Is it possible to live with phimosis? Why is phimosis dangerous? Possible consequences and complications for men if left untreated

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A disease such as phimosis is one of the most common pathologies of the male reproductive system. The disease is characterized by a strong narrowing of the foreskin, which leads to a weak opening of the head of the penis. Accompanied by severe pain and disruption of sexual life.

Is it possible to be sexually active with phimosis?

Phimosis is one of those pathologies that significantly affect the male genital area. Painful sensations and decreased potency lead to the fact that a person, although he can, does not want sex.

There are four stages of the disease, which determine the possibility of sexual intercourse:

  1. In a state of calm, the head of the penis opens easily. In a state of erection, it is difficult to open the head, but it is possible;
  2. The head opens without difficulty when at rest. During an erection, opening is impossible;
  3. In a calm state, it is possible to open the head only with the use of force;
  4. Opening is impossible. Problems with urination appear. Infectious complications of the genitourinary system are added.

With the first degree of phimosis, sex is possible. Some men manage to have sexual intercourse with the second stage of the disease.

The third and fourth degrees completely exclude sexual relations from a man’s life until corrective surgery is performed.

Regarding whether it is possible to have sex, expert opinions differ. Some argue that if sexual relations do not bring significant discomfort to a man, it is possible to engage in sex. Others believe that sexual life can only worsen the course of the disease.

Complications of phimosis during sex

Many men believe that it is possible to have sex with phimosis. But they forget that there is a risk of developing a large number of complications from the genitourinary system. The most dangerous of them is paraphimosis. It is a pinching of the head of the penis by the narrowed foreskin. In this case, it is not possible to perform a spontaneous reduction.

Why is paraphimosis dangerous?

  • Necrosis of the glans penis;
  • Development of gangrene;
  • Acute urinary retention.

Necrosis occurs due to compression of the vessels that supply blood to the head of the penis by the narrowed foreskin. As a result, due to lack of blood, tissues begin to die, which can lead to total necrosis of the head. The condition requires urgent treatment. After the operation, there is a high risk that the man will remain infertile.

Gangrene develops after the appearance of necrosis in the absence of timely treatment. The affected head gets infected (usually Pseudomonas aeruginosa). As a result, the tissue of the phallus melts. The complication is dangerous due to the development of sepsis. Once gangrene occurs, the penis cannot be saved; to prevent the process from generalizing, the entire penis is removed.

Acute urinary retention is a consequence of compression of the urethra by the foreskin. Urine does not come out at all or comes out in drops. This condition is fraught with urine reflux into the ureter and kidneys, resulting in the development of pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis and infectious kidney diseases.

If you have sex with phimosis, infectious complications can also arise. In most cases, such complications are characteristic not of the man, but of his partner. Since the disease is accompanied by difficulty in penile hygiene, active proliferation of bacteria occurs. Therefore, it is recommended to have sex exclusively with a condom.

Dealing with pain during sex

In first place among the reasons why a man with phimosis does not have sex is pain. There are several ways to combat it, the most effective of which is surgery. During surgery, the foreskin is completely removed. This treatment method will help quickly get rid of the problem and prevent similar diseases in the future. Also, thanks to circumcision, penile hygiene becomes easier, which is the prevention of infectious complications of the genitourinary area.

If surgery is not possible, conservative therapy can be used. Painkillers are used. Most commonly used "Analgin", "Nimesulide" and others. You should not abuse these medications, as frequent use increases the risk of developing complications such as stomach and duodenal ulcers.

You should not use lubricants or gels to open the glans penis. Such manipulations can lead to the development of paraphimosis, which will require urgent surgical intervention.

Condoms help reduce pain during sex. It is recommended to use the densest options that reduce friction. A small amount of lubricant on the condom will improve sliding, but will not lead to complications.

Rules for having sex with phimosis

If painful sensations do not prevent a man with phimosis from having sex, several rules must be followed during sex. The first such rule is mandatory personal hygiene before intercourse. Since a lot of lubricant and mucus accumulates behind a man’s foreskin, such an environment promotes the proliferation of pathogenic flora. By thoroughly rinsing the penis, you can protect yourself and your partner from unpleasant diseases.

The most common diseases resulting from poor hygiene before sex:

  • Urethritis;
  • Cystitis;
  • Vaginitis in women;
  • Bacterial prostatitis in men;
  • Pyelonephritis.

