What is ADHD? causes, symptoms, treatment. Proper help for hyperactive children! Doctors' advice How medications can help

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Does your child have difficulty sitting still or paying attention? You may have been told that ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) may be the cause. This article will help you understand what ADHD is and how to help your child.

What is ADHD?

Why ADHD is a problem

A child with ADHD has difficulty staying focused for long periods of time ( attention deficit). In addition, he may have difficulty controlling his impulses ( hyperactivity). A child who has one or both of these problems struggles with them every day and tries to behave well. ADHD is no one's fault. But if left as is, ADHD can lower his self-esteem and limit his success.

How can you help

You want your child to be happy and healthy. In your forces to contribute to this. Work with your child's doctor and other specialists. With appropriate help, the child will be able to better control himself. (For example, pediatrician + child psychologist http://www.indigo-papa.ru/).

Common symptoms

Each person with ADHD has a different set of symptoms. In most cases, some of the characteristic symptoms of ADHD appear before age 7. Most symptoms associated with ADHD occur in a variety of environments, such as at home and at school.

Which of the following describes your child?

The following is a partial list of symptoms common to ADHD. Your child may have signs from one or both groups.

Attention deficit
-Can't stay focused for long
- Has difficulty completing tasks consistently
- Easily distracted
- Difficulty switching to other activities
- Disorganized or loses things
- Forgetful

- It is difficult for him to control his impulses; is talkative, interrupts others, or has trouble waiting his turn
- Gets easily upset or irritated
- Constantly on the move (sometimes aimlessly)
- Doesn't learn from his mistakes

New features registered in recent years

- “The phenomenon of a broken mirror” a child writes letters upside down

- “The phenomenon of glance slipping” - loss of a line. Reading comprehension is lost.

Short-term lapses of attention. The child is "not here." Gaps in lesson perception. "I do not remember".

Remember your child's strengths

Raising children with ADHD is difficult. That's why it's so easy to overlook their good qualities. What is special about your child? Make every effort to appreciate and support his unique abilities, strengths, and interests.

What happens in the brain?

The brain controls the body, thoughts and feelings. It does this with the help of neurotransmitters. These chemicals help the brain send and receive signals. With ADHD, the levels of these substances often change. This causes ADHD symptoms to come and go.

When signals are not received

With ADHD, certain parts of the brain may be deficient in certain chemicals. Therefore, some signals are not transmitted by nerve cells. Signals that “tell” a person to control behavior or concentrate attention do not get through. As a result, symptoms characteristic of ADHD may appear.

When levels of brain chemicals are low, signals cannot travel the distance between nerve cells.

When brain chemical levels are normal, signals can travel the distance between nerve cells.

Effect on brain function

Each part of the brain controls specific behavioral and thought processes. ADHD is thought to affect more than one area of ​​the brain. Depending on which part of the brain is affected, the child may show more signs of attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder.

Colored areas of the brain may be affected by ADHD.

Problems Associated with ADHD

Any child can experience depression, fears, or learning difficulties. These problems can accompany ADHD or exist on their own. Only a thorough examination can determine their true cause.


A child suffering from depression is sad most of the time. He may have low self-esteem and show little interest in life. The baby may eat or sleep more or less than before. He can isolate himself from the whole world. As a rule, if a child has depression, then one of the lines of ancestors (mothers, fathers, grandparents, uncles and aunts) has or had severe depression. This is what is written about depression in the Bible http://www.indigo-papa.ru/depressiya_bible


It's normal if a child is afraid of something. But excessive fear can make a child fearful and vulnerable. He may be haunted by disturbing thoughts. He may be restless, overactive or withdrawn.

A child's depression and fears may be related to ADHD or may be caused by other reasons.

Academic problems

A child with learning difficulties may not be able to fully process certain types of information. Some understand worse what they see. Others are what they hear. For example, even if a teacher gives clear verbal instructions, the message does not register in the child's brain. As a result, the child may have difficulty learning one or more school subjects.

How is ADHD diagnosed?

There are many methods used to diagnose ADHD. Parents and teachers describe the child's behavior. Health care workers and teachers may also monitor the child. This process can help rule out other problems.

Adults describe a child

Specialists examine the child

A specialist can check your child's attention. He may also observe your child in class. ADHD appears to run in families. Tell your doctor if another family member shows signs of ADHD. The doctor will review all the information. If ADHD is diagnosed, treatment may be prescribed.

Treatment is often complex

Although ADHD is not completely curable, it can be treated. The goal is to help the child realize his or her potential. Treatment may include a combination of educational, medication, and behavioral approaches. Each type of treatment is selected individually.


Your child and the people they spend time with need to know about ADHD. It is advisable that your child's school environment is tailored to him. These interventions can help your child learn better and improve their social skills.

