest.

In particularly severe cases, the drug in question can be supplemented with traditional medicines (as prescribed by a doctor).

Thus, we can safely say that “Matrona’s Infusion” is a unique remedy used for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases. The medicinal decoction acts quickly and gently. Its taste does not cause disgust, and its therapeutic effect does not adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is Matrona's decoction for infertility: deception and truth about the power of the herbal collection

Externally, the herbal mixture is a powdery mixture that should be prepared in portions before each use. It tastes slightly bitter and is similar in color to Chinese green tea. If you really want to, you can sweeten the drink with honey or a piece of refined sugar, although the instructions say to drink a “pure infusion.” Knowledgeable people add that each such “tea party” must also be accompanied by an internal prayer addressed to Matronushka. It will help you get into the right frame of mind, relax and calm down. Of course, the claim that Matrona’s decoction for infertility is 100% effective is a deception, but this remedy is not useless either. It is based on the properties of boron uterus - the most famous herb that restores and heals the female genital area. It was this herb that our grandmothers used to treat most women’s ailments. It is effective for inflammation, and for cysts and fibroids, and for erosion, and for obstruction of pipes, and for the so-called “aggressive environment”. In a word, the herbal set removes all the reasons why the female body resists pregnancy and facilitates the process of conception. The same applies to those cases when both partners are completely healthy and there are purely psychological barriers to a long-awaited pregnancy. Matrona's infusion removes increased irritability, allowing a woman to tune in to the right mood.

How to properly prepare Matryona decoction: instructions for use

To brew the mixture correctly, you need to get a measuring cup with a lid and patience. The course lasts 21 days, during which you should drink a freshly prepared drink three times a day. The decoction should be infused as follows:

    Pour a tablespoon of herbal mixture into 200 ml of boiling water;

    Cover the mixture with a lid and let it brew properly (7-10 minutes);

    You can wrap the infusion with a towel on top so that the herbs are properly steamed and share their healing properties;

    The resulting composition should be divided into three servings, each of which should be drunk after meals.

Each jar of Matryona's herbal mixture is supplied with instructions for use, so you simply won't be able to confuse the steps of preparing the drink. It should not be done for future use, because over time the herbs will lose their healing properties. Every day you need to brew a fresh decoction. It does not cause any unpleasant side effects, so it can be taken before bed and in the morning after breakfast. In addition, the natural composition is completely compatible with taking medications prescribed by a doctor, and can be used in combination with the main treatment of infertility or female ailments.

How effective is Matryona's infusion for quick pregnancy: reviews from doctors and personal experiences

My attempts to get pregnant ended in complete failure, both after calculating the days of ovulation, and after a course of pills, and after other artificial stimulation. My husband and I were already ready for IVF when Matryona’s infusion came to our aid, reviews of which my husband accidentally saw in a magazine while he was waiting for me in line to see the gynecologist. He suggested simply trying traditional medicine as a last chance before artificial conception. Then, it seems to me, he himself didn’t really believe in the effect. I decided to do everything according to the rules and consult a doctor first. Oddly enough, Matryona's decoction also received very high reviews from doctors. My gynecologist fully supported my husband’s desire to try the decoction for my treatment. All I could do was dutifully take the drink according to the instructions - 21 days daily, then a seven-day break, and a repeat course. During this time, I managed to calm down, relax, and enjoy the process of “childbirth” itself; I stopped running around with a thermometer and a table of critical days. As a result, I almost missed the most important moment, that is, I found out about my pregnancy only in the third week, when I was already several days late. I didn’t have any toxicosis or other troubles. The doctor assures that the herbs played a decisive role in this, they prepared my body and made sure that the pregnancy was easy and pleasant. She gave birth to the baby herself, without tears or cuts. Maybe Matrona helped again, or maybe she just set herself up correctly, but if I decide on a second one, I’ll charmingly repeat the course with a medicinal drink.

