What does allergic diathesis look like and how to treat it. What is allergic diathesis and how to prevent its development. This type of diathesis has such differences

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

What is allergic diathesis in children

Allergic diathesis is an increased sensitivity of the body to the food consumed, which occurs as a result of the innate characteristics of the immune system, the neurovegetative system, and metabolism.

Diathesis is associated with the characteristics of the child's body, diathesis in adults is extremely rare. In children, food is digested differently than in adults, the body responds differently to infectious agents, etc. That is, those factors that do not cause a reaction in an adult body can affect the child's body.

The hyperactive immune response given by the child's body to environmental antigens causes skin inflammation and other consequences. According to statistics, diathesis is observed in 1/3 of children, therefore this disease is considered to be common in pediatric practice.

There are several types of diathesis. Among them - allergic diathesis in children. It is usually discovered between the ages of 3 and 6 months. The disease persists for 1-2 years, then disappears in most children. The child, while still in the womb, can feel the effects of allergens that enter the mother's body. And allergens are transmitted to infants during breastfeeding and as a result of taking complementary foods.

Causes (etiology) of allergic diathesis in children

Allergic diathesis in children is a disease that is transmitted genetically (hereditarily). It is also formed due to the characteristics of immunological protection and enzyme formation of the child's body, and as a result of the influence of the external environment.

The risk factor is, first of all, the features of the development of the fetus inside the womb. The fetus is affected by poor nutrition of the mother and toxicosis. Allergic diathesis can be the result of damage to the central nervous system during childbirth or fetal hypoxia. The nature of feeding, infection and massive drug therapy affect the development of the disease. It is characteristic that artificial feeding is also the cause of diathesis. Children who are breastfed by mothers are 5-7 times less likely to suffer from allergic diathesis.

A typical source of allergens is food that has not been cooked:

  • raw milk
  • eggnog
  • berries whipped with protein

Diathesis is also caused by foods that have undergone heat treatment, but have retained their allergenic properties, for example, fish, nuts. The cause of diathesis is ordinary foods if the child eats them in excess. For example, diathesis can occur if the child's diet mostly consists of dairy products: yogurt, milk, sweet curds.

If a child eats some foods rarely, but in large quantities, allergic diathesis may also occur. For example, these are berries that come once a season. You can not give the child products that are not allowed by age: shrimp, caviar, etc. Risk factors are also the abuse of sweets (desserts), poor and chaotic nutrition, and an excess of spicy and salty foods in the diet. Also, the disease can appear if a lot of new foods are introduced into the child's diet in a short time. Thus, the child develops an allergy not only to food, but also to dust, wool, etc.

Pathogenesis (what happens?) During allergic diathesis in children

Forms of diathesis can be immune and non-immune. The first form belongs to transient and true diathesis. These two variants are based on overproduction of immunoglobulins E (IgE) and a decrease in IgA, IgG and T-lymphocyte levels. The transient variant occurs when the cow's milk antigen enters the blood, while the excess production of IgE is secondary.

Antigenemia is the result of insufficient digestion of albumin due to deficiency or low activity of specific enzymes and increased permeability of the gastrointestinal tract to protein in young children. Babies under 6 months have a low intestinal immunological barrier, which is associated with a very small amount of SlgA in the mucosa. Secretory immunoglobulin is found in breast milk, therefore, when breastfeeding a child, its deficiency is covered.

The antigen, being in the blood of a child, provokes hyperproduction of IgE. The same reaction can occur to medicines, vaccinations, baby cosmetics, household chemicals, and so on. Antigenemia is not manifested in all children as diathesis. In the pathogenesis, the failure of the tissue barriers of the child is important. There may be a deficiency of blocking antibodies in the body, which leads to the free formation and fixation of haptens in the skin and mucous membranes. Reaginic sensitization develops.

Further, local degranulation of mast cells occurs. Biologically active substances are released. Vascular permeability increases, exudative reactions occur. In a minority of cases, allergic diathesis is based on a true immune genesis. Hyperproduction of IgE is inherited, manifests itself when an antigen enters the body. This form can develop into allergic diseases.

