It's a vice when a person is ready. What are human vices?

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For as long as the world is worth, people in one way or another manifest their inherent personal qualities, both good and bad. Following church terminology, positive qualities can be called virtues, and negative ones - vices, but now the general concept of “moral qualities” is much more often used.

A person who is in the grip of vices often ruins not only his own life, but also the lives of other people. Do you need to fight your vices? Is it possible to deal with them? In searching for answers to these questions, someone manages to find other values ​​in life and change its quality.

What are the vices?

In Christianity, there are several main vices (sins), which give impetus to the development and manifestation of many other vices. These are: pride, greed, lust, anger, gluttony (gluttony), envy, laziness and despondency. It is worth dwelling briefly on each of them.

Pride makes a person consider himself exceptional, preventing him from asking for advice and support from his neighbor or taking advantage of sincerely offered help. Undoubtedly, everyone must rely on their own strengths to overcome circumstances, but sometimes someone's help is simply necessary, and refusing it may be perceived by another person as a disregard for his good intentions. Proud people do not see their own shortcomings, mistakes, bad character traits - everything that can “equalize” them with others.

Greed is disgusting. Those who have this vice strive for profit by any means, regardless of the legitimate interests of others, not ashamed to deceive an old man or child, without thinking about the families of those whom they ruin. One cannot expect from them to show kindness, generosity, selflessness, and it is also useless to appeal to conscience or pity. Wealth does not bring them happiness, because its accumulation does not change life for the better: something is always missing, they want to hit a new jackpot, and all thoughts are subordinated to this goal. But who did the big money help, what good deeds did it go towards? There will be no answer.

A lustful person is incapable of fidelity. He does not care about family values ​​and the feelings of the partner he is cheating on. Following the lead of vice, a person makes considerable efforts to satisfy his needs, showing miracles of resourcefulness. It is vice that guides many of his actions; he truly lives (in his understanding) only in the process of conquering or subjugating a new object of lust. But time passes, and again new impressions are required. In relation to marital relationships, concepts such as love, respect, honesty are not fundamental for a lustful person, but he does not see anything wrong with betrayal, cunning and shameless lies.

Anger clouds the mind. When people give in to anger, they lose control over themselves and the ability to think logically. This vice destroys relationships with other people, because its manifestations humiliate and repel others. Distorted facial features, an elevated tone of conversation that turns into a “blasphemy” or scandal, groundless accusations, a desire to destroy surrounding objects, an uncontrollable desire to do something in revenge on the offender - these are just a few external signs of anger. Decisions made in this state are not always adequate to the situation and can do more harm than help solve the problem.

Those who are familiar with excess in food and the feeling of satiety can tell about gluttony. Often people tell themselves that they need to eat right, stay fit and be active, but weeks pass each other, and nothing changes in life. Extra pounds accumulate, appearance and well-being deteriorate, causing negative emotions to appear, and then apathy sets in due to lack of vitality. And where does it come from if the body is busy digesting abundant food all day long, and many thoughts are connected only with the topic of nutrition. In such a state, a person is unlikely to be eager to help his neighbor or to strive for a goal, the achievement of which requires personal effort, for example, building a worthy career or self-improvement.

Envy prevents you from enjoying life. An envious person makes a lot of efforts to have more than he already has, but only in order to surpass his neighbor or colleague. This vice pushes people to meanness: gossip, slander, set up, destroy a marriage - these are the means used to “fight” the objects of envy. Those who do not have the opportunity to implement these measures torment themselves with envy, poisoning their souls with impotent malice, instead of building their own happiness.

Laziness is not at all harmless. Anyone who is lazy will find many reasons that prevent him from doing this or that, but most of them are excuses. Busyness, fatigue, opposition from other people, transport breakdown, lack of information, force majeure - there are so many excuses for inaction for a lazy person who doesn’t want to work or fulfill someone’s request. At the same time, he often himself believes that circumstances are to blame for everything, not wanting to think about the presence of a vice that prevents him from working, caring for someone, striving for something and achieving something.

Dejection is dangerous because a person stops seeing the good around him and believing in himself, which deprives him of the joy of life and hope for the best. Discouraging thoughts leave no room for optimism and slow down progress. Dejection on the face and in the eyes causes pity in interlocutors or, conversely, irritation and reluctance to communicate, because it is difficult to expect anything other than complaints from a person with such a mood. Anyone who does not fight despondency and allows it to become a habitual state of mind is not far from depression, which is even more difficult to cope with on your own.

