Letters nn in adverbs. Spelling n-nn in adverb suffixes

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech is included in the Unified State Exam in Russian for Grade 11 (task 14).

The number of letters H in the suffix depends on the part of speech of the word.

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in suffixes of denominative adjectives

One H is written in suffixes:

  • -AN- and -YAN- (clay, sand, etc.), except for exceptions: glass, tin, wood;
  • -IN- possessive adjectives (ant, mouse, etc.).

Double H is written:

  • if the adjective is formed from a noun with a stem ending in H, using the suffix -H- (foggy, valuable, etc.), with the exception of: young, ruddy, porky, zealous, tanned, blue, green, crimson;
  • in the suffixes -ONN- and -ENN- (lecture, countless, etc.), except for the exception: windy (however, windless - with the prefix HH).

It is necessary to distinguish between the suffixes -ENN- and -YAN-: The suffix -YAN- is usually present in the word simultaneously with the stressed ending -OY (herbal, windy, etc.), except for words formed from nouns ending in -MYA (seed, nominal, tribal, etc.).

It is also necessary to distinguish between the adjectives oily (verbal, meaning “with oil on the surface”) and oily (denominated, meaning “made from oil”): oily frying pan (covered with oil) and oil cream (made on the basis of oil).

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives

To determine the number of letters H in the suffix, you need to use the algorithm:

  1. Determine the type of verb from which the participle or verbal adjective is formed (ask a question to the verb: if the question is “what to do?”, then the type is imperfect, if the question is “what to do?”, then the type is perfect. You can also check the form of the verb in another way: if the verb (and the participle or verbal adjective, respectively) has any prefix, except for NOT- and SEMI-, then the aspect is perfect, otherwise the aspect is imperfect):
    • If the species is perfect, -НН- is written in the suffix (soaked, fried, etc.);
    • If the view is imperfect, go to step 2;
  2. Check if the participle or verbal adjective has dependent words:
    • If there is, then -НН- is written in the suffix (fried in oil, etc.);
    • If not, then go to step 3;
  3. Check if the participle or verbal adjective has the suffix -OVA- or -ЁВА-:
    • If there is, then the suffix is ​​\u200b\u200bwritten -НН- (pickled, seconded, etc.);
    • If not, then -Н- is written in the suffix (fried, wounded, etc.).

It is worth remembering the spelling of the following words and phrases:

  • with one H: forged, chewed, pecked, smart, rabid, dowry, named brother, planted father, forgiveness Sunday, melted butter, patched-patched (and similar words);
  • with double H: unexpected, unexpected, unseen, unheard of, desired, cutesy, unexpected, counted, seen, heard, done, seen, unexpected, sacred, slow, offended, decided, deprived, captivated, abandoned, said, given, let in, forgiven, promised , bought, inspired, heated house.

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in suffixes of short participles and adjectives and adverbs

The number of H depends on the part of speech:

  • Short participles always have one N in the suffix (they answer the questions “what is done (o / a / s)?”, “what is done (o / a / s)?” Is there a dependent word or is it implied, a short participle can be replaced by verb in a sentence): he is confident in a friend;
  • Short verbal adjectives have as many N in the suffix as there are in the full form (they answer the question “what (o / a / s)?”): she was confident and proud;
  • Adverbs ending in -O, formed from adjectives or participles, have as many N in the suffix as there are in the adjective or participle from which they are formed (answer the question "how?"): he felt confident.

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in noun suffixes

If a noun is formed from a noun with a stem ending in H, using suffixes:

  • -NICK- or -NITs-, then -НН- is written in the word (admirer, admirer, etc.);
  • -OST-, then -Н- is written in the word (laziness, etc.).

If a noun is formed from an adjective or participle with a stem ending in H using the suffixes -IK-, -IC-, -OST-, then it has as many Hs in the suffix as there are in the adjective or participle from which it is formed: smoked meat (from "smoked"), confusion (from "tangled"), etc.

Recognition algorithm " H or HH write in words"involves the ability to determine:

  1. Part of speech analyzed word (adjective, participle, noun, adverb);
  2. grammatical form in which it is used (full or short);
  3. Part of speech generating word ( the word from which the analyzed is formed ), and if it is a verb, then its view ;
  4. Availability dependent words .

