Holidays and events of October. October holidays and events World Habitat Day

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The list of Russian holidays on October 6, 2018 will introduce state, professional, international, folk, church, and unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can select an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays October 6

Insurer Day

The insurance market in the Russian Federation is constantly developing and improving, offering clients a sufficient number of various services. This is due to the enormous work of insurers, who collect statistical data every day, analyze it, and study existing risks.

The first insurance policy in human history was the Marine Insurance Act, issued in 1347. The first insurance of human life took place in London in 1583 by his vice-burgomaster.

The origins of automobile insurance were an accident that occurred between a car and a horse in 1898.

Russian insurance dates back to the reign of Catherine II, when, thanks to the manifesto, the first insurance institute was created. At that time, masonry buildings, plants and factories were insured. During the reign of Peter I, insurance of various goods was organized.

Thanks to a special commission created in 1826 in the Russian Empire, the first fire insurance company appeared.

In October 1921, Gosstrakh was established in the RSFSR. This decree served as an impetus for the development of the insurance industry in Soviet Russia.

In 1925, insurance activity was exclusively a state benefit, but in 1988 a law on cooperation was adopted, which served to form other non-state insurance associations. And in 1992, due to the large number of companies, an insurance law was adopted. In the same year, Gosstrakh of the RSFSR was transformed into the Russian State Insurance Company insurance company, and 18 years later, on the basis of ten territorial branches of the company, a single federal group, Rosgosstrakh LLC, was established.

Today in our country there are more than 1,200 insurance joint-stock companies and about 60,000 insurance agents.

World Habitat Day

Every year on October 6, the world celebrates World Habitat Conservation Day - an international holiday designed to draw humanity's attention to the problem of preserving the habitat of the fauna of planet Earth. This holiday was established in 1979 as part of the Berne Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats.

Man, through his activities, has long influenced nature, changing it. Every year, more and more territories in the world become farmland, pastures, and are subject to changes due to the growth of cities, mining, construction of factories and other national economic facilities. Therefore, there are practically no places left on Earth where no human has set foot.

But uncontrolled human intervention in the laws and territories of nature has led to the irreversible extinction of hundreds of species of animals and plants. Over the 19th centuries AD, 150 species of mammals, mostly large ones, and 139 species of birds disappeared across the globe. And these numbers are not the last; today many species of the animal world are on the verge of complete extinction. But every extinct species is a very tangible and irreparable loss.

Man has learned a lot: he escaped into space, flew to the Moon, but he will not be able to create a tour or Steller’s cow again. Everything that disappears in the animal world disappears forever.

And World Habitat Conservation Day reminds all of humanity that all of us, humans, are only a part of nature and we owe everything we have to it. Therefore, this day is aimed at attracting the attention of the world community to the destructive impact of the anthropogenic factor on the environment.

Iraida Controversial

The national holiday “Iraida Spornaya” is celebrated on October 6 (according to the old style - September 23). In the Orthodox church calendar, this is the day of veneration of the martyr Raisa (Iraida) of Alexandria. Other names for the holiday: “Raisa”, “John’s Day”, “John the Baptist”, “Stove Coal Charm”. Controversial Iraida was nicknamed because of the weather, which could rarely be predicted on this day. On October 6, the real cold autumn began.

One day, coming to a source for water, Saint Iraida saw a ship filled with women and men in chains. These were monks, clergy and ordinary people captured for their Christian faith. Iraida at that very moment wished to join them. On the ship she was baptized and received the name Raisa. Upon the ship's arrival in the Egyptian city of Antipolis, she was the first to be tortured and tortured, after which she was executed. Following her, all the prisoners accepted the same fate.

In Rus' there was an interesting custom for this day. People who had problems with money wondered about their fate. To do this, you had to go to the confluence of two rivers and fill two jugs with the same amount of water. Then these jugs had to be brought home and observed from which the water would evaporate faster. If the water drawn from a more full-flowing river begins to decrease earlier, it means that financial troubles will continue.

At the same time, guessing about fate was considered useless - nothing could be changed anyway.

