Senile insanity: symptoms, causes, types, treatment methods. All about insanity The first signs of senile insanity in women

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Dementia most often develops in old and senile age.

Therefore, it is important for those who care for older people to know the symptoms and treatment of senile insanity: this will help them notice the manifestations of the disease in time.

Eliminating dementia is not always possible, but the sooner treatment begins, the easier it will be to maintain the patient’s intelligence at the proper level.

What it is?

What does senility mean and who is a senile person? As a person grows older, his body wears out, and by old age, most people there is a list of diagnoses, seriously affecting their lives.

Brain activity in old and senile age is also impaired: atherosclerosis and hypertension are negative affect the condition of blood vessels, which causes chronic oxygen starvation of both the brain and other organs.

Senility- an expression common among the bulk of the population. But there is no diagnosis with this name.

Typically, senile dementia refers to senile dementia. Elderly people with this disease are often called senile, but this is also not a medical term.

Senile (or, in other words, senile) dementia- a type of dementia that develops after sixty years of age under the influence of one or more unfavorable factors.

It is characterized by the following signs: loss of previously acquired skills and knowledge, impaired ability to acquire new skills and assimilate information.

The severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the disease. Probability of developing senile dementia increases after 65-70 years: at least 15% of people over this age have a mild form of senile dementia, and about 5% have a severe form and require continuous care.

The number of people with senile dementia will increase significantly in the coming decades.

It's connected with improving the standard of living of the population: More people will be able to live into old age and old age.

Reduce likelihood The development of dementia is possible, but it is important to begin following preventive recommendations long before the age period at which the risk of occurrence is highest.

It is necessary to control diseases that can adversely affect the functioning of the brain, and regularly give yourself intellectual stress.

Causes of development of senile dementia

The main causes of senile insanity in men and women:

Also illness capable of developing against the background of AIDS, neurosyphilis, endocrine pathologies, renal and liver failure, some autoimmune diseases, Pick's disease.

As a rule, senile dementia develops either against the background of Alzheimer's syndrome, or due to vascular pathologies, or a combination of both disorders. Rest negative factors are aggravating.


The symptoms of dementia and their severity may vary depending on the severity of the disease. There are three degrees of dementia:

The severity of symptoms in dementia of vascular origin is not as significant as in Alzheimer's syndrome.

The main symptoms of insanity in the elderly:

  1. Cognitive impairment. With dementia of vascular origin, disturbances in the processes of remembering and reproducing information come to the fore; others suffer less. Alzheimer's syndrome affects all cognitive skills (speech, thinking, attention, ability to navigate in space, and so on).
  2. Delusional states. Rarely observed in the early stages of the disease. The patient begins to make delusional statements, communicate his own fears (something will happen, someone will steal something), and is able to show aggression or be offended if others try to convince him. He may blame others (they add something to his food, they want to take his property).
  3. Apathy. Interest in cognitive activity gradually fades, and patients' motivation disappears.
  4. , irritability, changes in behavior and mood. People suffering from dementia are often observed, and they are capable of losing their temper under any circumstances, even the most innocent ones.

    Other patients may, on the contrary, be tearful and overly sentimental.

  5. And other mental disorders. Many patients experience depressive symptoms (hopelessness, apathy, loss of motivation, feeling that nothing good will happen in the future). In some cases, may be observed.
  6. . Frequent headaches and sleep disturbances (insomnia, daytime sleepiness, shallow sleep) are typical.

The set and severity of symptoms depends on the characteristics of the disease.

Friends and relatives of older people It is important to notice changes in cognitive abilities(forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, decreased interest in what was previously important, mild speech disorders) and, if necessary, insist on examinations.

What looks like a normal age-related deviation can turn out to be a serious pathology.


The diagnosis is made if there is complex of symptoms characteristic of dementia, which is called “three A”):

  • aphasia(speech problems);
  • agnosia(perceptual disturbances, difficulties in recognizing faces, words);
  • apraxia(difficulties in performing sequential actions).

Additional examinations are also indicated: computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Diagnosis of dementia is carried out by a psychiatrist and a neurologist.


How to treat? The specifics of treatment largely depend on the disease or pathological condition that caused the signs of dementia, and on what additional diseases the patient has.

Features of the treatment of dementia with:

The well-being of patients has a positive effect psychotherapy. Also, as a rule, they should comply with specially selected diet.

Treatment of any type of dementia should always be under the supervision of doctors. It is impossible to cure the patient at home, so if signs of illness appear, you must go to the hospital.

The doctor supervising the treatment process will give relatives recommendations for care, to which it's important to listen. The more attentive and careful the relatives treat the patient and the more carefully they follow medical advice, the longer he will live and the more comfortable his life will be.

Before using any traditional recipes, you should consult your doctor.

It is also useful for relatives to read more information on how to care for sedentary and immobile people, purchase equipment that will help the patient feel good (handrails, non-slip mats and special seats for the bathroom, a medical bed, massagers, a wheelchair).

It is important to discuss the appropriateness of a particular purchase with your doctor.

What should relatives do?

Advice for loved ones:

Prognosis and prevention

How long do people live with dementia and can it be avoided?

Prevention of dementia:

The prognosis for dementia depends on the diseases against which it developed and on the degree of neglect. If dementia is of vascular origin, and its treatment was started on time, achieving good results or at least stabilizing the condition is more than possible.

Alzheimer's disease is incurable and will gradually progress. The majority of people with this pathology die within the first seven years.

A clinical psychologist will talk about the difference in diseases between dementia and pseudodementia:

Unfortunately, aging of the body is inevitable.

Some illnesses of older people lead them to a state where they are unable to live independently and take care of themselves. These include senile dementia.

The entire burden of problems falls on the patient's relatives.

It is especially difficult when the disease enters a late stage, a person becomes dangerous to himself and others.

Dementia (dementia) is the loss of previously acquired skills and abilities by a person and the inability to acquire new ones. The disease is a consequence of disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

According to statistics, every third elderly person on Earth suffers from this disease.

At the initial stage, the patient does not lose everyday skills and can live independently. In the later stages, the patient becomes completely asocial: he cannot eat, wash, or dress himself.

It becomes difficult for relatives to be side by side with such a patient.

Unfortunately, the process is irreversible. Relatives will have to accept that the patient’s condition will only worsen.

If loved ones do not have financial or housing problems, this greatly facilitates caring for the patient. Otherwise, the situation becomes catastrophic.

What should relatives do if their loved one has been diagnosed? First of all, it is necessary to choose the right tactics of behavior and organize the life of a sick person in order to alleviate his condition and not fall into depression.

Arrangement of living space

As long as a person is able to take care of himself, he can be left alone. Wherein it is necessary to ensure the most comfortable and safe living conditions:

Nutrition, daily routine

The patient should always have enough food and dishes ready to eat.

A person can no longer prepare food on his own, but can warm it up in the microwave, so food must be placed in containers in advance so that it can be easily reheated.

Pre-cut bread, cheese, and vegetables so that the elderly person does not have to use a knife. Buy unbreakable dishes.

A daily routine will help make patient care easier. It is necessary to teach the patient to go to bed, eat and walk at the same time.

Social adaptation

Often relatives try to limit the patient’s communication with other people by locking him at home. It is not right. At the initial stage, such patients can still communicate, this helps them postpone the severe stage of the disease.

Sick need to walk in the fresh air, do as much physical exercise as possible. If possible, they should attend clubs and clubs for the elderly.

This has a positive effect on their psycho-emotional state and prevents insomnia.

Fighting wandering

People with dementia are prone to wandering and wandering. At the same time they have poor spatial orientation, forget the way home.

They may get lost or get hit by a car. Interesting activities and hobbies will help prevent this.

Need to warn neighbors so that they report that the patient has gone outside. It is better to purchase a special bracelet that will signal all movements of a person.

Way out - hire a nurse with medical education. She will feed the patient, give him food on time, help him perform hygiene procedures, and accompany him on walks.

Often patients reach such a state that they become dangerous to themselves and others. They have attacks of aggression, hallucinations occur, they can attack their relatives.

Then the best solution would be to place the patient in a medical facility that specializes in caring for patients with dementia. This will maintain spiritual balance among relatives and prevent nervous breakdowns and depression.

How to communicate with patients

People diagnosed with dementia find it very difficult to communicate. They are capricious and offended. Often, they experience persecution syndrome: it seems to them that those around them want to rob them, poison them, or take away their property.

How to deal with depression in loved ones

Constantly being around an inadequate person for a long time can lead anyone to depression and a nervous breakdown. To prevent this from happening, relatives need to follow several recommendations:

You cannot make a sick person the master of the situation. It is important to build his life according to the schedule of healthy family members. At an early stage, patients are still able to perceive what is said to them.

At a later stage, when the patient has already become completely insane, it is worth placing him in a hospital or boarding house. All the same, nothing can be done to help him, but it’s possible to save his nerves and family relationships.

Dementia is an incurable disease. The average patient is 8 years old.

To date, there are no drugs that can prevent the development of dementia.

It is not so much the patient himself who suffers from the disease as his relatives. There are frequent cases of depression and nervous breakdowns in loved ones of a person with dementia.

Proper organization of the patient’s life and living conditions can alleviate his condition and minimize the negative manifestations of the disease.

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    Hello! my mother died in 2016 with dementia, she lived for 11 years, she was still a diabetic, we lived with her alone when she got sick, I tried to have the children live separately from us, of course they came to visit \I have three of them\ they helped buy her, she was still on crutches, she had a fracture hip neck after that and this dementia appeared, now I myself am all sick in the 1st group of disability, I walk poorly, but I still try to move more, but I couldn’t take it somewhere, how will the children think about me after this? I still remember her often and I’m crying, I’m going over everything in my memory, I’m blaming myself for her death, that I did something wrong, maybe I should have done it differently, although the children persuade me that she was already 89 years old, she was too late for me, I’m still 62 years old, I don’t know, maybe it will be easier in the future While she was alive, I had sinful thoughts that she would sooner die, and after her death I still cry and say let her still live, even though now I live more easily with my youngest daughter, but this will happen to everyone who loses a loved one, tears of wine etc.

    My dad is 73, diabetic, his kidneys have failed, I take him for dialysis, dementia began to progress after his kidneys failed quite quickly. At first they thought it was a stroke, they took me to the ambulance with difficulty and did an MRI. I sincerely sympathize and understand everyone who has the same problems. A man with a partially amputated foot and severe osteomyelitis, which we slow down with antibiotics during attacks of aggression, runs without crutches, runs away from home, wants me to always sit with him. If I leave home, he goes outside to look for me (luckily we live in our own house). He eats all the pills he can find, I hide them all and give them away, so he drinks and a minute later he says that he didn’t drink anything, asks for more, says we want to take him to the next world. Glitches like a pair of glasses are considered slippers, a cup is considered a cucumber. I can no longer carry it on myself to dialysis. I carry 100 kg of it on myself. The back no longer straightens. He forgets that he is sleeping and doesn’t remember anything. For half a year, the person has deteriorated and is only getting worse day by day.
    What is the choice of relatives? To live with the fact that you are sending your father to a hospital so as not to go crazy yourself and to preserve your children’s sanity. Or ruin yourself completely. Relatives ask him to stay at home and be with him. Thanks to my mother who can barely walk but helps a lot.