In addition to the fact that you should wash yourself before sex, it is recommended that both partners take a shower after sexual intercourse.

Washing should be done using personal hygiene products (soap and shower gel should not be used).

After a shower, the penis needs special preparation. It should be cooled with ice to constrict the blood vessels and make the glans penis easier to open. This manipulation will also help reduce pain from intercourse.

Intimate life has always been practically fundamental in the life of mankind, and even more so in the life of men. AND sex with phimosis becomes a pressing issue, because the disease is unpleasant and you want love. But if the head is very closed, then it’s painful to even have a bowel movement, let alone sex. For some, phimosis is relatively uncomplicated, but is it possible to continue sexual activity? Let's figure it out how to have sex with phimosis and is it even possible?

Why is phimosis dangerous?

People do not die from phimosis, but this disease does provide unpleasant moments. And first of all, this affects sex. Phimosis provokes inflammation in the genital organ, which occurs due to the fact that hygiene procedures cannot be fully carried out. Sex and phimosis- a question that worries both men and women. Many people worry about whether it hurts to have sex with phimosis. This is all individual, but the fact that the brightness of sensations decreases is a fact that concerns all men.

We should not forget that for many, the presence of such an anomaly is a moral injury and a strong inferiority complex for the stronger sex in front of their passion. From sexual life, this spreads to other areas of life and often ends negatively - depression, severe stress with suicidal tendencies. In most cases phimosis disappears without special therapy, but for the remaining cases, there are treatment methods and a course of medications that will solve this problem. For some situations, they resort to the help of a surgeon who will solve the problem quickly and completely.

The disease itself has 4 degrees, and the condition of the patient and how does phimosis affect sex?. The most dangerous is the last degree, in which the head cannot be exposed either in a calm position or in an erect position. Urination is painful and difficult. With a less pronounced degree of the disease, the head may not be exposed only in the excited state of the penis during sex. And phimosis makes the process unpleasant and uncomfortable, which usually ends in interruption of sexual intercourse.

Therefore, in order not to spoil your sex life and not face the consequences of phimosis, you need to visit a doctor and resolve the issue. Moreover, for each specific case, its own treatment will be selected. And if the recommended operation causes fear and reluctance to undergo it, it will be possible to find a more gentle solution. And this will remove the question Is it possible to have sex with phimosis?, because it simply won’t exist.

With what degree of phimosis is sex possible?

For young guys without sexual experience, the issue of sex life is always acute. And for them, like air, you need to know how to have sex if you have phimosis, and whether it is even possible. This is influenced by the degree of the disease:

  1. In the first degree, the head of the penis is easy to expose when the penis is relaxed. However, when it takes on an erect form, this will require an effort, most often insignificant. Sex is possible, although it will bring some discomfort. Often active sexual intercourse can remove the pathology.
  2. In the second degree of the disease, the head of the penis can be exposed only when the penis is in a calm position. Arousal brings pain and discomfort; sexual intercourse is painful and may not always work out as such.
  3. At the third degree, the head cannot be opened in any position unless efforts are made, which should be quite strong. Sex is generally undesirable; even if an erection occurs, the process itself will be painful and dangerous to health.
  4. In the fourth degree, the head is completely covered with skin, and there are serious problems with emptying. Sex with phimosis this degree is extremely unpleasant and even painful. Doctors strongly recommend abandoning the problem so as not to complicate your life and therapy in the future. Usually this will be a complete circumcision, which will then require long-term treatment with serious drugs.

Of course, the man himself decides. But you need to understand that not every partner will agree to have sex with such a condition of the penis, especially when poor hygiene produces unpleasant results. And if the situation is neglected, a reflexive decrease in sexual activity will occur.

Phimosis: negative effects during sex

Anyone who has ever encountered this disease at the initial stage wondered “ is it possible to have sex with phimosis" For many, the issue of changing sexual life or the threat of interrupting it is quite painful from both a psychological and physical point of view. And you shouldn’t expect a completely positive answer, because the disease negatively affects a man’s sex life.

