What not to eat with the first blood group. Nutrition system and healthy products for the first blood group - an overview of scientific research First positive nutrition

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Diet food for blood type 1 is designed to stabilize metabolism. The Rh factor has a relative influence on the formation of the daily diet. All products according to their value for the body are divided into 3 categories. A seven-day diet was established. We will analyze the details in the article.

Influence of 1 blood group on metabolism

Dietary diet for blood type 1 was developed by Dr. D-Adam. In his opinion, dietary nutrition should be based on meat products due to the body's ability to absorb animal protein.

Representatives of the 1st blood group are endowed by nature with a strong digestive system and excellent body resistance to diseases. The doctor believes that it is rational nutrition that contributes to the stabilization of metabolic processes in the body.

Nutrition for representatives of the zero blood group is based on the following principles:

  • We eat meat as the main ingredient in the daily diet. Animal products stabilize metabolic processes. We choose red juicy meat. You need to cook meat products by baking and medium frying in olive oil. The frequency of eating animal food is at least four times a week. Cooking meat is accompanied by its preliminary pickling. The product is soaked in lemon juice, seasonings, spices.
  • We eat seafood helping the body fight natural diseases. Fat in the composition of sea fish ensures the stable functioning of the endocrine system.
  • We eat more fruits and vegetables. Plant foods will make up for the deficiency of vitamins and stabilize the digestive processes.
  • We have snacks throughout the day. Eat more nuts and dried fruits. This category of products saturates the body with useful vitamins, microelements and fatty acids, which makes it possible to facilitate metabolic processes.
  • Preferred drinks - green tea and purified water. Do not get carried away with black tea and strong coffee. An invigorating green drink helps to reduce the acidity of the stomach to the maximum allowable rate.
  • Dairy products are excluded from the diet! The presence of milk in the diet of the owners of the 1st blood group causes malfunctions in the digestive system.
  • We exclude flour products from the diet, especially wheat. Cereal cereals are considered useful, but not for representatives of the zero blood group. Flour products interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive system, which leads to various diseases, in particular obesity.
  • We minimize the consumption of legumes, and it is better to refuse them altogether. Despite the fact that beans are a source of protein, in the body of a person with 1 blood group, it is practically not absorbed. We replenish protein with fresh red meat and fish.

Nutritional supplements will allow you to diversify and increase the value of your daily diet:

  • Liquorice root, which helps to reduce the level of intensity of reproduction of gastric hydrochloric acid and acidity in general. Licorice will serve as a prophylactic against peptic ulcer.
  • Carnation, added to food, helps to increase the body's immunity and eliminate any kind of fungus.
  • Ginger, acting as an antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory properties. Intestinal activity is markedly increased.
  • Cayenne pepper, protecting the digestive organs from toxic compounds. Seasoning is used as a prophylactic agent that stabilizes the work of the stomach.
  • Turmeric - spice, which is a valuable irreplaceable product . Due to the high content of essential oils in its composition, the body is protected from cancer. Turmeric stimulates the production of substances necessary for the mucous membrane and stabilizes the liver.

The influence of the Rh factor on the list of products

If the owners of a positive Rh are predisposed to certain diseases, then the owners of a negative Rh of the same group are at risk. They are more prone to bowel problems. This is due to the slowdown in metabolic processes. They need to eat a lot of meat and vegetables. It is better to refuse cheese altogether. Drink more green tea, chamomile and rosehip infusions. Do not eat foods that slow down the bowels:

  • fat meat;
  • applesauce;
  • high-fat dairy products;
  • green bananas;
  • fried and smoked foods;
  • flour products;
  • cocoa and strong coffee;
  • jelly.

Distribution of products by category

The founder of dietary nutrition shared everything products by three criteria:

1. Useful- products that have a positive effect on metabolism. In the process of processing food, life energy is formed. Toxic substances are not released, the weight is reduced.

These products include:

  • low-fat meat, mainly lamb, beef, rabbit meat;
  • dishes based on beef liver;
  • egg of any kind;
  • plant foods, mainly asparagus, tomatoes, spinach;
  • fish, seaweed, shrimp, squid;
  • kefir, yogurt, low-fat fermented baked milk;
  • green tea and purified water;
  • freshly squeezed fruit juices;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • seasonings (listed above) and iodized salt.

2.Neutral- products that are not involved in metabolic processes. This category practically does not affect the work of internal organs:

  • poultry meat: duck, chicken;
  • fish products: crustaceans, smelt, eel, pike perch;
  • cod fat and liver;
  • sunflower and butter;
  • white and asparagus beans;
  • almonds;
  • cereals: barley, barley, rye, buckwheat;
  • asparagus and celery;
  • rye gingerbread;
  • sheep cheese and cottage cheese.

3.Negative- products that release toxic substances. In the process of processing junk food, intermediate compounds are formed that adversely affect the functioning of the body:

  • meat products: ham, bacon, ham, sausages;
  • salted and pickled herring;
  • whole milk;
  • peanut butter;
  • seeds and pistachios;
  • white and apple cider vinegar;
  • white and red cabbage;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • vanilla and cinnamon;
  • nutmeg;
  • ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • fruits of the citrus family;
  • bakery products made from wheat flour;
  • alcohol products.

Products belonging to the neutral and negative categories are best excluded from the diet, due to them body weight increases.

Seven Day Diet

The seven-day diet is based on the balance of nutrients. A representative of the 1st blood group, during weight loss, does not experience hunger. The body works normally, without experiencing stress. Metabolism gradually normalizes, as a result of which extra pounds quickly leave the body. For 7 days you can lose up to 4 kg.

