If your feet are cold, how to improve blood circulation. How to restore blood circulation in the legs using folk remedies? Symptoms of poor circulation in the legs

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Diabetes mellitus is often accompanied by leg diseases. Disorders associated with complete or partial blockage of the vessels of the lower extremities occur in 30-35% of patients. The older the patient is, the more likely they are to appear.

Causes of circulatory disorders

In people with diabetes, the lower extremities hurt due to blockage of blood vessels with atherosclerotic plaques. Insufficient lumen of capillaries that have undergone pathological changes does not allow sufficient blood supply to the tissues.

Therefore, they experience severe discomfort due to a lack of nutrients and oxygen and send a kind of signal for help in the form of pain.

Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities develops due to high sugar levels in the bloodstream. The concentration of glucose negatively affects the circulatory system, depositing excess substances on the walls of blood vessels, weakening them and depriving them of elasticity. The disease creeps up gradually and can remain undetected for many years.

Knowledge of its main symptoms, which manifest themselves at different stages of the disease, will help to recognize the pathology in time:

Often the patient's complaints may be nonspecific or completely absent. In half of the cases, vascular pathologies of the lower extremities do not manifest themselves in any way. They can only be diagnosed during an examination. If treatment is not started promptly, surgical correction of the disease may be required, that is, amputation of one of the limbs.


If treatment is not started in time, non-stenotic atherosclerosis of the legs can easily develop into a more severe stenotic phase of the disease, characterized by swelling and tissue atrophy, blockage of veins, and, as a result, gangrene.

Even when the lumen of the vessel is completely closed by cholesterol deposits, blood still circulates through collateral branches, so the symptomatic picture may not be clear.

Medical preparations

The treatment regimen largely depends on the severity of vascular damage, the duration of the disease and the stage at which it is at the time of treatment, as well as the presence of concomitant pathologies. What medications are used to treat the lower extremities when normal blood circulation in them is disrupted?

List of drugs:

American scientists have proposed introducing the prevention of atherosclerosis with aspirin and β-blockers to all people who have reached the age of 45. Such measures, according to foreign doctors, are necessary even if there are no obvious signs of atherosclerosis.


The disease can be cured with herbal remedies only at the very beginning of its development. In all other cases, taking natural drugs should be carried out in combination with the main drug treatment as an auxiliary means. The use of any medicinal substance from the arsenal of traditional medicine must be agreed with the attending physician and not contradict the main treatment.

Several folk recipes:

Massage, acupuncture

To restore normal functioning of the legs, doctors recommend massage and rubbing. Such procedures are carried out using a special ointment that penetrates deep into the skin of the extremities and helps relieve inflammation, swelling and pain, and improve poor blood circulation in the vessels of the legs.

The massage should begin with the foot, gradually moving to the lower leg and thigh. At first the movements are calm, then they become more intense, gradually stroking is replaced by kneading. During the day, you need to massage the sore limbs about five times. The duration of one session is about ten minutes. This simple system of massage and rubbing allows one to achieve significant success in treating the disease.

Video tutorial on foot massage:

Treatment of atherosclerosis can be carried out using oriental medicine, for example, acupuncture. This method allows you to quite successfully activate blood circulation in the relevant organs. In this case, the body is not exposed to various chemicals, as with drug treatment.

Physical exercise

Exercise therapy also helps improve poor blood flow in the legs. The load at the beginning of classes, as a rule, should be moderate, the pace of exercise should be comfortable for the patient. The basis of the treatment complex is the performance of exercises that involve the legs, the swings of which must be performed with a large amplitude.

Japanese healers suggest performing the following exercise. It is necessary to choose a suitable place where you can lie on your back, and the surface should not be soft. Place something under the neck area. Then raise your arms and legs. The feet should be up and parallel to the floor. You need to shake all your limbs for three minutes. The therapeutic effect on capillaries occurs due to vibration.

Alternating walking on toes and heels is very beneficial for the blood vessels of the legs. This exercise stimulates the blood to move more intensely.

By doing squats, you can strengthen the muscle tissue of your entire leg. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the foot is “glued” to the floor.

Video lesson with exercises to improve blood circulation:

Proper nutrition

One of the means to combat the disease is proper nutrition. For a diabetic, this is doubly important. Considering the GI of foods, a diabetic patient should monitor blood glycemic indicators so as not to provoke the emergence of new complications.