  • Listen, I have a mother with dementia, I read you and understand that I’m still lucky. I found out in social security that you can ask to call a commission that will reveal the severity of the disease and you can, without incapacity, place the patient in a mental hospital. I’m not ready yet. ,But ….

    If the person caring for him does not have anything that would make him happy and give him strength, then his life is truly hell... If there is something to switch to, you must urgently distance yourself from the patient. Even though this is a dear, close, beloved person. Carry out mechanical care. It’s good if you can arrange guardianship or simply receive a pension on a card for an elderly person. You can convince yourself that you are at work, even if you don’t like it, but you have to do it. If you don’t have your own family to switch to, you urgently need to start a hobby, a dog, a gym, read books - in general, immerse yourself somewhere so that these diapers, poop on the walls and in pockets, and verbal heresy are not perceived so acutely. This is very difficult, but you need to pull yourself together, you need to take care of yourself, take care of your salvation, in the end there is no way you can help dementia patients. Yes, and another great consolation is prayer. The temple becomes calmer. Very often people feel anger at a patient with dementia, but this is not anger towards him, it is anger at the disease, at their powerlessness in front of it. This is where prayer is very calming and helps. Hold on, don’t lose heart, this will all pass.

  • Everything in the article is written correctly! Only those who have never encountered such a situation with their relatives are almost unable to understand it. Because it is difficult to imagine a situation when your parent (mother or father), whom you have known from the first minutes of your life, whom you have always considered adequate (maybe strict, maybe even harsh, rude, but still adequate), suddenly, or gradually, but imperceptibly for those who are nearby, they become sooooo strange. Inappropriate behavior, incomprehensible claims and grievances, spontaneous, unfounded aggression - sometimes they even get into fights, wander around at night, and in the evening, when you come home from work, they say “good morning” to you, which means the next endless sleepless night. Fear for the taps (so as not to flood the neighbors), for the stove (so everyone could fly up into the air), knives, sharp objects - how to hide all this in the apartment, but then where to live?... No, a person who does not understand this cannot understand I saw my relatives like this...Only specialized round-the-clock care from a professional can save the situation, otherwise it is completely unknown who will be “sicker” and who needs to be saved first, the one being cared for, or the one who is caring...Yes, here’s another trick - such a person considers his relatives to be his “servants”, who, as he believes, are obliged to fulfill all his demands..., but with “non-relative” people they behave more adequately (I noticed this phenomenon, maybe this is just an isolated case?). The most humane approach: professional care in specialized institutions, where the entire environment has already been prepared in advance, where there is no fear that a person with dementia will harm either himself or others. After all, providing the right care is true care for a person suffering from dementia. In our society, it is not yet customary to speak loudly about such situations, so most often a person whose relative is diagnosed with dementia tries somehow not to talk about this problem, tries to somehow solve it on his own, and this almost always means poor quality and unprofessional... . And judging by the statistics that every 3 people are susceptible to this disease, it’s time to talk about the problem on a national scale.

    Good afternoon, I understand you perfectly, I’ve been living in the same hell for 5 years now, considering that I’m 33, I have a small child and a husband, my mother has to shave, live with her grandmother alone, I have to go through all this, so everyone lives together and we’re all going crazy , I especially feel sorry for my son, for him all this is already the norm... but I can’t quit, I’m very sorry for my grandmother... but my nerves are already at the limit, I already called an ambulance once, my hand began to go numb... the doctors say about the grandmother, what do you want... and meanwhile she is already hallucinating, she speaks loudly to someone all night, and during the day she cannot formulate a single word... only those who live in this can understand this... she herself is strong, she is 85, and her blood pressure is like that of a young person. So, we don’t have to wait for anything, we’re just living in hell and that’s all... to the previous commentator, hold on with all your might, there’s only one life, that’s how we’ve been given to live, we don’t have to end it because of this, someday it’ll all be over and you can live in peace...

  • The article fully reflects what is happening... For me specifically, the situation is hopeless. I have to wait, or I will go crazy, or she will do something at home. To be with a patient for days (even though the mother is 78 years old) who does not consider herself sick is simply unbearable. For some year, it took away 20 years of my life. I became disabled by accident, I’m still in a wheelchair for 1 year (I can only move around the apartment, there’s nothing equipped for travel - I’ve been wheeling like this for 3 years now (numerous broken legs - for information - 7 years in total), (you have to do operations, but you can’t leave her unattended). Ask about social security... - it’s not there, just the name, you can’t get through by phone. I called the local internist twice urgently, and never came. I don’t even mention the neurologist It seems like this year, the year of the volunteer, I didn’t see any help from anyone. Just bragging and self-exaltation of our leader. I am writing and I regret that I came to Russia from Tajikistan (in 1994, they left the war (forced migrants), too They hoped that they would help, the state wouldn’t give up... No help... We survived as best we could. We somehow rose from scratch, at least earned an apartment so as not to live in a garbage dump). All the words are in our unshakable. I saw volunteers only on TV at the stadium, in real life they don’t exist (maybe it’s only here in Vologda?). In short, I digress, patients with dementia should be immediately isolated from healthy people at the first signs of illness, so as not to spoil the lives of healthy people. Living with them is HELL. God forbid anyone should live with this... Well, I... if nothing changes within 2 months, I’ll do something to myself, there’s no way out. Of course I feel sorry for myself, even though I look much younger than my age (49 years old), that means fate... P.S. It’s surprising that there wasn’t a single response to such an article, because everything was said exactly. This means that in our state everyone is healthy and living healthy. This is how our “last long-suffering” begs for compliments. Health to everyone.

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Marasmus is a pathological process of complete degradation of psychophysical processes, extinction of cognitive functions. Accompanied by brain atrophy, irreversible changes in human tissues and organs. Among doctors, the disease has a common name “tabes”, reflecting the ongoing process of exhaustion and withering. The disorder begins gradually, the risk group is people over 60 years of age. There are several types of insanity:

  • presenile (premature, presenile);
  • senile (senile);
  • nutritional (in children and adults, due to insufficient protein intake in the body)

What is senile insanity?

Senile insanity is the final and irreversible stage of senile dementia or senile dementia. The diagnosis is made only after 60 years of age, the incidence of the disease is high from 10 to 35% in all cases of mental disorders. The irreversibility of mental functions in dementia complicates the course of the disease and complicates treatment. Features of female insanity:

  • occurs 2 times more often than in men;
  • symptoms are more pronounced;
  • delusional disorders.
  • less susceptibility due to shorter life expectancy compared to women;
  • disorders progress slowly;
  • hypersexuality and increased excitability.

Causes of senile insanity

Insanity in old people manifests itself more clearly when there have been demographic holes in different countries for several years. The predominance of the elderly part of the population clearly demonstrates the fact that dementia is a common phenomenon, requiring the development of social and health programs that would help people, when the first alarm bells appear, begin to take measures to reduce destructive processes.

Causes of senile insanity:

  1. Marasmus and Alzheimer's disease - a close relationship between the neurogenerative disease identified by A. Alzheimer and the occurrence of marasmus was confirmed back in 1910.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Somatic diseases (pathologies of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, hypertension).
  4. Oncology.
  5. Prion proteins are foreign proteins of animal origin that come with food that can penetrate the human nervous system and destroy it and the immune system.
  6. Use of psychotropic drugs.
  7. Pick's disease.

Senile insanity - symptoms and treatment

Senile marasmus is a severe multiorgan pathology, which is the final stage of senile dementia. For several years, the body has been subjected to destructive pathological changes, and marasmus is a deeply serious condition with pronounced symptoms. Treatment of advanced dementia does not bring results and is aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition, so it is important to consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease.

Senile insanity - symptoms

Most people in society know who senile people are, due to the high frequency of the disorder. The disease manifests itself in all its glory after 60 years. Early manifestation worsens the prognosis and all symptoms develop at lightning speed; late occurrence suggests slowly progressive changes extended over time. Signs of insanity:

  • worsening negative character traits (a greedy person becomes a stingy miser, sloppiness turns into a complete lack of self-care);
  • increased egocentrism - the need to control everything and everyone increases;
  • women experience delusional disorders (complain that their relatives want to poison them or rob them);
  • indifference and callousness towards others;
  • there is a desire to walk through garbage dumps and store the trash you bring at home;
  • uncontrolled appetite;
  • memory disorders (dates, events, recognition are erased from memory);
  • disorientation in space;
  • cachexia – severe exhaustion.

How to treat senile insanity?

Senile is a person in need of maximum care, care and treatment. An important condition is to ensure the following regime:

  • a cozy, familiar and familiar environment for the patient (it is not recommended to transport a person to unfamiliar, even better living conditions);
  • encouraging physical activity (participation in cleaning, cooking, simple household chores);
  • daytime nap;
  • walking in the park together with the patient;
  • eating foods rich in proteins, microelements and vitamins (fish, vegetables, herbs, fruits).

Drug therapy is mainly symptomatic and aimed at treating the underlying disease:

  1. Neuroprotectors – nootropil, mexidol, cinnaresin.
  2. Calcium antagonists – verapamil, Cerebrolysin, Dilgart.
  3. Antidepressants - azaphene, tryptophan, preparations based on St. John's wort.
  4. Antipsychotics - clozapine, haloperidol, dicarbine.

Senile insanity - what should relatives do?

A senile person is a person in need of careful care, care and observation. A huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of relatives, which requires high physical, moral and emotional endurance. What should relatives do if their loved one has fallen into insanity? Recommendations:

  • creating comfort;
  • first aid kit, cutting and piercing objects - put them in inaccessible places;
  • control of medication intake;
  • purchase a bracelet on which information about the patient suffering from insanity will be written (full name, age, address and telephone number of the relative);
  • post instructions for the patient throughout the apartment;
  • take care of drawing up a will;
  • in case of strong irritation with the patient, remember that once it was a loved one who became a “child”;
  • turning the patient's relatives to a psychologist will help to see the situation in a different light.

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Marasmus - symptoms, causes, signs

The dulling of a person’s psychophysical activity, which occurs as a result of necrosis of the cerebral cortex or natural aging of the body, is called marasmus.

Senile insanity begins to actively manifest itself after 60 years, but nutritional insanity can occur at any age if the body’s tissues receive insufficient energy and protein. Both types of marasmus lead to irreversible disorders of the brain and other organs and systems.

  • genetic predisposition;
  • diseases leading to depletion of the body, for example, prolonged diarrhea and vomiting, syphilis, multiple ulcers throughout the body, malignant tumors, chemical poisoning, paralysis, syphilis, etc.;
  • malnutrition, which often leads to the development of marasmus in children of different ages;
  • aging of the body;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

Signs of insanity can appear at any time, but not always the patient himself; his relatives and friends immediately pay attention to some changes in the person’s appearance and behavior, attributing this to a quarrelsome character, poor diet, etc.

  • rapid weight loss;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • flabby pale skin with a gray-greenish tint;
  • fatigue and loss of strength;
  • poor memory;
  • blackouts;
  • chest pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • the advanced form is manifested by deafness and blindness, anemia, mental retardation, and hair loss.

