Ointment for cracks on the labia. Cracks on the labia - causes, treatment

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The appearance of wounds on the genitals is not a disease. They occur when there is a failure in one of the body's systems or in the presence of an infection. For proper selection of therapy, you need to visit a gynecologist. If treatment begins on time, symptoms such as itching and cracking will disappear. If the condition persists, it will be difficult to eliminate cracks in the labia.

Causes of wounds

If, in addition to open wounds, dryness and redness are observed, then the reasons will be as follows:

  • discomfort from panty liners;
  • increased sweating (constant wearing of trousers, summer);
  • use wet wipes if you want to freshen up;
  • washing with soap or gel;
  • wearing synthetic underwear;
  • plentiful;
  • traces of urine on panties;
  • use of ointments on the genitals.

Mechanical damage is also a common cause of clefts. We are talking about shaving, which, without the use of cream, can dry out the upper layers of the epidermis as deeply as possible.

In addition, small microcracks often appear after intimacy. The reason for this is strong friction or the use of a latex condom. If partners alternate between anal and vaginal sex, bacteria from the anus will create an environment in the vagina where germs can quickly spread.

The largest mucosal cracks and ruptures occur during labor.

Open sores may also appear between the labia. There are reasons for this that come from within.

These include:

  • current processes against the background of infection;
  • , so and ;
  • diseases transmitted during sex.

In these cases, clefts are accompanied by other manifestations such as burning, itching, irritation, and redness in the perineum.

Cracks due to candidiasis

With thrush in adults in “poor” condition, cracks are observed. This kind of manifestation is not uncommon. In men they appear on the skin at the top of the penis, in women - at the entrance to the vagina or on the labia. The fissure between the labia is an open wound, so infection gets there quickly if there are comfortable conditions for this.

With this disease, the body is weak, since the pathology appears against the background of low immunity. Therefore, it is necessary to “fight” cracks immediately, and not allow them to develop into a process that will have to be treated for more than one week.

Also, with thrush, wounds may appear, provided that it has candidiasis and is not treated. This condition is painful and dangerous, because the infection can easily pass to the baby.

How to treat cracks

If cracks appear, the direct route is to an appointment with a gynecologist. He will examine the affected area, collect anamnesis, if necessary, give a certificate for additional examination, and tell you how to treat such phenomena.

Often doctors act according to the same scheme:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • general blood analysis;
  • tank. culture for pathogenic microflora;
  • screening for major infections.

Based on the results, a diagnosis is made and treatment is selected. Treatment depends on the cause. If the culprit is an infection, then the fight will be with the pathogen. For this purpose, antiviral and antibacterial drugs are prescribed. STDs are eliminated using macrolide and penicillin antibiotics.

For cracks due to vaginal candidiasis, antimycotic medications will be prescribed. Along with strong medications, you need to take a course of probiotics and vitamins. They will restore the microflora.


It is almost impossible to get rid of wounds on the labia on your own. The drug must be selected taking into account each characteristic of the body. The medicine should not only be able to eliminate the cause of the pathological manifestation, but also relieve severe and unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, it is important to entrust treatment to a qualified gynecologist.

If you do not pay attention to the painful formation and do not carry out treatment, over time, cracks in the perineum, on the labia, and in the groin of the male may become rough.

When the integrity of the skin in intimate places is compromised, cracks appear that bring discomfort to a person. Unpleasant sensations occur when walking, urinating, tight underwear compresses the skin and, in addition to pain, a burning sensation may occur. Microcracks in the intimate area are formed due to external irritants or disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, you can quickly get rid of this problem in both women and men.

If you do not pay attention to the painful formation and delay treatment, over time the cracks in the perineum and labia may become rough.

Not only the integrity of the skin is damaged, but also the mucous layer and the anus. Then a person’s active lifestyle begins to suffer, sexual contacts are reduced, and constant discomfort causes not only physical, but also moral suffering. First of all, the specialist will look for the cause of the pathology after examining the patient.

Types of microcracks in the intimate area

Painful formations are divided into acute and chronic. If a crack has just appeared and the patient complains of sharp pain and burning, the symptoms indicate that an acute process is developing. Unpleasant sensations appear when the affected area comes into contact with clothing, during sudden movements, touching private parts and urinating.

If the damaged skin in the groin in men has become rough and turned into calloused areas, then the process is called chronic - such a formation is very hard, dense to the touch, the affected area hurts even without touching.

Causes of cracks and dryness

To determine the exact cause of a painful formation in the groin in women and men, it is necessary to conduct a series of examinations. The patient must submit a blood test, a vaginal smear, bacterial culture of discharge from the urogenital tract, urine and feces samples, and undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Often a delicate problem is caused by vaginal dryness, when mucous secretion is secreted in smaller quantities. Among the signs of pathology, in addition to cracks, there is itching, a feeling of tightness of the skin, and unpleasant discharge is less common. Dryness in women can appear at any age - among its main causes are:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • decrease in the amount of estrogen;
  • pregnancy period;
  • premenstrual syndrome (PMS);
  • various inflammatory processes.

A perineal fissure is formed as a result of infectious diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary system. The cause is diarrhea or constipation, due to which the anus is injured, resulting in severe pain, burning and itching.

The perineum may suffer from a fungal or viral infection. The anus and clitoris are also damaged, in the folds of which small microcracks will form. Often it is fungi that affect the groin of men, when, in addition to cracks, spots form on the scrotum and buttocks. , redness, rash, therefore even a small injury should be a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

External reasons

Cracks in intimate places, between the vagina and anus, occur against the background of external negative influences or internal diseases and various disorders.

