Sore throat when yawning causes. Penetration of a foreign body into the pharynx

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

With influenza, SARS and acute respiratory infections, patients often have to deal with sore throats. Therefore, having discovered pain in the throat, many of us first of all begin to self-medicate, using pharmaceutical products and drugs aimed at alleviating the symptoms of a cold and the flu virus.

In fact, sore throats are not always associated with these diseases: in some cases, such a symptom may be disturbed under the influence of completely different factors (trauma to the tissues of the throat, tonsillitis, penetration of a foreign body, blood diseases, etc.).

It is impossible to determine the exact cause if you are not a professional. That is why it is so important to seek help from a specialist in the manifestation of pain.

How to determine the nature of a sore throat to describe to a doctor?

Despite the difficulty of making a diagnosis without the help of a doctor, the patient will be able to at least approximately determine what can cause characteristic sore throats. The pain syndrome manifests itself in different ways and depends on the disease that provoked it.

Pay attention to the features of the sore throat. Surely, throughout your life you have already had to suffer from various colds and viral diseases, accompanied by pain in the throat, so you can compare different types of pain syndrome and determine some of their characteristic features and differences.

As a rule, a sore throat can speak of a sore throat, which manifests itself when swallowing saliva and food, as well as aggravated during yawning, sneezing and some other reflexes. If you notice that the pain in the throat is constant and does not change (does not increase or decrease) when swallowing, then this feature may indicate that the pain syndrome is not associated with the disease of the throat itself and is most likely caused by other diseases.

In this case, a sore throat can be a reflex reaction to a disease of other organs and systems in the body. An example is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Then the ENT doctor, after conducting an examination and collecting anamnesis, will refer the patient to other specialists for further examinations and clarification of the diagnosis.

Types of pain in the throat:

How is the diagnosis carried out? The considered types of pain sensations can often coincide with different diseases, so even if it seems to the patient that he can diagnose the "ailment" on his own, he may be mistaken, since he will not always be able to distinguish the pain syndrome.

During the diagnosis, the otolaryngologist will pay attention to:

  • external features of the throat during examination (redness, swelling, pus, rash, ulcers and other possible signs that may accompany pain),
  • information that he will receive through the collection of anamnesis when talking to a patient.
  • test results (general tests; a swab taken from the mucous membrane of the throat; a piece of tonsil tissue, etc.)

Is self-medication acceptable? Self-medication can be acceptable only for simple forms of throat disease, when the syndrome is insignificant and has a weak manifestation. However, the help of a doctor may still be necessary if no self-treatment methods have given the desired therapeutic effect.

What diseases cause sore throat?

Consider the most common diseases that most often become the main cause of pain in the throat.

Dry throat syndrome

Increased drying of the mucous throat often provokes this symptom. Usually the pain manifests itself when swallowing saliva or food. The syndrome of "dry throat" may have other signs that are interconnected: perspiration and burning.

The syndrome occurs for a number of reasons:

  • after a long conversation when the voice load increases, but it is not possible to drink a sip of water to moisten the mucous membrane;
  • in the morning after sleep at the first swallowing movement (usually the “dry throat” syndrome occurs in this case due to dry air in the room, which is rarely ventilated, and also after the mucus in the throat is weary, which accumulates overnight during sleep; while the walls of the pharynx begin to stick together, which leads to pain when they come off each other during swallowing);
  • age-related changes in the mucosa when the body lacks moisture, can also lead to the appearance of this syndrome;
  • intense thirst when for a long time it was not possible to drink water and moisten the throat with liquid;
  • certain diseases and systemic disorders , in which the syndrome of "dry throat" can become one of the symptoms (for example, this phenomenon can sometimes be observed in patients with diabetes mellitus).

With the syndrome of "dry throat", the pharyngeal mucosa becomes gradually subatrophic, thin, redness and irritation appear, sometimes inflammatory processes develop, accompanied by slight swelling. Sore throats in most cases become less noticeable when wetting the throat or repeatedly swallowing saliva.

If dry throat syndrome occurs too often or constantly, some complications may develop one day. These include trauma to the pharyngeal mucosa and acute pharyngitis, when inflammatory processes affect the entire throat. Most often, complications appear in autumn or winter under the influence of cold outside and dry indoor air.

Effective preventive measures to prevent acute pharyngitis and dry throat syndrome:

  • moisten your throat regularly with water by drinking liquid as often as possible;
  • if you have a tendency to dryness in the throat, it is all the more necessary to moisten the throat often: always carry water in a bottle or a thermos with you, use aerosol sprays to irrigate and keep your mouth fresh , use lozenges for sucking, which will help enhance the formation of saliva in the mouth;
  • before going to bed, to avoid dryness in the throat, instill olive, peanut, corn, sunflower, apricot or vegetable oil into the nose, special drops with a moisturizing effect; you can also use 0.9% table salt solution for this;
  • use at least occasionally spicy food seasonings , propolis, honey, onion, hot peppers, which moisturize the mucous membrane by influencing the processes of saliva formation;
  • with severe dry throat take additional medications from a pharmacy, after consulting a doctor before using the funds;
  • so that the air in the room is not dry, hang wet terry towels 1-2 times a day on a hot battery (moisture will evaporate and, thus, the air will be filled with it for a while); you can also purchase special humidifiers;
  • ventilate rooms regularly where you are constantly to normalize the level of humidity in the air.

Such methods will also help prevent or relieve sore throats by maintaining the natural moisture of the pharyngeal mucosa at all times.

Among the possible complications of increased dryness, in which sore throats may appear, is also called Apnea syndrome (or snoring). This can happen when breathing through the nasal cavity is difficult, when you have to breathe through your mouth. If you have a tendency to snore, be sure to bury your nose with drops 5-10 minutes before bedtime. It should be noted that vasoconstrictor drugs in this case should be excluded, since they are not suitable for continuous use and may be harmful.

Diseases and deformities of the nose

Dryness and pain in the throat often become signs of serious pathological changes, diseases or deformities of the nose. Typically, such phenomena are observed with the southern type of nose aerodynamics, characterized by increased patency of the lower nasal passage.

In this case, breathing through the oral cavity aggravates the situation: the “dry throat” syndrome intensifies, which leads to vibration of the soft palate and tongue, snoring and discomfort. Then the doctor may prescribe medications and physical therapy.

If a patient has been found to have nasal aerodynamic disorders during the diagnostic process, conventional medical treatments may be ineffective.

1 image - northern type of nose aerodynamics; 2 image - southern type of nose aerodynamics

It may be necessary to reconstruct the southern type of nose aerodynamics into the northern type. This may be necessary to protect the pharyngeal mucosa from hypothermia and dry throat syndrome. Reconstruction will eliminate Apnea syndrome.

The northern type of nose aerodynamics is more adapted to create the “comfortable” conditions that are needed to maintain health and protect the respiratory mucosa.

Acute pharyngitis

Acute pharyngitis is called an inflammatory disease of the pharyngeal mucosa, which begins to develop in the absence of treatment for the "dry throat" syndrome and a deficiency of moisture in the mucosa.

Acute pharyngitis can begin under such popular circumstances as a long stay in a draft, drinking ice cream or cold drinks in the summer season (with temperature discrepancies), as well as weakening the functions of the immune system in the body, severe overwork.

The main symptoms of pharyngitis:

  • redness of the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • severe swelling of the throat;
  • sharp pain in the throat when swallowing;
  • increase in body temperature (usually up to 38.0);
  • intoxication of the body;
  • pain that gets worse gradually when swallowing water.

The nature of pain in pharyngitis may vary: firstly, they can be both permanent and periodic; secondly, the zone of pain localization may differ (they can cover the entire throat or spread in different parts of it). Sometimes the pain syndrome can be so pronounced that the patient has to urgently contact an ENT doctor.

The specialist prescribes drug therapy as methods of treating pharyngitis (drugs: Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Analgin, Ortofen), and also advises drinking more fluids (chicken broth, tea at moderately warm room temperature). Temporary home bed rest is also important to ensure proper rest.

The minimum cycle of progression of inflammatory processes in the throat in acute pharyngitis is two weeks, so it is advisable for the patient to be at rest at home during this entire time.