Drug treatment

Medicines often help control the levels of chemicals in the brain of a child with ADHD. Some medications help such a child stay focused. As a result, it is easier for the child to learn. This also contributes to the success of behavioral correction.

Behavioral correction

Behavioral modification helps the child act on what he knows instead of reacting to an impulse he feels. Over time, the child may develop good skills and improve behavior.

Education is the first step

Before you can help your child, you must understand what ADHD is. Although ADHD is not an educational problem, it can interfere with learning. With the right help, your child will have an easier time learning both at school and at home.

Studying ADHD

One of the best ways to help your child is to educate yourself about ADHD. You can start by trusting that your child is not lazy or stupid. Once you understand the special needs caused by your child's ADHD, share your knowledge with others. Some people may resist the diagnosis or deny the problem. Even then, let them know how they can help your child.

Studying with ADHD

With rare exceptions, the mental abilities of a child with ADHD are not impaired. To make it easier for him to study, work together with his teacher. Remember, federal law affirms your child's right to get the help he or she needs.

What parents can do

Here are some ways you can help your child:

    Be informed. Read about ADHD. Join a local support group for parents of ADHD children.

    Reassure your child that ADHD is not their fault.

    Try to make sure your child has a teacher who can help him. Keep in touch with him.

    Create a neat and quiet workspace for your child at home.

What can a teacher do

Here are some tips for teachers:

    Find the best way to educate your child. Use a tape recorder, computers, or games if they help with learning.

    Encourage your child to study his favorite subjects. Offer him special projects to boost his self-esteem.

What can a child do

    Tell your parents and teachers when you need their help.

    Designate a place at home and school to store your textbooks, folders and projects.

    Make a list of your tasks with due dates. You can also mark dates on the calendar.

    If it helps, take short breaks between homework assignments. Use a timer to remind you when to end your break and return to homework.

How medications can help

In many cases, drug treatment is part of the child's treatment plan. Medicines provide a steady supply of chemicals needed to send and receive signals in the brain.

Signal transmission

Some stimulants affect certain areas of the brain so that they send stronger signals. With stronger signals, the child has better control of his attention and activity. Stimulants act quickly over several hours.

Receiving signals

Some antidepressants help the brain receive signals better. These medications are used to treat depression and inattention and are taken daily.

For your information

It may take time to find the best medicine for your child. The dose and time of administration must also be adjusted. In some cases, you may need to check to see if your child has any side effects. If the medicine doesn't help, consider testing your child again.

What parents can do

If your child is prescribed medication, you should:

    Know about the medications your child is taking. Ask what results to expect and how quickly they can appear.

    Talk to your doctor about any side effects.

    Get a second opinion if you have questions about your child's treatment.

    Follow your doctor's instructions for taking your medications.

    Observe positive changes in your child at home and at school. Monitor for any side effects. Tell your doctor everything you notice.

What can a child do

Here are some tips for your child:

    How do you feel after taking the medicine? Tell your parents and doctor about your feelings.

    Your medicine is a pill. If you cannot swallow a whole tablet, ask your parents how to make it easier for you to take the medicine.

    Know when to take your pill. Remind your parents of this.

    If someone teases you for taking medicine, tell your parents or teacher. They can help you with what to say to this person.

Behavior change

A child with ADHD often behaves poorly and does not pay attention to others. But you can show your child other ways to react to what is happening. This process takes time and practice. This is where sessions with a psychologist can help.

Self-control skills

Consolidating success

Children with ADHD do not learn well from past events. Positive feedback helps reinforce positive behavior. Praise your child for a job well done. This will help him remember this behavior for a long time. Celebrate each success with a sticker on your reward chart.

What parents can do

Here are some ways you can help:

    Teach your child self-control skills after he has taken the medicine. During this time, learning is likely to be more successful.

    Praise your child for success. Smile at him, hug him, make a positive comment, or give him a small reward.

    Set clear rules. Explain what the child will lose if he does not follow these rules. Stick to this policy to the end.

    Try to stick to a routine. Prepare your child for any change in this order.

    Help your child stay focused. For example, avoid crowded, noisy places if they make your child angry. Also, limit his choices.

What can a child do

Here are some tips for your child:

    Try new ways to react to people and places that make you angry. When you're upset, you can talk, draw, write, throw a ball, or be alone for a while.

    Do this: stop, think, do it, and then think again whether you did the right thing.

ADHD runs in the family

Caring for a child with ADHD can create problems within the household. It should not be. Each family member can help build strong relationships. This way everyone will be better off.

What can you feel

If you have a child with ADHD, you may feel guilty, anxious, and tired. Try to get plenty of rest and do things that make you happy. Seek support from family and friends.

You and your spouse

It's easy to blame each other. You may have disagreements about your child's diagnosis, treatment, or discipline. Finding solutions is not easy, but try to have daily conversations. This is the time to rebuild your relationship.