An important link in pathogenesis is neuroendocrine and metabolic disorders. Often diathesis occurs in children with posthypoxic encephalopathies. It is assumed that hypoxic conditions can provoke endocrine disorders, which are manifested in most cases by discorticism.

Symptoms (clinical picture) of allergic diathesis

The division of allergic diathesis into various options is of greater importance for medical practice and for a better understanding of the mechanism of the development of the disease. There are no significant differences in the manifestation of these variants in patients.

The main symptoms of allergic diathesis in children are:

  • Children, according to the constitutional type - hypersthenics (well developed physically);
  • In the first year of life, these children show signs of atopic dermatitis;
  • Very often children are irritable and capricious, they have sleep disorders, loss of appetite;
  • Children with allergic diathesis may have an enlarged liver, often there are signs of biliary dyskinesia and even cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder);
  • Characteristic manifestations of dysbacteriosis - constipation, unstable stool, abdominal pain, flatulence and durgies;
  • Children are prone to the development of chronic foci of infection and a protracted course of infectious diseases, they have an increase in lymph nodes, spleen;
  • Prolonged subfebrile conditions are characteristic;
  • Poor tolerance to heavy physical exertion.

The transition of allergic diathesis to one or another allergic disease largely depends on age. So, in the first year of life, allergic diathesis, most often, turns into atopic dermatitis. At preschool age, it is more often respiratory allergies, including bronchial asthma. At school age, diathesis can lead to eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatorespiratory allergies.

Diagnosis of allergic diathesis in children

Laboratory methods are used for diagnosis. Eosinophilia is increasing, which indicates allergization. Protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed. This can be seen in the decrease in the level of albumin and gamma globulins, hypo- and dysproteinemia, amino acid imbalance, hypocholesterolemia, and high initial sugar levels. The balance of acids and bases shifts towards acidosis.

Also, allergic diathesis is primarily diagnosed by external manifestations, such as characteristic changes in the skin and mucous membranes, hyperplasia of the lymphadenoid tissue. Doctors also note the phenomena of paratrophy. The child's body is less resistant to infectious diseases.

Treatment of allergic diathesis in children

Based on the received diagnostic data, doctors develop a special diet for the child. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor! It is strictly contraindicated to use ointments without a doctor's prescription, since what you may mistake for diathesis may be a manifestation of more serious diseases.

Doctors can prescribe remedies to relieve itching, strengthen immunity. As a local treatment, doctors prescribe ointments and lotions. The child is given baths with string, oak bark, potassium permanganate, celandine, etc.


With the elimination of allergens in the life of a child and the observance of a special diet, by the age of two or three, the enzyme and immune systems differentiate, the barrier functions of the skin and mucous membranes increase, and metabolic processes stabilize. Only in some children (mainly with a true immune form of the disease and unfavorable living conditions) allergic diathesis turns into allergic diseases such as eczema, neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma.

Prevention of allergic diathesis in children

Prevention of allergic diathesis can be carried out when the child has not yet been born. Infectious diseases of the mother and the use of drugs during the period of gestation should be avoided. A pregnant woman should eat properly and regularly, try to avoid a monotonous diet. During breastfeeding, the diet should be especially varied.

If your child has or has had diathesis, it is best to take a food allergy test to find out which foods to avoid.

Which doctors should be contacted if you have allergic diathesis in children

  • Pediatrician
  • Dermatologist

Allergic diathesis in a child causes a high susceptibility of the body to the food consumed, resulting from the hereditary characteristics of immunity, the neurovegetative system, and metabolism. Due to the unfavorable environmental situation and malnutrition, the risk of contracting allergic diseases increases.

Diathesis in adults is rare. Basically, this disease occurs in infants (up to six months). Babies are subject to the development of diathesis, if the disease was in the parents. For example, the risk of contracting diathesis is 30% if the father has allergic diseases, and 50% if the mother has allergies. If two people have allergies, then the risk of infection is 75%.