Other forms of pharyngitis and concomitant diseases

Symptoms of acute pharyngitis are similar to those of other forms of this disease that have a different etiology. So, subatrophic, atrophic, or granulosa pharyngitis (granules of lymphoid tissue appear), lateral pharyngitis (vertical ridges of lymphoid tissue form on the sides of the pharynx) can also be accompanied by severe pain in the throat.

Chronic pharyngitis is especially difficult to tolerate in people suffering from nicotine addiction. Being a neuroparalytic poison, nicotine adversely affects the mucous membrane of the pharynx, significantly reducing its natural protective functions.

When symptoms of pharyngitis appear, a smoker needs to give up cigarettes for a long time in order to speed up recovery and avoid the risk of possible complications.

Flu, colds and sore throats. Acute pharyngitis sometimes develops against the background of other diseases. Statistics show that quite often the cause of acute pharyngitis is the flu or a cold, accompanied by high fever. In such a situation, pain in the throat can usually manifest itself with a swallowing movement.

When a patient has angina, the palatine tonsils become very inflamed, sore throat and severe dryness occur. In this case, the pain in the throat is localized on the side, affecting one or two sides of the palatine tonsils at the same time.

With angina, pain in the throat is usually pronounced, so the patient may have problems swallowing and eating, and appetite decreases. Angina is dangerous because it is fraught with serious complications and the development of other diseases, decreased immunity, diseases of the liver, heart and kidneys. Therefore, it is so important to immediately contact an otolaryngologist.

Symptoms of angina:

  • enlargement of the palatine tonsils (tonsils);
  • formation of purulent plaque on the tonsils in the form of a rash or large focal inflammation;
  • enlargement of jugular and regional lymph nodes accompanied by severe pain;
  • diffuse foci of purulent raids (most often with Vincent's angina);

Depending on the type of inflammation and swelling of the palatine tonsils, the localization of foci of inflammation, several types of tonsillitis are distinguished (see diagram).

Angina is dangerous with complications such as suffocation when the airways are blocked, which can occur with improper treatment or no treatment. With pharyngeal sore throat, pain in the throat is localized from below or in the middle.

Quite often quinsy is shown at other diseases. For example, with agranulocytosis, mononucleosis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, infectious diseases. The patient may need the help of various specialists (primarily an otolaryngologist and a therapist). It is necessary to follow all the doctor's recommendations and complete the full course of treatment, since sore throat and sore throat can recur after inadequate treatment and be accompanied by severe complications (for example, an abscess, in which an aggressive abscess forms in the patient's throat).

Peritonsillar abscess

Forming in the submucosal zone of the pharynx, paratonsillar abscess usually becomes a severe complication of angina. With this abscess, increasing pains in the throat are manifested, which can affect one or two sides of the throat at once. Sometimes it may seem to the patient that the pain is localized throughout the throat.

When the pain intensifies, there is a feeling of fullness, severe swelling, swelling of the mucosa, while the lumen of the pharynx may partially or completely overlap, which subsequently makes breathing difficult. It is difficult for a patient in such a situation to open his mouth, since with trismus of masticatory muscles, he often experiences severe pain due to enlarged jugular lymph nodes in the neck.

This disease is also dangerous because the soft tissues that surround the enlarged abscess cannot contain it: it destroys them and penetrates through the fistula to the outside. This process tends to make the sore throat a little less so the swelling also becomes less pronounced. Therefore, sometimes it may seem to the patient that he has begun to recover.

In fact, this is a false impression. When a spontaneous opening of the abscess occurs, a certain amount of purulent discharge comes out, but at the same time there are still many remnants of pus in the cavity, which will “support” the inflammatory processes for a long time.

Sometimes, with a retropharyngeal abscess, pus enters the surrounding soft tissues, which also poses a serious threat to the patient's health: the pus begins to spread throughout the entire pharyngeal mucosa, reaching the space between the heart and lungs. With such a complication, there will be a need for urgent hospitalization of the patient and further surgical intervention.

Penetration of a foreign body into the pharynx

A foreign body can penetrate the pharynx and “get stuck” on the tonsils or throat mucosa during exhalation / inhalation, as well as during meals. A foreign body is called the remnants of food, various materials and tissues that accidentally penetrate the oral cavity and remain in the pharynx. Microparticles can harm the soft tissues of the throat, seriously damage its mucous membrane.

The nature of the pain symptom in the throat when a foreign body enters the throat is usually distinguished by a stabbing or cutting attack of pain. It can occur during swallowing movement.

An attempt to independently extract a foreign body can lead to traumatization of soft tissues and worsen the situation. Therefore, it is important to call a doctor, because without his help it will be not only difficult to cope with the problem, but also life-threatening.

Most often, a fragment of a meat or fish bone becomes a foreign body, which breaks off when swallowing and chewing food, getting stuck in the pharyngeal wall. If you risk pushing a foreign body in order to swallow, you can injure the pharyngeal wall even more. A complication can be an abscess, accompanied not only by severe pain in the throat, but also by bleeding, swelling and difficulty breathing.

Blokhin Igor Viktorovich

Leading Researcher. Assistant professor. Cardiologist, resuscitator

Articles written

The circumstances under which a sore throat is disturbing say a lot about the pathology that this symptom has become a manifestation of. For infectious and inflammatory diseases of the structures of the oropharynx, pain is typical that occurs or increases during swallowing, combined with an intoxication syndrome, and often also with a runny nose, cough. Much less common is the situation when the appearance of pain is observed in the process of yawning. Sometimes complaints of such pain become dominant among the symptoms that concern the patient. Why does my throat hurt when I yawn? What should be the treatment in this case?

Pain in the throat is a symptom that cannot be called rare. It occurs with viral and bacterial infections of the oropharynx, and may also be a sign of a fungal infection. However, in this case, other manifestations are often present - for example, fever, nasal congestion, headache, and after clarifying the list of symptoms, one or another diagnosis can be assumed.

There are several pathologies for which the onset of pain is typical at the time of yawning. This does not exclude the provocation of the pain syndrome by other actions (talking, eating) - however, the key feature is the absence of signs of an infectious disease. As a rule, such pathologies have a chronic course and are associated either with anatomical anomalies that entail changes of a different nature, or with neurological disorders. These include:

  1. Syndrome of the styloid process.
  2. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve (JAN).

It should be emphasized that there is a fundamental difference between the pain provoked by yawning in angina, pharyngitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases and pain in the pathologies mentioned above. In the first case, patients do not distinguish "special" pain zones, and unpleasant sensations are localized on both sides, delivering the same discomfort on the right and left. In the second case, the patient in complaints clearly outlines the boundaries of the area in which the pain worries him. Irradiation (recoil) to the ears, jaw, neck can be observed in any of these diseases.

Pain in neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve and styloid process syndrome is always one-sided.

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Bilateral forms in these pathologies, as a rule, do not occur. During the primary diagnosis of neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve, pain on the one hand is considered as one of the typical "supporting" signs. Damage from both sides at once is possible with the syndrome of the styloid process.

The occurrence of pain when yawning is also characteristic of the chronic course of tonsillitis. Outside of an exacerbation, the patient may feel discomfort, and painful sensations appear only with certain actions - an attempt to yawn, swallow saliva. At the same time, not all patients note a similar symptom; it is not mandatory in the clinical picture.

The syndrome of the styloid process is understood as a symptom complex that appears as a result of a change in the size or location of the named anatomical structure. In the presence of changes in the stylohyoid ligament, they speak of the stylohyoid syndrome. However, when indicating pain in the throat as the main manifestation, we are usually talking about one of the clinical variants of the named pathology - the styloid-pharyngeal syndrome.

The styloid process departs from the temporal bone, three muscles and two ligaments are attached to it, one of which is the stylohyoid. With the appearance of symptoms characteristic of the styloid-pharyngeal and / or stylohyoid syndrome, the following changes are detected:

  • lengthening and / or curvature of the styloid process;
  • calcification (ossification, deposition of calcium salts in the tissue) of the stylohyoid ligament;
  • a combination of changes in the styloid process and the stylohyoid ligament.

By itself, a change in the shape or length of the process does not mean a disease. "Non-standard" styloid processes are detected in many people, but only in certain cases their presence is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. Sometimes signs of pathology are found after an injury, as a result of which a curvature of the styloid process occurs, as well as after an operation to remove the tonsils - tonsillectomy.