“Don’t swear off money or prison,” people said. But it was completely forbidden to count your troubles: they said: “As many as you count, you will call upon them.”

But they tried to attract good luck. In order to always be profitable, a coin with a flaw was placed in the wallet, but it was definitely not picked up on the road, but received from someone - as payment for labor, for goods sold, or as change.

On October 6, there was also a custom of burning coals in Russian stoves. “The conspiracy for the coals” was whispered by the housewives early in the morning. This was done so that the ovens retained heat longer, and the bread and food placed in the oven were well baked, cooked and did not burn. The conspiracy contained the following words:

“Give the baked goods an equal share with the woman’s share, mother!” Keep the coal, ash and liver on the hearth!”

Another tradition of this day was the baking of “nalivushki” - open pies, similar to modern cheesecakes. For liqueurs, potatoes were boiled, mashed into puree, which was generously flavored with butter, milk and eggs until a creamy mass was obtained. Sochny was rolled out from rye dough, potato filling was poured into the middle, the edges of the sochny were lifted and slightly wrapped. Sweet liqueurs were often baked for children, the filling of which consisted of cottage cheese, sour cream and honey.

October 6 - Russian Insurer Day
October 6 - World Habitat Conservation Day
Events of October 6 that happened around the world, in different years

On October 6, 1921, Gosstrakh of the RSFSR began its activities. And this date became the day of the birth of insurance activity in Russia.
On this day, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted the decree “On State Property Insurance,” which marked the actual beginning of the further development of state property insurance in our country. It was envisaged to organize insurance of private households in all rural and urban areas against fires, loss of livestock, hail damage to crops, as well as accidents on water and land transport routes.
The Main Directorate of State Insurance (Gosstrakh) was organized as part of the People's Commissariat of Finance, and urban and rural insurance bodies were created locally.
In the USSR, objective prerequisites for the demonopolization of the insurance market arose in connection with the law on cooperation adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 26, 1988, which provided for the possibility of creating cooperative insurance institutions.
During this period, the first alternatives to the USSR State Insurance system began to be created insurance organizations(ASKO, Progress, Rossiya, etc.). This process received a logical continuation in connection with the approval by the Council of Ministers of the USSR of the “Regulations on joint stock companies limited liability”, and then the adoption of the RSFSR Law “On Insurance” (1992), when the formation of new insurance companies became widespread.
Insurance is a special type of economic relationship designed to provide insurance protection to people and their businesses from various types of dangers.
In personal insurance, the object of insurance is property interests related to the life, health, ability to work and pension provision of the policyholder or the insured person. Personal insurance includes:
1.Life insurance.
2. Insurance against accidents and illnesses.
3.Health insurance.
4. Etc.
In property insurance, the object of insurance is property interests associated with the ownership, use and disposal of property. Property insurance includes:
1. Property insurance.
2. Car insurance.
3. Insurance of financial risks.
4. Etc.

Habitat Conservation Day is celebrated today, October 6, all over the world. This holiday was approved in 1979 as part of the Convention on the Conservation of Wild Fauna and Flora and Natural Habitats in Europe.
In 1992, the UN Conference on the Environment was held in Rio de Janeiro. It was attended by leaders of 190 states, and “Agenda 21” was adopted - a comprehensive program for the development of society, which, first of all, provides for maintaining a favorable environment for present and future generations.
Man, through his activities, which, unfortunately, are not always reasonable, has long been influencing nature, changing it. As population grew and civilization developed, this influence continually increased. Every year in the world, more and more areas occupied by forests and meadows become farmland, pastures, and are subject to changes due to the growth of cities, mining, construction of factories and other national economic facilities.
Over the 19th centuries AD, 150 species of mammals and 139 species of birds disappeared across the globe.

