Painful ovulation - causes and treatment. Causes of pain of different localization before, during and after ovulation. Does pain affect conception?

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Soon after returning from the maternity hospital, the young mother begins to think about the issue of contraception. Not every woman wants to experience the joy of motherhood again in the near future. The first menstruation signals the restoration of her reproductive function. However, ovulation after childbirth can occur even before the onset of menstruation. In order to recognize “dangerous days” in time, it will be useful to know about the signs of ovulation and the timing of its onset after childbirth.

Ovulation is the release of an egg from a mature follicle. Over the course of 2-3 days during ovulation, the egg moves through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. All this time it is available to the sperm. And if she meets him, fertilization will occur and pregnancy will occur.

The timing of ovulation depends on the length of a woman’s cycle. Typically, the egg is released from the follicle 14 days before the onset of menstruation. But due to hormonal changes after pregnancy and childbirth, the timing of ovulation shifts in an unknown direction. First of all, it depends on whether the mother is breastfeeding or the baby is artificial.

If mom is breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, the mother's body produces the lactation hormone prolactin. It is responsible for milk production and suppresses ovulation. The resumption of the menstrual cycle in breastfeeding mothers occurs later than in those who do not breastfeed.

Only 5% of breastfeeding women get their periods within the first 6 months after giving birth. For the remaining majority, menstruation resumes after the end of lactation (or 6-12 months after childbirth).

It is difficult to say exactly when the first ovulation will occur in a nursing woman. The timing may vary: after 6 months, after a year and a half or after the end of breastfeeding.

It would seem that this is great news and you don’t have to think about contraception. However, not everything is so simple and unambiguous. The lactational amenorrhea (LAM) method, when a high level of prolactin does not give a chance for egg maturation, is a very unreliable method of protection.

In order to rely on it, several rules must be strictly observed:

  • Breaks between feedings are no more than 3-4 hours;
  • Night feedings are required;
  • You can’t give your baby extra water;
  • The child is no more than 6 months old;
  • Exclusive breastfeeding.

Only if these conditions are met can we talk about the reliability of the MLA.

With the introduction of complementary foods, the number of feedings is reduced and there is a chance for the egg to mature.

IMPORTANT! The first ovulation occurs earlier than the first menstruation. Therefore, issues of contraception are more relevant after childbirth than ever before.

If mom doesn't breastfeed

It is generally accepted that the egg is ready to be released from the ovary on the 45th day after birth. Postpartum discharge completely ends just by this time. And if a woman does not breastfeed, then ovulation will probably occur immediately after the end of lochia. And after 14 days you can expect menstruation.

How to calculate and determine ovulation after childbirth

Due to hormonal changes after pregnancy, it is almost impossible to accurately calculate the day of ovulation. However, there are some signs and methods for identifying dangerous days that you can focus on at least approximately.

Methods for determining ovulation

  1. Ovulation test
    Special test strips can be purchased at the pharmacy. The test reacts to the content of luteinizing hormone in urine or saliva. A positive result indicates the beginning of the fertile period.
  2. Basal temperature
    A fairly reliable way to determine days favorable for conception. But it is difficult to use for a woman after childbirth. It is necessary to measure the temperature in the anus every day for several weeks without getting out of bed. Fluctuations in the basal temperature graph indicate the days of ovulation.
  3. Folliculometry
    Follicle maturation is monitored using ultrasound. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist several days in a row on the expected days of ovulation and have an ultrasound of the follicle.

All these well-known methods of controlling ovulation are unlikely to be suitable for a woman after childbirth. For the reason that hormonal levels do not stabilize immediately. And even after the cycle resumes, menstruation may be irregular in the first months after childbirth.

Signs of ovulation

Many women during the ovulation period experience a certain set of symptoms that can be used to recognize the release of the ovary from the follicle. In this case, subjective sensations may be more reliable than other methods. But at the same time, a woman must listen to herself very carefully.