Raising other children

You probably spend a lot of time and attention on your child with ADHD. As a result, other children may feel left out. Make every effort to spend time with your other children. Perhaps you will see that such moments not only do not consume your strength, but, on the contrary, replenish them.

What parents can do

Try the following to take care of yourself and your family:

    For you personally: Relax and replenish your strength. Free up some time for yourself by finding a nanny who understands ADHD. Ask a counselor or your support group to recommend people who can watch your child.

    For your marriage: Try to respect other opinions. Also, spend time together. Talk not only about ADHD and your child, but also about other topics.

    For other children: Engage with them. Ask about their favorite activities, desires and fears. Let them know that you love them. Help them build a relationship with their child with ADHD.

    Encourage everyone to act as a member of a united whole - the family.

    Professional counseling can help you manage your mental health. They will help strengthen your marriage and resolve family conflicts.

There is a prospect for the future

As your child gets older, their ADHD symptoms are likely to change. But over time and with the right help, your child can learn to manage their differences. There are many happy and successful adults with ADHD.

Based on the article:
Translation: ADHD mom

Learn more about what and how happens at the moment of death. The man died. During the ceremony, when it is taken out of the house, first of all the stools are taken out, which are placed in the yard, or as now - in front of the entrance, then the coffin is taken out, then the lid is taken out, then fresh flowers are taken out, and only LAST ARE THE WREATHS CARRYED OUT. RELATIVES NEVER GO AHEAD OF THE COFFIN, I.E. AHEAD OF THE DECEASED. It’s the same thing later, when they put on a hearse, on a car, on a cart: first they carry stools, then the coffin, then the lid, then fresh flowers, then wreaths. Then everyone sat down and went to the churchyard. If it’s all in the area, in a village, in a countryside, and there’s a churchyard, a cemetery nearby, then they carry it in their hands, and if it’s far away, then they carry it on a cart, on transport. Previously, the deceased was buried in the grave only with their hands. Those. everyone came up, took earth from the pile and threw it. Where did this come from? This came from our Ancestors, i.e. after the body was cremated on Kroda, the body burned, and the ashes were collected in the house, in the house, but now it is called an urn, where the ashes are put. The bones, if they remained, then they also turned to dust, and the remaining ashes scattered over the fields of this Family. That’s why they said that this land would be defended to the last drop of blood, because it was watered with sweat, blood and ashes (dust) of the Ancestors. Next, we made an urn. As a rule, our Ancestors set up a table, and all relatives had to attend the funeral, from all the Clans and Tribes that were related, and everyone threw a handful. And just imagine, a table, there is a platform on it, there are four pillars on the platform, an urn, or a house, is placed there, a firebox is lit next to it, and things are laid out. I’m not talking about a log house now, I’m talking about a pure mound with ashes. If this is a warrior, then this is a sword, and everything he needs for the next life is tied to a post with ribbons, or simply folded. Further. The lid was placed on these four pillars. And on top there was a white board, it went down below the foot of this square on which the house stands. He was closing. And what did all the relatives do? They took a handful of earth and threw it, and the result was a mound that completely hid all the utensils and everything that had been donated. As a rule, a memorial stone was placed next to the mound, or at the top. But these mounds were made in a churchyard, and Kummir Roda was nearby. And the skull, with denser bone there, which remained after cremation, was laid next to other skulls near this mound. There was a fire burning there, and demands and gifts were brought into the fire. And nearby, if it was a warrior, a lists and funeral feast were held. Those. warriors showed in fights, as it were, past battles in which he participated, i.e. The gods were shown how he defeated his enemies. Those. you could say it was a type of theatrical performance. And at the same time his sons, children, and from other neighboring communities participated. Then tables were set there and they commemorated the deceased, saying only good things about him. If a boat was made, then everything necessary was placed on the boat, which it was believed that he would need in his subsequent life. And in ancient times it was still the case that he would enter a rook, let’s say he raised all his children, all his children had families, and his wife would enter this rook and remain with her husband. But when the boat set off along the river, there were archers with lighted arrows, with which they set fire to this boat, and she, as if with her husband, went on this fiery boat to Svarga. If he had small children, then his wife had to stay with the children. But at will, let’s say it was that he was married, but someone liked him, then any woman or girl could board the boat instead of his wife, so that the deceased would not be bored waiting, but it was all voluntary, and thus go off to the upper world as an accompaniment. But after the Hindus saw these rituals, life does not end, especially since the woman was prepared and given a special drink, and for her all this happened painlessly. And among the Hindus, who used to hide their dead in stone caves, i.e. They walled up the bodies, and when they saw how among the Aryans the women themselves ascended the funeral pyre or onto the boat, they introduced this in their own country, in order to become like the white Creator Gods. Those. in this form: The husband has died, and the wife is obliged to go to the funeral pyre. Christians brought the ritual of burial to our lands, but we did not have this burial, but only cremation, because the commandments said that you cannot desecrate