Is it worth fighting against vices?

It is a mistake to think that vices are character traits and nothing can be done about it. It is important to remember that the main vices are accompanied by other vices - violence, cruelty, greed, wastefulness, irresponsibility, drunkenness, lies, indifference, meanness, etc. There is little that stops vicious people from pursuing their goals by any means, even criminal ones.

By realizing that he has negative moral qualities and making efforts to eradicate or diminish their manifestations, a person can become much happier and achieve a lot in life without, as they say, walking over other people’s heads.

It is difficult to independently understand the underlying reasons for your position in life; you must carefully search for sources of additional knowledge, which can be, for example, spiritual and classical literature, books by professional psychologists intended for a wide audience of readers, consultations with specialists. When learning new things about human nature, one must try to be objective towards oneself in order to understand emotions and their causes, and to sensibly assess one’s abilities and capabilities. Constant work aimed at developing and improving oneself brings, over time, excellent results, and does not allow you to mark time in search of those to blame for your own failures.

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Human vices

  1. Aries
    This zodiac sign is prone to ambition. Aries' impulses and aspirations for primacy are so great that they force them to compete everywhere and in everything. The stars advise them to slow down and try to enjoy what they already have.

  2. Taurus
    Taurus people are prone to addiction to sensual pleasures. This zodiac sign loves to pamper themselves with gourmet food and expensive things. Aries should remember that true happiness can be obtained absolutely free: by hugging a loved one, playing with a child or pet, or reading an exciting book.

  3. Twins
    Geminis are characterized by hypocrisy. These are people who think one thing, say another, and do something else. In order to achieve their goals, they often sin with two-faced statements. This often leads to promotion up the career ladder.

  4. Cancer
    Some representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign are guilty of adultery. Adultery is a serious sin! The stars advise Cancers not to commit rash actions that they will later regret.

  5. a lion
    Pride is the worst enemy of all Leos. This zodiac sign needs to get rid of the bad habit of putting themselves above other people. After all, the more a person exalts himself, the more painfully he will fall. Some representatives of this sign are disdainful of communicating with people from another circle, fearing to become burdened. This is a big mistake, since spirituality is manifested in the openness of the heart to one's neighbor.

  6. Virgo
    This zodiac sign is a fan of gossiping behind others' backs. The stars advise all Virgos to be careful with their statements, or better yet, to moderate their criticism towards people.

  7. Scales
    Idleness is what this zodiac sign is guilty of. Excessive passion for parties and relaxation can negatively affect the quality of life of Libra. Representatives of the air sign should learn to know the limits of pleasure and try to bring into this life something more valuable than an ephemeral feeling of idleness.

  8. Scorpion
    Unbridled passion or lust is characteristic of some representatives of this zodiac sign. The stars advise Scorpios to avoid temptations in order to get rid of this sin. Frequent noisy parties, feasts and alcohol abuse lead to spiritual exhaustion. Scorpios should focus their energy on studying, traveling or playing sports.

  9. Sagittarius
    Idle talk is the sin of all Sagittarius. They love to pour from empty to empty, and also tell stupid jokes in a large company. You have to get rid of this bad habit, otherwise they simply won’t take you seriously.

  10. Capricorn
    Greed for money - almost all Capricorns are guilty of this. For the sake of material wealth, they are able to work a lot and hard without a break for rest. Like Taurus, Capricorns should remember the joys of life that can be obtained for free: love, friendship, hugs, smiles.

  11. Aquarius
    Disobedience is the main trait and vice of all Aquarians. Many are proud of this quality, denying authorities and other people's opinions. Often disobedience leads to a person becoming stupid, listening only to his own dogmas. Aquarians should share the opinions of other people if they do not want to remain outside of society.

  12. Fish
    The sin of undiscovered talents is the main problem of Pisces on the path to a happy life. Many representatives of this zodiac sign spend their best years doing unloved work, instead of devoting time and a little effort to what they love. Pisces should listen to their inner voice and develop hidden talents, making this world more beautiful!

Each of us is endowed with human qualities, both good and bad. I suggest you get acquainted with the most unpleasant, and sometimes simply unbearable, qualities inherent in some “individuals”.

So, the main vices of man

1. Indifference- the worst trait of human character, expressed in the lack of the ability to empathize, the manifestation of callousness towards the sorrows and troubles of other people. It is this indifferent attitude that gives rise to a feeling of permissiveness and impunity in dishonest people. Hence many murders and other crimes.

