Born on February 1st what name to name a boy. Suitable names for boys born in February

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Choosing a name is the first difficult situation in parenting. By giving it, you choose the life and fate of the child. Personal development and character depend on the name. Each name has different meanings and characteristics that will influence the child in the future.

What is the best name for a boy born in February?

February is the second month of winter, when frost sets in. Therefore, children born in this month are strong and strong. These are extraordinary and unique children who listen only to themselves and do not follow the lead of others. February boys are smart and stable, but they tend to make rash decisions, after which they often suffer.

It is not advisable to give a boy a hard name ( Igor, Valery, Rostislav, Philip), in February they are unlucky, but a soft name will smooth out severity and severity.

For example, the following names will sound good: Alexey, Pavel and Ilya.

Meaning of the name Alexei– defender. This boy is brave and courageous, easily makes a decision in a difficult situation, and sometimes relies on developed intuition. The father is the main thing for Alexey, he tries to imitate him and teach his children this. Lesha has no specific hobbies, but if he finds his job, he will master it to the end. Monotonous work does not bring pleasure, because Alexey is active and energetic.

A man with a name Paul calm and friendly, but isolation and distrust of people sometimes lead Pavel into a dead end. His responsiveness attracts people to him. Pavel loves mobility and activity, so he plays sports and creativity. Achieves success in business and entrepreneurship. Paul lives an inner life, which is fueled by his imagination.

Name Ilya stands for owner. Since childhood, he has been governed by a sense of ownership; he feels responsible in every matter. This man is devoted to his family, he is noble and honest, always kind and frank. Sometimes, falling under the influence of strangers, he goes astray from the right path, which is why he is very hot-tempered, but a short time. Ilya has a flexible mind, so he can master the professions of a doctor, teacher and educator.

In the first half of February, Aquarians are born, such boys can be called Semyon and Roma.

Semyon– a curious boy, not particularly talkative, but with a beautiful soul. He loves books about travel, cars and history. Greatest success in the field of science.

Novel– a serious and charming person with innate talents. Since childhood he has been very inquisitive, his parents will have to suffer answering all his questions. Roman's artistry helps him in his career.

The second half of February is the zodiac sign of Pisces. Names will do Artem and Evgeniy.

Artem always goes his own way, rarely succumbing to other people's opinions. At school, he is always a leader who can lead all the children behind him. He enjoys running and swimming.

A man named Eugene big dreamer. Loves active and noisy games. Able to notice small details that bring him into the picture more deeply. Zhenya is the life of the party, she will always find an interesting topic for conversation, joke or tell an anecdote at the right time.

February calendar of names takes into account personality, temperament and character boys born in February 2019, there are some among them names, which fully correspond to their character, as well as those that will add significance or lightness to it, soften, if necessary, its hardness and intransigence. In a word, beautiful and necessary names for boys months February, quite a lot in our February list 2019, all that remains is to choose Name to his son, which, according to parents and experts, is most suitable for a newborn baby.

Boy born in February 2019 gotta get that Name, which will help him in life, because from name your his February a little son, and then a man, a lot depends on it, it can both help him in overcoming life difficulties, advance in his career, and complicate it, create certain problems for him, and parents should know about this when choosing a name for their son, take into account not only your personal opinion, but also that of experts in this matter.

Name in February 2019 for boys, name of a February boy

Them boys who is lucky enough to be born and receive name in February 2019 lucky, because they will be born during the reign of the Pig/Boar, a kind, soft and sympathetic animal, noble and decent, sociable and fair, a little hot-tempered and naive, chaotic and stubborn.

Boys born in February 2019 thanks to the Pig/Boar, they will probably grow up to be responsible and decent people, they would also Name to receive from their parents something that would give them confidence in their strengths, talents and capabilities. It is extremely important for these insecure, cautious and indecisive individuals to receive a name that would elevate them above themselves, give them status, and instill in them additional confidence in themselves and their abilities.

What name should I give to a boy born in February 2019?

Names for boys born in February 2019 whether they are beautiful or popular, their parents or relatives like them, but they should not be soft and sonorous or hard and official, but average (neutral), that is, the boy’s name needs to be chosen one that will not highlight him or, conversely, reduce his status, and give self-confidence. Fortunately, there are such names for boys and there are quite a lot of them, all sorts and for every taste, these can be, for example, such as -Daniil, David, Gleb, Ivan, Vladimir, Ilya, Isidore, Eusebius, Matvey, Stepan, and many others, which you will learn about further.