the land of your Ancestors with your decay. Because corpse decomposition, corpse poison, it destroys the earth. And there were, as a rule, few relatives at the burial, because Christians were against people remembering the entire genealogy of their Ancestors. Those. father and mother, well, even grandfather and grandmother, they still allowed us to remember, but the rest, it seems, are not necessary - anyway, everything is before God. And there are already ministers with shovels, but at the same time, THE SPADES, WHEN THEY ARE BURIED IN A CEMETERY, CANNOT BE TRANSFERRED FROM HANDS TO HANDS, i.e. a man buries a grave, is tired, he must stick a shovel into the ground and move away. And another one comes up, takes it and continues to bury it. What happens to the Soul itself? On the ninth day, the silver thread of connection between the Soul and the body is interrupted, and the Soul rises up and describes a figure eight around the Earth and the Moon (Fig. 41), and here at point “A”, how the atmospheric order, I mean, the layers of the atmosphere, they are perceived in the form of a man, like a river separating two worlds. Catholics call this ball “A” Purgatory, our Ancestors call it the City of Light or the Solar City, some call it the invisible echo of the Earth, or Planet number seven, i.e. for different peoples it is different. And so the Soul gets here to “A” and stays there, receiving answers to all its questions that interested it during life, and stays there for up to 40 days. But forty days 40 is a month for us, for us living on Earth. And there time can pass either as one day or as a thousand years. Those. It's already a little different time there. But for us, a month has passed. And after a month and 40 days have passed, after a person has received answers to all his questions, where he goes through three trials. The first is the Court of Conscience, when a person is judged by his own Conscience, i.e. he judges a person himself, he himself will be his own defendant, and prosecutor, and lawyer, and judge, but this court is called the most terrible court. Why? Because no one will judge you, more terrible and stricter than you, and you will never be able to deceive yourself, because only you know how it really was, and what happened exactly this way and not otherwise. The second court is the Court of the Ancestors, it was not for nothing that I said that the Soul meets relatives, it is met by the Ancestors. And a person gives an answer to the Ancestors, holds an answer to the Ancestors, and they ask him: We gave birth to you, and what have you done for the prosperity of our Family, what have you achieved in your creation, to what level of sincerity and spirituality have you risen? Those. what have you achieved? And when a person answers: I fulfilled what you commanded, I did this and that. Then they take him and carry him here - to the next world (Fig. 41), again to a new earth, but there already, if he goes to a harmonious world, then this is a world of 16 dimensions, the so-called World of Legs, where a person continues life develops, and then - the World of Arlegs, etc. And if the Ancestors ask him: Why didn’t you do such and such? And he answers: And I died in battle. Those. defending Rod. In this case, if he has a little work left to do there, then they can immediately take him to the new Earth, to the next World, a more multidimensional one. But if there is still a lot left unfulfilled, then the Goddess Karna comes into force. And she allows him to return to Earth again, and then we observe the phenomenon of reincarnation. There is another option - Karna’s husband God Varuna, who gives the opportunity to a deceased person to return and finish what he did not have time to finish. In one case, God Varuna sends his assistant to bring back, so we even have the festival of Raven Varuna Day. Varun returns the Soul, and then the person is said to have returned from a coma, i.e. from a comatose state or lethargic sleep, and he continues life, but he has already seemed to have changed. By the way, based on this ancient legend that God Varuna sends the Raven, the film “The Raven” was shot, however, in English, when the hero returns to bring everything into line, punish the guilty, etc., but everything is a little exaggerated there . Remember Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev’s favorite song: “Black Raven, why are you hovering over my head? You won't get any spoils. I am not your black raven” i.e. even in these songs there is a legend, a tradition that Varuna and Karna send the Raven. And notice, in all fairy tales, the raven is a prophetic bird, it gives the opportunity to Souls, what? Return to Earth again and incarnate. But not just Souls, because... Raven is Varuna’s assistant, and Raven, like a wise bird, prophesying, at his own request, helped another God, who brought warriors back to life. And this God’s name was Odin. But note, the Soul will enter the World of Glory, the 16-dimensional World. But on the way from the City of Light to the World of Glory there is one more intermediate link, there is, as it were, an invisible orbit that preserves the Midgard system of the Earth. And the invisible Earth seems to revolve around it, i.e. she is in another dimension. And there on this Earth another God reigns, his name is Volkh. And on this invisible Earth, there is an abode of warriors, the so-called Security Watchtower, which is called Volhala. But many people pronounce it incorrectly: Volgala. Volhala. Khol is like a hall, and Volkh is the son of the Mother of the Raw Earth. Here she is - Mother of Cheese Earth, i.e. like the Heavenly Host that protects the Earth. But it protects it not in our four dimensions, but in others, so that from there, in those dimensions, dark forces cannot penetrate to Earth. For Catholics, this is system “A” - Sunny City. It is Purgatory, where judgment takes place, as Catholics say, from where a person goes further to the Abode of God, as they call the World of Glory, either he goes from “A” to the Galactic East, or he goes to hell, or even down (Fig. 41), i.e. from “A” you can end up in several types of hell. Some say that everyone has their own hell. Our Ancestors, just like the Scandinavians, called the lower World Hal. In the English language