Often, allergic diathesis in children manifests itself during acute infectious diseases. In infants, it is formed if during pregnancy the mother used certain medications or did not follow a proper diet. Another adverse effect can have toxicosis during pregnancy.

Even in the mother's womb, the child can feel the effect of irritants that penetrate into the mother's body.

There are such types of allergic diathesis: atopic, autoimmune, infectious-allergic.


Features of atopic diathesis are:

  • The presence of hereditary allergic diseases on the part of dad and mom;
  • With this type of diathesis, there is an increase in the synthesis of IgE and the presence of specific IgE, an increase in the number of protective Th2-helper cells, a lack of immunoglobin A.


Autoimmune diathesis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • High susceptibility of the skin to ultraviolet;
  • A high degree of ɣ-globulins in the blood;
  • Multiple detection of antinuclear factor, LE cells, high IgM levels, polyclonal activation of B-lymphocytes and T-helper cells during a decrease in the activity of T-suppressors.


This type of diathesis has the following differences:

  • For a long time there is an increased body temperature after suffering an acute infectious disease;
  • The course of the disease is characterized by painful sensations in the joints and heart;
  • An increased risk of vasculitis (a disease that affects the blood vessels).


The reasons are:

  • Heredity;
  • Weak immunity (poor ecology, unfavorable living conditions, malnutrition).

Of particular importance for the development of diathesis is how the mother ate during pregnancy. Also the nature of breastfeeding. A baby who consumes mother's milk about 6 times a day is much less likely to develop diathesis.

The main irritants are food that has not been pre-processed. For example, raw milk, eggs. But diathesis also causes food that has been processed in advance - fish, nuts. Diathesis can also develop due to the frequent use of any product. Let's say if the baby eats a lot of dairy products: kefir, milk, yogurt.

The diet of the child should be complex and balanced. All groups of vitamins must be present. With such an organization of baby food, illness can be avoided.

As for the causes of diathesis in infants, it should be said that mother's milk is the best food for infants, because it prevents bacteria and food irritants from entering the child's body. There are cases when, during breastfeeding, babies experience allergic reactions to mother's milk. This is due to the fact that the mother consumes raw cow's milk during pregnancy or lactation.

Therefore, in order for the baby not to develop an allergy, the mother must eat right. Do not eat irritants. It is necessary not to abuse products such as: cheese (non-hard varieties), fish, onions, garlic. Focus on dairy products.


The symptoms of allergic diathesis are diverse and can manifest themselves differently in children of different ages.

In infants

The expression of diathesis on the body can occur from a very early age, starting from the first weeks of a baby's life. It mostly happens between the ages of six months and a year. Scales appear on the scalp, diaper rash appears on the skin folds.

Later, the following symptoms appear:

  • Redness of the skin of the cheeks;
  • Peeling of the skin on the cheeks;
  • Strofulus.

After a year

After one year of age, children experience the following symptoms:

  • Enlargement of the liver;
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • , pain in the abdomen, gases;
  • Rapid weight gain;
  • Sore throat (laryngitis);
  • Pallor;
  • Erythematous papular rash;
  • Inflammation of the eyes;
  • Respiratory diseases.

Also, with this disease, there is a change in urine, intestinal dysfunction. If symptoms of diathesis are detected, treatment should be started immediately.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the irritant that caused the appearance of diathesis. It can be both a food product and house dust. The main thing is to get rid of the allergen. Treatment includes a mandatory diet and the use of drugs that help eliminate the peeling of the child's skin, and drug therapy is also prescribed.


Folk remedies

Treatment of allergic diathesis can be carried out with folk remedies. The use of bay leaf is considered effective. A decoction is prepared from it. You need to take ten leaves, boil them in 1 liter of water for several minutes, add one spoonful of wild rose. Leave the decoction for 12 hours and then give the baby 1 tsp to drink. 4 times a day

The use of eggshells is also considered effective. It is necessary to boil the egg, peel it, then boil the shell for a few more minutes. Dry the shell and grind it to a powdery consistency. The drug is ready. The powder mass is given at the tip of a spoon, before adding a few drops of lemon juice there. Give once a day for about 2 months.