Before you give name of a boy born in February 2019, call your son something beautiful, important and useful name, may be church, you must also remember the advice of astrologers, who say that the influence of representatives of the Western horoscope on the child also plays an important role and this must be taken into account.

It is known that each of the twelve signs of the Western horoscope influences a person in its own way, shaping his basic character traits and temperament. For example, boys born in the sign of Pisces are indecisive, those under the sign of Aries, on the contrary, are very self-confident, Taurus is stubborn, Gemini is fickle, Virgo is calm and doubtful, Scorpio is tough and calculating, Capricorn is conservative and has little contact, and so on.

Therefore, for each of the zodiac signs of the Western horoscope, you need to select a name taking into account these indicators, some of those born in one or another sign need to choose a softer and more sonorous name, and for others a tougher, somewhat rude and a little official, and for For some, it is important to find a neutral name, something familiar and traditional.

Of course, parents do not want to cause trouble for their newborn boy, or give him a problem for the future, but without basic knowledge of this topic that we are talking about now, they can do this unintentionally if they give their son a name that, for example, will be in honor of some successful grandfather or uncle.

We warn such parents against such a mistake; hoping that your boy will follow the path of your successful grandfather or uncle, if you give him a name in honor of one of them, is a big mistake. Everyone must go their own path in life; it is impossible to repeat someone else’s just because of the name they received, and it’s stupid to think about it that way.

What is remarkable about the boys of February 2019?

Of course, each of us, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, would like to have a beautiful name from birth; for some, a popular and common name is important, while others dream of a rare name, which is quite rare. Often we bear names that we don’t like, but what can you do, it happened that way and that’s what our parents and relatives, grandparents, some other relatives, or even naive prejudices wanted.

In order not to make such mistakes as modern parents, but to give your boy successful and pleasing to the ear Name, For born in February 2019 son , You should refer to the list of names for this month, in which you will surely choose for your newborn son a name that he will be proud of, and therefore grateful to you for.

Don't forget that your name boy born in February 2019, will be heard many times a day, so name his February the son must be named, always taking into account all those wishes and recommendations discussed in this article, the opinions of astrologers and psychologists.

Of course, what to do is up to the parents of a newborn baby, what name to choose for their son, but they should not forget that their child is not some kind of toy for them or a personal thing, he will soon become an adult and a sober-reasoning person, so one should not treat him lightly and irresponsible, this primarily concerns what name you choose for him, with what name he will have to go through a difficult life path.

Names for boys born in February 2019

Introducing names for February boys born in February month 2019 for boys, which Name It is recommended to give them, first of all, taking into account the characteristics of their disposition and habits, basic inclinations and inclinations, temperament and character traits, as well as the influence on them of a representative of the eastern calendar (Chinese horoscope) - the animal Pig/Boar, what direct impact it will have on them , what inclinations and talents, negative and positive qualities he will bestow.

Evgeny, Victor, Zakhar, Georgy, Timofey, Valentin, Vitaly, Alexander, Leonid, Ivan, Savva, Egor, Arkady, Egor, Daniil, Mark, Alexey, Roman, Ruslan, Gerasim, Grigory, Nikita, Lev, Sergey, Pavel, Timur, Denis, Timofey, Georgy, Andrey, Ivan, Semyon, Peter, Artemy, Igor, Inokenty, Veniamin, Alexey

Names for boys born according to seasons

Now let's talk about how a certain time of year affects us, what kind of children are born in winter, spring, summer and autumn, what their character and temperament, inclinations and habits are. Of course, these are just conventions and they do not have an exact attachment to any time period, just as you cannot evaluate by birth during periods of the year, because there are also eastern and western horoscopes, but since there is such a classification, we will tell you about it.

Name of winter 2019 boys, born in winter

Usually, boys born in winter are automatically classified as calm, reserved and reasonable people who are endowed with a strong character and an unbending will. They firmly know what they need from life and know exactly how and how to achieve the goal they have set for themselves; they almost always achieve what they strive for.

This characteristic is of course interesting, but here’s the question - it’s most suitable for those born in February, but December and February boys are not so serious, they are more open and free, although they are hardworking, but... Because of their hot temper, they can ruin a lot for themselves, all their previous successes and achievements.

Pick up names for boys born in winter February 2019 need to be responsible Name at the winter boy, should not be too soft or hard; neutral, something meaningful and responsible, but not ringing or sonorous, attracting unnecessary attention to itself, is best suited.

