Homemade sugar icing recipe. Sugar white glaze

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Icing on Easter cake is the main decoration of Easter. And since preparations for the Easter holiday are in full swing, housewives have probably already managed to think about how to decorate baked goods at home.

There are many ways to prepare glaze for Easter cake: lemon fudge, protein fudge, and even chocolate. We offer several recipes, and it’s up to you to decide whether you prepare something specific, or use several options at once.

The classic version of the Easter cake glaze recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • eggs, preferably chicken – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar, regular or cane sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • salt - a pinch is enough.

Take chilled eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. We do this as carefully as possible - so that not a single drop of yolk gets into the bowl with the whites. Next, to prepare the sugar glaze for Easter cake, start beating the eggs with a mixer and adding salt to make the foam thicker and fluffier.

When the foam in the sugar fudge for the Easter cake has become as fluffy as possible, we begin to add sugar in small portions. Continue beating until all the granulated sugar has gone into the glaze and has dissolved.

Spread the mixture onto the Easter cake (be sure to cool) and sprinkle the confectionery decorations on top until it has cooled down. If necessary, the glazing applied to the baked goods can be dried.

Protein fudge

Another option for fudge with eggs is white cake frosting. This recipe requires the use of powdered sugar. So, you will need:

  • powdered sugar (you can grind regular granulated sugar) – 1 tbsp.;
  • chicken egg white – 1 pc.;
  • fresh lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • table salt - a pinch will be enough.

To prepare the white glaze, you will not need the whole egg, namely egg whites. Therefore, first carefully separate the whites from the yolks, as in the previous recipe. Beat the protein obtained in this way for the protein glaze for the Easter cake for several minutes with a pinch of salt until you get a thick foam. It is important that the protein is chilled.

When the foam becomes thick and begins to hold its shape, you can add powdered sugar. It is necessary to use powdered sugar, as it dissolves without lumps. Of course, you can use regular sugar, but then you need to make sure that it dissolves completely and does not settle to the bottom, since sugar is heavier.

Lastly, add lemon juice to the egg white icing for the cake. In this case, you need to continue to beat the Easter cake fudge with a mixer until it has a homogeneous consistency. As a result, lemon juice will make the icing for the Easter cake dense, and the citrus will give the baked goods a pleasant taste.

By the way, not many people know that other juice can be used in the same way to make fudge for Easter cake - for example, pomegranate, pineapple, orange or even cherry. Depending on what taste you ultimately want. In addition, this lemon glaze for Easter cake will help make the sweet taste less cloying.

Based on lemon juice

Delicious glaze for Easter cake is made with lemon. To make it work, you need a minimum amount of ingredients. The result is a white icing for the Easter cake - moderately sour, but very aromatic. And the method of preparing it is very simple and does not take much time.

To create lemon glaze for Easter cake you will need:

  • lemon or other citrus juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar, but ideally powdered sugar - 100 g.

To prepare a delicious glaze without eggs, follow these steps:

  1. Take powdered sugar and sift it so that there are no lumps in it.
  2. Gradually add lemon juice to the powdered sugar. After each addition of juice, grind it with powder. When the homemade icing for Easter cakes becomes opaque and glossy, it is ready.

If, as a result of cooking, the icing for Easter cake has become too thick, it can be diluted with a small amount of water or the same lemon juice. The mixture is applied to hot cakes.

Sugar icing without eggs

A special feature of the fudge recipe is the fact that it is applied to cold Easter cake. But there is another advantage. Homemade egg-free Easter cake icing is completely safe, as there is no need to beat raw eggs.

To prepare you will need:

  • powdered sugar or sand – 200 g;
  • milk, which can be replaced with cream – 40 ml.

Boil the milk. Pour the not yet cooled milk into the powder and mix it until thick. Moreover, the more powder you take, the more glaze you end up with. And the milk needs to be poured in gradually so as not to pour too much and so that the icing for the Easter cake made from powdered sugar does not turn out too liquid.