it remains like hell - the underworld. Therefore, helizer is like hellraisers, hellins, i.e. come from hell. But notice, when you get here to Hal, or Hades, to hell, it’s not for nothing that they say: There are nine circles of hell, there are nine planes, they don’t get there forever, but they are given the opportunity to realize, work out and rise, and again to higher level. But you can slide even lower, but still no one forbids you to correct yourself and return to “A” - Sunny City, and then go to the World of Glory. And from here, from the World of Glory, the Soul enters the Rule, and there it continues to develop. And the information that this Soul has accumulated again goes to the Goddess Jiva. And this new information will fall into the matrix for the new Soul. And they are already coming into the world, into an already more developed system, and already prepared, more developed. Because knowledge from all living beings of the Light World and partial information from those who rose from the Dark World about the inhabitants of the Dark World. But since the information is partial, it means that it is not complete. Those. There is information about higher forms, but about lower ones it is either not there or not enough. Therefore, our Ancestors - the Slavs and Aryans, they never personified evil, and did not even talk about it. Even the fact that they are trying to write Chernobog into Satan is the clerks of Belobog and Chernobog. Chernobog, in order not to follow the path of spiritual development, he wanted to gain knowledge of a higher world, and for this, what did he do? He opened the knowledge of his world to the worlds below, so that, according to the law of correspondence, the Upper worlds were opened, and he received knowledge. And Belobog covered up this matter, especially since the dark ones came to Chernobog’s call. This is described in the Charatia of Light. Therefore, knowledge from the Higher world penetrated into the lower ones. But there Spiritual knowledge was, as it were, ignored, and mainly technological knowledge, or technocratic systems, were mastered. And a person, rising to Prav, goes to Jiva, and through it, rising through the levels of Prav, a person can sooner or later achieve the state of Ramha Awareness. What is Ramha? This could take billions of Earth years. Many people ask: So what? Is this the end of the process? No. Remember the Book of Light: Before the birth of everything there was only one Great Ramha. Those. he was without incarnating. He manifested himself into a new reality and... into a new boundless infinity he was illuminated with the light of joy. This means that if he manifested himself into a new reality, it means that somewhere there is an old reality. Those. Having realized the state of Ramha, you can penetrate into the old reality and develop there further. Those. This once again tells us that life in all its diversity is endless. In addition, in these harmonious Worlds of Glory - 16-dimensional, 256-dimensional, 56536, etc., the opportunity is given that if a person on Midgard - Earth has started some kind of business, then who will forbid him to descend again into the lower world, and come here as a wanderer, a mentor? Those. he still has descendants, and so that the Family does not perish, especially the Family, they multiply, he can come into this world, but, being in a four-dimensional system, remaining multidimensional, he broadcasts, and many do not understand, so he speaks in images and parables. And such people were called Prophets, Saints, Prophets, Messengers of God, i.e. Jesus, Krishna incarnated, etc. I.e. they could already in their own, once 16-dimensional World, the World of Legs, and they are perceived as angels descending from heaven. Those. they are already in a different form. When a person comes to the World of Glory, there God is the Patron of the Family. Remember, part 1 of the matrix zone was given by Jiva, and part of zone 2 was given by the Patron of the Family. And he manifests himself here, in the World of Glory, and asks: Why did I send you? I showed you the goal in life, your path? What did you do for this? The third judgment is the judgment of the patron God. Those. whether you are fit to be a creator or not. Don’t forget, we don’t just come here to fulfill the will of someone, Jiva, or the Patron God, or our Ancestors - Heavenly Parents. We come into this world to become Creators - Creators. Each of you, as a small child, imagined a World more beautiful than the current one. There was no evil, no violence. When you grew up and became older, boys and girls already had, let’s say, union associations, i.e. prototypes of creating a family, and imagined: How would I live in a family with this or that girl, or with this or that guy? But all this was imagined as if you were on a desert island, where there is no evil, violence, etc. what was created in prototypes, thought tends to materialize. And you, starting from childhood, have already begun to create your own Universe. And moving along the path from the Sunny City to the World of Glory, you still think that in this case I would have acted or done this, i.e. Thus, you work out for yourself the laws of creation, the laws of life, i.e. what would you do in this situation. Those. Not only do you create, you create, you also establish the laws of the Universe that are acceptable for your life system, which you came up with earlier. Moving from the World of Glory to the World of Rule, we are all learning to create in the multidimensional world, each time adding something, something and something, and plus, since this is a harmonious, bright and pure World, it means that what is present? Kindness, understanding, mutual assistance, love, who do we become? We all become full-fledged Gods and Goddesses - creators who first represent a cozy corner, then this is an island, then this is a city, then this is a country, then this is the Earth, then this is the Universe. And each of us creates our own Universe, and the Universes, like cabbage leaves, are layered, projections, and the Worlds become larger each time. And a person reaches Glory, and then goes to Prav, where he already works and creates, creates his own Universe - that harmonious world that he creates for himself.