Approximate diet for 7 days

The daily menu will be the same in terms of energy value. It is necessary to eat food in 5 doses. Great importance is given to snacks and afternoon tea. They are necessary to maintain the digestive system (especially for people with a negative Rh factor). In the hours between the main meal, the stomach needs to be replenished in order to avoid the appearance of unnecessary gas formation.

Consider a sample menu for the day:


The first meal will be based on eating the fruit. It is better to alternate fruits and berries:

  • We eat a choice of one apple, pear, a handful of cherries, a bunch of grapes.
  • Once a week, instead of fruits, boil one egg.
  • As drinks, we alternate green tea with herbal tea.
  • On one of the 7 days, it is allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.


  • In a snack you need to drink a glass of juice. We alternate apple, cherry, carrot, pear drinks.
  • Once a week, instead of juice, you can eat 1 ripe banana.


  • Let's prepare a light vegetable soup without frying. On one of the 7 days, we cook the first course in meat broth. Lunch can be varied with broccoli soup.
  • For the second, we cook beef, chicken, liver and seafood, alternating by day. Products are not fried, it is better to boil or bake. A serving should not exceed 200 grams. We choose only lean meat.
  • From seafood, we prefer boiled squid.
  • In the middle of the week, instead of a meat dish, we will prepare low-fat cottage cheese seasoned with light yogurt -150 grams.
  • For dessert, we will prepare salads: from tomatoes and cucumbers or radishes. Instead of a salad, you can eat a green apple or a couple of fresh cucumbers. A small slice of rye bread for lunch won't hurt.
  • We drink green tea.

afternoon tea:

  • For the second snack we eat a small piece of rye bread. Once a week, brush it with a thin layer of butter.
  • We drink herbal tea.
  • An alternative option for an afternoon snack is a glass of freshly squeezed juice, mainly apple or carrot.


  • Boil or bake veal, fish, liver, alternating by day - 150 grams.
  • We serve salads as a side dish: from seaweed, from radish, from tomatoes and cucumbers, from beets.
  • On one of the 7 days we bake zucchini, with boiled shrimp for garnish.
  • Instead of salads, it is allowed to eat an apple, apricot or pear.
  • Traditionally, we drink a cup of green or herbal tea.

The advantages of this dietary diet is that there are no contraindications. The exception is allergic reactions to the proposed food products.

Before starting a diet, consult a nutritionist. Possible contraindications for health reasons.

Strengthen the diet can be through physical activity. The owners of the zero group need to lead a dynamic lifestyle. A dietary regimen in relation to sports will bring more results. Experts recommend cycling, rollerblading, swimming, skiing, fitness.

The frequency of dietary nutrition

You can repeat the diet as needed. A person who has experienced it on himself feels an improvement in his state of health in physical and moral terms. The diet is quite saturated, the body does not weaken.

It is advisable to always use the basic principles of such nutrition. It is clear that sometimes you want to eat fried potatoes or fatty meat. Remember that everything needs a measure.

Don't forget to control your weight. With the appearance of extra pounds, we return to the seven-day diet.

The body of representatives of the 1st blood group does not absorb vegetable protein well, which causes the intestines to suffer. Products of the negative category completely disable the digestive system. A seven-day diet will allow you to establish metabolic processes and stabilize the digestive tract.

Sometimes people who use the same products get the opposite result. Some people lose weight, while others keep gaining weight. According to American scientists, it's all about genetics.

It turns out that depending on what kind of blood type a person has (and it is due to our distant history), his preferences in nutrition, well-being, as well as the usefulness of the food eaten are manifested.

The blood type diet is a relatively young phenomenon that entered people's lives at the very end of the 20th century. However, this food system quickly gained wide popularity among many thousands of its followers.

What do scientific studies say?

Existing scientific studies cannot yet confirm the effectiveness of this D'Adamo nutritional system.

D'Adamo's concept is based on the assertion that the emergence of blood types occurred in accordance with the epochs of human development. In each period, certain foods prevailed in the diet of people, and it is they that are favorable for representatives of different groups.

There are products that make a person with a certain blood type feel great and, and physically. From others, he falls into depression, feels discomfort and dissatisfaction with life. For each blood group products were divided into 3 classes:

  1. Useful. They heal the body, strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism, promote weight loss, since all the useful and necessary substances from them are absorbed as much as possible.
  2. Harmful, or "heavy". They are hard to digest by a person with a certain blood type, have a toxic effect, contribute to the accumulation of fats and weight gain.
  3. Neutral. They do not bring tangible benefits, but they do not cause harm if consumed in moderation. Help diversify the diet.

The popularity of the blood type diet is based on its effectiveness, as well as the fact that you do not need to count calories and grams, severely restrict yourself in nutrition. It's not the amount of food that matters, but what you eat.

The principles of the blood type diet include the following points:

  1. The division of people into types. These are 1, 2, 3, 4 blood types.
  2. Food according to your type. Foods that are healthy and allowed for one type of person may be harmful for another.
  3. Appropriate physical activity. The individual characteristics of the groups imply different physical activity.
  4. Taking food supplements. Due to the fact that some dishes fall into the category of prohibited, the body receives less certain elements: minerals, vitamins, and so on. Therefore, some vitamins and minerals need to be taken in addition to the diet.

The first blood type ("O") is inherent in a third of the world's population. A positive Rh factor is typical for 75% of Europeans.

What does the Rh factor affect?

