Cyst and inflammation of the right ovary. Ovarian cyst inflammation symptoms

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Ovarian cyst - symptoms and treatment

What is an ovarian cyst? We will discuss the causes, diagnosis and treatment methods in the article by Dr. A. Yu. Klimanov, a gynecologist with 18 years of experience.

Definition of disease. Causes of the disease

Ovarian cyst(Greek “kystis” - bag, bubble) - one of the most common benign hormone-dependent non-proliferating formations, which are a cavity with liquid contents. Cystic formations differ in etiology, morphology, clinical picture of the disease, as well as the tactics of their treatment.

According to various authors, every third woman of reproductive age has encountered a similar problem. Ovarian cysts are also common in girls aged 12-15 years (55.8% of cases). Ovarian cysts are not prone to malignancy (malignancy), their growth is due to the increase and accumulation of liquid contents in the cavity, which distinguishes them from cysts.

Conventionally, two groups can be distinguished: functional cysts (follicular, thecalutein, corpus luteum cysts) and true cysts (serous, mucinous, endometriotic, teratoma and rare).

The genesis of an ovarian cyst is determined by a number of factors:

  • hormonal dysfunctions;
  • early age of menarche;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • stimulation of ovulation in preparation for the IVF program, inflammatory ovarian diseases (salpingo-oophoritis and ophoritis);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • surgical interventions (operations and abortions).

Also, risk groups for the occurrence of ovarian cysts include hereditary predisposition, difficult and harmful working conditions, psycho-emotional stress, malnutrition (strict mono-diets). However, in most cases, the causes of ovarian cysts are unknown.

If you notice similar symptoms, consult your doctor. Do not self-medicate - it is dangerous for your health!

Symptoms of an ovarian cyst

Often, patients are not even aware of the presence of cysts due to their mild symptoms. Often, women learn about their diagnosis during a routine preventative examination or during examination for another disease. But it is still possible to identify a number of symptoms indicating the development of an ovarian cyst:

Follicular cysts are usually unilateral in appearance and have an asymptomatic course. These cysts can range in size from 3 to 8 cm and are easily palpable during vaginal examination. In most cases, spontaneous resolution of the cyst occurs after 2 months.

The symptoms of luteal cysts are also not expressed sufficiently; often their development occurs within 2-3 months, after which they regress on their own. However, they can cause a delay in menstruation; sometimes patients note the appearance of pulling pain in the lower abdomen and a feeling of discomfort. Detection of a corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy does not pose a danger to the patient; by 18-20 weeks, as a rule, such cysts undergo involution.

Despite the fairly favorable course of the disease, complications may occur, accompanied by a picture of an acute abdomen: severe and sharp pain, symptoms of peritoneal irritation, fever, nausea.

Pathogenesis of ovarian cyst

At the moment, the pathogenetic aspects of ovarian cysts cause a lot of controversy. Functional cysts are hormone-dependent formations that develop from graafian vesicles under the influence of gonadotropin stimulation on the ovaries (also with early activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system) or against the background of inflammatory diseases; fluid accumulation occurs in the cystic-atretic follicle.

The mechanism for the appearance of luteal cysts is also associated with an increase in the production of gonadotropic hormone, but this is not the main factor; Inflammatory processes in the ovaries complicate the outflow of fluid due to the fact that the functions of the lymphatic and circulatory systems are disrupted. In addition, a patient's history of sexually transmitted diseases also increases the likelihood of developing ovarian cysts.

Classification and stages of development of ovarian cysts


  1. follicular cysts, arising in the first phase of the cycle from the dominant follicle. The cavity of such cysts has a smooth surface and thin walls; it is often possible to form several follicular cysts at once, but they always consist of a single chamber without partitions.
  2. corpus luteum cyst is formed from a corpus luteum that has not undergone involution, in which accumulation of serous or hemorrhagic fluid can occur. SVTs have thickened walls; complete or incomplete septa can be detected.

Hemorrhagic cysts are formed as a result of rupture of a follicular cyst or corpus luteum cyst and hemorrhage inside them.

True: epithelial tumors developing from the epithelial components of the ovary. There are benign, borderline and malignant

Complications of ovarian cysts

The most common complications of retention cysts are ruptures of ovarian cysts, apoplexy, torsion of the cyst legs, hemorrhages into the cyst cavity, as well as their pre-perforation. All complications of ovarian cysts must be differentiated from pathologies that have a picture of an acute abdomen: acute appendicitis, perforation of a hollow organ, ectopic pregnancy.

Ovarian apoplexy is a condition accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the ovarian tissue, which results in hemorrhage of fluid into the abdominal cavity. Causes may include intense physical activity, sexual intercourse, or pregnancy. With ovarian apoplexy, the main complaints of patients are pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes radiating to the rectum, bleeding from the genital tract, general weakness, fever, dry mouth, nausea, and frequent urination. Depending on the form of apoplexy, conservative or surgical treatment is carried out. If this condition develops, consultation with a specialist is necessary!

The stalk on which the cyst is located connects it to the ovarian tissue. If the leg is somewhat elongated, it may become torsion, resulting in the development of ischemic phenomena caused by compression of blood vessels and nerves. It is difficult to miss this condition, since it is accompanied by prolonged acute pain and requires immediate hospitalization in a hospital for surgical intervention, otherwise peritonitis may develop.

The development of inflammation in the abdominal cavity as a result of cyst rupture can lead to sepsis and disruption of the normal functioning of internal organs. Sometimes ruptures of large cysts lead to removal of the ovary. This complication also requires immediate surgical intervention, since in addition to the risk of peritonitis, there is a risk of bleeding.

Diagnosis of ovarian cyst

Ultrasonography of the pelvic organs is the simplest and most highly informative method for diagnosing various ovarian cysts.

When diagnosing ovarian cysts, you should not rely only on instrumental research methods; it is necessary to conduct a detailed collection of anamnestic data, complaints, characteristics of the patient’s menstrual cycle, establishing the day of the cycle, as well as conducting a pregnancy test in case of delay, to exclude ectopic localization of the ovum. At bimanual examination It is worth paying attention to the presence, as well as mobility and pain of pathological formations in the projection of the ovaries.

Of course, ultrasound diagnostics with transabdominal and transvaginal sensors will allow not only to identify the location of the cyst, but also to determine its structure, size, nature of the liquid contents, and determine treatment tactics for the patient. A feature of follicular cysts during ultrasound examination is a thin-walled capsule with the absence of papillae on the inside of the capsule. It is much more difficult to diagnose cystic formations in pregnant women, due to the increase in the size of the uterus at the corresponding stages of pregnancy, so ultrasound examination should be carried out with Color Doppler and Dopplerometry.

When cysts are detected in elderly patients with severe somatic diseases, it is used for treatment. needle biopsy.

In difficult cases of differential diagnosis of ovarian cysts with malignant formations, it makes sense to carry out magnetic resonance imaging, as well as determination of the tumor marker CA-125.

Diagnostic laparoscopy allows not only to conduct a visual assessment of the condition of the pelvic organs, but also, if necessary, to expand the scope of the operation and remove the cyst, sending its contents for further histological examination.

Treatment of ovarian cyst

In a large percentage of cases, for patients with functional ovarian cysts, it is worth using a wait-and-see approach, taking into account the size of the cyst, its location, possible complications, as well as the patient’s age and the need to preserve reproductive capacity. Conservative treatment is possible if the cysts are uncomplicated; the drugs of choice are biphasic contraceptives, B vitamins and ascorbic acid. Patients are recommended diet therapy, therapeutic exercises, and reflexology.

Absolute indications for surgical treatment of functional ovarian cysts are their complications: rupture of the cyst and torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst; relative indications are ovarian apoplexy (hemorrhagic form). In order to prevent the development of oncological pathology, true cysts are always subjected to surgical treatment.

The extent of surgical intervention will largely be determined by the patient’s age, reproductive status, as well as the type of cyst, its size and location. Advanced laparoscopic technologies make it possible to perform operations with minimal trauma even for patients with large ovarian cysts, as well as during pregnancy at various stages.

In patients of reproductive age, preference is given to organ-preserving operations; the main method remains enucleation ovarian cysts, that is, dissection of ovarian tissue without damaging the organ itself. The cyst capsule is removed without opening it, which prevents contamination of the abdominal cavity with the contents of the cyst. If it is technically impossible to carry out this procedure, cyst excision ovary within healthy tissue. In postmenopausal patients, both benign and malignant ovarian formations are equally common, so it is rational to carry out adnexectomy - radical removal of the ovary along with the tube. After the operation, all materials obtained are necessarily sent for research to determine the histotype of the ovarian formation.

Forecast. Prevention

Once a year, every woman should undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist, because many diseases are often asymptomatic or accompanied by minor clinical manifestations. An ovarian cyst is one of these pathologies.

Functional ovarian cysts have a fairly favorable prognosis if they are detected in a timely manner, dynamically monitored, and properly selected therapy. In some cases, cysts tend to recur.

There are no reliable preventive measures, but there are a number of studies showing a decrease in the development of functional cysts during continuous use of monophasic combined oral contraceptives.


  1. Periodical publication: Sibirskaya E.V., Koltunov I.E. , Korotkova S.A., Tarbaya N.O. Chapter 9. Differential diagnosis of abdominal pain in girls and young women // Difficult diagnosis in pediatrics, 2016, No. 3
  2. Nasedkin A.G. Clinical picture and morphology of the ovarian appendage in various types of ovarian cysts // CSF. 2007. No. 2. P.101-104

Treatment of ovarian cysts without surgery involves the use of different methods of therapy. This may be drug treatment or the use of folk remedies. There have been cases when patients with this diagnosis even carried out some kind of conspiracy against ovarian cysts.

Drug treatment of cysts

When talking about how to treat an ovarian cyst without surgery, you need to remember that absolutely all the patient’s actions must be agreed upon with the gynecologist. First of all, the attending physician prescribes special medications based on the size and nature of the cyst formation. However, before prescribing any type of treatment, be it medications or surgery, the specialist performs an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. If an ultrasound examination shows the absence of malignant neoplasm cells, and the cyst itself is small in size (up to 10 cm in diameter), the doctor can confidently exclude the need for surgical intervention and take a wait-and-see approach.

