Which human blood type and Rh factor are the rarest in the world. The rarest blood type in the world

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Human blood is distinguished by groups, there are 4 of them, and by the Rh factor, which can be positive and negative. According to statistics, 80% of the world's population have Rh positive-factor. Only 20% of people in the world have a negative Rh factor. Therefore, Rh with a "-" sign is less common. In addition, there is a blood type that is common, and there is one that is rare. Which group is considered the rarest - this is the question we will consider further.

According to statistics, the first blood group is more common in the world. 40% of the population have it. 32% of people in the world have the second blood group. Then comes the third blood group, which accounts for 22%.

The rarest blood group is group 4. Only 6% of all people in the world have it. And the rarest group with Rhesus is fourth group Rh negative, it affects 0.4% of people.

She appeared later than everyone else, so she is considered young. Such a blood type arose due to mixed marriages, and not external influences, like the rest. She has a complex chemical composition, due to which a laboratory assistant with little experience may confuse it with the second or third blood type. The only group with which the fourth group has nothing in common is the first. Even a doctor who does not have much experience in conducting tests will not confuse them.

Very rare blood

The first blood group is common, and the fourth is the least common. As for the Rh factor, there are some nuances here. Thus, fourth positive blood is more common than negative blood. If we talk about accurate data, then the IV group with Rh "+" is present in 5.6% of the world's population, and the share of IV group with Rh "-" accounts for only 0.4%.

From the point of view of the Rh factor, there are other rare blood groups - this is the first negative. 4.3% of the world's population has it. Then comes the second group with a Rh factor with a “-” sign; 3.5% of the population has it. As for the third negative blood group, only 1.5% of the population has it. Groups with a positive Rh factor are quite common, as already mentioned.

The uniqueness of the fourth blood group

The fourth blood group is the rarest and most unique. If a person with such blood needs a transfusion, then any other blood will do. Therefore, there is no point in looking for a donor with this particular blood type, which would be difficult, since it is rare. You can take any other blood type from the blood bank and use it for transfusion. In this case, only the Rh factor is taken into account. If a person has the fourth negative blood group, then they take any other negative Rh blood, and vice versa, if a person has the fourth positive blood, then any other group, but positive, will be required.

However, such blood can only be transfused to people with the fourth blood group. This is where its uniqueness lies. It will not suit a person with the first, second or third blood group, even if they have the same Rh factor. Even doctors don’t know why this happens.

This blood group is “responsible” for human creativity. For such people, emotions dominate over reason. They are prone to fantasy, they have developed intuition and are distinguished by impeccable taste and a thirst for beauty. There are many artists, poets and musicians here. Therefore, the fourth blood group is considered bohemian. Such people are compassionate and kind. They are unlikely to remain indifferent to someone else’s grief and will try to come to the rescue. They easily forgive insults, although they take everything to heart. However, communicating with such people is not easy. They require increased attention. They are ready to be offended even by an innocent remark made to them. A harsh word can hurt them. Among people with this blood type there are many fanatics and people with unstable psyches.

Still, it cannot be said that people with the fourth blood group are more talented than people with the first or any other blood group. It’s just that this case has its own characteristic features that are difficult not to notice.

The constituent determining part of the blood is the Rh factor, which is located in red blood cells. If a person has this Rh factor, which is common to 85% of earthlings, they are considered carriers of Rh positive.

If a person does not have such a Rh factor, then they are classified as having a negative factor.

A person’s life is largely determined by blood type - each of them has its own type of immunity, and to some extent determines the entire potential and resource of the individual.

Today we will talk about the rarest blood group.

The rarest blood type

The rarest of all blood groups is considered to be the 4th, the Rh factor of which is negative. At the same time, a positive Rh factor, even for this rare blood group, can be found much more often. The 4th blood group itself is the result of the merger of 2 different groups “A” and “B”.

  • Carriers of this blood group have a flexible immune system, since blood type 4 did not appear as a result of intermarriage. As a result, blood group 4 is considered complex from a biological standpoint.
  • The antigen of blood group 4 makes it somewhat similar to blood group 2, and in some cases to blood group 3, as many scientists believe, since group 4 itself is a kind of combination of the presented groups.
  • There is a version that blood group 4 was “born” later than all other groups - about 1,000 years ago, as a result of the mixing and merging of the Mongoloid race and Indo-Europeans.