Intimate hygiene

Due to insufficient care, the discharge, remaining on the skin, causes itching and then damage to the skin. Microcracks occur due to the frequent use of cosmetics that can disrupt the pH balance, including shower gel and intimate gel.

Linen made from non-natural fabrics

Synthetic fabric leads to impaired air circulation, the skin breathes poorly, dryness and cracks appear. The anal passage, perineum and vagina can be seriously damaged by wearing tight underwear, so it must be appropriate in size and made from natural fabric.

Mechanical injuries

Another reason for cracks in the labia and perineum is injury to the genitals. Active sexual intercourse and excessive physical activity can damage the skin. Anal and vaginal sex one after another leads to microcracks due to infection of the vagina with bacteria from the intestines.

Birth injuries

Mechanical damage to the tissues of the vagina and perineum also occurs during labor. To prevent organ rupture in the last month of pregnancy, you need to massage the intimate area. To avoid damaging sensitive skin, after the birth of a child it is recommended to abstain from intimacy for at least two months.

Internal reasons

Allergic reactions of the body, skin and other diseases of internal organs lead to damage to the skin in the groin in patients, regardless of gender.

Drug therapy

The intimate area may be affected by certain medications. A strong antibiotic can destroy microflora; hormonal drugs, as well as some antiviral agents, have a negative effect on tissue. In this case, the gynecologist will immediately advise you to stop taking medications and prescribe treatment to help restore the skin in intimate places.

Disturbances at the hormonal level

A crack in the perineum often forms due to age-related changes in the amount of hormones. Dry skin, thrush and other disorders lead to pain and discomfort. For example, severe drying of the integument and mucous membranes is observed with pathologies of the thyroid gland and diabetes mellitus.

Drug treatment of the disease

A prerequisite for successful treatment is to determine the causes of cracks in the genitals, damage to the skin of the perineum, and in the groin. To eliminate pain and other symptoms, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • painkillers;
  • (ointments, gels, suppositories);
  • vitamin complexes.

An important rule remains personal hygiene - you should use a special intimate gel for washing the genitals and wear high-quality underwear. You cannot do without medications for the immune system, as well as products that help eliminate unpleasant odors.

Each microcrack is lubricated with an emollient ointment; antifungal and antiviral medications may be needed during the treatment process.

To prevent the spread of infection, the damaged area is treated with a 2% chlorhexidine solution and lubricated with an anesthetic or softening gel. An effective remedy for treating damage is Agrosulfan ointment, which promotes rapid healing of cracks. This medicine is applied to clean skin in an intimate area and covered with a sterile gauze bandage.

Treatment with folk remedies

Without examination by a specialist, treatment at home cannot be carried out. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can use healing herbal remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine - with the help of decoctions and infusions, you can independently relieve the pain and itching that accompany cracks in the genitals.

One of the effective remedies used to treat small cracks is calendula infusion, which is prepared at home. You will need 1 tablespoon of dry plant extract, which is combined with 70 ml of boiling water - it is recommended to boil the mixture over low heat until the volume is halved. Lotions are made from the prepared broth.

An infusion of dandelions also gives a good healing effect.

Anti-inflammatory baths made from chamomile or string and oak bark have a softening and analgesic effect.


Proper nutrition is important, without which it is impossible to effectively treat any disease. Fatty, spicy, smoked foods should be excluded from the diet. More natural foods, vegetables and fruits will help the body cope with the problem faster.

Cracks in the perineum, on the genitals and are difficult to treat in advanced cases. The need for urgent medical examination is obvious, because the cracks become more numerous, they harden and constantly remind of themselves with pain or itching. Often, the development of microcracks is influenced by serious internal diseases of the pelvic organs and gastrointestinal tract. A gynecologist or urologist will help you find out what caused the defect and prescribe proper treatment.

Cracks in the labia appear if the integrity of the mucous membrane in women is compromised. They are formed as a result of internal or external causes. The first include inflammatory processes in the body and diseases of the reproductive system.

In these situations, consultation with a doctor and comprehensive treatment are necessary. The second reasons include extraneous factors (for example: wearing tight underwear). The wounds disappear when the irritants are removed.

What are the internal reasons

  1. The influence of medications - taking a number of medications leads to the formation of a crack between the labia or on them. Both the use of topical ointments and the oral use of tablets can cause this. These include hormonal medications, antibiotics, and pharmaceuticals for the treatment of viral infections. Some herbal preparations also provoke microtraumas (for example, daily lubrication of the intimate area with tea tree oils). After the woman stops taking the pills or replaces them with other medications, the cracks will go away.
  2. Vaginal candidiasis - thrush is known to every woman. This disease causes the active growth of Candida fungi. They begin to multiply when the immune system is weakened. With thrush, women complain not only about painful cracks in the intimate area. The disease is characterized by severe itching of the genitals and burning sensation. Copious white discharge, the consistency of which resembles cottage cheese, pain during urination and sexual intercourse.
  3. Hormonal disorders in the body - upon the onset of menopause, the skin and mucous membranes dry out significantly, as women have a reduced amount of estrogen in the blood. This provokes the formation of cracks. This group also includes diseases of the endocrine system. Thus, severe itching and cracks in the intimate area are caused by diabetes.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases – each sexually transmitted infection has its own symptoms. Often, in addition to discharge with an unpleasant odor and unbearable itching, women’s delicate mucous membranes are injured, microtraumas and cracks appear. If there is no therapy, the situation gets worse.
  5. Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin. It appears on different parts of the skin, often localized on the labia. Cracks in the mucosa are one of the signs of the disease.

If cracks appear in the intimate area, this is caused by helminthic infestation, lack of vitamins, allergies and other infectious diseases.

External reasons for the appearance

Foreign factors are safe for health. After identifying the main cause of irritation of the vaginal mucosa, its solution, the cracks go away on their own, without special treatment.