The diet is designed in such a way that there is a gradual reduction in the patient’s diet of animal fats, simple carbohydrates, salt, and stimulants.

Cabbage is a very useful product for this disease. It removes excess cholesterol and saturates the body with plenty of vitamin C.

By using all the methods and means to improve blood circulation in combination, you can quickly achieve results and gain good health, and with it a better quality life full of positive aspects.

What drugs exist to improve blood circulation will be of interest to many. When such violations occur, this is fraught with the development of serious diseases. Drugs that can improve blood circulation are available in a wide range.

Types of pathology

The following types of circulatory disorders occur:

  1. Tissue overflow with blood. The skin in such areas is red and warm to the touch. This condition appears when exposed to various factors: toxins, allergens and inflammatory products.
  2. When the outflow of blood worsens in a certain organ, it becomes overfilled. The tissues acquire a bluish tint, this is due to blockage of the veins or due to weak functioning of the heart muscle.
  3. Insufficient blood filling or, as this condition is also called, ischemia. The reasons are the same blockages of the arteries. The consequence of this disorder is pain due to insufficient blood supply and, accordingly, oxygen and nutrients.
  4. Slow blood flow or its complete stop in small branches of veins. The causes of this pathological condition can be various poisonings with poisons, chemicals, too high or, conversely, low temperatures.
  5. Thrombosis can occur when blood clots form, blocking the normal flow of major body fluids through the veins and arteries. The tissues become swollen and cyanotic.
  6. Embolism. A condition in which the lumen of blood vessels becomes clogged with various particles: fatty components, gases and small organisms.

Diseases caused by impaired blood flow:

  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • ischemia;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • thromboembolism.

Alarming symptoms that arise from circulatory problems:

  • painful sensations in the legs, heaviness and discomfort;
  • bluish tint;
  • swelling;
  • hearing impairment;
  • headache;
  • memory and motor coordination disorders;
  • numbness;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • speech disorders;
  • feeling of chilliness in the limbs;
  • paleness of the hands or feet;
  • deterioration of vision.

If you have any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Effective medicines

For various conditions associated with impaired blood flow, a specialist can prescribe medications that improve it. These include the following medicines:

  1. Drugs that can improve microcirculation. They are also called angioprotectors. Restore blood flow Pentoxifylline, Curantil, Flexital.
  2. Low molecular weight dextran products have an improving effect. Such drugs are able to attract additional blood from cells, thereby increasing its quantity and fluidity, for example, Reopoliglucin.
  3. Prostaglandins E1 have enhancing properties that help stimulate blood circulation and elasticity of red blood cells. This remedy perfectly dilates blood vessels, reducing blood pressure (Vasaprostan).
  4. Drugs that are calcium channel blockers are capable of restoring blood flow in the brain: Cordafen, Nemotan, Cordipin, Foridon, Normax.
  5. Drugs that stimulate dopamine receptors. They have the ability to dilate blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow (Pronoran).
  6. Myotropic drugs. Very effective for various spasms in blood vessels, especially in the brain. They dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow. They act selectively, bypassing damaged vessels, which is their main disadvantage (No-shpa, Spazmol).
  7. Alpha adrenergic blockers dilate the blood vessels of many organs: intestines, liver, kidneys, skin, thereby improving blood circulation (Phentolamine, Sermion).
  8. Preparations of natural origin. They act much more slowly, so the course of treatment with them is quite long (Gingobiloba, Tanakan).
  9. Bioflavonoids help improve blood properties, mainly its fluidity, increasing cell elasticity (Troxevasin).

As you can see, the range of drugs that can restore blood circulation is quite wide. However, self-administration of such drugs can be fraught with various consequences. Only a specialist can know for sure which of these drugs in a particular case actually improves blood flow and is not capable of harm. Many of the above have contraindications and in each individual case a certain type of medication is prescribed.