It is worth saying that sore throat of varying intensity when yawning only one of the possible signs of the styloid-pharyngeal syndrome. Often, patients are worried about constant excruciating pain, which intensifies by the end of the day. In some cases, the pain syndrome is not pronounced, discomfort is insignificant and appears periodically.

The occurrence of painful sensations during yawning is often explained by painful dysfunction of the muscles attached to the styloid process.

This mechanism of development of the styloid process syndrome has been considered relatively recently. Pain is provoked by excessive and prolonged opening of the mouth; similar sensations arise after treatment by a dentist in a forced position with open jaws. Among the reasons, experts also indicate an overload of the masticatory muscles.

The pain is often combined with the sensation of a foreign body in the throat, perspiration, headache, and can radiate:

  1. In ear.
  2. Into the lower jaw.
  3. In the temporal region.
  4. In the submandibular region.

Imaging techniques, such as x-rays, are needed to confirm the diagnosis. Even if the patient is not bothered by any other symptoms, except for soreness when yawning, it is worthwhile to conduct a study to exclude or confirm the presence of changes in the styloid process.

The glossopharyngeal nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves and has both motor and sensory fibers. Yang neuralgia develops as a result of various pathological processes, among which are:

  • aneurysms of the internal carotid artery;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • chronic intoxication of various types;
  • tumors of the cerebellopontine angle;
  • throat tumors.

One of the most common etiological factors is stylohyoid syndrome. Pain is most often due to traumatization of the tonsil by an enlarged styloid process. Calcification of the stylohyoid ligament is also important. In addition, there are assumptions about the connection of neuralgia YAN with atherosclerosis.

The pain always occurs only on one side and is accompanied by dry mouth, which, after the end of the attack, is replaced by profuse salivation (salivation) - also one-sided. Yawning is not the only trigger, and it is less likely to cause an attack than talking, swallowing, or irritating the root of the tongue and tonsils (these are so-called trigger zones).

The pain is severe, it is described as burning, shooting, stabbing, resembling an electric shock. It appears suddenly and persists for a short time - usually up to several minutes. In this case, the attacks can be repeated one after another. During an attack, the patient may lose consciousness, which is explained, however, not by the intensity of pain, but by irritation of one of the nerve branches and inhibition of the vasomotor and respiratory centers.

A characteristic feature of neuralgia is the connection of pain with a provocative action (for example, yawning) and the rapid cessation of an attack.

The classic course of YAN neuralgia is considered to be undulating: an acute onset is replaced by remission of varying duration. In the future, the disease progresses, pain attacks appear more often, can become almost permanent, which significantly worsens the patient's condition. At the same time, the intensity of the pain syndrome increases.

To choose therapy, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pain. In infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and tonsils (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.), methods such as:

  1. Etiotropic therapy (if possible, influence the pathogen).

These are antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal drugs. They are used empirically (based on the assumption of a probable pathogen and assessment of the main characteristics of the clinical picture) or according to the results of identification of the pathogen (by inoculation on nutrient media, ELISA and PCR methods, etc.).

  1. Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.

Patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets, powders and solutions for rinsing, sprays. They may also include local antiseptics, anesthetics and other necessary components.

The need for these drugs is determined by the doctor after a comprehensive examination.

Treatment of patients who have established the presence of the styloid process syndrome can be conservative and surgical. It should immediately be said that conservative therapy with a significantly elongated and / or curved styloid process does not give a satisfactory and, importantly, long-lasting effect. The same applies to the calcification of the stylohyoid ligament. However, the syndrome is characterized by a variety of manifestations, and treatment tactics should be discussed with the attending physician, based on objective data, including anatomical data displayed on radiographs.

What is conservative treatment? Patients are prescribed drugs with analgesic, local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory action:

  • Metamizole sodium;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Novocaine, Lidocaine, etc.

They are injected; some dosage forms are also prescribed in tablets for oral administration.

Anti-inflammatory sprays, rinses, and other classic throat treatments for styloid syndrome are ineffective.

Surgical treatment involves resection, that is, excision (partial removal) of the styloid process on the side of the lesion. This is the most effective way to alleviate the suffering of the patient. The volume and method of surgical intervention is chosen by the attending physician, based on objective data. If calcification of the stylohyoid ligament is detected, it is usually also removed.

When confirming the diagnosis of YAN neuralgia, it is necessary:

  • treatment of the underlying pathology that caused the development of neuralgia;
  • the appointment of anticonvulsants (Finlepsin, Carbamazepine);
  • prescribing B vitamins.

Also, the root of the tongue is lubricated with anesthetics (Dikain, Procain) or injected into the named area. Various methods of physiotherapy are used: electrophoresis, diadynamics, etc. If conservative treatment is ineffective, the possibility of surgical intervention is considered.

A sore throat can be caused by a variety of reasons. Often she worries while yawning.

Before relieving the patient of discomfort, the doctor must examine him, conduct examinations. Treatment is prescribed after the diagnosis is made.

The pain is intense and barely perceptible. In addition to the intensity of pain in the throat, attention should be paid to burning, dryness, perspiration, and a change in voice. Sometimes something scratches inside, there is a feeling of a lump. These symptoms characterize various diseases.

Most often, there is also an increase in temperature. Appetite disappears, body aches, weakness appear.

The pain is sharp - due to inflammation; cutting - after injury; blunt - if there is a tumor.

Location of pain

The doctor is always interested in the place where the pain is concentrated. Pain on one side of the throat speaks of tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, abscess. On both sides - about varicose veins of the esophagus, arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint, problems with the kidneys, with the thyroid gland, diseases of the circulatory system (including cancer).

Pain in the lower part of the organ is the result of inflammation of the epiglottis. If it hurts deep inside, then there are problems with the pharynx, larynx, parathyroid glands, neck muscles.

When, when yawning, in addition to the throat, the ear also hurts, it is recommended to check the brain: it may be affected.

Types of diseases

The throat hurts while yawning for several reasons:

  • Diseases of the thyroid gland and vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Inflammation, including joints;
  • Myocardial infarction, angina pectoris;
  • Tumors, neuromuscular disorders;
  • Colds, weakened immune system;
  • Osteochondrosis, injuries, problems with teeth.

Stuck fish or small chicken bones, foreign objects can damage the larynx. In such cases, you should not knock on the back, try to remove the hindrance on your own, it is better to immediately call a doctor.

If you swallow food in too large pieces, eat dry food, drink hot drinks, then there is also a high probability of injuring the organ.

Pain in the throat often from damage to the jaw. A surgeon, dentist or neurologist will help relieve swelling, after which the discomfort will soon disappear. It is advised to do cold compresses, eat liquid food that does not require chewing.

Injuries to the larynx are received from a blow, a sharp turn of the neck and a tilting of the head.

Infectious diseases

The throat often hurts with flu, measles, colds. Adenoiditis is characterized by unpleasant symptoms when yawning.

Viruses and bacteria can cause a number of other serious diseases:

  • Angina is accompanied by severe pain, high fever. The disease is treated with antibiotics, tea with raspberry jam, gargling with kombucha.
  • Diphtheria. At first, the pain is mild, but gradually it increases. The swelling is accompanied by difficulty in breathing.
  • Infectious mononucleosis. Pain due to swollen lymph nodes.
  • Laryngitis. The inflammatory process of the throat and vocal cords changes the voice, causes a "barking" cough, asthma attacks, pain when swallowing.
  • Stomatitis or periodontitis. Signs: pustules on the mucous membrane of the throat, an increase in lymph nodes under the jaw, the absence of high temperature.
  • Pharyngitis. The voice becomes hoarse, pain in the throat is described by the patient as scratching. As a treatment, antiseptics, decoctions of chamomile, calendula are used.
  • Epiglottitis. Swelling of the epiglottis, dangerous because it blocks the airways.

Allergy and muscle hypertonicity

Scratching pain, coughing and itching can be allergic reactions. It is required to determine the allergen, humidify the air, gargle with saline.

Muscle hypertonicity is muscle spasm due to overexertion. It is painful for a person to yawn, and after a yawn, the discomfort immediately disappears. In such cases, turn to a neurologist.

A feeling of constriction in the throat causes swelling: it changes the position of the tissues.

If you do not seek help from a specialist, pressing pain will become unbearable over time.

