Device for hypertension. Device for normalizing blood pressure Devices that cause an increase in blood pressure

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The device is designed to provide a general regulatory effect on the physiological systems of the body during a course of action on the biologically active zones of the wrist MS-6 and TE-5 using non-invasive (without damaging the skin) electrical stimulation.

The device uses two automatic programs, each of which consists of several phases that differ in frequency (operating frequencies in the range from 9 to 140 Hz), time and amplitude of exposure, which makes the device effective for maintaining health against the background of high or low blood pressure .

Program No. 1 designed to affect the MS-6 zone, located on the inside of the left wrist to improve well-being against the background of high blood pressure.

Program No. 2 designed to affect the TE-5 zone, located on the outer side of the left wrist, to improve well-being against the background of low blood pressure.

Exposure using the “INFERUM NBP-050” device causes reflex

changes in vascular tone, providing health-improving reactions on several

levels: local, segmental and general. Local reaction of the body

manifested by metabolic changes in the skin, directly under

electrodes of the device.

The segmental reaction develops at the level of the spinal cord segment.

Excitation in response to stimulation of skin areas spreads throughout

nerve fibers, is transformed at the level of the spinal cord and transmitted

on vessels to organs and tissues, normalizing regional blood flow.

The general reaction of the body occurs at the level of the cortical-subcortical

formations of the central nervous system through the reticular formation,

influencing neurohumoral and hormonal regulatory systems

vascular tone, normalizing blood pressure and microcirculation,

due to the correction of autonomic homeostasis (normalization of sympathetic and

parasympathetic activity, central regulation).

General reactions of the body ensure the stability of the resulting

results and form the basis of the course application of the “INFERUM” apparatus


Blood pressure is normalized.

General well-being improves.

The emotional state improves.

Efficiency increases.

The dose of medications is reduced.

For a lasting positive result, it is necessary to carry out a course of procedures for at least 14 days.

Courses are repeated as needed.

Hardware impact has a “accumulation” effect - improved

the state of health becomes stable after a course of use.

During the session, the user can sit or lie in a position convenient for him.

The impact programs operate in automatic mode and at the end of the session the device turns off, emitting a sound signal.

You can learn more about the operating principle of the INFERUM NBP-050 device

read on the website, in the Operation Manual or

manual “Pressure is normal.”

Absolute contraindications:

Presence of an implanted pacemaker;

Individual intolerance to electric current;

Relative contraindications(Physician's permission required):

Status epilepticus;

Neoplasms of any etiology and localization;

Acute febrile conditions of unknown etiology;

Vein thrombosis;

State of acute mental, alcoholic or drug agitation;

Atrial fibrillation;

Myocardial infarction.

Hello, dear friends and site visitors, I want to tell you about the INFERUM device or device for normalizing blood pressure. Did you know that approximately 80% of people have deviations from normal blood pressure. This is hypertension, high blood pressure. Or the disease hypotension is low or low blood pressure. Moreover, many do not even know about their disease.

I will tell you about the company's device. A device that can help increase blood pressure during hypotension and help in the treatment of hypertension. A blood pressure stabilizer is designed to keep blood pressure normal.

Normal (optimal) pressure is considered to be 80x120; theoretically, at any age, the pressure should be like this. Blood pressure 70x110 and below is low blood pressure, hypotension disease. There is an opinion that it is good to be hypotensive. People with low blood pressure - hypotensive people - live a long time, but unfortunately they live poorly. In fact, there are not many hypotensive people, about 20 percent of the total population. Of those who have low blood pressure, 80 percent suffer terribly in the morning. They feel bad because they have low blood pressure.

People who have blood pressure of 140x90 and higher are much worse off for them. They have hypertension. And unfortunately, these people do not live as long as they would like. And our device should give you the opportunity to take care of your blood pressure. For both hypotensive and hypertensive patients in order to keep blood pressure in check. Every day you need to use a blood pressure normalizer. It's small, cute, takes a bit of battery power, and works great.

Normalizing blood pressure using the INFERUM NBP-050 device is a very simple procedure that does not require any special skills. There are only 2 buttons on the device: a button for hypotensive patients to increase the pressure, and a button for hypertensive patients to lower the pressure. Of course, hypotensive patients should use a normalizer every day, not to increase, but to maintain normal blood pressure. This is the main point of the normalizer. It should not be used to lower blood pressure, it lowers blood pressure, but should be used every day to maintain normal blood pressure and prevent pressure from increasing.