Numerous studies in the field of nutrition prove that the Rh factor has no effect on the digestibility of food. This means that the choice of products, menus and nutritional recommendations will be the same for the first positive and first negative blood groups.

Product table

We invite you to take a look at the table below.


Group 1 is the most common and at the same time the oldest. It is believed that it was originally possessed by all people who appeared on Earth. There were no other groups then. The ancient people got their livelihood mainly by hunting, and the owners of group 1 inherited love in meat food.

A meat diet and limited consumption of cereals and vegetables have a positive effect on the representatives of the first group today. Certain foods cleanse the body of toxins that have taken a fancy to fatty tissues and enrich the body with the necessary substances.

People with group 1 are active and purposeful, prefer intense physical activity. They are winners. The basis of their nutrition system should be protein. With a balanced diet, these people quickly achieve their goals, but the imbalance is fraught with inflammation.

  1. Artichokes, kale, spinach and broccoli. They regulate the digestive process and improve metabolism.
  2. Red meat and liver. Eat beef, lamb, veal and lamb meat. They have a lot of iron, they are rich in vitamin B12 and protein, which normalize metabolism.
  3. Seafood and some freshwater fish. Give preference to salmon fish, mackerel, sturgeon, perch, cod, pike, anchovies, mussels, oysters, shrimps. Love algae. Fish oil can improve blood clotting and help protein absorption.
  4. Foods high in iodine. All the same seaweed and algae, iodized salt, herbs and green vegetables will make up for the lack of iodine in the hunter's body.
  5. Oils. The most optimal for people of the 1st blood group is olive and linseed oil. The rest are poorly digested.
  6. Beverages. Green tea and juices from pineapple, prunes, plums are best absorbed. And to calm the nerves, you can drink a decoction of ginger, tea with rose hips, mint or linden.

In addition to this list of products, nuts are useful for "hunters" (especially walnuts, 2-5 nuts daily are enough), figs, prunes. They replenish the body with microelements. And bread baked from germinated seeds contains very little gluten, which is bad for people with the "O" group.

People with blood type 1 have good digestive and immune systems. Their problems are mainly associated with a reduced metabolic rate.


If we talk about harmful foods in relation to nutrition by blood type, then harm here does not mean dangerous. They are simply undesirable for the first group because of the structural features of the cells of the body.

Excess in the diet of these products can provoke diseases:

  • thyroid gland,
  • arthritis;
  • various allergies;
  • susceptibility to stroke, etc.

Junk food can lead to a slowdown in metabolism, which will provoke weight gain, so these foods may well be blacklisted. It will include:

  1. Foods high in gluten (gluten). They are made from cereals such as wheat, rye, barley, oats. Gluten helps slow down the metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Products that reduce the intensity of insulin action. These include corn, beans, beans, lentils. With a decrease in the intensity of insulin work, the metabolic rate also decreases.
  3. Vegetables that cause hypothyroidism: cauliflower, white and Brussels sprouts. Vegetables of the nightshade family (potatoes, eggplants). They are dangerous because they lower the function of the thyroid gland.
  4. Sour fruits. But pineapple, figs, plums or figs should not be neglected.
  5. Dairy products with high fat content. Do not get carried away with butter, cheese, cream, cottage cheese and others. It is better to prefer low-fat sour-milk or soy substitutes to them. Dairy products are poorly digestible, but serve as a source of calcium.

However, it is not necessary to completely exclude all these products from the diet. You just need to minimize their consumption.

People with type 1 blood are 3 times more likely than others to have a stomach ulcer.


Moderation has always been welcomed in every area of ​​life. Food is no exception. In order for a representative of the 1st blood group to feel comfortable, he needs not only meat and figs, but also other foods rich in vitamins and minerals. They complement and diversify the diet, and if consumed in small quantities, do not harm the body. Among these foods, hunters should sometimes eat:

  1. Seafood: crustaceans, eel, flounder.
  2. Oil: from sunflower.
  3. cereals: occasionally rice or buckwheat.
  4. Nuts and seeds: add chestnuts, almonds, sesame seeds, hazelnuts to food.
  5. Vegetables: dilute the diet with tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus, olives, pumpkin dishes, radishes, dill.
  6. Fruits: do not forget about persimmons, raspberries, lemons, peaches, currants, cranberries, cherries, pears, bananas, watermelon.
  7. Beverages: fruit juices. From alcoholic - red and white wine.
  8. Spices: add mint, bay leaf, marjoram, cloves, anise, bergamot, paprika, salt, coriander to food in a small amount.

Does this diet help you lose weight?

Does eating by blood type allow you to lose weight quickly? It allows what is eaten not to stagnate and not be deposited where it should not. This improves health and reduces weight to normal. So such a diet not only does not bother, but also effectively helps to lose weight.

True, you should be aware of some features and follow a few rules.

  1. Required level of physical activity. The first group requires activity, adrenaline exercises. You can go in for running, martial arts, boxing, equestrian sports, swimming, aerobics, dancing ... But calm exercises are even contraindicated. In the absence of sufficient activity, apathy and depression quickly appear.
  2. The best effect will be from a diet based on protein foods. The ratio of protein to fats and carbohydrates in it will be 9:1 (90% proteins, and only 10% fats and carbohydrates).
  3. Vitamins and minerals. Vitamin K, manganese, iodine, B vitamins, and calcium contribute to weight loss for representatives of the 1st group. Pancreatic enzymes are also needed. But with vitamins E and A, you should be careful.
  4. Lifestyle. The diet is aimed at a long-term result, which is not achieved in a short time period. This diet should be made a lifestyle.
  5. Seeing a dietitian. The availability of information about this diet and the relative ease of its implementation still do not exclude the fact that it is advisable to consult a dietitian. This guarantees a qualitative result and excludes the appearance of significant disturbances in the body.
  6. Medications. Unnecessarily do not use aspirin, which thins the blood and increases acidity. Do not abuse sulfa drugs and antibiotics of the penicillin class.