To understand Is sex possible with phimosis?, you need to know what the consequences will be in bed:

  1. During sexual intercourse, both men and women produce secretions that make the act pleasant - seminal fluid and female secretions. There are quite a lot of them, and they will definitely end up in the preputial space, where they linger. And this is fertile soil and a breeding ground for bacteria and infections that affect the entire reproductive system. In this case, treatment of both the pathology itself and the acquired disease will be very difficult and extremely expensive, because one complication can overlap with another.
  2. Often sexual intercourse with phimosis will be painful, because the penis can almost double in size when aroused. When there is a lot of foreskin on the head and there is tension due to excitement, the pain will depend on the severity of the disease.
  3. Can you have sex with phimosis?, but the act itself is a forward-returning movement that can be dangerous due to micro-tears. They often bleed, hurt and often cause infection to enter the body. Such cracks can become a site of penetration of hepatitis B, C and even HIV infection, as well as a number of other sexually transmitted diseases. This also affects the fact that the foreskin will grow to the head, which will be hell for a man both in ordinary life and in sexual life. Usually this condition leads to psychological refusal from sex.
  4. As has been shown by numerous video, sex and phimosis rarely bring complete pleasure to a man. The penis becomes less sensitive, because the process of sliding the foreskin along the head of the penis is difficult, which does not stimulate the erogenous zones. This means that it is quite difficult for a man to have an orgasm.
  5. The advanced form of the disease often leads to infertility, which affects the mental and physiological state of the stronger sex.
  6. Often, infections of the genitourinary system, which are not uncommon for phimosis, have a negative impact on how motile and viable sperm will be.
  7. And the most dangerous thing that can result from sexual intercourse with such a disease is the pinching of the head of the penis by a very narrow foreskin. In this case, you cannot do without emergency medical care.

The influence of phimosis on the health of a sexual partner

Of course it happens sex with phimosis, video confirmation of this. But problems from it arise not only for the stronger sex. A woman is also at great risk, especially if it is not sex with a condom with phimosise. Unprotected sexual intercourse allows pathogenic flora, which will accumulate in large quantities in the perputial space, to enter the genitourinary system of women. Such an infection often ends in a serious illness that must be treated together with a partner, otherwise the therapy will not bring the desired result.

For most women, sex with such a man is not always pleasant, especially when oral sex is actively involved. The penis will smell unpleasant. This is what becomes the reason for refusing sexual intercourse and in the future can cause a breakdown in relationships or frequent changes of partners. Such a pathology, without therapy and a careless attitude towards it, provokes divorce, which depresses not only the woman, but also the man.

How to have sex with phimosis?

Diagnosed phimosis. How to have sex that would be pleasant and safe? Why endure pain and discomfort, and also cause your partner to become infected. Do not underestimate this disease, so there are 4 rules that will help in this matter:

  1. Hygiene is everything! You need to wash your penis thoroughly both before and after sexual intercourse. Thus, infections will not have a chance, and the risk of infecting your partner will decrease significantly.
  2. Preparation for rectration. To make the process slower and more accurate, it is worth cooling, for example, with cold water or a piece of ice.
  3. Increases sensitivity. This can be done with lubricants, of which there are a great variety with a wide variety of purposes.
  4. Only protected sex with a condom! This is protection for both the man himself and his partner. Do not underestimate sexual diseases. Which can enter the body due to microtrauma of the penis.

When can you not do without a doctor?

So as not to worry about Withsex with phimosis, video which can be found online, you need to start therapy quickly. There are cases when intervention is not required, but there are those when a doctor’s help should be immediate:

  • it is difficult to move the foreskin or requires serious effort;
  • urination is difficult, especially when urine accumulates in the cavity of the foreskin and flows out dropwise or in a thin stream;
  • arousal and erection cause pain;
  • there are signs of an inflammatory process on the penis: pus, lymph nodes that are located nearby, are enlarged, have fever or a slight increase in body temperature;
  • the head of the penis turned blue, and the pain in it became sharp and severe;
  • a disease of 3–4 degrees, which reduces sex life, but also increases the risk of complications such as paraphimosis and/or balanoposthitis.

Therapy will be selected according to the severity of the disease and its degree, most often this is stretching, which can be done during masturbation, the use of cortical drugs, and the help of a surgeon. The latter can be either complete or partial circumcision. In any case, sex is possible during sex, but you should not let the disease take its course, so as not to complicate your life.

What to do to get rid of phimosis?

Mothers of teenagers are the ones who panic the most about this disease. And even the fact that more than 90% of newborn boys have congenital phimosis and for most of them, it goes away on its own without treatment. Thus, 22% of children at the age of 6 months after birth recover. At the age of three this goes away and remains a problem only in every tenth child. And adult men suffer from this disease in only 5% of the total. Sex after phimosis gets better and the problem disappears. However, if a little boy remains suspicious of pathology, then the surgeon takes him under careful supervision. The health of teenagers is especially carefully monitored.