If these sensations are a symptom of throat cancer, it is best to find out about the diagnosis as early as possible.

Inflammation of the joints

Arthritis or arthrosis of the TMJ is an acute inflammation in which it is painful to open your mouth, yawn. The joint is not able to move freely, the mouth does not open completely. The pain is constant, aching, and sometimes disturbs only during meals.

The disease develops due to inflammatory processes, injuries, serious dental problems, bad dentures, flu complications. Gradually, the joint ceases to recover, the cartilage disappears in places. This problem is treated by orthopedists, and in some cases by surgeons.

Pain in arthrosis and neuromuscular disorders is the same. An accurate diagnosis is made with the help of an x-ray.

"Lump in throat"

A lump across the throat stood up - such a feeling is associated with an emotional state.

In stressful situations, the muscles of the throat are too tense, and the brain perceives this as the presence of something foreign. In another way, such a phenomenon is called "hysterical lump", "lump syndrome".

Trigeminal neuritis

The trigeminal nerve is the largest in the region of the teeth and face. Inflammation of this nerve causes pain.

With neuritis, sensitivity is sometimes lost, paralysis is possible. There are many causes of the disease: various infections, inflammation of the gums and teeth, hypothermia, injuries.

Methods of treatment

Cope with mild pain by rinsing with warm salt water, decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs, roots. The throat is warmed up with alcoholic compresses, they breathe over potatoes, but only if there is no temperature.

You need to drink a lot. Drinks must be warm. Lime, raspberry tea helps well.

You should refrain from smoking and long-term communication, especially if you have laryngitis. The drugs prescribed by the doctor should be taken until the sore throat disappears.

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Tension of the ligaments is treated easily and quickly: enough rinsing and rest. If the pain does not go away, but becomes stronger, the temperature does not subside, home remedies do not help, you should urgently go to the hospital.

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Home » Sore throat » Sore throat when yawning

Sore throat: painful to swallow and yawn. How to be treated?

Olga Nabok

I learned about this tool more than 10 years ago. From childhood I had chronic tanzilit, and with any cold, the tonsils were covered with a hard white coating. And now - pah, pah, pah! Very simple! In a glass you mix 1 teaspoon of honey, the same amount of tea soda and vegetable oil. Then slowly add warm water to a full glass, stirring. Gargle with the resulting emulsion at least 3 times a day, after meals. After rinsing for half an hour, you should try not to talk. With this treatment, my sore throat passed in 3 days, and in the initial stage the very next day. By the way, I have experienced all of the above. Some drugs make it worse. And it's cheap and really helps. Try it - you won't regret it.

throat pills
and others)

more throat sprays
and rinse with soda or herbs (chamomile, sage, etc.)
there is honey
and lemon

Julia Egorovskaya

Gargle with potassium permanganate or soda and salt.
And often drink tea with lemon and honey.

Azm am the king

the best is half a glass of warm water, half a teaspoon of soda and salt. rinse every half hour... will pass very quickly.
A military doctor advised me this a long time ago.

Sveta Lapteva

rinse with chamomile infusion and sage tablets

Elena Kharitonova

Treat the throat with Lugol


Buy doxycycline, I often get a sore throat, and only they save me! You won't regret the 2nd day is already easier!

Causes of pain in the throat or larynx when swallowing

Sore throat is a common symptom of diseases of the pharynx, which are quite diverse and include inflammation, neoplasms and injuries. The classic version of pain in the throat that occurs with or without swallowing is acute inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.

In addition to pain, these pathologies are characterized by a rise in temperature, redness of the pharynx, palatine arches, tonsils, as well as multiple purulent raids in the follicles or lacunae of the tonsils. You can read more about these diseases in the articles lacunar tonsillitis, follicular tonsillitis, treatment of tonsillitis in children.

What are other causes of pain or sore throat?

Sore throat and fever

Sore throat when swallowing is a very common companion of acute pharyngitis. At the same time, in addition to painful swallowing, a person with pharyngitis may be disturbed by dryness in the throat, a sensation of scratching and perspiration in the throat. Viscous mucus can accumulate in the throat from transparent (with allergies) to yellow or green (with a bacterial process) colors.

Often pharyngitis is accompanied by a rise in temperature to subfebrile figures (37, 5). Moderate intoxication may also occur - pain in the muscles, head, joints. It is also possible the reaction of regional lymph nodes in the form of enlargement, compaction and soreness of the submandibular and cervical groups of lymph nodes. If you shine a flashlight into the throat, press the tongue and examine the throat, you can see redness and swelling in the soft and hard palate, palatine arches and tonsils. The main difference between pharyngitis and tonsillitis is the absence of purulent deposits on the tonsils or in the throat.

By origin, the following types of acute infectious pharyngitis are distinguished:

  • Viral - adenovirus, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, cytomegalovirus, caused by Epstein-Barr virus, coronaviruses
  • Bacterial - streptococcal, staphylococcal, mycoplasmal, caused by Haemophilus influenzae
  • fungal - candidiasis
  • Allergic, toxic, alimentary - when irritated by chemicals, low temperatures, tobacco smoke and cigarette tar
  • Radiation - from exposure to ionizing radiation, for example, during radiation therapy

A prerequisite for the development of acute bacterial or viral pharyngitis is infection with a bacterium or virus and a drop in the local immune defense of the pharynx, against the background of:

  • starvation
  • hypothermia
  • taking medications that suppress the immune system
  • chronic diseases

Pharyngomycosis - a fungal infection of the pharynx with fungi of the genus Candida albicans often appears during treatment with systemic or inhaled glucocorticoids, after a course of antibiotics, against the background of diabetes mellitus or immunodeficiencies.

  • Unlike bacterial inflammation, pharyngomycosis gives a more pronounced discomfort in the throat (scratching, soreness, perspiration, dryness and burning sensation).
  • The pain is more moderate, aggravated by eating and swallowing saliva, can be given to the front surface of the neck, under the lower jaw or in the ear.
  • Very typical intoxication.
  • A distinctive feature of this type of lesion of the pharynx is white or yellowish plaques in the region of the palatine arches, tonsils. soft palate.
  • After rejection of the raids or when they are removed with a spoon or spatula, weeping bleeding surfaces appear, which increase the soreness of the throat and can serve as a gateway for the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection.

Separate pharyngomycosis from diphtheria, in which there are also raids and intoxication. The main method of differential diagnosis is cultures from the nose and pharynx for BL (Lefler's wand).

Pain when swallowing without fever

Often the throat hurts without any temperature reaction, causing a lot of inconvenience when eating, talking and alerting patients.

Acute pharyngitis

Pharyngitis of an allergic, toxic or alimentary nature (when irritated by various substances or temperature) gives brightly colored pain and discomfort when swallowing. No temperature is observed. The easiest way to get pharyngitis is to smoke a cigarette.

  • At the same time, the pharynx is irritated, reddens
  • Her swelling develops
  • The mucosa becomes full-blooded and dry
  • Soreness in the throat, dryness and coughing
  • There may be sharp pain in the form of tingling

Of the interesting options for medicinal pharyngitis, it is worth noting pharyngitis against the background of the proton pump blocker Zulbex (Rabeprazole), the antitumor agent Tegafur, the cytostatic Methotrexate.

Chronic pharyngitis

Chronic pharyngitis exists in the form of catarrhal, atrophic or granular. The chronic form is not accompanied by intoxication or fever (read throat sprays).

With catarrh or mucosal hypertrophy

  • there is a feeling of itching, soreness, tickling or scratching in the throat
  • it may also give the impression of a foreign body in the pharynx, which does not prevent swallowing food
  • typically frequent swallowing, with which patients try to get rid of the feeling of a lump or blockage in the throat

Granular process

It has more vivid manifestations than catarrhal. The main reasons for its appearance:

  • frequent acute pharyngitis
  • smoking, alcohol abuse
  • gastroesophageal reflux (reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus with a non-closing sphincter of the inlet of the stomach)
  • dusty and polluted indoor or outdoor air, allergies

Atrophic pharyngitis

accompanied by dryness of the throat and difficulty in swallowing food. Often, patients have bad breath and a tendency to increased bleeding of small vessels of the pharynx. The sensation of a dry throat causes patients to drink more. There is a frequent association of atrophic pharyngitis with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and its spontaneous subsidence against the background of treated gastritis, peptic ulcer or duodenitis. The terminal stage of atrophy of the pharyngeal mucosa is accompanied by its sharp thinning, the appearance of many crusts and erosions and a fetid odor (ozena).