For conservative treatment of ovarian cysts, a woman is prescribed hormonal medications, which not only promote spontaneous resorption of the cyst, but also relieve pain in the lower abdomen and restore the menstrual cycle.

Some types of neoplasm, such as serous ovarian cyst, require the mandatory use of rectal suppositories (Distreptase). They eliminate inflammatory processes, prevent cyst enlargement and resolve adhesions.

To normalize hormone levels and the menstrual cycle, gynecologists prescribe hormonal contraceptives (Zhanin, Livitsin). Thanks to the restoration of the menstrual cycle, the cyst begins to decrease in size. Birth control pills not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, and it is better to avoid conception with a cyst, but also promote spontaneous resorption of the cystic formation and relieve symptoms of inflammation. Most often, the course of treatment is three menstrual cycles.

To relieve painful symptoms in the lower abdomen, experts advise taking No-shpu, Spazmalgon. However, frequent use of painkillers is not recommended, since the entire picture of the disease can be “blurred” and the woman may miss any sign of rupture or torsion of the cyst.

Constant stress and nervousness negatively affect hormonal levels and contribute to the formation of cysts. Therefore, many gynecologists prescribe sedatives (Notta, Novopassit).

Throughout the entire period of treatment, the patient should regularly visit the gynecologist and have ultrasound diagnostics. Such observation helps to monitor the dynamics of the development of the tumor and, if the condition worsens, the size of the cyst increases, or malignant cells appear, an emergency operation is performed.

Conservative treatment of cysts

When talking about whether it is possible to cure an ovarian cyst without surgery, first of all you should remember the main criterion for successful recovery - a healthy lifestyle. This applies not only to a complete cessation of alcohol and smoking, but also to mental and physical stress. It often happens that as soon as a woman balances her psycho-emotional state, changes her environment, gets more rest, the cyst begins to shrink in size on its own. Accordingly, the need for surgical intervention disappears.

Conservative treatments include:

  • physical therapy/gymnastics;
  • eight hours of sleep and proper rest;
  • vitamin therapy (E, A, B1, B6);
  • proper nutrition, diet, balneotherapy;
  • visit to a neurologist (in some cases);
  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis, SMT therapy);
  • folk remedies.

Almost all gynecologists resort to complex therapy, using several treatment methods at once.

Treatment with leeches

Hirudotherapy is often used to treat ovarian cysts. Until recently, many argued that leeches are absolutely useless and, apart from pain, do not give anything to the body. However, more recently, experts have proven that the saliva of these creatures contains a lot of useful substances. Leech treatment is used for almost all female diseases. The course of hirudotherapy is 7-10 sessions.

Cleansing the blood with leeches and the body as a whole has long been known. But how to remove a cyst with leeches?

The traditional method of treating ovarian cysts with leeches involves placing the creatures in the vagina. At first, this procedure seems frightening and painful, but after 15 minutes the unpleasant sensations disappear, since the leeches themselves secrete an anesthetic substance. In most cases, no more than ten leeches are inserted into the vagina, and sometimes less. It all depends on the severity of the disease. The hirudotherapy procedure itself takes about an hour, and for 30-40 minutes the leeches suck blood, releasing beneficial enzymes and removing all malignant cells. This procedure is allowed for all women aged 20-60 years (menopause does not play a role).

Yoga for ovarian cysts

Physical activity and heavy lifting are strictly prohibited when a tumor is detected on the ovary. You can find out what other contraindications there are for cysts HERE.

With the permission of a specialist, you can perform light physical exercise. Only the attending physician can determine the level of load and identify unacceptable types of training.

Yoga has become very popular recently. It can not only completely relax, calm and open the spiritual chakras, but also heal. Hatha yoga is used to reduce the size of the cyst, balance hormonal levels, reduce uterine bleeding during menstruation, relieve inflammation and painful symptoms. Only from a professional yoga instructor can you find out in detail exactly what exercises need to be performed and how you can simultaneously improve your psycho-emotional state and cure the cyst.

Yoga for menopause is allowed! There are special poses that will help eliminate the negative effects of menopause on the body. In most cases, yoga and medicinal herbs are combined.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many women categorically refuse drug treatment, preferring to treat cysts with folk remedies. It has long been proven that herbal remedies have almost the same properties as pharmaceutical drugs. This is explained by the fact that the composition of any plant is rich and complex and can have both positive and negative effects on the body. So how to get rid of ovarian cysts without using expensive drugs?

Folk remedies for ovarian cysts are quite varied and differ in their composition and method of preparation. But each of them not only relieves painful symptoms, but also helps to reduce the size of the tumor, self-resorption and complete disappearance of the cyst.

Treatment of ovarian cysts at home is carried out in courses. The duration of the course is at least 3 months, and the first results can be noticeable after 30 days.

Treatment of ovarian cysts with herbs has proven itself well. A decoction or infusion is prepared from them using one component or several at once. These can be: hogweed, red brush, ordinary onion, celandine, Indian onion. You can find out the TOP 10 effective remedies for cysts HERE.

Let's focus on easier recipes for treating ovarian cysts, the components of which can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

Honey tampons

Honey is a well-known anti-inflammatory agent with a rich composition that allows you to treat ovarian cysts at home. The recipes below suggest preparing honey tampons that will act locally, thereby reducing inflammation and relieving pain in the lower abdomen.

Method I: add the onion core to 100 grams of liquid honey and leave for 12 hours. After the time has passed, remove the onion and wrap it in a bandage. Place tampons in the vagina at night for 10 days.

Method II: 1 tsp. Place solid honey on gauze folded in two layers or a wide bandage. Tie with a thick thread, leaving long ends for easy removal of the tampon. Leave it overnight for 10 days.

Honey tampons must be inserted deeply so that the honey does not leak out.


Treatment with celandine juice helps remove small cysts and brings positive results to the body as a whole. How to cure an ovarian cyst? To do this, twist the celandine stems through a meat grinder or blender and squeeze out the juice. Mix juice and vodka in a 1:1 ratio. Let it brew for 5-7 days and take on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. On the first day of treatment at 0.5 tbsp. milk, you need to add 3 drops of celandine juice. Then increase the portion of juice by 1 drop every day. When you reach 10, you need to start gradually reducing the concentration of the drink. On the last day of treatment, you need to take 3 drops of juice per 100 ml of milk.

Treatment with celandine should be carried out with great caution, since the plant belongs to the group of poisonous ones. It must be collected during the flowering period - from May to June. Many women use a decoction of celandine.

1 tbsp. finely chopped stems and leaves of celandine pour 3 tbsp. water, bring to a boil, let simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. Cover with a lid and leave for 30-40 minutes. Take the infusion morning and evening, 2 tbsp. l. after meal. The course of treatment is 14-21 days.

Hog queen

The boron uterus for ovarian cysts eliminates pain, promotes the resorption of the tumor and relieves foci of inflammation.

3 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Infuse, strain, take 2-3 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals. Traditional treatment with boron uterus lasts 3 weeks.

Red brush root

Red brush

Red brush for ovarian cysts has antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects. Traditional methods of treatment based on this plant must be used for at least a month, followed by a break for two months. Then repeat the course.

Grind the red brush root. 1 tbsp. root, pour 350 ml of vodka, pour into a dark bottle and leave for 20 days. Take 30 drops daily 4 times a day.

Other folk remedies

There are quite a few options for curing a cyst without surgery. Most popular:

  1. Take chamomile, coltsfoot, and sweet clover in a 1:1 ratio and mix. 30 gr. pour 2 tbsp of the resulting mixture. water. Bring to a boil, wrap in a towel and let brew for 10-12 hours. Strain the tincture through cheesecloth, drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day. The product can be taken during menopause. This infusion will help relieve inflammation in women and relieve pain in the ovary.
  2. Seed leaves, yarrow, chamomile flowers, elecampane, wormwood, take 100 grams each. each and mix. Pour into a dry glass jar. Every day, 30-40 grams of the mixture should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for 8-10 hours. Take 100 ml before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months.
  3. 1 tbsp. dried hawthorn berries, 3 tbsp. l. Mix wormwood, thyme, mint, 4 tablespoons of nettle, 100 grams of black currant leaves. 30 gr. pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and leave for an hour. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth and drink throughout the day.

Not only honey tampons, which were mentioned earlier, help relieve pain. Tampons based on mumiyo or dipped in aloe juice have also proven themselves to be effective:

    You will need a piece of mumiyo the size of a match head and a spoonful of thick honey. Make a tampon from a sterile bandage. Dilute mumiyo in 1 tbsp. l. warm water, mix with honey. Soak the tampon thoroughly with the resulting mixture and insert it into the vagina.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening, leaving the tampon on until the morning. If the cyst is on the left ovary, then the woman is bothered by pain on the left side and needs to sleep on the left side, respectively, if on the right - on the right side. In the morning, carefully remove the tampon, do not tug, carry out treatment three times a week for about a month;

  • Twist a large leaf of three-year-old aloe through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Do the same with a fresh onion. Mix the two components, moisten the swab, and insert it inside for one hour. If you feel a burning sensation, it is better to remove the tampon; during the next procedure, reduce the proportion of onion juice.
  • Treatment without surgery also involves taking multicomponent preparations. For example, a decoction from the collection of bergenia, coltsfoot, clover, tansy, mint leaves, bearberry and eucalyptus. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it stand overnight in a thermos. The second composition involves the use of a mixture of dry leaves of fireweed, mantle, mint, calendula flowers, peony root, pine buds and parsley leaves. The infusion is prepared in the same way as the first. Reception should be carried out alternately. First, drink a third of a glass of the first decoction, and then the second. The course is 3 months. But often women notice signs of improvement already after 3-4 weeks of taking herbal formulations.

    It is possible to cure a cyst without surgery. This will be helped by drug therapy, physiotherapy or treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies. Remember! Only the attending physician can prescribe any drug or take herbs!