  • Stomach ache
    Nagging pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left indicates the release of the egg from the follicle. The painful sensations are not significant: slight stretching, tingling or heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  • Breast tenderness
    The day before or on the day of ovulation, the production of hormones that stimulate follicle maturation stops. And the synthesis of hormones that support the corpus luteum begins. This affects the condition of the breast. The nipples become sensitive and painful.
  • Increased libido
    The release of the egg from the follicle leads to increased sexual desire. This happens at the hormonal level.
  • Vaginal discharge
    The onset of ovulation can be judged by the consistency of the discharge from the cervix. For easy penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity, the cervical mucus thins and becomes similar to egg white.
  • Edema
    Hormonal changes during ovulation lead to fluid retention in the body. This is expressed in swelling of the legs, arms, and face.

Painful ovulation after childbirth

Women often complain that after childbirth, the release of the egg from the follicle is painful. Although this was not noticed before the birth. As a rule, those who have experienced a caesarean section complain about this. Pain during ovulation occurs due to thickening of the ovarian lining, which is a consequence of surgery. At the moment of release from the ovary, the egg breaks through this thin barrier.

You can reduce the pain of ovulation if you take measures to eliminate adhesions formed in the abdominal cavity.

Reading time: 6 minutes.

More and more women are giving birth through surgery. But the question is: when does ovulation occur after a cesarean section and is this method safe for the child and mother. Maybe you should agree to surgery only as a last resort, if you or your baby are in serious danger and there is no other way out?

What is a caesarean section

A caesarean section is called surgery which is carried out by cutting the abdominal wall and uterus to remove the fetus if natural childbirth is impossible or unsafe.

The normal percentage of cesarean sections is considered 15% of all births. Today, in the countries of Brazil and the USA, doctors note an increase in the incidence of childbirth using this method (40-45%).

So why are women ready to pay any amount for surgical intervention, but at the same time, even if the situation allows, they refuse to give birth themselves? Everything is elementary - no one prepared them psychologically. After all, for the body (especially if this is the first birth) pregnancy is constant stress. And mental health is no less important than physical health.

Today, girls are sure that giving birth is dangerous and scary. The girl hears about how her mother was in pain during childbirth, and on a subconscious level she experiences panic associated with the process of childbirth. That is why the woman in labor believes that surgery is much better. After the drug is administered, sleep sets in, and when she wakes up, the baby is already lying on his stomach.

But is everything so simple and safe? Unfortunately no. After all, the girl did not take into account the fact that after surgery she developed a postoperative wound. And the sensations that arise after the operation will be much more painful than during normal childbirth.

Check out the video to see what it is:

Medical indications

If you think that giving birth to a baby by cesarean section is much easier and 100% safe, then you are very mistaken. There are risks for both the mother and the baby.

Women may be at risk:

  1. Increased blood loss;
  2. Risk of infection of the pelvic organs;
  3. A special reaction to anesthesia, such as a drop in blood pressure;
  4. Problems with the intestines, as for a couple of days it hardly functions. It is possible that your doctor will prescribe enemas.

Possible problems for the child:

  1. High likelihood of problems related to the respiratory system;
  2. Inhibition of the functioning of the central nervous system;
  3. Low score on the Apgar scale (a system for quickly assessing a newborn baby to decide on further resuscitation procedures).

The decision to prescribe surgical intervention should be made only by a gynecologist who examines the patient and monitors the progress of her pregnancy. And he will be forced to give preference to this method in the following cases:

  • clinical discrepancy between the fetal head and maternal pelvis;
  • estragenal diseases (retinal detachment, diseases of the cardiovascular system, complicated high myopia, etc.);
  • tumors of the pelvic organs that prevent the birth of the fetus;
  • large size of the child in combination with other complications.


One of the most important questions from women who gave birth with the help of surgical intervention is when the menstrual cycle will be restored and if any disruptions occurred, what triggered them.

After childbirth, a woman’s body experiences involution. Involution is called process of reverse development.

The body systems return to their previous rhythm. And when reproductive function returns to normal, ovulation will also be restored. But there is no need to rush with the next child.

If a woman did not experience a natural birth, but through surgery, it is necessary to plan the next pregnancy no earlier than 3 years later.

The body must relax and gain strength. Conceiving early can cause dangerous consequences for both mother and fetus. Therefore, during all this time, it is important to protect yourself when having sex. It is necessary to think about even without waiting for the onset of menstruation.