What herbs are included in Matryona's decoction: the composition of the healing drink and its properties

In addition to the boron uterus, known for its healing properties, the composition of the herbal collection for women also includes: evening primrose, chamomile, wintergreen, wintergreen and oregano. All herbs are collected by hand and subjected to special processing, without losing their natural properties. Freshly brewed decoction of Matryona, the composition of which is crushed into convenient granules, has a strong aroma and a rather pleasant slightly bitter taste. In addition to the healing effect for the female genital area, it also improves immunity, normalizes digestion, improves the condition of hair, nails and skin, and rejuvenates the body. In other words, medicinal herbs completely prepare the female body for the desired conception, including making her extremely attractive to her partner.

Borovaya uterus for fibroids and other female diseases

Matrenin decoction will be useful not only at the stage of pregnancy planning, but also for women with serious illnesses. Properly brewed herbs relieve inflammation, accelerate regeneration processes, can delay the onset of menopause and alleviate all its symptoms. The ancient recipe for the infusion has remained virtually unchanged since the time of Matronushka herself and still helps even seriously ill women. Unfortunately, sometimes even doctors give in to diseases of the female genital area and are ready to label them “infertility,” while traditional medicine treats these same ailments and allows you to get pregnant naturally. Faith and the power of nature itself are sometimes capable of real miracles.

Where can you buy Matryona decoction for infertility: price in pharmacies and on the official resource

Since herbal remedies are not subject to mandatory inclusion in the official register of medicines, they cannot always be found for sale in pharmacies. However, you can buy Matryona’s decoction for infertility at any convenient time on the official website - here. The resource works around the clock and accepts orders from all cities. The delivery is quite prompt, my order arrived within a week, and at a discount too. The only thing you should beware of is cheap fakes. This infusion is sold in original packaging, with instructions and guarantees from the manufacturer. I highly recommend trying it for everyone who is planning a happy pregnancy - it will definitely help.

Review of a herbal remedy for women who want to speed up pregnancy: characteristic features of Matryona infusion, properties, components, method of use and results, several reviews.

The content of the article:

Matryona's herbal infusion is a collection of herbs collected according to ancient folk recipes, especially for women suffering from infertility or diseases of the internal genital organs. Its uniqueness lies in the phytohormones it contains, which are close in composition to female estrogens. With regular consumption of such herbal tea, a woman’s body, in particular her genital area, heals. Matryona's infusion contains no chemical components, so it will not cause harm to health. A doctor's prescription is not required; it can be brewed at home, and should be taken regularly according to the regimen indicated in the instructions.

Price of Matryona infusion and how to order?

We ask those who bought and tried this product to improve the health of the female body to leave a review in the comments at the bottom of the article. It will be useful to other ladies! Just don’t write anything negative without even finishing the course. I don’t like it when people write reviews that they haven’t even tried the product!

Price of one jar of Matryona infusion:

  • in Russia - from 1490 rubles
  • in Ukraine - from 459 UAH.
  • in Kazakhstan - 6890 tenge
  • in Belarus - 390,000 Belarusian rubles.

Useful properties of the infusion for pregnancy

Unfortunately, it is not so rare to find childless families in our lives. And the absence of children is not a desire to be together, but not the ability to conceive. Of course, there is treatment for both female and male infertility, but how much does it help... Therapy, chemicals, even surgeries do not always bring a positive effect, but I really want children. In our time, those who have not been helped by innovative and proven methods of traditional medicine have begun to resort to one of the methods (the ancient one) more often. Women are more concerned about their inability to conceive than men. Therefore, they are more often looking for ways to be cured, to find out the reason for their childlessness, and their general state of health. Doctors can best tell you about diagnostics, but folk recipes for herbal remedies are passed down from generation to generation and are known to everyone. For example…

Matryona's infusion is a targeted collection that promotes pregnancy, where all the herbs are selected specifically to improve the health of the female genital area, to improve the ability to conceive, for normal gestation and the final result - childbirth. When knowledge in medicine was not so extensive, doctors simply noticed the effect of this or that herb or fruit on the human body, then the infusion was called miraculous in the treatment of female infertility and was called Matrenin.

The collection is completely natural. The complementary components contain phytohormones, which are similar in composition to female hormones - estrogens. A large number of them makes the ovaries work, treats old inflammatory processes and their consequences - adhesions, improves the condition of the fallopian tubes, improves reproductive function, minimizes the risk of miscarriage, and makes it easier.