During the entire course of treatment, the child should take daily baths with celandine, rice or potato starch.


The basis of prevention is the diet of a pregnant girl and a nursing mother. You need to eat only pre-processed foods, which consist of many vitamins and nutrients. Nuts, chocolate, eggs, sausage, coffee drinks should be removed from the diet.

  • The baby is obliged to eat breast milk from birth. Feeding must be introduced.
  • Child care should be carried out with special means for children. Wash baby clothes with baby powder or soap.
  • Keep the home clean. It is desirable that there are no down pillows and blankets in the house, as they can become irritants.

Allergic diathesis is a common disease in children, it occurs even in newborns. When the first signs of diathesis are found, a medical examination by a doctor should be performed. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe treatment and choose the right diet.

Diathesis is a hereditary disease in which the body reacts to various allergens. It mostly manifests itself in childhood.

Allergic reactions can occur for various reasons:

  • Immature gastrointestinal tract of a newborn baby;
  • Weak immunity;
  • Violation of the liver.

The appearance and development of diathesis directly depends on the characteristics of the body.

There are cases when this disease manifests itself for a long time, and then disappears. Therefore, it is very important to immediately identify the causes with the help of medical diagnostics and eliminate them.

Since the appearance of diathesis depends on the characteristics of the human digestive system, therefore, in adults it is very rare.

Features of the development of the body

One of the causes of diathesis is the development of the fetus in the womb. It is strongly influenced by the mother's diet, her lifestyle during pregnancy.

Also, allergic diathesis can be the result of any deviations in the process of childbirth.

Child nutrition

The main cause of the disease is food, which contains many different allergens.

It can be both food that has undergone heat treatment, but it has preserved allergic properties (fish, nuts), and raw food.

These include:

  • unboiled milk;
  • Raw eggs;
  • Fresh berries.

Excessive consumption of such food leads to the appearance of allergic diathesis.

Other reasons

Another cause of diathesis may be new product introduction in the child's diet.

It may also appear as a result environmental influences(dust, wool, plant pollen).

Causes of allergic diathesis may be associated with weak immunity and in infectious disease.

It may occur:

  1. With prolonged toxicosis;
  2. If a pregnant woman has had any infectious disease;
  3. Taking medication;
  4. If you do not follow a healthy lifestyle during childbearing.

It is important to notice all these reasons in time and start treatment, since allergic diathesis brings not only discomfort, but also weakens the immune system, as a result of which a person has very frequent colds.

To detect diathesis, it is necessary to use laboratory methods that are carried out in medical institutions.

It can also be identified by external signs:

  1. redness of the skin;
  2. Overweight;
  3. Decreased immunity.

Since many of the symptoms of allergic diathesis are very similar to the symptoms of other diseases, and to exclude the possibility of an erroneous diagnosis, differential diagnosis is used.

It is also used to detect dermatitis and psoriasis. Therefore it is also called atopic dermatitis.

In this connection, according to the international classification of diseases, diathesis is referred to as eczema and dermatitis.

According to the ICD-10 code, this disease is listed under the number L20-L30.

Allergic diathesis is divided into 3 types:

  1. atopic;
  2. autoimmune;
  3. Infectious-allergic.


Diathesis is called atopic because it has an allergic origin and spreads to different parts of the body.

Both respiratory organs and vision can suffer from it, and diseases such as:

  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Bronchial asthma.

Atopic diathesis can be determined by urinalysis.

The main signs of this disease are:

  • redness of the skin;
  • Dryness;
  • Peeling.

Therefore, when they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he prescribes the correct treatment.

Atopic diathesis is the most common genetically determined disease. It can appear both on food intake, which contains allergens, and on household chemicals, and of course on dust and pollen.

This type of diathesis is exposed to children at the age of two months. Atopic diathesis is a negative reaction of the child's body due to the immaturity of the digestive system.