    Watch the video “How to treat an ovarian cyst with folk remedies without surgery”:

    How to treat mild, moderate and severe ovarian cyst inflammation

    An ovarian cyst is a benign formation with liquid contents inside. The appearance of the disease is typical for women of any age and is not accompanied by any symptoms, so often the cyst is discovered only during the next examination at an appointment with a specialist. Formations of this type are divided into functional and abnormal. The former arise spontaneously and go away on their own without the use of medications, while the latter require appropriate treatment.

    Causes of inflammation of the disease

    Factors contributing to the development and growth of cyst-like formations are of a different nature. Among them are:

    • infectious diseases genital organs (in acute or chronic stage);
    • decreased immunity(with HIV, in the postpartum period);
    • long-term stressful situations, depressive states;
    • complications after surgery in the pelvic area (abortion, curettage, etc.);
    • long-term wearing of an intrauterine device without timely replacement.

    Functional cysts arise due to hormonal pathologies and are of two types: follicular and luteal. When the first type is formed, disturbances occur in the ovulatory process: the outflow of follicular fluid stops, the follicle increases in size. Luteal cysts appear after ovulation and are an overgrown corpus luteum.

    In addition to the above benign tumors, there are also rarer types:

    1. Paraovarian cysts- small formations with thin walls that form in the area of ​​the mesentery of the fallopian tube.
    2. Dermoid- structures that are complex and unusual in origin, capable of reaching large sizes (up to 15 cm) and containing hair, cartilage, teeth, bone tissue, etc. They have a thick capsule and are covered with thick masses of mucus.
    3. Endometrioid cyst- a formation that occurs due to the pathological growth of the endometrium in the paired gonads.


    Inflammation of the cyst, in contrast to the processes of its growth and formation, is most often accompanied by certain symptoms. At the same time, the signs of pathology are so insignificant that the woman does not pay attention to them or does not notice them at all. This threatens the development of serious complications.

    Mild degree

    With such inflammation, the following symptoms are observed:

    • tolerant nagging pain in the pelvic area(remotely resemble premenstrual pain), which can be located both on the left and on the right (sometimes in the center with irradiation to the rectum);
    • minor increased urge to urinate;
    • menstrual irregularities: delays, spotting, changes in the duration of menstruation.

    The general condition of the woman is satisfactory, there is no increase in body temperature. The patient leads a normal life, not limiting herself in physical activity and sexual intercourse.

    Moderate degree

    This type of inflammation is characterized increased pain in the lower abdomen until the need arises to take painkillers. There is a slight temperature increase. Deurination increases significantly due to severe irritation of the bladder walls enlarged by the cyst. This degree occurs in the absence of treatment or in case of its untimely appointment, as well as in the case of the rapid development of inflammation against the background of a decrease in the protective and reactive forces of the body.

    Severe degree

    In this case, there is a pronounced inflammatory process involving the fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina. Happening abscess formation– local accumulation of a large amount of pus. When postponing surgical intervention, the risk of self-perforation of the cyst increases, followed by the development of peritonitis (leakage of its purulent contents into the abdominal cavity and the pelvic area). This condition has certain signs:

    • unbearable pain lower abdomen without clear localization;
    • temperature jump to febrile levels (38-39 degrees);
    • symptoms of increasing intoxication(weakness, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, decreased blood pressure, nausea);
    • vomiting and diarrhea.

    If a woman is unwilling to visit a doctor for timely diagnosis, the outcome of the pathology can be unpredictable. With a mild degree of severity of the disease without its progression to subsequent stages, there is the possibility of self-healing (this depends, first of all, on the body’s immune forces, the type and virulence of the pathogenic bacterium that caused the inflammation). However, the risk of complications remains quite high. For example, often women who have undergone spontaneous resorption of a cyst suffer from infertility, menstrual irregularities, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, etc. In addition, adhesions may remain in the pelvis, causing constant pain and discomfort.

    The second scenario is less favorable: in this situation, a woman is diagnosed with pelvioperitonitis. The solution to the problem is considered impossible without the complete removal of the uterus and its appendages with a long rehabilitation period, accompanied by a long course of taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

    No less dangerous conditions are considered:

    • squeezing by a cyst of neighboring organs (with its increase by more than 8 cm in diameter);
    • malignant tumor degeneration;
    • twisting of the legs of the formation (occurs during intense physical exertion).


    Correctly determine the cyst can only be a qualified specialist at a face-to-face appointment in a well-equipped clinic. This is explained by the fact that it can be extremely difficult to distinguish a cyst-like formation from other pathological processes. There are certain examinations that the doctor prescribes after a thorough history taking and patient complaints:

    • general blood analysis which shows the presence of leukocytosis (often with a shift to the left), an increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), a decrease in hemoglobin levels (anemia);
    • general urine analysis(for the presence of proteins);
    • ultrasonography pelvic organs;
    • laparoscopy cyst(a unique minimally invasive intervention without incisions makes it possible to both diagnose a cyst-like formation and remove it if necessary);
    • blood chemistry(to determine the level of C-reactive protein);
    • CT scan.

    In addition, palpation of the abdomen, a gynecological examination, donating blood for human chorionic gonadotropin to exclude pregnancy, and identifying tumor markers if a malignant process is suspected are considered appropriate.


    At first, conservative therapy is sufficient. Moreover, after its implementation, both the independent disappearance of the cyst and the elimination of the inflammatory process for further removal as planned are possible.

    Conservative treatment

    At drug therapy The following complex is used:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • painkillers;
    • medications of the antibiotic group (they are best taken after a preliminary sensitivity test; they are used to increase the effectiveness of treatment);
    • courses of vitamins and microelements (for general strengthening of the body).

    After conservative therapy, physiotherapy and hormonal agents are often prescribed. They are often enough to resolve benign formations without invasive interventions.


    The operation is mandatory in case of abscess formation of the cyst, development of pelvioperitonitis, as well as in case of ineffectiveness of conservative treatment. In addition, a planned surgical intervention is possible, when the inflammatory process is suppressed, but the cyst does not disappear on its own. At the same time, the question of how exactly to perform the operation depends on many external and internal factors and is decided on an individual basis.

    Further outcome of the disease for the woman

    In general, the prognosis for the patient is quite favorable, provided that the cyst was diagnosed in time and correct drug therapy was subsequently prescribed. Common consequences include:

    • development of adhesive processes;
    • infertility;
    • Lifelong hormonal replacement treatment in case of complete ovarian resection.

    Recovery without any residual effects is quite rare. Often women consult a doctor only when the disease has already taken a pronounced form and poses a great threat to life.

    Preventive measures

    It is easier to prevent any disease than to subsequently treat its complications. To avoid the occurrence of cysts and the development of an inflammatory process in them, it is recommended to adhere to the following measures:

    • correct endocrine disorders;
    • avoid sudden changes in body weight;
    • regularly visit a gynecologist for a preventive examination (once a year; for patients with a complicated medical history - two or more);
    • adhere to a diet with sufficient nutrients, vitamins and microelements;
    • promptly treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
    • lead a healthy lifestyle;
    • get rid of bad habits;
    • prevent abortions (surgical and medical);
    • carefully follow the regimen for taking contraceptive hormonal drugs and replace intrauterine devices in a timely manner;
    • avoid stressful situations.

    Inflammation of an ovarian cyst is a serious pathology that requires immediate qualified medical care. It is not recommended to self-medicate, or hope that the cyst will go away on its own. By ignoring these rules, a woman risks causing serious damage to her own health, even leading to life-threatening conditions.

    Treatment of ovarian cyst

    The process of treating a cyst is relatively long and includes several components, in particular, a balanced diet, medication treatment for up to 3 months, or, in case of ineffectiveness, surgical intervention.

    After healing and improvement of the general condition, it is necessary to undergo courses of physiotherapeutic and sanatorium treatment annually for 5 - 7 years. Their main task is to avoid in the future relapse(renewal) of the disease.

    Conservative treatment

    Includes drug treatment, after a course of which, upon recovery, is prescribed physiotherapeutic and sanatorium-resort treatment.

    Drug treatment

    Treatment with medicinal substances should be comprehensive and consist of from six groups of drugs, which a woman takes for at least 3 months. If such conditions are not met, then the effectiveness of drug treatment will be low.

    Hormonal pills

    Their action is aimed at supplying the body with hormones, produced by the ovaries, since at the time of treatment of the cyst the ovaries stop producing them.

    The drugs include:

    1. Ethinyl estradiol or estrogen(trade names: Linoral, Primogin M, Oradiol, Kolpolin, Ginoral, Ostral, Etinoral, Microfollin, Fonidil, Linestoral).
      All drugs in this group have the same dosage regimen:
      • Treatment begins on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle, 1 tablet (0.05 g) orally, 1 time per day, on an empty stomach, with a small amount of liquid.
      • The drug is continued until the 20th day of the menstrual cycle, then a pause of 13 days is taken and the drug is resumed according to the above scheme.
      • The course of treatment with the drug is 2 - 3 months.
    2. Progestin or progesterone(trade names: Progestin, Utrozhestan, Crinon, Prajisan, Endometrin).
      Drugs in this group have the same treatment plan:
      • Taking tablets begins on the 16th day of the menstrual cycle, take 1 tablet (0.01 g) orally daily at the same time of day, on an empty stomach for 10 days, then take a break of 20 days and resume taking it.
      • The duration of treatment with this group of drugs is 3 months.
    3. Hormonal products that contain both progesterone and estrogen(trade names: Zhanin, Novinet, Logest, Yarina, Trikvilar, Femoned).
      Reception scheme this group of drugs:
      • Treatment begins on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle, take 1 tablet 1 time per day every day for 21 days, then take a break for one week and resume taking it.
      • Tablets should be taken at the same time of day, on an empty stomach, with a minimum amount of liquid.
      • The course of treatment is 2 - 3 months.

    Hypoglycemic drugs

    Reduce blood glucose levels. They are used to treat ovarian cysts as a second line of drugs. The action is aimed at normalizing the processes of ovulation (the release of an egg from the follicle).