1526 - English religious reformer, translator of the Bible into English, was burned at the stake for heresy. English language William Tyndale.
1683 - The first German settlers arrived in America (Pennsylvania), where they founded the settlement of Germantown.
1689 - Alexander VIII is elected Pope.
1769 - English navigator James Cook landed in New Zealand.
1790 - Geneva jeweler Johann Jacob Schweppe introduced the process of making artificial mineral water.
1801 - Napoleon granted a new constitution to Holland.
1805 - the first Russian aeronaut I. Kashinsky made a flight in a balloon over Moscow.
1866 - the first train robbery in US history was carried out - a gang of Reno brothers stole more than 10 thousand dollars.
1889 - The Moulin Rouge cabaret opened in Paris.
- Thomas Edison shows his first film.
1908 - Crete declared independence from Turkey and annexed to Greece.
1917 - The Literary Digest calls music that "makes people want to shake, jump and writhe" as "jazz"
1920 - English science fiction writer Herbert Wells and Vladimir Lenin met in the Kremlin.
1922 - the plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) adopted a resolution on the form of unification of the Soviet republics.
1927 - The first sound film (“The Jazz Singer”) premiered in New York.
1938 - high-speed non-stop flight Moscow - Batumi - Odessa - Moscow on the passenger "Steel-7" R. L. Bartini (prototype "Er-2") (3800 km in 11 hours 4 minutes), crew N. P. Shebanov.
1943 - troops of the 3rd Shock Army of the Kalinin Front liberated the city of Nevel
1944 - People's Tribunals are established in Bulgaria.
1948 - On the night of October 6, an earthquake of magnitude 9 occurred in Ashgabat.
- The delegation of Newfoundland (England) began negotiations on joining Canada.
1959 - In Vladivostok, N. Khrushchev coined the phrase “His Majesty the working class.”
- Carmelit, the first metro in the Middle East, began operating in Haifa (Israel).
1960 - Stanley Kubrick's film "Spartacus" starring Kirk Douglas premiered in New York.
1962 - The first James Bond film, Dr. No, premiered in London.
1973 - the beginning of the October Arab-Israeli War (Yomkippur War).
1975 - Dynamo Kyiv players won the European Super Cup.
1977 - first flight of the MiG-29 fighter.
1979 - For the first time in history, Pope John Paul II visited the White House in Washington.
1986 - Canada received a UN prize for receiving political refugees.
- Garry Kasparov defended the title of world chess champion in a match with Anatoly Karpov.
- In the Bermuda area, as a result of a rocket explosion in a silo three days earlier, the Soviet nuclear submarine K-219 sank, killing four people.
1993 - The National Democratic Party of Kazakhstan was founded.
2000 - According to the British company NetNames, the 30 millionth domain name is registered.
2004 - the helicopter carrier Mistral was launched.
2009 - former (1990-1994) President of Costa Rica Rafael Calderon was sentenced to 5 years in prison for corruption.

  • Insurer's Day
  • World Habitat Day and other events.

What holiday is today: October 6, 2018 is celebrated Orthodox holiday Iraida Controversial

Martyr Raisa Iraida of Alexandria

According to legend, one day when the holy virgin came to a spring for water, she saw a ship filled with women and men in chains. These were monks, clergy and ordinary people captured for their Christian faith. Iraida at that very moment wished to join them. On the ship she was baptized and received the name Raisa. Upon the ship's arrival in the city of Antipolis in Egypt, she was the first to be tortured and tortured, after which she was executed. Following her, all the prisoners accepted the same fate.

The day received its popular name - "Disputed" - due to the fact that it was impossible to predict the weather today.

According to signs, if there are a lot of weeds in the field, then the winter will be snowy.

Martens and ferrets have begun to molt, and wild geese are flying high - winter will be early. If there are a lot of nuts and almost no mushrooms, then the winter will be very cold.

Insurer Day

Russian Insurer Day is celebrated annually on October 6. The holiday is dedicated to the founding of the State Insurance Company of the RSFSR. The organization was created on October 6, 1921. Its appearance marked the birth and further development of an entire industry. In the Soviet Union, celebrations took place at an unofficial level among employees of the institution. The custom of the collapsed country (USSR) was preserved in Russia.

World Habitat Day

On October 6, UN member countries annually celebrate World Habitat Conservation Day. The event was founded on 19 September 1979 during a conference in Bern dedicated to the conservation of Europe's wildlife and natural habitats.