Third-party reasons include the following:

  • Mechanical injuries to the labia - often serious injuries to the labia minora and vaginal mucosa appear after childbirth and abortion. Cracks may also appear as a result of harsh sexual contact, inaccurate depilation of the skin, or damage due to exposure to latex.
  • Incorrect and untimely personal hygiene of the body - infrequent washing leads to the accumulation of discharge and urine residues between the labia in women. This causes bacteria to multiply, irritate delicate skin and lead to cracks.
  • Wearing tight underwear made of synthetic materials - artificial fabrics impede the penetration of oxygen. As a result, the skin of the labia does not breathe, which causes microcracks to appear. A similar situation is sometimes observed with panty liners or tampons.
  • Excessive use of cosmetics - constant use of intimate hygiene gels, creams and other scented products leads to dry skin. This invariably causes irritation and cracks on the labia.

What types of cracks are there?

There are two main types of pathology: chronic and acute cracks. The first ones appeared in women a long time ago, but there was no treatment, so the wounds became calloused. They cause pain even if you don't touch them.

Sharp cracks are microtraumas that have appeared recently. They cause discomfort when touched. Pathology indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in the body.

Drug treatment

If microtraumas appear, you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, collect a medical history and give directions for the necessary tests. Usually it is required to take a general blood and urine test, bacterial culture for vaginal microflora and tests for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. After receiving the results, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Therapy depends on the specific disease and what pathogens it is caused by. For viral infections, antiviral drugs are prescribed. Most sexually transmitted diseases are caused by bacteria. They are most sensitive to penicillin, cephalosporin and macrolide antibiotics.

If the cracks are caused by vaginal candidiasis or other fungal diseases, then it is advisable to take antifungal drugs.

Along with taking the main active medications, it is recommended to take probiotics, immunomodulators and vitamins.

During treatment, you should maintain sexual rest. The sexual partner of the sick woman should also be checked and undergo preventive treatment.

Home methods

You can relieve inflammation and cure cracks in the labia majora using folk methods. But they must be agreed with the attending physician.

Home methods cannot replace primary drug therapy. They should be considered as additional treatment.

  1. The most common and effective remedy is considered to be calendula lotions. To prepare the solution, take a tablespoon of dry herb. Brew it with 70 milliliters of boiling water, then evaporate over low heat until half the broth remains in the saucepan. Then cool and strain. Make lotions from the resulting product once a day. The solution quickly heals small cracks.
  2. Infusion of yarrow and dandelion. Take a teaspoon of yarrow and brew it with a glass of boiling water. Add a small spoonful of dried dandelion root. Take the product twice a day before meals.
  3. It is recommended to treat the affected areas of the labia with a weak solution of Chlorhexidine. An antiseptic with 2% active substance content helps well.

Before using decoctions of medicinal herbs, you need to check whether you are allergic to them. If you have allergic reactions, then you should not use this product.


Cracks in the labia cause women discomfort and significantly worsen their quality of life. Microtraumas hurt and itch. When the first signs appear, you should consult a gynecologist, he will find out the cause and explain how to treat the pathology.

If injuries are caused by internal diseases, then comprehensive treatment is required. If the cause is external factors, then women should eliminate the main irritants.


Cracks on the labia

Cracks and peeling on the labia cause a lot of discomfort, especially during urination, when urine gets into the wounds. Cracks represent a violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes on the labia.

The appearance of cracks is accompanied by itching, burning and swelling of the tissues. Cracks can appear on the labia majora and minora. Doctors say that the appearance of cracks cannot be considered an independent disease; it is a symptom related to a number of diseases.

  • 1 Reasons
  • 2 Diagnostics
  • 3 Treatment


The main reason for the appearance of cracks is either a malfunction of the body or one of the manifestations of the infectious process. Therefore, when damage appears, it is necessary to visit a doctor in order to accurately determine the cause of the pathology. Without this, any treatment will not give the desired result.

With the right approach to therapy, cracks disappear very quickly. If the damage is not treated, its edges will become rough and it will be extremely difficult to heal the wounds. In this case, the cracks begin to hurt even at rest, and unpleasant symptoms appear due to compactions that form at the edges. All cracks can be divided into two groups. The first includes acute forms of pathology. The second group includes chronic cracks.

The difference between the first and second types can be easily tracked. Acute cracks include those cracks that appeared relatively recently, and the process of callus has not yet begun in them. The chronic group includes cracks that appeared long ago with compacted edges. These cracks also hurt if they do not come into contact with underwear.

The reasons why the labia peel and crack can be divided into two groups. First of all, it is necessary to name factors related to external ones. Secondly, it is necessary to mention internal reasons related to the general condition of the body and reproductive system.

External reasons include:

  • violation of basic hygiene rules related to the genitals;
  • Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane can cause microcracks, for example, due to wearing tight synthetic underwear.

Internal factors include:

Any detergent changes the acid balance of the environment that exists in the labia area. At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms are able to develop rapidly. They penetrate the sweat and sebaceous glands, thereby disrupting the process of moisturizing the mucous membrane. The skin becomes dry and cracks form on it.

The situation can be easily corrected. It is enough not to use hygiene products for some time. The acidity will be restored, and with it the lubricant covering the labia. During this time, while the cracks are healing, it is necessary to wear underwear made from natural fabrics with high-quality fibers, otherwise the treatment time will increase significantly.

It is advisable that no chemical dyes are used in the manufacture of linen. Synthetic underwear prevents the skin from breathing. Because of this, cracks may appear that quickly become inflamed. Due to an allergic reaction, a defect in the mucous membrane appears.