Name for spring 2019 boys, born in spring

Spring boys have perseverance, determination and purposefulness, but not all of them, for example March boys, on the contrary, are full of indecision, especially those who are destined to be born in the sign of Pisces. These are persistent, responsible and very active people, they stubbornly pursue their goals, often make mistakes along the way, however, they almost always achieve their goals.

It cannot be said that they are constant in their interests; on the contrary, they can at some point give up the business they have started and switch to another that interests them more and seems more exciting and promising. Spring boys are emotional and easily excited, they are sensitive and can be touchy, although they do not remember insults for long, they forgive easily, but can, on occasion, remember the insults inflicted on them.

What names are suitable for spring boys, what name for those boys who are lucky enough to be born in the spring of 2019, you ask, we answer - something sonorous and light, reeking of formality and seriousness, is good; you cannot call them sonorous and cheerful or a rude and harsh name, the second will make them even tougher and more unforgiving, and the former will give them the status of merry fellows, which is unusual for them.

Name for boys of summer 2019, born in summer

During the warmest time of the year, energetic and very active people are born, the most optimistic and positive boys, although this is actually controversial issue. Babies born in the summer are filled with ebullient energy; they are always on the move and never sit idle, are busy with something and give no rest to anyone.

Summer boys are not only active, they are also able-bodied and ready to do anything to keep themselves busy. They are sociable and friendly, responsive and decent, and easily establish new contacts with friends. They like sports and any contact games, they are drawn to knowledge, so on the one hand it’s easy with them, because they are always busy, but on the other hand, they need constant supervision.

It is not difficult to understand what name to give to a year-old boy, what name to give to a baby born in the summer of 2019; a beautiful and sonorous, but at the same time firm name, a little official and responsible, will suit him perfectly. It is impossible to call a year-old boy a harsh name, as well as one that is too light and too sonorous; choose something from neutral names that affirm him and elevate him in your own eyes.

Name for boys in autumn 2019, born in autumn

In the fall, smart, responsible and sensible people are born, quite intelligent and very intelligent. Autumn boys look at the world realistically, reason soberly and almost never make fatal mistakes. They are responsible and prudent, keep their word, but are calculating and selfish, and can go towards their life goals in a not entirely honest way.

Boys born in the fall are constant, but you can’t rely on them, for them the main thing is their own interests, so you can’t trust them. They systematically move towards the goal, almost always they get from life what they want, of course, if I am not lazy, expect gifts from fate, or count on some kind of happy occasion.

What name should I give to a boy born in the fall of 2019, what name should I give him that is beautiful, popular or rare name, of course, it’s up to the parents, but experts suggest paying attention to those names that will smooth out the intransigence and harshness of these people; light and sonorous names are good, but rude, tough and official ones will only aggravate their character, making it even more uncompromising.

How to choose a name for a boy in February 2019 if there is a dispute?

If in your family, between parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, a dispute has arisen over what name to give to a newborn boy, we offer a simple way to resolve such an issue, which has already been tested many times and, with the help of an ordinary draw, eliminates all problems .

To do this, everyone who takes part in resolving the issue needs to Name give boy born in February 2019, what name name February son - everyone must write on a piece of paper five names of the boy out of ten prepared in advance and approved by the general council.

After that, they choose two of those that appear most in these notes and conduct another vote on pieces of paper. So you will find a compromise and choose a name for the newborn boy that will suit everyone, we hope that as he grows up - all the best, approach the issue of choosing a name for the newborn very seriously and responsibly, this is very important for him.

02/01/2017 02/26/2017 by Martin

The long-awaited moment has arrived. A baby was born. Choosing a name for your future baby is not as easy as it seems to many expectant parents. Some people know even before conception what they will name their first child, while for others, even 9 months is not enough to decide on a name. After all, you want it to be consonant and beautiful. Begindisputes between a new mother and father about what to name the child in February, this small but already such an important member of the family? In order not to argue, you just need to read this article and all questions will disappear by themselves..

February is the month when creative, impartial babies are born. They are endowed with intelligence and intelligence from an early age. But sometimes February children grow up to be unbalanced, aggressive individuals.

Specialists after long research came to the conclusion that most geniuses are born in February, since the mother carried the child in the summer and autumn with an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. Normal fetal development contributed to mental formation.