And if congenital phimosis often goes away with virtually no consequences and deep treatment, then acquired phimosis can bring a lot of problems. Doctors treat genetic abnormalities in children quickly and often using conventional methods, such as stretching and enhanced hygiene. But an acquired disease is often a consequence of injury or a sclerotic condition of the foreskin, which can cause inflammation or problems in the functioning of the blood vessels of the organ.

Treat phimosis not difficult, especially if the process is started in a timely manner. And if earlier doctors strongly recommended treating this pathology only with the help of a surgeon, because they were afraid of complications. Now doctors do not solve the problem in this way. Treatment with medications or physical therapy is usually prescribed. Adult men, faced with this problem, agree to the help of a surgeon, but what kind of sex after surgery. Phimosiscure It’s easy for the surgeon, but after the procedure you will need to abstain from sexual activity for some time.


Circumcision can be complete or partial. The main problem in the future becomes the complete procedure, since the organ becomes extremely sensitive for some time, provoking premature ejaculation. Therefore, not everyone likes sex after circumcision caused by phimosis. In the future the situation will normalize. Partners are often delighted with circumcised men, because their hygiene and duration of sexual intercourse are many times better.

Phimosis, of course, is a problem, but it can be easily solved if you approach the issue seriously and decisively. With pathology, sex is not as wonderful as usual, but even here you can solve the problem using the above recommendations. Mothers should be more attentive to their teenage boys, who often hide the problem and self-medicate. It is this group of people who often encounter complications. So that the child does not lose sexual function, and so that the sex life is excellent, and in detail there are children, you need to monitor their health and call for a frank conversation. Adult men should not leave things to chance if they want to always be in shape for both themselves and their partner.

Phimosis is a disease that affects a large proportion of uncircumcised men. This is a narrowing of the foreskin that does not allow the head of the penis to fully open. This is an annoying disease that reduces the sensitivity of the penis during sexual intercourse. Phimosis can also lead to infection of the glans penis, causing skin irritation and discharge. According to statistics, this medical condition occurs in 1-5% of men.

Paraphimosis is a serious disease in which the retracted foreskin cannot be returned to its normal position. The preputial ring becomes too narrow and compresses the shaft of the penis. As a result, blood stops flowing to the head of the penis. Papaphimosis is an emergency condition that requires emergency medical attention.

Problems associated with phimosis

Problems that may arise with phimosis include:

  • Increased risk of developing infection
  • Buildup of prepuce (white matter under the foreskin)
  • Swelling/inflammation of the foreskin during urination
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Loss of sensation during intercourse

Do phimosis need to be treated?

Treatment of phimosis is not necessary in all cases. Many men live normally with this disease. But there are two factors in which you can notice improvement with treatment.

After the course of treatment, it becomes possible to more thoroughly clean the glans penis. This makes the risk of developing infection minimal.

When the foreskin completely exposes the head of the penis, the pleasant sensations during sexual intercourse are significantly enhanced. The lower edge - the frenulum - is the most sensitive area of ​​the penis, and it is this area that is hidden under the foreskin.


The best treatment method is gradual stretching of the foreskin.

With minor phimosis, you can stretch the foreskin with your fingers, pulling the skin in the direction opposite to the head of the penis. You can also insert your fingers into the preputial sac and spread them further apart each time.

Also, the elasticity of the foreskin tissue can be increased with the help of corticosteroid ointments. , which must be used for two to three weeks, two to three times a day.

The question of whether sexual relations are possible with phimosis is very relevant for men faced with this problem. This is a pathology with the inability to expose the head of the genital organ due to the fact that the opening of the flesh is too narrow. The disease mainly occurs in boys and goes away in adolescence. However, medical statistics show that about 5% of men in adulthood suffer from the lesion.


The pathology is not life-threatening for a man, but it still makes some unpleasant adjustments. This is especially true for sexual matters. The main problem faced by patients with is frequent inflammation, which occurs due to the inability to maintain good hygiene of the organ. But this is not all the troubles that are associated with the violation. This also includes insufficiently strong sensations during intercourse. Moreover, many men are very worried about their anomaly, so they experience strong complexes when communicating with their partners. This affects both sex life and other areas, since lack of release leads to stress.