The process of development of the disease from initial signs to complete dementia takes 5–8 years.

How to determine the presence of insanity based on symptoms

People around should be wary of changes in a person’s judgment and lifestyle. Responsive and active earlier, he becomes angry and intolerant of other people, grumpy and suspicious, there is nostalgia for his former life, although in the present time the person may live better than before. Patients with insanity, despite changes in character for the worse, are easily influenced by others and can do things that were previously unacceptable.

The disease is also characterized by a tendency to vagrancy, sexual perversion, increased appetite, and collecting unnecessary things. People gradually forget all their skills and abilities, their vocabulary catastrophically decreases, and they experience disorientation in time and environment.

It is impossible to completely cure a person of marasmus, but in the early stages it is possible to stop the development of the disease with the help of medications and proper nutrition.

Senile insanity: symptoms and treatment

Senile insanity - main symptoms:

  • Speech Impairment
  • Memory impairment
  • Tearfulness
  • Depression
  • Behavior change
  • Anxiety
  • Auditory hallucinations
  • Visual hallucinations
  • Impaired logical thinking
  • Change in personality psychotype
  • Disorientation in time
  • Deterioration of orientation in space

Senile dementia (senile dementia) is an age-related disease that is characterized by deterioration of cognitive abilities, decline of psycho-emotional activity and general exhaustion of the body. People who have suffered or have cardiovascular diseases are more susceptible to this disease, however, there are no exact reasons for the development of this disease. It should be noted that in most cases this is an irreversible pathological process, which is most often diagnosed in people after 65 years of age. Premature marasmus also occurs, which can be caused by certain pathological processes or injuries to the head and central nervous system. Treatment of senile insanity should only be prescribed by a doctor; the issue of hospitalization is decided individually.


The exact cause of senile dementia has not been identified, but clinicians identify predisposing primary and secondary factors for development. The first group includes the following:

Genetic predisposition is also no exception. Secondary etiological processes include the following:

  • previous autoimmune diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies, including those of a congenital nature;
  • oncological processes in the brain;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • severe intoxication, including alcohol poisoning;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • head injuries;
  • frequent stressful situations, constant nervous tension.

It should be noted that senile dementia can be caused by several causes. You need to understand that none of the above provoking factors should be regarded as a 100% predisposition to the development of senile insanity. In this case, much depends on the characteristics of the body and the person’s life history.


As the pathological process develops, three stages of development of senile insanity are distinguished:

  • first or initial - intellectual abilities deteriorate, but the person retains basic skills, there are no problems with long-term memory;
  • second - intellectual abilities disappear, a depressive state increases, and there may be problems with memory. Hygienic skills are maintained;
  • the third is complete insanity, the patient cannot take care of himself, and there are problems with long-term memory.

In most cases, at the third stage of development of senile marasmus, signs of cachexia, that is, exhaustion of the body, are observed. In this case, any third-party disease can lead to death, since the immune system is very weakened and metabolic processes in the body are disrupted.


The initial signs of senile insanity, as a rule, are not clearly expressed and can manifest themselves in the form of slight memory deterioration and absent-mindedness, which can be attributed to natural physiological changes due to age. As the pathological process worsens, the following symptoms of senile insanity may occur:

  • memory disorders - in the initial stage, the patient may forget events that occurred recently. As the disease worsens, problems with long-term memory begin;
  • changes in the behavior and psychotype of the individual - the patient develops character traits that were not previously characteristic of him;
  • violation of logical thinking;
  • problems with orientation in space and time;
  • speech dysfunction;
  • depression, increased anxiety, tearfulness, for no apparent reason;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations.

If you have such symptoms, you need to seek help from a doctor, in this case a neuropsychiatrist.

Ignoring this symptom or improper treatment can lead to complications and even death. Therefore, complex therapy is required. In most cases, treatment is palliative, since this pathological process is irreversible.


If you have the above-described clinical picture, you should contact a neuropsychiatrist. As a rule, additional consultation with a psychiatrist is required.

The diagnostic program may include the following:

  • psychological tests;
  • electroencephalography;
  • Ultrasound of cerebral vessels;
  • CT and MRI of the brain.

It should be noted that in most cases this disease is diagnosed already in the second or third stage of development.


In this case, we are talking only about maintenance therapy, since it is impossible to completely cure this disease. All medical measures are aimed at inhibiting the development of death of brain neurons and improving the patient’s quality of life. If your health condition allows, treatment can take place at home. However, you need to understand that such patients need almost constant care and supervision.

Drug therapy may include taking the following drugs:

  • nootropic (in the initial stages of disease development);
  • antidepressants;
  • small doses of tranquilizers;
  • sleeping pills.
  • sedatives.

The dosage and regimen of taking such medications can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Unauthorized use of such drugs is strictly prohibited.

In addition to taking certain medications, general recommendations should be followed:

  • All dangerous objects should be removed from the patient’s access;
  • Whenever possible, the patient should be involved in physical exercise, communication with relatives and close people;
  • Every day, especially before going to bed, you should take walks in the fresh air.

You should also pay attention to the patient's nutrition. The diet in this case implies the following:

  • Heavy foods should be excluded from the diet - fatty, fried, overly seasoned;
  • nutrition should be balanced;
  • food consumption should be frequent (at least 4 times a day), but in small portions and with an interval of 3 hours between meals;
  • if the patient has signs of cachexia, then the consistency of the food should be liquid or puree.

What is senile insanity and how to treat it correctly, only a neuropsychiatrist or psychiatrist can say. It should also be understood that it is important not only to comply with all the doctor’s recommendations, but also to the psycho-emotional situation of the patient.

Depending on the stage of development of the disease, the attending physician may prescribe a course of psychotherapy, which will help the patient restore or form certain behavioral reactions. However, at the third stage of development of the disease, this is no longer advisable.


As such, there is no prevention of senile marasmus, since the exact etiological factors of this disorder have not been established. You can reduce the risk of developing this disease by practicing the following:

  • elimination of stress, psycho-emotional stress;
  • prevention of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • proper, nutritious nutrition;
  • sufficient rest, moderate physical and mental stress;
  • timely and correct treatment of all diseases;
  • avoiding excessive alcohol consumption.

In addition, you need to systematically undergo preventive medical examinations and seek medical help if you feel unwell, and not carry out therapy at your own discretion.

If you think that you have senile insanity and the symptoms characteristic of this disease, then doctors can help you: a neurologist, a psychiatrist, a psychotherapist.

We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which selects probable diseases based on the entered symptoms.

Encephalopathy of the brain is a pathological condition in which, due to insufficient supply of oxygen and blood to the brain tissue, the death of its nerve cells occurs. As a result, areas of decay appear, blood stagnates, small local areas of hemorrhage form, and edema of the meninges forms. The disease mainly affects the white and gray matter of the brain.

Vascular dementia is an acquired disease that is characterized by mental disorders, namely, the patient’s intelligence deteriorates and social adaptation disappears. This happens due to brain damage as a result of certain diseases.

Ovarian depletion syndrome (syn. Ovarian insufficiency, ovarian failure, premature ovarian depletion, hypergonadotropic amenorrhea, endocrine infertility, premature menopause) is a pathological condition characterized by the cessation of the functioning of such organs in women under 40 years of age. It is noteworthy that the onset of the disease is not preceded by disruption of menstrual or reproductive function.

Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative brain disease that manifests itself in the form of a progressive decline in intelligence. Alzheimer's disease, the symptoms of which were first identified by Alois Alzheimer, a German psychiatrist, is one of the most common forms of dementia (acquired dementia).

Dementia defines an acquired form of dementia, in which patients experience a loss of previously acquired practical skills and acquired knowledge (which can occur in varying degrees of intensity of manifestation), while at the same time a persistent decrease in their cognitive activity. Dementia, the symptoms of which, in other words, manifest themselves in the form of a breakdown of mental functions, is most often diagnosed in old age, but the possibility of its development at a young age cannot be ruled out.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

Reproduction of materials is possible only with the permission of the administration and indicating an active link to the source.

All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation with your attending physician!

Questions and suggestions:


Senile marasmus is the final stage of another disease that has a single name, namely senile dementia. Since this stage of the disease is final, it brings with it absolutely unchangeable consequences and leads to the absolute and complete destruction of the core of the personality. For the individual and for the family of a person with senile dementia, this is a sad tragedy, since such people miss out on all the new events that occur during their life milestones. These old people do not have the opportunity in their old age to look after their grandchildren or give advice to their children. They themselves require maximum care and supervision. Every day they are filled with difficulties, which is a massive test in courtship.

Senile insanity - what is it?

Each person forms his consciousness and thought patterns according to similar canons. Knowing this is very important because it allows you to identify pathology at the very early stage. In old age, any personality is susceptible to involution, but its severity differs significantly, depending on the person. And here the doctor must take on the important responsibility of distinguishing normal from pathological involution. In the case of senile insanity, it will manifest itself in the form of an extremely pathological process that completely changes the habitual structure of any person susceptible to such a problem.

This pathology is relevant for people of senile age. In general, in psychiatry, a division of ages is accepted, slightly different from general standards: mature age is considered up to 45 years, after that it is already presenile, or presenile, but after 60 years it is already senile or senile. Therefore, it is possible to call senile insanity only if the person is over 60 years old; before that, such a diagnosis cannot be made; one must look for some reason, either organic, or trauma.

Senile insanity occurs in women half the time more often than in men; it manifests itself with pronounced symptoms and progresses quite quickly. But in general, there is a characteristic pattern: the later senile insanity occurs, the greater the person’s chances of continuing a relatively normal life. The course of senile insanity is more severe in the case of an earlier onset. This is obvious, since the average life expectancy of people with senile insanity is ten years, so at a later age the progression is no longer so noticeable, because in our time at 60 years old, many individuals are still able to work.

Senile insanity occurs much less frequently in men and this can be explained by the fact that men have a shorter life expectancy. Many simply do not live to see senile insanity. It’s not for nothing that in the old days people didn’t even know about the problems that senile insanity brings. In our age of long life expectancy, senile pathologies are becoming increasingly relevant, especially in psychiatry. This is explained by the fact that the mass proportion of old people is increasing in the population, which leads to the need for special institutions that will allow them to support such problematic patients.

Senile insanity is pronounced dementia, manifested in complete decay and loss of former personality. This pathology belongs to the register of psychiatric problems and is diagnosed by it with the help of a psychologist. At the same time, any contact with others and the world changes greatly. Over time, basic skills are lost in all areas of activity and life. Over time, mental changes also occur, which can often pose a danger to the family and the environment. This is all an irreversible process, which is why timely diagnosis is so important. If you seek help in the initial stages with insignificant atrophy, then doctors have a chance to stop this process.

Causes of senile insanity

The fundamental basis of senile insanity is the occurrence of some process associated with organic matter. It is important to understand that not a single senile insanity manifests itself against the background of complete health; there is always some hidden microorganism. Most expressive somatic problems manifest themselves as a factor that aggravates or reveals pathology that is already present in a latent form.

Senile insanity, like any dementia, is not congenital, it is an acquired problem. The fundamental factor in pathogenesis is old age, and pathological one, which is introduced into the structure of the organism level, leading to its aging. Poor heredity can also worsen the course, but there is no reliable information about the hereditary transmission of this disease. According to recent studies, there is some correlation with the appearance of senile insanity in close relatives.