But when exactly does ovulation occur after a caesarean section? Doctors say that each organism is unique and therefore everyone has their own adaptation period. In general, surgery should not affect the onset of menstruation after childbirth.

After the birth of the baby, the body begins its recovery. The uterus shrinks to its normal size, it becomes the same mass and occupies the same place as before pregnancy. Every day it drops 1 centimeter. The duration of the process is 6-8 weeks after birth.

In addition to personal characteristics, the restoration of reproductive function is influenced by whether the mother breastfeeds or not.

According to statistics, in women who decide to give preference to natural feeding over formula feeding, the ovulation process begins much later. Why?

With frequent breastfeeding, the body begins to produce hormone progesterone. It prevents menstruation from starting and slows down reproductive recovery. After 6 months, the process of putting the baby to the breast occurs, on average 3-4 times a day. Therefore, it is normal that all this time the egg does not leave the follicle. Some time after the child is switched to purees and formulas, progesterone levels will decrease and menstruation will begin.

If the baby was born through surgery, reproductive functions may be impaired:

  • Painful ovulation after cesarean section. This occurs due to the thickening of the lining of the ovaries. The pain occurs because it is much more difficult for the egg to exit the follicle.
  • Hemorrhage, irritating organs that are nearby. Problems with the intestines, stool, and pain in the abdominal cavity are also a consequence of childbirth.


As stated above, a woman who has given birth through surgery should not give birth earlier than after 3 years. That is why you should carefully protect yourself - to avoid unplanned early conception.

But if a girl is planning a pregnancy after a cesarean section, she must exercise extreme caution and constantly consult with her doctor.

In fact, there is no reason to panic. If you approach the process wisely, even after such an intervention there is a high probability of a successful rebirth.

The first thing to do is consult a doctor to assess the integrity of the seam. And although many gynecologists do not do this, information about the previous operation will be useful, because a standard ultrasound examination may sometimes not be enough. Doctors also prescribe to their patients hysteroscopy And hysterography. These procedures are not very comfortable, but you can endure them.

An ultrasound will tell you a lot about your health. A thinning of the scar, since it plays a large role in pregnancy planning, or a large number of dense inclusions is considered a bad situation.

If conception has already occurred and even the slightest complaints arise, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist, as the likelihood of involuntary abortion increases. The risk of malnutrition and hypoxia is also increased.

The best time to evaluate a seam is 28-37 weeks. Using equipment, the doctor will evaluate the thickness and shape of the lower segment of the uterus.

If you suddenly start experiencing pain symptoms mid-cycle, it may be due to painful ovulation. Don't worry too much - 20% of sexually mature women experience abdominal pain every month during ovulation.

Why does it hurt so much?

Ovulation is the phenomenon of the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the abdominal cavity. For most women, this is still a painless process, which is accompanied by additional signs:

  • increase in basal temperature,
  • breast swelling,
  • increase in the density and amount of discharge.

Pain during ovulation can be mild, or it can be very strong and acute.

It is quite natural if you want to know why this happens and why exactly you experience painful symptoms at the stage of ovulation. It is immediately worth noting that painful ovulation is a permissible condition of the body and special treatment is not needed, unless you have confused the symptoms and your appendicitis has worsened.

Causes of pain during ovulation:

  • Due to the large size of the follicle, stretching appeared, followed by a slight rupture of the ovarian capsule at the time of ovulation;
  • Irritation of the peritoneum as a result of the release of the egg from the follicle and a small amount of blood fluid from the ovary, which is eventually absorbed;
  • Intense peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, which try to draw in the egg released from the ovary.

Very rarely, pain at the time of ovulation can cause a disease, for example, adhesions in the abdominal organs, endometriosis or fibroids. But, in addition to unpleasant ovulation, there should be other signs of these diseases.

  • Spontaneous pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle against the background of good health;
  • Pain can be observed on the right or left side above the pubis, depending on which ovary is functioning;
  • It can radiate to the groin area and pelvic bones;
  • Minor weakness, nausea, cramps, migraine can complement the pain;
  • The duration of pain varies - from a few minutes to two days, but not longer.