Who is this child who is causing everyone so much trouble? He is in constant motion, distracts other students and does not participate, like everyone else, in any school events. When he appears in class, he disrupts the entire learning process. One such child is enough, and the work of a teacher turns into a continuous struggle.

Such children are called hyperactive and treat this definition as a medical diagnosis. There is only one radical way out of this situation today - to suppress the child’s activity with a sedative.

Anyone who decides to prescribe Ritalin or another similar medicine to a child thereby admits not only a lack of understanding of the situation, but also his complete indifference, unwillingness to understand and help the little person. The medicine only helps teachers and school administration, calming a restless student, it makes him quiet and indifferent, but does not solve the problems of the child himself.

By forcing a child to take tranquilizers, pushing the problem inside, we simply turn him off from life, not giving the opportunity for the processes occurring in him to develop and end in their natural way. We complicate its development, and this will certainly manifest itself later in a predisposition to drugs, mental illness, and problems in the sexual sphere.

In every class there have always been quiet children and restless children, but hyperactivity is something else. This is some unconscious internal restlessness, which the body tries to drown out with constant physical movement. Therefore, the child has difficulty maintaining attention, he cannot concentrate on the speech addressed to him, and he seems to ignore our words and comments. He is impatient and has difficulty following through on anything. He often refuses to complete tasks and participate in general activities, not because he does not like them, but because they require patience and attention, which he is not capable of.

Anyone can remember themselves in a state of anxiety and realize that they would behave the same way. He would rush from corner to corner, could not concentrate on anything, would be absent-minded, inattentive to the words addressed to him, and would constantly return his thoughts to the subject of his concern. Only the anxiety and discomfort of a hyperactive child do not have a clear reason that is understandable to him and the people around him.

An adult can also be hyperactive, but it is easier for him to find an activity that suits his characteristics. This may be a profession that requires physical activity, quick attention span and the ability to make unexpected decisions. This could be extreme sports or even frequent changes of sexual partners.

If you think about it, our entire civilization today is hyperactive. For thousands of years, people lived a very leisurely life, adopted the profession and lifestyle of their parents, married a neighbor's daughter and died in the same village in which they were born. Today people easily change their place of residence, profession and family. Today I have to go somewhere a couple of times a year and the farther the better - anyone who has not traveled somewhere to Africa, India or the Far East simply has nothing to talk about with him.

Today our lives are changing very quickly, and the gap between generations is growing. Our children are different. They grow up quickly, have a different outlook on life, different desires and abilities than we do. They have other problems. They lose interest in everything and do not find anything to fill themselves with, despite all the huge amount of entertainment that they have compared to previous generations. They appear more self-centered, have difficulty understanding others, and have difficulty communicating.

This is how the evolution of humanity manifests itself, this is how nature operates, and not recognizing this, trying to fight its laws, is a vain attempt. If you force a child to be like everyone else, this will cause protest and conflict, but if you direct his energy in the right direction, this will give him additional opportunities in life. These children have a lot of energy, they can do many things at the same time and get more done during the day. There are professions in which hyperactivity becomes the key to success.

We must help children understand themselves and under no circumstances blame them for things that do not depend on them. They should be explained what is happening to them, why they are so “explosive” and how their hyperactivity looks from the outside - so that they, in turn, do not blame others for misunderstanding and do not isolate themselves from them.

A hyperactive child, as a rule, is more developed - he more actively comprehends the world around him than ordinary children. He can achieve more in life than others, but he needs to learn to manage his qualities. He's like an ugly duckling who could become a beautiful swan if we don't clip his wings.

With the development of science, medical and pharmaceutical business, some conditions that were previously considered “features within the normal range” are becoming curable or at least correctable diseases. This is exactly what a disease is called ADHD.

A little about the history of ADHD and its rediagnosis

The child’s excessive fussiness, inability to concentrate on completing a task, and tendency to rather pointless, superficial communications have always alarmed parents. The reason is simple - these features negatively affect social adaptation, interfere with effective learning, and are not very pleasant in everyday life.