The cause of cracks in the mucosa can be hormonal changes occurring in the body. Lack of estrogen leads to dry mucous membranes in the labia area. Due to dryness, cracks appear. Lack of the hormone leads to vitamin E deficiency. Without this vitamin, cells very quickly begin to lose water. The epidermis becomes dry, and similar changes affect the mucous membrane of the external genitalia. As a result, cracks form on the mucous membrane.


Many patients are interested in how to treat cracks in the labia. If you complain about the appearance of microcracks on the labia, you should consult a gynecologist. First of all, the doctor will begin to check the patient for infections. To do this, a smear of the flora is taken.

Then, in the absence of infection, a general blood test, urine test and blood and urine test for sugar are taken. Hepatitis is also a disease in which cracks may appear on the mucous membrane of the labia. Such patients must be tested for HIV infection.


How to treat cracks on the labia? The main goal of treatment is the speedy healing of cracks formed on the mucous membrane, since their presence on the labia causes suffering. Especially when the appearance of microcracks in the mucous membrane is accompanied by severe itching.

If the appearance of cracks is caused by infection, the woman is prescribed antiseptic suppositories and vaginal tablets. To combat thrush, nystatin and other drugs that have a similar effect are used. At the same time, drugs are used that restore the microflora of the genital organs. Additionally, vitamin complexes are prescribed, which necessarily include vitamin E.


Of the remedies offered by traditional medicine, it is especially necessary to note calendula tincture. It is used for lotions. The infusion is prepared from one tablespoon of plant material and 70 milliliters of boiling water. The herb poured with boiling water is left to simmer over low heat. Exactly half of the original volume should remain in the container. Then the resulting decoction is filtered and used for treatment. This product stimulates the healing of cracks.

A decoction consisting of yarrow and dandelion has good healing properties. But in this case, it is recommended to take the decoction twice a day, thirty minutes before meals. To prepare the decoction, take a teaspoon of yarrow and a teaspoon of dandelion roots. All this is poured with boiling water and left to steep. Chlorhexidine solution is widely used among medications. To treat the labia, use a two percent solution.

The use of herbs for treatment can cause allergic reactions, so treatment must be started with caution.


If there is a negative reaction to the infusions, you will have to stop using them. Treatment should begin as early as possible, before the edges of the cracks begin to harden. If there is a hormonal imbalance, it is recommended to take hormonal medications.


Dry skin on the labia is usually recommended to be lubricated with Bepanten cream. First of all, doctors suggest using Bepanten for treatment. This drug stimulates the process of tissue regeneration. The main active ingredient Dexpanthenol, once in the cell, quickly forms pantothenic acid, which is actively involved in wound healing.

This drug stimulates the regeneration of the labia mucosa and normalizes metabolic processes in cells. You can use the cream to treat the mucous membrane up to two times a day. Allergic reactions to this drug are very rare, so it can be freely used to treat microcracks. The drug is approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The cream is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.


Solcoseryl is no less effective in treating cracks in the labia. This drug is available in the form of an ointment or gel. This drug accelerates tissue regeneration due to enhanced synthesis of intracellular ATP. Before using the ointment or gel, you must wash yourself and only then apply the drug to the mucous membrane of the labia.

The product is allowed to be used up to three times a day. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the surface of the mucous membrane. The course of treatment lasts until the cracks are completely healed. Side effects include rare manifestations of dermatitis. In this case, treatment should be abandoned.


Cracks on the labia, treatment of skin in the intimate area in women

If a woman feels discomfort, she is tormented by unpleasant sensations in the bikini area, one of the reasons may be cracks in the labia. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to see a doctor. Such symptoms indicate a serious disease that is progressing in a woman’s body. Doctors strongly do not recommend ignoring this condition; it can be caused by various infections.

When the skin on the labia cracks, it cannot be said that this is a separate disease and occurs on its own. If you take care of yourself and start treatment when the first signs appear, you can quickly get rid of the problem. Otherwise, calloused formations will appear at the site of the cracks, which will take a long time to heal.

Itching and peeling of the labia are also symptoms of this disease. Redness appears, the skin peels off and this brings great discomfort to the girl.

Causes of cracks

There are many different reasons for this type of damage. They are divided into external and internal.

External factors include:

  1. Hygienic - when a woman does not take care of her cleanliness.
  2. Using cosmetics for the intimate area. In reasonable quantities, they help care for the skin, but if you get carried away and constantly use them in large quantities, it can be harmful.
  3. Synthetics. Mucous membranes should not be in constant contact with synthetic materials. One such example would be the constant use of panty liners. Despite their name, they are intended for use before and after menstruation, so that their unexpected appearance does not bring discomfort and problems. Doctors recommend wearing underwear made from natural fabrics.
  4. Mechanical influences. Cracks in the intimate area can occur during childbirth. During sexual intercourse, if you use poor quality condoms and lubricants (there is a risk of allergies), when partners simultaneously practice anal and vaginal sex, bacteria enter the vagina in large quantities.

Internal causes of cracks:

  1. Reaction to medications. Cracks in the intimate area appear during the use of ointments or gels, hormonal or bacterial drugs. In this case, the problem disappears on its own if you stop using this remedy.
  2. Various diseases, not necessarily sexually transmitted diseases. All diseases that provoke hormonal fluctuations, fungal infections on the body, lichen, diabetes.
  3. Predisposition to this problem. There is a percentage of women who regularly suffer from this disease for no apparent reason.
  4. Any disease that causes dry mucous membranes can cause cracks to appear.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Diagnosis is carried out by a gynecologist. It is not difficult to make this diagnosis; the doctor just needs to externally examine the condition of the skin and listen to the patient’s comments.

To determine the cause, you need to be tested for infection, have a blood test, and have your stool examined.