    The drugs are presented two substances:

    1. Pioglitazone Take 4 mg (1 tablet) 1 time per day, in the morning, before meals. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 months.
    2. Metformin(trade names: Glucofaz, Siafot, Metformin, Formetin) is prescribed 500 - 1000 mg (1 - 2 tablets) in the morning, before meals, 1 time per day. The duration of taking the drug is 3 months.

    This group of drugs is taken under compulsory controlling blood sugar levels.

    Antiandrogen drugs

    Their action is aimed at ovarian suspension, which leads to slower growth and the absence of new cysts.

    1. Spironolactone(trade names Aldactone, Veroshpilakton, Urakton, Veroshpiron, Spirix, Spirolon)
      • Prescribed orally on an empty stomach, 1 tablet of 100 mg 1 time per day.
      • The course of treatment is 3 months.
    2. Cyproterone(trade name: Androcura) is taken orally, in the morning, before meals, 1 tablet (100 mg). Reception scheme drug:
      • 1 tablet is taken on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, the last one is drunk on the 21st day of the menstrual cycle.
      • The course of treatment with the drug is 3 months.

    NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

    Aimed at reduction in the size of the cyst cavity and pain relief.

    1. Ibuprofen(trade names: Ibubrom, Ibufen, Faspik, Ibusan, Nurofen, Advil)
      • Prescribed orally after meals, 200 mg (1 tablet) 2 times a day.
      • The course of treatment is 8 - 12 days.
    2. Diclofenac(trade names: Dikloberl, Voltaren, Diklak, Diclobene, Doloran, Ortofen).
      • Taken orally after meals, 1 tablet (100 mg) 1 time per day.
      • Duration of treatment is 5 - 7 days.
    3. Meloxicam(trade names: Revmoxicam, Movix, Lem, Movalis, Meblek).
      • Take 15 mg orally (1 tablet) after meals, 2 times a day.
      • The course of treatment is 7 - 14 days.
    4. Nimisulide(trade names: Nimid, Nimulid, Nise).
      • Orally, 1 tablet (100 mg) 1 time per day.
      • The course of treatment is 5 - 7 days.


    Drugs are used with severe pain syndrome.

    1. Mebeverine(trade names: Meverin, Duspatalin, Trimedat)
      • Take 1 tablet (200 mg) orally 2 times a day for pain.
    2. Drotaverine(trade names: Spazmol, No-shpa, Spazmonet).
      • Prescribed 1 - 2 tablets for pain 2 - 3 times a day.
      • The maximum daily amount of the drug should not exceed 10 tablets.

    Calming (sedative) drugs

    1. Mebicar - 1 - 2 tablets on an empty stomach 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months.
    2. Miaser -¼ tablet orally at night, daily, for 3 to 4 months.
    3. Afobozol - 1 tablet orally 3 times a day. The duration of taking the drug is 4 months.

    Vitamins and minerals

    Appointed to strengthen the body, and folic acid and vitamin E in additional quantities reduce the size of cysts and normalize ovarian function.

    • Trade names: Aerovit, Jungle, Vitabex, Multitabs. Take 1 tablet orally 1 time per day for 2 - 3 months.

    Physiotherapeutic treatment

    It is carried out after a course of drug therapy, in case of cure of the disease in the future of ovarian cysts.

    Physiotherapy includes:

    • Balneotherapy- treatment with mineral waters.
      Mineral water is taken 2 times a day (morning and evening), 200 ml, the water is drunk warm, in small sips.
    • Ozocerite treatment- treatment with ozokerite.
      Ozokerite is a mixture of paraffin, oils, resins and phenol of black or brown color, viscous, waxy consistency. Treatment is carried out by application to the lower abdomen and lower back. The session lasts 40 - 50 minutes. Tampons with ozokerite are also used in the vagina, the session lasts 30 minutes. Number of sessions - 15 - 18.
    • Pileidotherapy- treatment with mud.
      Therapeutic mud is applied in the form of applications to the lumbar region and lower abdomen. The course of treatment is 10 - 12 sessions.
    • Galvanic mud treatment- treatment with mud using electric current.
      Electrodes are placed on the mud application, through which an electric current of low frequency and amplitude is supplied. The procedure lasts 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 - 12 sessions.
    • Inductothermy- treatment using a magnetic field.
      Under the influence of a magnetic field in the area affected by an ovarian cyst, a decrease in pain and inflammation is observed by improving the microcirculation of the organ and metabolism in it.
    • Hirudotherapy- treatment with leeches.
      Leeches are applied to the projection of the affected ovary. It is recommended to use no more than 3 - 4 leeches per session. The procedure lasts 40 minutes. Number of sessions 10 - 14.

    Treatment takes place in the physiotherapy department of the hospital.

    Spa treatment

    Indicated for persons after a course of drug treatment and complete recovery of the body. Spa treatment has been developed to prevent the occurrence ovarian cysts.

    Suitable for women with this disease sanatoriums that have:

    • high mountain, warm climate;
    • availability of mineral water;
    • the presence of medicinal mud;
    • the presence of a coniferous forest zone.

    The most suitable are sanatoriums Southern coast of Crimea, Caucasus.

    Surgical treatment

    Surgical treatment for ovarian cysts is resorted to in cases where conservative therapy has no effect for 2 - 3 months.

    Types of surgical interventions include:

    1. Puncture ovarian cysts.
      The operation is performed in a small operating room, under local anesthesia. Using a transvaginal sensor equipped with a special puncture needle, a puncture and aspiration (suction) of the contents from the cyst cavity are performed.
    2. Laparoscopy ovarian cysts.
      Operation in progress under local anesthesia in an operating room. Three punctures are made on the anterior surface of the abdominal wall and the necessary instruments are inserted. The cyst is cut out using an electrocoagulator (an instrument that contains an electrode to which a high-frequency current is applied).
    3. Laparotomy.
      The operation is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia. A 10-20 cm long incision is made on the anterior abdominal wall, the ovary is removed into the surgical wound, and the cyst is cut out using a scalpel.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Traditional therapy includes the use of decoctions, alcohol tinctures, herbal baths, vaginal tampons, douching and compresses.

    Herbal decoctions

    • Burdock leaves chop with a knife, add 200 - 300 grams to boiling water, at least 3 liters. Simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes, let it brew and then strain. Take half a glass 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 months.

    Alcohol tinctures

    • Acacia flowers grind and add 4 tablespoons to 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave the mixture for 1 week in a dark place. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 months.
    • Pine nuts Grind in a blender, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 5 - 7 days. Take 1 tablespoon daily before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 months.

    Herbal baths

    • Chamomile, calendula, sage, oak bark, bearberry and dandelion leaves mix in equal proportions, brew, let it brew and strain. Pour the brewed mixture into a bath of warm water. The procedure lasts 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days.
    • Licorice root, elecampane, blueberry leaves, yarrow, wormwood, shepherd's purse mix in equal proportions, brew a decoction and pour into a bathtub filled with warm water. The course of treatment is 10 days.

    Tampons in the vagina

    • Cacao butter cool and insert into the vagina at night, the procedure is repeated daily for 10 days.
    • Average onion Peel, select the core and soak for several days in honey. After this, wrap the onion core in gauze, shape it into a tampon, and insert it into the vagina overnight. The procedure is repeated every other day. The course of treatment is 10 days.


    • Shredded celandine pour boiling water over it, let it brew for 1 - 2 hours, squeeze and strain the resulting liquid into a jar. Douching is carried out 2 times a day, 100 - 200 ml. The course of treatment is 10 days.


    • Finely chop 200 - 300 g wormwood, knead with your hands until the juice is released, apply the resulting mixture to the lower abdomen, put polyethylene or tracing paper on top, wrap everything in a woolen scarf and leave overnight. Perform the procedure every other day. The course of treatment is 10 - 12 compresses.


    To ease the course of the disease, it is very important to eat properly and follow a meal schedule.

    • Meals are fractional, in small portions, up to 5 - 6 times a day.
    • Chew food thoroughly; one meal should take at least 30 minutes.
    • The diet should contain the following products: milk, fermented milk products, baked goods, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn, wheat, fresh and stewed vegetables, lean meats and fish, poultry, a small amount of sweets, tea.
    • It is prohibited to consume salted, smoked, dried and spicy foods, carbonated water, alcohol, and coffee.

    This article is informational character for those individuals who are interested in the treatment of ovarian cysts.
    The selection of the type of treatment, drugs, and dosage regimens is carried out by gynecologist.

    Why did inflammation of the ovarian cyst occur and methods of its treatment?

    An ovarian cyst is a tumor-like hollow formation, in most cases filled with liquid contents. It can occur at different age periods of a woman’s life, and can be both benign and malignant. The cyst can be hidden for some time, as well as with various symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, irregular periods, etc. What is inflammation of an ovarian cyst, why does it occur and does it threaten a woman’s health?

    Read in this article

    Causes of inflammation of ovarian cysts

    A cyst-like formation on the ovary can form for various reasons. Including as a result of an infectious process in the appendage area. But most often, functional cysts are formed, which are a consequence of disruption of the ovulation processes. At the same time, the follicle grows, sometimes reaching very large sizes and thus forming a cyst.

    With primary inflammation of the ovarian cyst, the signs of this process are limited to the appendages. As a rule, such conditions respond well to conservative therapy. With secondary inflammation, ovarian tissue is involved in the pathological process following the vagina and uterine cavity. The course is more serious and surgery is often necessary.

    The following main conditions can be identified that can lead to the involvement of the cyst in the inflammatory process:

    • The presence of chronic or acute infection of the genital organs. This applies to gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, urea and mycoplasmosis, HSV and even HPV, as well as some others.
    • Immunodeficiency states in a woman against the background of HIV (often with a latent course), constant stress, anxiety, vitamin deficiencies, exhaustion, etc.
    • The presence of a contraceptive device in the uterine cavity, especially if it is replaced at the wrong time or the woman is sexually active with different partners. This is explained by the fact that the tendrils and threads of the IUD are good absorption material not only for pathogenic, but also for opportunistic microbes. The latter include Escherichia coli, diplococci, strepto-, staphylococci and others. They can enter a woman’s genital tract from the intestines, urinary system, etc.
    • Various manipulations inside the cavity, especially abortions, curettage, hysterosalpingography, etc.
    • The postpartum period is also dangerous from the point of view of the development of ovarian inflammation, since the woman’s immunity at this time is sharply reduced, and it is easy for pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate into the uterine cavity and further through the cervical canal that has not yet closed.
    • Similar complications can occur after purulent appendicitis, especially with inadequate antibacterial therapy.