At the beginning of the 20th century, doctors began to pay close attention to this behavior of children. There is every reason to believe that such behavior is not always due to the child’s bad upbringing and promiscuity; sometimes it has chemical and biological reasons. The first to express such a point of view was in 1902 the English physician J. Frederick Still.

Medical research conducted throughout the 20th century provided the basis for the inclusion of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (this is what is hidden behind the repeatedly mentioned abbreviation) in the list of mental disorders (DSM-I).

Due to the fact that perseverance, discipline and obedience among children are not such a common occurrence, many caring parents, having read about ADHD, rushed to the doctors and...... the generous distribution of this diagnosis “right and left” began. Not all doctors have enough time, conscientiousness and qualifications to check for other reasons for such behavior (the notorious improper upbringing, the child’s temperament). In our time of continuous information flows from all sides, in which an adult, not to mention a child, sometimes drowns, problems with concentration can manifest themselves without ADHD; they can simply be a consequence of information overload and lack of self-discipline.

ADHD symptoms

There is no particular debate about the symptoms of ADHD; the disorder manifests itself in:

  1. Chronic inattention, as well as an extreme tendency to be distracted (“selective attention deficit”). Note that we are talking about situations where attention is supposed to be “supported”: the child’s activity is not very interesting, but it is useful and necessary, for example, completing educational tasks.
  2. Increased physical activity, often aimless (in contrast to simply active children, whose physical activity is quite conscious and occurs in the form of games, exercises, and dancing).
  3. Impulsivity. The child has extremely poor self-control: he shouts out an answer without the permission of the teacher or educator, and, obeying a momentary impulse, performs some action “outside the rules.”

The child’s behavior described above may not become a cause for concern until he is 3-4 years old.

However, individual manifestations of these symptoms do not always mean the presence of a disorder in a child. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary that such behavior be “chronic”, pronounced and not be determined by the child’s living conditions. It is optimal if, in parallel with medical and biochemical research, work with a competent child psychologist takes place.

The disorder in question is often accompanied by other problems: tics, phobias, systematic headaches. In such situations, qualified medical care should not be neglected under any circumstances.

Types of ADHD

Frequent confusion with diagnosis is also due to the fact that modern research has made it possible to distinguish two forms of the disorder:

1) ADHD-N, where the existing symptoms are associated specifically with attention deficit, and hyperactivity is not clearly expressed. Children susceptible to this disorder are inhibited, apathetic, and there is no talk of constant excessive motor activity.

2) Combined form with classic manifestations - a combination of attention deficit and often aimless excessive motor activity.

Causes of ADHD

The simplest explanation of ADHD as a disorder can be given using the “4 deficit theory”, that is, this condition is caused by:

  1. Attention deficit (difficult to maintain);
  2. Difficulty in being able to inhibit (restrain) impulsive behavior;
  3. Weakness of modulation of the level of activating influences (a feature of brain functioning);
  4. Problems understanding strategic consequences (simply put, people with ADHD have an extreme tendency to expect immediate rewards).

The disease is a consequence of biological characteristics - in some parts of the child’s brain there is a deficiency of dopamine and norepinephrine. The intensity of the manifestations of the disorder depends on the severity of the corresponding features, in most cases it is correctable.

Among the reasons, one can highlight a genetic predisposition (the disorder is often inherited and is observed in several children from the same family at the same time). This issue is not debatable.

There is also evidence of a possible connection between the development of ADHD and perinatal trauma and early childhood trauma and infections.

Treatment of ADHD in modern conditions

If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, treatment should be left in the hands of specialists. The simultaneous presence of drug therapy and psychological correction is considered optimal. Back in the 80s. last century in the Russian Federation, a well-proven method of transcranial micropolarization was developed.

Doctors and psychologists do not hide the fact that correction of the behavior of their parents is essential in case of problems in the behavior of children with such a disorder.

In everyday life, parents of children with ADHD can be given the following recommendations:

  1. Use the method of encouraging (rewarding) the child for appropriate behavior as much as possible, and a simple lack of reward will be sufficient punishment for inappropriate behavior. The reward system, of course, is individual and depends on the personal characteristics of the child.
  2. Develop a positive model of communication with your child (he is not to blame for his manifestations; punishment in this case will not fix anything).

The positive model means:

  • the ability to motivate a child with praise and rewards;
  • creating an environment in which the child’s anxiety is minimized;
  • optimal daily routine (with time to rest, such a child especially needs it);
  • the presence of rules of behavior agreed upon with the child (maximum achievable and understandable to the child), but when demanding their execution, one should be adamant;
  • friendly and attentive communication with the child;
  • the reaction to mistakes, blunders, bad behavior should not be aggressive, but adequate - correctly express your negative emotions, explaining exactly what the child is wrong about and why this cannot be done.