Chocolate fudge

The ideal option for Easter decoration is chocolate soft icing for Easter cake. It can be prepared without eggs, which is an additional advantage. For the glaze recipe you will need:

  • any chocolate bar, dark can be – 90 g;
  • orange juice, which can be replaced with lemon, pineapple or any other - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • coconut oil or butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar or powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

To prepare chocolate sugar fudge for Easter cake, you need to put all the ingredients in one bowl, place it on water bath and wait for the entire mass to become homogeneous. Apply glaze to cold cake.

Toffee with milk

The glaze for hot cakes made from toffee and milk turns out to be very tasty and tender. To prepare it we will need:

  • Russian sweets “Toffee” (preferably harder) – 200 g;
  • coconut oil – 40 g;
  • milk, easily replaced with cream - ¼ tbsp. l.;
  • regular sugar or powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

In a saucepan over low heat, melt the milk and butter, bring to a boil and reduce. Slowly stir in the powder and add the toffee. Cook all ingredients until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Apply to Easter cake. Preparing the fudge this way will take a little longer, but it is a glaze for Easter cake that will not crumble.

With gelatin

There is a delicious version of glaze for Easter cakes with gelatin without eggs. It has the added benefit of being non-fraying.

To make this unique fudge you will need:

  • powdered sugar or granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • instant gelatin – 1 tsp;
  • lemon or orange juice - a few drops;
  • boiled water – 2 tbsp. l. for gelatin and 4 tbsp. l.

To prepare glaze for Easter cakes with gelatin, you need to fill a bag of gelatin with 2 tbsp of water. l. And leave it to swell for 5-10 minutes.

While the gelatin is swelling, pour sugar, 4 tbsp. l. water and cook over low heat until all ingredients are dissolved. Next, bring to a boil.

Cool the sugar mass to 60 degrees. Add gelatin to it and beat thoroughly with a mixer until the icing for gelatin cakes becomes fluffy and white.

You need to apply a glaze for Easter cakes that does not crumble as quickly as possible, as it hardens quickly.

Fruit and berry options

To make this glaze for Easter, take:

  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar (if you don’t have it, you can replace it with sand) – 3/4 tbsp.;
  • berry juice or concentrated fruit compote – ¼ tbsp.

To prepare, you need to beat the egg whites for a few minutes, adding the powder in parts. Then add fruit juice a little at a time for color and taste, without turning off the mixer. Apply the prepared mixture onto the Easter cake.

Lemon glaze

To prepare this recipe, take:

  • regular sugar - 2/3 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - a couple of tbsp. l.;
  • butter - a couple of tbsp. l.

First you need to put the butter in a saucepan, melt it over low heat, and then gradually add sugar and lemon juice. Grind all ingredients so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. The result will please you because the mass does not stick at all.

As you can see, there are many glaze recipes. When choosing, everything will depend on your desires and preferences, as well as the products available in the refrigerator.

Useful video on how to make marshmallow cake frosting


Sugar icing, saying these two words, you involuntarily begin to smile in anticipation of sweetness. This confectionery decoration always adds color and delicious aromas to your baked goods. Not only children, but also adults always want to eat such baked goods; even those on a diet, not everyone can resist this miracle. There are a lot of varieties of glaze recipes for every taste and color, however, you can create your own recipe. The first thing people think of after this word is donuts, and then gingerbread cookies, cakes, muffins, pies and of course Easter cakes. Let's dive into the world of varieties of this beauty and choose the perfect glaze for your baking.

The glaze recipe is quite simple and does not require much expense.


Ingredients we need to make classic sugar glaze:

  • 200 g of powdered sugar (a glass of sugar);
  • 100 ml water;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a whisk.

Cooking process

Cooking process or how to make glaze:

Step 1

Pour water into a small metal container, add powdered sugar (sugar), 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice, mix everything well.

Step 2

When the sugar syrup begins to thicken and bubble, remove it from the stove.

Step 3

Let's wait until the sweet mass cools down a little.