Injuries of the pharyngeal mucosa

This is a common cause of pain when swallowing. Acute injuries can be chemical (vinegar and other acids, alkalis, alcohols), thermal (boiling water burns) and mechanical (foreign bodies of the pharynx, cuts, stab or lacerations, gunshot wounds).

chemical burn

This is one of the most unpleasant, dangerous and difficult to treat injuries of the pharynx. At the same time, the longer the time of exposure to the mucosa and the more concentrated the solution, the deeper the damage, the more extensive the erosion of the mucosa and the higher the risk of bleeding and infection. A severe sharp pain appears in the pharynx, bleeding may open. Burns with vinegar, alkalis give a white scab in the mouth and throat, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids - brown, and nitric acid - yellow.

In the distant future, severe burns give pronounced scarring, which leads to narrowing of the pharynx and esophagus, requires long-term parenteral nutrition (in droppers or through a stoma in the intestine), exhausts the patient, who often needs surgical treatment and long-term recovery. Acetic acid burns, among other things, can be accompanied by poisoning and acute renal failure requiring hemodialysis.

Thermal burns

Such burns most often occur in everyday life from negligence or haste when a person drinks hot tea, coffee, milk or eats soup. The oral cavity is usually burned, but hot liquid can also get into the throat, causing burns of varying degrees. Steam and gas burns are also possible.

The first degree of thermal or chemical burns leads to damage to the mucosal epithelium, which is exfoliated by 3-4 days. The pharynx at the same time turns red and swells somewhat. Subjectively, the victim feels pain when swallowing in the esophagus and burning in the throat.

The second degree gives not only local changes in the mucosa (raids in the form of a scab, which is rejected after a week, revealing bleeding surfaces), but also changes in the general well-being of the victim in the form of intoxication, a rise in temperature. Mucosal defects heal through scarring.

The third degree is extensive and deep lesions under the scabs, which disappear by the end of the second week, extended erosions and ulcers of the pharynx, slowly healing and leaving scars that can deform the lumen of the pharynx and narrow it. Intoxication and temperature reaction are expressed, burn disease with multiple organ failure may develop. Such burns are complicated by laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, inflammation of the mediastinum, perforations and bleeding.

Mechanical injury

Mechanical injuries are most often caused by foreign bodies entering the pharynx. In the space between the tonsils, arches, in the back of the oropharynx and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rollers, small household items can get stuck (and in children, parts of the designer or parts of toys, slivers, balls, seeds and peel from apples).

Fish bones, needles, glass from broken dishes or cans are also often stuck. Children sometimes bite into Christmas decorations or glass ampoules with medicines left unattended. The latter, after biting, can also leave cuts in the mouth and throat. Foreign bodies in the upper pharynx are clearly visible and easy to remove.

But the middle and lower parts of the pharynx, which are difficult to examine, can retain a foreign object for a long time and become inflamed. They cause severe pain, aggravated by the promotion of food. If the foreign body enters the hypopharynx and is large enough, breathing difficulties may occur. With retropharyngoscopy of the ENT, the doctor manages to find, if not the object itself, then the redness, swelling and sedimentation of the pharyngeal mucosa left by it.

What is a pharyngeal abscess

If the pharyngeal mucosa is damaged by a foreign object to a considerable depth, a retropharyngeal abscess may develop, which also gives pain in the throat (to the right or left of the midline). The reason for its development is the penetration of infection into the pharyngeal space. Often this complication is given by stab wounds and stabbing foreign bodies of the pharynx. The clinic develops in two or three days:

  • there is pain during the promotion of food
  • difficulty swallowing
  • breathing disorders
  • forced position of the head
  • regional lymphadenitis appears
  • intoxication and temperature rise to 38-40 degrees

An abscess is usually identified already at the stage of examination of the pharynx. If necessary, the diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray examination.

Tumors are divided into benign and malignant. Of benign tumors, only large adenomas can make swallowing difficult and give some soreness with it. Malignant neoplasms necessarily in their development come to the stage of periodic or constant pain. Most often, tumors grow from the palatine tonsil, the soft palate. Less often - from the back wall of the pharynx.

  • Tumors from the epithelium (epithelioma) begin with superficial ulceration, then give regional lymphadenitis with a wooden density of knots soldered together. As the progression progresses, the depth and extent of the ulcer increase, pain increases with a characteristic reflection in the ears.
  • Lymphosarcoma gives disorders of swallowing, breathing and pain syndrome.
  • Reticulosarcoma is similar to lymphosarcoma, but has an earlier metastasis.
  • Of the external tumors, thyroid cancer deserves attention, which also gives difficult painful swallowing, sensation of a foreign body in the lower parts of the pharynx, pain in the neck. As the tumor grows, it makes it difficult to breathe, causes shortness of breath and cough, and also gives swelling of the neck and hoarseness.
  • Also, with lymphomas (symptoms), a feeling of a coma in the throat and swallowing disorders may occur.

Other causes of sore throat when swallowing

Cervical osteochondrosis

It gives a condition called "pharyngeal migraine". This is a sensation of a lump in the throat, which can also cause pain when swallowed (with damage to the 3rd pair of spinal nerves). Also, compression of the third root gives a feeling of pain behind the ear, a feeling of an increase in the tongue. With the defeat of the fourth root, in addition to pain and difficulty in swallowing, pain in the heart and collarbone may appear. A qualified neurologist should deal with such a problem.

Neurotic disorders

Panic attacks, neurotic disorders, somatized depressions can also mimic sore throats and difficulty swallowing. Patients complain of a sensation of a blockage in the throat, a lump that prevents not only swallowing, but also taking a deep breath. The general painful state of mind and hypochondria aggravate these experiences, on which patients often fixate and begin to suffer from cancerophobia. It is advisable for psychiatrists and psychotherapists to work with such disorders with the involvement of drug support with antidepressants and psychotherapy methods. Learn more about the symptoms and causes of panic attacks.

Sore throat due to genital infections

Syphilis of the throat

It begins to appear about a month after the infection. At the site of the introduction of pale treponema into the mucous membrane, an ulcer is formed with dense edges and a smooth bottom (hard chancre). Also, an increase in the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes develops, which become painful and dense. The chancre itself does not hurt until the microbial flora penetrates into it, causing secondary suppuration. After 2-3 months, when secondary syphilis develops, multiple bright tubercles with ulceration (syphilides) may appear in the pharynx. A dry cough may appear, and when the process spreads in the larynx, hoarseness of the voice.

gonorrhea pharynx

In this case, the picture will resemble a banal sore throat: sore throat and purulent raids on the tonsils. Infection occurs during oral sex, and in newborns in childbirth from a sick mother.

Pain in throat when swallowing

Sometimes not only the pharynx, but also the windpipe (larynx) responds with pain to swallowing movements.

Thus, if you or your loved ones have begun to be bothered by pain in the pharynx or neck during meals, you should not put off visiting an ENT or therapist.

My throat hurts a lot ((I can’t sleep, it hurts to swallow, yawn, even blow my nose - it hurts in my throat. There is no cough. How to treat?

Rinse with "Iodinol" every hour, it is necessary to remove plaque from the tonsils and clean the gaps. one-time rinses will not help. Packaging STREPSILS and Stopangin.

the same, eat onion, lemon, citrus fruits, hot raspberry tea and chamomile.
gargle with either a solution of furacilin, or salt + soda + iodine - dissolve in warm water


if there is iodinol, then lubricate their throat. Rinse with baking soda and salt first. or furatsilin, wrap with a scarf. you can “poke around with yox” or analogues, it also eliminates the pain in the throat “falimint” and other dragees for resorption.

rinse with saline for 10-15 minutes (a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water). it is advisable to do this several times a day. Good luck

Ilya 97657

Strepsils with anesthetic - first. Then the recipe: take a few slices of lemon, honey - ceilings and drink a little bit, and when you lie down in bed, take this mixture for 10-15 minutes and keep it in your mouth.

Bindweed Kryzhovnikova

At the moment, you can anesthetize with any analgesic: Analgin, Baralgin, Spazmalgon, Pentalgin, Maksigan, etc.