In nouns, adverbs, and compound adjectives, write as many H, how many in the original word. First find the generating word, then work according to the algorithm: dumpling - boiled - cook (non-native view); confused (reply) - confused confuse (non-native view); confusing (think) - confusing - confuse (owl view), freshly frozen - ice cream - freeze (non-state view), non-frozen - frozen - (not) freeze (non-state view).

Remember: you need to find the adjective or participle closest in meaning.

Do not jump over a step - do not form a noun or adverb immediately from a verb or noun: oilman derived from oil (oil industry worker), but oil already from oil . According to the laws of word formation, all adverbs in -ABOUT derived from adjectives ( restrained - restrained and so on.)

Н and НН in full forms of participles and adjectives

The most difficult thing is to distinguish between H - HH in full forms adjectives and participles. Here, the distinction between adjectives and participles is not essential: the sequence of actions and the result for both are the same.

Exceptions for the specified algorithm:

  1. N - windy (But: windless ), dowry, young, ruddy, crimson, pig (non-derivative words);
  2. NN - glass, pewter, wood , unheard of, unseen, (not) seen, unexpected, unexpected, desired, sacred, slow, read, read, given, cursed (from obsolete okayati \u003d condemn, owl. type), unexpected, inadvertent, imperishable, cutesy, done and some others.
  3. With one H they are also written possessive adjectives (answer the question whose?) with a base on -N: sheep, pheasant, crow, wild boar.
  4. Verb hurt - the so-called two-species: it can appear in a sentence in the meaning of both the perfect and imperfect species. In order to correctly write Н-НН (with the exception of particularly difficult cases), it is enough to work with it as with an imperfective verb: a wounded soldier - a wounded soldier, wounded in a shootout, seriously wounded, seriously wounded.
  5. Adjectives differ oil (derived from the noun oil + -yan-; meaning "for oil, from oil, on oil" (oil stain, oil paints, oil pump) and oily in the meaning of “soaked, oiled”, formed from the imperfective verb to oil (remember, before H-NN the vowel And the infinitive changes to E): butter porridge, butter pancake, butter week (Shrovetide), and also figuratively - oily eyes (eyes that shine as if soaked in oil). Compare also: windy man - chicken pox, windmill; salty mushroom (from the verb to salt) - hydrochloric acid.

Н and НН in short forms of participles and adjectives

The short form is the most common passive past participles (abandoned - abandoned, abandoned, abandoned) and adjectives (cheerful - cheerful, cheerful, fun).

The spelling of Н and НН in participles and adjectives is quite clear and concise:

  1. short passive participles are written H;
  2. in short adjectives - as much as in full ones.

Therefore, it is only important to determine precisely what part of speech - adjective or participle - is the word .

Remember the semantic and grammatical signs that distinguish between adjectives and participles.

  1. Participle denotes an action , usually it can be replaced with a synonymous verb by "turning" the sentence or by constructing an indefinitely personal (impersonal): Barge unloaded by workers The workers unloaded the barge ; What is written with a pen - What is written with a pen.
  2. With communion, there is or you can think of dependent word in instrumental case , which denotes the producer of this action or tool: unloaded (by whom?) workers ; written(how?) pen.
  3. Those words that do not meet the two criteria described above, those. are not participles, short adjectives. Let's add for greater reliability that they answer the question what? what? , usually refer to a noun and denote quality: the girl was beautiful and well educated(a hint can be homogeneous term- short adjective beautiful).

Seeing a word with a final -ABOUT, first check if adverb whether it is (adverb refers to the verb and answers the question How? ). If yes, please write H how much in full form. If not, then see if it is a short participle or a short adjective.

Sample. He acted recklessly.. - how did you do it? reckless..o , This adverb(in the sentence it is a circumstance), therefore, I define the generating word - deliberate (from the perfective verb). Writing: thoughtlessly .

Additional materials.

Lesson topic

One two letters H in adverbs for -O and -E.

The purpose of the lesson: to form the skill of writing one and two letters H in adverbs for O and E; designing proposals according to schemes; repeat the spelling n and nn in adjectives and participles.