Step 4

Beat with a mixer. The fill should become snow-white and shiny.

This type of confectionery decoration is the most common. It is used to create gingerbreads, cookies, cakes, various buns, powders, and other confectionery products.

Little tricks

I want to tell you little tricks that are successfully used in making glaze.

A glaze with the consistency of sour cream is suitable for decorating baked goods, thick for layers, and just right for filling.

The basis of any sugar glaze is powdered sugar, but if you don’t have it on hand, you can use a coffee grinder.

If your recipe contains coffee, cocoa or chocolate, then use only the highest grade of these products.

For painting, the best white glaze is made from egg whites and powdered sugar (sugar). If you need multiple colors, add dyes. We will look at the recipes for these glazes below.

If possible, avoid using aluminum pans when preparing the glaze.

Strawberry and raspberry frosting

Strawberry and raspberry glaze is actively used mainly in the summer season. You can use it to decorate any confectionery product, supplement it with the berries themselves to make them even more appetizing.

Equipment for making berry glaze

  • two deep plates;
  • colander;
  • fine sieve;
  • tablespoon;
  • whisk;
  • blender;
  • kettle;
  • plate.

Ingredients for making berry glaze

For this recipe you need 200 grams of powdered sugar, another 100 g of strawberries, 2 tablespoons of water (hot).

Making berry glaze

We use the recipe for sugar glaze as the basis for the preparation. Sift the powder through a sieve, pour hot water into it. Mix thoroughly. Prepare berry puree. Rinse the berries in cool water and peel them. Place in a colander for a few minutes to remove unnecessary moisture. Grind them in a blender, then grind through a sieve. Mix the icing sugar with the berry puree and beat with a whisk until thick and shiny. Apply this aromatic sweetness to your baked goods, add one or more fresh berries, a mint leaf and it will decorate any holiday table.

Berry filling is made not only from raspberries and strawberries. Any juicy berry you like will do. Also, you can mix several varieties of berries, then it will acquire additional bright flavors.

Simple chocolate frosting

I suggest we prepare you a simple chocolate glaze, and then play with the ingredients for it. How many varieties of this chocolate delicacy can we get?

To make this glaze we need only 3 ingredients: sugar or powdered sugar 100 g, 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, 3 tbsp. spoons of water or milk.

In a metal bowl, mix cocoa with sugar, pour in water, and cook over low heat. Stirring the mixture regularly, bring it to a boil, and when it starts to bubble, cook for a minute and remove from the stove. Let it cool a little and decorate your baked goods with it. For example, you can put 10-20 g of butter in it, so the taste will become more delicate, which is ideal for custard cakes.

A very aromatic chocolate glaze is made with the addition of sour cream. It has a very bright, memorable taste. It is simply made for biscuits. Thanks to sour cream, it perfectly saturates them, so it is not only used to glaze a cake or pastry, but also to grease the cakes themselves with it.

It is based on egg-free sugar glaze. To create it, take 1 glass of sour cream, 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, 100 g of butter.

Mix all ingredients except butter and bring to a boil over low heat. When it boils, add oil and cook until the oil dissolves. Then remove from the stove and let it cool.

Video of making icing sugar

A few more recipes

There is another recipe that is very quick to make. There is no sour cream, no butter, no eggs, but only starch, powdered sugar, water, cocoa.

You will spend a minimum of time and products on its preparation. This glaze is just perfect for decorating quick desserts.

In a deep bowl, mix 1 tbsp. spoon of starch, 3 tbsp. spoon of cocoa, powdered sugar, water. Your frosting is ready!

The glaze made from whites and powdered sugar is very tasty. Its delicate, white, soft texture melts in your mouth. It is convenient for drawing, creating original decorations on your confectionery masterpieces, and it is used for decorating Easter cakes and pies.

This sweet snow-white beauty is made from 2 egg whites, 250 g of powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

In a deep bowl, combine the egg whites with powdered sugar and lemon juice. We begin to gradually mix all the components with a mixer or a whisk, whichever is convenient for you. Beat the protein mass until it becomes very thick and increases 2-3 times.