On this international holiday, environmental and environmental organizations traditionally hold events and speeches to inform the population about caring for flora and fauna, protecting natural resources and creating conditions for the conservation of unique places.

Who celebrates name day on October 6, 2018?

Andrey, Antonina, Ivan, Innocent, Iraida, Nikolai, Peter, Raisa.

What happened on October 6, 2018 in andstories?

  • 1889 – The Moulin Rouge night cabaret opened in Paris.
  • 1927 - the era of sound films began - the premiere of the first sound film - The Jazz Singer - took place.
  • 1948 - a strong earthquake occurred in the capital of the Turkmen SSR - Ashgabat.
  • 1952 - The 19th Congress of the CPSU adopted the directives of the fifth five-year plan for the development of the national economy.
  • 1977 – the first flight of the MiG-29 fighter took place.
  • 2010 – Instagram photo and video application was released.

Who were the celebrities born on October 5, 2018?

  • 1905 - Fyodor Chaliapin (junior) (d. 1992), son of the famous singer, film actor.
  • 1907 - Vera Kuznetsova (d. 1994), actress (“Big Family”, “Two Captains”, “Slave of Love”).
  • 1914 - Thor Heyerdahl (d. 2002), Norwegian traveler.
  • 1914 - Sergei Kurilov (d. 1987), actor (“Belinsky”, “Big Family”, “Chairman”, “Low Season”).
  • 1923 - Heinrich Gabay (d. 2003), film director (“Green Van”, “In the Name of the Revolution”).
  • 1927 - Birgit Brühl (d. 1996), Danish singer.
  • 1930 - Hafez al-Assad (d. 2000), President of Syria (1971-2000).
  • 1934 - Bredun Eduard Aleksandrovich (d. 1984), Soviet film actor (“Master of the Taiga”, “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”, “The Motley Case”).
  • 1940 - Juozas Budraitis, Lithuanian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the Lithuanian SSR (“Nobody Wanted to Die”, “Shield and Sword”).
  • 1940 - Viktor Pavlovich Pavlov (d. 2006), Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia.
  • 1942 - Britt Marie Ekland, Swedish film actress.
  • 1943 - Alexander Shilov, artist.
  • 1944 - Boris Mikhailov, hockey player, Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of Russia.
  • 1947 - Klaus Dibiasi, Italian diver, three-time Olympic champion.
  • 1950 - Vladimir Eremin, actor (“Red Arrow”, “Moonzund”, “Criminal Quartet”, “Winter Cherry”).
  • 1951 - Irina Shevchuk, film actress (“And the dawns here are quiet”, “White Beam, Black Ear”, “Code of Silence”).
  • 1952 - Vladimir Gusinsky, media tycoon.
  • 1963 - Elisabeth Shue, American film actress (“Leaving Las Vegas”).
  • 1981 - Udomporn Polsak, Thai weightlifter.
  • 1982 - Levon Aronian, Armenian chess player

Zodiac sign October 6 - Libra

Element of the Sign: Air. Your zodiac sign belongs to the signs of the Air element, which have the following qualities: balance, sublimity, sense of beauty, pluralism, determination.

Planet Ruler: Venus. Responsible for charm and harmony. The influence of Venus is ideal for those who work in the beauty industry and marriage agents. The planet in exile is Mars. Responsible for lack of determination, as well as doubts in one’s own abilities.

Those born on October 6 under the sign of Libra are sociable, friendly, and approachable. They easily get along with people and put them at ease. Libras make friends quickly and do not lack attention from members of the opposite sex. In their personal lives they are characterized by a certain frivolity. Libra tends to demand devotion and fidelity from a partner. Representatives of this sign love adventure. They are not averse to trying their hand at implementing outright adventures. Everyday life makes them sad.

Those born on October 6 run the risk of getting too carried away by sensual sensations, chasing more and more exciting impressions. Women born on October 6th will give everything for love. They will not allow marriage or other social institutions to come between them and the object of their passion. In this regard, they are immoral and are capable of flaunting their feelings in a completely shameless manner. Men born on this day are less romantic in matters of love; they are more attracted to the romance of adventure, discovery, and danger.