Peripheral circulation - blood flow in small arteries, arterioles, capillaries, postcapillary venules, arteriovenular anastomoses, venules and small veins. As a result of structural or functional disorders, the following circulatory disorders may occur:

1) Arterial hyperemia - an increase in the filling of tissues with arterial blood. It manifests itself as redness and warming of the skin over the affected area. It develops under the influence of chemicals, toxins, inflammatory products, fever, and allergies.
2) Venous hyperemia - an increase in blood supply to an organ or tissue as a result of obstructed blood outflow through the veins. Manifested by blueness of the tissues. Causes: compression of veins or their blockage, weakening of the heart muscle, obstruction of blood flow in the pulmonary circulation.
3) Ischemia - limited or complete disruption of the arterial blood supply. Causes: compression, blockage or spasm of the arteries. It manifests itself as pain due to the accumulation, under conditions of reduced oxygen supply to the tissues, of under-oxidized metabolic products - inflammatory mediators.
4) Stasis - slowing down and stopping blood flow in capillaries, small arteries and veins. Causes: high or low temperatures, poisoning, high concentrations of table salt, turpentine, mustard oil, microbial toxins.
5) Thrombosis - the formation of blood clots consisting of its elements and preventing normal blood flow. Manifested by swelling and cyanosis of the tissues.
6) Embolism - blockage of blood vessels by foreign bodies (microorganisms, drops of fat) or gases.

Clinical forms of peripheral circulatory disorders include obliterating endarteritis, thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis, pulmonary embolism, chronic cerebrovascular accidents, varicose veins of the lower extremities, eye diseases of ischemic origin, Raynaud's disease.
Complaints presented by patients are varied. You should contact a specialist if:

Disturbed by pain in the legs at the end of the day, when walking or standing for a long time; swelling and cyanosis of the lower extremities;
- there are headaches, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, memory disorders, unsteadiness when walking, numbness in the arm or leg, speech disorders, swallowing disorders;
- there is chilliness in the hands, pain in the fingers during exertion, whitening of the hands when cooling;
- there is a decrease in visual acuity or loss of visual fields.

Means for improving peripheral circulation

Drugs that improve peripheral circulation include:
1) Preparations that improve microcirculation. Angioprotectors. They normalize capillary permeability and improve metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels. Curantyl (dipyridomole), persantine, trental, flexital, vasonite, radomin, pentoxifylline, doxy-chem.
2) Preparations of low molecular weight dextran. The drugs attract additional volumes of blood from the intercellular space into the bloodstream. Improves blood fluidity. Reomacrodex, reopoliglucin.
3) Prostaglandin E1 preparations. Improves blood flow, microcirculation, and elasticity of red blood cells. Increases blood anticoagulant activity. Dilates blood vessels, reducing peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure. Vazaprostan.
4) Calcium channel blockers. They improve microcirculation of brain vessels and have a cerebroprotective effect. They are mainly used for cerebrovascular accidents. Cordafen, cordaflex, nimotop, stugeron, cinnarizine, adalat, arifon, grindeke, brainal, diacordin, cordipin, cortiazem, logax, lacipil, nafadil, nemotan, nifecard, stamlo, foridon, cinedil, cinnasan, plendil, norvax.
5) Myotropic antispasmodics. Drugs in this group are capable of dilating blood vessels, increasing cerebral blood flow. They are highly effective in treating cerebral vascular spasms. Less effective for vascular damage due to atherosclerosis. The disadvantages of drugs (except for Cavinton) include the phenomenon of stealing - dilation of predominantly intact vessels with a decrease in blood flow to starving areas of the brain.
Drugs in this group have the ability to dilate blood vessels, increasing cerebral blood flow. As a rule, they are highly effective for spasms of cerebral vessels, but with the development of sclerotic processes, the ability of cerebral vessels to relax decreases and, consequently, the effectiveness of vasodilators also decreases.
funds. In addition, these drugs can cause the phenomenon of intracerebral “steal” (absent in Cavinton), when, under the influence of vasodilators, a preferential expansion of intact vessels occurs and blood flow is redistributed in favor of healthy areas of the brain.
No-shpa, no-shpa forte, drotaverine, halidor, cavinton, mydocalm, nikoshpan, spasmol, aminophylline.
6) Herbal medicines. Preparations made from natural raw materials. Unlike synthetic drugs, the effect of this group develops more slowly; the therapeutic effect is exerted by a combination of compounds. Effective for diseases of cerebral vessels and obliterating diseases of the lower extremities. Bilobil, tanakan
7) Bioflavonoids. They have the ability to improve blood fluidity by increasing the elasticity of red blood cells. Normalize capillary blood flow. Venoruton, troxevasin, anthoxide.
8) Ganglioblockers. They dilate arterioles, venules, and small veins, thereby achieving a decrease in blood pressure. Promote the redistribution of blood into the vessels of the lower extremities. Dimecoline, camphonium, pachycarpine, pentamin, pyrylene, temekhin,
9) Alpha adrenergic blockers. They cause dilation of blood vessels in the skin, kidneys, intestines, especially arterioles and precapillaries, reducing their overall resistance, improving blood supply to peripheral tissues. Sermion, nilogrin, prazosin, pyrroxan, phentolamine.
10) Dopamine receptor stimulants. The vasodilating effect is carried out due to the stimulation of dopamine receptors, which are also present in the vessels of the lower extremities. Increases blood flow in the vessels of the lower extremities. Pronoran.