As we managed to replace, again and again, powdered sugar icing is used as the basis in each of the recipes, and making it at home is quite simple.

Cocoa glaze

Now let's make something special, like cocoa frosting. IN end result it becomes glossy and shimmers beautifully on your dessert. By the way, it does not need to be boiled and it will add shine to the dessert, and its taste will outshine the chocolate itself.

To prepare it we will need:

  • 200 g powdered sugar;
  • 100 ml warm milk;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa;
  • 20 g soft butter;
  • 5 g vanilla.

Mix powdered sugar, cocoa, vanilla, add milk and butter, beat everything thoroughly until it shines.

This filling will go perfectly with cookies and a cup of aromatic tea.

Rum glaze

I want something aromatic and at the same time sweet, unlike anything else, something piquant. We're talking about rum glaze. It perfectly soaks the cakes, and they become soft and tender.

It's quite easy to do.

Take 1 glass of sugar, 50 ml of water, 50 g of rum, 100 g of butter.

Place the butter and water in a saucepan, turn on medium heat and, stirring, wait for the butter to melt. Then pour sugar into it, stirring all the time. When it boils, boil for 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Add rum, mix well and return to medium heat. Once it boils, set aside the glaze. Let it cool slightly. When it is warm, you can safely grease your baked goods with it.

In order for the rum glaze to permeate your baked goods more deeply, you need to pierce it in several places with a fork or skewer, whatever you have on hand or whatever you like best. For a piquant taste, you can lightly sprinkle the finished product with lemon juice.

Brown buttercream frosting

After rum, butter icing immediately comes to mind. They are similar in their delicate taste. Its creamy taste will not leave anyone indifferent. It is used for absolutely any baking. It has a very beautiful, appetizing color. Thanks to the cream, it perfectly soaks your dessert, after which it simply melts in your mouth and you want to eat more and more.

Let's start cooking. For creamy frosting, it is better to choose heavy cream; we need 1 cup. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add 1 cup of sugar, stirring regularly over low heat, bring to a boil and boil for another 10 minutes. When the mass thickens enough, add butter, 10 g of vanilla sugar. Keep on the fire, stirring until the butter is completely filled. dissolve and the mass becomes uniform in color.

You can diversify the creamy glaze by adding 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, then you will have the most delicate brown creamy glaze. A completely different color and more subtle taste. She has the same recipe as the creamy one. Just pre-mix the sugar with cocoa.

When there is a holiday in your home or in your soul, an explosion of colors is needed. Their vibrant variety makes the holiday a holiday! Everyone wants their dessert to pleasantly surprise and remember your guests. Colored frosting is what you need! For her there are no limits to the flight of your imagination. With it you can make trendy cakes and pastries that are in no way inferior to restaurant ones. Children have always been delighted with such glaze, because they cannot restrain themselves in their emotions from such beauty. Whatever this culinary decoration is used with: cake, cookies, gingerbread, berries or fruits - it will always make a splash on your table.

In order to prepare it you need:

  • 200 g powdered sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of milk;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of syrup;
  • 5 drops almond extract;
  • food coloring.

First, mix the powdered sugar and milk well until all the sugar dissolves. Then add syrup, almond extract and beat until the glaze begins to shimmer and shine. Add dye to the finished glaze, mix thoroughly, everything is ready. If you need several colors, then pour the finished glaze (without dye) into bowls and mix the color you need in each bowl.

It is not necessary to use store-bought food coloring. You can make them yourself. For red shades, raspberries, cherries, strawberries and even beet juice are suitable. For orange ones - carrot juice, green shades are obtained from kiwi or spinach juice. You can get blue and purple ones from currants, blackberries, and blueberries. There are no limits to your imagination here. But you will be calm that your loved ones, and most importantly your children, will eat this beauty without unnecessary chemicals.