Children born in February, due to the harsh climate, grow up to be serious, firm, sometimes even harsh, so you need to soften their strong character as much as possible. And a correctly chosen name will help soften it, so the question of what to name a February child is more relevant than ever.

What are boys born in February called based on the dates of the month? The meaning of names.


The name Anton has different versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Anton is a modified Russian form of the Greek name Antony. The name Antony and Anton come from the Roman family name Antoninus - a derivative of Antonius, which was borne by all the first-born boys in this family. The name Antonin is also related to Anton. The name Anton means “entering into battle,” “opposing,” “competing in strength.” According to the second version, the name Anton means “flower”, “color” - translated from the Greek “anthos”. The female names Antonina and Antonida are derived from the male name Anthony or Anton, meaning “daughter of Anthony.”


The origin of such a noble, beautiful name as Arseny (Arsen) has its roots in Ancient Greece and Byzantium. But it also has connections with Russian, Catholic, Orthodox culture. Currently considered uncommon and even old-fashioned. The meaning of the name translated from Greek means “decisive”, “courageous”, “courageous”, “strong”, “mature”.




There are several options for the origin of the male name Mark. According to one version, the name comes from the French word marquis and is translated as “marquis.” Other researchers believe that it was formed from the Greek name Markos, which in turn came from the Latin marcus and means “hammer.” The version about the connection with the god of war, Mars, looks no less convincing.



The name Peter is of ancient Greek origin, translated as “stone”, “rock”, also interpreted as “solid”, “reliable”, “unshakable”. From the male name Peter the female name Peter (Pietra, Piera) was formed, and among the Slavic peoples you can also find Petran and Petria. The name Peter has many analogues. Catholic name days can be found at the analogue of the name Peter - Pedro.


The name Savva has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Savva is translated from the ancient Aramaic “sava”, “saba” means “old man, elder, sage”. According to the second version, the name Savva is short form named Sabbatios (Savvatios, later Savvaty), meaning “Saturday”. The name Savva is a diminutive term for a man named Savely. There is a spelling of the name Savva with one letter “v” - Sava.


The male name Theodore is of Latin origin. Its meaning when translated into Russian sounds like “gift of God”, “messenger of God”. This is a foreign language analogue of the name Fedor.


Name Fedor Greek origin, the modern form of the name Theodoros (Theodoros, Theodoros), formed from two semantic parts “theos, pheos” (“god, deity”) and “doron” (“gift, gift”). Therefore, the name Fedor in translation means “given by God,” “God’s gift.” The ecclesiastical form of the name is Theodore. The name Fedor (Theodore) is considered Christian, as it began to be used as a personal name among the first Christians. But in fact, the name Theodore was borne, for example, by the ancient Greek mathematician Theodore of Cyrene, who lived at the end of the fifth - beginning of the sixth centuries BC. Many monarchs and spiritual figures bore the name Fedor.


The Byzantine male name Efim appeared in the Russian name book with the adoption of Christianity. It comes from the ancient Greek name Euthumios (Eufemios), derived from the word "euthymos" ("euphemos") and meaning "pious", "benevolent", "noble", "benevolent", "who augurs well". Initially it was considered a colloquial form of Euthymius. Now these are two independent male names that have common Greek roots.


The male name Zachar (colloquial - Zechariah, old - Zechariah) comes from the Hebrew Zechariah (Zechariahu) and means “remembrance of the Lord”, “The Lord remembered” (“Yahweh remembered”), “memorial of the Lord”, “remembered by the Lord”, “remembering the Lord” " It is popular not only in Russia, it is also called for boys in Georgia and Armenia.


The male name Lawrence is of Latin origin. It was derived from the Roman family name Laurentius and means “Laurentian,” “resident of the city of Laurentius” (an ancient city in Italy). In a figurative sense, it is given the meaning of “Roman”, “Latin”. There is also a version about the origin of the name from the Latin word “laurus”, which means “laurel”, but it is unlikely.

a lion

The male name Leo has several versions of its origin. According to the first, it was formed from the Latin word “leo” - “lion”. Translated from Greek, it also means “lion”, “king of beasts”. In the Middle Ages, this strong, powerful and invincible animal had the meaning of a kind of symbol of return to life. There was a belief that little lion cubs were born dead and came to life thanks to the paternal breath of the leader of the lion pride. The true origin of the name is associated with this strong, temperamental and wise animal.