Therefore, some substances cannot be absorbed by the intestines, and they turn into foreign ones and thereby cause the production of antibodies, and this in turn provokes the appearance of a rash.

The first reason atopic diathesis is the use of cow's milk protein, with artificial feeding, when a mixture is used.

Eggs and citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines and grapefruits) can also cause a reaction. Much less often, a rash appears on clothes washed with washing powder.

It is not always possible to find the allergen that causes the rash. Exacerbations can cause dietary disturbances, weather changes, dysbacteriosis, etc.


Autoimmune diathesis is a disease when the body perceives its cells as foreign (lupus, vitiligo). It is also an increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to protect the child from infections, to carry out routine vaccination with caution.


Infectious-allergic diathesis manifests itself against the background of infectious diseases and is accompanied by:

  1. Prolonged increase in body temperature (within 37-37.5 degrees);
  2. Pain in the joints;
  3. There is a risk of a disease that affects the vessels.

Such diathesis is similar to atopic:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • Insomnia;
  • Nervousness.

Allergic diathesis manifests itself both in newborn babies and in children after a year of life.

In infants

Allergic diathesis in infants is manifested mainly due to improper feeding. The environment also has a negative impact.

With diathesis in infants, crusts first appear on the head, cheeks turn red. The affected areas are very itchy and cause discomfort. There are diaper rash and sweating.

Then a rash and fluid blisters may appear. In the most severe cases, these symptoms provoke:

  • insomnia;
  • neuroses;
  • Decreased appetite.

Sometimes the mucous membranes, conjunctivitis are affected, and diseases of the intestines and respiratory organs develop.

The danger of allergic diathesis in infancy is that chronic diseases can develop. That's why very important in time to notice the symptoms and seek help from a specialist.

After a year

After a year, the child shows more serious symptoms of allergic diathesis. These include:

  • Stomatitis;
  • Rashes of various types;
  • Neurodermatitis;
  • dry eczema;
  • inflammation of the eyes;
  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Toxicosis.

Diathesis at this age is rather difficult to tolerate.

Violations also occur in the area of ​​​​digestion (constipation, dysbacteriosis, bloating occur) and the skin. The skin turns pale, an erythematous-papular rash appears.

Allergic diathesis appears not only in children, but also in adults. The main factor is an allergy that arose in childhood.

The cause of diathesis in adults is:

  • Weak immune system;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Wrong lifestyle;
  • Stress;
  • Ecology.

All this provokes rashes on different parts of the body.

In most cases, treatment is difficult, since the symptoms of diathesis are similar to other diseases. However, this disease in adults is more easily tolerated than in a child.

In adults, diathesis is divided into two types:

  1. Hypersthenic;
  2. Asthenic.

At the first sight it is observed:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Nervous excitement;
  • Excess weight.

In the second type of diathesis, the opposite happens:

  • Low pressure;
  • Weak vessels;
  • Thin skin;
  • Insomnia;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • General weakness of the body.

Allergic diathesis in adults is compared with allergies, which is fundamentally wrong and is treated incorrectly because of this.

At any age, you should not self-medicate allergic diathesis.

With the manifestation of any signs of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe medications and make a diet.


For the treatment of allergic diathesis, drugs are prescribed that:

  1. Strengthen immunity;
  2. Reduce allergic reaction;
  3. Remove allergens from the body.

These include drugs such as:

  • Zyrtec;
  • Suprastin;
  • Claritin;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Polysorb.

Also appointed:

  1. Sprays, creams with zinc oxide, which relieve skin redness, itching and dryness;
  2. Activated charcoal cleanses the blood well and removes toxins;
  3. Glycine, magnesium B6 are used to reduce nervous excitability.

A special diet is not provided for the treatment of diathesis. But still, it is necessary to adhere to some principles.

If the child is breastfed, then the mother should follow the diet. She should exclude too salty dishes, citrus fruits.

When to start introducing complementary foods necessary for a while refuse:

  • Fish;
  • Pork;
  • Spices.

Non-allergic are:

  • Potato;
  • Zucchini;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Rabbit;
  • Turkey;
  • Steamed dishes.