The body of an elderly person is very susceptible to the variety of somatic ailments that haunt us, and in old age these diseases also pose a huge risk of triggering senile insanity. Some diseases that develop extracranially, in their time period, move to the intracranial level, which leads to pathological blood circulation in the cerebral vessels and, accordingly, tissues. The most prognostically dangerous are pathologies with circulatory disorders, problems with the functioning of the heart and nervous system. Rheumatological pathology is incurable in its multitude at this stage of study, and due to its polymorphism, it has many manifestations, including marasmus. Neoplasia of any localization can also manifest itself with such an unpleasant effect as marasmus, even if the tumor has not affected the brain tissue, since neoplastic intoxication greatly affects it.

The influence of immunity on all body processes has long been attested by many scientists; senile insanity is no exception. After all, there is irrefutable evidence that says: immunity declines in old people, and this, naturally, affects its work. One of the modern theories is about the production of autoantibodies against one's own neuronal cells. Accordingly, the immune system destroys its own cellular formations, which over time leads to loss of brain functions. Diseases that greatly affect the immune system include a new type of prion diseases that can penetrate the system of nerve cells and slowly destroy it. These prions enter our body with foreign proteins from foreign animal food, so fasting days without meat are very favorable for the elderly body. Subtypes of senile marasmus include Lewy body dementia, which is partly associated with immunity.

If we delve deeper into the pathogenesis of specific senile marasmus, then the primary link is atrophy of brain tissue, especially the cortex. The source of any degeneration is atrophy. Since senile insanity is based on organics, or at least microorganisms, many injuries, general poisonings and infections lead to the disintegration of brain cells. HIV is also very active in triggering such pathologies, as well as a variety of endocrinopathies. Alcohol is a powerful toxin for our brain, which destroys many neural cells and their connections. Thus, over time, any abuse of psychotropics leads to brain degeneration followed by senile insanity.

It is impossible to dismiss secondary senile insanity, which began to make itself especially active in the last century. All specific, often neurological pathologies affecting the structures of the cortex. Alzheimer's disease and Pick's disease, the difference in their similar symptoms is in the damage to different structures; with the first, the parietal and temporal are affected, and with the second, the frontal, which differs significantly in the clinic. Vascular diseases are fundamental to senile insanity. This is due to the massive incidence of these diseases, because it is known that atherosclerosis and hypertension do not spare anyone.

Symptoms and signs of senile insanity

The disease senile marasmus becomes noticeable at ages after 60 years. As in any science, there are exceptions here, then this unpleasant pathology affects people by the age of 50, or even earlier, in some cases even very young people are affected. According to observations, the onset of the problem has its course; the earlier such a severe illness manifests itself, the less chance there is of a favorable outcome. Manifestations of such senile insanity progress very quickly and are difficult to correct.

Classic manifestations of senile insanity are very common. It is no secret that in old people the character becomes worse, past traits seem to be caricatured and the person shows himself in a clearly more negative light. Senile insanity in women at the initial moments makes itself felt in the form of their hysteria, disgust and discontent. Senile insanity in men more often reveals their gloominess, isolation and grumpiness. Often character traits become so aggravated that the old man turns into a psychopath, in such cases it becomes simply unbearable to live with him. Even their other halves, who shared the path of life with them, are not able to withstand their unbearability. A very unpleasant fact is the insidiousness of senile insanity; it progresses very slowly, so behavioral characteristics are attributed to age, appearing only in very late stages.

Psychiatric pathology always dramatically changes character, which is why many stories describe such patients. For example, Plyushkin’s description is quite similar to the clinic of senile insanity, in some aspects. They also carry all sorts of garbage home, never throwing away a single piece. Their greed reaches the point of complete absurdity and has nothing to do with adequacy; they are no longer capable of any division. And to beg something from them is an incredible task.

Old people in insanity are very self-centered, they try to control completely useless things, they stop worrying about their relatives. Their callousness manifests itself very clearly in their complete indifference to everyone around them, even their closest relatives. In addition, they are very unclean, do not take care of themselves, and their houses are simply filled with garbage. When senile people have no relatives, they are discovered when their house filled with garbage begins to affect the lives of their neighbors.

Senile insanity will not spare anyone, even when in youth a person was very developed, in the presence of this pathology, his personality quickly becomes flattened. He is only interested in absolutely selfish things, only what concerns his instincts. The appetite is greatly increased, and given that they forget what they have already eaten, they can eat countless amounts, so this needs to be very controlled. When the frontal cortex is damaged, hypersexuality and swagger are formed, which significantly aggravates the care of this person.

By nature, people with senile insanity are gloomy and gloomy, but this mood easily changes due to increased lability. Emotionally they are not stable, a kind of emotional incontinence, then they are unhappy, then suddenly they start crying that no one loves them. And sometimes they become so complacent, as if in euphoria. The most unpleasant and sad thing about senile insanity is the inability to self-care, which leads to disastrous consequences. A person who was most often very interesting in the past becomes a complete vegetable and, what is saddest, this does not bother her at all.

Senile insanity is a pathology that requires careful care, because these people are not able to survive on their own. All this is associated with deep memory damage that cannot be restored, so it will no longer be possible to return a loved one; all that remains is to look after the shadow of the former personality. In some cases, due to hallucinations and delusions, such persons pose a direct threat to both their health and the health of others.

Stages of senile insanity

Senile insanity is difficult to break down into stages, since it is only the last stage of another illness, senile dementia. But people call this entire pathology insanity, so it would be correct to describe the stages of formation of deep senile insanity. It is very important to determine this phasing, since using these criteria it is possible to predict the duration of existence of such a person. The progression of senile insanity is quite slow, therefore, having begun at a late age, the disease allows a person to live with it for quite a long time.

Patients with senile marasmus at the stage of initial pathology do not have significant differences from their previous conditions. Characterological characteristics worsen, the person becomes unbearable, causes pain and hostility to his family. Such old people are quite active, so they create a lot of problems. In some cases, they even pose a social danger due to their hypersexuality, swagger, gluttony and craving for stealing all kinds of rubbish.

The disease senile insanity at its next stage inevitably causes memory deterioration at the stage of advanced insanity. Moreover, fixation memory, long-term, short-term, and operational, are also impaired. The first noticeable manifestation will be mnestic disorientation. An old man in insanity, finding himself in a relatively new place for himself, will have difficulty navigating it, and the unusual surroundings will completely unsettle him. Over time, some complications appear in elementary facts and dates. They may forget the names of relatives, birthdays, and simple information. Erasing moments of memory occurs according to Ribot's law. It is important to know that the events of early youth are remembered the longest.

To diagnose and quickly identify these stages, it is important to seek the help of a psychologist, which will allow you to determine the level of memory loss in a test form and begin to provide the right help. In these situations, it is very important to explain to the family that the old man should not be left alone, this can lead to irreparable consequences.

At the final stage of senile insanity, memory is already completely fragmented, and the personality is already complete “junk.” Intellect inexorably declines, which terrifies employees and relatives; it is no longer possible to achieve any coherent sentences. Autopsychic as well as allopsychic orientation are greatly lost; such an old man is not able to live without outside help. It is impossible to hold the attention of a person with senile insanity. Such people are no longer capable of cognitive actions, their learning ability approaches zero. The vocabulary is very poor. It should be noted, whatever the character of the person at the beginning, at the final stage of senile insanity the person is complacent, as if in euphoria. It can be assumed that the psyche thus protects a person from suffering, because in this pathology, ignorance is happiness. Although these people are emotionally drained, they are not averse to chatting.

In senile insanity, dementia is total, which always leads to a profound loss of all mental functions. Senile insanity in men is usually accompanied by hypersexuality. Senile insanity in women more often occurs with delusional manifestations, theft or poisoning is especially common.

Treatment of senile insanity

Treatment of senile insanity is very expensive and the drugs used vary depending on concomitant pathologies, of which there are many in old people. Properly prescribed relief of somatic pathology in senile insanity is very beneficial. But in addition to treatment, prevention is very important.

Prevention of senile insanity has considerable meaning. Our brain, like any organ, dies if it doesn't work. Therefore, load your brain: read, learn poetry, write notes, keep a diary. All the developed interneuronal connections will then play the greatest importance. After all, the greater the amount of information for destruction, the greater the chance that it will take a long time, even if it appears.

Prevention of senile insanity also lies in proper nutrition; omega three acids are very important, of which fish contains plenty. Also fresh, natural fruits and vegetables that promote antioxidant effects. Taking tocopherol, ascorbic acid, pyridoxine and thiamine has a beneficial effect. Prevention of senile insanity is also carried out with moderate physical activity, a healthy lifestyle, and natural recreation.

If problems with the cerebral cortex, such as Alzheimer's disease, are detected, centralized inhibitors of the cholinesterase mediator should be used: Amiridine up to 38 mg, Tacrine up to 38 mg, Exilon, Donapecil. The key to success when taking such drugs is long-term and regular use. It is believed that atrophy is more pronounced with a lack of estrogen, which leads to the use of replacement therapy. In the future, vitamin therapy is suitable not only for prevention: Ascorbic acid, Tocopherol, Piracetam, Pyrodoxin, Thiamine. Seleginin, Cognitiv, Yumex can significantly slow down the processes occurring during senile insanity.

In case of senile insanity, it is very important to influence the side of additional effects, since a decrease in pressure greatly helps to slow down symptoms: Berlipril, calcium channel inhibitors, Lisinopril, Vazar, Lozap, adrenergic blockers. Drugs to reduce blood thickening and prevent mortality: Cardiomagnyl, Aspirin, Lospirin, Cardisave, Magnicor. It is also important to eliminate metabolic disturbances in any system in a timely manner.

In the presence of productive psychosymptomatics, tiny dosages of antipsychotics and tranquilizers can be used. For depressive episodes, antidepressants are added.

Nootropics also do their job well in senile insanity: Gamalon, Lucidrol, Nootropil, Piroditol. To influence memory, you can use Mema, Bilobil or other preparations from ginkgo biloba. Memorization exercises and memory training also have a good effect, especially in the initial stages. The home environment plays a significant role in senile insanity; it should soothe and invigorate. Relatives must realize that senile insanity is incurable, but such a person must be allowed to live a full life.

Senile insanity: the first “bells”

Symptoms of a person falling into insanity

In fact, not every person loses mental clarity with age. There are also well-known honored workers of research institutes over the age of 80, and teachers of complex disciplines in universities who have long since retired. However, senile insanity is not such a rare disease, and the signs that it is just around the corner are worth talking about separately.

Clear signs of senile insanity

The most striking symptom of the onset of dementia is the sloppiness and untidiness of an elderly person. He also has difficulty performing normal daily activities, such as going to the store or cleaning. At this stage, a person is still able to take care of himself, but he needs someone from his family to remind him of this.

Signs of insanity in women

Marasmus is a state of complete decline in psychophysical activity, characterized by general exhaustion due to human aging and atrophy of the cerebral cortex. The first clear signs appear around age sixty and include loss of nutrition (atrophy) of almost all tissues. Premature marasmus occurs in diseases when most of the tissues die and are never renewed.