Pavel is a common male name in the 60-70s in Russia and is gradually gaining popularity at the present time. It has Latin roots and means “small”, “junior”, “insignificant”, “baby”, “modest”. The origin of the name is due to the fact that in Latin families both father and son were called the same. In order to distinguish them, they began to use the prefix “Paulus” for the child. According to another version, this was the name given to boys who were born later than everyone else.


The male name Valerian (also found in the form Valerian) comes from the Latin possessive adjective valerius, meaning “descendant of Valerius.” The Valerii were an ancient Roman patrician family. In addition, in ancient Roman mythology Valerianus is an epithet of Mars. The name is derived from valeo, translated from Latin as “to be strong”, “healthy”.


The name Eugene translated from Greek means “noble”; this name can be literally translated as “with good genes.” From the male name a female name was formed - Evgenia. In Russia, the names Evgeniy and Evgeniya began to be widely used in the 19th century. This is how the nobles began to call their children, but they used the name Eugene mainly in the French manner - Eugene (later the modern diminutive Zhenya appeared from it) or in the English version - Eugene.


The name Ivan (John, Yochanan) is of biblical origin and Hebrew roots. Translated from Hebrew it means “God’s favor”, “God’s mercy”, “merciful of God”. In Latin, the name Ivan is read as Ivan. The name Ivan is the most Russian name. In Russia, until 1917, among peasants, almost every fourth man bore the name Ivan. During the Great Patriotic War The Germans called all Russians that way. It has also become widespread among other peoples of the world.


Elijah is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Eliyahu, meaning “My God is the Lord,” and can also be translated as “believer.” Another interpretation is that the name Elijah comes from the name Elijah, which means “the strength of the Lord” and “the power of God.” The name Ilya has many European analogues - Elijah, Eliash, Eli (emphasis on the first syllable), Ilyas.


The male name Maxim has Latin roots. Its origin is associated with the Roman family name Maximus, which means “majestic”, “large”, “greatest”. Many historical figures bore this name, and it is also mentioned in Orthodox church calendars.


The male name Gabriel is of Hebrew origin. It was formed from the name Gabriel and translated into Russian means “strong man of God”, “God’s warrior”, “supporter of God”, “helper of God”. The folk form is Gavrila. This name was borne by one of the seven archangels.


The proud and beautiful male name George comes from the ancient Greek name Georgios, which in turn was formed from the word “georgos”, meaning “cultivator of the land”, that is, “farmer”. Today it is not very fashionable and is not particularly popular among newborn children.


The name Egor is a Russian version of the Greek name George, so it also means “farmer.” The name Egor was formed by rearranging the initial sound “g”, which was difficult to pronounce for Russian people. The name Yegor was colloquial, in contrast to the name Yuri, which is also a form of the name Georgy, which was more often used among the nobility and educated classes in the 17th - 19th centuries.


The Byzantine male name Efim appeared in the Russian name book with the adoption of Christianity. It comes from the ancient Greek name Euthumios (Eufemios), derived from the word "euthymos" ("euphemos") and meaning "pious", "benevolent", "noble", "benevolent", "who augurs well". Initially it was considered a colloquial form of Euthymius. Now these are two independent male names that have common Greek roots.


The name Ivan (John, Yohanan) is of biblical origin and Hebrew roots. Translated from Hebrew it means “God’s favor”, “God’s mercy”, “merciful of God”. In Latin, the name Ivan is read as Ivan. The name Ivan is the most Russian name. In Russia, until 1917, among peasants, almost every fourth man bore the name Ivan. During the Great Patriotic War, the Germans called all Russians this way. It has also become widespread among other peoples of the world.


“God will increase” (biblical). The name is literally translated as “he will increase,” but often in ancient Israel the pronoun “He” replaced the name of God, so as not to once again mention his name in vain. In Rus', the name Joseph was transformed into its popular form Osip.


The male name Leonty is of ancient Greek origin. It was formed from the name Leontios, which in turn arose from the word “leonteios”. The meaning of the name translated into Russian is “lion”.


The name Makar is of Greek origin, derived from the ancient Greek “makarios”, meaning “blessed”, “blessed”. IN ancient greek mythology“makarios” is one of the epithets of Zeus, and in the Russian name book there is another name with a similar initial etymology - Felix. The church form of the name is Macarius. The name Makar is also considered a short form of the full name Makarius. The colloquial form is Macareus.