Chocolate nut glaze

Chocolate nut glaze is one of our favorite glazes, the recipe for which we left for last. It is prepared with the addition of any chocolate bar: black, milk or white. As for nuts, you can use any here. It is possible to combine several types of nuts to create different flavors. Nuts can be used in any consistency, from powdered to large pieces. In this glaze you should add various spices or zest of citrus fruits to taste. However, there are a lot of options. Either way, it will be delicious.

The main ingredients that will be needed to make it are:

  • chocolate 100 g;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 100 g nuts;
  • a small packet of vanilla sugar.

First of all, we need to melt the chocolate and butter using a water bath. Then add milk, gradually introducing powdered sugar with vanillin and nuts. Stir the chocolate glaze all the time to prevent it from burning. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes and you’re done.

Chocolate nut glaze has a fairly wide range of applications. It can be used not only for baking, but also for coating homemade sweets, berries, and fruits.

Chocolate frosting in the microwave

Chocolate frosting in the microwave. This recipe is a godsend for housewives who have guests on their doorstep or simply don’t have enough time for culinary masterpieces. You can even prepare it for breakfast for the whole family, spending a maximum of 5 minutes on the entire preparation process.

In order to prepare it, we need a fairly deep bowl designed for cooking in the microwave.


  • chocolate bar of your choice 100 g;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of cocoa;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Break the chocolate into cubes, put all the ingredients in a bowl, mix and microwave at maximum power for 3 minutes. After a minute of cooking, open the microwave and stir it so that all the ingredients melt evenly. After 2 minutes, take out this delicious decoration, stir it again and it is ready to use.

Sweet, shiny, glossy - it's all icing. It is very difficult for confectioners to do without it. It is used to cover cakes and pastries, to paint on gingerbread cookies and cookies, to fill the tops of cupcakes, etc.

Glaze is not only beautiful, but also useful. Thanks to it, baked goods stay fresh longer. In addition, this cupcake decoration is very easy to prepare and not expensive. The only products you need are sugar and water. This is for the simplest frosting. But there are many recipes for this decoration; sometimes it seems that as many confectioners in the world, there are as many recipes, or even much more: everyone has at least two favorites.

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Glaze, like any other product, has its own rules, and if you follow them, your baked goods will always be beautiful, fragrant and impressive.


The glaze should not be too thick and not too runny. Almost like sour cream. Then it will be well applied to the product, will set quickly and will not drain. If you followed the recipe and the glaze turned out too thin, add a spoonful of powdered sugar, and if it turned out too thick, add a teaspoon of hot water.

Different goals

Liquid glaze is poured over the tops of cupcakes or donuts. Glaze with the consistency of 20 percent sour cream is used for patterns and designs on cakes. Or you can make the icing even thicker and use it to glue one half of the cake to the other. A brush will help with this.


It needs to be ground very carefully. Right within a few minutes. And when you open the lid of the coffee grinder, a “sugar smoke” should come from the powder. Yes, and of course, it’s best to make your own powder, not store-bought. Moreover, it is done very quickly.

In addition, it is better to sift the powder.

Lemon juice

It is often used as a substitute for water when making glazes. And sometimes they add a few drops to the glaze for flavor. Lemon juice gives the glaze a great taste and smell. And if the baked goods are very sweet, then it makes sense to use more lemon juice, this will create a contrasting, voluminous and interesting taste.

On whites and yolks

With eggs, the glaze acquires a rich taste and a soft, dense consistency. Protein glaze is often used for Easter cakes or for drawing patterns. And the yolks give the glaze a yellowish tint - very beautiful. But for safety reasons, it is better to dry such glaze in the oven. Although this is often not mentioned in recipes.

Place the product in an oven heated to 100 C or a little more, even a little heating will protect you from salmonella, since it dies at 70 C.

With butter

When making icing for cakes, fat and butter are often added. The glaze with it turns out soft, creamy, it is well suited for cakes. The option with chocolate or cocoa and butter looks especially beautiful.