Daily use of a normalizer protects a person from increased blood pressure and gives him the opportunity to maintain normal blood pressure.

How it works. We install the device on the wrist. An electric current of a certain purity is applied, the signal enters the brain, after which this signal travels throughout the body, through all the smallest vessels, changing their tone, due to this, blood pressure decreases. This is the principle of operation of the device for normalizing pressure.

Any artery has a muscular layer, and it is these muscles that are affected. The tone of the vessel decreases, the pressure decreases. The tone of the vessel increases, the vessel contracts, becomes narrower - blood pressure increases. This is the biological meaning of the work of a pressure normalizer.

For hypotensive patients, the device increases vascular tone, for hypertensive patients it lowers it, and helps to avoid complications.

The blood pressure normalizer is safe and does not affect the heart rhythm. It affects only vascular tone and nothing else. It is very easy to use: only 2 buttons. One for hypertensive patients, the other for hypotensive patients. It is impossible to mix up these buttons even in the dark. The buttons are marked with raised dots.

Currently, there are already positive reviews about the use of a blood pressure normalizer. Some use a device to normalize blood pressure in combination with drug therapy, others use only a normalizer, and note a significant improvement in their well-being; a decrease in blood pressure is observed. Among those who started using a blood pressure normalizer, there are people who had not been treated before, who generally found out that they were hypertensive or hypotensive only thanks to the device. And hypertension is someone who has a blood pressure of 140x90 twice in a year in a calm environment. This is a diagnosis of hypertension.

So, there are people who only thanks to the device found out that they are hypertensive, they began to actively use the device to normalize blood pressure and at the same time use it, and got very good results in treating blood pressure.

It is known that some of the hypotensive people, people with low blood pressure, could not get out of bed abruptly in the morning, they became dizzy, and they could fall. Now, when they wake up, they put on a normalizer lying next to them on the bedside table, and after 9 minutes the hypotensive patients calmly get out of bed. I feel completely different now.

This is a new development of the Russian company Inferum LLC, but within a short period of time since its release, the device has already received good reviews from consumers.

High blood pressure is treated using the Tiens program and a massager, which is an effective device for normalizing blood pressure. The program itself is an excellent addition to the conservative treatment of hypertension, adjusted by the attending physician taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. With long-term use, it stabilizes surges in blood pressure, allowing for a long-lasting and lasting effect. The course of treatment is up to 3.5 months, during which the patient taking Tianshi dietary supplements must be under the supervision of the attending physician. As you improve, he will gradually reduce the dosage of medications so that the pressure is successfully stabilized.

What is the Tiens program for treating blood pressure?

The Tiensha anti-pressure program is basic and universal, so it consists of three stages. At each of them, the patient takes a specific dietary supplement, which fulfills its role, providing a therapeutic effect on individual organs and systems of the body. This approach allows you to achieve a rapid reduction in blood pressure without harm or discomfort to the patient.

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders

You can carry out a course of treatment using the Tiens program, aimed at curing hypertension, twice a year.

First stage

Cleansing blood vessels normalizes blood flow.

At the first stage, the program is aimed at completely cleansing the walls of the cardiovascular system from cholesterol plaques, as well as stabilizing cerebral circulation and improving blood microcirculation in tissues. To do this, the patient drinks dietary supplements from the program for 45 days, strictly adhering to a specific regimen.

  1. During each day, take “Antilipid tea” in small doses.
  2. Every 24 hours - take 3 gelatin drops of Chitosan.
  3. Three times throughout the day - “Polyen Tienshi” (only with food).

Second phase

At the second stage, the program involves taking dietary supplements responsible for antioxidant protection, strengthening the kidneys and liver, as well as for controlling lipid levels in the body. The duration of the stage is 30 days, during which the patient uses biologically active drugs that have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

  1. Every day - take 1 sachet of "Biocalcium" (30 minutes before breakfast).
  2. Twice a day - 4 capsules of “Biozinc” (regardless of meals).
  3. Every 24 hours - take 1 capsule of "Weikan" (during meals).
  4. At the second stage, “Tienshi Tea” and “Chitosan” are additionally taken, which should be drunk separately from other dietary supplements.

Third stage

The final stage of therapy is aimed at strengthening the heart muscle.

At the third and final stage, taking natural herbal preparations is intended to strengthen the myocardium, reduce blood viscosity, improve lymph flow and blood circulation in peripheral tissues. The duration of the last stage is 30 days, during which you need to continue taking the two medications taken in the previous stage.