Natick LaSkA!

VO VO! I have the same bullshit, I just got very hoarse (((I don’t eat or drink honey because they told me that honey scratches my throat. I don’t drink hot either, I drink everything summer. I also use Larinal spray, it’s nothing like that. try it! I brewed my mother and stepmother, cooled down, I will drink instead of water. Lemon is also good, only without sugar! Well, more vitamin C! Lana, I gave you all the recommendations that I myself follow. Good luck to you, and a healthy neck!)

The circumstances under which a sore throat is disturbing say a lot about the pathology that this symptom has become a manifestation of. For infectious and inflammatory diseases of the structures of the oropharynx, pain is typical that occurs or increases during swallowing, combined with an intoxication syndrome, and often also with a runny nose, cough. Much less common is the situation when the appearance of pain is observed in the process of yawning. Sometimes complaints of such pain become dominant among the symptoms that concern the patient. Why does my throat hurt when I yawn? What should be the treatment in this case?

TEST: Find out what's wrong with your throat

Did you have an elevated body temperature on the first day of illness (on the first day of the onset of symptoms)?

For a sore throat, you:

How often lately (6-12 months) have you experienced similar symptoms (sore throat)?

Feel the neck area just below the lower jaw. Your feelings:

With a sharp increase in temperature, you have used an antipyretic drug (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). After that:

What sensations do you experience when you open your mouth?

How would you rate the effect of throat lozenges and other topical pain relievers (sweets, sprays, etc.)?

Ask someone close to look down your throat. To do this, rinse your mouth with clean water for 1-2 minutes, open your mouth wide. Your assistant should illuminate himself with a flashlight and look into the oral cavity by pressing a spoon on the root of the tongue.

On the first day of illness, you clearly feel an unpleasant putrefactive bite in your mouth and your loved ones can confirm the presence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Can you say that in addition to a sore throat, you are worried about coughing (more than 5 attacks per day)?


Pain in the throat is a symptom that cannot be called rare. It occurs with viral and bacterial infections of the oropharynx, and may also be a sign of a fungal infection. However, in this case, other manifestations are often present - for example, fever, nasal congestion, headache, and after clarifying the list of symptoms, one or another diagnosis can be assumed.

There are several pathologies for which the onset of pain is typical at the time of yawning. This does not exclude the provocation of the pain syndrome by other actions (talking, eating) - however, the key feature is the absence of signs of an infectious disease. As a rule, such pathologies have a chronic course and are associated either with anatomical anomalies that entail changes of a different nature, or with neurological disorders. These include:

  1. Syndrome of the styloid process.
  2. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve (JAN).

It should be emphasized that there is a fundamental difference between the pain provoked by yawning in angina, pharyngitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases and pain in the pathologies mentioned above. In the first case, patients do not distinguish "special" pain zones, and unpleasant sensations are localized on both sides, delivering the same discomfort on the right and left. In the second case, the patient in complaints clearly outlines the boundaries of the area in which the pain worries him. Irradiation (recoil) to the ears, jaw, neck can be observed in any of these diseases.

Pain in neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve and styloid process syndrome is always one-sided.

Bilateral forms in these pathologies, as a rule, do not occur. During the primary diagnosis of neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve, pain on the one hand is considered as one of the typical "supporting" signs. Damage from both sides at once is possible with the syndrome of the styloid process.

The occurrence of pain when yawning is also characteristic of the chronic course of tonsillitis. Outside of an exacerbation, the patient may feel discomfort, and painful sensations appear only with certain actions - an attempt to yawn, swallow saliva. At the same time, not all patients note a similar symptom; it is not mandatory in the clinical picture.

Styloid process syndrome

The syndrome of the styloid process is understood as a symptom complex that appears as a result of a change in the size or location of the named anatomical structure. In the presence of changes in the stylohyoid ligament, they speak of the stylohyoid syndrome. However, when indicating pain in the throat as the main manifestation, we are usually talking about one of the clinical variants of the named pathology - the styloid-pharyngeal syndrome.

The styloid process departs from the temporal bone, three muscles and two ligaments are attached to it, one of which is the stylohyoid. With the appearance of symptoms characteristic of the styloid-pharyngeal and / or stylohyoid syndrome, the following changes are detected:

  • lengthening and / or curvature of the styloid process;
  • calcification (ossification, deposition of calcium salts in the tissue) of the stylohyoid ligament;
  • a combination of changes in the styloid process and the stylohyoid ligament.

By itself, a change in the shape or length of the process does not mean a disease. "Non-standard" styloid processes are detected in many people, but only in certain cases their presence is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. Sometimes signs of pathology are found after an injury, as a result of which a curvature of the styloid process occurs, as well as after an operation to remove the tonsils - tonsillectomy.

It is worth saying that sore throat of varying intensity when yawning - only one of the possible signs of the styloid-pharyngeal syndrome. Often, patients are worried about constant excruciating pain, which intensifies by the end of the day. In some cases, the pain syndrome is not pronounced, discomfort is insignificant and appears periodically.

The occurrence of painful sensations during yawning is often explained by painful dysfunction of the muscles attached to the styloid process.

This mechanism of development of the styloid process syndrome has been considered relatively recently. Pain is provoked by excessive and prolonged opening of the mouth; similar sensations arise after treatment by a dentist in a forced position with open jaws. Among the reasons, experts also indicate an overload of the masticatory muscles.

Pain is often associated with sensation of a foreign body in throat, perspiration, headache, may radiate:

  1. In ear.
  2. Into the lower jaw.
  3. In the temporal region.
  4. In the submandibular region.

To confirm the diagnosis, imaging methods are needed - in particular, x-rays. Even if the patient is not bothered by any other symptoms, except for soreness when yawning, it is worthwhile to conduct a study to exclude or confirm the presence of changes in the styloid process.


The glossopharyngeal nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves and has both motor and sensory fibers. Yang neuralgia develops as a result of various pathological processes, among which are:

  • aneurysms of the internal carotid artery;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • chronic intoxication of various types;
  • tumors of the cerebellopontine angle;
  • throat tumors.

One of the most common etiological factors is stylohyoid syndrome. Pain is most often due to traumatization of the tonsil by an enlarged styloid process. Calcification of the stylohyoid ligament is also important. In addition, there are assumptions about the connection of neuralgia YAN with atherosclerosis.

The pain always occurs only on one side and is accompanied by dry mouth, which after the end of the attack is replaced by profuse salivation (salivation) - also one-sided. Yawning is not the only precipitating factor, besides, it leads to an attack less often than talking, swallowing, or irritation of the root of the tongue and tonsils (these are the so-called trigger zones).

The pain is severe, it is described as burning, shooting, stabbing, resembling an electric shock. It appears suddenly and persists for a short time - usually up to several minutes. In this case, the attacks can be repeated one after another. During an attack, the patient may lose consciousness, which is explained, however, not by the intensity of pain, but by irritation of one of the nerve branches and inhibition of the vasomotor and respiratory centers.

A characteristic feature of neuralgia is the connection of pain with a provocative action (for example, yawning) and the rapid cessation of an attack.

The classic course of YAN neuralgia is considered to be undulating: an acute onset is replaced by remission of varying duration. In the future, the disease progresses, pain attacks appear more often, can become almost permanent, which significantly worsens the patient's condition. At the same time, the intensity of the pain syndrome increases.


To choose therapy, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pain. In infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and tonsils (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.), methods such as:

  1. Etiotropic therapy (if possible, influence the pathogen).

These are antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal drugs. They are used empirically (based on the assumption of a probable pathogen and assessment of the main characteristics of the clinical picture) or according to the results of identification of the pathogen (by inoculation on nutrient media, ELISA and PCR methods, etc.).

  1. Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.

Patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets, powders and solutions for rinsing, sprays. They may also include local antiseptics, anesthetics and other necessary components.

The need for these drugs is determined by the doctor after a comprehensive examination.

Treatment of patients diagnosed with styloid process syndrome may be conservative and surgical. It should immediately be said that conservative therapy with a significantly elongated and / or curved styloid process does not give a satisfactory and, importantly, long-lasting effect. The same applies to the calcification of the stylohyoid ligament. However, the syndrome is characterized by a variety of manifestations, and treatment tactics should be discussed with the attending physician, based on objective data, including anatomical data displayed on radiographs.