    Symptoms and signs of exacerbation

    In most cases, inflammation of an ovarian cyst is accompanied by at least minimal symptoms, but they are not always given due attention. It all depends on the aggressiveness of the infection that caused the pathological process, as well as on the state of the woman’s own defenses. The size of the cyst itself plays a significant role and whether both ovaries are involved or just one.

    Mild degree

    This condition is accompanied by the following set of symptoms:

    • General health does not suffer, the woman leads an almost normal lifestyle. Due to discomfort, representatives of the fair sex usually limit physical activity and try not to be overly active.
    • Body temperature remains normal.
    • I am concerned about nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which can be concentrated more on the left or right (depending on the location of the cyst). Sometimes they radiate to the rectal area.
    • You may experience increased urination, especially if the cyst is located just behind the bladder.
    • Often inflammation of the cyst is accompanied by menstrual irregularities - delay and, less often, bleeding or irregular spotting.

    Moderate degree

    With the progression of the previous stage, as well as in the absence of proper treatment, inflammation is activated. At the same time, the woman begins to feel the following:

    • The abdominal pain is so intense that the girl cannot lead her usual lifestyle, forcing her to seek medical help.
    • Body temperature may rise to subfebrile levels.
    • The pain is intense, and the urge to defecate or urinate may occur in parallel with it. They are associated with irritation of the rectum and bladder by an inflamed cyst.

    Severe inflammation

    At this stage, the cyst and the ovary itself are so involved in the inflammatory process that this leads to the formation of an abscess. Along with this, pyosalpinx is formed - an accumulation of pus in the fallopian tubes, and traces of inflammation are detected in the uterine cavity and vagina. This is the most dangerous condition, which in 95% of cases requires immediate surgical treatment.

    Independent perforation of the cyst is possible with the release of pus into the abdominal cavity and pelvis. This leads to the formation of pelvioperitonitis, a condition that threatens a woman’s life. The main symptoms are the following:

    • The girl is bothered by severe pain in the lower abdomen, often of a diffuse nature.
    • Body temperature rises to 38 - 39 degrees, symptoms of intoxication appear (weakness, lethargy, pallor, rapid pulse, decreased blood pressure, etc.).
    • Nausea and even vomiting appear, possibly diarrhea (due to irritation of the walls of the rectum with an abscess or pus).

    Watch the video about ovarian cysts:

    What happens if you don't treat an inflamed cyst?

    Any inflammation of the cyst must be subject to mandatory treatment. If it is absent, the further prognosis depends on many factors, including the reactivity of the woman’s immune system, the pathogen that caused the disease, etc.

    The outcome can develop in several directions:

    • With mild uncomplicated inflammation, self-healing is possible. But in any case, consequences remain. This may simply be an adhesive process in the pelvis, which will constantly give nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Tubal obstruction and infertility may develop. After inflammation of the ovarian cyst, various disruptions of the menstrual cycle are also characteristic.
    • Progression of the process with the development of pelvioperitonitis. This is a very serious situation that requires immediate surgical treatment. In 80% of cases, the uterus and appendages are removed together due to severe inflammation. This is followed by a long period of rehabilitation.

    Any infectious processes of the genital organs, including inflammation of the ovarian cyst, must be subjected to timely and competent treatment. Otherwise, the consequences cannot be avoided: in most cases, all this affects the woman’s reproductive function, and she subsequently has problems with pregnancy.

    Diagnosis of the cyst condition

    Diagnosis of such conditions is not always unambiguous, since many pathological processes, not only gynecological ones, can behave in a similar way.

    Basic examinations are aimed at resolving the issue of choosing conservative or surgical treatment tactics at the moment. They are as follows:

    • A general blood test, in which leukocytes and ESR increase, and anemia may appear.
    • Urine examination allows us to determine whether the process is associated with pathology of the urinary system.
    • A detailed biochemical blood test will show increased CRP (C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation in the body), possibly other enzymes.
    • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, based on the results of which it will be possible to ascertain a space-occupying formation in the pelvis, and, if present, fluid in the fallopian tubes and abdominal cavity.
    • If the process has a subacute course, it is possible to additionally determine tumor markers - CA-125, HE-4, ROMA index to exclude a malignant process.
    • If there is a delay, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy. You should perform a test or donate blood for hCG.

    A general examination of the abdomen and a gynecological examination are of fundamental importance. If pelviperitonitis or an acute process in the pelvis is suspected, which will be confirmed by laboratory tests, there is a need for surgical treatment.

    Treatment of cyst inflammation

    Tactics in such situations begin with conservative therapy. The question is its duration - it can be an hour or two, or several days. With the most favorable course of the pathology, conservative therapy can avoid emergency surgical intervention. In this case, the question of removing the cyst is already planned, if it does not disappear on its own after a course of therapy.

    Conservative treatment

    The following medications are used:

    • Antibacterial drugs. As a rule, this is a combination of several serious drugs with different directions of action. For example, cephalosporins and metronidazole are often used in combination, and carbapenems and aminoglycosides, etc. are also effective. Ideally, the drug is selected taking into account the sensitivity that is detected by culture (for example, vaginal secretions).
    • Anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy. This group includes NSAIDs (diclofenac, ibuprofen and others), antispasmodics, analgesics.
    • Vitamin therapy to strengthen the immune system. Usually this is group A, E and C.

    Surgical treatment

    The operation is necessary in the following situations:

    • if an abscess of an ovarian cyst is suspected;
    • in case of development of pelvioperitonitis;
    • in case of ineffectiveness of conservative therapy;
    • if after successful drug treatment the cyst remains after 2 - 3 months.

    The extent of surgical intervention depends on many factors. But two of them are the most significant:

    • Whether the woman gave birth or not. The question often arises about the need to remove the uterus due to a severe inflammatory process, which involves all the pelvic organs. If the girl has not given birth yet, if possible, the doctor may take certain risks and remove only the cyst or appendages from the affected side. Preserving the body of the uterus and part of a healthy ovary allows the girl to become pregnant in the future (with the help of IVF technologies).
    • How severe is the condition upon admission? If it is a mild inflammation, the volume is less. The more pronounced the process, the more tissue will be removed, as they are “melted” by pathogens with the formation of pus, and there is nothing left to save.

    In most cases, abdominal surgery is performed with access through the anterior abdominal wall (median or Pfannenstiel incision). If the inflammation process has been suppressed, laparoscopic removal of the formations is also possible. The following surgical options are possible:

    • removal of the cyst only;
    • resection of a cyst with part of the ovary;
    • removal of appendages from one or two (in the case of a parallel process) sides;
    • amputation or extirpation of the uterus with adjacent structures (ovaries, etc.).

    Prognosis for a woman

    The prognosis depends on how severe the process of inflammation of the cyst was. In rare cases, recovery is possible without consequences for health and reproductive function. Typically, the following problems arise:

    • periodic or constant pain in the lower abdomen, which is caused by adhesions in the pelvis after acute inflammation;
    • problems with conception, including infertility (with obstruction of the fallopian tubes or after removal of the uterus);
    • a woman may “lose” her ovaries, and will then be forced to take hormone replacement therapy for the rest of her life.

    Inflammation of an ovarian cyst is a serious pathology that requires quite a long and competent treatment. If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner and if you do not follow all the doctor’s recommendations, a woman can put her reproductive health at serious risk.

    What to do in case of inflammation of an ovarian cyst: how the disease manifests itself and possible treatment methods

    If a woman has been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, then it is important to understand that this condition means a tumor-like benign formation on the ovary.

    It is represented by a certain cavity on a stalk filled with liquid secretion.

    This phenomenon can be provoked by hormonal disorders, the development of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the organ, decreased function of the thyroid gland and other endocrine pathologies, as well as artificial termination of pregnancy.

    The essence of pathology

    When it comes to education functional cysts , then in this case there is no need for therapeutic measures, since they disappear by themselves.

    But abnormal tumors, especially those indicating the development of an inflammatory process, must be treated, as they are fraught with rupture or internal bleeding.

    Symptomatic manifestations

    The presence of an inflammatory process in a tumor-like formation in the ovarian tissue is usually detected during a regular visit to a gynecologist.

    However, it is useful for every woman to know what signs indicate the development of the indicated disease.

    In this case, experts highlight:

    • manifestation of various disorders during the menstrual cycle;
    • painful sensations in the lower abdomen and back, which intensify during menstrual bleeding;
    • impaired urination process;
    • in case of increased inflammation of the cyst or its rupture, the patient experiences a feeling of nausea and vomiting.

    Causes of the disease

    According to experts, the following factors can provoke the development of an inflammatory process in the tissues of a tumor formation:

    1. The development of infection in the organs of the reproductive system in acute or chronic forms. Here we can distinguish trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.
    2. Development of an immunodeficiency state against the background of HIV, regular stressful conditions and experiences, exhaustion, deficiency of vitamins in the body, etc.
    3. A contraceptive device in the uterine cavity, especially when it is not replaced in a timely manner or the woman has an active sex life with frequent changes of partners.
    4. Carrying out various manipulations in the uterine cavity, including abortions, gynecological curettages, etc.
    5. The postpartum period is characterized by an unsatisfactory state of the immune system.
    6. Purulent appendicitis, especially with inadequate antibacterial treatment.

    Degrees of the inflammatory process

    In practice, the following degrees of the inflammatory process in the tissues of an ovarian cyst are distinguished::

    1. Mild, when the clinical picture is not yet clearly expressed, and the woman continues to lead her usual lifestyle. Only sometimes, due to the discomfort that arises, the patient is somewhat limited in physical activity. In addition, patients with mild disease may experience frequent urination;
    2. Moderate degree, when painful sensations become more intense, and body temperature reaches subfebrile levels;
    3. A severe inflammatory process in which an abscess develops and pus accumulates in the fallopian tubes. In the vast majority of cases, this condition requires immediate surgical intervention, since we are talking about a threat to the patient’s life.