Herbal infusions can be a positive addition to medications, or a good assistant in post-operative rehabilitation. Without entering into a “conflict” with the therapy prescribed by the doctor, you can speed up the fact of conception. But, you will need to contact your doctor with this question.

Matryona's infusion is easy to brew. There is no need to be afraid that you will have to infuse the herbs in a special way, then purify them and carry out some other processes. Everything is prepared like tea, but has a specific taste.

Infusion of Matryona: composition of the product

The components of Matryona's Infusion are exclusively herbs, which, when brewed, release their beneficial substances into the infusion, and then into the female body. These are the herbs:
  1. Hog queen (orthilia)- the main ingredient of the infusion for the treatment of female diseases and infertility. Its flowers, leaves and stem are healing. They have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic effects. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has officially approved this medicinal plant and its method of use.
  2. Wintergreen. Leaves, stems and flowers are used as raw materials. Wintergreen is effective for inflammation because... has a wound-healing and anti-microbial effect. Normalizes ovarian activity.
  3. Winter-lover. The leaves and stem of the plant are consumed as tea. “Matryona” has an antiseptic, tonic and restorative effect.
  4. Hibiscus or hibiscus tea. Improves the permeability of vascular walls, has antibacterial and diuretic properties, removes toxins from the body, relieves spasms, and relaxes.
  5. Chamomile flowers. Well-known antiseptic. But chamomile is often used as an antispasmodic, diuretic, and cleanser.
  6. Oregano. In addition to smelling pleasant, it has antibacterial properties, calms the central nervous system, and relieves pain.
All these herbs in Matryona's Infusion can not only be drunk, but also used as lotions. For example, if you have not consumed the freshly brewed infusion, you can wash your face with it.

Method of using Matryona Infusion for the treatment of infertility

The infusion for infertility is consumed daily and freshly brewed. Of course, this treatment will be lengthy and will require patience. Herbs act on the body by accumulating useful substances, but then release them for quite a long time.

To achieve a therapeutic effect from Matryona Infusion, you must follow the instructions for use:

  • Take one teaspoon of the mixture per glass of hot water;
  • pour in the herbs, let it brew for 3 to 5 minutes;
  • drink like tea: one glass during meals or immediately after.
If the drink is not to your taste, you can divide a glass of brewed infusion into 2 doses. But you must drink a glass a day, or you can take two.

Matryona's decoction for infertility often solves this problem. The diagnosis of infertility is being made more and more often.

Married couples constantly turn to the best clinics in order to experience the joy of motherhood and fatherhood.

Modern medicine comes up with more and more new drugs every year, one of which is Matryona’s decoction.

Composition and manufacturers

One of the most famous pharmaceutical companies in Russia has been developing this drug for a long time.

The components of this medicine have been known since time immemorial; they were used to treat female diseases, one of which was infertility.

What is included in the drug:

  • Borovaya uterus is an effective and popular remedy for improving women's health and preventing many gynecological diseases.
  • Evening primrose - helps strengthen women's health, helps cope with all health complications during pregnancy.
  • Wintergreen - very useful for heavy matte bleeding, helps to stop it.
  • Oregano – relieves pain symptoms during menstruation, helps treat many female diseases.
  • Wintergreen - normalizes the functioning of the ovaries.
  • Chamomile has a beneficial effect on a woman’s emotional state.
  • Hibiscus – stops the aging of cells in a woman’s body.

This medicine contains a small amount of essential oils, which very well protect a woman’s body weakened by pregnancy and have a beneficial effect on the emotional state.

Together, all these components enrich the body with many vitamins and beneficial microelements that are necessary to maintain many functions in a woman’s body.

Main causes of female infertility

Experts identify several main types of infertility and their causes:

  • Problems with the menstrual cycle and ovulation. In women with a menstrual cycle of less than 21 days or more than 35 days, the egg becomes incapable of fertilization.
  • Impaired functioning of the ovaries. This occurs due to poor hormone production in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Hormones are produced in the wrong quantities, which disrupts the functioning of the ovaries; the egg simply does not have time to mature, or is lifeless.