Those born on October 6th are often highly valued as wonderful friends, not because of their loyalty or support of those around them, but simply because they are fun to be around. They add a frivolous mood to any party, preferring to be the center of attention. They enjoy being admired and feed off the energy of their listeners. Although those born on October 6 have an undeniable talent for entertaining friends, family and colleagues, and their extremely cheerful attitude usually encourages others, after a while the irrepressible buffoonery begins to become boring and gradually irritate. Sometimes it even seems that those born on this day deliberately deny the seriousness and deep meaning of life. The less sophisticated of them are sometimes so carried away by entertainment and a devil-may-care attitude towards everything that they end up losing what they have.

Most people born on October 6th, however, are reasonably optimistic. Despite their overflowing cheerfulness, there is a firmness in their character that allows them to weigh the consequences of their actions and the likelihood of success. Some of those born on this day may even be ruthless in achieving their goals. Those born on October 6 love modern conveniences, but at the same time are traditional in their tastes and interests. They can make their lifestyle elegant and enjoyable. However, they should beware of becoming too accustomed to comfort and luxury.

Prepared based on materials from open sources specifically for the site.

On October 6, 1921, Gosstrakh of the RSFSR began its activities. And this date became the day of the birth of insurance activity in Russia. On this day, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted the decree “On State Property Insurance,” which marked the actual beginning of the further development of state property insurance in our country. It was envisaged to organize insurance of private households in all rural and urban areas against fires, loss of livestock, hail damage to crops, as well as accidents on water and land transport routes.

The Main Directorate of State Insurance (Gosstrakh) was organized as part of the People's Commissariat of Finance, and urban and rural insurance bodies were created locally.

In the USSR, objective prerequisites for the demonopolization of the insurance market arose in connection with the law on cooperation adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 26, 1988, which provided for the possibility of creating cooperative insurance institutions.
During this period, the first insurance organizations alternative to the USSR State Insurance system began to be created (ASKO, Progress, Rossiya, etc.). This process received a logical continuation in connection with the approval by the Council of Ministers of the USSR of the “Regulations on Joint Stock Limited Liability Companies”, and then the adoption of the RSFSR Law “On Insurance” (1992), when the formation of new insurance companies became widespread.

Insurance is a special type of economic relationship designed to provide insurance protection to people and their businesses from various types of dangers.
In personal insurance, the object of insurance is property interests related to the life, health, ability to work and pension provision of the policyholder or the insured person. Personal insurance includes:
1.Life insurance.
2. Insurance against accidents and illnesses.
3.Health insurance.
4. Etc.
In property insurance, the object of insurance is property interests associated with the ownership, use and disposal of property. Property insurance includes:
1. Property insurance.
2. Car insurance.
3. Insurance of financial risks.
4. Etc.

World Habitat Day

Habitat Conservation Day is celebrated today, October 6, all over the world. This holiday was approved in 1979 as part of the Convention on the Conservation of Wild Fauna and Flora and Natural Habitats in Europe.

In 1992, the UN Conference on the Environment was held in Rio de Janeiro. It was attended by leaders of 190 states, and “Agenda 21” was adopted - a comprehensive program for the development of society, which, first of all, provides for the preservation of a favorable environment for current and future generations.

Man, through his activities, which, unfortunately, are not always reasonable, has long been influencing nature, changing it. As population grew and civilization developed, this influence continually increased. Every year in the world, more and more areas occupied by forests and meadows become farmland, pastures, and are subject to changes due to the growth of cities, mining, construction of factories and other national economic facilities.

Over the 19th centuries AD, 150 species of mammals and 139 species of birds disappeared across the globe.