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Such a nutrition system allows you to reduce weight, as harmful foods leave the diet, attention is paid to physical activity. But there are no requirements to eat by the hour, split portions, fight appetite. "Hunters" usually like this diet.

Thanks to a variety of meat and fish dishes, they are always full and happy, active and cheerful. They do not have to severely restrict themselves in the main products and starve. And at the same time, their weight tends to be ideal. Be healthy and eat right, considering your blood type!

The blood type 1 diet was developed by Peter D'Adamo. According to the doctor, carriers of 1 positive and negative blood groups are born hunters, both men and women, and therefore, to improve their immune system, normalize the functions of the digestive system, maintain vigor and even lose weight with a diet of 1 blood group, you should eat low-fat varieties of meat dishes, as well as fish and seafood.

Features of the diet for 1 blood group

The diet for blood group 1 involves the use of red meat dishes, poultry, fish and seafood in the menu. Excludes pork, dairy and grain products, pastries, coffee, strong black tea, alcohol. There are some nutritional features of people with a diet for 1 blood group with a positive and negative Rh factor.

A feature of the nutrition of people of the 1st positive blood group with a diet is the daily consumption of low-fat meat dishes in their diet, preferably beef and lamb, turkey, as well as fish and seafood. For a side dish, with a positive Rh, cereals are recommended: buckwheat, barley, pearl barley, as well as spinach, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato, radish, artichokes.

A feature of nutrition when following a diet with 1 negative blood group is the use of meat dishes in the weekly diet at least 3-4 times. It is better to stew or bake the meat in the oven. If you are Rh negative, you should first marinate dishes in tomato, cherry or lemon juice. Fish must be on the menu. The additional use of fish oil is shown. Allowed to use goat cheese in the diet in small. Consumption of fatty cheeses should be reduced to a minimum.

Prescribing a diet based on blood type

People with 1 positive and negative blood group are prescribed a diet for weight loss. A well-designed menu allows you to lose weight, while maintaining energy and vigor. Other dietary indications for people of the 1st positive and negative blood group include: a weakened immune system, metabolic disorders and diseases of the digestive system.

List of allowed and prohibited products


  • Diet for blood type 2 - menu for the week
  • Properly formulated diet according to blood type
  • Diet for 3 blood types: positive, negative
  • Diet for blood type 4: menu for a week with recipes
  • Diet for hepatitis C - menu for a week with recipes

When following a diet, it is necessary to take into account in your diet the products recommended by dietitians for people with blood type 1.

The diet must include:

  • meat (excluding pork);
  • by-products (kidneys, liver, heart);
  • Fish and seafood;
  • olive and linseed oil;
  • sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, beans, pumpkin, turnip, broccoli, leek;
  • parsley, spinach, ground pepper, curry;
  • prunes, apples, plums, cherries, figs, cherry plums.

People with 1 blood group of both positive and negative Rh factor are recommended to completely exclude the following foods from their menu when dieting:

  • Pork, goose, bacon and ham;
  • Dairy and sour-milk products (with the exception of cottage cheese and curd cheese);
  • Pistachios, peanuts, lentils;
  • Macaroni and bakery products from durum wheat;
  • Pickles, mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar;
  • Potatoes, champignons, cauliflower;
  • Oranges, tangerines, melon, strawberries, avocados;
  • Black tea, strong coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Menu for the week for 1 positive

People with 1 positive blood group in the intervals between main meals while dieting are recommended to snack on pumpkin seeds, walnuts, pine nuts or almonds. You can supplement the diet menu with linden or green tea, rosehip broth.


  • Cottage cheese. Jam.
  • Pike ear.
  • Braised lamb. Salad of radishes, cucumbers, herbs.


  • Pumpkin puree. Jelly.
  • Rassolnik. Cherry plum.
  • Grilled salmon fillet with sweet pepper.


  • Curd with prunes.
  • Turkey broth. Sweet potato.
  • Beef with rice and spinach.


  • Barley with figs and cherry plum.
  • Chicken soup. Plums.
  • Salmon fillet with Jerusalem artichoke.


  • Muesli. Honey.
  • Beef meatballs in tomato sauce.
  • Veal in a creamy sauce with parsley.


  • Soft-boiled egg. Rye gingerbread.
  • Rabbit stewed with vegetables.
  • Herring. Turnip. Prunes.


  • Rice waffles.
  • Cream soup with shrimps.
  • Turkey fillet with seaweed.

Menu for the week for 1 negative

Diet 1 negative blood type involves cooking meat dishes in a preliminary marinade, preferably in lemon or tomato juice. Carriers of the 1st negative blood type are recommended to add iodized salt to their food, especially when dieting. When a feeling of hunger arises, it is better to have a snack with dried fruits, walnuts.


  • Cod liver. Toast.
  • Roast lamb.
  • Fillet of veal. Turnip, spinach.


  • Rye gingerbread. Plums.
  • Cutlets from beef. String beans.
  • Sturgeon. Sweet potato.


  • Wedges with chicken liver.
  • Hake fillet. Baked turnip.
  • Beef medallions. Broccoli.


  • Pearl barley. Fish fat.
  • Vegetable soup with meat broth. Baked apples.
  • Grilled trout. Spinach.