    Violation of the production of necessary hormones becomes a consequence of brain diseases, such as tumors or severe injuries.

  • Hormonal disbalance. Disturbed hormonal levels can cause absence of menstruation, or permanent death of eggs.
  • Cervical erosion. If pregnancy does not occur for a long period of time, then the uterus should be checked for erosion. First, you should remove it, and then resolve issues with infertility.

Healing properties of the decoction

First of all, this decoction helps fight infertility, or rather the factors that lead to it:

  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Adhesions and microtraumas that occur due to erosion and various damage to the uterine mucosa;
  • Inflammation and diseases of the pelvic organs, which mainly contribute to delayed conception and the inability to fertilize the egg;
  • Stress, unstable emotional state and experiences.

While taking the decoction, a woman feels harmony and peace, her emotional state is always under control. Thanks to the components included in the drug, the production of the hormone progesterone improves. This hormone helps the egg meet the sperm for speedy fertilization.

Its natural composition is known for its healing properties; these components help fight many gynecological diseases and help strengthen women's health.


The importance of correct use

How to prepare Matryona decoction at home? Along with the medicine there are always instructions for use, in which everything is described in great detail.

There is nothing complicated in preparing this medicinal drink; you need to pour one tablespoon of the decoction into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for the time specified in the instructions.

A glass of this medicinal product is divided into several parts to be taken throughout the day. It is better to consume with food, but you can also take it half an hour before meals. The dosage is most often prescribed by the attending physician, because in the fight against infertility, the factor that interferes with conception is first to be treated.

Each gynecological disease requires its own specific dose of the drug. It is produced in the same way as tea bags and is very convenient to use. One bag of decoction is intended for brewing one glass; the bag is placed in water and brewed for a few minutes.

The usual course of treatment with this drug is one month. Depending on the complexity of the disease, the attending physician may increase the course to two months.

Contraindications for use and side effects

The composition of the collection is unique in the presence of natural components, so it cannot cause any serious complications or side effects.

This medicine has no contraindications for use; any woman who has reached the age of majority can take it without fear for her health.

The absence of chemical elements contributes to the beneficial effect of the drug on the woman’s body and helps fight diagnoses such as infertility.

Nevertheless, if we analyze the effect of each component on the human body, then there are still contraindications. The decoction contains hibiscus, which can increase acidity in the stomach. People with ulcers and acidity problems should avoid using this drug.

Oregano is not recommended for use in diseases of the cardiovascular system. Wintergreen can cause low blood pressure. Borovaya uterus helps thin the blood and affects hormonal levels in the body. Therefore, people with blood clotting problems should avoid this drug.

Infertility is most often a consequence of some disease or injury.

In other cases, the inability to have children is due to the presence of a gynecological disease.

If sexual activity occurs without contraceptives for a year and pregnancy does not occur, then most likely this is infertility. Infertility is not a death sentence; it needs and can be cured.

It is necessary to consult a doctor, both women and men. After passing some tests, the doctor prescribes appropriate therapy.

Treatment should take place in both partners at the same time.

It is better to try to prevent this diagnosis through preventive measures. Women must observe the rules of personal hygiene, eat a balanced diet, avoid catching colds, visit a gynecologist regularly and treat all existing diseases.

Men should eat well, avoid promiscuity, try not to wear tight underwear, and regularly visit a urologist.

The advantage of this decoction for infertility compared to medications

Manufacturers approached the creation of medicines with great responsibility. The unique composition of the product has proven its undeniable advantages over other similar drugs, thanks to clinical trials.

Almost 89% of women diagnosed with infertility were able to get pregnant within a few months after drinking the decoction.

Herbal treatment has the following advantages over the use of synthetic drugs:

  1. Has no obvious contraindications. Herbal medicine is not as aggressive as drug therapy. Side effects are minimal. The most important thing is that the decoction does not cause undesirable effects on a woman’s health.
  2. High performance. Experts do not deny the positive effects of the decoction on the body. In those few unfortunate percentages of the total huge number of pregnant women, the decoction still helps to heal the reproductive organs.
  3. The decoction is indicated for use at any age. Only with the onset of menopause is it advisable to stop using it.
  4. Complex effects on the female body. The decoction helps not only restore reproductive function, but also avoid the development of inflammatory and infectious processes. After all, its important goal is to improve the health of the female body.