Equipment: cards, table by T.Ya. Frolova “Writing NOT with different parts of speech”, textbook texts.

Lesson type : assimilation of new knowledge.

During the classes.

1. Organizational stage .

2. Motivation of educational activity of students : announcement of the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Updating the basic knowledge of students.

    Checking homework: optional ,

    Question to the class:

* Talk about spelling letters o-e after the hissing words in the roots.

Support your answer with examples.

    Work on the topic of the lesson .

It makes it difficult for students to spell nn and n in various parts of speech (adjectives, participles and adverbs). In order to consciously assimilate these rules, it is necessary to pay attention to


firstly, it is necessary to teach students to correctly pose questions that are answered by words with nn and n;

secondly, to quickly find and identify the words they explain. Here is an example: in the phraseThe sea is agitated the last word answers the question what is it?, explains the noun sea, is short passive participle, varies by gender and number and is written with one letter n. INsentence A man looks excitedly into the distance wordexcitedly does not change, answers the question how?, explains the verb, is an adverb and is written with two letters nn.

4. repetition-talk : (table by T.Ya. Frolova on the board)

Let's remember when full and short adjectives have n and nn letters n? In full and short participles? Let's give examples.

5. Working with a textbook and with a table on the board about writing n and nn letters n in adverbs.

6 . Consolidation.

1. Explanatory dictation.

1). Over the steppe spilledartificial sea. (What is the sea?)

2). This man's behavior wasartificially , unnatural.

(What is the behavior?)

3). in the greenhouseartificially maintained a high temperature.

(supported how?)

4). Todaywindy day. (What day?).

5). Yesterday waswindy . (What was it like?).

6). This person didwindy , thoughtlessly . (Did how?).

The analysis is carried out as follows. The first sentence is read, the studied spelling with nn (artificial) is emphasized. The question is posed to him what?, Which is inscribed; it turns out that the word artificial is an adjective, consistent with the noun sea (show by an arc or arrow) and is written with nn, since it has the suffix -enn-.

The word artificial in the second sentence answers the question what?, explains the noun (behavior), agrees with it in gender and number, and is a short adjective. It is spelled with two n, because it was formed from an adjective with the suffix -enn-.

In the third sentence, the word does not artificially change, answers the question how?, explains the verb and is an adverb, written with two nn, as it is formed from an adjective with nn.

2 . Conclusion on the topic (done with students):

1). Full adjectives and participles answer the question what?, explain the noun, agree with it in gender, number and case, are written with nn.

2). Short adjectives and participles answer the question what? (-a, -o), explain the noun, agree with it in gender and number, the short adjective retains nn, and the short participle is written with n.

3). Adverbs formed from adjectives or from participles with nn answer the question how?, do not change, explain the verb and are written with nn; in adverbs formed from adjectives with n, only one n is written.

3. To consolidate the conclusions, the exercises of the textbook are performed at the discretion of the teacher.

4. Homework: vocabulary dictation of 20 words on the topic.

Reflection . (You can verbally, look at the time)

Distributive dictation . Distribute into three columns:

1. Full adjectives and participles answer the question which one?

2. Short adjectives and participles answer the question what?

3. Adverbs do not change, answer the question how?

Excited crowd, excited crowd, talking excitedly, moving slowly, moving slowly, reading slowly, unexpected meeting. The meeting is unexpected, stop unexpectedly, rash deed, rash deed, rashly said .............................................................. ......................




Theoretical charge

1. When it is written in adjectives nn ?
2. Name the exceptions to these rules.
3. How to distinguish a verbal adjective with a suffix -n- from communion with -nn- ?
4. What exceptions in the spelling of verbal adjectives do you know?
5. How to write suffixes with n And nn in short forms of adjectives and participles?
6. How much n written in adverbs and nouns formed from adjectives and participles?


1. Form adjectives from nouns and verbs according to the model:

leather– leather en th: sand, rye;

drum- drum n th: abuse, hurricane, pocket, fog, spring, manna, early;

clay– clay yang th: birch bark, water, tin, resin, wool, peat;

to knit– elm n th: tear, call, confuse, hew, forge, chew, cut, wash;

play around- Valya n th: winnow, solder, sow, shoot.