Since diseases based on impaired peripheral blood flow lead to disability without timely treatment, self-medication is contraindicated.

The arteries supply the leg muscles with oxygen and nutrients for their proper functioning, full metabolism occurs in the cells, and fluid outflows through the lymphatic system. Sclerosis narrows or blocks blood vessels.

A decrease in blood supply provokes the following symptoms: pain when walking, the appearance of cramps. If the femoral arteries are blocked, pain is felt in the calves. The first few cases seem minor, but in the future the discomfort can make it difficult to do normal things, for example, turning climbing stairs into torture.

The development of the disease causes pain even during rest; in the future there may be gangrene and even amputation. Atherosclerosis is incurable, but there are ways and means to improve blood circulation in the legs.

  1. Smoking accelerates the course of atherosclerosis. Inhaling tobacco smoke causes blood vessels to constrict and reduce blood flow. Passive smoking has the same effects. Quitting smoking is a good contribution to the fight against atherosclerosis and the path to clearing the walls of the arteries.
  2. Regular exercise, best of all - walking. Each time, forcing himself to take a few more steps, overcoming the pain, the patient stimulates the growth of new vessels that bypass the affected one. Small and medium-sized vessels are able to expand, increasing the amount of blood they supply. The situation with training is reminiscent of supply and demand: sports activity increases the intensity of blood flow. Each workout should end with a few pain management steps as a way to improve blood flow around the affected artery. Stretching will complement and consolidate the effect. Numbness and pain in the legs will decrease, and the heart will improve.
  3. Avoid dehydration. By increasing the amount of water you drink, you can improve blood circulation in your lower extremities. Blood vessels may narrow due to the lack of reverse osmosis, which requires a normal concentration of water. Increasing the amount of water to 7 glasses will help flush out accumulated toxins.
  4. Reducing your intake of sugar, spices and salt will give your kidneys a break and lower your cholesterol levels.. High blood pressure caused by salty and spicy foods impairs blood circulation in the legs and leads to dehydration.
  5. If the patient has given up smoking and exercises regularly, but the result is insufficient, the doctor may prescribe medications that dilate the lumen of blood vessels. Some of them have side effects and are therefore contraindicated in patients with heart failure. Another group of drugs makes blood less viscous, allowing it to more easily leak into the lumen of a narrowed vessel. Although medication is not an alternative to exercise, it can enhance its effect.


Being active and reducing the consumption of simple carbohydrates and fats is a simple but effective way to improve blood circulation. In addition, a light massage on the back of the lower legs - the area under the knee - will help. This area is called the popliteal fossa, which contains blood and lymphatic vessels.

By gently massaging this area, you can improve the tone of the nerves in your legs. This technique is a powerful tool and is called acupressure. Direct stimulation of blood vessels and nerves invigorates tissues and stimulates their work. This illustrates the basic law of life - that which is little used quickly atrophies.

Another effective method is acupuncture. One of the most powerful acupuncture points, a collection of blood vessels and nerves, is located in the popliteal fossa.

The popliteal fossa is easy to feel in a sitting position, when the legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees: the tendons are directed towards the thigh along the edges of it, and the large calf muscle goes to the foot.

Palpation allows you to find a point in the popliteal fossa, where are:

  • lymph nodes and blood vessels;
  • the popliteal artery, which is a continuation of the femoral, these two arteries supply blood to the lower extremities;
  • popliteal vein;
  • tibial and common peroneal nerves, which innervate all structures of the legs.