The miracle of the decoction lies in its unique composition. Here are collected the most healing herbs for women's health. Each of the plants has long been used in medicine to treat female diseases, including infertility.

The advantage of the product is that it can also be used to maintain pregnancy. The dosage is slightly reduced, but the decoction does not harm the fetus. Taking the decoction facilitates labor and helps prevent birth complications.

Use for conception

The main indication for use of the drug is infertility. The use of this infusion helps if pregnancy does not occur based on the following factors:

  1. Diagnosis of primary infertility. The woman could not get pregnant due to serious pathologies of the reproductive system.
  2. Diagnosis of secondary infertility. It is characterized by the inability of a woman to conceive a second child. The cause of secondary symptoms may be previous diseases of the pelvic organs, health problems in the husband, or incompatibility in a second marriage.
  3. Lack of an accurate diagnosis due to non-pregnancy. A complete examination does not allow a diagnosis of infertility to be made - the woman is healthy. Therefore, doctors suggest waiting and hoping for a miracle.

The course of treatment is about one month. Sometimes, for special individual indications, it is tedious to drink it for three to four months. Directions for using the decoction:

  1. One filter bag or 1 tablespoon of dry product, filled with boiled water, you need approximately 200-220 ml.
  2. You need to leave for 10 minutes and the product is ready.
  3. The recommended number of doses is once a day, with meals.

You need to drink the decoction every day and always brew it fresh. Beneficial substances from medicinal herbs accumulate in the body gradually. Therefore, prolonged use cannot indicate the low effectiveness of this collection.

The treatment course should last 21 days, then the drug should not be taken for a week. If necessary, the reception is resumed again. Treatment can last six months. If the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur, you need to rest for 6 months. Taking the decoction will benefit your health and the herbs will definitely have their healing effect. The product does not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The woman does not feel any unpleasant consequences.

The advantage of the decoction in terms of price

The decoction is created on the basis of natural ingredients, without the addition of expensive synthetic additives. And therefore it is much cheaper than medical drugs. You can calculate the benefits of purchasing a product if you compare the cost of an individual component. Each of the herbs is selected in the correct proportions, and there is no need to take any additional ones.

Composition of the medicinal collection:

  1. Borovaya uterus, the plant is popularly called female grass. It has the maximum content of useful substances for the female body. It has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, but in a gentle manner.
  2. Lily of the valley helps produce female hormones. Improves well-being during toxicosis, significantly reduces the threat of miscarriage.
  3. Hibiscus (hibiscus) is indicated for use as a diuretic. Relieves spasms, relaxes muscle tone. Removes harmful substances and toxins from the body.
  4. Oregano is indispensable in relieving nervous tension. In folk medicine it is widely used to relieve pain.
  5. Winter-loving plant, strengthens the protective immune forces.
  6. Wintergreen is traditionally used in the treatment of ovarian diseases. Prevents the development of inflammation, prevents the threat of miscarriage, and can be used for toxicosis.
  7. Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory, tonic and anti-stress plant.

We can conclude that the decoction has a relatively inexpensive price tag if you carefully consider the meaning of all its components. After all, each therapeutic effect, if it is presented in tablets or suspensions, will cost much more. It is impossible to purchase Matryona's Decoction in a pharmacy; it is sold only on the official website of the manufacturer. Most often, the product is offered at a significant discount. You can buy a unique decoction for infertility for about 1000 rubles.

The desire to become a mother is inherent in every normal woman, however, due to various negative environmental factors, the onset and birth of a child becomes a pipe dream for many.

Reproductive function is affected by the environmental situation, food quality, lifestyle, chronic diseases, etc. There are very frequent situations in which various medical methods of treating infertility are ineffective. In such cases, many women turn to folk remedies.

There is a unique remedy consisting of several well-known plants, the combination of which helps to normalize important processes occurring in the female body.