There is an opinion that owners of this rare blood group are, as a rule, creative individuals with a fine internal organization.

  1. In everyday life, such constructive and creative natures gravitate toward beauty; they are characterized by more emotions than precise calculations and some kind of intuition. Along with this, they are characterized by a subtle and at the same time rich mental organization, impeccable manners and taste, as well as their own, special perception of the world around them.
  2. The positive side of such people is considered to be kindness and a sense of compassion, selflessness - they will listen and advise, reassure and sympathize, although on the other hand, excessive sensitivity and sensitivity may also be their drawback, when more impudent and agile people will “take advantage” of excessive kindness.
  3. Such creative people They take a lot of things to heart. This behavior is due to their excessive sensitivity and excess of feelings that splash over the edge.
  4. Among those with blood group 4 there are a huge number of fanatical, persistent and purposeful people.

The most widespread blood group among the inhabitants of the Earth is considered to be group 1; it is considered to be the “eldest” among all, since it appeared on the planet quite a long time ago.

All those who have blood group 1 are more predisposed to allergic reactions and arthritis, they often suffer from stomach ulcers and other diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.


It is worth noting that owners of blood type 4 should cultivate certain qualities characteristic of those with blood type 1 - determination, drive and discipline. Such qualities need to be developed in ourselves, since our habits are our second character, nature and essence.

To date, many features of the body’s activity have not yet been fully studied by scientists. Some blood characteristics also remain a mystery. IN modern medicine It is customary to distinguish between blood different people by group, as well as by Rh factor. In any laboratory, employees can determine these human characteristics, which are then used by doctors when it is necessary to carry out various medical procedures (mainly blood transfusions). Today we are talking about what is the rarest blood in the world and the Rh factor of human blood.

What is Rh factor and blood group?

Today, a system known as AB0 is used to evaluate blood group; it was proposed by the scientist Landsteiner, who lived at the beginning of the last century. Wherein:

0 – considered the first blood group;
A - the second blood group;
B - the third blood group;
AB – fourth blood group.

In addition to blood group, doctors distinguish another difference - the Rh factor. Such a particle is essentially an antigen present on the surface of red blood cells in approximately 85% of people and, accordingly, readers of Popular Health. Accordingly, people who have this antigen are called Rh-positive, and those who do not have it are called Rh-negative.

The rarest human blood type in the world

The fourth group with a negative Rh factor is considered the rarest in humans. The fourth positive blood group is found a little more often: even more often than the third negative, second negative and first negative.

Scientists claim that the fourth blood group as a whole is quite mysterious and, most likely, the youngest - it appeared in people not so long ago as a result of the fusion of two other blood types A and B.

There is a theory that people with this blood type have a fairly flexible immune system. Also, some scientists are confident that the emergence of the fourth blood group is a consequence of the practice of mixed marriages. And this group is characterized by high biological complexity. Sometimes its features are similar to the second blood group, sometimes to the third. But much more often, this blood type is a kind of combination of both groups A and B.

Some scientists are confident that the fourth blood group in the world arose about a thousand years ago, due to the mixing of the Mongoloid race and Indo-Europeans.

To date, 5% of the world's population can be considered carriers of the fourth positive blood group, and the fourth negative is observed only in 0.4%.

The rarest Rh factor in the world in blood

So, as we have already understood, the most rare is the absence of the Rh factor, in other words, the negative Rh factor. This feature is typical for only 15% of the planet's population. And to date, no scientist can explain why a small number of people have no antigen on their red blood cells.

In most cases, a rare negative Rh factor does not affect the quality of life at all. But sometimes such a criterion is very important, for example, during blood transfusion and donation, as well as during childbearing. After all, if the mother has an Rh-negative factor, and the fetus is Rh-positive, a so-called Rh-conflict occurs, requiring the use of a number of medications to maintain pregnancy.

Bombay blood

Bombay blood or the Bombay phenomenon is an amazing name for a new blood type, which, according to scientists, was discovered back in the middle of the last century in India.
Bombay blood does not have A or B antigens (which are characteristic of the second - A, the third - B, or the fourth blood group - AB). It would seem that in such a situation, it is identical to the first blood group - O, but it is not. Bombay blood does not contain the H antigen that is present in the first blood group. Studies show that this phenomenon is observed in approximately 0.01% of the inhabitants of India. Bombay blood does not cause any problems to its owner, except that only the same blood can be used in blood transfusions. At the same time, Bombay blood is surprisingly suitable for donation - it is compatible with all four blood types.