    Diagnostics and research

    Diagnosis of such a disease is not always unambiguous, since a number of diseases have similar symptoms.

    As main diagnostic studies within the framework of the designated pathology there are:

    • a clinical blood test, the results of which, if there is a pathological process, will show an increased level of leukocytes, a state of anemia;
    • urine analysis will help to understand whether there is a connection between the inflammatory process and diseases of the urinary system;
    • biochemical blood test;
    • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
    • with a delay in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy should be refuted by a blood test for hCG or a test.

    Drug treatment

    Within the framework of conservative or drug treatment the patient is prescribed:

    1. Taking antibacterial medications. The best option is the situation when the selection of drugs is carried out taking into account the sensitivity identified during tank culture.
    2. Taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers, for example, analgesics and antispasmodics.
    3. To strengthen the immune status, women are prescribed vitamins A, E and C.

    Surgical intervention

    • suspicion of an abscess cyst;
    • with the accumulation of pus in the fallopian tubes;
    • if drug treatment is ineffective;
    • if the cyst does not resolve after 3 months after successful conservative therapy.

    In this case, the extent of surgical intervention will depend on whether the woman has children, as well as on the severity of the patient’s condition.

    In practice, the following operation options occur::

    • excision of the cyst only;
    • removal of the cyst and part of the ovary;
    • resection of appendages.

    Preventive measures

    To prevent the development of ovarian disease, it is recommended to take the following measures:

    • timely treatment of hormonal disorders and infectious and inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
    • regular preventive gynecological examination;
    • balanced diet;
    • compliance with the regimen of taking hormonal medications;
    • planning the birth of a child;
    • avoiding frequent visits to the solarium.

    Inflammation of an ovarian cyst can lead to very serious consequences.. Therefore, every woman should be more careful about her own health and promptly treat emerging pathologies.

    Ovarian cyst is a benign formation in the form of a bubble with liquid contents inside (“cyst” translated from Greek means “bubble”). This disease is typical for women of reproductive age.

    An ovarian cyst, like many others, often develops without symptoms, and it is not possible to detect it on your own. Therefore, all women are recommended to regularly visit and carry out routine visits every six months.

    We invite you to “MedicCity”! In our clinic, diagnostics of pathologies of the reproductive system is carried out using premium, expert equipment. Our gynecologists are the best specialists with extensive experience, candidates and doctors of medical sciences. At MedicCity, your women's health is in good hands!

    Ovarian cyst


    General blood analysis

    Types of cysts

    Experts classify cysts based on their structure and the cause of their appearance. There are functional, organic, paraovarian, and endometrioid cysts.

    Functional cysts

    Functional cyst looks like a bubble with liquid watery or serous contents. Develops due to improper functioning of the ovary and. The peculiarity of a functional cyst is that it exists for a fairly short time (up to 3 months), is not dangerous to health, and in most cases resolves on its own.

    The most common types of functional cysts: luteal And follicular .

    Luteal cyst appears after ovulation as a result of stagnation of a large amount of fluid in the corpus luteum.

    Follicular cyst occurs if the follicle has not undergone physiological transformations, i.e. for some reason it couldn't break. The follicle remains, continues to grow and turns into a cyst with liquid contents. Usually it does not grow to a large size and resolves on its own, but in rare cases it can reach 10 centimeters or more.

    Diagnosis of ovarian cyst

    Pelvic ultrasound

    General blood analysis

    Organic ovarian cysts

    Organic ovarian cyst (endometrioid , mucinous , dermoid) - a type of cyst, but in fact it is a tumor-like formation with the potential for malignancy. It is an indication for surgical treatment.

    Endometrioid cyst occurs as a result of the ovary. Like endometriosis in general, it is an incomprehensible, mysterious disease. Presumably, endometrial cells shed during menstruation attach to the ovary and begin to grow, forming inclusions in the form of cysts of various sizes. Endometrioid ovarian cyst is an indication for surgical treatment, with the exception of recurrent variants with a size of less than 3 cm.

    Mucinous cyst inside is filled with mucin - a mucus-like liquid. It often reaches large sizes (several tens of centimeters) and has several chambers.

    Dermoid cyst The ovary is considered a congenital formation (the process of laying organs and tissues in the womb is disrupted). The contents of this type of cyst are very diverse - the so-called ectoderm rudiments (fat, hair, skin, bones, teeth, etc.). When it reaches a large size, it can manifest itself as pain in the abdomen and lower back, problems with urination and defecation. Ovarian dermoid cysts are prone to inflammation, and torsion of the cyst stalk is possible. Often such cysts are an indication for urgent surgery.

    Paraovarian cyst appears from the epididymis, cysts of different sizes are found. The main symptom of such a cyst is transparent and thin walls entwined with blood vessels. Formed between the ages of 20 and 40.

    Symptoms of an ovarian cyst

    As the ovarian cyst develops, other clinical manifestations may occur:

    • weight gain;
    • frequent urination;
    • constipation and false urge to defecate;
    • , uterine bleeding;
    • the appearance of vomiting and nausea;
    • severe pain during sexual intercourse or physical activity;
    • increase in body temperature to 39 degrees.

    MRI of the pelvis

    MRI of the pelvis

    General blood analysis

    Why do ovarian cysts appear?

    The causes of ovarian cysts have not yet been fully elucidated. There are a number of factors that can provoke the development of the disease - hormonal disorders (ovarian cysts are detected on average in 30% of patients with a regular menstrual cycle and in 50% of women with irregular periods), early onset of menstruation, late menstruation, etc. Also such factors include poor ecology, genetic predisposition, viruses, etc.

    Diagnosis of ovarian cyst

    Diagnosis of an ovarian cyst usually begins with. This is a very important stage, on the basis of which the doctor develops an individual examination plan, which may include the following types of diagnostics.

    In gynecology, an ovarian cyst is a benign tumor. It is a cavity filled with liquid. The cyst is attached to the paired gland with the help of a leg. Basically, the disease occurs hidden, but inflammation makes itself felt with unpleasant symptoms and possible complications.


    The main cause of cyst inflammation is infection of the genital tract. Frequent are violations associated with the wrong process of ovulation.

    Reference! The cyst occurs due to an excessive increase in the size of the follicle. In the process, it is prone to inflammation.

    Distinguish between primary and secondary inflammatory process. Its character is determined by the localization of the lesion. The primary form assumes that only the area of ​​​​the appendages is affected.

    As for secondary inflammation, the uterus and vagina are affected, from there the spread begins to the ovaries. Then the treatment requires radical methods - surgery.

    The reasons for the development of cyst inflammation are as follows:

    1. Infectious infections of the genitourinary system. The provocateurs here are Trichomonas, gonococci, mycoplasmas, chlamydia and other pathogens.
    2. Constant stress and negative emotions. Excessive stress on the psyche, unbalanced nutrition, vitamin deficiency, uncontrolled stress in the gym, and weakened immunity play a huge role.
    3. How to install an intrauterine device. A doctor's mistake is especially dangerous. Also, the spiral requires timely replacement. The inflammatory process can also develop against the background of the patient’s disordered sexual life: microbes accumulate at the ends of the coil.
    4. Frequent abortions and manipulations performed surgically, such as uterine curettage.
    5. Appendicitis complicated by peritonitis.
    6. Hormonal imbalance with very early puberty, abnormal ovulation process.
    7. Abnormal operation endocrine system.

    Important! To minimize complications, you need to adhere to preventive measures and periodically visit your doctor.

    Signs of an inflammatory process

    In most cases, the cyst goes unnoticed. However, there are no signs until inflammation begins. The following factors are important:

    1. the nature of the infectious agent;
    2. general state of immunity;
    3. cyst size;
    4. area of ​​ovarian damage.

    A woman may not even realize that a benign tumor has appeared in the ovaries. In medicine, there are three degrees of inflammation. They will be discussed below.

    Mild degree

    The inflammation itself is mild here, but the patient pays attention to the unpleasant sensations that arise in the lower abdomen.

    The general state of health itself is satisfactory: the girl can easily lead a normal life.

    If you experience mild discomfort, it is better to limit physical activity.

    Signs of a mild form are as follows:

    1. normal body temperature;
    2. pain in the lower abdomen, predominantly of a pulling nature, the localization of the tumor is of great importance;
    3. when the tumor is located behind the bladder, the woman may often need to go to the toilet;
    4. cycle disorders: delay of menstruation or early onset, scanty or heavy discharge.

    By the way, these disorders may also indicate other gynecological disorders.

    Moderate degree

    When the patient does not pay attention to the initial signs, the disease progresses to a moderate degree. Symptoms become more noticeable:

    1. pain in the lower abdomen intensifies, at this stage it already interferes with normal life;
    2. body temperature rises, but the indicators are not yet critical;
    3. The bladder becomes irritated against the background of noticeable pain, so frequent urination may occur.

    Attention! To prevent this stage from progressing into a more serious one, you need to consult a specialist and receive proper treatment.

    Strong degree

    The danger is a neoplasm that is located in the area of ​​inflammation of the abscess.

    This threatens that pus may enter the genitourinary system.

    It also often accumulates in the fallopian tubes, and this provokes inflammation in the vagina and uterus.

    The signs of the stage are:

    1. body temperature reaches 39 degrees;
    2. pain in the lower abdomen of a diffuse type;
    3. diabetes mellitus, constipation, elevated glucose levels;
    4. pronounced intoxication in the form of anemia, pressure, general weakness and tachycardia.

    This condition requires emergency surgery, because in the event of a rupture, pus enters the pelvic area and peritoneum, and this can be fatal.


    Cyst inflammation is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are similar to other pathologies.

    The doctor needs to make an accurate diagnosis in order to begin the correct treatment.

    In some cases, medication alone can be used, but resection is often indicated.