Reasons for insanity

With different diseases, different organs and tissues die, so the signs of marasmus are not the same and vary depending on age and the underlying disease.

Marasmus and its causes in children are poor feeding of children; contagious, acute diseases; congenital syphilis, diarrhea, suppuration.

Marasmus and its causes in adults - prolonged fevers, diarrhea, profuse suppuration, syphilis, cancer, mercury poisoning, paralytic state. In addition, such causes of the disease in adults as atrophic changes in the brain are observed. This problem still remains unexplored.

Also, one of the causes of the disease is a hereditary predisposition, but one cannot exclude the influence of external factors, which include infectious and internal diseases.

According to the age criterion, marasmus is divided into presenile (presenile) and senile (senile).

Manifestations of marasmus are observed in Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia, atrophic systemic processes of late age (Parkinson's disease, Huntington's chorea, Pick's disease).

The cause of senile dementia is genetic programming, as well as the immunological theory of aging (dystrophic changes in nerve cells).

Recently, studies have begun to appear on disturbances in the transmission of hereditary information into the cellular elements of nervous tissue. Impaired reading of information is noted in changes in protein synthesis, cellular metabolic processes, activity of enzyme systems and cellular accumulation of toxic metabolic products.

The influence of viruses that provoke the disease cannot be ruled out. Pick's disease reveals an increased content of zinc in certain areas of the brain, which provokes a change in the activity of metal-dependent enzymes, and also disrupts energy processes in the cell and changes the functions of receptors.

Marasmus symptoms and signs

In all cases of the disease, the patient loses weight, becomes weaker, and the skin becomes sallow, pale and wrinkled. Decrepancy and depletion of vitality sets in. The patient's appetite disappears, the activity of the heart weakens, and in some parts of it, necrosis occurs. Fatal fainting often occurs, mental faculties weaken, the patient becomes blind or deaf, blood decreases in quantity or is depleted in its constituent parts, and hair falls out. Stopping the course of the disease can restore health.

The first signs can appear at the age of 40, and at the age of 60 they appear more clearly. Studies of areas of the brain indicate that in midlife, deterioration of intellectual abilities and memory is the onset of the disease.

Insanity and the first manifestations also become noticeable in judgments. This condition is marked by a reluctance to change. A person adheres to one way of life and turns into rigid, inflexible; begins to show intolerance towards dissidents. Such people feel nostalgia for the past, despite the fact that it was poor. Often, neither the fading mind itself nor the people around the patient notice gradual changes in personality. The course of the disease itself is slow and unnoticeable. Symptoms gradually increase irreversibly.

Signs of insanity manifest themselves in clinical symptoms in the form of dementia, including noticeable changes in intelligence up to absolute dementia. The general condition is characterized by severe physical exhaustion, the occurrence of dystrophy of internal organs, as well as increased fragility of bones.

Senile insanity manifests itself in the progressive decay of mental activity, as well as complete dementia. Women make up the majority of those affected. The average duration of the disease is 5-8 years. In some cases, infections, as well as cardiac dysfunction, previous surgeries, and serious mental trauma contribute to increased signs of the disease.

Signs of insanity attract attention by personal characteristics, manifested in a narrowing of horizons, coarsening of the personality, the presence of signs of egocentrism, grumpiness, gloominess, suspicion and conflict. It is common for patients to succumb to the influence of others. A characteristic phenomenon is the disinhibition of lower drives (the desire for vagrancy, collecting unnecessary things, gluttony, sexual perversion). Gradually, patients stop using their old vocabulary. Their level of judgment and inference is significantly reduced.

The onset of the disease is characterized by memory impairment, and later fixation amnesia appears. The patient is characterized by disorientation in time, in his own personality, as well as in the environment. The progressive decay of memory occurs sequentially, opposite to the knowledge that was acquired during the entire previous life.

The initial period of the disease is characterized by depression, gloominess, reluctance to live, and later shades of euphoria, complacency, carelessness, and complete indifference begin to prevail.

As the signs of the disease increase, behavior begins to change - helplessness, shallow sleep at night, and weakness and desire to sleep during the day appear.

Insanity types

Marasmus is divided into alimentary infantile marasmus and senile marasmus (senile dementia).

Nutritional insanity is a form of protein-energy malnutrition. The disease manifests itself in children under one year of age.

Senile insanity as a personality disorder is one of the most severe types of negative disorders with possible loss of contact with the environment.

The term physical insanity, in which a condition very close to cachexia manifests itself in the withering of the body, is rarely used in medical practice, and the definition of dementia is often used.


There are many reasons for the occurrence of senile insanity, but one of the first is vascular diseases, in particular hypertension. It is very important to monitor your health and your blood pressure. 140 x 90 is the limit at which personality disintegration and mental decline can begin to develop. Obesity is also a danger for men. Stress is also a major factor affecting brain function. Prolonged stress seriously impairs brain function. It significantly increases cortisol levels, which damages the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning.

The next risk factor for senile insanity is alcoholism. A person suffering from senile insanity, while in a sober state, is able to forget what happened a minute ago. Intellect is relatively preserved. French studies have shown that drinking alcohol in small quantities can improve brain function, but this only applies to older women.

Any severe intoxication or previous viral disease, such as herpes, can lead to memory loss. Human memory is impaired by barbiturates, antidepressants, tranquilizers, calcium channel blockers, antihistamines, and beta blockers.

Senile dementia can be caused by snoring. During snoring, breathing stops, which causes memory loss and decreased mental abilities.

Symptoms of senile insanity. As for personality changes, as well as behavioral disorders, this process develops gradually. This becomes noticeable in personality traits. The thrifty turns into the greedy, the cheerful into the funny, the energetic into the fussy. In an elderly person, selfishness progresses, touchiness and excessive suspicion arise. The pace of thinking slows down, the ability to logic is lost, various emotional disorders and depression appear, irritability and anxiety increase, indifference to others, tearfulness, and anger.

Treatment of senile insanity. Psychiatrists and neurologists recommend saving yourself from insanity with a diet that includes a large amount of vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood, and olive oil. In this case, it is necessary to significantly limit the consumption of animal fats and salt.

What to do if you have senile insanity? People who live an active intellectual life are less likely to develop senile dementia. Physical activity can also delay senile insanity. The benefit of physical exercise is to improve blood circulation. Oxygen, as well as nutrients, quickly enter all organs and, of course, the brain. Vitamin therapy is important in the treatment of the disease, in particular vitamin C, E, B.

With senile insanity, there is a decrease in the critical attitude towards one’s condition and the surrounding reality. While maintaining partial self-criticism, patients hide their condition.

Treatment of senile insanity consists of psychosocial therapy, as well as the use of specialized medications. The care and support of relatives is very important. If possible, it is not recommended to send patients to psychiatric hospitals. An unfamiliar environment provokes the progression of the disease.

Insanity treatment

The possibilities of drug intervention in this case are very limited. Care comes first, as well as supervision, since it is difficult for patients to carry out self-care. Due to disinhibition of drives, as well as memory disorders, patients become dangerous to others and, of course, to themselves. A home environment and appropriate care are important for the patient, since staying in a hospital environment can worsen the condition.

It is necessary to ensure the highest possible activity for the patient, which will prevent the development of pulmonary pathology, loss of appetite, the appearance of bedsores, and will also help mobility in the joints.

Treatment of vascular disorders has a positive effect on the disease marasmus. Vitamin therapy is prescribed. Nootropics are indicated. Insomnia can be eliminated by following regular routines, walks in the fresh air, and thoughtful activities during the day. At night, psychotic drugs used against severe fussiness are indicated in small quantities.

46 comments to the post “Insanity”

Thanks for the article and for the comments. I found an explanation for my mother’s behavior. Typical insanity: love, kindness, humor, and positive emotions seem to be cleared from memory. There is no smile on the face at all. Complete lack of empathy, anger, suspicion. She has become greedy, she hates her neighbors... She is losing huge chunks of her memories, she is constantly wondering if my husband and I are having sex.

She herself has been living alone for 14 years since her father’s death.

He categorically refuses to move in with me, and at the same time, at 72 years old, despite the prohibitions, he drags around for walks with a shepherd dog and climbs the stairs to the attic.

I start swearing and in response I hear: no, you’re sick of me.

I predict only further deterioration of the condition.

My mother has never been a supporter of alcohol, but now she is 65 years old, and she drinks vodka every day, 1-1.5 bottles. And the symptoms are all like senile insanity. She is very touchy, forgets a lot (memory lapses), moreover, she told me that I wanted to take away her entire inheritance (although my husband and I have our own property, we live not in poverty) and declared me enemy number one. According to her, I have to come every day and ask her for forgiveness (I don’t understand why). I try to calm her down and prove that I love her very much, show concern, and I understand that she really needs attention, to which I receive only aggression and attacks, I even tried to hit her several times. I try to limit her drinking, but I have an older brother (his wife and child left him because he was an alcoholic), so he began to come to my mother behind my back and they drink together. (We all live in separate apartments and not far from each other). So it turns out that I forbid her to drink and fight her addiction, but my older brother, on the contrary, gets her drunk. Most likely, there is both insanity and alcohol addiction mixed together.

my neighbor was a blockade survivor and she has insanity, she saw death, went through fire and water, as they say, she is stuck in the past, but now she can’t speak at all, because she can’t remember words, that daughter, of course, is also not a gift, she drinks and doesn’t care about mom, she just complains that mom got her with her past, and now she sent her to the madhouse