  • Buckwheat. Braised chicken liver.
  • Ear. Rye bread.
  • Lamb baked with prunes.


  • Barley porridge with almonds and cherry plum.
  • Beef soup. Toast.
  • Herring. Rice. Seaweed.


  • Prunes stuffed with walnuts.
  • Beef medallions.
  • Turkey steak. Beans.

Dish recipes

beef medallions


  • beef tenderloin 200 gr;
  • lemon 1;
  • onion 1;
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • iodized salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Cut the beef tenderloin into medium pieces, at least 1.5 cm thick, if desired, beat off to give a delicate taste. Salt the meat, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Peel the onion, cut into rings, add to the marinade and leave it for 20 minutes. Then fry the meat in a pan with a little olive oil. We spread the fried pieces of meat on a baking sheet covered with foil or parchment paper, send them to the oven for 30 minutes until cooked.

Cream soup with shrimps


  • shrimp 5;
  • sweet potato 3;
  • lime 1;
  • carrot 1;
  • cream 10% 100 ml;
  • iodized salt;
  • ground black pepper.

We clean the shrimp, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lime juice. Carrots and sweet potatoes are peeled, finely chopped. Cook vegetables in salted, boiling water for 15 minutes until tender. Drain excess water, pour 10% cream into vegetables, cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Then puree in a blender until smooth. Add shrimp to the cream soup, decorate with greens if desired.

The exquisite taste of cream soup with shrimp will add a touch of piquancy to the diet menu of representatives of the 1st positive blood group.

Sturgeon baked in the oven


  • sturgeon 1.5 kg;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • lemon 1.

We clean the fish from scales and entrails, remove the gills. Rinse with running water, rub with salt and pepper, leave to marinate for 5 minutes. We spread parchment paper on a baking sheet, put the sturgeon on it, sprinkle it with squeezed lemon juice. We send the fish to the oven for 30 minutes until golden brown and ready.

Sturgeon is an amazingly tasty dinner, acceptable in the diet of people of the 1st blood group with a positive and negative Rh factor.

baked apples


  • apples 2;
  • honey 1 teaspoon;
  • nuts 20 gr.

My apples, cut out the middle, without touching the base. We put honey and nuts into the resulting form (raisins, prunes, etc. to taste). We send it to the preheated oven for 20-30 minutes.

For a long time, you won’t surprise anyone with a diet by blood group. She also has an army of fans who claim that a blood type diet really helps to keep a figure in an enviable harmony, there is also a crowd of ill-wishers and critics. What is the meaning of the blood group diet and what foods are especially useful for the owners of group 1?

The owners of the I blood group now know the exact answer to the question: "What would you eat to lose weight?". The diet for blood type 1, compiled by the famous naturopathic doctor Peter D "Adamo, is a significant proof of this.

Reasonable grain in the diet by blood type

Before embarking on a list of useful and not too products in the blood type 1 diet, it is worth mentioning what the essence of the “bloody” weight correction method is.

So, the author is considered to be the American naturopathic doctor Peter D "Adamo, who, based on the research of his father, James D" Adamo, proved that the same foods are digested differently in people with different blood types. After a long study of the issue, he compiled lists of dishes and foods for each of the four blood groups: in one list he included foods and dishes that contribute to weight loss, normalization of metabolism and recovery, in the other - a list of foods that he considered "heavy" for representatives of this blood groups. “Heavy” means those that are poorly digested, have a toxic effect, provoke the accumulation of fats and weight gain. What foods are good for a diet for the first blood group, and which are bad?

Blood Type 1 Diet: Foods to Help You Lose Weight and Restore Health

In nutrition for the first blood group, according to the statements of the father and son of D "Adamo, the following products are especially useful:

  • Artichokes, broccoli, kale, spinach. These products help to regulate the process of digestion, improve metabolism.
  • Red meat. Especially lamb, beef, lamb and veal. Red meat is an excellent supplier of iron, vitamin B12 and protein, which play a huge role in the metabolism of representatives of the 1st blood group.
  • Seafood: salmon fish, anchovies, shrimp, mussels and oysters. As well as such species of fish as perch, cod, pike.
  • Of all the types of oils in the diet for blood type 1, olive oil is recommended.
  • In addition, representatives of the 1st blood group in their diet should find a place for walnuts, bread from germinated seeds, figs and prunes.

"Bad" foods in terms of diet for blood type 1

If foods are “harmful” in a diet for blood group 1, this does not mean at all that they are dangerous to health. However, Dr. D "Adamo considered them undesirable specifically for representatives of the 1st blood group. Due to the peculiarities of the cellular structure of their body, for these people the products of their "black list" are dangerous only because they contribute to weight gain and slow metabolism. But you must admit - and this is enough to stop using them.

The list of undesirable foods for people with the first blood type includes:

  • Products from wheat, oats, barley and rye containing gluten (gluten). This sticky substance slows down the metabolic processes in the body of representatives of the 1st blood group, so it is better to limit their use in the diet to a minimum.
  • Corn, beans, lentils, which reduce the intensity of insulin action, and thus also reduce the metabolic rate.
  • Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage. These vegetables provoke hypothyroidism - a decrease in thyroid function.
  • Fatty dairy products (including butter, cream, cottage cheese, cheese, and others), which D "Adamo advised to replace with soy or low-fat dairy products.

It is interesting to know that the first blood type is the most common in the world and the oldest. It is believed that initially all people who lived on Earth about 40 thousand years ago had only one blood type and it was the first. That is why today people with this group are usually classified as the “Hunter” type, for which it is recommended to follow a predominantly meat diet, with limited consumption of cereals and vegetables.