Most often, the disorder goes away on its own. If this does not happen, there are many different methods and medications that can cope with the problem. A surgical method can be used. This will definitely get rid of the disease and its consequences.

Pathology can occur in several ways. There are 4 degrees of development in total. In the most extreme case, the patient can not only expose the head in a calm or erect state of the penis, but also experiences difficulty urinating. There are also less pronounced types, when the patient simply cannot fully open the head during sex. This causes certain inconvenience and can lead to discomfort during contacts.

If a man has such a problem, you should not tolerate it and avoid solving it. Nowadays, there are many methods that are suitable for each specific case. Even in a situation where a man does not agree to surgery, a specialist can offer him a medicinal solution. This will quickly get rid of problems and put your sex life in order.

How to get rid of it?

When a woman is told that, it can be a shock for her. After all, not everyone knows that more than 95% of boys are born with a congenital pathology. For most, everything goes away with age, but sometimes the problem remains, which requires special attention and special treatment.

As a rule, already at 6 months, 20% of babies get rid of this diagnosis. By the age of 3, the percentage of boys with a similar pathology is reduced to 10. In adulthood, phimosis persists in only 5% of men. If a boy is suspected of having phimosis, he should be monitored by a surgeon until the problem disappears completely. This is especially important for teenagers.

Phimosis can be not only congenital, but also acquired. The reason for the first case most often lies in genetic abnormalities, to which almost all babies are susceptible. Regarding phimosis, which occurs in adulthood, the problem here mainly arises due to the sclerotic phenomenon of the foreskin. It is associated with injury and inflammation, but often the problem is in the blood vessels.

Simple enough. Boys do not need to take any special measures, since the problem goes away with age. Nowadays, experts have changed their attitude towards such pathology. Just recently, when phimosis was detected in a teenager or man, the doctor immediately suggested surgery. Now there is no need for this, since high-quality medication and physical therapy can be more effective. With phimosis, circumcision can be done, but this is only at the request of the man or if there are compelling reasons for this, for example, an illness of the most extreme severity.

Such a pathology is not fatal and does not even particularly affect a man’s life. However, if you have phimosis, you will still feel some discomfort. This is associated with a high probability of inflammatory diseases, and this can lead to more serious complications.

But most often the problems of men who have phimosis are related to the sexual sphere. Of course, pathology has a significant impact on the process itself, but most of the worries are associated with stress and nervous strain that arise due to a defect in the genital organ.

Is it possible to have intimate contacts with phimosis? Doctors do not claim that intimate life is prohibited with this disease. However, the danger of illness during lovemaking lies in the fact that during sexual intercourse, female vaginal secretions enter the preputial space, and male seminal fluid may be retained. It is very difficult to wash all this, so serious inflammatory processes often occur.

Moreover, with some forms of phimosis, an erection in a man may be accompanied by painful sensations. The foreskin prevents the penis from growing normally, which causes pain. This affects not only a man’s feelings during lovemaking, but also his psychological state. If contacts are always accompanied by discomfort, this can lead to impotence, since the brain will refuse to send arousal signals so as not to receive pain in response.

But even in the case when an erection does occur, sudden movements during sexual intercourse will injure the foreskin. This often leads to microcracks in the skin and bleeding. When the wounds heal, the foreskin becomes rougher, and this can lead to the fact that surgery cannot be avoided. Bleeding wounds will significantly increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections entering the body.

Some forms of phimosis lead to severely impaired sensitivity of the penis during sexual intercourse. As a result, it is very difficult for a man to reach the peak of pleasure. Lack of normal orgasm can also lead to impotence. Experts note that phimosis often causes psychological or mechanical infertility. Therefore, in order not to encounter such troubles, you need to consult a doctor to solve the problem.

How to make love with phimosis?

Considering the characteristics of the genital organ of a man with such an anomaly, there will be special rules for him on how to act during and before sexual intercourse. This primarily concerns the use of barrier contraception. For a man, this is important to avoid inflammation, and for his partner, a condom will protect against harmful bacteria that always accumulate on the male penis with phimosis.

Before engaging in sexual intercourse, it is necessary to carefully carry out hygiene procedures. In addition, during sex you can use special gels that can increase the sensitivity of the genital organ.

To have a full sex life, a man only needs to get rid of his pathology. There are many effective ways to do this, the best of which will be suggested by your doctor.

Consulted by a urologist of the highest category Vladimir Mikhailovich Marichev– chief physician Medical Center "Global Clinic".