    Diagnostic methods include the following:

    1. taking a general blood test to determine the number of leukocytes;
    2. biochemical blood test to detect metastases;
    3. general analysis of fasting urine;
    4. performing a pelvic ultrasound to assess the retrouterine space and the presence of inflammation in the appendage area;
    5. examination for tumor markers;
    6. pregnancy test in case of delay;
    7. standard gynecological examination.

    If there is a suspicion of rupture of the cystic membrane and pus entering the peritoneum, then emergency surgical intervention is required.

    Treatment methods

    The choice of therapy depends on the nature of the cyst and the stage of tumor development. Typically, a medical or surgical approach is used.

    When complications are not observed, doctors try to use medications.
    We are talking about the following:

    1. taking antibiotics, their type depends on the type of pathogen. Medicines can be prescribed in combination;
    2. painkillers and antispasmodics;
    3. vitamins;
    4. use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    5. immunomodulators.

    If we talk about surgery, it is prescribed if medications are not able to cope with the situation. Two main factors determine the extent of surgery:

    • whether the woman has children, and whether she intends to give birth in the future. When it comes to a young patient who is just about to become pregnant, they try to minimize the degree of intervention. It is important to leave at least one ovary intact so that the possibility of conception or IVF is preserved;
    • severity of the inflammatory process. When most of the tissues have already been affected, there is a huge purulent area, then partial removal will not correct the situation. Then you should resort to laparoscopy or abdominal surgery.

    Reference! In the most emergency cases, doctors completely remove the uterus.


    Lack of treatment only provokes complications during the inflammatory process. If a woman never sees a doctor and does not start taking medications, the prognosis is usually as follows:

    1. the cyst reaches dimensions of 12x12 cm;
    2. the start of the adhesive process in the fallopian tubes and pelvis, subsequently blockage will occur, and this is fraught with infertility;
    3. the pathological process leads to the spillage of pus, and this threatens amputation of the appendages and uterus. A woman not only becomes infertile, she also needs a long period of rehabilitation;
    4. disruption of the menstrual cycle.

    At the first appointment, the gynecologist should voice possible deviations if his recommendations are not followed.

    Chances of getting pregnant

    The ability to realize reproductive function is determined by the state of the internal organs.

    It all depends on the operation and recovery period.

    In rare cases, a complete recovery of the patient is possible.

    Since the cyst does not make itself felt at the initial stages, treatment comes down to surgery, which means it affects the functioning of the ovaries.

    Problems may include:

    • adhesions that appear in the pelvic organs, which interfere with the process of fertilization and the movement of cells through the fallopian tubes;
    • inflammation of the cyst sometimes leads to the removal of not only the ovaries, but also the uterus. As a result, you will have to take hormones for the rest of your life to compensate for the imbalance.

    When at least part of the paired gland can be preserved, the chances of a natural pregnancy remain. You can also do IVF.

    The importance of the ovary lies in its generative function, which is responsible for the production of sex hormones. Healthy female genital organs give a woman the opportunity to procreate.

    As a result of the analysis of all ovarian diseases, it was found that a cyst (benign formation) is one of the most common diseases. It appears in place of a follicle that has not burst. There is liquid inside this formation. Depending on the amount of fluid, the size of the tumor also changes.

    Any type of cyst is fraught with some danger. Rupture, torsion, suppuration or hemorrhage - even an asymptomatic form of the disease can lead to such complications.

    Classification of the disease

    It is customary to distinguish the following types of ovarian cysts.

    1. Follicular - the cause of its occurrence is a violation in the process of maturation of the follicle. This type of cyst is characteristic of puberty.
    2. Dermoid - appears for unknown reasons.
    3. Endometrioid - a cyst is formed as a result of the germination of endometrial tissue directly into the ovary. Endometriosis is characterized by an impressive adhesive process, in which the cyst increases in size and “sealing” occurs. Together with their appendages they form rock. Over time, this process moves to the second ovary (often to the intestines and bladder). A woman spends more than one year treating inflammation of the appendages and infertility.
    4. Muciotic - characterized by danger. Inside this formation there is mucin. The cyst can grow to large sizes and rupture the capsule. This can lead to peritonitis.
    5. Paraovarian - the cyst appears near the ovary and mesentery of the fallopian tube.

    All types are characterized by a severe chronic form - rapid suppuration, twisting of the cyst stalk and its rupture. We will talk about this below.

    Signs of the disease

    Follicular ovarian cyst is characterized by the absence of obvious signs of the disease. In many cases, the woman is not aware of her presence. Corpus luteum cysts have a mild symptom in the form of pain in the lower abdomen. As the size increases, the symptoms become more pronounced - an inconsistent menstrual cycle, severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

    In the case when the cyst acquires a huge size, the woman experiences pain in the sides, the stomach becomes larger and there is an urgent need for frequent trips to the toilet. If this disease is not treated, the pain moves to the lower back. Also, pain appears during sexual intercourse; in addition, the woman notes the absence of orgasm. In some cases, the temperature rises and nervousness and anxiety appear. The following complications are typical for this disease:

    • infertility;
    • cyst rupture and suppuration;
    • peritonitis;
    • transformation of a cyst into ovarian cancer.

    Main reasons

    Until now, all the reasons why a cyst appears have not been established. However, there are some factors that cause this disease. These include:

    • predisposition to such a disease;
    • prolonged stressful situations, nervousness and anxiety;
    • excess weight;
    • early menstruation;
    • frequent abortions;
    • wrong lifestyle.

    Diagnosis and treatment methods

    It is very difficult to detect a cyst based only on the main symptoms of the disease on your own. This is due to the fact that about 80% of cysts have a follicular appearance and do not cause any pain.

    In order to diagnose an ovarian cyst, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations and tests.

    Treatment options

    There are two ways to treat cysts:

    • conservative;
    • operational.

    Conservative therapy involves taking hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs. Often this method is prescribed only for follicular cysts. If there is evidence that the cyst is turning into a malignant tumor, hormonal treatment is abandoned.

    The duration of conservative therapy is several menstrual cycles. Ultrasound monitoring is performed throughout the treatment. In some cases, this method is supplemented with traditional medicine recipes.

    Any treatment is prescribed by a professional doctor and only after an ultrasound scan. Traditional medicine has the same principles of action as drug therapy. Healing herbs help relieve inflammation. For tinctures and decoctions, chamomile, mint, nettle, St. John's wort are used. Phytotherapy is a good helper in the fight against the disease. Proper use of herbs will have a healing effect on the entire body.

    Methods for removing a cyst

    Surgical treatment is prescribed only in cases where conservative methods have not brought the desired result. Removal can occur using laparoscopy or conventional surgery.

    In some cases of emergency intervention, in addition to the cyst, the ovary itself is removed.

    Most often, removal is carried out by laparoscopy. An abdominal operation is prescribed only in cases of a malignant tumor.

    Timely surgical intervention can prevent the development of infertility in 85% of cases. The operation is also preventive in nature of oncological diseases. Elective surgery can reduce the risk of complications.


    Severe chronic forms of cysts include: apoplexy, suppuration and torsion.

    Apoplexy and torsion are characterized by the same signs. They are accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

    Torsion of the cyst stem occurs as a result of sudden and careless movements. There is a malnutrition of the cyst, which leads to necrosis. The woman’s condition quickly deteriorates: the skin and mucous membranes turn pale, sharp and acute pain in the abdomen is observed, the pressure decreases, and the temperature rises.

    Rupture occurs through mechanical trauma. With this complication, bleeding may occur, which will lead to a decrease in blood pressure. The woman has vomiting and nausea. In some cases, the pain is progressive and radiates to the rectum. If the cyst ruptures, peritonitis may develop. When suppuration occurs, increased pain in the ovarian area, increased temperature and general malaise are observed. There is soldering of the abscess with other organs. It is also possible and re-formation of the endometrioid cyst. The removed dermoid cyst does not re-form. After this disease has been cured, the possibility of pregnancy is allowed.

    An ovarian cyst, which is functional in nature, can form repeatedly throughout life until the onset of menopause. Competent hormonal treatment will help prevent relapse.


    Modern treatment methods are highly effective.

    A systematic examination by a gynecologist will prevent the development of complications and begin a course of treatment on time. Preventing a disease is much easier than curing it.

    All of the above factors influencing the formation of a cyst indicate the need to visit a gynecologist as often as possible. After all, only a woman is responsible for her health and procreation. Routine gynecological examinations will help significantly reduce the likelihood of complications. In nature, it is arranged in such a way that a woman is primarily assigned the role of a mother. The joy of motherhood and women's health are in your hands. Take care of yourself, and an ovarian cyst will not bother you. Be healthy!

    By secret

    • Incredible... You can cure a cyst without surgery!
    • This time.
    • Without taking hormonal drugs!
    • That's two.
    • Per month!
    • That's three.

    It is important to know! ×

    Inflammation of an ovarian cyst is a dangerous disease

    Ovarian cysts are most often observed in women of reproductive age. An ovarian cyst is a potentially dangerous disease, so patients with this pathology must be observed and, if necessary, treated by a gynecologist. The most common complications of ovarian cysts include: inflammation of the ovarian cyst, torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst and rupture of the cyst. In addition, we should not forget that an ovarian cyst can cause infertility or develop into a malignant tumor. If signs of inflammation in the pelvis occur, you should immediately consult a doctor to begin treatment and avoid complications.

    Ovarian cyst

    An ovarian cyst is a benign formation and is a cavity filled with secretion. The content of the cyst depends on its origin. For example, endometrioid cysts are filled with “chocolate” fluid (old blood), dermoid cysts consist of sebaceous secretions, hair, teeth and other things. There are functional and organic cysts. Functional cysts include corpus luteum cyst and follicular cyst.

    As a rule, such cysts are asymptomatic and respond well to treatment.

    In the case of an increase in the size of the cyst, surgical treatment is necessary. Organic cysts (dermoid, endometrioid, mucinous and others) are also surgically removed.