The topic of the article is nutrition by blood type. We will tell you what foods you can eat with a certain blood type to lose weight and improve well-being.

The essence of nutrition by blood type

D'Adamo is the author of a weight loss system called the Blood Type Diet. For optimal life, each person should eat foods that are suitable for him. With the exclusion from the diet of products that are incompatible with your blood type, the functioning of internal organs and systems improves, excess weight is lost and toxins and toxins are removed from the body.

Peter D'Adamo believed that people with the same blood type have something in common, or rather:

  • predisposition to the same diseases;
  • similar sleep and rest patterns;
  • identical stress resistance;
  • the need to use the same food;
  • similar biorhythms.

According to the American doctor Peter D'Adamo, the absorption of nutrients by the body and their efficiency of use depends on genetics and blood type. If a person does not eat “his” food, then this negatively affects his health, causes a malfunction in the digestive system and metabolism. It also leads to obesity.

Foods contain glycoproteins that bind carbohydrates. Each blood type is able to absorb only certain of them. In the case when a person consumes products with glycoproteins that are not suitable for him, they are not absorbed, but accumulate in the digestive tract. In this case, the body perceives them as foreign substances. According to this theory, there are useful, harmful and neutral products.

Below in the tables we will present the products that can be consumed with each blood type.

Nutrition table for 1 blood group

The first blood type, according to scientists, is considered the most ancient. 33% of the world's population has this blood type. Such people are inherent in leadership inclinations, strength and influence. Their main food is meat.

Those with this blood type should take B vitamins and vitamin K, as well as supplements that contain calcium, iodine, and manganese.

A characteristic feature of people with 1 blood group is a slow metabolic process. For this reason, to lose weight, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • eat more liver and red meat - these foods will help speed up the metabolism;
  • eat more foods that contain iodine;
  • eat radish, radish, as they activate the production of thyroid hormones;
  • completely remove wheat and all products made from it, legumes from the diet, as they do not allow insulin to be produced and stop metabolism.
Healthy foodsharmful productsNeutral Products
Beef, veal, lamb, turkey, liver, heart, minced beefPork, lard, ham, bacon, ham, goose meatRabbit meat, broiler meat, duck and chicken meat, eggs
Seaweed, pike, fresh herring, halibut, sturgeon, fresh herring, cod, mackerel, trout, hake, salmonCatfish, caviar, smoked salmon, catfish, pickled and salted herringCarp, pike perch, squid, smelt, perch, eel, tuna, crustaceans, flounder
Food casein, any kind of cow and goat milk, kefir, processed and cow cheese, yogurt, whey, ice cream, sour cream, creamHomemade cottage cheese, cottage cheese and sheep cheese
Linseed oil, olive oilCottonseed, corn, soybean, peanut oilCod liver oil, margarine, butter and sunflower oil
Walnuts, pumpkin seedsPeanuts, pistachios, poppy seedsHazelnuts, cedar nuts, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, almonds
Soy milk, spotted beans, cheeseNavy beans, lentilsGreen peas, white and asparagus beans, soy and black beans, green peas
Wheat bagels, semolina, buns, pasta, corn flour, muesli, corn, wheat, corn porridge, crackers, oatmeal cookies, oat and wheat flakes, wheat and corn bread, durum wheat flour, wholemeal breadGroats: barley, buckwheat, barley, rice; rye, millet, rice wafers, buckwheat and rye flour, barley, rye bread and crispbread
Parsley, curry, pepperKetchup, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper, pickles and marinades, vinegar: apple, wine, whiteCloves, mustard, jam and fruit jelly, coriander, lavrushka, granulated sugar, cumin, dill, horseradish, chocolate, fennel, honey, paprika, mayonnaise
Broccoli, sweet potato, kohlrabi, leek, parsnip, watercress, chard, hot pepper, turnip, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, chicory, spinachCabbage: leaf, red, Brussels sprouts, Chinese, cauliflower, white cabbage; rhubarb, potatoes, mushroomsZucchini, oyster mushroom, swede, carrot, bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, asparagus, beetroot, celery, radish, lettuce, radish
Herbal tea: parsley, linden, dandelion, rosehipTea: St. John's wort, coltsfoot, burdock, strawberry,Tea: hawthorn, licorice, mint, chamomile, echinacea, yarrow, raspberry, thyme, valerian, ginseng
Cherries, figs, apples, cherry plums, plums, prunesBlackberry, avocado, orange, coconut, melon, black olives, strawberry, tangerinePineapple, watermelon, banana, barberry, grapefruit, lingonberry, kiwi, grape, gooseberry, raisin, pear, blueberry, cherry, pomegranate, lemon, raspberry, blueberry, currant, persimmon, nectarine, peach, cranberry
Vodka, cognac, tinctures, coffee, coca-cola, lemonade, black teaWine: white, red; beer, green tea

Nutrition table for 2 blood group

Almost 38% of the people of the entire earthly planet have 2 blood groups. The recommended food for them is vegetarian.

Take B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin E. Retinol, also known as vitamin A, can be taken in a small dose.

Healthy elements are selenium and chromium.

A distinctive feature of the representatives of the 2nd blood group is the reduced secretion of gastric juice. For this reason, the digestion of meat is complicated. But at the same time, it is permissible to eat meat and chicken in small quantities.