Thus, we can conclude that the most rare blood group is still the fourth negative. Bombay blood is not yet recognized as the rarest, as it is a phenomenon (only in a given area and in too few people) and cannot be used to obtain statistical data.

Additional Information

Some experts believe that his blood type has a direct impact on a particular person: on his health, taste preferences and even character. So, according to such scientists, the owners of the fourth negative blood group are distinguished by strong immunity, but at the same time they suffer from weak digestive system. They quite often encounter viral infections, which are able to penetrate the body through the gastrointestinal tract.

People with the fourth negative blood group are distinguished by their strong character, but at the same time they are touchy and vulnerable. Quite often such individuals seem strange. At school and university, they are attracted by various intellectual games and all kinds of activities. They are also distinguished by their curiosity.

Scientists also suggest that people with the fourth blood group are especially prone to developing anemia. They need to stick dietary nutrition to prevent excess weight gain.

In fact, the rare Rh and the rarest blood type do not affect a person’s life in any way and do not distinguish him from the rest, except in situations where there is a need for a blood transfusion, and also with the exception of the period of pregnancy.

The defining component of blood is the Rh factor or antigen. It is located on the surface of red blood cells (erythrocytes). More than 85 percent of the population has this Rh factor, and they are Rh-positive.

Those people who do not have it are considered Rh negative. The present and future of a person depends on his blood type. Each group has its own type of immunity, which to a certain extent determines the life resource of a person.

How to find out your blood type

So, in total, four blood groups are distinguished, each of which differs in certain biochemical characteristics. This fact has been established by science for a long time - around the beginning of the twentieth century.

Throughout the world, these groups are designated by the following symbols: I(0), II(A), III(B), IV(AB). The first is the most common around the world, since its owners are approximately 45 percent of the inhabitants of our planet.

The blood of the second group belongs to the majority of the inhabitants of Europe, and its owners are almost 35 percent of the population. The third group is not very numerous, since it is found in only 13 percent of the world's population.

Well, the fourth blood group is the rarest, because its carriers are only 7 percent of the world's population. And if the owners of the first blood group with a negative Rh factor are quite common, then the Rh-negative owners of the fourth blood group are very rare.

Donate blood for donation

It is worth saying that negative blood can be transfused to positive, but the opposite should not be done in any case.

The first blood group is subject to transfusion to any group, but it is important to remember that in no case should blood of another group be transfused to it - only the first.

The blood of the second group is suitable for the second and fourth, and for her only the first or second.

The third blood group can be transfused to the third or fourth, and the first or third is suitable for it.

The fourth blood type, the rarest, is allowed to be transfused only to people with a similar blood type, but for the fourth, any blood type is suitable.

Most common blood type

The most common first blood group

This group is the oldest, which appeared a long time ago. Owners of the first blood group usually have a predisposition to allergies, arthritis, decreased thyroid function, and also a tendency to blood clotting disorders. In addition, such people often suffer from stomach ulcers and other diseases directly related to the gastrointestinal tract.

As for personal characteristics, those with the first blood group are, as a rule, leaders in life. They are quite successful in sports and are often workaholics. These are very purposeful people who always try to achieve their goals.

The rarest blood type

The rarest blood type is fourth negative. The fourth positive is much more common. The fourth group is generally a mystery, because it appeared as a result of the merger of two completely different types- A and B.

This is a young group and the people who have it have a flexible immune system. This group is unique in that it appeared not due to the influence of the external environment, but as a result of mixed marriages. It is worth saying that this group is the most biologically complex.

Antigens sometimes make it similar to the second, and sometimes even to the third. Sometimes it also happens that this rare group is something like a combination of both of these groups.

It is believed that the fourth blood type appeared later than all the others - about a thousand years ago as a result of the mixing of Mongoloids and Indo-Europeans. There is also another version of the so-called "bohemian" blood type, which says that after a person was able to simply provide shelter and food for himself, he was "drawn to the beautiful" and he had a desire to express himself in creativity.

Indeed, representatives of the fourth blood group are considered the most creative individuals. The life of such people is dominated by fantasies, emotions, love of beauty and intuition. They have a rich mental organization, a subtle perception of reality and impeccable taste.