Treatment is aimed at improving the patient's condition. To do this, symptoms are relieved and cracks in the labia are removed.

In some cases, a minor operation to eliminate microcracks (using a laser) is prescribed under general or local anesthesia.

First you need to relieve the pain. To do this, the mucous membrane is lubricated with drugs that soften the skin and at the same time relieve pain. There are many such drugs, they are sold in any pharmacy.

The doctor prescribes a course of drug treatment. It includes drugs to strengthen the immune system and enrich the body with vitamins. They use topical preparations and various ointments. We must not forget about hygiene; this is important during treatment. During this period, it is advisable to wear underwear made from natural fibers, keep the labia minora and majora clean, and completely avoid chemicals - they can irritate the mucous membrane.

If the cause of genital fissures is infectious diseases, it is necessary to focus on eliminating the pathogen. After confirming the cause, the doctor will prescribe the necessary antibiotics. Antiseptics will also be required, which disinfect wounds and promote healing; vaginal suppositories are often used.

Cracks of a fungal nature are treated with special topical antifungal drugs. At the same time, doctors recommend restoring and strengthening microflora and immunity with probiotics.

Vaginal dysbiosis is another reason for the appearance of cracks in the labia. In this case, it is necessary to treat all inflammatory processes and get rid of pathogenic microorganisms that accumulate on the skin. Various preparations with beneficial bacteria will help with this.

Traditional methods of treatment

Like other diseases, cracks are treated with folk remedies. It is important to know and understand that without consulting a doctor and taking medications, it will be quite difficult to get rid of this problem, or this process may take quite a long time. But before visiting a medical facility, you can try to relieve the pain yourself and soften the crust that has formed on the skin. Ointments or any other topical agents that have a softening antiseptic effect will help with this. Baths with various herbs have a wonderful effect.

Treatment is aimed at:

  • strengthening the immune system so that it is easier for the body to fight pathogenic organisms;
  • getting rid of the unpleasant odor that appears as a result of heavy vaginal discharge

Boron-based ointments are used to lubricate small cracks. They make lotions and compresses based on novocaine. Decoctions of chamomile and calendula help well. Women often use calendula tincture to treat genital microtraumas.

Preparing the tincture is not difficult. It is enough to have dried calendula flowers or a pharmacy tincture. You need to mix a spoonful of dried flowers with boiled water (70 ml), and the plant extract is mixed in the same proportions. Next, the mixture is poured with boiling water and simmered over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. The finished solution must be filtered and cooled. Lotions are applied once a day.

The tincture of dandelion and yarrow roots received quite good reviews. To prepare such a remedy, you need to combine dried and crushed dandelion root with a decoction of yarrow, which was prepared previously (1 tsp per 1 tbsp of boiling water). This mixture is drunk half an hour before meals, twice a day. If you are allergic to plants, you should not take this decoction.

Preserve the beauty of your intimate area!

Health and comfort are important components of a happy and carefree life for every woman. If a woman experiences discomfort associated with peeling of the outer labia, it is time to consult a doctor. Otherwise, the skin condition will worsen, which will affect your mood and intimate life.


Treatment of fissures in the labia

Cracks in the labia are a violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. Their reasons can be both external and internal.

This is one of the manifestations of a disease, but not a separate disease. This violation is quite noticeable.

It manifests itself in the form of itching, burning, pain and bleeding. Pain is especially aggravated by various irritations, including urination and friction.

Why are the labia affected by cracks?

There are many reasons for the appearance of microcracks. Conventionally, they can be divided into external and internal.

External reasons are:

  1. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Dirt, sweat, urine and secretions accumulate in the female organs.
  2. Excessive cleanliness. If a girl is interested in chemical products for the care of delicate places. For example, soap, wet wipes, creams, shower gel, bath foams, etc.
  3. Constant contact of the mucous membrane with synthetics. This happens when you overuse panty liners (they were invented so that menstruation would not be taken by surprise, and not to be worn every day). You should try to give preference to linen made from cotton or other natural fabric (it can also be beautiful).
  4. Various types of mechanical damage. Cracks in the mucous membrane of the labia can appear during childbirth, when ruptures occur. The cause of the appearance of cracks may be banal sexual contact. If during sex you alternate genital contact with anal contact (which promotes the movement of bacteria) or use low-quality condoms and lubricants (which can cause allergies), this can cause cracks.

Among the internal reasons why cracks appear on the labia, we highlight the following:

  1. Side effect on medications. Cracks can occur due to the use of hormonal or bacterial tablets, as well as topical agents: ointments, gels, suppositories. Immediately after the allergen is removed, the cracks will disappear.
  2. Diseases. Most often, cracks appear due to hormonal disorders and diabetes. The cause may be ringworm or a fungal infection.
  3. Features of the body. From time to time, some women experience cracks in the labia due to the body's predisposition. This can happen during menstruation or pregnancy.

Most often, cracks in the labia appear in the following cases:

  • for infectious diseases (accompanied by dryness of the genital organs and redness);
  • with a lack of estrogen (which limits the production of vitamin E, which is responsible for nourishing the skin);
  • for helminthic infestation or thrush (bacterial nature of the disease);
  • with diabetes mellitus (the disease provokes dry mucous membranes, this happens quite rarely).

How to get rid of microcracks?

Treatment of cracks in some cases consists only of observing personal hygiene rules or stopping the drug that causes the allergy.

In many other cases, it will not be possible to do without identifying the cause of the disease and eliminating it. To do this, the patient is interviewed, examined, and all the necessary tests are taken. The woman is checked for the presence of urogenital infections, hepatitis, HIV, and diabetes. Actually, microcracks can be eliminated by laser surgery or surgery under general anesthesia after treating the root cause.