Unbearable pain (especially with fever and vomiting) is a reason to consult a doctor. It would be good if there were records of the conditions of previous ovulations: how long the pain lasted, on what day of the cycle, the nature of the sensations.

Does pain affect conception?

Pain during ovulation and its first signs are harmless and do not initiate the appearance of gynecological diseases. The only thing that can be depressing is the discomfort during and after sex.

You could postpone having sex until more favorable days, but if you are interested in conceiving a child, then sex is necessary. Doctors recommend regular sex throughout your cycle to increase your chances of conceiving. If you have sex every 2-3 days, then active sperm will definitely be in the right place and will carry out conception. The period when cervical mucus is thicker and more slippery along the path of sperm and causes conception.

What to do to get rid of pain:

  • Reduce emotional and mental stress, relaxation and peace;
  • Do not make sudden movements;
  • Heat on the lower abdomen (heating pad, warm bath) will relieve spasm of smooth muscles;
  • Eat foods rich in vegetable fiber (nuts, cereals, apples, carrots, cabbage, beets and others). This will reduce irritation of the intestinal wall after bowel movement;
  • Resort to the help of painkillers and antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, drotaverine, analgin and others);
  • Treatment with physiotherapy and exercise therapy;
  • Apply vitamin and herbal medicine.

Protection with oral contraceptives saves from painful ovulation, since when taking hormonal pills, ovulation does not occur at all. The doctor may prescribe hormones to prevent ovarian rupture.

Does childbirth affect ovulation?

If pain appeared after childbirth, then you need to be wary of dishormonal disorders and endometriosis.

Sometimes regular pain during ovulation begins precisely after childbirth or after an inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system. Symptoms also occur after surgery, such as appendicitis. This is due to the fact that the ovarian membrane becomes denser and ovulation occurs under great pressure inside the bubble, the egg has to break its way, as a result, spotting occurs. With a strong hemorrhage, fluid accumulates in the Douglas space, irritates the back wall of the uterus and the rectum. The whole stomach, lower back and lower back seem to hurt.

After a cesarean section - an operation performed when complications arise during natural childbirth - adhesions often form, and subsequent ovulations are also painful.

Hormonal levels often change after childbirth. Until the body recovers from childbirth, ovulation will be painful.

What needs to be done to find out whether painful ovulation is dangerous and whether other causes affect the body after childbirth:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • medical examination, gynecological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in different phases of the cycle;
  • blood analysis;
  • vaginal ultrasound;
  • study of hormonal levels;
  • laparoscopy.

Operations that result in adhesions:

  • Abortions, miscarriages;
  • Caesarean section during childbirth;
  • Laparoscopy;
  • Cyst removal;
  • Abdominal surgery in the peritoneal region or pelvic organs.

Consult a doctor in a timely manner, especially if, in addition to unpleasant ovulation, there is vomiting, fever, bleeding, and loose stools. The causes must be identified and treatment prescribed!

If pain suddenly appears in the middle of the menstrual cycle, it may be caused by painful ovulation. About twenty percent of women regularly experience pain.

During ovulation, a mature egg is released from the ovary into the abdominal cavity. Most often, this process goes almost unnoticed, but it can manifest itself in such signs as:

  • breast swelling;
  • promotion ;
  • increase in the volume of secretions.

The pain can have different intensities - weak, strong and acute. Almost all girls are interested in why ovulation is painful. Doctors assure that this is a completely acceptable condition that does not require treatment.

Among the main causes of painful ovulation are:

  1. Large follicle - it causes stretching and subsequent rupture of the ovarian capsule.
  2. Irritation caused by the release of fluid and blood.
  3. Increased activity of the fallopian tubes, which are trying to retain the egg.
  4. Genetic predisposition - the curvature of the cervix or its special location.

In rare cases, pain may be a manifestation of a disease, such as endometriosis, or adhesions. But it is necessarily accompanied by other signs:

  • sharp pain in the middle of the cycle while feeling well;
  • weakness and nausea;
  • migraine;
  • convulsions.