Due to the fact that people with a similar blood type have a delicate gastric mucosa, it is forbidden to eat spicy foods, sour fruits and berries, and salty foods. If you want to not only improve your well-being, but also lose weight, then try it, especially since this fruit can be eaten by people with 2 blood groups.

Healthy foodsharmful productsNeutral Products
Beef, veal, lamb, turkey, liver, heart, minced beef, pork, lard, ham, bacon, ham, goose meatBroiler and chicken meat, eggs, turkey
Salmon, fresh herring, carp, cod, mackerel, zander, mackerel, troutShellfish, caviar, halibut, catfish, flounder, smoked salmon, pickled and salted herring, squid, catfish, eelSmelt, seaweed, pike, tuna, sturgeon, perch
Milk: skimmed and whole; ice cream, cream, whey, cow cheeseGoat milk, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, melted cheese, curd and sheep cheese, cottage cheese
Olive and linseed oilCoconut, butter, peanut, cottonseed and corn oilsCod liver oil, soybean and sunflower oil, margarine
Soy and black beans, soy milk and cheese, spotted beans, lentilsNavy beansString and green peas, white and asparagus beans
Flour: oatmeal, rye and buckwheat; rice waffles, buckwheat, rye, rye breadSemolina, bagels, pasta, buns, muesli, rye gingerbread, crackers, wheat, durum wheat flour, wheat flakes, grain and wholemeal breadCorn and corn starch, pearl barley, cornmeal and porridge, oatmeal cookies, millet, rice, wheat and rye bread, barley, corn and oatmeal
MustardVinegar: wine, apple, white; ketchup, mayonnaise, black pepperFruit jam and jelly, vanilla, lavrushka, cloves, parsley, coriander, granulated sugar. dill, curry, horseradish, chocolate, cumin, paprika, fennel, honey, nutmeg, pickles and marinades
Cabbage: kale, kohlrabi, broccoli, oyster mushroom, leek and chives, onions, watercress, carrots, turnips, parsnips, pumpkin, spinach, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, leaf beetCabbage: cauliflower, red, white, Chinese; mushrooms, sweet and hot peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, rhubarbCucumbers, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, celery, lettuce, swede, beets, asparagus, radish
Pineapple, cherry plum, lingonberry, cherry, blueberry, grapefruit, fig, cranberry, lemon, blueberry, sweet cherry, plum, appleOrange, banana, barberry, melon, olives, coconut, tangerineWatermelon, pomegranate, raisin, raspberry, strawberry, persimmon, peach, nectarine, currant, gooseberry, pear, kiwi, avocado, grape
Tea: hawthorn, valerian, burdock, ginseng, St. John's wort, echinacea, chamomile, rosehip Tea: raspberry, linden, strawberry, mint, dandelion, licorice, mint, thyme, parsley, yarrow
Red wine, green tea, black coffeeVodka, tinctures, cognac, beer, lemonade, black tea, Coca-ColaWhite wine

Nutrition table for 3 blood groups

There are about 20% of people with the third blood group on earth. Representatives of this group have a good nervous system, strong immunity. Such people are recommended a mixed diet.

People with type 3 blood need to take nutritional supplements that include magnesium, lecithin, and licorice. Representatives of this blood group are prone to gaining excess weight.

Healthy foodsharmful productsNeutral Products
Rabbit, lamb, eggsHam, chicken meat, pork, heart, duck meat, bacon, goose meat, ham, broiler meatLiver, veal, turkey, beef, lard, minced beef
Marinated herring, river pike, cod, mackerel, pike perch, hake, trout, salmon, flounder, sea bass, halibut, sturgeonShellfish, seaweed, smoked salmon, eel, caviarFresh and salted herring, tuna, catfish, carp, perch, smelt
Sheep and cottage cheese cheese, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, goat milk and skimIce creamProcessed cheese, cheese, edible casein, cow's milk cheese, whole milk, whey
Olive oilCoconut oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, margarineFlaxseed and butter, cod liver oil
PoppyPumpkin and sunflower seeds, pine nuts, pistachios, peanuts, hazelnutsWalnuts, almonds
Soy and navy beansLentils, spotted beans, black beansSoy milk, green peas, soy cheese, asparagus and white beans, green peas
Oatmeal cookies, rice, wheat bread, millet, rice waffles, oatmeal flakes, oatmealCereals and flour corn and rye, wheat, muesli, buckwheat flour, grain bread, barley, wheat bagels, wholemeal bread, corn and wheat flakes, bread and rye bread, corn starch, barley and pearl barley, corn, buckwheatCracker biscuits, durum wheat flour, rye gingerbread, semolina, pasta, buns, black pepper, marinades and pickles, granulated sugar
Horseradish, curry, parsleyMayonnaise, ketchup, cinnamonVinegar: white, apple, wine; dill, cumin, vanilla, chocolate, fennel, jam, cloves, mustard, fruit jelly, parsley, coriander, nutmeg, honey, paprika
Cabbage: Chinese, leafy, Brussels sprouts, white, red, cauliflower, broccoli, cauliflower; carrots, watercress, sweet and hot peppers, sweet potatoes, chard, swedeTomatoes, pumpkin, radish, radish, rhubarb, potatoesTurnips, cucumbers, parsnips, beets, lettuce, celery, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, mushrooms, chicory, oyster mushrooms, spinach, kohlrabi, leeks, onions, chives, zucchini
Plum, apple, cherry plum, coconut, banana, pineapple, lingonberry, cranberry, grapeOlives, pomegranate, persimmon, barberry, avocadoKiwi, strawberry, fig, lemon, raspberry, gooseberry, peach, nectarine, cherry, currant, prunes, blueberry, watermelon, orange, cherry, blueberry, pear, grapefruit, melon, pear, raisin, blackberry
Tea: licorice, ginseng, rose hips, parsley, raspberryTea: linden, coltsfootTea: chamomile, dandelion, thyme, yarrow, echinacea, valerian, hawthorn, St. John's wort, mint, strawberry leaves
Green teaLemonade, vodka, Coca-Cola, tinctures, cognacBlack coffee, beer, white and red wine

Nutrition table for 4 blood group

The owners of the fourth blood group populate the planet by only 8%. It is generally accepted that they have a weak immune system and a sensitive gastrointestinal tract. The optimal diet for them is moderately mixed.