  1. Every 24 hours - take 4 healing capsules "Ikan" (divide in half).
  2. Every day - two doses of 2 capsules of Cordyceps (with meals).
  3. Every 24 hours - two doses of 1 capsule "Super Seren" (only for women).
  4. The intake of dietary supplements “Biocalcium” and “Biozinc” continues at the third stage.

The dosage of women's capsules "Super Seren" can be doubled in case of increased symptoms of menopausal syndrome.

Massager: pressure application

Using the device will improve blood circulation in the brain.

The Tianshi massager in the form of a comb is a high-tech device for normalizing blood pressure, with which you can normalize indicators that go off scale with hypertension. Its regular use can improve cerebral circulation, get rid of migraines, headaches and pain in the joints. The therapeutic effect of this massager is based on the stimulation of biologically active points that are located on the scalp. The principle of operation of the Tiensha comb is to collect biocurrents with the pins of the device, which come into contact with the skin and transform, and then return renewed energy.

Arterial hypertension is the most common disease of the cardiovascular system. In our country, up to 40 percent of adults suffer from hypertension, and in people over 65 years of age it reaches 60 percent.

Most people with high blood pressure may not even suspect it - their health does not worsen, they do not observe any alarming symptoms. And this is the insidiousness of hypertension, which, because of its invisibility, is called the “silent killer.”

The disease may not manifest itself for years and then suddenly lead to vascular disasters: stroke, coronary heart disease (angina), myocardial infarction, heart and kidney failure, etc. Here are just some of the “target” organs that are affected by hypertension:

HEART- angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure;

BRAIN- cerebrovascular accident, stroke;

KIDNEYS- renal failure;

EYES- hemorrhages in the fundus, swelling and atrophy of the optic nerve.

One of the reasons is prolonged and frequent neuropsychic stress, prolonged stress.

Very often, hypertension occurs in people whose work is associated with constant emotional stress. It often affects people who have suffered a concussion.

The second reason is hereditary predisposition. Usually, when interviewing patients, it is possible to identify the presence of relatives with the same disease.

One of the important causes of hypertension is physical inactivity.

Age-related changes in the body (in particular, the central nervous system) also influence the appearance and development of symptoms of this disease. The high incidence of hypertension (hypertension) among older people is due to changes in blood vessels due to the addition of atherosclerosis. There is a definite connection between these diseases. Hypertension promotes increased development and progression of atherosclerosis. This combination is dangerous because with severe vasospasm, blood flow to the organs (brain, heart, kidneys) is insufficient. With excessive spasm and the presence of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, blood may stop circulating through the artery. In this case, a stroke or myocardial infarction occurs.

Also of some importance are excessive consumption of table salt (namely sodium, which is part of this salt), smoking, alcohol abuse, and excess body weight, which increases the load on the cardiovascular system.

Depressor JT-BS300 - a new wrist device that works on almost the same principle as the Health Watch. But unlike them, in this device, enhanced biomagnetic rays and additional vibration radiation simultaneously affect acupuncture points (Nei-guan, Shen-men, Da-ling), as a result of which blood pressure decreases, the nervous system calms, and sleep improves... The device is used to prevent cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the general condition of the body improves and immunity increases.

The JT-BS300 depressor contains an automated treatment program, the peculiarity of which is the specific frequency of the impact pulses, the impact time and the impact zone. The wrist, where the device is worn, is considered an effective reflexogenic zone for normalizing blood pressure.

Stimulation of acupuncture points Nei-guan, Shen-men, Da-ling with a depressor helps to normalize vascular tone, dilate capillaries, and improve hemodynamics in the skin microcirculation system.


Blood pressure is normalized;

General well-being improves;

Psycho-emotional state improves;

Efficiency increases.

Action of depressant JT-BS300: for hypertension, heart disease, heart failure, coronary disease, “angina pectoris”, neurasthenia, anxiety and stress, insomnia, motion sickness, the device is oriented in the area of ​​the Nei-guan point (inner side of the wrist).

Application: The depressant is used morning, afternoon and evening. Each session lasts 30 minutes. You can use a depressant additionally during attacks of hypertension. In this case, the time of use of the depressor is arbitrary (depending on the state of the body) and is determined independently.