With the help of this herbal collection, you can regulate the menstrual cycle, eliminate hormonal imbalances, remove toxins from the body, get rid of inflammatory processes, etc.

You can purchase this miraculous remedy at any pharmacy and take it in accordance with the attached instructions for use. The presence of contraindications and side effects should be taken into account, as well as the likelihood of developing allergies if there is a tendency to pathological reactions on the part of the immune system.

Composition of Matryona's collection

Matryona's collection for infertility consists of the following plants:

  1. Ortilia, better known as the hog queen, is the main component of this healing mixture. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, strengthens women's health, prevents spontaneous abortion, and reduces the manifestations of toxicosis.
  2. Chamomile is a popular and effective anti-inflammatory and antiseptic remedy used in both official and folk medicine. This plant calms the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, and stimulates metabolism in the body. Copes well with inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.
  3. Wintergreen helps normalize the functions of the ovaries, eliminates the symptoms of thrush, cystitis, has a beneficial effect on digestion, and also removes toxic substances and waste from the body, cleanses it. There is also a diuretic, antiallergic and hemostatic effect as a result of the use of this plant. Wintergreen is used for the prevention and treatment of malignant processes.
  4. Evening primrose is a plant that has other names, for example, lily of the valley, primrose. It is widely used to treat female diseases such as endometriosis, and also tidies up the hormonal system, cleanses and heals the body. When taking this drug, the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly, and the risk of miscarriage becomes minimal.
  5. Wintergreen has a general beneficial effect on the body, strengthens the immune system, eliminates infections, and relieves inflammation. This plant has been used since ancient times to normalize women's health, treat genitourinary pathologies and infertility.
  6. The hibiscus or hibiscus plant, which is also called the Sudanese rose, effectively cleanses the body of waste and toxins, increases performance, strengthens the body's defenses, relaxes smooth muscles, and tones.
  7. Oregano is a good antibacterial, sedative and analgesic. Helps with insomnia, relieves emotional stress, and improves the menstrual cycle.


The infertility remedy from Matrona is recommended for use by many gynecologists, since this product contains exclusively natural ingredients without the inclusion of foreign substances. The effectiveness of herbs is evidenced by a large number of positive reviews from women who managed to improve their health, as well as conceive and bear a child.

The effects of herbs on the body's fertility

The plants that are included in the medicinal collection from Matrona are indicated for use in cases of secondary infertility caused by hormonal disorders, inflammatory and infectious processes in the reproductive system.

This natural remedy has a number of advantages in comparison with medications, having a beneficial effect on the female body. When taking these plants, not only does physical health improve, but also problems such as frigidity and hormonal imbalances are eliminated.

The healing properties of the herbal collection are explained by the fact that these plants contain phytohormones, similar in their action to female estrogens, which play a key role in the onset and normal course of pregnancy.

The unique composition of Matryona's decoction for infertility allows you to take it as an independent remedy, without the need to use medications, to improve female fertility. Herbs have a complex effect, complementing each other and activating the body’s own resources:

  • Blood supply to the uterus improves.
  • The monthly cycle is normalized.
  • The ovaries are stimulated.
  • The hormonal system is balanced.
  • The general state of health and well-being improves.

Instructions for use

The medicinal collection is available in the form of filter bags for brewing. For a single dose, you need to pour boiling water over one of them and leave for ten to fifteen minutes.

In the loose form of this product, you need to pour boiling water over one dessert spoon and leave for at least ten minutes before use.

To treat infertility, you need to drink two to three glasses of this drink every day for several months.

If necessary, the course can be repeated after six months.

You should not expect instant positive results, since each woman’s body is individual, and there are also different reasons why conception becomes impossible.

Usually the effect is achieved after 3-6 months.


The collection for the treatment of infertility is considered absolutely safe, however, there are several contraindications to its use:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Allergic reactions to plants that are part of the collection.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver.
  5. Thrombosis.

In rare cases, headaches may occur as a result of taking the drug, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and nausea.


The herbal collection from Matrona can be taken not only for treatment, but also for various pathologies of the genitourinary system, and also as a prophylactic against female diseases.

Video: Matryona infusion for pregnancy. Reviews

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