All prohibited foods must be administered with caution and only when the symptoms of diathesis disappear.

Allergic diathesis can also be treated with folk remedies.

With the help of herbs, it is impossible to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but some decoctions, ointments and powders can alleviate the general condition, relieve itching, redness and inflammation of the skin.

  1. A decoction of yarrow strengthens the immune system.
  2. A bath with grated potatoes moisturizes the skin and gets rid of crusts.
  3. Based on the reviews, the shell of a boiled egg, ground into powder, helps very well in the treatment of diathesis.
  4. A decoction of herbs and leaves helps purify the blood and reduces itching.
  5. To restore metabolism, a decoction is made from the dry roots of creeping leek.

To achieve the best effect in the treatment of allergic diathesis, it is more correct to use all methods in combination.

It is best to start prophylaxis when the baby is still in the womb:

  • You need to lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to proper nutrition, try to avoid the use of drugs;
  • It is best for a pregnant woman to avoid excessive consumption of foods that can accumulate allergens in the body.
  • Pay more attention to dairy products, fresh vegetables and allowed fruits, that is, those foods that are rich in vitamins.

After birth, it is necessary to conduct a test for possible allergens and, based on this test, draw up a menu for the child.

Also, the prevention of allergic diathesis in children also consists in observing the rules of hygiene, in the use of hypoallergenic household chemicals designed specifically for children.

Carry out daily cleaning of housing, constantly ventilate rooms, carry out wet cleaning.

It is better to choose things for a child from natural fabrics. Do massage, gymnastics to strengthen children's immunity.

Create an individual vaccination schedule.

Prevention of diathesis in children is very important, because it can manifest itself again.

A fairly impressive percentage of young mothers face such a problem as allergic diathesis in children.

Such a condition is not a severe pathology, but ignoring this process can lead to a number of undesirable consequences.

What it is

The term allergic diathesis is not considered a separate disease, but a tendency to an allergic reaction in the body, in response to the intake of certain substances (allergens).

By the nature of its occurrence, this condition can be considered as a violation of the adaptive ability of the child's body through the influence of environmental factors.

The discovery of signs of allergic diathesis in a child should not cause excessive anxiety in parents.

Timely initiation of treatment in this case is the key to a speedy recovery.


A combination of several factors at once can serve as the cause of the development of this condition in a child, among which it is impossible to single out the most aggravating. One of the most likely causes of this condition is the presence of a hereditary predisposition.

Other reasons include:

  • the use by a woman during pregnancy of food products that have an increased concentration of chemical additives;
  • daily consumption by a pregnant woman of food products containing food allergens (eggs, honey, chocolate, nuts, fruit juices);
  • a woman taking antibacterial drugs during pregnancy;
  • mother has chronic or infectious diseases;
  • severe course of toxicosis during pregnancy (gestosis);
  • earlier completion or complete absence of breastfeeding;
  • the use of artificial mixtures for feeding the child.

Not only food factors can lead to the development of allergic diathesis in children, but also the ingress of allergens through the inhaled air and skin.

As separate subgroups, it is customary to distinguish the following varieties:

  1. respiratory. The development of this condition can be provoked by the inhalation of dust particles contained in the air. The presence of pets in a house where there is a small child can contribute to the appearance of respiratory diathesis. Rare wet cleaning, the use of perfumes and deodorants, an abundance of soft toys - all these factors contribute to the appearance of respiratory diathesis;
  2. contact. The occurrence of a contact form of allergic diathesis in a child occurs through the penetration of allergens into the body through the skin. In order to prevent this condition, bathing a child should be carried out only with the use of hypoallergenic hygiene products. Washing of children's clothes and soft toys should be carried out only with ordinary soap or washing powders, with a minimum content of phosphates. Using wet sanitary napkins can also cause a rash.


Allergens entering the child's body are by their nature antigens, in response to the penetration of which antibodies are produced.

Repeated entry of allergens into the child's body provokes the accumulation of antibodies and the release of a specific substance - histamine, which is a mediator (initiator) of an allergic reaction.

