The naked truth about NL International. Glossary of terms NL international Nl what is pv

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

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Have you ever wondered why NL international is so incredibly popular compared to other MLM companies? One of the reasons is the competent marketing plan of the NL company.
The marketing plan includes the following very important principles:

  • allows a beginner to earn money at the very start, even without his own structure
  • creates comfortable conditions for the development of your own structure (explanation below)
  • income growth does not occur linearly, i.e. when you achieve a certain result, your income increases much more than your work result increases
  • famous bonuses: auto bonus, president's school, etc.
  • income is not strictly dependent on your mentor
  • product. It is of great importance and in this case it is environmentally friendly and of high quality

Marketing plan structure

The NL structure has five levels and 13 qualifications (statuses). Steps are a kind of logical division career ladder to understandable stages. And what bonuses and in what amount you will receive depends on your status. We emphasize that the difference in income and bonuses for different qualifications is only for , income for LO is considered the same for everyone.

Marketing plan: career ladder of qualifications.

We emphasize that Let's start in order.

Stage 1: start

According to the marketing plan of this stage, beginners receive their first income and begin to build their own structure. The objectives of this stage are to introduce the manager to the world of NL, understand the basics and make it clear that you can make money here.

First stage qualifications: manager - master - master elite - star

The structural income (per group volume) of each qualification is calculated according to the table below. We described in more detail how it is calculated in the article: .

marketing plan: stage 1

As we see, the income from bonuses from your team’s GO will be limited by your still small structure. At this stage, income from LO will be comparable to income from the marketing plan.

Stage 2: growth

Being in the second stage, the marketing plan tells you that you can increase your income not only by increasing your personal and group volumes, but also by growing new “Stars” in your structure. Therefore, it is beneficial for the mentor that everything works out for you and that you, as his mentee, also climb the career ladder. This is what we see in the table below:

level 2 for diamond qualifications

Second stage qualifications: star - 1 star - 2 star - ds - dt - dt1 - dt2 - dt3 - dt4 - dt5

Starting from the second stage and 2 stars qualification, you have the right to a free Mercedes, more details in our article “auto bonus: Mercedes from NL”.

Stage 3: expansion

The point is this: you yourself are already at least a diamond tutor, your structure already has its own stars. All that remains is to expand the team and generate income from the entire structure.

Stage 4: strengthening

The appearance of another bonus in sources of income.

Conditions: confirmation of qualifications from DS and above within a quarter (three months).

Bonus: 1% of the company’s turnover in Russia and the CIS is distributed in equal shares among participants who have fulfilled the 4th stage condition. This is quite a lot of money, considering that the trade turnover is more than a billion rubles.

Stage 5: stability

It's also known as the NL Millionaires' Club. Club members share 1% of the total NL trade turnover (all countries are taken into account) among themselves. Considering that the millionaires’ club includes a very limited number of people, and they share the international income, it’s scary to imagine what kind of bonus they receive at this level.

Let's sum it up

We examined the marketing plan of the NL company and clearly saw that it provides for all the principles stated at the beginning. Having completed just 1/3 of the career ladder, you can already get a Mercedes, not to mention financial well-being.

But, it would be too good to be true if it were simple. It is difficult to develop not only in a network business, but even in your profession, going from junior staff to chief specialist is a difficult task that requires your own marketing plan.

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IDC(i distribution company) is a remuneration system in the NL structure. Describes the conditions for receiving and the amount of profit only for personal volume (turnover).

IDC+ is a reward system for promoting a product on the market. Describes the conditions for receiving and the amount of payments for the achievements of your team.

LO— this is personal volume or trade turnover. Equal to the number of PV for which you personally made purchases, as well as clients who purchased using your ID or client card.

GO is the group volume. Equal to the sum of the PV of the personal volumes of the managers you brought into the NL business.

Lateral volume is the group size of your team, excluding your first line.