1526 - English religious reformer and translator of the Bible into English, William Tyndale, was burned at the stake for heresy.
1683 - The first German settlers arrived in America (Pennsylvania), where they founded the settlement of Germantown.
1689 - Alexander VIII is elected Pope.
1769 - English navigator James Cook landed in New Zealand.
1790 - Geneva jeweler Johann Jacob Schweppe introduced the process of making artificial mineral water.
1801 - Napoleon granted a new constitution to Holland.
1805 - the first Russian aeronaut I. Kashinsky made a flight in a balloon over Moscow.
1866 - the first train robbery in US history was carried out - a gang of Reno brothers stole more than 10 thousand dollars.
1889 - The Moulin Rouge cabaret opened in Paris.
- Thomas Edison shows his first film.

1908 - Crete declared independence from Turkey and annexed to Greece.
1917 - The Literary Digest calls music that "makes people want to shake, jump and writhe" as "jazz"
1920 - English science fiction writer Herbert Wells and Vladimir Lenin met in the Kremlin.
1922 - the plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) adopted a resolution on the form of unification of the Soviet republics.
1927 - The first sound film (“The Jazz Singer”) premiered in New York.
1938 - high-speed non-stop flight Moscow - Batumi - Odessa - Moscow on the passenger "Steel-7" R. L. Bartini (prototype "Er-2") (3800 km in 11 hours 4 minutes), crew N. P. Shebanov.
1943 - troops of the 3rd Shock Army of the Kalinin Front liberated the city of Nevel
1944 - People's Tribunals are established in Bulgaria.
1948 - On the night of October 6, an earthquake of magnitude 9 occurred in Ashgabat.
- The delegation of Newfoundland (England) began negotiations on joining Canada.

1959 - In Vladivostok, N. Khrushchev coined the phrase “His Majesty the working class.”
- Carmelit, the first metro in the Middle East, began operating in Haifa (Israel).
1960 - Stanley Kubrick's film "Spartacus" starring Kirk Douglas premiered in New York.
1962 - The first James Bond film, Dr. No, premiered in London.
1973 - the beginning of the October Arab-Israeli War (Yomkippur War).
1975 - Dynamo Kyiv players won the European Super Cup.
1977 - first flight of the MiG-29 fighter.
1979 - For the first time in history, Pope John Paul II visited the White House in Washington.
1986 - Canada received a UN prize for receiving political refugees.
- Garry Kasparov defended the title of world chess champion in a match with Anatoly Karpov.
- In the Bermuda area, as a result of a rocket explosion in a silo three days earlier, the Soviet nuclear submarine K-219 sank, killing four people.
1993 - The National Democratic Party of Kazakhstan was founded.

2000 - According to the British company NetNames, the 30 millionth domain name is registered.
2004 - the helicopter carrier Mistral was launched.
2009 - former (1990-1994) President of Costa Rica Rafael Calderon was sentenced to 5 years in prison for corruption.

Holiday calendar, dates and events of October


On October 6, 1921, Gosstrakh of the RSFSR began its activities. And this date became the day of the birth of insurance activity in Russia. On this day, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted the decree “On State Property Insurance,” which marked the actual beginning of the further development of state property insurance in our country. It was envisaged to organize insurance of private households in all rural and urban areas against fires, loss of livestock, hail damage to crops, as well as accidents on water and land transport routes.

The Main Directorate of State Insurance (Gosstrakh) was organized as part of the People's Commissariat of Finance, and urban and rural insurance bodies were created locally.

In the USSR, objective prerequisites for the demonopolization of the insurance market arose in connection with the law on cooperation adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 26, 1988, which provided for the possibility of creating cooperative insurance institutions.
During this period, the first insurance organizations alternative to the USSR State Insurance system began to be created (ASKO, Progress, Rossiya, etc.). This process received a logical continuation in connection with the approval by the Council of Ministers of the USSR of the “Regulations on Joint Stock Limited Liability Companies”, and then the adoption of the RSFSR Law “On Insurance” (1992), when the formation of new insurance companies became widespread.

Insurance is a special type of economic relationship designed to provide insurance protection to people and their businesses from various types of dangers.
In personal insurance, the object of insurance is property interests related to the life, health, ability to work and pension provision of the policyholder or the insured person. Personal insurance includes:
1.Life insurance.
2. Insurance against accidents and illnesses.
3.Health insurance.
4. Etc.
In property insurance, the object of insurance is property interests associated with the ownership, use and disposal of property. Property insurance includes:
1. Property insurance.
2. Car insurance.
3. Insurance of financial risks.
4. Etc.