The release of this substance into the blood causes swelling, redness, itching and peeling of the skin.

Symptoms of the manifestation of allergic diathesis in infants

Symptoms of allergic diathesis in infants are quite diverse. This condition can be manifested not only by a pronounced skin reaction, but also by a deterioration in the general well-being of the child.

In order to recognize the development of such symptoms in an infant in time, each mother should familiarize herself with the main manifestations of this condition:

  1. skin manifestations. On the scalp and eyebrows of a newborn child, the formation of brown scales, accompanied by itching, may be observed. In addition, the child may appear foci of diaper rash behind the ears, in the area of ​​​​flexion of the arms and legs, inguinal folds. As skin manifestations of allergic diathesis, foci of eczema or urticaria may form;
  2. mucous membranes. With the development of allergic diathesis, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, stomach and intestines can be affected. The child may be disturbed by irregular stools, nausea, abdominal pain associated with excessive bloating. There may also be damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis) and the bladder (cystitis);
  3. general symptoms. Equally important symptoms of allergic diathesis include sleep disturbance, frequent crying, partial or complete loss of appetite, as well as constant spitting up of food after feeding.

Are symptoms dependent on age?

Manifestations of this condition can be expressed with varying degrees of intensity in children of different ages.

Severe itching with diathesis can provoke the appearance of scratching in older children.

The places of damage to the skin are the entrance gate for various infections.

A similar condition can be complicated by purulent inflammation.

The failure of the body of an infant can cause a more severe course of diathesis.

Video: Doctor's opinion


In the presence of characteristic manifestations on the skin, the diagnosis of this condition does not cause difficulties.

The presence of this problem in close relatives, as well as errors in the nutrition of a pregnant woman, may suggest the development of such a condition in a child.

The basis for the diagnosis of allergic diathesis is a blood test for the presence of antibodies to antigens (allergens), as well as a laboratory study of feces.

The following test results may indicate the development of allergic diathesis:

  • increased content of eosinophils in the blood;
  • an increase in the number of antibodies in response to the use of certain foods;
  • positive analysis of feces for eggs of worms and elements of intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • an increase in the amount of IgE in the blood plasma.

Instrumental methods for diagnosing allergic diathesis are practically not used in infants.

Treatment Methods

Effective treatment of allergic diathesis in infants is a rather serious problem.

The outcome of this treatment directly depends on the timeliness of the detection of signs of diathesis, as well as actions on the part of the parents.


For the treatment of local manifestations of allergic diathesis, the child is shown daily baths using various remedies and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

If eczema occurs with foci of weeping, daily baths are shown using a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If a child has diaper rash, decoctions of herbs such as sage, chamomile, string or potato starch should be added to hygiene baths.

After bathing the child, diathesis foci should be lubricated with sterile castor oil or pre-boiled and cooled vegetable oil.

The following lotions can be used as an effective local treatment:

  • lotions using a solution of furacilin. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve 1/2 tablet of furacilin in 250 ml of boiled water;
  • lotions using a solution of baking soda. This remedy is especially effective in the presence of severe itching. To prepare the solution, you need 1 tsp. dissolve baking soda in 250 ml of boiled water at room temperature. For the purpose of treatment, it is necessary to apply cotton swabs pre-moistened in a soda solution to the diathesis foci.

If the child has severe peeling, the skin should be lubricated with castor or special baby oil.

With allergic diathesis in children, it is permissible to use ointments that do not contain hormonal components. The most prominent representative is a paste based on diphenhydramine and zinc (Guzhienko paste).

In the case of a bacterial infection and the development of suppuration, ointments such as Levomekol and Vishnevsky ointment are used for topical application. Xeroform powder also has a good drying effect.


The following groups of drugs are used as general drug therapy:

  • antihistamines. For drug therapy, antihistamines of the 1st and 2nd generations can be used. If the child is concerned about sleep disturbance, increased anxiety and nervousness, then preference is given to 1st generation antihistamines. Along with a pronounced antiallergic effect, this group of drugs has a calming effect.