2. Deceit - or lying for the sake of one’s own selfish goals. Not caring about a deceived person or considering him a fool because he believes a lie. As a rule, this vice is inherent in a mediocre, gray personality.
“Having lied once, he will lie forever.” Avoid such "people".

3. Corruption - a well-disguised human vice. Manifests itself in special life situations when protection or support is required. Such “people” are very disadvantaged in terms of morality and humanity and NOT only, these subhumans are at a level much lower than even animals, because animals have NO corruption.

4. Boring - inability to build relationships with people and even with oneself. Because of their “limited” souls and minds, such people, even when alone with themselves, cannot find a worthy occupation for themselves.

5. Animality - “life”, to please one’s whims and animal instincts, namely; spectacle, food, sex, self-interest, alcoholism, idleness, sleep, etc.

6. Greed - an uncontrollable thirst to save, to own as much material wealth as possible and a reluctance to share your wealth with anyone. People with this quality should not be expected to show even the slightest gesture of generosity.

7. Hypocrisy - the ability of a person who does not have a drop of sincerity to take a position that is expelled for himself. It manifests itself in the ability to put on a suitable “mask” of pretense at the right moment in order to look better in the eyes of others than he really is, without exposing his own base essence.

8. Envy - manifestation of a negative attitude in the form of hostility and hostility towards people who have reached greater heights than the envious person himself. Someone else's well-being clouds the mind, giving rise to a feeling of one's own inadequacy.

9. Cruelty - a terrible personality trait, expressed in the need to cause suffering to living beings (people, animals) of both a moral and physical nature. Moreover, at the same time, a cruel person experiences a feeling of satisfaction at the sight of other people’s suffering.

10. Anger - a hostile manifestation of anger, irritation and ill will towards someone. Often accompanied by not entirely adequate aggressive behavior.

11. Trick - the ability to pretend, deceive and dodge in any situation while achieving personal goals in any way, regardless of generally accepted canons.

12. Selfishness - overestimation of one's own importance. Expressed in a disdainful attitude towards the interests of others, his own interests are above all.

13. Impudence - a manifestation of disrespect and contempt for the interlocutor, accompanied by frank attempts to provoke him into a scandal. It can be expressed in the form of unpleasant rude gestures (waving with protruding fingers), a raised tone in conversation, a piercing, impudent look in order to confuse the interlocutor, the use of lies. Characteristic of self-confident types who feel their impunity.

14. Vanity - the tendency to attract the attention of others, to make an impression even with negative actions. The desire to hear laudatory and flattering speeches addressed to oneself is determined by the desire to be a famous and respected person. Often expressed in an excellent ability to brag.

These are perhaps the most common immoral qualities of human nature. Although, nevertheless, this is not the entire list of existing defects characteristic of many human individuals.

Human vices are what destroy millions of people and the saddest thing is that most of them believe that vices cannot be eradicated. In fact, if you understand the nature of vices - the reasons for their occurrence, then you can get rid of any of them and defeat any bad habit. But the difficulty for many people is that they need to change, they need to work on themselves, but they don’t want to, they’re lazy! Therefore, they become slaves to vice and die slowly or quickly.

In this article we will consider the questions: What is Vice? What are the causes of defects? What does vice do to a person? And etc.

What are human vices?

Human Vices– this is a manifestation in a person in the form of his negative (vicious) desires and habits.

- this is what is at first like nectar, and then like poison! Vice destroys a person both spiritually and physically. It enslaves a person, his soul and body through strong vicious desires, needs, attachments and irresistible habits. It all starts with a test (it’s still interesting), then a need is formed, the need develops into attachment (this is already an addiction), which in turn becomes a habit. But only a few can develop an ingrained habit.

Many vices are born and develop in extremes or due to a violation of the principle of “Moderation”.

For example, question - eating is good, is it necessary? Of course it’s necessary and good! After all, all people have digestive organs. But overeating is already very bad! And gluttony leads to illnesses of the body and destruction of the soul. The same can be said about sex and other excessive desires.

The same, Vices settle and flourish where a person does not distinguish between Good and Evil, and does not think about the consequences.