    Causes of inflammation of ovarian cysts

    An ovarian cyst can form for a number of reasons. The main ones include: inflammation of the uterine appendages, hormonal disorders, persistent infectious diseases, abortion. The causes that cause inflammation of the ovarian cyst are as follows:

    • sexually transmitted diseases;
    • common infectious diseases (ARVI, influenza, tonsillitis);
    • hypothermia;
    • torsion of ovarian cyst;
    • secondary infection (appendicitis);
    • gynecological manipulations (diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity);
    • acute or chronic endometritis;
    • chronic somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology).

    That is, the causes of inflammation of the ovarian cyst are similar to the causes of inflammation of the uterine appendages (all factors leading to a weakening of the body’s defenses).

    Clinical manifestations

    An ovarian cyst is often asymptomatic and is an incidental finding during a gynecological examination. The main manifestations of ovarian cysts include menstrual irregularities and pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. The severity of pain directly depends on the size of the cyst, the larger the cyst in diameter, the more it compresses nearby organs. With inflammation of the ovarian cyst, signs of intoxication of the body appear (the temperature rises, appetite disappears, nausea and vomiting appear).

    Pain during inflammation of the ovarian cyst is aggravated not only due to the development of the inflammatory process in the formation, but also due to an increase in the size of the cyst. Disorders of bowel function (diarrhea, constipation) and urination (painful and frequent) are observed.

    In the absence of timely treatment of the inflammatory process in the ovarian cyst, torsion of its legs is possible. At the same time, blood supply is disturbed in the cyst leg, and necrotic changes occur, which lead to the development of peritonitis. When the leg of the ovarian cyst is twisted, the pain becomes unbearable, and the body temperature rises to 40 degrees. Tension of the abdominal muscles and symptoms of peritoneal irritation appear.

    During a gynecological examination, a painful, tight-elastic formation in the uterine appendages is determined, which practically does not move due to the development of the adhesive process.

    The principles of treatment of inflammation of the ovarian cyst are similar to the principles of therapy for inflammation of the uterine appendages. Antibiotics are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of microorganisms to them, detoxification therapy (intravenous infusions), rest and cold on the lower abdomen. Conservative therapy is carried out for uncomplicated ovarian cysts. In case of torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst, emergency surgery is performed.

    Anna Sozinova

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    Treatment of ovarian cysts

    An ovarian cyst is a pathological benign neoplasm in the ovary, filled with liquid or other contents. The main complication of a cyst is the degeneration of the neoplasm from benign to malignant.

    Ovarian cysts are pathological neoplasms; depending on their nature and size, they can adversely affect the condition of a woman’s reproductive system and reduce reproductive function, even leading to infertility. Only a gynecologist can detect and diagnose a cyst using an ultrasound examination.

    Types of ovarian cysts

    Functional ovarian cyst - formed in cases of absence of ovulation. The most common functional ovarian cysts are in girls during puberty and women of reproductive age. This type of cyst occurs when the hormonal system malfunctions. Functional cysts usually resolve on their own. In case of endocrine disorders, the following types of cysts can form:

    • Follicular cyst - when a mature follicle cannot leave the ovary, it begins to grow and fill with fluid;
    • Corpus luteum cyst - formed when pregnancy has not occurred and the corpus luteum has not regressed. The corpus luteum cyst reaches a diameter of no more than 6-8 cm. This type of cyst often goes unnoticed due to the asymptomatic development of the pathology and the ability of the cyst to self-resolve. However, there is a risk of rupture of the formation, often associated with bleeding.
    • Hemorrhagic cyst - a rupture of blood vessels occurs in the follicle or corpus luteum, which leads to hemorrhage in the ovarian tissue.
    • Paraovarian cyst - develops from the epididymis and is a thin-walled single-chamber formation. Can reach 12-20 cm in diameter.
    • A dermoid cyst is a neoplasm from the rudimentary elements of the appendage tissues of the body (hair, cartilage, fat cells, tissues of bones and teeth, etc.), enclosed in a slimy and viscous mass, covered with a dense capsule. It grows slowly up to 15 cm, gradually squeezing neighboring organs.
    • Endometriotic cyst - occurs when endometrial tissue (the inner layer of the uterine wall) grows in the ovaries. As a rule, both ovaries are affected at once. The size of such cysts ranges in diameter from 4-5 cm to 15-20 cm. The endometrioid cyst increases in size as the next menstruation approaches. May degenerate into a malignant formation.
    • A true ovarian cyst is a dangerous type because it has a high degree of predisposition to developing into cancer, often multi-chambered. There are several types: serous cystadenoma and mucinous cyst; in all these cases, surgical removal of the tumor is necessary.
    • Dysontogenetic cyst - formed as a result of impaired growth and development of the ovaries during puberty.


    The main reason that provokes the appearance and development of ovarian cysts is changes in the functioning of the endocrine system. Therefore, an accelerated pace of life, difficult working conditions and irregular work schedules, and lack of a diet can lead to the development of pathology. Artificial termination of pregnancy has an extremely negative effect on hormonal levels.

    Although the mechanisms of cyst formation have not been fully studied, according to statistics, patients with this disease are found to have:

    • hormonal imbalances;
    • inflammatory processes;
    • insufficiency of apoptosis of embryogenesis (natural cell death), leading to the occurrence of tissue malformations;
    • obesity;
    • early menarche (beginning of the menstrual cycle) - up to 11 years;
    • late onset of menopause.


    The course of the disease can be either pronounced or completely asymptomatic. Only a gynecologist can identify a tumor in a timely manner and prescribe effective treatment, so all women require regular examination by a specialist.

    You should consult a doctor unscheduled in the following cases:

    • Severe, sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
    • Pain in the vagina (sometimes with bloody discharge);
    • Feeling of heaviness and/or pressure in the pelvic area;
    • Prolonged nagging pain during menstruation;
    • Disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
    • Feeling of pressure when urinating and defecating;
    • Fever;
    • Constant weakness and dizziness;
    • Menstrual flow is heavier than usual;
    • Abdominal enlargement;
    • Masculine characteristics (intensive facial hair growth);
    • Constant thirst and excessive urination;
    • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
    • Sudden weight loss.

    According to statistics, ovarian cysts are observed in 30% of women with a regular cycle and in 50% of women with an irregular cycle.

    Symptoms of cyst complications

    Torsion of the cyst leg - the body quickly reacts to cyst necrosis with high temperature, low blood pressure, pallor of the mucous membranes, and severe abdominal pain.

    Rupture of the cyst - due to internal bleeding, the pressure drops sharply, dizziness, the effect of “flickering flies”, and nausea are observed. All this is accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen, which radiates to the rectum.

    Suppuration - high temperature, cramping pain in the lower abdomen and sacrum, signs of intoxication of the body.

    Common symptoms of ovarian cyst complications:

    • The temperature cannot be brought down with antipyretic drugs;
    • Nausea and vomiting;
    • Bleeding, which is accompanied by mucous discharge;
    • Headaches, dizziness and even loss of consciousness;
    • Anemia (anemia) - pallor of the skin, mucous membranes;
    • Low blood pressure.

    Diagnosis of ovarian cyst

    Only a gynecologist can detect, diagnose an ovarian cyst and prescribe treatment, who will determine the type and variety of the cyst, its exact location and the nature of the development of the pathological process.

    Diagnostic methods

    List of examinations necessary to diagnose the disease:

    • An initial examination will allow you to suspect the presence of a cyst.
    • Ultrasound using transvaginal and transabdominal sensors allows you to obtain the most necessary information about the presence of an ovarian cyst.
    • General blood and urine tests, as well as biochemical blood tests, are necessary to identify the presence of an inflammatory process and the degree of blood loss.
    • A blood test for the hormones LH and FSH, estrogen and testosterone - allows you to diagnose hormonal imbalances;
    • Pregnancy test - to exclude ectopic pregnancy.

    In more serious cases and rare forms of cystic formations you will need:

    • Puncture of the posterior vaginal vault - necessary if a ruptured cyst is suspected, as it will detect blood or fluid in the abdominal cavity;
    • Blood test for tumor marker CA-125 - to exclude ovarian cancer;
    • Laparoscopy - a surgical operation through small holes in the abdominal cavity, allows you to take tissue samples for histological examination and remove the cyst (if necessary);
    • Computed tomography - required if diagnostics are difficult.


    Depending on the complexity of the case, the attending physician decides on the method of treating the disease:

    • The conservative method is drug treatment, which is based on hormonal therapy;
    • Surgical intervention - removal of the tumor.

    In order to protect against twisting of the cyst and its rupture, general recommendations should be followed:

    • Reduce physical activity and do not strain the abdominal muscles;
    • Avoid spa and physiotherapeutic procedures (massages and wraps, myostimulation, lymphatic drainage, etc.);
    • Do not take hot baths, do not visit the sauna and steam bath;
    • Limit exposure to the sun;
    • Completely abandoning folk recipes and self-medication - this can cause irreparable harm not only to the ovaries and other organs of the reproductive system, but also to the entire body.

    Treatment methods for ovarian cysts

    Medication method

    Most ovarian cysts are treated on an outpatient basis with hormone therapy. The drugs are strictly prescribed only by a doctor; on average, treatment takes 2-3 months. The duration of the course depends on the size of the cyst and the dynamics of the development of education. The course of treatment is monitored by ultrasound. Since ovulation is one of the reasons for the development of ovarian cysts, to reduce the risk of developing functional formations, a gynecologist may recommend taking hormonal contraceptive pills (to suppress ovulation).

    In some cases, the disease may be accompanied by pain of varying degrees of intensity, to eliminate which the doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    If drug treatment is ineffective, the doctor will most likely decide on the need for surgical intervention.

    Surgical treatment of ovarian cysts

    The operation is resorted to in the following cases:

    1. The ineffectiveness of drug therapy;
    2. Large cysts (more than 10 cm);
    3. Neoplasm does not decrease after 3 menstrual cycles;
    4. If there is a risk of developing ovarian cancer.

    To remove an ovarian cyst, a common method is laparoscopy - a minimally invasive operation performed through several small holes in the abdominal cavity.

    After surgery, you should avoid physical activity for 3-4 weeks. Also, if necessary, hormonal therapy may be prescribed.

    2018 Blog about women's health.

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