Good day and patience everyone. Everything about this disease is like a carbon copy. All that can be said is that this is a program and no one knows for sure when it will be turned on and for whom. Unmistakably, it is in the region of 80 years. The process of growth for the worse is also difficult to predict. It’s easier with something that serves as a detonator for the onset of the disease process. It can also provoke a disease in general or in individual organs, but there is another reason, which, like a horse, drags all the sores on itself to the edge of the abyss. What kind of horse is this? Loneliness is her nickname. For my mother, this is the key word. My father has been gone since 2003. The mother was left alone in the village. Previously, we did not notice this disease, and we knew nothing about it. Why? It's simple. There were large families living in the same house. If some of the children left, they built their own house in the same village. The thread was not interrupted. The old people were of sound mind until they left. In moments of depression, my mother repeats the words from a song performed by singer Slava - Loneliness is a bastard. In May of this year I came from Murmansk to the Pskov region to visit her for two weeks. He helped plant a vegetable garden and did everything to make it easier for her to care for it. In August I came on vacation for a month. Complaints began against neighbors. Whining, but I, not realizing that something was already wrong with her, was not on her side. Three weeks of housework without rest. One of the grasses was mowed by a haystack on the site. The harvest has been harvested. Not a great year, but she had everything. I pickled the cucumbers myself. There was a week left before my departure and then it started after her words - you’ll leave soon and I’ll be alone again. The first trouble did not take long to arrive. At 6 o'clock in the morning she comes into the room where I was sleeping and declares that I stole documents for the plot and house from her. Like a blow to the head. I went looking around the house. Found it under a pillow on a bed where no one slept. The remark followed - Planted it. The next morning and also at 6 o’clock - Why did you take my passbooks? He went and showed her where we put them in the bag. I planted it, was the answer. The next morning it happened again, but “I stole a wallet with money.” I went looking. The house has 100 sq. m. It’s not so easy to do, but I found it in a trunk in a plastic bag. My seventh sense told me. At night, through my sleep and the wall, I heard some rustling in the hall. I realized that she had a dream, she got up in a coma and took her wallet out of her bag, hid it and immediately forgot where. On this day, more than ever before, I wanted to leave my father’s house. Three days later I left for Murmansk. When I arrived, I decided to call her and tell her that I got there normally, although she had been driving me out of the house for the last few days and told me to crash on the road (the journey was 1,700 km. ) I’ve never consumed energy on the road, but this time I had to buy it at a gas station and take it) True, after taking it I still slept for two hours. It helped. Before leaving, I slept very poorly the night before leaving. So I called and the answer was that you’re calling, you want to find out if she’s still dead. Previously, every Sunday we talked to her via cell phone. Now we don't communicate. Through my sister I find out that miracles are happening in the village, that I get drunk there in the village, although I don’t drink alcohol or smoke at all, I come when she’s not at home and rob her. That fringed dress of hers was for her prostitute. I don't know who she means. My wife is in Murmansk. Those mittens are beautiful. Apparently those that I once knitted for her myself. All the keys and locks were gone. When she left, she had about a kilometer left. A week later, my sister reported that she no longer had a penny and went to borrow from a neighbor. These are our urgent matters. I’m retired, I can give up everything right now and go take care of her, so for her I’m the worst enemy in the world. Before she does, in such a situation, I will end up in a cemetery in my 60s. Why didn’t I remember from my childhood and youth that someone in our village had something similar, although there were also lonely old women who lived to a ripe old age. Now I come to the conclusion that they survived a terrible war in memory and thereby became steeled in perseverance. This does not mean that a war is needed for people to realize who they are and why they are in this world. My conclusion is simple. In old age, a person cannot be left alone with his aging brain. Loneliness is a stimulant for most, although I do not rule out this in large families. Okay, this is starting to sound like demagoguery. Good luck and patience, and most importantly health, to bear all this on your shoulders and not repeat such a fate in the future, so as not to make the lives of your children and grandchildren worse. Although little depends on us in old age. All the will of God.

I adore you! Glory too! And we are bastards. We must return to old traditions! The so-called European way of life is to blame. Best regards, Samvel.

I read and understand that my father has the initial stage of aggressive insanity... (For example, not wanting to unpack the food that was put in the refrigerator and take revenge for it for weeks... Hearing the slightest criticism about the wrong litter for the cat he selected - you will be offended and remember this for life... If you don’t find your own untouchable spoon or plate, you’ll throw a scandal filled with hatred...)

I encountered the harmless insanity of my grandmother, whom I looked after. She was very wrong in her head, but she did not torment anyone with hatred.

Her father cherishes her in all mental and non-mental ways, becoming even more self-centered, impulsive, principled and embittered... He has lost weight, turned yellow... doesn’t listen to anyone... constantly works himself up... but at the same time he has absolutely no problems falling asleep quickly... and can sleep 15 hours a day ...

Now he is only 61 years old, and the thought that he can still cope with his behavior and work on himself does not allow me to come to terms with his manifesting disorder. Indeed, in the presence of strangers, he shines with his talent for sociability and friendliness, keeping his mark for those around him. And no one would even imagine such manifestations of it with loved ones... And I don’t want to believe that this is all happening to us again...

I am disabled - a wheelchair user, dependent on my parents. And I have absolutely no opportunity to change the situation, at least for a while. I understand that I will again have to look after my father and support my mother, who is also not getting any younger... And judging by the fact that my father is still quite young and does not complain about his health, the degree and potential of his senile aggression will most likely finish me off...

Hello…..everything is obvious. It’s hard to accept everything when you’re a doctor yourself, from a family of doctors. You become tormented by doubts... what if it’s not the same. My dad is 77 years old. Pediatric associate professor of the department. A very active person in life. Have worked. Was on duty. A man of Soviet work. It all started when he lost his son. He was 65. His son was 24 years old. The father suffered for a long time... hypertension. Became withdrawn. Against the backdrop of the loss of her son, the relationship with my mother worsened due to blaming each other. It all ended in divorce. He went to the veterans' home. It wasn't really possible to live there. All his life his mother nurtured him and took care of him, what to wear, what to eat and how to live. And then he was left alone... I visited him and brought him home.... gradually everything grew. Negligence. Indifference. Some kind of aggression. Vagrancy. I walked around naked. A little aggressive. Indifference. Then the stage went to throw everything out of the window. Tearing clothes. Fussiness. Asking for money. Tearfulness. I turned to a psychotherapist. She prescribed chlorpromazine. Tizercin. he began to sleep. And the clinic grew even faster than the wind... he stopped walking. But the day before, when I came home one day, my mother said that in the morning there was a pool of blood from his nose.....and after that it got even worse......apparently the vessel burst......within 3 months he stopped walking. Dad himself is reserved. Introvert. I didn’t like optimism... going somewhere with my family or walking with my grandchildren... cinema... dominoes... this is not about him! But sit quietly in a chair and mumble. Now my father is in the nursing clinic. A bedsore appeared, although the care was good at home. He doesn't move on his own. Recumbent. Speaks individual phrases. He eats well. Pees in diaper. From the heart side everything is fine, but it is constantly groaning. I want to take him home, since his stay there is temporary... I want him to be at home. I don’t believe myself and I can’t understand if this is all with my dad....? We would like to now start vascular treatment….mildronate….demoton…..ziroxone….I understand that vascular issues have made themselves felt. My father never received treatment. Didn't rest. He worked all his life for a pension….his mother began to look after him. She realized everything and regrets it Alzheimer's? and this is the terminal stage? I don’t want him to leave…..

Now I have already come to this threshold.

I went through this disease four times.

We spend a lot of money on war.

Even more for papers that no one needs.

Here are two things in medicine that deserve attention:

They were the ones who ruined my happiness.

This is all that remains for us.

Hello. My mother recently turned 74 years old. Most likely, I missed the moment when irreversible changes in her mental state began. She attributed the first signs of her to her always difficult character. But now everything has sharply worsened and I realized that it was not a matter of character, but something else.

In general, throughout her life, my mother was always an eccentric person, she dressed unusually, wore very large, fancy jewelry, and arranged permanent art exhibitions in our house, to the detriment of living space.

And now she carries with her large bags containing all sorts of strange things: for example, a box with a lot of jewelry bought at flea markets, some stones, newspaper clippings, and so on.

But the most important thing: great strange behavior appeared. I can no longer navigate the area and can easily get lost. Difficulty understanding, poorer spoken language, often incoherent. Forgets words. Often there is a complete lack of logic in her reasoning, the wildest fantasies: for example, she begins to accuse me of some very wild things, it is incomprehensible to my mind how such a thing even comes into her head, but she speaks completely sincerely and does not doubt her speculations. Memory losses. Forgets his family and friends. She became very unfriendly, grimaced angrily, gesticulated strangely, accused everyone around her of bad thoughts, and her husband of bullying. One day, being in an exalted state, she began to shake, bite herself and squeal. Sometimes I notice she has a vacant, glassy look into space. I offered to go with her to the doctor - she categorically refuses, she is angry with me. Suicidal thoughts and actions. He goes out at night for walks in a deserted park or on the river bank.

I'm trying to understand what's happening to her so I can find a way to help. She is unlikely to help herself.

a friend with dementia jumped out of a window

A year has passed. During this time, my mother completely gave up, now she is immobilized and completely helpless.

She requires 24-hour care. Diagnosis: Alzheimer's disease.

That's why she had all the above-mentioned oddities.

Good night. I was looking for at least something that would help me help my grandmother...

She is 87 years old... It so happened that she lives alone in the Moscow region (grandfather died in 2009)... and my parents and I are in St. Petersburg... Mom and Dad (also in 2009) divorced and Dad went to a new life, and Mom (whose the mother is the grandmother)… she just doesn’t contact any of us out of resentment….

My grandmother is an introvert in life... and now she doesn’t even want to communicate with anyone... She managed at the very least between our visits to her... Since June of this year, everything has worsened sharply... she has almost no control over money (where it is, how much...), with food same story... confused with the kV board, the memory is very bad... a lot of obsessions appeared that it was robbed... constantly in a wild search for something...

I, a mother of many children, travel with my three children to her during all the holidays... but now I see that this is not enough... she can’t cope on her own

BUT! She is categorically against the social worker (“I won’t open the door and I’ll curse you and won’t let you in!”...and it’s in her character, I know she’ll do that)...And she doesn’t want to move in with me....three years ago (when my mother was still away from her turned away) they brought her to St. Petersburg….horror, tears, hunger strikes, screams, she dried herself in the bathroom with her panties so as not to touch our towel…..even though we tried so hard….we returned her home after three months of suffering…

I don’t understand what to do... Is there any point in giving her evidence that she can’t cope and doesn’t remember? Or will she no longer understand this? And if I even touch on this topic, she begins to hide her condition... How to get through? Or is there no way? She’s not like that in everything...somewhere there is logic and normal behavior, but this is less and less...and since this June everything has been developing at a wild speed.....I have always had a good, kind relationship with her and I don’t know how... then do it against her will and in spite of resistance and suffering... I really want to help peacefully and not darken her old age

Dear Veronica, I am a nurse, but I want to advise as a layman: Don’t insist on anything, it’s useless now. If there are compassionate neighbors (there are some who are sincere and for money), let them keep an eye on her from time to time. And God will fulfill his purpose. And by insisting on something, you may also find yourself rejected. I believe in your spirituality and anxiety, but pray for it and tolerate your “helplessness.”

Excuse me, what do you mean - I dried myself with my own underwear so as not to touch your towel? Do you have one for everyone? If only they had given her a personal towel, everything would have been fine...

(sorry, I could have misunderstood, but I only have your story)

It is useless to accustom old people to your established order; they would do everything as she wants...

In general, it’s better to rent her an apartment near you, if possible.

Although grandmothers really can be very stubborn...

Try not to be nervous when talking to her, and call more often...

Good evening. Mom is 72 years old. The condition worsened sharply. In three months, she literally turned from an active woman into a helpless old woman. She has lost a lot of weight, has difficulty moving around the apartment, confuses events, weakness, joint pain and dizziness. Confuses dreams with reality. Forgets basic things. It became pale in color, even yellowish. What could it be? Which doctor should I contact?

Hello Olga. In your case, your mother should contact a neurologist.

Thank you for the article and for the comments you left, they really supported me. My grandfather is 88, we live separately, but I come all the time, clean, and so on, and after each time he cries to everyone and says that I am stealing money from him. Neighbors, relatives, everyone judges me. I don’t know what to do anymore, my heart hurts. So, I decided not to go to him anymore. I’m crying, my grandfather is my dear.

You're in the wrong steppe. A person describes the symptoms of the onset of an illness, and you suggest seriously thinking, “Maybe I’m really stealing money?” Do not transfer from a sore head to a healthy one. Don't you smoke anything like that?