What is conservative treatment? Patients are prescribed drugs with analgesic, local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory action:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Novocaine, Lidocaine, etc.

They are injected; some dosage forms are also prescribed in tablets for oral administration.

Anti-inflammatory sprays, rinses, and other classic throat treatments for styloid syndrome are ineffective.

Surgical treatment involves resection, that is, excision (partial removal) of the styloid process on the side of the lesion. This is the most effective way to alleviate the suffering of the patient. The volume and method of surgical intervention is chosen by the attending physician, based on objective data. If calcification of the stylohyoid ligament is detected, it is usually also removed.

When confirming the diagnosis of YAN neuralgia, it is necessary:

  • treatment of the underlying pathology that caused the development of neuralgia;
  • the appointment of anticonvulsants (Finlepsin, Carbamazepine);
  • prescribing B vitamins.

Also, the root of the tongue is lubricated with anesthetics (Dikain, Procain) or injected into the named area. Various methods of physiotherapy are used: electrophoresis, diadynamics, etc. If conservative treatment is ineffective, the possibility of surgical intervention is considered.

The circumstances under which a sore throat is disturbing say a lot about the pathology that this symptom has become a manifestation of. For infectious and inflammatory diseases of the structures of the oropharynx, pain is typical that occurs or increases during swallowing, combined with an intoxication syndrome, and often also with a runny nose, cough. Much less common is the situation when the appearance of pain is observed in the process of yawning. Sometimes complaints of such pain become dominant among the symptoms that concern the patient. Why does my throat hurt when I yawn? What should be the treatment in this case?

TEST: Find out what's wrong with your throat

Did you have an elevated body temperature on the first day of illness (on the first day of the onset of symptoms)?

For a sore throat, you:

How often lately (6-12 months) have you experienced similar symptoms (sore throat)?

Feel the neck area just below the lower jaw. Your feelings:

With a sharp increase in temperature, you have used an antipyretic drug (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). After that:

What sensations do you experience when you open your mouth?

How would you rate the effect of throat lozenges and other topical pain relievers (sweets, sprays, etc.)?

Ask someone close to look down your throat. To do this, rinse your mouth with clean water for 1-2 minutes, open your mouth wide. Your assistant should illuminate himself with a flashlight and look into the oral cavity by pressing a spoon on the root of the tongue.

On the first day of illness, you clearly feel an unpleasant putrefactive bite in your mouth and your loved ones can confirm the presence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Can you say that in addition to a sore throat, you are worried about coughing (more than 5 attacks per day)?


Pain in the throat is a symptom that cannot be called rare. It occurs with viral and bacterial infections of the oropharynx, and may also be a sign of a fungal infection. However, in this case, other manifestations are often present - for example, fever, nasal congestion, headache, and after clarifying the list of symptoms, one or another diagnosis can be assumed.

There are several pathologies for which the onset of pain is typical at the time of yawning. This does not exclude the provocation of the pain syndrome by other actions (talking, eating) - however, the key feature is the absence of signs of an infectious disease. As a rule, such pathologies have a chronic course and are associated either with anatomical anomalies that entail changes of a different nature, or with neurological disorders. These include:

  1. Syndrome of the styloid process.
  2. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve (JAN).

It should be emphasized that there is a fundamental difference between the pain provoked by yawning in angina, pharyngitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases and pain in the pathologies mentioned above. In the first case, patients do not distinguish "special" pain zones, and unpleasant sensations are localized on both sides, delivering the same discomfort on the right and left. In the second case, the patient in complaints clearly outlines the boundaries of the area in which the pain worries him. Irradiation (recoil) to the ears, jaw, neck can be observed in any of these diseases.

Pain in neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve and styloid process syndrome is always one-sided.

Bilateral forms in these pathologies, as a rule, do not occur. During the primary diagnosis of neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve, pain on the one hand is considered as one of the typical "supporting" signs. Damage from both sides at once is possible with the syndrome of the styloid process.

The occurrence of pain when yawning is also characteristic of the chronic course of tonsillitis. Outside of an exacerbation, the patient may feel discomfort, and painful sensations appear only with certain actions - an attempt to yawn, swallow saliva. At the same time, not all patients note a similar symptom; it is not mandatory in the clinical picture.

Styloid process syndrome

The syndrome of the styloid process is understood as a symptom complex that appears as a result of a change in the size or location of the named anatomical structure. In the presence of changes in the stylohyoid ligament, they speak of the stylohyoid syndrome. However, when indicating pain in the throat as the main manifestation, we are usually talking about one of the clinical variants of the named pathology - the styloid-pharyngeal syndrome.

The styloid process departs from the temporal bone, three muscles and two ligaments are attached to it, one of which is the stylohyoid. With the appearance of symptoms characteristic of the styloid-pharyngeal and / or stylohyoid syndrome, the following changes are detected:

  • lengthening and / or curvature of the styloid process;
  • calcification (ossification, deposition of calcium salts in the tissue) of the stylohyoid ligament;
  • a combination of changes in the styloid process and the stylohyoid ligament.

By itself, a change in the shape or length of the process does not mean a disease. "Non-standard" styloid processes are detected in many people, but only in certain cases their presence is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. Sometimes signs of pathology are found after an injury, as a result of which a curvature of the styloid process occurs, as well as after an operation to remove the tonsils - tonsillectomy.

It is worth saying that sore throat of varying intensity when yawning - only one of the possible signs of the styloid-pharyngeal syndrome. Often, patients are worried about constant excruciating pain, which intensifies by the end of the day. In some cases, the pain syndrome is not pronounced, discomfort is insignificant and appears periodically.

The occurrence of painful sensations during yawning is often explained by painful dysfunction of the muscles attached to the styloid process.

This mechanism of development of the styloid process syndrome has been considered relatively recently. Pain is provoked by excessive and prolonged opening of the mouth; similar sensations arise after treatment by a dentist in a forced position with open jaws. Among the reasons, experts also indicate an overload of the masticatory muscles.

Pain is often associated with sensation of a foreign body in throat, perspiration, headache, may radiate:

  1. In ear.
  2. Into the lower jaw.
  3. In the temporal region.
  4. In the submandibular region.

To confirm the diagnosis, imaging methods are needed - in particular, x-rays. Even if the patient is not bothered by any other symptoms, except for soreness when yawning, it is worthwhile to conduct a study to exclude or confirm the presence of changes in the styloid process.


The glossopharyngeal nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves and has both motor and sensory fibers. Yang neuralgia develops as a result of various pathological processes, among which are:

  • aneurysms of the internal carotid artery;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • chronic intoxication of various types;
  • tumors of the cerebellopontine angle;
  • throat tumors.

One of the most common etiological factors is stylohyoid syndrome. Pain is most often due to traumatization of the tonsil by an enlarged styloid process. Calcification of the stylohyoid ligament is also important. In addition, there are assumptions about the connection of neuralgia YAN with atherosclerosis.

The pain always occurs only on one side and is accompanied by dry mouth, which after the end of the attack is replaced by profuse salivation (salivation) - also one-sided. Yawning is not the only precipitating factor, besides, it leads to an attack less often than talking, swallowing, or irritation of the root of the tongue and tonsils (these are the so-called trigger zones).

The pain is severe, it is described as burning, shooting, stabbing, resembling an electric shock. It appears suddenly and persists for a short time - usually up to several minutes. In this case, the attacks can be repeated one after another. During an attack, the patient may lose consciousness, which is explained, however, not by the intensity of pain, but by irritation of one of the nerve branches and inhibition of the vasomotor and respiratory centers.

A characteristic feature of neuralgia is the connection of pain with a provocative action (for example, yawning) and the rapid cessation of an attack.

The classic course of YAN neuralgia is considered to be undulating: an acute onset is replaced by remission of varying duration. In the future, the disease progresses, pain attacks appear more often, can become almost permanent, which significantly worsens the patient's condition. At the same time, the intensity of the pain syndrome increases.


To choose therapy, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pain. In infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and tonsils (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.), methods such as:

  1. Etiotropic therapy (if possible, influence the pathogen).

These are antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal drugs. They are used empirically (based on the assumption of a probable pathogen and assessment of the main characteristics of the clinical picture) or according to the results of identification of the pathogen (by inoculation on nutrient media, ELISA and PCR methods, etc.).