Nikolai is a good name, reliable and a little stern. It is derived from the ancient Greek name Nikolaos and translated means “lord of nations” (“nika” - victory and “laos” - people). It was widespread in the last century, but gradually became rare. Currently, it is beginning to gain popularity again.


The name Peter is of ancient Greek origin, translated as “stone”, “rock”, also interpreted as “solid”, “reliable”, “unshakable”. From the male name Peter the female name Peter (Pietra, Piera) was formed, and among the Slavic peoples you can also find Petran and Petria. The name Peter has many analogues. Catholic name days can be found at the analogue of the name Peter - Pedro.


The name Timothy comes from the Greek Timoteos, meaning “one who worships God.” It is considered rare and even old-fashioned, but is currently popular with young parents.


The male name Emmanuel has Hebrew roots and means “God with us” (its original pronunciation was Immanuel). It is very important for Christians, as it is considered the second name of Jesus Christ. This name can be found in many countries of the world in the sounds Immanuel, Emanuel, Manuel. In Russia, the name Emmanuel is not widespread, but sometimes occurs, especially among Jews.

C. R. Darwin, I. A. Krylov, A. Schopenhauer, V. Hugo, G. F. Handel, D. I. Mendeleev, F. Mendelssohn, E. Taylor - all these, and many other, famous personalities were born in the last month of winter - February. This is the shortest month of the year, which, for some parents, may be the most awaited.

Very often, parents know what they will name their baby even before he is born. This is not surprising, because choosing a name is a very exciting process in which all relatives participate.

Many parents choose the names they like for their child. But other circumstances may also influence this choice. For example, children are often named after someone, given names according to the Saints. All this is quite important, so it requires attention and time.

Thus, we would like to offer you another way that can help you choose a name for your baby. In this case, you need to pay attention to the month of birth of the child.

February children

Children born in February soon stand out for their intellectual abilities. An unusual approach to a problem of interest, an extraordinary way of thinking, a desire to learn something new - all this is characteristic of such a child. He shows his creative abilities no less often than others, because he is active and always ready for adventure.

At the same time, such children are always very friendly. They cannot imagine their life without comrades, communication with whom will bring pleasure every day. February babies will always come to the aid of their loved one and will do everything in their power to make their loved ones happy.

Thanks to their well-developed intellect, logic and intuition, such children will not sit on the sidelines when problems are being solved. They are quite convincing, so they can influence the course of events. In a team, most often they make their opinion authoritative right away.

A good memory and great physical abilities give such a child the opportunity to excel in all his endeavors.

Despite this, February babies have quite significant shortcomings in their character. They cannot afford to forget deceit and resentment, therefore, they almost always show their vindictiveness and rancor. Also, striving for a certain success, we often forget about boundaries. Thus, they will take any action that will give the expected result.

Source: instagram @kuksphotoTwins

Such children perceive criticism very poorly from both strangers and loved ones. In such cases, they will do anything to prove that they are right. They can be selfish, harsh and straightforward. Such qualities manifest themselves depending on a specific situation.

Names for boys born in February

Anton, Ivan, Victor, Peter, Maxim, David, Alexander, Nikolay, Vitaly, Georgy, Alexey, Konstantin, Timofey, Fedor, Semyon, Valentin, Yuri, Valery, Grigory, Philip, Makar, Evgeny, Vsevolod, Dmitry, Arseny.

Names for girls born in February

Vera, Margarita, Natalya, Veronica, Nadezhda, Irina, Alisa, Christina, Anna, Ekaterina, Inna, Milena, Ksenia, Olga, Zhanna, Svetlana, Galina Sofia, Asya, Valentina, Elizaveta, Emma, ​​Maria, Polina, Alina.

When choosing a particular name, you should additionally find out what character traits your baby may soon manifest.

Note the old tradition of naming children after Saints. It is believed that such a choice can affect the fate of the baby. Bearing the name of a saint, a child receives his strength and holiness, and therefore is always protected from troubles and failures.

Source: instagram @kuksphotoTwins

Saints names for children born in February

Boys born in February have a complex, unpredictable character. In order for a child to be able to more fully reveal his positive character traits, parents need to give him a name that would bring him.

What to name your son?

There are several basic principles for choosing a name for. By adhering to them, parents will be able to name their child a happy name, which will fully correspond to his character and will bring success in the future.