The beginning of any program, folk methods and alternative medicine requires a consultation with your doctor. It is especially important for those who suffer from varicose veins or have a family history of blood diseases. You need to start slowly, listening to the body's response to massage. The reaction, for sure, will be an improvement in blood circulation and the general condition of the legs.

It is better to massage the area under the knee while sitting or lying down, placing a soft roller folded from a blanket or elastic rug under the knee area. Even just sitting or lying down, holding a roller under your knees, you can gently influence the blood vessels. When the position does not cause discomfort, you can lift your feet off the floor to enhance the therapeutic effect. Later, leaning on your hands, you can lift your buttocks off the mat.

Discomfort is a signal to reduce the intensity of pressure. An effective technique is to use a bolster under your knees and rotate each hip, turning the knee first to the right, then to the left. This simple movement creates good pressure on structures that lie quite deep.

Like any workout, massage should be done regularly. A minute or two of massage daily will greatly improve blood flow in your lower extremities.

Good Habits

A comfortable sitting position that does not impede blood circulation: legs bent and slightly apart, feet on the floor. When working sedentarily, you need to get up from time to time. A low stool placed under your feet will improve circulation.

Comfortable shoes do not impede the flow of blood from the feet to the heart. High heels and pointed shoes should be avoided.

Wearing compression stockings as prescribed by your doctor stabilizes the tissue and stimulates blood circulation.

Healthy legs cannot be compared to any miracle of technology; they take about 9,000 steps a day. Good blood circulation will help keep your feet healthy for a long time.

General practitioner, candidate of medical sciences, practicing physician.

I have been suffering from circulatory problems for two years now. Lymphostasis was discovered, but due to premature and then improper treatment, the disease almost took hold. To improve the flow, troxevasin gel, manual and lymphatic drainage massages are used. The swelling has subsided, but the area of ​​the foot is noticeably blue. In this regard, I completely excluded both salty and sweet foods. I don’t know if this is related to self-hypnosis, but even minimally salted food immediately affects your general physical condition.

Blood circulation continues continuously and this is due to the need to nourish internal organs and the brain, as well as to supply all tissues with oxygen. In addition, blood helps remove decay products and waste carbon dioxide. Impaired blood flow manifests itself in a state when destructive changes in blood vessels occur - for the legs this may mean the onset of varicose veins. Of particular importance for maintaining health is the question: how to improve blood circulation in the legs at home? To avoid pathology, you should consider in detail the causes of its occurrence.

Disturbances in normal blood circulation can develop due to the fact that the peripheral arteries of the lower extremities are affected, and obstruction is observed in them due to their narrowing. As a rule, this occurs due to atherosclerosis of blood vessels, that is, the growth of plaques of harmful fat – cholesterol – on their walls. In this case, the inner surface of the arteries can become inflamed, leading to painful sensations; spasmodic phenomena also occur when blood is not pushed through the vessels.

The most common prerequisites for these pathological conditions are:

  1. Atherosclerosis (obliterating)– in some cases, partial or complete blockage in the lumen of the vessel may be observed, and the disease can occur in both elderly and young people. This is often caused by improper eating behavior, consumption of fatty animal products, large amounts of butter, and fried foods.
  2. Thrombangiitis (endarteritis) or Buerger's disease. This is a systemic autoimmune disease due to an inadequate response of the immune system. Due to the fact that spasms occur, blood does not flow into the legs in the required quantity. This anomaly can also be caused by previous infectious lesions, an imbalance of hormones, bruises and other injuries, a stressful state of the nervous system, nicotine addiction, and sometimes a genetic predisposition in men under 30 years of age.
  3. Phlebeurysm, which often occurs as a result of physical inactivity, physical overload, diseases of the endocrine organs, it can also lead to insufficient functioning of the circulatory system. In this case, blood stagnation is observed, the permeability of the walls of veins and arteries increases. Varicose veins can be complicated by increased blood viscosity - as a result, the process of thrombosis begins. Blood clots block the lumen of the arteries, and blood circulation is impaired.
  4. diabetic foot- This is another factor that leads to improper and insufficient blood circulation. The disease is caused by diabetes mellitus and is the result of a persistent metabolic disorder. Excess sugar in the body begins to negatively affect the nerve fibers of the legs and neuropathy appears, making the lower extremities insensitive. At the same time, any damage, wounds and bruises heal extremely slowly. The danger of the disease is that it can lead to necrosis of leg tissue, that is, gangrene, and then amputation will be the only option.