People with a similar blood type should take B vitamins, zinc and selenium.

Problems with excess weight can arise in the case of the use of prohibited foods. For this reason, their consumption should be minimized or eliminated altogether.

Healthy foodsharmful productsNeutral Products
Rabbit, lamb, turkeyHam, chicken meat, pork, heart, duck meat, beef, ham, minced beef, bacon, veal, broilers, goose meatLiver, eggs, fat
River pike, cod, zander, mackerel, tuna, caviar, trout, mackerel, salmon, sea bass, sturgeonPickled and salted herring, hake, eel, flounder, squid, smoked salmon, crustaceans, halibutRiver perch, fresh herring, carp, catfish, catfish, smelt, seaweed
Sheep and cottage cheese cheese, homemade cottage cheese, sour cream, goat milk, yogurt, kefirProcessed cheese, whole milk, cream, ice creamCow's milk cheese, whey, skim milk
Olive oilMargarine, oil: corn, sunflower, butter, coconut, cottonseedCod liver oil, linseed oil, soybean oil, peanut oil
Poppy, walnuts, peanutsPumpkin and sunflower seeds, hazelnutsAlmonds, pistachios, pine nuts
Lentils, spotted beans, soybeans and navy beansblack beansSoy milk and soy cheese, asparagus and white beans, green peas, green peas
Bread and rye bread, rice groats, rice wafers, rye and oatmeal flour, milletCorn grits and flour, buckwheat, corn flakes, corn starch, buckwheat flourOatmeal cookies, crackers, rye gingerbread, rye, wheat, grain bread, bagels, wholemeal bread, wheat flakes, barley, wheat bagels, semolina, pasta, barley and barley groats, muesli, durum wheat flour
Parsley, curry, horseradishVinegar: wine, white, apple; marinades and pickles, black pepper, ketchupMayonnaise, parsley, nutmeg, honey, paprika, granulated sugar, dill, cumin, chocolate, fennel, cloves, vanilla, mustard, fruit jelly, jam, cinnamon, coriander
Cucumbers, watercress, sweet and hot peppers, parsnips, beetroot, celery, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and collardsRadish, rhubarb, radish, lettucecabbage: brussels, white, red, chinese, kohlrabi; potatoes, onions, onions, leeks, turnips, carrots, beets, lettuce, tomatoes, asparagus, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, champignons, chicory, spinach, swede, zucchini, oyster mushroom
Gooseberry, cranberry, kiwi, coconut, lemon, cherry, plum, cherry plum, apple, lingonberry, grape, pineapple, grapefruit, fig, cherryBarberry, banana, pomegranate, persimmon, oranges, avocadoPeach, nectarine, olives, blueberries, prunes, currants, blueberries, watermelon, melon, blackberries, pears, strawberries, raisins, raspberries, tangerines
Tea: chamomile, licorice root, rose hips, echinacea, ginseng, hawthorn, burdock, strawberry leavesTea: linden, coltsfootTea: parsley, dandelion, thyme, yarrow, valerian, raspberry, St. John's wort, mint
Green tea, coffeeLemonade, coca-cola, black tea, vodka, cognac, tincturesWhite and red wine, beer

Is there a difference in nutrition with different Rh factors

According to D'Adamo's theory, the Rh factor does not affect the diet in any way, so you can ignore this parameter when compiling the menu.

Diet menu by blood type

If you adjust your diet according to your blood type, you can improve your well-being, increase your body's resistance to diseases, and even lose weight. Weight loss on a diet developed according to this method occurs due to the normalization of nutrition, improvement of the functioning of the purification and excretory systems. There is also an increase in metabolism, which leads to the effective burning of fat.

When following the proposed nutrition scheme, toxins, fats and slags leave the body. You will not be able to lose a large amount of excess weight in a month, since the presented diet is focused on high-quality weight loss. You will be able to see the first results in a few months, while the lost weight will not return to you if you continue to adhere to the diet according to your blood type.

1 group

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - 0.2 kg of vegetables, 0.2 kg of meat or fish;
  • lunch - 0.4 kg, 0.15 kg of meat, a portion of porridge (0.2 kg);
  • dinner - porridge with the addition of dried fruits.

2 group

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - 0.15 kg of lean meat or fish, unlimited vegetables, 150 ml of fermented milk drink;
  • lunch - 75 g of low-fat fish, legumes, a portion of porridge (150 g);
  • dinner - 1 tbsp. jams, vegetables, meat.

3 group

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - juice and fruit;
  • lunch - 0.2 kg of meat, 0.2 kg of porridge;
  • dinner - fruit, 2 egg scrambled eggs, 0.2 kg of liver or heart.

4 group

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - fruit and a cup of tea;
  • lunch - 0.1 kg of tofa and 0.25 kg of mashed potatoes;
  • dinner - 250 ml of kefir and stewed fish.

Diet by blood group - video

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