In order to relieve pain symptoms caused by cracks in the genital mucosa, you need to use softening painkillers. They are easily available and sold at any pharmacy. These can be ointments, suppositories or vaginal tablets.

The disappearance of cracks is facilitated by complex drug treatment. This is strengthening the immune system by taking immunostimulants and vitamins, and using topical medications, for example, boromenthol ointment. During treatment, it is necessary to observe hygiene standards, namely:

  • wear natural, clean underwear;
  • monitor genital hygiene;
  • Minimize the use of chemical products for genital care.

For treatment purposes, doctors recommend chlorhexidine. A 2% solution of the substance is used for local external use to prevent infections. Immediately after treating the mucous membrane, apply a fatty cream that does not cause allergies to the affected area.

Folk remedies to help

To speed up the healing process, you can try using folk remedies.

Particularly popular are baths, compresses and tinctures made from medicinal plants.

Calendula. For 2 tablespoons of dried calendula flowers, take one standard mug of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the flowers and put on fire. Cook until the volume is reduced by 2 times. Strain and cool. You can make lotions with this decoction once a day.

Dandelion root. First you need to make a decoction of yarrow. To do this, for 1 tsp. yarrow take 1 cup of boiling water, bring to a boil and infuse. After this, crushed dry dandelion root is added to the liquid. The broth is boiled, allowed to brew, and filtered. After this, you can drink half an hour before meals in the morning and evening.

Herbal baths will help relieve inflammation. They should under no circumstances be hot.

The bath temperature should be pleasant to the body. To prepare such a bath, take chamomile, calendula or string. Pour boiling water over one of these herbs or a mixture of them and let it brew. For 1 liter of boiling water, one tablespoon of flowers will be enough. Strain the infusion and bring the liquid to a boil. Cool to a comfortable temperature.

If cracks appear on the labia, you should immediately seek medical help. It is important to remember that the use of traditional medicine against the symptoms of the disease cannot get rid of the main cause of cracks in the labia. And if the cracks bother you for a long time, then they can no longer be cured with compresses or baths with medicinal herbs.

Vaginal dryness is a common problem in gynecology. It affects all age groups, but the largest number of complaints comes from older women. Dryness in the intimate area is an unpleasant phenomenon, accompanied by itching, tightness, hyperemia, and sometimes abnormal discharge.

Factors that provoke the development of vaginal dryness

Dryness in the vagina occurs due to insufficient production of mucous secretion by the glands and a violation of the acidity of its internal environment.

Vaginal dryness is caused by the following reasons:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. Hormone imbalances are observed during pregnancy and menopause. Insufficient estrogen production reduces vaginal secretion, causing burning and dryness in the intimate area.
  2. The suppression of estrogen production observed during the premenstrual period contributes to intimate dryness.
  3. The use of general and local medications changes the microbial landscape of the vagina during treatment. Antibacterial, hormonal (contraceptive), diuretic, and antihistamines have these characteristics. Chemotherapy and radiation exposure for cancer reduce the elasticity of the mucous membranes.
  4. The presence of an inflammatory process caused by infection with pathogenic microorganisms disrupts the acidic environment. Under such conditions, pathogenic flora actively multiplies. The appearance of purulent discharge aggravates the pathology. Structural disturbances observed in the mucosa contribute to the appearance of cracks and erosions, which often spread to the cervical canal and cervix.
  5. Existing systemic diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems are common causes of vaginal dryness.
  6. Underwear made from synthetic materials disrupts natural ventilation, causing irritation, dryness, burning and increased sweating. Synthetic sanitary pads are the most common cause of this pathology.
  7. Injury to the intimate area during surgical procedures or during sexual intercourse. The resulting wound surface leaves scars and Nabothian cysts during healing. Similar phenomena are often observed in the postpartum period.
  8. Active sex life without preliminary foreplay injures the delicate mucous membrane. The lack of regular sexual relations also contributes to impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs and a reduction in the production of vaginal secretions.
  9. An unbalanced diet, devoid of proteins of plant and animal origin, an abundance of sweets and flour, and a lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body affect the acidic environment of the vagina.
  10. The use of cosmetics with fragrances, preservatives and various additives for daily hygiene of the genital organs, if used irrationally, disrupts the natural flora.
  11. Improper insertion of hygienic tampons injures the vaginal mucosa during insertion.
  12. Contraceptive means of protection (condom) irritate the vaginal walls and contribute to the loss of their elasticity.

Any discomfort is a reason to seek help from a gynecologist. Timely diagnosis and therapy will prevent the development of the inflammatory process and the transition to the chronic stage.

Bacterial colpitis, often observed with dryness in the perineum, contributes to the involvement of neighboring organs in the source of inflammation. An untreated bacterial or fungal infection can lead to serious complications in the future.

What tests will be required?

Determining the root cause of structural changes in the epithelial layer of the vagina and the degree of production of vaginal secretions occurs using visual, laboratory and instrumental research methods:

  1. An examination in a gynecological chair is a mandatory procedure that precedes further diagnosis. During the examination, the doctor takes a smear of the discharge and sends it for further cytological examination (Papanicolaou test). For certain indications, scrapings are taken for histological examination.
  2. A general blood test and hormone analysis determine further treatment tactics.
  3. A general urine test will confirm or deny the presence of concomitant diseases.
  4. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs complements the complex of examinations.

Only the attending physician, based on the patient’s medical history and complaints, should determine the tactics of treatment and prevention. The gynecologist will explain in detail how to treat and what to do in each specific case.

Treatment and prevention

A set of measures aimed at restoring a normal vaginal environment includes the use of the following medications:

  • hormonal drugs of local and systemic (according to indications) action;
  • antihistamines;
  • sedatives of plant and synthetic origin;
  • antibacterial and antifungal agents in case of secondary infection;
  • immunomodulators.