2. Form adjectives from these nouns, highlight the suffix.

Goose, mosquito, bee, lion, mouse, rooster, ant, nightingale, snake, guest, poplar, length, plain, antiquity, virgin lands, pig.
Infection, station, lecture, tradition, pension, exam, season, lemon, wormwood, string, desert, cast iron, crow, horse.

3. Form adjectives from nouns and verbs, select suffixes according to the model:

disease– diseases enn th.
Morning, dinner, life, thought, fire, letter, number, cranberry, straw, foliage, courage, fatherland, kinship, feeling.

enrage- besh en th.
Fell, iron, give, burn, heat, glue, boil, mow, fry, cut, injure, teach, layer.

4. Graphically explain the spelling n And nn in words:

coche n th meadow - nekoshe n oh, sloppy nn oy and koshe nn dewy meadow;
brighter nn th fence - painted - not more beautiful for a long time nn th - ugly n th;
netka n th tablecloth - fabric nn golden - weaving nn ah - a little nn and I;
wound n th warrior - wound nn th in battle - light wounded n th - early n s plow;
burn n th sugar - half burnt nn th manuscript - burn nn oh desert.

5. Conduct a selective dictation with an explanation. Write the words in two columns n And nn .

1) Old Mazai loves his lowland to passion (N. Nekrasov). 2) The road lay through a former rye field. 3) Spring entered the earth with a solemn march. 4) I was drawn to the stone buildings, where there was a smell of machine oil. 5) An early harsh winter dawn appeared through a deadly haze (A. Fadeev). 6) Neither a sledge nor an animal track was visible. 7) The sound of horse hooves was heard: they were taking the thief out of the stable n wow horse. 8) Village fenced n and the earth n shaft (L. Tolstoy). 9) Nastya was just as windy n but like her lady (A. Pushkin). 10) The night was calm nn and I.

6. Compose and write down a dictation of exception words for all cases of this topic.

7. Write off, form from these words using suffixes -ost-, -ny-, -eny- nouns, mark spellings.

8. Explain the spelling n And nn in words.

straight n hic, harder n ik, guests n ice cream n oh, travel nn ik, friend nn ik, kinship nn ik, mali nn ik, holy nn ik, brought up nn ik, uch n ik, foliage nn ita, ko nn egg, mane nn ik, ime n And nn hic, ple nn ik, put nn ik, hemp n ik, oil n hic, dry n ita, teacher n itza, puta n ita, celebration nn awn.

9. Rearrange the phrases to illustrate all possible spellings of participles.

Sample: touche n vegetables (non-common type, no dependent word, prefix); touche nn sown in a pot (c.s.); nettouche n s (prefix Not- does not affect spelling) extinguish nn th vegetables (prefix).
Kova n th chest, heavier nn bricked barge, shooting n th sleeves, wound nn th in the shoulder, name nn th in honor, seche nn hail-covered fields nn th goods.

10. Explain the spelling n And nn , indicating the word from which the compound adjective is derived: broadleaf nn oh (foliage nn oh).

Illness nn o languid look, length nn handy yu n osha, straight n o-delicate aroma, after-dinner nn th dream, fresh frost n oh meat, fresh frozen nn th fruit, female n th carpet, baby n th jacket, highly artistic nn new taste, long-awaited newborn, short journey, new institution, narrow departmental interests, useful work to society.

11. From these verbs form passive participles with prefixes and verbal adjectives without prefixes.

Sample: whiten - bleached - bleached.

Knit, glue, smoke, break, wet, wear, plow, saw, weave, scare, tear, scratch, salt, dry, sharpen, paint.

12. Insert the missing letters, find words with suffixes, highlight the suffixes.

Kame_y, svin_oy, rya_y, frosty, autumn_y, long, y_y, weighty, ra_y, so_y, template_y, beto_y, oblique, straight, ruddy_y, tribal_y, guest, revolutionary, voro_y, poga_y.

13. From given words with the help of suffixes -nick-, -awn-, -ik- form, if possible, derivative words according to the model: related- kinship nn ik, kinship nn awn.