Phimosis in boys and men - is there a difference?

Problem " phimosis"is typical only for the male half of the population, regardless of age. Phimosis- this is a condition in which complete exposure of the head of the penis is impossible due to the narrowed foreskin - a fold of skin covering the head of the penis. Phimosis can be different - hypertrophic and atrophic - significant lengthening or significant reduction of the foreskin, respectively. Phimosis can be congenital or acquired. I would like to point out right away that congenital phimosis- this is a normal physiological manifestation and is not a reason for panic if it is not accompanied by inflammation or pain during the act of urination. Phimosis occurs in more than 90% of newborn boys and usually resolves by three to six years of age. All that is required in this case is to follow the rules of hygiene and periodically be observed by a pediatric urologist. All cases of detection of phimosis after seven years refer to pathological form phimosis and require medical attention.

What can lead to the development of phimosis?

The reason for the development pathological phimosis are so infectious - inflammatory diseases such as balanitis, posthitis and balanoposthitis, various injuries, independent attempts to correct physiological phimosis, age-related changes, in addition, there is a genetic predisposition to this disease. Phimosis is often accompanied "varicocele" (link ) - varicose veins of the spermatic cord due to impaired outflow of venous blood from the testicles.

4 degrees of phimosis: the more, the worse.

There are four degrees of phimosis depending on the possibility of partial or complete exposure of the glans penis and the efforts made for this. So, for example, if with phimosis of the first degree this problem exists only during an erection, then with phimosis of the fourth degree, exposure of the head of the penis is absolutely impossible, plus the process of urination, as well as the process of ejaculation, is difficult.

Problems with potency and urination – what could be worse?

Symptoms of phimosis include: discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse, redness of the genital organ and purulent discharge, problems with urination - this can be drip urination or a thin stream of urine, pain during urination, problems with potency - insufficient erection, earlier ejaculation . All this, of course, also leads to psychological discomfort and the emergence of complexes in men.

Don’t let phimosis lead to complications! Save your penis!

But most of all, complications cause a man problems phimosis. Difficulties with hygiene of the genital organ lead to infection of the urethra and inflammation of the foreskin. Patients with phimosis have a significantly higher risk of developing balanoposthitis– inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis. The combination of phimosis and balanoposthitis can lead to enuresis - urinary incontinence at night.

A dangerous consequence of phimosis that requires emergency medical care is paraphimosis- this is a condition in which the head of the penis is severely restrained by the foreskin, blood flow deteriorates significantly and swelling of the organ occurs, then necrosis and gangrene of the genital organ can develop. The affected area will have to be removed.

Phimosis can also contribute to the formation of papillomas on the head of the penis and the development of cancer in both sexual partners - penile cancer in men and cervical cancer in women.

How to help a man with phimosis?

The only way to save a patient from phimosis is a surgical method that provides a one hundred percent cure. Self-stretching of the foreskin and medicinal treatment methods are not recommended, as they will not lead to the desired result. Let me also remind you once again that physiological phimosis in children does not require treatment, if it doesn't cause problems. And in no case should you try to stretch the foreskin yourself, as this can lead to scarring.

Operation, performed with phimosis, called "circumcisio", or, as they say more simply "circumcision". This is the removal of the foreskin - partial or complete. This operation is performed for phimosis at any stage, but if there is balanoposthitis or paraphimosis, then it is first necessary to relieve the inflammatory process. Operation Circumcision It is performed under local anesthesia and lasts no more than half an hour. The patient can be sent home on the same day, and then he will be required to come for dressing changes. If there is a need to remove the stitches, this can be done within 7-10 days. For several days after surgery, the patient may experience discomfort near the wound, but, as a rule, additional pain relief is not required. The patient can be sexually active after four weeks.

Regarding measures to prevent development phimosis and, the only thing that boys and men should not forget about is regular hygiene of the genital organ. At the first signs of phimosis, you should seek medical help. Unfortunately, phimosis is a fairly common problem, but it can be solved quite quickly and without negative consequences.

Marichev Vladimir Mikhailovich, urologist of the highest category, member of the Association of Urologists of Russia, participant in All-Russian and International Congresses on Urology and Andrology, work experience of more than 42 years.

Reception at Medical Center "Global Clinic"(Nizhny Novgorod, Poltavskaya st., 39). You can make an appointment for a consultation or examination by calling (831) 428-08-18 (24 hours a day) or on the website . (link)

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