In most cases, if you take care of your health, give up bad habits, and avoid a sedentary lifestyle and excess weight, you can avoid these dangerous anomalies.

Varicose veins, which often arise as a result of physical inactivity, physical overload, and diseases of the endocrine organs, can also lead to insufficient functioning of the circulatory system.

How to understand that there are problems with blood circulation in the lower extremities

The saddest thing is that the patient most often does not pay attention to the primary signs of the disease, since they are insignificant and can be expressed in a feeling of heaviness, fatigue in the legs, and sometimes in swelling. This is typical for a state of ordinary fatigue after a day of work, when a person is on his feet all day. However, very soon such signs may appear during the day and even in the morning. And there is only one explanation for them - poor blood circulation.

In addition, alarming symptoms are:

  • the appearance of a vascular network and asterisks from small hemorrhages;
  • veins increase in size and begin to rise above the surface of the skin;
  • feet are constantly cold and pale in color;
  • darker areas appear on the epidermis of the legs.

Later, a burning sensation appears, often severe itching and pain in the legs. At times they become numb, virtually insensitive. In the early stages of varicose veins and other diseases, isolated cramps during the daytime are possible. But this unpleasant phenomenon soon begins to haunt the patient day and night.

Treatment is necessary already in the initial phase, accompanied by signs of insufficient blood circulation, but it is wiser to simply prevent pathology, and for this it is important to know how to improve blood circulation in the legs at home. This can be done in various ways, including using traditional medicine recipes.

To optimize the condition of your legs, it is necessary that the actions be comprehensive.

Main directions:

  1. Balanced diet provides for the exclusion of sweets, flour products, and any dishes high in sugar. Healthy foods include buckwheat, oatmeal, and brown rice. Green apples, carrots, ginger in the form of a drink with honey and lemon juice, as well as red fish help improve blood flow. You can periodically consume watermelon, which helps remove harmful fats. Blood viscosity is prevented by dishes using horseradish, garlic, pepper, and mustard. To enrich your diet with vitamin B, you need boiled potatoes, lentil porridges and soups. You should avoid soda, especially sweet ones.

A balanced diet includes the exclusion of sweets, flour products, and any dishes high in sugar.

  1. Medications, prescribed by a doctor, help quickly restore normal blood flow, but these medications must be taken in strict accordance with the instructions. This:
  • medications for blood vessels - angioprotectors (Curantil, Vazonit, Trental);
  • dilating drugs that reduce thick blood containing prostaglandins (Vasaprostan);
  • calcium channel blockers, if disorders are associated with the nervous system and improper brain function - Cordafen, Norvax;
  • antispasmodics that relieve pain and relax the walls of blood vessels in autoimmune disorders - Cavinton, Eufilin;
  • Reopolyglucin, which stimulates blood filling due to intercellular blood reserves;
  • herbal and homeopathic medicines that stabilize the functioning of the endocrine organs and immune system - Cerebralic, Pentoxifylline.
  1. Folk remedies in the form of decoctions, baths, applications:
  • for this you can use a recipe using lilac inflorescences or chestnut candles - fresh raw materials are filled with medical alcohol or strong vodka, infused in the dark for 14 days, you can rub your feet when the composition turns dark brown (it is advisable to do this twice a day);
  • when the blood vessels are narrowed, a recipe for internal use will help, the composition includes components such as lemon and orange, crushed pulp, natural honey - the ingredients are mixed, left for 24 hours, and then the mixture is taken three times a day in the amount of 10 grams;
  • foot baths made from hot water with the addition of table salt and pine extract effectively help with problems with blood circulation;
  • the same procedures can be carried out if, instead of pine needles, you take pharmaceutical chamomile, nettle, currant leaves and oregano, the infusion is poured into water, your feet should be kept in it for about 15 minutes;
  • you can drink a tablespoon of infused wild rosemary or spring adonis herb, despite the fact that this treatment is quite long (21 days), it gives good results.

Video: Medicinal infusions to improve blood circulation in the legs

In order to improve the vascular system of the legs, massage or simple rubbing can also be used, carried out independently every day for 10-15 minutes. Reflexology, manual therapy and acupuncture help strengthen weakened walls of arteries and veins, increase their tone and elasticity, promote relaxation and eliminate spasms.

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