The JT-BS300 depressor includes a traditional Chinese therapeutic biomagnetic effect on the active points of the hand. For this purpose, a microprocessor is inlaid into the device, which creates a biomagnetic field that affects the acupuncture points of the hand.

The main rule of using a depressant is regularity. Hardware exposure has a “cumulative” effect. i.e., blood pressure becomes stable at the end of the course of treatment.

The biomagnetic field balances blood pressure (high pressure decreases, low pressure increases). The microprocessor is specially positioned to create a strong balancing action. The biomagnetic field can affect the pulse rate. Within 10 minutes, low blood pressure and high blood pressure are normalized. Painful symptoms disappear.

Indications for the use of depressant JT-BS300: cardiovascular diseases; hypertension; ischemic disease; angina pectoris; poor patency of the heart vessels; tachycardia; cardiopathy; difficulty breathing and chest tightness; arrhythmia; insufficient blood supply to the brain; thrombosis of cerebral vessels; treatment of the consequences of cerebral hemorrhages; migraine; hemiplegia; tinnitus; dizziness; nervous tension, stress, fatigue; nightmares; neurasthenia; insomnia; joint pain; arthritis; weakness in the limbs; adaptive restructuring of the body during travel and flights among tourists and people associated with business trips.

When you press the "Start" button, the depressor is turned on, which is indicated by an audible signal. When the depressor is operating normally, the vibrator turns on and the indicator flashes green. If the depressor battery needs to be replaced, the indicator flashes orange. The depressor will turn off automatically after 30 minutes of use. You can also turn off the depressor by briefly pressing the “Start” button.

Contraindications: Patients with implanted pacemakers are strictly prohibited from wearing this device (depressor).

Efficiency in treating hypertension > 88%.

The JT-BS300 depressor has been tested for ten years in various medical institutions.

While using a depressant, patients reduce their intake of antihypertensive medications. For people suffering from stage 1 hypertension, the device can be used 1-2 times a day. Blood pressure may be normal and balanced after 2-3 weeks of treatment, and medications are practically stopped. The level of effectiveness of using the device for stage 1 hypertension is 92%. For patients with stage 2 hypertension, the device should be used 2-3 times a day for 5-7 weeks. After this period, when the blood pressure is manageable and stable, you can stop taking the medications in consultation with your doctor. The level of effectiveness of using a depressor for stage 2 hypertension is 82%.

For patients with stage 3 hypertension, the treatment time increases to 7-9 weeks, and the frequency of use is 3-4 times a day. The pressure will gradually decrease to normal values, and the dosage of medications (under the supervision of a doctor) can be gradually reduced. The effectiveness of using a depressor for stage 3 hypertension is 70%.

Such devices (depressors) should be in the “first aid kits” of any organization. They can also be used in the form of first aid in medical centers. Moreover, very often after such “pre-medical care” medical assistance may no longer be needed.

Using JT-BS300 Depressant to Treat Anxiety and Stress

In addition to using the JT-BS300 depressor for hypertension, the device used to treat anxiety and stress. The influence on the Nei-guan, Da-ling and Shen-men points makes this device an excellent and effective device for treating anxiety and stress.

Application: The device is used in the morning, afternoon and evening. Each session lasts 30 minutes. You can use a depressant additionally during anxiety attacks. In this case, the time of use of the depressor is arbitrary (depending on the state of the body) and is determined independently.

The JT-BS300 depressor is also used for airplane motion sickness and seasickness

The JT-BS300 depressor is an effective motion sickness device for use on an airplane (or other type of transport) when symptoms of motion sickness appear, namely: yawning, increased salivation, pallor, profuse cold sweat, drowsiness, as well as dizziness, general malaise, fatigue, nausea, etc. To prevent these unpleasant symptoms and achieve the best results, it is recommended to put on the device immediately before starting your trip.

The action of the device against motion sickness is based on the stimulation of three acupuncture points Da-ling, Nei-guan and Shen-men, which in Chinese medicine are called the “Golden Triangle” or “Guardians of the Three Vital Forces”.

Using JT-BS300 Depressant to Treat Various Chronic Pains

For migraines, headaches, arthritis, ringing in the ears, joint pain, back pain, pain in the cervical vertebrae, the JT-BS300 depressor is oriented at the Wai-guan point (outer side of the wrist). In this version, the device is absolutely similar to the ReliefMaate RM-200 device (picture on the left).