In addition to medications, physical therapy, the use of hypoallergenic personal hygiene products, and nutritional correction have a good therapeutic effect.


The estrogen drug Estrocad in the form of vaginal suppositories gently corrects estrogen deficiency. Promotes accelerated epithelization of the atrophied vaginal mucosa. One suppository is inserted deep into the vagina at night before bed for 10-14 days. Hormonal therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician. In case of unremovable headache, the drug is discontinued. Ovipol Clio and Ovestin have a similar effect. These hormone replacement therapy products not only restore the natural hormonal balance, but also stimulate the secretion of mucous secretions from the vaginal walls and cervix.

You can increase local immunity and prevent relapses of genitourinary infections with the help of Estriol. Presented as a short-acting estrogen hormone. Intravaginal use of Estriol in the form of suppositories is prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis.

In most cases, therapy is continued for 1-2 months. In the first 4 weeks, 1 suppository is administered at night, and then they switch to a single administration every three days. Estriol is successfully used in women during menopause to eliminate vaginal atrophy and eliminate climacteric syndrome. A similar effect can be achieved by using medications in the form of a cream or gel applied with a special applicator. Divigel based on estriol moisturizes the vaginal mucosa, eliminates menopausal symptoms, and is prescribed after surgical procedures.

Other treatments

  • Plasters for external use Klimara have a similar effect. Indicated for use in women aged 40 to 60 years to treat dry mucous membranes due to lack of estrogen. By applying a patch to the area of ​​the buttocks or spine, you can get rid of estrogen deficiency in women after oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries). Like any hormonal drug, Klimara has a large list of contraindications. The treatment regimen and duration of therapy are developed by the attending physician individually based on medical history.
  • An estrogen ring can be used to directly affect the hormone on the vaginal walls. The gynecologist installs it for up to three months to prevent vaginal dryness during intimate relationships.
  • If there is a ban on hormonal drugs, you can use homeopathic remedies based on medicinal herbs. Cyclodinone (Klimadinon), Cicatridin based on hyaluronic acid improve the process of epithelization and tissue repair (elimination of cracks). The drugs are successfully used in the treatment of postpartum complications, during surgical interventions, after ionizing radiation and chemotherapy. Hyaluronic acid maintains muscle tone and restores elasticity. Effective for vaginal dryness.
  • Vagilak anti-dryness cream based on natural ingredients and lactic acid acts as a natural moisturizer during intimacy. To eliminate vaginal discomfort and prevent the appearance of wounds and cracks, gels Montavit, Ginocomfort, and Bliss are used.
  • Medicines based on phytocompositions of medicinal herbs are suitable for almost everyone, with the rare exception of individual intolerance.

Nutrition and physiotherapy

Physiotherapeutic procedures include salt and pine baths. You can eliminate dryness with the help of Dead Sea sulfide mud. If you have the opportunity to visit a balneological resort, then this is a definite plus.

A balanced diet, free of allergenic foods, preservatives, and modified additives, helps reduce treatment time. Preference should be given to natural products containing large amounts of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and fatty amino acids. Proteins of plant origin are especially useful. Soy and legumes contain natural phytoestrogens that normalize hormonal levels naturally.

Eliminating dryness during pregnancy

If dryness appears when a woman is pregnant, then the choice of a method for eliminating this pathology must be agreed upon with a gynecologist.

Local and systemic hormonal drugs are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy due to their toxic effects on the developing fetus. They need to be replaced with homeopathic or folk remedies. You can treat dryness with an oil tampon with vitamin E. Tocopherol (vitamin E) eliminates dryness in the intimate area without harming the health of the mother and developing baby. To treat vaginal dryness and cracks, it is enough to insert a tampon moistened with tocopherol for 5 minutes.

Dryness, cracks, swelling, and discoloration observed in the vagina during pregnancy usually resolve on their own after childbirth after hormonal levels are restored. Moisturizing without the use of drugs for treating the vagina involves the use of plant-based gels and lubricants. A pregnant woman's sex life is not so active as to risk her reproductive health. The modern pharmaceutical market offers a large selection of hypoallergenic products to care for the intimate area and to eliminate vaginal discomfort.

Traditional medicine

Treatment is aimed at:

  • strengthening the immune system so that it is easier for the body to fight pathogenic organisms;
  • getting rid of the unpleasant odor that appears as a result of heavy vaginal discharge

Decoctions and fees:

  • Medicinal plants contain natural phytoestrogens and have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antipruritic properties. Vaginal dryness is eliminated by douching with calendula, chamomile, and string. To prepare a decoction for douching, you will need 2 tbsp. l. calendula per 1 liter of water. Dry raw materials are poured with boiling water and brought to a boil. Then remove from heat and leave for an hour. In a similar way, infusions of chamomile and string are prepared. It is possible to create a combination of these herbs by combining their medicinal properties.

    If douching is contraindicated (during pregnancy), the decoction is used to add to a general bath. Sitz baths (20 minutes each) eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

  • Decoctions taken orally for 1-2 weeks increase overall immunity and promote a speedy recovery. A decoction made from calendula, oregano and nettle has antioxidant properties. To prepare it you will need 20 g of oregano and calendula, 60 g of nettle. After boiling the dry raw material in ½ liter of water for 2-3 minutes, it is infused for an hour. The strained broth is taken 1/3 cup three times a day.
  • In the old days, boron uterus was used for gynecological diseases. Infusion prepared from 1 tbsp. l. dry grass (hogweed) in 0.5 liters of water, drink ¼ cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment aimed at restoring hormonal balance is 10-14 days.
  • Boron-based ointments are used to lubricate small cracks. They make lotions and compresses based on novocaine.
  • Decoctions of chamomile and calendula. Lotions are applied once a day.
  • Tincture of dandelion root and yarrow. Mix dried and crushed dandelion root with a decoction of yarrow, which was prepared in advance (1 tsp per 1 tbsp of boiling water). Drink half an hour before meals, twice a day. If you are allergic to plants, taking the decoction is prohibited.