My father is 86 years old, I used to love him, but now I probably don’t, I don’t know what to do to make him change. It so happened that we were left alone, 1.5 years ago I quit smoking and began to drink, first a little, and now constantly. And senile insanity was added with acceleration, he remembers all the stores with alcohol, borrows money, doesn’t remember who I am, but remembers the phone number, he can even stroke and pester me, call me kittyunya. According to his conversations, he has an erection, what should I do and what should I do, which doctor should I see?? Sometimes he remembers my son and granddaughter by name, but then he forgets. Please, at least briefly explain how to behave - I react painfully. It's hereditary. Maybe it's time for me to see a doctor, which one.

Hello! I don’t know who to turn to... But after seeing this site and reading the article, I decided to turn to you for advice...

My grandmother (she is 76 years old) forgets a lot, gets lost in time and space. Although she is always at home, sometimes she thinks that she is in a rest home. She confuses names, sometimes wants to go to work in the morning (she has been retired for 21 years), asks for something, but cannot explain it. And I can't understand her. Sometimes he lies on the bare floor, he can lie there for half a day, but does not want to get up. When you try to pick her up, she starts moaning. She goes little by little, not to the toilet, but anywhere.

She used to take Exforge and Galvus-Met tablets, but she stopped for about two months. Please tell me, could the refusal of these drugs have provoked these actions of hers? How can you improve her condition, clear her mind? I will be very grateful to you... Thank you very much!

Hello, Ilya. Based on all the symptoms you described, your grandmother’s condition is very similar to Alzheimer’s disease. For a more accurate diagnosis and prescription of a treatment regimen, you should contact a neurologist, who can be called to your home. Refusal of the medications you indicated could not have provoked the onset of symptoms (short-term memory disorder, loss of logical thinking, urinary incontinence).

I read a lot. I would like not to lose touch with your site. Re-read something and get new information on the topic. Mom is 89 years old. It’s scary to leave her in the family where she lived. There are 2 small children there. It’s just a shock for me to have her in my life. I am studying methods of dealing with a problem called insanity.

Very useful article, thank you. Only my mother’s condition is such that it’s difficult for her to explain anything. Stage 4 oncology, constantly under the influence of painkillers, including tramadol, does not recognize me, thinks that I am her rival, and does all the housework. My memory is deteriorating rapidly, maybe it’s metastases in the brain (my mother has tongue cancer).

Good day to you, Elvira.

Of course, this is due to metastases and Tramadol. Mental confusion is one of the side effects of this medicine.

Thanks to the creators of this article, as well as to everyone who left comments. Unfortunately, for my mother (she is 82 years old), the manifestations of the disease began very early after a mini-stroke. She began to climb through trash cans and drag all sorts of nasty things into the house. The grandchildren were embarrassed to approach her on the street and recognize the ragged homeless woman as their grandmother; everyone knows that teenagers can be very aggressive. And over the years, everything turned into a real nightmare, it was impossible to live nearby, in all good endeavors only negativity was seen. And indeed, in front of strangers, she is the most benevolent woman, but for her closest ones she is simply a walking nightmare. After my dad’s death I had to return to my home to look after my mom. She also wrote for herself and anywhere, but after she bought rubberized sheets (fleece or terry on one side), my mother suddenly stopped peeing in the bed, so she started shitting anywhere and spreading her slippers around. In short, coming home from work: washing, cleaning, washing. Inhibition of movements, pretends not to hear, everyone around is enemies of the people, relatives are cursed, etc. It happens that I can barely restrain myself, I run into the kitchen or outside and swear. It seems that insanity has already begun for me within 3 years. In my heart, I still love my mother and try to do everything to make her life easier. I remember my dad with gratitude; I only brought food and cooked on weekends because... 15 years ago I moved to live in another town. Patience and endurance to everyone, try to get out into nature at least occasionally or change the environment if possible. Good luck.

Lord, I have almost the same patience as you, please hold on. I periodically want to leave and never come again, mainly because of the unfriendly attitude towards the relatives who help our grandmother, persuades everyone in every way and sees the bad in the good... Even if there was no trace of it (the bad) .

I can also go to another city, especially since she is driving us away, saying that she wants to live alone, but we are in the way. And she forgets soups and cereals on gas and goes for a walk... everything burns out

Rotten meat in the refrigerator is normal, scandal prevents you from throwing away bad food - etc. and so on. endlessly

He says nasty things to his neighbors, for example, that the apartment is dirty and stinks (I clean every day, and this, to put it mildly, is not true).

How difficult it is for you and me. I cry sometimes and think that something will develop from my nerves and I won’t survive it.

Maybe my experience will help someone, my mother is 80 years old. She does everything possible, and I started looking for ways to distract her. From anxiety, constant fears, wild hysterics. She stopped recognizing me a long time ago; she said that she had no children. Every day for us begins with the words: where am I and who am I; she's talking about herself. I got small dogs - this is a big plus, they look after them, clean them, feed them. I also came up with the idea of ​​sorting beans and peas, I mixed a 10 liter bucket, convinced that this was a very big need and I couldn’t cope without it. This is just a salvation, mom is busy, feels that she is needed and the hysterics have stopped. It's much easier now. And before she called me at work at 10-minute intervals, either screaming into the phone, or scolding everyone, threatening to hang herself, opening the windows and screaming that she was being tortured. In general, it’s terrible... Patience to everyone.

Thank you. But it seems like I can’t survive this...

The words “I don’t think I can survive this” are the laying of a negative mental program. What you asked for is what you will receive. Thought is material, so this trap must be expelled from your consciousness. Give it up. Replay, find other words - without causing harm to everyone, including yourself.

….. Oh, and my mother-in-law has the same oddities, to put it mildly(

Good afternoon I'd like to ask. I have a mother-in-law who is 77 years old. She behaves with all strangers like a normal person, takes care of herself completely, understands something about politics, and is more cunning in many things than me. All her aggression is directed only at me. All relatives know about this only from words, because... in the presence of someone she behaves in such a way that it seems that I am slandering. When we are alone, she does strange things: walks naked around the house, pees in a bag and throws it in my trash, sticks her butt in my nose, tears clean laundry from the line and throws it in a puddle and other disgusting things that are embarrassing to even write about. She speaks bad things about me to my children. He hits my dog ​​whenever I'm home. When my husband comes, I am already in an extremely nervous state, and she behaves as if nothing had happened. What is this? Could this be insanity? Can it manifest itself in aggression towards only one person and be replaced by full health in the presence of other people. How can I then convince my husband that my mother is not healthy? Help! Otherwise my life has turned into a nightmare, even run away from home((. Thank you!

Good afternoon, Alexandra. Film your mother-in-law in moments of aggression on your phone and show it to your husband as convincing arguments for her ill health. Only after this will they believe you.

Hello! I don’t know why you addressed your question to me, I’m not a psychiatrist or even a psychologist. I won't say for sure. There is undoubtedly senile insanity here, and some other mental abnormalities are possible. I don’t know how many years you have known each other, but apparently the person initially did not like you, and over the years and the advent of old age, this only got worse. Just try to avoid conflicts (that’s all she seeks and provokes). It’s better, of course, to live separately altogether, but just be patient and try to sympathize with a mentally ill person. Again, be careful and attentive (there are a lot of strange things), it is unknown how much a person’s imagination will work and how far aggression will go.

You need to film her antics on a video camera. Show it to your husband. This is the only solution in my opinion. My grandmother also has insanity. Hang in there.

Hello, please tell me where you get this information from?

How ugly it is to “play” on people’s feelings!! People like you need to be expelled! The lie is simply unthinkable! How can a man of science communicate with God? You should also write about the drummers and Walpurgis Night... and compare them with Christ... They've already completely lied! You'll probably get some money for your “help”!

The same story: my mother has been in medicine for 48 years, 4 years ago she suffered a coma from which she came out and diagnosed herself, and the results were confirmed by hardware research. Everything would be fine - she takes care of herself, eats and sleeps on time, communicates with people in a clear mind, but when the weather changes, it’s as if demons are possessing her! Everything would be fine, he just leaves the gas on, walks to relieve himself, or even worse, on the move, reacts aggressively to comments - “turns the arrows” on others. I do not know what to do!

Yes, everything is to the point: regret about the past time and what was thrown away 20 years ago, resentment, I don’t want it, I won’t do it, in general 80% is about my mother, it’s a shame, it’s too late to change at 84 people, even though I did it myself She worked in medicine as a therapist for 50 years, it’s difficult to explain when a person doesn’t hear what they say, not the words themselves, but the meaning of what was said (in general, in itself, sheer selfishness).

The main thing is to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of senile dementia, but if we are talking about a severe form of senile dementia, then today there is no effective treatment method, however, with symptomatic treatment of senile dementia, the fate of the patient can be seriously alleviated. For successful treatment, it is better for the patient to be at home.

Thank you for the article. Now I know how to behave with my 75-year-old mother-in-law. At first I thought she was just being mischievous - it happened from time to time. And now I had to take her home and real terror began on her part. Moreover, this is against the background of absolute care on my part and 18 years of happy mutual understanding between us. She began to say terrible things, to “tenderly” “take care” of her son - to impose food on him, to dictate what was good for him and what was harmful. Categorically forbids him to engage in even minor physical exercises. In general, I began to take offense at her. And be very offended. Intuitively understanding that something was wrong with her, she went looking for an answer on the internet. In general, God forbid we live to see this. Now I understand that she needs our help and understanding of what is happening to her. The unfamiliar surroundings and unusual way of life, apparently, provoked progress ((sad. But, at least now I know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be offended. Otherwise, the life of the whole family will turn into a nightmare.

Damn... I read the symptoms and realized that my grandmother has insanity -_-

My mother too, it’s very scary when a loved one turns into a monster, evil, soulless.

I didn’t think that the father I adored would become a stranger... selfish, malicious... hating everything and everyone in the area... he will soon turn 80 years old...

And I didn't think so. My father is also 80. Spreads nasty things about my mother. The monster is evil.

It wears out over the years. This manifests itself in diseases of bones and joints, and in the occurrence of dysfunction of internal organs, and, what is especially terrible, in the death of brain cells.

Symptoms of a person falling into insanity

In fact, not every person loses mental clarity with age. There are also well-known honored workers of research institutes over the age of 80, and teachers of complex disciplines in universities who have long since retired. However, marasmus is not such a rare disease, and the signs that it is just around the corner are worth talking about separately.

It happens that an elderly person gradually becomes grumpy, irritable, unkempt in clothes and forgetful. Often, relatives and friends treat this as an inevitable deterioration in character that occurs as a result of natural causes. Considering behavior to be a type of norm, they waste precious time and consult a doctor only when deviations in the behavior of an elderly relative become impossible to tolerate.

It should be understood that senile insanity, also known as dementia, is a mental illness, and only a qualified psychiatrist can make such a diagnosis. If you suspect that one of your relatives is experiencing age-related personality decline, then by any means arrange a face-to-face consultation with a practicing specialist.

Clear signs of senile insanity

The most striking symptom of the onset of dementia is the sloppiness and untidiness of an elderly person. He also has difficulty performing normal daily activities, such as going to the store or cleaning. At this stage, a person is still able to take care of himself, but he needs someone from his family to remind him of this.