A striking example is bad habits:

Smoking the smoker gives some pleasure, but in reality smoking destroys, dulls and kills a person. Any healer can describe the energy of a smoker - the subtle bodies are all full of holes, the energy (aura) is gray or dark gray, many flows are blocked, and the organs of the body are darkened. Smokers never have a lot of positive energy (this is one of the punishments according to Spiritual Laws).

  • Same thing - Alcohol...
  • The same - Drugs...
  • Same thing with sexaholism...
  • The same goes for those who use foul language (they perforate their souls themselves)

In fact, anyone who is familiar with practice knows that through Vices the human soul is taken possession of by Evil. And if a person falls into its clutches, it will not be very easy to escape. How easy is it? How difficult is it to wean a drug addict off drugs or completely cure an alcoholic?

When does Vice take over a person?

Then, when he does not have a strong and worthy inner core! When the basis of his Personality is not eternal and highest values ​​(Duty and Responsibility for a given life, Honor, Justice, Love, Law, etc.), but selfish desires and worldly momentary values, which for a person have become the most important thing in his life.

  • For a fat person, the meaning of life is not to fulfill a Duty and not even to achieve personal success, but to eat, eat and eat all the time (fill your stomach). He is a slave to food and his desire eat, Sorry.
  • For an alcoholic, the meaning of life is to get drunk, have fun and forget yourself, and the drink of the gods is alcohol. Etc.

Other vices bring no less harm to a person:

  • – a destructive disadvantage leading to poverty, crime and loneliness
  • Pride– gives rise to conflicts and leads to a person’s downfall by fate if it is not neutralized in time.
  • – destroys trust, reputation and relationships between people.
  • And others

Where to start in the fight against vices?

1. Understanding the consequences of vices! Start by trying to clearly and in as much detail as possible imagine (using the example of other people) where this vice will lead you. What future awaits you if you do not free yourself from this vice?

2. Each specific vice, shortcoming, bad habit must be eradicated using your own methods and techniques for working on yourself. There will be questions - . if you don't find it on the site.

At all times of human existence, people, due to certain character traits, have been characterized by the manifestation of certain human qualities. And many representatives of the human dynasty tend to talk about the qualities (especially impartial) of their interlocutors, colleagues, acquaintances, without noticing, as they say, “the beam in their own eye.”

But each of us is endowed with human qualities, both good and bad. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most unpleasant, and sometimes simply unbearable, qualities inherent in some individuals.

1. Greed – an uncontrollable thirst to accumulate, to own as much material wealth as possible and an unwillingness to share your wealth with anyone. People with this quality should not be expected to show even the slightest gesture of generosity.

2. Indifference is a human character trait, expressed in the lack of the ability to empathize, the manifestation of callousness towards the sorrows and troubles of other people. It is this indifferent attitude that gives rise to a feeling of permissiveness and impunity in dishonest people. Hence many murders and other crimes.

3. Hypocrisy is the ability of a person who does not have a drop of sincerity to take a position that is expelled for himself. It manifests itself in the ability to put on a suitable “mask” of pretense at the right moment in order to look better in the eyes of others than he really is, without exposing his own base essence.

4. Envy is a manifestation of a negative attitude in the form of hostility and hostility towards people who have reached greater heights than the envious person himself. Someone else's well-being clouds the mind, giving rise to a feeling of one's own inadequacy.

5. Cruelty is a terrible personality trait, expressed in the need to cause living beings (people, animals) suffering, both moral and physical. Moreover, at the same time, a cruel person experiences a feeling of satisfaction at the sight of other people’s suffering.

6. Malice is a hostile manifestation of anger, irritation and ill will towards someone. Often accompanied by not entirely adequate aggressive behavior.

7. Cunning - the ability to pretend, deceive and dodge in any situation while achieving personal goals in any way, regardless of generally accepted canons.

8. Selfishness - overestimating the importance of one’s own person. Expressed in a disdainful attitude towards the interests of others, his own interests are above all.

9. Impudence is a manifestation of disrespect and contempt for the interlocutor, accompanied by frank attempts to provoke him into a scandal. It can be expressed in the form of unpleasant rude gestures (waving with protruding fingers), a raised tone in conversation, a piercing, impudent look in order to confuse the interlocutor, the use of lies. Characteristic of self-confident types who feel their impunity.

10. Vanity is the tendency to attract the attention of others, to make an impression even with negative actions. The desire to hear laudatory and flattering speeches addressed to oneself is determined by the desire to be a famous and respected person. Often expressed in an excellent ability to brag.

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