Delta account- this is an internal account in the NL system, intended only for product purchases, cannot be withdrawn.

STAR— this is the maximum qualification of the partner in the first block.

D.S.- this is a diamond star (diamond star) qualification of a partner.

D.T.- this is a diamond tutor (diamond mentor) one of the maximum qualifications of a partner.

Where does the money come from?

You can earn money in three directions:

personal selling, mentor bonus and structure building.

Personal selling

Personal sales - personal volume (LO) - purchases to your number id 007-000000.

You get the biggest reward from top products that really work:

  • Energy diets
  • Energy diet smart
  • Energy Pro
  • Detox
  • Energy Slim

Pv (point volume) – internal unit of measurement of turnover. Considering that the company has international status and covers different countries and currency, then the results are calculated using this pv. So that at the end of the month you don’t measure in jars, shampoos, teas, protein - you measure it in pv.

When we started the business, we did 80% of our turnover only on Energy Diet. Therefore, many still associate the NL company exclusively with Energy Diet. The company is developing, a line of quality products is being produced, and now trade turnover can be made on other products: protein, programs for weight loss and cleansing the body, teas, household and laundry products, cosmetics. You can view the entire list of products in the online store.

All these payments are available with 200 pv per month to your id. As a result, in addition to product rewards, for 200 pv you receive:

  • 5000 in money
  • 3000 – to the gift account.

This is repeated for every 200 points.

Or you can withdraw all payments in cash if you are active at 70 pv within 3 months. But making 200 pv monthly is more profitable. And you need to teach this to your managers.

You won’t earn millions with this approach, of course. But, as you can see, it’s easy to earn 10-30-50 thousand rubles or more.

Mentor Bonus

It didn’t exist before; if it had existed, many would have immediately built structures, rather than engaging in personal sales alone.

The essence of the mentor bonus is simple: for every registered manager under you who bought products from 20 pv, you receive a reward. So for 20 pv - 280 rubles, for 35 pv - 490 rubles, for 50 pv - 700 rubles, and for 70 pv - 980 rubles.

Include 10 managers in the first line who will appreciate the benefits of the product - get up to 9800 from them. The most important thing is that the mentor bonus will be available to you monthly and will only increase. The more managers in the 1st line, the greater the monthly bonus. This is great for newbies.

Structure, network, business.

Real business and serious payments come precisely from building a structure and obtaining group volume (GV) - all the points of all managers of your structure.

You need to start rejoicing when the GO reaches 3000 pv. This qualification is called Star. The structured fee is 22,000 rubles. + mentor bonuses of about 15,000 rubles. and a reward for 200 pv of personal volume is 5000 rubles. The total is about 42,000. This is a decent salary. But ordinary students achieve such results in our structure.

And the most interesting thing is that next month you don’t have to strain to earn the same amount. This situation will repeat itself: new participants will come and the check will only grow.

If you are still asking the question: “What can you buy every month for 70 PV?”, then this article is for you.

Until recently, I thought that the question of monthly activity of 70 pv (approximately 8,000 rubles) was not worth it special attention and a separate article. Until I received this comment:

A comment:

Good afternoon, Ekaterina! Tell me, if I register as a manager, does that mean I have to make a mandatory purchase of 8,000 rubles (70 pv) from the first month? And so on every month, more is possible, but not less. I looked through the products on the website and noticed that the prices were quite reasonable for buyers. And I had a question: what can you earn 8,000 thousand monthly for a family of two people, and so on every month? If, for example, household chemicals are economical in consumption, you will already purchase them once every two months. Thank God, I don’t need to lose weight. Cosmetics are also economical. How much coffee and tea can you drink in a month? If this is only due to the fact that I will simply have clients who want to purchase products without any registration, then it may be possible to invest 8,000 rubles monthly.

As it turns out, novice NL managers often have the question of how to close the month and gain 70 pv. The secret of success and development of NL business is very simple. I repeat, you just need to simply change your usual stores to a chain of stores. You will quickly meet your needs (70-200pv) and successfully learn to recommend truly high-quality and safe products.