Authentic, modern, windy, charming, masculine, lowly, skilled, artificial, economic, strange.

14. Explain the difference in the spelling of cognate words.

1) All my friends are educated nn s. Commissions already formed n s.
2) The faces of the soldiers are stern and preoccupied nn s. We were more concerned n s offset.
3) The fees were organized nn O. organizing n o good food.
4) The wool is all tangled n but a kitten. This story is confusing nn and also unclear.
5) The sea is excited n about the storm. spoke excitedly nn oh hot.

15. Express dictation (in the 1st column, write down the numbers of words with n , in the 2nd - with nn ).

1) Stir nn th paints,
2) bestse nn oh thing,
3) more colorful nn th shops,
4) glade light n A,
5) fabric n th Pattern,
6) tourists accommodation n s,
7) the commission is formed n A,
8) blush n th faces,
9) svi n hams,
10) ugly n th fabric,
11) piss n ah beauty,
12) writing notebook n A,
13) skin n th briefcase,
14) wind n th day,
15) wind n oh engine,
16) no wind nn th day,
17) scattering nn oh boy,
18) not tea nn th error.


№ 1

Exercise 1. Write short forms of the adjective next to the full form.
Sample: rosyrouge baby, rouge girl, rouge baby.

Incomparable, united, valuable, revolutionary, deserted, modern.

Task 2. Explain the spelling of words using the adjectives from which they are derived.
Sample: oil n itza - oil n th (damn).

at ease nn awn, beshe n oh shamelessly nn awn, life nn oh trust nn awn, guests n egg, wind n oh the leaves nn itza, karma nn ik, customs nn ik, kinship nn ik.

№ 2

Exercise 1. Paste n And nn , select suffixes.

Telephone conversation, table tennis, mound of earth, crane cry, hurricane warning, unreasonable lateness, skillful speaker, artificial diamond, seasonal work, target area, silver thread, wooden salt shaker.

Task 2. Form these adjectives into their short form in the feminine gender.

Unexpected, sacred, windy, deserted, long, ruddy, young, skillful, wounded, educated, artificial.

№ 3

Exercise 1. Replace these phrases with synonymous expressions, highlight suffixes.
Sample: time of revolution - revolution nn oh time.

Division commander, excursion bus, triangle with equal sides, battalion commissar, excitement of discussion, punctuation mark, collection according to tradition, day with the wind, information institute.

Task 2. Explain spelling n And nn according to the sample.
Sample: smoked n awn - smoked n th.

Smysle n awn, brought up nn ik, wiser n awn, oil n ita, chosen nn hic, fog nn awn, puta n bitch, confused nn awn, craft nn ik, yu n awn.

№ 4

Exercise 1. Turn participles into adjectives.
Sample: peche nn fish in the ashes - bake n oy fish, gilded nn th ring - gold n th ring.

Kvashe nn cabbage in a barrel, whiter nn th ceiling, melt nn oh oil, heavier nn forested barge, vymo-sche nn aya street, rane nn warrior in hand, not more beautiful for a long time nn th hair, unseeded nn oh field, plant nn bushes planted by children.

Task 2. Form adverbs from these words using the suffix -O- .

Furious, presumptuous, solemn, oily, windy, exuberant, nameless, windless, organized, thoughtful, unheard of.

№ 5

Exercise 1. Form a short form, highlight the spelling.

Tangled hair, scattered beads, recolored stockings, artwork, numerous lights, cropped hair, given words, young beings, educated youths, concentrated faces.

Task 2. Turn adjectives into passive participles by adding either a dependent word or a prefix.

Soaked apples, a wounded bird, a quilted jacket, dyed hair, salted fish, unshorn children, burnt coal, unfed cattle.

№ 6

Exercise 1. Paste n or nn explaining your choice.

More beautiful in blue; a guest planted under the icon; seated father; dowry of the bride; the streets are empty; regiment attached to the commander; swine carcasses; kingdom movements; hair that has not been dyed for a long time; smart kids.

Task 2. Write down all the exceptions on the topic " H And nn in adjectives.

№ 7

Exercise 1. Form short participles and adverbs from these verbs, make phrases and write them down.
Sample:tangle - wool is tangled n ah, talking is confusing nn O.