It is important to eliminate distractions as much as possible from the child’s attention zone (thoughtful environment) and also to correctly plan activities and events, involving the child in this as much as possible. Teaching children with ADHD planning and self-discipline is a time-consuming process, but it is extremely necessary. It is highly desirable that in the daily routine there is time not only for planning, but also for quiet games, as well as water procedures.

In adults, ADHD does not appear “out of nowhere”; it is only possible if, despite the presence of symptoms in childhood, it was not diagnosed, and accordingly, treatment and development of life skills with this disorder were not carried out. Treatment or adjustment (if not particularly severe) is not very different from ADHD diagnosed in childhood, but an adult will have to deal with this on his own.

Question from our site reader Ruslana: My child was diagnosed with ADHD, which is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Doctors cannot name the causes of this disease, except for some theory about hereditary predisposition. Please tell me – what are the spiritual causes of ADHD? Is it possible to cure it not medically, but in an esoteric, spiritual way? Please advise me something, I have no strength anymore. Thank you in advance, Ruslana.

Any disease has its own esoteric or spiritual reason why the disease is given to a person. And by identifying this cause, the disease can be defeated. That is, the healing of the psyche and body occurs through the healing of the soul and the development of a person’s personality. How it all works is described in more detail in the article -.

What is ADHD, what does medicine say?

(abbreviated ADHD) is a neurological-behavioral developmental disorder that begins in childhood. Symptoms include difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, and poorly controlled impulsivity.

From a neurological perspective, ADHD is considered a persistent and chronic syndrome for which no cure has been found. It is believed that children “outgrow” this syndrome or adapt to it in adulthood. And for some, on the contrary, it progresses.

And medicine, and psychology too, when they don’t know how to help and what to do with a problem, I recommend learning to live with it and even be proud of it, as in the joke about enuresis.

The manifestations of ADHD described on many websites can easily be attributed to an ordinary healthy child or adult. But when this syndrome is very strong, it becomes a problem. Let's consider this disease from an esoteric point of view.

Spiritual Causes of ADHD in Children and Adults

Any illness, especially one associated with the ability to manage, control oneself, is always a consequence of a violation of certain spiritual principles.

In the case of ADHD, the basic spiritual principles and abilities for which there is a violation and, accordingly, punishment are, and.

What does this mean? That this child (his soul) has problems with these qualities. Problems that he brought from his past incarnations. And since this soul has incarnated in a certain clan (family), then with a high degree of probability we can say that this clan also has accumulated sins associated with the implementation of these principles.

What sins and violations are we talking about?

  • Manifestation for oneself and one’s destiny is a lack of awareness of one’s actions and their consequences, lack of control.
  • Not managing your emotions - driving yourself to hysterics, fits of anger and rage, causing harm to yourself and others in this state. Complete lack of control over your emotions.
  • In essence, a disabled or non-functioning Will is not managing attention and not investing effort in self-control and self-control.

The most extreme degree of ADHD, as a punishment, is most likely given to a soul (a new person) when in his past life, as a different person, the person committed serious offenses and, and serious harm was caused to other people: murder in a fit of anger, negative decisions , destroying the fate of the person himself, taken in a state of hysteria and emotional breakdown, etc.

What is the main essence of this problem? The point is that a person absolutely does not protect himself from the one that lives within himself, and gives him 100% control over himself. This is called blatant irresponsibility! When anger, resentment, anger, indignation are born in a person, the person does nothing with this negativity, does not try to control himself, control emotions, remove the negativity, but, on the contrary, completely surrenders to it, allowing himself to be destroyed to the ground! Of course, when a critical mass of such negativity accumulates, a person basically loses control over himself and then risks ending up in a mental hospital.

Conclusion one– you need to develop the quality of “Responsibility” in yourself, learn to manage your Will and improve your skills.

How to work with ADHD?

1. Even if you work using non-traditional methods, for example with the help of a Spiritual Healer, you should not refuse the help that traditional medicine can provide. The wise approach is “Take the fortress from all sides.”

2. Where to start spiritual work? From awareness and understanding of how the principles of Responsibility and Self-Management work. Work to eliminate the corresponding shortcomings - irresponsibility and lack of control. Read more articles:

3. It is very important to remove karmic punishment, which gives rise to the disease ADHD. The first thing to do is. But this may often not be enough, because there are almost always nuances and various conditions for removing the negative impact. Therefore, the most effective way to work with this problem is only with the help of a doctor who sees the specific root cause of the disease and can tell exactly what needs to be done to get rid of the disease.

If you decide that you need the help of such a specialist, a Healer -! I can give you a contact to work with.

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