  • The name should be euphonious, memorable and easy to pronounce. You shouldn’t show your individuality and originality through your child’s name. Eliminate from possible options those that cause ambiguous associations and conflicting feelings.
  • The son's name should form a beautiful middle name. The moment will come when the baby grows up and becomes a father himself, which means his name will become the patronymic for his child. Make sure that the middle name is harmonious in pronunciation and sound.
  • If you already have some names in mind, start pronouncing them in combination with your last and middle names. Choose the most harmonious one from all possible options.
  • You should not name a boy after his father, grandfather or other relative.. Always remember that your baby is an individual, which means his name should be different from the names of his ancestors.

February children: what are they like?

If you choose for your son based on the month of his birth, then you should adhere to two principles: selection based on the nature of the month and zodiac sign.

In February, people with difficult and unpredictable characters are born. They are emotional, impulsive, but at the same time courageous and persistent. They often rush from one extreme to another, act first and think later. The desire for leadership leads them to success in life. But often February people hide their true motives and desires, becoming eminence grises. Their methods of fighting and doing business are mysterious, unpredictable and veiled.

They are driven by ideas, ideals and goals. They know how to stand up for themselves and express their point of view. Don't be afraid to be incomprehensible and unrecognized. They are distinguished by the desire for independence, self-improvement and freedom.

To soften the strong character and excessive impulsiveness of a child born in February, parents should choose names whose meaning will reflect gentleness, generosity, generosity, prudence, calmness and responsiveness.

Choosing a name according to the horoscope

Born in February Aquarius(from January 20 to February 19) and Fish(from February 20 to March 20).

Since childhood they have been very disobedient and stubborn. They are distinguished by ingenuity, quick wit and out-of-the-box thinking. They retain these qualities, as a rule, throughout their lives. They are attracted to everything new, unknown and mysterious. These are innovative people who come into this world to change it. The following names are suitable for representatives of this sign: Adam, Vladimir, Denis, Ivan, Stepan, Felix, Yuri, Roman, Ruslan, Arthur, Victor.

– sincere, sensual and dreamy natures. They have a different vision of the world and the people around them. Possessing well-developed intuition and the desire to stand out from the crowd, they often achieve success in creativity, literary activity, science and social work. Names such as Evgeny, Rostislav, Yuri, Gabriel, Marat, Vadim, Trofim, Vladislav will bring good luck to Pisces boys.

Church calendar

In order for the child to receive the blessing of his guardian angel along with the name, mom and dad often select it according to the church calendar. Every day is a day of veneration of several saints, after whom it is customary to name newborn children.

  • 1st of February– Anton, Nikolai, Peter, Mark.
  • 2 numbers Memorial Day of Leo and Paul.
  • 3 - Name days are celebrated by Maxim, Valery, Ilya, Ivan.
  • 4 – newborns are named Ivan, Makar, Peter, Yakov.
  • 5th number- Gennady, Fedor.
  • 6th– Denis, Pavel, Timofey.
  • 7 – Stepan, Peter, Dmitry, Vladimir, Boris, Anatoly, Alexander.
  • 8 - Peter, Joseph, David.
  • 9th Ivan and Dmitry are remembered.
  • 10th is a memorable date for Ignat, Yuri, Vladimir.
  • 11 – Roman, Ignat, Konstantin.
  • 12th the newborn can be named Peter, Maxim, Vladimir or Vasily.
  • 13 – Victor, Nikita, Ilya.
  • 14 – Semyon, Nikola, Davyd.
  • 15 - Mikhail's memorial day.
  • 16th– John, Nikola, Andrey.
  • 17 – Alexy, Yuri, Kirill, Sergius, Methodius.
  • 18 - Anton and Mikhail's angel day.
  • 19 – Maximilian, Alexander, Dmitry.
  • 20 - Alexey, Peter.
  • 21st Name days are celebrated by Zakhar, Peter, Savely, Sergey, Fedor, Alexander, Andrey.
  • 22 - Gennady, Ivan.
  • 23 - Day of Remembrance of Saints Prokhor and Valery.
  • 24 – Vsevolod, Timofey (Dmitry), Gabriel.
  • 25 - Evgeniy, Anton.
  • 26th They commemorate the saints and great martyrs Paul, Basil, Michael, Leonidas, Stefanius.
  • 27 – Abraham, Miron, Mikhail, Fedor, Kirill.
  • 28 – , Semyon, Mikhail.
  • 29 – Daniel, Pavel, Ilya.

Before giving your son the name of an apostle or other saint, parents are advised to familiarize themselves with his life to have an idea of ​​him and his benefactors during his lifetime.

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