Even minor discomfort in the intimate area should encourage women not to delay a visit to the gynecologist. A competent approach to treatment and adequate therapy greatly increases the chances of success.

Cracks in the labia appear if the integrity of the mucous membrane in women is compromised. They are formed as a result of internal or external causes. The first include inflammatory processes in the body and diseases of the reproductive system.

In these situations, consultation with a doctor and comprehensive treatment are necessary. The second reasons include extraneous factors (for example: wearing tight underwear). The wounds disappear when the irritants are removed.

What are the internal reasons

  1. The influence of medications - taking a number of medications leads to the formation of a crack between the labia or on them. Both the use of topical ointments and the oral use of tablets can cause this. These include hormonal medications, antibiotics, and pharmaceuticals for the treatment of viral infections. Some herbal preparations also provoke microtraumas (for example, daily lubrication of the intimate area with tea tree oils). After the woman stops taking the pills or replaces them with other medications, the cracks will go away.
  2. Vaginal candidiasis - thrush is known to every woman. This disease causes the active growth of Candida fungi. They begin to multiply when the immune system is weakened. With thrush, women complain not only about painful cracks in the intimate area. Characteristic of the disease. Copious white discharge, the consistency of which resembles cottage cheese, pain during urination and sexual intercourse.
  3. Hormonal disorders in the body - upon the onset of menopause, the skin and mucous membranes dry out significantly, as women have a reduced amount of estrogen in the blood. This provokes the formation of cracks. This group also includes diseases of the endocrine system. So severe itching and cracks are caused by diabetes.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases – each sexually transmitted infection has its own symptoms. Often, in addition to the delicate mucous membrane being injured, microtraumas and cracks appear. If there is no therapy, the situation gets worse.
  5. Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin. It appears on different parts of the skin, often localized on the labia. Cracks in the mucosa are one of the signs of the disease.

If cracks appear in the intimate area, this is caused by helminthic infestation, lack of vitamins, allergies and other infectious diseases.

External reasons for the appearance

Foreign factors are safe for health. After identifying the main cause of irritation of the vaginal mucosa, its solution, the cracks go away on their own, without special treatment.

Third-party reasons include the following:

  • Mechanical injuries to the labia - often serious injuries to the labia minora and vaginal mucosa appear after childbirth and abortion. Cracks may also appear as a result of harsh sexual contact, inaccurate depilation of the skin, or damage due to exposure to latex.
  • Incorrect and untimely personal hygiene of the body - infrequent washing leads to the accumulation of discharge and urine residues between the labia in women. This causes bacteria to multiply, irritate delicate skin and lead to cracks.
  • Wearing tight underwear made of synthetic materials - artificial fabrics impede the penetration of oxygen. As a result, the skin of the labia does not breathe, which causes microcracks to appear. A similar situation is sometimes observed with panty liners or tampons.
  • Excessive use of cosmetics - constant use of creams and other scented products leads to dry skin. This invariably causes irritation and cracks on the labia.

What types of cracks are there?

There are two main types of pathology: chronic and acute cracks. The first ones appeared in women a long time ago, but there was no treatment, therefore. They cause pain even if you don't touch them.

Sharp cracks are microtraumas that have appeared recently. They cause discomfort when touched. Pathology indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in the body.

Drug treatment

If microtraumas appear, you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, collect a medical history and give directions for the necessary tests. Usually it is required to take a general blood and urine test, bacterial culture for vaginal microflora and tests for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. After receiving the results, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Therapy depends on the specific disease and what pathogens it is caused by. For viral infections, antiviral drugs are prescribed. Most sexually transmitted diseases are caused by bacteria. They are most sensitive to penicillin, cephalosporin and macrolide antibiotics.

If the cracks are caused by vaginal candidiasis or other fungal diseases, then it is advisable to take antifungal drugs.

Along with taking the main active medications, it is recommended to take probiotics, immunomodulators and vitamins.

During treatment, you should maintain sexual rest. The sexual partner of the sick woman should also be checked and undergo preventive treatment.

Home methods

You can relieve inflammation and cure cracks in the labia majora using folk methods. But they must be agreed with the attending physician.

Home methods cannot replace primary drug therapy. They should be considered as additional treatment.

  1. The most common and effective remedy is considered to be calendula lotions. To prepare the solution, take a tablespoon of dry herb. Brew it with 70 milliliters of boiling water, then evaporate over low heat until half the broth remains in the saucepan. Then cool and strain. Make lotions from the resulting product once a day. The solution quickly heals small cracks.
  2. Infusion of yarrow and dandelion. Take a teaspoon of yarrow and brew it with a glass of boiling water. Add a small spoonful of dried dandelion root. Take the product twice a day before meals.
  3. It is recommended to treat the affected areas of the labia with a weak solution of Chlorhexidine. An antiseptic with 2% active substance content helps well.

Before using decoctions of medicinal herbs, you need to check whether you are allergic to them. If you have allergic reactions, then you should not use this product.


Cracks in the labia cause women discomfort and significantly worsen their quality of life. Microtraumas hurt and itch. When the first signs appear, you should consult a gynecologist, he will find out the cause and explain how to treat the pathology.

If injuries are caused by internal diseases, then comprehensive treatment is required. If the cause is external factors, then women should eliminate the main irritants.

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