The positive qualities of such people are kindness, compassion, selflessness and altruism. Such a person will always listen, reassure and sympathize. But at the same time, the sensitivity of such people can be considered their disadvantage.

Due to the fact that those with the fourth blood group take everything too seriously, they sometimes get carried away. These people often go to extremes. They, as a rule, act under the influence of feelings that are so intense that the mind is simply unable to curb them.

By the way, there are many fanatics among such people. But even if it doesn’t come to the point of fanaticism, the owners of the fourth group most often look like people slightly “not of this world.” They are impractical, absent-minded, often completely unsuited to solving everyday problems, and they are also very touchy about all this.

The craving for beauty in those with the fourth blood group can also manifest itself in different ways: from the creation of works of art in the most developed representatives, to psychological dependence on romance, sex and pleasure in the more primitive ones, which sometimes leads them to a vicious lifestyle.

It cannot be said that those with the 4th blood group are quite multifaceted and spiritual. They often rush from one extreme to another, and can be both harsh and indecisive. Such people can often be seen in lists of the most talented and remarkable personalities.

In general, despite many advantages, owners of the fourth blood group would still benefit from some qualities that are characteristic of people with the first blood group - discipline and fortitude, for example. But even if the named character traits were not inherited by a person from birth, he may well develop them throughout his life, because habit, as they say, is a second character.

Blood has not been fully studied, so research is still ongoing. Nowadays, it is customary to determine it by group and Rh factor. According to the AB0 system, proposed at the beginning of the last century by K. Landsteiner, there are four varieties that differ in composition:

  • 0 – first;
  • A – second;
  • B – third;
  • AB is the fourth.

Distribution in the world

According to statistics, approximately 40% of the world's population has type I blood, 32% have type II, 22% have type III, and the rarest blood type - fourth - is found in only 6%.

In addition, it can be Rh positive or Rh negative, depending on whether an antigen, called the Rh factor, is present on the surface of red blood cells. On average, 85% of people are Rh positive, 15% are negative. To be more precise, this ratio is true for Europeans; as for representatives of the Negroid race, 93% of them have Rh-positive blood, among the Mongoloids there are the most such people - 99%.

Blood groups are unevenly distributed among representatives of different races. It is believed that Europeans most often have the second one, the inhabitants of the African continent have the first one, and Asians mostly have the third one.

Sometimes they say that there is a predisposition to certain diseases depending on the group. However, these are just observations and not supported by scientific evidence.

Theory of origin

There are several theories about the emergence of different groups. According to one of them, at first all people on Earth had one, the rest appeared as a result of mutations, which is associated with a change in lifestyle.

The oldest is the first. She was among the ancient people who were engaged in hunting. Today it remains the most common on the planet.

The second appeared when a person’s diet changed: they stopped eating raw meat and added greens, roots, and plant fruits to their diet.

The third originated in Asia. Her education is also associated with the diet in those regions: milk and meat from livestock.

The youngest and rarest blood type is the fourth. It is believed that it appeared not due to changes in human conditions, but as a result of the fusion of species A and B in mixed marriages of Indo-Europeans with Mongoloids. It is believed to be only 1000 years old.

The rarest blood

Thus, group IV is the least common. What is the rarest blood type, considering the Rh factor? Again, the fourth is negative. On Earth, approximately 0.4% of people have such blood, that is, one person out of 200 thousand. It is unevenly distributed over the planet. For example, in China, such people are only 0.05% of the population.

The youngest and rarest group in the world is the fourth

The fourth positive is much more common than the negative. If we talk about the prevalence in the world, then its carriers are about 5% of the population. This figure may be different in some countries. About 7% of residents of Turkey, China, Israel, Finland, and Poland have such blood.

Rare ones include the third negative - about 1.5%, the second negative - 3.5%, the first negative - 4.3%.

Bombay phenomenon

This name was given to a very rare variety that was first discovered in a resident of the Indian city of Bombay (nowadays Mumbai) in 1952. In the world it occurs in 0.0001% of the population, in India in 0.01%. It does not have A and B antigens and is defined as I, but at the same time it also lacks H antigen.


In addition to the above, there are other rare varieties that are still being researched. The rare species does not affect human life or health in any way. Difficulties may arise if blood transfusion is required. The ideal option is to donate your own blood in advance, in case a transfusion is required.

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