In this position, the depressor stimulates the Wai Guan acupuncture point on the outer surface of the wrist. Indications for Wai Guan point stimulation include headache, back pain, arthritis, joint pain, and shoulder pain. The study showed that when using the device for an average of 6 days, its effectiveness reaches 71.67%, and the effect lasts longer compared to medications. It is absolutely safe to use; The depressor is ideal for people suffering from pain in the lower back, neck or shoulders, as well as for people with muscle pain.

Application: The device is used in the morning, afternoon and evening. Each session lasts 30 minutes. You can use a depressant additionally during attacks of pain. In this case, the time of use of the depressor is arbitrary (depending on the state of the body) and is determined independently.

The JT-BS300 depressor is produced in China by the American company HBI.

The depressor has a 12 month warranty from the date of purchase.

We work for your life!

Instructions for depressor JT-BS300 in PDF format >>

Hypertension is a disease whose main symptom is an increase in arterial blood pressure. The disease is based on increased tension in the walls of the small arteries of the body, which entails their narrowing and, consequently, a decrease in their lumen, which makes it difficult for blood to move from one part of the vascular system to another.

Suitable devices and means

Arterial hypertension (hypertension) is a chronic disease. Since the cause of high blood pressure (BP) is currently not fully known, it cannot be eliminated completely or temporarily. Therefore, hypertension cannot be treated with short courses of medications, such as sore throat or pneumonia.

Unfortunately, very often patients use antihypertensive drugs only at the moment when an increase in blood pressure is detected when measuring blood pressure. Or when they have an unpleasant feeling ( , dizziness, nausea, etc.).

Usually, 2-3 days after reaching normal blood pressure numbers, a person stops taking the medications. This is a very serious mistake.

Hypertension is dangerous not only because of the subjective unpleasant sensations associated with increased blood pressure. First of all, it is dangerous due to its complications that threaten the patient’s life.

Hypertension is the main risk factor for the development of myocardial infarction, stroke, and heart failure.

It is important to know that both an increase in “upper” (systolic) and “lower” (diastolic) pressure is equally dangerous.

Unfortunately, hypertension cannot be cured forever. However, the disease can be controlled - to prevent complications from exacerbating, to take measures to maintain normal well-being and performance.

All measures for the treatment of hypertension can be divided into:

Medications (hypertensive drugs).

However, it should be noted that there is no ideal antihypertensive drug that would be effective in all patients, because in each specific case it is impossible to determine exactly the cause and mechanism of increased blood pressure. Individual selection of a drug that effectively reduces high blood pressure is the most difficult task for a doctor. Here it is important to know the stage of the disease, take into account all possible contraindications and keep in mind a number of other factors. DENS therapy is used in the complex treatment of arterial hypertension.

The result of using DENS therapy - stabilization of blood pressure and reduction of medication load .

Method of DENS therapy for hypertension using DENAS or DiA DENS devices:

1. Cervical-neck zone (CNZ) - sliding movement from top to bottom at a frequency of 7710 Hz at minimum power (up to 5 units) for 10-15 minutes or the “HYPERTENSION” program.

2. Zone 2 of the cervical vertebra (2 CP)) . Frequency 60 Hz or 7710 Hz at minimum power for 2-3 minutes, or the “HYPERTENSION” program.

3. Lateral or posterior surface of the heart for pain in the heart. Frequency 60 Hz or 77 Hz at minimum power stable until a significant reduction in complaints or the “PAIN” program.

4. Additional: right wrist, area of ​​the temples and forehead (for headaches in these areas), area behind the ear (free from hair) and projection of the 2nd cervical vertebra (absolute area) for dizziness, pulse area of ​​the ankle joint (especially effective in people over 70 years old, with malignant and renal hypertension).

Method for treating hypertension with the DENAS device - Cardio

1.Left wrist (where you listen to the pulse) 1 cm from the wrist foldused in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases

2. N and the leg, namely the ankle. There (on the inside of the lower leg) there is a biologically active point, San Yin Jiao, the stimulation of which corrects blood pressure by normalizing renal blood flow and water-salt metabolism, and helps eliminate edema.

Course treatment. For persons with an established diagnosis of arterial hypertension: duration of treatment - 10 days; for persons over 70 years of age, it is recommended to conduct short courses of 5-7 days (decreased metabolic processes in the body, deterioration of nerve conduction processes). The first 2-4 courses should be taken with breaks of 10 days, for people over 70 years old - 5-7 days, and then, when the state of health and blood pressure have stabilized, the courses can be carried out 10 days every month.

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