Secret: If you brush the cake with a thin layer of jam before frosting, the frosting will lie perfectly evenly and will shine very beautifully.


It is often recommended to add food coloring to the glaze; with it, the color turns out bright, and the product takes on a festive, cheerful look. Of course, there is nothing wrong with using food coloring from a bag, but you can add natural coloring products to the icing. For example, a spoonful of raspberry jam - you get a red color and a magical raspberry aroma. A pinch of turmeric and a piece of butter will give you an intense orange tint.

Secret: For glaze it is better not to use porous chocolate. And if you add a spoonful of cocoa to the chocolate, the color will be more saturated.

How to apply?

Liquid glaze for Easter cakes and cupcakes is applied with a brush. You can apply it in several layers. The glaze for painting is applied using a pastry syringe. By the way, you can use a regular disposable syringe.

Simple glaze

200 g powdered sugar

4 tbsp. l. hot water

Step 1. Mix powder and water and place on low heat.

Step 2. Cook, stirring, until the glaze becomes smooth. Approximately 5-7 minutes.

Step 3. Pour hot glaze over gingerbread cookies or buns.

Egg yolk glaze

5 yolks

1.5 cups powdered sugar

3-4 tbsp. freshly squeezed orange juice

Step 1. Beat the yolks with orange juice until a stable foam forms.

Step 2. Gradually introduce previously sifted powder. Stir everything until smooth.

Step 3. Cover the cake or cookies with icing and dry in the oven at approx. 100 C.

Glaze with rum

1 cup powdered sugar

3 tbsp. Roma

1 tbsp. l. hot water

Step 1. Sift the powdered sugar.

Step 2. Add water and rum and grind very thoroughly. Cover cupcakes or pastries.

Chocolate glaze

100 g chocolate

3 tbsp. l. water

1 tbsp. l. butter

100 g powdered sugar

Step 1. Break the chocolate into pieces, add hot water and heat until the chocolate dissolves.

Step 2. Then add softened butter and powdered sugar and grind into a homogeneous glaze.

Protein glaze

Good to use for patterns

1 cup powdered sugar

1 tsp lemon juice

Step 1. Beat the whites until stiff foam.

Step 2. Sift the powder into the egg whites and beat very well again. Add lemon juice.

Step 3. Fill a pastry syringe or bag with icing. Apply a pattern to a cake, cookies or gingerbread.

Butterscotch icing

200 g hard toffees

40 g butter

1/4 cup milk

1-2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar

Step 1. Heat butter and milk in a saucepan.

Step 2. Add toffee and powder, cook until the candies are completely dissolved, stirring constantly.

Step 3. Apply to the cake in several layers.

Can be compared with the work of artists. At the same time, painters have no idea what the final touches of the paintings will be. But pastry artists always know what they will do. As a rule, the final touch in their work is icing, which is used to cover a variety of cakes, gingerbreads, cookies, pastries and cupcakes.

Variety of icing sugar

At this point, cooks can show all their creativity, since sugar glaze can be quite varied. What all of its types have in common is the fact that they are all made using sugar or powder.

Various ingredients can be added here. Among them, egg whites, starch, milk, cream, butter, sour cream, cocoa, juices and vanilla are very often used.

The powder is mixed with milk until it reaches a soft paste. Then sugar syrup is added, and flavoring is also added here. After this, you can begin to beat the resulting mixture. Whisk until the cake icing becomes smooth and shiny.

After obtaining the optimal result, you need to divide the glaze into small cups and add the desired color to each cup. A characteristic feature is that the more of the corresponding dye is added, the brighter the color of the icing on the cake will subsequently turn out. When frosting cookies, for example, you need to dip them in colored icing or spread it on with a small brush. During the painting process, sugar icing, the recipe for which was described above, is poured into a special pastry syringe, after which various colored designs are applied to the cake.

Gingerbread cookies with a translucent sugar glaze and white streaks are very tasty. The composition of this glaze is quite simple. This includes water and sugar. The peculiarity of her recipe is the secret of preparation and the direct method of glazing the gingerbread.