Another sign of the initial stage of senile insanity is a deterioration in a person’s memory along with a violation of the concept of time. Moreover, in unfamiliar places a person may lose orientation.

Finally, one of the first “bells” that may indicate the onset of insanity is a person’s reluctance to communicate with others. This craving for solitude is especially strange for the loved ones of those older people who have always been extroverts.

If there are two or more signs that may indicate the onset of dementia, it is better to consult a doctor so as not to trigger a possible disease.

Senile dementia is a disease that can appear in a person in old age. Dementia is popularly called. The disease develops as a consequence of atrophic processes that occur in the brain.

In old age, most people begin to experience irreversible processes and malfunctions in all organs and systems. Mental activity is also impaired; deviations in this area are divided into emotional, behavioral and cognitive. Dementia is associated with many disorders, but is closely associated with cognitive impairment. To put it simply, against this background, patients have reduced emotionality, frequent causeless depression appears, and gradually the personality begins to degrade.

Manifestations of senile dementia

When does senile dementia begin to appear? Symptoms, as a rule, are detected in old age. The disease affects such psychological processes as memory, speech, attention, and thinking. Already at the very early stages of the onset of vascular dementia, disorders manifest themselves quite significantly, which cannot but affect the quality of life. A person begins to forget about acquired skills, and he is simply unable to master new ones. Such patients are forced to leave their professional career; they need constant care from household members.

Stages of disease development

Senile dementia begins to manifest itself gradually. Mental activity deteriorates, the patient loses his individual characteristics that were inherent to him. If the disease progresses, it takes on a total form.

Initially, others may not even notice that an elderly person suffers from senile dementia. Personality changes come gradually. Negative character traits may be perceived by loved ones as features of old age. An elderly person may show conservatism in conversation, stinginess, selfishness, and a desire to teach others. After all, this may not always indicate that senile dementia has set in. What should others and loved ones do? Carefully monitor the intellectual condition of your elderly relatives. As the disease progresses, thought processes and attention deteriorate. The patient begins to poorly generalize information, draw conclusions, and adequately analyze the situation.

Gradually, the personality becomes coarser, senile traits appear: callousness, stinginess, embitterment, interests narrow, views turn into stereotypes. It also happens that the patient becomes complacent and completely careless, he loses moral skills and does not adhere to moral standards. If there are peculiarities in sexual desire, some kind of sexual perversion may even arise.

As for the memory of patients, incredible things happen here. A person often forgets what happened to him yesterday, but clearly remembers pictures of the distant past. Therefore, many people suffering from senile dementia live in the past, remember themselves as young, consider themselves young, call others by names from the past, and often get ready to travel somewhere.

External forms of behavior often do not change, gestures remain the same, familiar, characteristic of this person, he uses expressions characteristic of him. Therefore, relatives do not notice that an elderly person is developing senile dementia; treatment, they believe, is not required.

Three degrees of disease

Depending on the social adaptation of the individual, there are three distinct degrees of the disease.

  1. Mild senile dementia. Professional skills are degraded, the patient’s social activity decreases, and interest in entertainment and favorite activities weakens. At the same time, orientation in the surrounding space is not lost; the person independently ensures his life activities.
  2. Moderate or moderate degree of dementia does not allow the patient to be left without additional supervision. At this stage, the ability to use household appliances is lost. Often a person is not able to open even the door lock on his own. In common parlance, this degree of severity is referred to as “senile insanity.” In everyday life, patients require constant assistance, but from the point of view of personal hygiene, they take care of themselves quite well.
  3. Severe degree. Senile dementia can lead to complete maladaptation and personality degradation. The disease at this stage is characterized by the fact that the patient needs constant care and cannot care for himself. Those close to him have to dress him, feed him, wash him, and so on.

Forms of dementia

There are two main forms of senile dementia - lacunar (partial or dysmnestic) and total.

With lacunar dementia, serious deviations in short-term memory are observed, while emotional changes (sensitivity, tearfulness) are not sharply expressed.

Total senile dementia, the symptoms of which are more pronounced, has a complex form. A person’s criticism sharply decreases, reactions are lost, and personality is leveled. Personal degradation occurs, emotional-volitional activity changes radically. A person loses feelings of duty, shame, and at the same time loses spiritual and life values.

Types of senile dementia

Depending on the signs of senile dementia, experts divide the disease into several types:

Partial dementia. In this case, memory and emotional disorders are clearly expressed. Increased weakness and fatigue appear. The mood is mostly low.

Epileptic dementia. This type develops gradually and does not appear immediately. A person is prone to minute details of events, to vindictiveness, becomes vindictive and pedantic. The individual’s horizons decrease, and most often their speech becomes poor. The main signs of epilepsy often appear.

Schizophrenic dementia. With this type of dementia, it is better to hospitalize the patient immediately in order to prevent a complete change in personality. Signs of the condition are complete isolation, emotional coldness, loss of connection with the outside world, decreased activity, and isolation from reality.

Medical classification of types of dementia

  • Dementia of atrophic type. These include Pick's and Alzheimer's diseases. Often, diseases occur against the background of initial degenerative reactions that occur in the cells of the central nervous system.
  • Vascular dementia (hypertension, atherosclerosis). The disease develops due to pathologies that arise in the cerebral vascular system and blood circulation.
  • Dementia of mixed type. The mechanism of occurrence is similar to both vascular and atrophic dementias.

Who might get the disease?

Why does senile dementia occur? Doctors still cannot name the causes of the disease. Many agree that hereditary predisposition plays an important role in the onset of the disease. This theory is confirmed by the presence of cases of “familial dementia.” A large role is played by atrophic processes of the brain, which can progress under the influence of certain factors. After a severe stroke, senile dementia may appear. Symptoms (treatment requires a long time) constantly accompany the disease.

It happens that dementia can develop after pathologies that lead to the death of brain cells, due to skull injuries, tumors in the brain, multiple sclerosis, and alcoholism.

Older people who lead active, healthy lifestyles, both mentally and physically, are much less likely to develop this disease. Often, senile dementia manifests itself in those who are more often in a depressed mood, have weak immunity, and poor living conditions.

Senile dementia: symptoms, treatment

For any type of dementia, the following signs are relevant:

  • Emotionally-volitional. They manifest themselves in causeless aggression, apathy, and tearfulness.
  • Intelligent. Attention, thinking, speech are impaired, up to the collapse of the personality.

Often, a doctor diagnoses dementia when cognitive impairment occurs after a stroke or heart attack. Decreased attention can be considered a harbinger of the development of the disease. The patient begins to complain that he cannot clearly concentrate his attention on anything or concentrate.

Characteristic symptoms include a wobbly, shuffling gait, changes in voice timbre, and articulation. Swallowing dysfunction is sometimes observed. Slow intellectual processes can also serve as an alarm signal; a person slowly analyzes the information received and finds it difficult to organize his activities. Over time, physical signs appear: muscles weaken, pupils narrow, hands tremble, skin becomes very dry, and sometimes the functions of internal organs are disrupted. As the disease progresses, hallucinations and delusions appear.

This is how senile dementia manifests itself. How long do people live with this disease? This question interests many. The answer to this cannot be unambiguous. Dementia is not a cause of death. Sometimes any manifestations of illness (inattention, loss of orientation) can lead an elderly person to an accident.

When diagnosing dementia, the doctor conducts testing, during which the patient is given tasks that he must complete within a certain time.

Vascular dementia

When it comes to vascular dementia, it is worth noting that memory impairments do not manifest themselves as significantly. But the emotional state requires increased attention. All patients are subject to constant mood swings. Laughing until they cry, they can immediately sob bitterly. Very often they are visited by hallucinations, they show apathy towards everything that surrounds them. Sometimes they suffer from epileptic seizures. With vascular dementia, motor activity, gestures, and facial expressions become poor. Urinary disturbances occur. Such patients are characterized by sloppiness and indifference to personal hygiene.

Senile dementia: treatment, drugs

There are no cookie-cutter, standard methods in the therapeutic treatment of dementia. Each case is individual and is considered by the doctor separately. This is due to a huge number of pathogenic mechanisms that preceded the disease. It is worth noting that it is impossible to completely cure dementia; disorders caused by brain damage are irreversible.

What drugs are most often used for senile dementia? Neuroprotectors are used for treatment; they have a positive effect on the brain, improving metabolism in tissues. A major role in therapy is played by the direct treatment of precisely those diseases that led to dementia.

For cognitive processes, calcium antagonists are used, these include Cerebrolysin, as well as nootropic drugs. If a patient has prolonged depression, the doctor prescribes antidepressants. To avoid cerebral infarction, it is recommended to take anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents.

Particular attention should be paid to a healthy lifestyle. In old age, it is simply necessary to completely give up alcohol and smoking, too salty and fatty foods. It is recommended to spend more time outdoors and move.

Medications are used primarily to relieve certain symptoms. Psychotropic medications are prescribed for periodic anxiety, sleep disturbances, manifestations of delirium, and hallucinations. The doctor tries to prescribe drugs that do not cause side effects, including weakness.

At an early stage, nootropics and metabolic drugs help to stop the progression of the disease and slow down the pathological process. Only the attending physician can determine the treatment regimen. The funds are selected strictly individually; templates are unacceptable here.

Disease prevention

Medical statistics state that about 35.5 million people suffer from senile dementia. At the same time, doctors give disappointing forecasts. Is it possible to prevent senile dementia? In some cases, the newest drug “Brain Booster” will help prevent the development of the disease. This dietary supplement fills the diet with the necessary amount of nutrients, macro- and microelements, and vitamins. Satisfies all the body's needs for essential substances. The drug is necessary for the effective prevention of senile dementia; it also helps in the initial stages of the disease to normalize the activity of cerebral vessels.

The drug "Brain Booster" has been tested in practice by traditional medicine. The necessary plant components were used to create it. The drug stimulates processes in the brain, improves blood circulation, and cleanses blood vessels. Allows you to cope with depressive conditions, improves memory, makes a person more efficient and focused.

No person wants to eventually acquire senile dementia, live with this illness, or create unbearable conditions for their loved ones to live together. You need to start preventing the disease when you are still of sound mind and understand the need and importance of preventive measures.

Treatment and prevention with folk remedies

In order to stop and correct the development of senile dementia, you can use folk remedies.

  • When treating atherosclerosis, take decoctions and tinctures of hawthorn fruit, anise lofanthus, and Caucasian dioscorea.
  • Constantly take B vitamins and folic acid. Eat fresh blueberries; in winter, make decoctions from dried berries.
  • In the initial stages of the disease, a tincture of elecampane root will help. Drops should be taken 3-4 times a day before meals.
  • Mild signs of dementia are well corrected by gingko biloba extract. The drug can be bought at any pharmacy.

It should be noted that those suffering from dementia are most often sloppy. They require constant care. If loved ones cannot cope with this, then it is better to hire a professional nurse or send the patient to a specialized institution - a boarding school, where patients with senile dementia are monitored. How long do people live with this disease? With advanced vascular dementia, according to doctors, life expectancy is about five years.

All older people are encouraged to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. Walk more, breathe fresh air. Don’t become limp, don’t fall into depression, develop your mind and intellect, and then, with a high probability, the disease will bypass you.

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