  1. Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.

Patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets, powders and solutions for rinsing, sprays. They may also include local antiseptics, anesthetics and other necessary components.

The need for these drugs is determined by the doctor after a comprehensive examination.

Treatment of patients diagnosed with styloid process syndrome may be conservative and surgical. It should immediately be said that conservative therapy with a significantly elongated and / or curved styloid process does not give a satisfactory and, importantly, long-lasting effect. The same applies to the calcification of the stylohyoid ligament. However, the syndrome is characterized by a variety of manifestations, and treatment tactics should be discussed with the attending physician, based on objective data, including anatomical data displayed on radiographs.

What is conservative treatment? Patients are prescribed drugs with analgesic, local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory action:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Novocaine, Lidocaine, etc.

They are injected; some dosage forms are also prescribed in tablets for oral administration.

Anti-inflammatory sprays, rinses, and other classic throat treatments for styloid syndrome are ineffective.

Surgical treatment involves resection, that is, excision (partial removal) of the styloid process on the side of the lesion. This is the most effective way to alleviate the suffering of the patient. The volume and method of surgical intervention is chosen by the attending physician, based on objective data. If calcification of the stylohyoid ligament is detected, it is usually also removed.

When confirming the diagnosis of YAN neuralgia, it is necessary:

  • treatment of the underlying pathology that caused the development of neuralgia;
  • the appointment of anticonvulsants (Finlepsin, Carbamazepine);
  • prescribing B vitamins.

Also, the root of the tongue is lubricated with anesthetics (Dikain, Procain) or injected into the named area. Various methods of physiotherapy are used: electrophoresis, diadynamics, etc. If conservative treatment is ineffective, the possibility of surgical intervention is considered.

Almost every one of us once faced such a problem as a sore throat. As a rule, throat diseases occur in autumn or winter, but there are cases when such a symptom occurs in summer or spring. In most cases, the throat is very sore due to the development of a bacterial or viral infection, or irritation of the mucous membrane. It is also very painful to swallow in the early stages of the development of colds.

So why do sore throats occur? Sore throats can occur for a variety of reasons, but we'll discuss the most common ones. In most cases, various diseases of the throat occur for the following reasons:

  • the development of a fungal infection;
  • weakened immunity;
  • beriberi;
  • low humidity level;
  • unbalanced diet or prolonged fasting;
  • dental diseases;
  • side effects of various medications;
  • allergic reactions;
  • inhalation of smoke, which irritates the respiratory tract and irritates the throat;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical region;
  • development of infection in the nasopharynx;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • after oral sex;
  • due to chemical irritants;
  • after burns.

Pain sensations can have a different form, for example, aching, sharp, pressing, dull,. Also, the pain may have a pulsating, subsiding or increasing character, and the place of its location may be different. To determine the cause of severe sore throat, you need to consult a doctor who, after a diagnosis, will be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment. In most cases, diagnosis consists of passing the following tests:

  • listening to the upper respiratory tract;
  • a swab taken from the throat;
  • monitoring the level of acid in the esophagus;
  • chest x-ray;
  • measurement of pressure in the esophagus;
  • neck x-ray.

Article outline


Most often, throat diseases are accompanied by various symptoms, the main of which we will consider today. And so, how do the symptoms of a sore throat exist?

  • increased body temperature;
  • runny nose;
  • it hurts to yawn;
  • burning;
  • headache;
  • mild fever;
  • cough;
  • saliva something;
  • increased sensitivity along the entire neck;
  • sneeze;
  • increased salivation;
  • general fatigue;
  • hoarseness.

It is also worth paying your attention to the fact that the reason why the throat is very sore and may be the development of a viral or bacterial infection. Naturally, only a doctor can determine the cause of a throat disease, but for some reason people constantly ignore this and treat the disease on their own. In the event that a sore throat is caused by the development of a bacterial infection, the sore throat will be sudden and quite severe. The most common bacterial infection is streptococcal infection. If the throat is very sore due to a bacterial infection, then the following symptoms will be observed:

  • an increase in body temperature up to forty degrees Celsius;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • terribly painful to yawn.

But still, the most common causes of various diseases of the throat are precisely viral infections. In this case, the inflammation develops gradually, which means that the severity of the symptoms will also increase gradually. Viral diseases include diseases such as influenza, measles, chickenpox, mononucleosis, and the like. If throat diseases are caused by the development of a viral infection, then the following symptoms occur:

  • fever, but there are cases when the body temperature remains normal;
  • dry cough;
  • fatigue quickly sets in.


What is the treatment for sore throat? Due to the increase in swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat, pain occurs, which, with any tension of the vocal cords, can lead to increased pain in the throat. In this case, eating and even swallowing liquids will be accompanied by pain. In most cases, the treatment of a sore throat consists of taking antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection, but if the disease is complicated by various complications, then the treatment becomes a little more complicated depending on the severity. Pay attention to the fact that the treatment of a bacterial infection is different from the treatment of a viral one. The difference lies in the fact that only the treatment of a bacterial infection consists in taking antibiotics, and with a viral infection, antibiotics are unacceptable. Improper treatment of throat diseases can lead to complications such as:

  • kidney disease;
  • purulent tonsillitis;
  • rheumatic heart disease.

Also, the treatment of throat diseases may be accompanied by the use of anesthetics, which include ingredients that cause numbness in the throat and reduce pain, but do not be afraid that you will no longer feel your throat at all. You can use menthol sweets, which also reduce pain in the throat, as well as cool and soften the throat. But pay attention to the fact that menthol candies cannot cure the disease itself.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe antiseptic and antibacterial sprays, which contain components that help stop the infection from multiplying. Pay attention to the fact that with pain in the throat it is quite difficult and even painful to swallow food, and sometimes saliva, so dehydration may occur. The likelihood of developing dehydration is greatly increased if there is an onset of fever. In this case, the patient needs to drink more liquid.

What can be done at home to reduce sore throat?

  • gargle more often with warm saline solution, but in no case swallow it;
  • take painkillers;
  • try to strain your vocal cords less;
  • stop smoking, as this leads to irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • to reduce the risk of dehydration, eat cold foods, such as ice cream;
  • observe bed rest;
  • watch your breath and breathe better through the nasopharynx;
  • more often carry out wet cleaning in the room in which the patient is located;
  • drink as little liquid as possible;
  • use antibacterial lozenges and cough drops more often, for.

What should I do if my throat hurts, and treatment with medicines prescribed by a doctor does not help much?

  • Gargling with horseradish tincture. To prepare it, you need to mix a tablespoon of horseradish with a teaspoon of ground cloves and 240 grams of warm boiled water.
  • Raspberry rinse. Pour two teaspoons of raspberry leaves with a glass of boiling water and insist for ten minutes, and then strain through a strainer and cool.
  • Gargle with a solution of lemon juice, for this you need to stir the lemon juice in 240 milligrams of warm boiled water.
  • . To prepare it, you need to pour two teaspoons of sage with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for ten minutes, and then strain through a strainer and cool.
  • Gargle with linden tincture. To prepare it, you need to mix 40 g of dry linden with 60 g of medical chamomile, pour two cups of boiling water and leave for an hour.
  • Cayenne pepper tincture. In order to prepare it, you need to mix the juice of half a lemon with a tablespoon of salt and a quarter teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and then pour half a glass of warm boiled water.

It is necessary to gargle with the presented tinctures at least four times a day, otherwise the gargle will be ineffective.

Pain in the throat rarely needs to call an ambulance, but there are exceptions:

  • so severe pain in the throat that the patient cannot swallow saliva, and salivation is increased;
  • severe swelling of the throat, which is accompanied by shortness of breath and a slight whistle when breathing.

A simple trip to the doctor can be limited only in such cases:

  • high body temperature (about 38 degrees Celsius), which is not accompanied by any other signs of a cold;
  • alternating high and low body temperature;
  • pain when moving the jaw;
  • purulent plugs are visible on the back of the throat;
  • pain in the throat that lasts for 48 hours and is not accompanied by symptoms characteristic of colds;
  • greatly enlarged lymph nodes;
  • hoarseness that lasts for two weeks.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or SARS. The opinion of an experienced doctor.

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