Pain can last from a few minutes to two days, but no more. Otherwise, you need to immediately go to a gynecologist.

Answering the question why painful ovulation occurs, we can say that pain is safe and does not lead to serious pathologies.

The only thing that can cause inconvenience is discomfort during and after sex. To eliminate it, you can temporarily abstain from sexual intercourse. But this option is not suitable for those who are planning to conceive a child.

Doctors recommend regular sex throughout your cycle. In this case, active sperm will be in the right place and.

If painful ovulation occurs after childbirth, a full examination will be required. It will eliminate dishormonal disorders and endometriosis.

Sometimes pain appears precisely after the birth of a child or inflammation. This is due to the fact that the ovarian lining becomes denser, causing ovulation to occur under pressure. The egg literally breaks its way, which leads to the appearance. If the bleeding is severe enough, fluid accumulates in one place and causes irritation of the uterus and rectum. In this case, there is a feeling that the entire stomach, back and lower back hurt. If the baby was born by caesarean section, the woman often develops adhesions, and later ovulation may be painful.

Hormonal disruption is often observed after childbirth. Until the body fully recovers, pain will occur periodically.

What to do with painful ovulation - this question worries all girls. First of all, you need to calm down and eliminate all negative emotions. It is not recommended to make sudden movements or engage in physical exercise. Medicines and folk recipes will help get rid of the problem.

  • traditional medicine

If ovulation causes pain, you need to take action.

Pain can be eliminated in several ways, but you should first consult with your doctor regarding one or another method. Among the most common options are:

  • Warm bath or heating pad on the lower abdomen. These procedures help relieve spasms, but they can only be carried out if the causes of very painful ovulation are physiological and not caused by an inflammatory process.
  • Light massaging movements of the area where the pain is localized.
  • Taking painkillers or antispasmodics. For example, No-shpa, Analgin, Papaverine, etc.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.

If the pain syndrome is observed constantly, the gynecologist can prescribe oral contraceptive pills - they block ovulation and prevent the onset of pain. But if you plan to become pregnant, taking such medications is impossible. If the adhesions are intense and cause pain, surgery may be required. Usually the intervention is performed using a laparoscope, but in some cases open penetration is necessary - if the adhesions are located in hard-to-reach places.

  • Folk remedies

If ovulation is painful, foods rich in magnesium and calcium should be included in your diet. These include nuts, herbs, dried fruits, and legumes. It is advisable to drink up to two liters of water every day. If the pain is severe enough, a decoction made from chamomile and yarrow, or an infusion of calendula flowers will help. An effective remedy is a decoction of cinquefoil: place a spoonful of the plant in a saucepan, add a glass of hot water and cook for three to four minutes, then leave. Drink two to three days before ovulation. This recipe also helps with... To relieve pain, nettle, tansy, sorrel, sweet clover and other herbs are often used. But they are contraindicated in inflammatory and infectious processes.

Any unpleasant symptoms that appear during ovulation are a reason to seek qualified medical help. Only a doctor can identify the cause of the problem and prescribe effective treatment.

Nature created a woman as an amazing creature. Her body is so finely tuned that even the slightest disruptions in it lead to serious pain, but discomfort and painful ovulation are not always signs of the disease.

A very important part of the female body is the genitals. They work in a very interesting way, an egg is regularly released that is ready for fertilization, this process is called ovulation. In the event that there was no pregnancy, it comes out a month later - the cycle repeats. Each female body reacts to this process differently. It depends on genetics, health, sensitivity and many other factors. It is almost impossible to take them all into account, but modern medicine is trying, and the girl herself better be attentive to her body.

Causes of painful ovulation

Very often painful ovulation occurs; during this period, many ladies experience agony. It is very important to understand how to get rid of unpleasant sensations, which means it is important to understand the reason for such a reaction of the body.


Painful ovulation can have a variety of causes. They affect 20 percent of the female population of the planet, most can be dealt with, but some will just have to endure and suppress the symptoms. Usually the latter include women who simply have a genetic predisposition, for example, they have a special curvature of the cervix or the location of the uterus.