World Habitat Day

Habitat Conservation Day is celebrated today, October 6, all over the world. This holiday was approved in 1979 as part of the Convention on the Conservation of Wild Fauna and Flora and Natural Habitats in Europe.

In 1992, the UN Conference on the Environment was held in Rio de Janeiro. It was attended by leaders of 190 states, and “Agenda 21” was adopted - a comprehensive program for the development of society, which, first of all, provides for the preservation of a favorable environment for current and future generations.

Man, through his activities, which, unfortunately, are not always reasonable, has long been influencing nature, changing it. As population grew and civilization developed, this influence continually increased. Every year in the world, more and more areas occupied by forests and meadows become farmland, pastures, and are subject to changes due to the growth of cities, mining, construction of factories and other national economic facilities.

Over the 19th centuries AD, 150 species of mammals and 139 species of birds disappeared across the globe.

1526 - English religious reformer and translator of the Bible into English, William Tyndale, was burned at the stake for heresy.
1683 - The first German settlers arrived in America (Pennsylvania), where they founded the settlement of Germantown.
1689 - Alexander VIII is elected Pope.
1769 - English navigator James Cook landed in New Zealand.
1790 - Geneva jeweler Johann Jacob Schweppe introduced the process of making artificial mineral water.
1801 - Napoleon granted a new constitution to Holland.
1805 - the first Russian aeronaut I. Kashinsky made a flight in a balloon over Moscow.
1866 - the first train robbery in US history was carried out - a gang of Reno brothers stole more than 10 thousand dollars.
1889 - The Moulin Rouge cabaret opened in Paris.
- Thomas Edison shows his first film.

1908 - Crete declared independence from Turkey and annexed to Greece.
1917 - The Literary Digest calls music that "makes people want to shake, jump and writhe" as "jazz"
1920 - English science fiction writer Herbert Wells and Vladimir Lenin met in the Kremlin.
1922 - the plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) adopted a resolution on the form of unification of the Soviet republics.
1927 - The first sound film (“The Jazz Singer”) premiered in New York.
1938 - high-speed non-stop flight Moscow - Batumi - Odessa - Moscow on the passenger "Steel-7" R. L. Bartini (prototype "Er-2") (3800 km in 11 hours 4 minutes), crew N. P. Shebanov.
1943 - troops of the 3rd Shock Army of the Kalinin Front liberated the city of Nevel
1944 - People's Tribunals are established in Bulgaria.
1948 - On the night of October 6, an earthquake of magnitude 9 occurred in Ashgabat.
- The delegation of Newfoundland (England) began negotiations on joining Canada.

1959 - In Vladivostok, N. Khrushchev coined the phrase “His Majesty the working class.”
- Carmelit, the first metro in the Middle East, began operating in Haifa (Israel).
1960 - Stanley Kubrick's film "Spartacus" starring Kirk Douglas premiered in New York.
1962 - The first James Bond film, Dr. No, premiered in London.
1973 - the beginning of the October Arab-Israeli War (Yomkippur War).
1975 - Dynamo Kyiv players won the European Super Cup.
1977 - first flight of the MiG-29 fighter.
1979 - For the first time in history, Pope John Paul II visited the White House in Washington.
1986 - Canada received a UN prize for receiving political refugees.
- Garry Kasparov defended the title of world chess champion in a match with Anatoly Karpov.
- In the Bermuda area, as a result of a rocket explosion in a silo three days earlier, the Soviet nuclear submarine K-219 sank, killing four people.
1993 - The National Democratic Party of Kazakhstan was founded.

2000 - According to the British company NetNames, the 30 millionth domain name is registered.
2004 - the helicopter carrier Mistral was launched.
2009 - former (1990-1994) President of Costa Rica Rafael Calderon was sentenced to 5 years in prison for corruption.

Holiday calendar, dates and events of October


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