The most common drugs in this group include Suprastin and Pipolfen.

Preparations of the 2nd generation are distinguished by the absence of a hypnotic effect, and can be recommended for long-term use (more than 3 weeks). The most popular representatives of this group are Claritin and Elastin;

  • probiotics. As mentioned above, allergic diathesis in infants can result in the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis. In order to normalize the microflora of the large intestine, the use of drugs containing bifidum and lactobacilli is indicated;
  • sedatives. Severe itching and general malaise can interfere with the child's sleep and behaviour. The use of sedatives should be shown as the goal of correcting this condition;
  • immunostimulating drugs. The appointment of this group of drugs is carried out individually, depending on the specific clinical case. In some situations, the use of immunostimulants can create an additional burden on the child's body.

Folk recipes

As effective traditional medicine, you can use the following recipes:

  • baths with a decoction of chamomile and string. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. dry herb string and chamomile and pour 500 ml of boiled water. It is necessary to keep the broth on low heat for 15 minutes, after which it should be cooled and added to the baby bath before bathing the child in the evening;
  • ointment containing fir essential oil It is also an excellent topical remedy for allergic diathesis in children. To prepare the ointment, you need to take 50 ml of any baby cream and add 1 tsp. fir essential oil. The resulting ointment should be lubricated with the affected skin of the child 2 times a day.

Physiotherapy procedures

As the only acceptable physiotherapeutic method, the method of exposure to ultraviolet rays is used.


Having been born, the child begins to succumb to the negative influence of environmental factors, therefore, the prevention of the occurrence of allergic diathesis should be carried out even during pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman or her close relatives suffer from this condition, she should pay special attention to her daily diet.

In the process of bearing a child, a woman should exclude from the diet foods such as:

  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • citrus fruits and smoked meats.

Drinking alcohol and smoking during pregnancy can lead to the appearance of not only allergic diathesis in a child, but also cause congenital developmental anomalies.

Treatment of allergic diathesis in children should be carried out under the constant supervision of the attending pediatrician.

Self-medication in this case can lead to the development of undesirable consequences.

And it is not necessary to talk about an allergic reaction occurring in his body. This condition is transmitted by and cannot be regarded as a disease.

Diathesis occurs due to errors in the child's diet, irrational sleep patterns, problems with care and hygiene, as well as in the presence of infections that affect the internal organs. Diathesis has three varieties, the first of which (exudative-catarrhal type) is confused by some parents and taken for allergies.

Allergic diathesis is manifested in frequent allergic reactions to certain substances. Usually the condition is detected whose age is less than 6 months. At the same time, the phenomenon itself can last for 1-2 years, after which it disappears in the process of growing up and may not manifest itself in any way until the end of life.

Diathesis is characterized by frequent skin rashes, diaper rash, peeling, redness, thickening of the skin of the cheeks and the appearance of itchy nodules. Mucous membranes in the presence of the disease also have increased vulnerability, which leads to frequent diseases of the oral cavity, eyes and upper respiratory tract. Some may develop eczema.

To prevent diathesis, it is necessary to produce the correct one in accordance with the recommendations of doctors. Nutrition is especially important, whose mother is prone to allergic reactions. Most often, diathesis occurs due to problems in the functioning of the intestine.

What is an allergy

Unlike diathesis, allergy is already an acute process that can accompany a person all his life. In this case, the manifestations of allergies can be different. The disease is exacerbated when a person comes into contact with one of the allergens. An allergic reaction can be either quite weak and imperceptible to a person, or strong, which can be a threat to life. A complete cure for the disease is impossible and it does not go away with age. It is possible to cure the disease only with long-term complex therapy.

Diathesis can lead to subsequent allergies. However, timely adjustment of nutrition and monitoring of the baby can exclude the appearance of the disease in the future. It is worth noting that an allergic reaction can occur on its own and for its occurrence, the presence of diathesis is not necessary. For the appearance of diathesis, it is necessary to have a certain predisposition, coupled with external factors and the individual characteristics of the child.

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