However, you should not immediately consider yourself one of those ladies who cannot do anything about this problem. Often in this way the body signals about a disease, for example, adhesions or endometriosis; such diseases must be treated as quickly as possible. Painful ovulation after conception also happens very often, especially if it is an ectopic pregnancy or there is a threat of miscarriage.

Usually the sensations are approximately the same in all cases - a nagging pain in the lower abdomen. There is a list of common reasons that answer the question why ovulation is painful:

  • Stretching and rupture of the ovarian capsule, this can even occur spontaneously.
  • The release of fluid and blood, which cause irritation, various discharges.
  • Active contraction of the tubes, often in this way they try to draw the egg into themselves.

After childbirth

Often, women's problems become more active after pregnancy. Painful ovulation after childbirth can occur as a result of natural weakening of the body, hormonal imbalance, or as a result of some natural injuries to the genital organs. Usually, all unpleasant symptoms last for several months and then disappear without a trace, but there are also complex cases.

Strong pain

If ovulation is very painful, then you should immediately go to the doctor and sign up for an ultrasound scan for a detailed examination. It is not at all necessary that a serious reason will be discovered, some believe that the answer to the question of whether ovulation can be painful will be no, but this is not true, in fact, very often it is just a natural feature of the body.

Additional symptoms

Painful ovulation has symptoms not only in the form of discomfort in the lower abdomen, although of course, this is the main symptom. The pain can be strong or weak depending on the sensitivity of the woman and the complexity of the situation.

It is also important to remember that painful ovulation has additional signs:

  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • nervousness.

Every woman should understand that in modern medicine there is an opportunity to treat almost any disease that may be the main cause of these unpleasant sensations, and also, even if this is her genetic feature, it is possible to reduce the symptoms, almost eliminate them .

What to do about painful ovulation

First of all, you need to contact a specialist in order to clearly understand the causes of this condition and try to neutralize them. Every woman should understand that if ovulation is painful, then first of all it is necessary to contact a gynecologist.

A complex approach

Very often there is no specific treatment, but several comprehensive techniques will help you feel good in any conditions. This helps the girl remain productive and in a good mood even on the most difficult days. The answer to the question of painful ovulation, what to do, is quite simple, you need to pay maximum attention to your own body and try to follow all the doctor’s advice.

You need to try to change your lifestyle a little during this period. Physical activity and sports are strictly contraindicated. It is better to postpone cleaning and other tasks for a few days.

In addition, it is also better to postpone complex intellectual tasks if possible. Naturally, at work it will be impossible to constantly take a day off for this period, but there is no need to leave reports or other tasks for these days; it is better to do them earlier or later. It is also necessary to give up bad habits and try to adhere to proper nutrition. The best way to get rid of illness is to try to make the body work normally, and for this you should adhere to a certain lifestyle.


Medicines also cannot be superfluous; painkillers can act in different ways. Some pills are designed for a quick response; the woman drinks the simplest ones exactly at the moment when she feels discomfort and the pain subsides. However, there are other medications that are more gentle, they do not have a negative effect on the body, but for a comfortable state they must be taken according to a certain system. Many of them can be from herbs. Treatment for painful ovulation can be very different. In order to achieve maximum effect, it is best to use all the products in combination and try to treat your body as carefully as possible these days.

Breast tenderness

Often, on the days of ovulation, not only nagging pain in the lower abdomen occurs, but also discomfort in the chest. The mammary glands become overly sensitive, and they also swell slightly and increase in size.

This usually happens a little before ovulation and 2-3 days after it. Such signals indicate that the egg has matured.

The pain of ovulation can also be a useful signal; you should not treat it only negatively. Some signals from the body, when they are not overly strong, are necessary for a woman to plan a family.

It is during all these symptoms that occur in the middle of the cycle that the egg matures and can be fertilized. Accordingly, if a couple wants a child, this is the ideal time for intimate relationships, but if the couple decides to wait until pregnancy, then it is better to abstain for several days.

Every woman is simply obliged to know and understand her body exactly. In fact, it works quite clearly, correctly and is easy to operate. Painful ovulation is one of the nuances that you should definitely pay attention to. Small calculations will help you avoid unexpected pregnancy even without contraception, and every baby will be expected and desired.

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