Organize, focus, revitalize, deserve, strain, inspire, excite, disperse, excite, condemn.

Task 2. Underline words with suffix -he N- .

Seasonal, editorial, bottomless, compositional, revolutionary, bouillon, lawful, sleepless, restless, commission, oblique, patterned, inertial, wagon, concrete, reactionary, operational.

№ 8

Exercise 1. Explain the spelling of the following words (show graphically).

Cochet n th meadow - not sloping nn th meadow
more beautiful n th product - not more beautiful for a long time nn th fence
whip nn craftsman's basket - do not weave a basket n A
purchase nn th bread - wound n th soldier
Yes nn th example - tka n th pattern
half-burnt nn th manuscript - half-wielder n th fish
ice cold n oh meat - not frozen nn th berry

Task 2. Write down the exception words on the topic " H And nn in participles and verbal adjectives.

№ 9

Exercise 1. Form adjectives from nouns and verbs given in brackets, write down phrases with them, explain graphically n or nn .

(Discussion) question, (wind) young man, (no wind) weather, (car) master, (inspiration) music, (gasify) district, (bee) wax, (make) fright, (weave) carpet, (seeds) fund, (eagle) look, (sparrow) tweet, (division) medical battalion, (do not wait) visit.

Task 2. Explain spelling n or nn.

Thinking decisions nn s (true) - all the moves of deliberation n s
The eyes are directed into the distance - the movements are striving nn s (resolute)
paper direction n s to the court - move in the direction nn O

№ 10

Exercise 1. Form participles and adjectives from verbs.
Sample: whiten - white n oh, not white for a long time nn walls.

Ferment, mow, pave, melt, cool, drown, teach.

Task 2. Explain the spelling as follows: weaving nn golden handkerchief(there is a dependent word).

Hidden nn oh ice cream n oh, confused nn oh shit, shit n oh story, u n chess player, history of confusion nn ah, undecided nn th task, no n th material, golden n th thread. unsolved nn oh secret, layer n th pie, boiling n ah water.

№ 11

Exercise 1. Insert the missing letters, distribute in two columns with n And nn .

Embarrassed young osha, mad dog, skilled worker, forged grating, work done, crane cry, eye frames, smart kid, unplowed fields, sun-dried mushrooms, wind engine, windless weather, wounded finger, wished day.

Task 2. Write short participles and adjectives next to full participles and adjectives.

Baked fish -
sown field -
sacred oath -
desired holidays -
slow movements -
wind-scattered clouds
focused faces -
scattered students -
trusted friends -

№ 12

Exercise 1. Write off, inserting letters, explaining spellings.

The faces of the sailors are worried and serious; sauerkraut; we are limited in time; went out organized_o; concern about the patient's condition; pickled cucumbers in a barrel; behave with restraint; adolescents are unbalanced and quick-tempered; imbalance and incontinence; unbaked bread; bride_about dowry; baked pumpkin; tanks attached to the regiment.

Task 2. Make up and write down sentences or phrases with the words:

brought up n s - brought up nn s, isolated n s - isolated nn s, sleeping n s - soldering nn s, scattering n s - scattering nn s, holding back n s - restrain nn s.

Control vocabulary dictation

Green forest, oil engine, butter pancake, tin soldier, red dawn, windy day, burnt sugar, unexpected success, spoiled child, pig's tail, chewed - chewed leaf, shod horse, unexpected success, come unexpectedly, unprecedented dawn, unheard of message, slow move, bride's dowry, non-woven tablecloth, smart kid, half-dried fish, long-awaited visit, leather cloak, freshly painted fence, gullible beast, windmill, incessant rain, burnt letter, broken line, boiled water, valuable remark, artificial honey, baked apple, half-milked cows, hail-cut fields, named brother, wounded in the chest, a strange case, a virgin harvest, a short history, a millionth inhabitant, true values, felted shoes, a shot sparrow, true truth, children are absent-minded and inattentive, clouds are scattered, smells of spicy saffron , a ruddy birthday girl, sagebrush thickets, a desperate young man, a wildly beating heart, state customs officers, a stamped step, a lacerated wound.

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