18 – 20 pv

Indeed, many product lines in the NL company are very economical to use, such as, they replace a bunch of products, and, thanks to the concentrated formula, they can be used 5-8 times longer than conventional products:

Judging by the above, cleaning and laundry products last a very long time, so we do not consider them for purchase as a monthly activity.

Saying that you don’t need to lose weight is not a reason to refuse to purchase \, because this is, first of all, functional nutrition, which has a rich composition: vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids, a balanced content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You can read more about the composition of the Energy Diets, it will give you an understanding of why functional nutrition simply needs to be included in your diet.

32 - 34 pv

It’s not the first month that I’ve started my mornings with. In addition to the fact that the drink starts the process of losing weight, it perfectly removes toxins, excess fluid, eliminates swelling and reduces volume. If anyone didn’t know, it is the stagnation of fluid in the body that leads to the hated cellulite. For a month, 2 packs are optimal.

That's another 14 pv. In total, 32 - 34 pv are already there.

42 - 44 pv

I think every person has drinks such as tea or coffee every day. So why would you buy low-quality drinks from the corner store? Head to NL for healthy, delicious coffee that is labeled Specialty (only 10% of coffee from all over the world corresponds to this high class). Replace harmful carbonated waters with healthy, fortified fruit drinks.

With daily use, these funds are enough for just a month, so 10 pv are guaranteed. Total 55, right? I am a humanitarian, check it out 😉

65 pv

I’m not even talking about the amazing serums and day creams from the same collection, but their consumption is much longer, so I don’t include them in the monthly turnover now, but they are still bought every 2 months, so they naturally bring in their 20 pv.

Also included in monthly personal care are shower gels, body scrubs, hand creams, as well as shampoos and hair masks.

This is also about 10 pv. What do we have there? 65 pv?

75 pv

Cosmetics - trendy from, eyeliners, lip pencils and. Shadows, eyeliners and satin lipsticks from. We girls use all this every day. This is 10-20 pv. Let's take the average - 10 pv, and this is already 75 pv.

Men have their own category of men's skin care products: shaving gel, cleansing gel, shower gel, soothing aftershave balm, face cream. All this is of high quality with natural ingredients. All products are developed taking into account the needs of men's skin. And all this, according to mythical circumstances, tends to end with daily use. And also all this gives about 10 pv.

And if you play sports, you know firsthand about the benefits of protein. Even if you are not actively involved in sports, but prefer to just watch your figure, you understand the importance of protein in the body, then taking multiprotein at night instead of dinner or an evening watch will make you look beautiful.
is 100% isolate and is superior in quality to the most advertised American brand Optimum Nutrition “Gold Standard”. You can read more about Energy Pro protein and its comparison with Optimum Nutrition. Oh yes, protein also brings in at least 13-15 pv per month.

I think we're well past the 70 PV mark. Again, using a wide range of products, knowing their competitive advantages and composition, you have the opportunity to recommend them to friends and acquaintances. Who will be happy to try and use it.

In my family, even my beloved grandmothers use NL products: they drink coffee, tea, make fruit bars, adore hand creams and shampoos, and in fact believe that the creams and serums in NL are the best.
My granny received a serum from faberlic as a gift, to which she said: “It’s sticky, bitter and doesn’t absorb well, it’s just an ass to smear. Buy me the pink one for my birthday.” She doesn’t delve into the names or companies, but she remembers very well those cute pink bottles of serum and blue jars of cream from the Be Loved watercolor collection.

This is how NL international products simply enter your home and stay there forever. I hope I have fully answered the question of what you can buy with 70pv per month, not only for yourself, but also for your family and relatives. They will appreciate your choice.

Choose and use the best. All products can be ordered from. Register using the links below, join the business as a manager, or simply enjoy safe and effective products as a customer.

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