You need to take one glass of granulated sugar and half a glass of plain water, which is poured into the pan. Then you need to dissolve sugar in it and bring this mixture to a boil. You need to boil, constantly skimming off the foam until large transparent bubbles appear.

After cooling such a glaze, flavorings should be added to it, including vanilla, almond or rum. After this, you need to cool it a little more and you can start glazing. On relatively large products, sugar glaze for gingerbread is applied with a brush. Small ones can simply be immersed in syrup, stirring carefully and then removing them with a slotted spoon. After this, you need to place the gingerbread cookies on a wire rack, so that the excess syrup will drain and the rest will harden. This will make gingerbread glaze.

These are the various recipes for sugar icing that exist today, serving as the final wonderful touch to any confectionery creation.

The cookies are already on the way, and the buns are asking to come out of the oven, but still something is missing. We need the final finishing touch. And if you are not just a cook, but also an artist at heart, our master class on “how to make sugar icing” will be very helpful. And when under your hands the gingerbread cookies are covered with sweet sugar stains, and the Easter cakes are decorated with snow-white glossy “caps” of glaze, you will feel like a little bit of a wizard.

Custard sugar glaze


  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • egg whites – 4 pcs.


Beat the egg whites with the sugar in a water bath for about 5 minutes. Then we will work with the whisk for the same amount of time, but without heating. Pour glaze over cooled baked goods. It dries quickly, becomes smooth and shiny.

How to make caramel sugar icing?


  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • brown sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • butter – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla – 1 pinch.


Melt the butter in a small saucepan, add milk and dissolve the sugar. Let the mixture boil and keep it on the fire for 1 minute. Remove from heat, add half the powdered sugar and beat until cool. Then add vanilla, the remaining powder, beat everything again and apply to gingerbread or cookies. The finished glaze tastes very much like caramel.

Sugar glaze recipe for gingerbread cookies


  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • water – 0.5 tbsp.


Dissolve sugar in water and bring the syrup to a boil. We are waiting for large transparent bubbles to begin to appear on the surface (the temperature reaches 110 degrees). Remove the syrup from the heat and let cool slightly. Large ones with a brush. Small ones can be completely immersed in syrup, and then placed on a wire rack - the excess will drain off, and the gingerbread cookies will be covered with delicious translucent sugar stains.

Sugar icing for gingerbread house


  • egg white – 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar – 80 g.


Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form, then gradually add the powdered sugar. This glaze can be used to both glue parts and decorate it. To prevent the glaze from hardening too quickly, add a drop of lemon juice.

Icing for buns from powdered sugar


  • powdered sugar – 100 g;
  • starch – 1 teaspoon;
  • cream (fat content 10%) – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin – 1 pinch.


Mix powdered sugar with starch and vanilla. Bring the cream to a boil (you can replace it with milk) and pour it into the powder. Mix well and immediately cover the fresh buns - the cooled glaze thickens quickly.

Recipe for colored sugar icing for cookies


  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • milk – 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar syrup – 2 teaspoons;
  • almond extract – 0.25 teaspoon;
  • food dyes.


This glaze is used by professional confectioners, however, preparing it at home is not difficult. Pour the milk into the powdered sugar and mix until it becomes a paste. Add syrup and almond extract. We put the glaze into jars, tinting each one with its own color. That's it, you can create. Feel like a real artist in the kitchen, feel free to take a brush and...

Sugar icing for gingerbread cookies


  • powdered sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • milk – 1 teaspoon;
  • butter – 1 teaspoon;
  • vanilla – 1 pinch;
  • salt – 1 pinch.


Pour milk into the melted butter, add salt and powdered sugar. Stir until creamy. If it turns out too thick, add a little more milk or water; you can add powdered sugar to the liquid glaze. At the end, add a pinch of vanilla and mix everything again. Apply the finished glaze to the cookies using a brush or pastry syringe.

White Sugar Icing Recipe

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