Ballad "Ludmila" Analysis

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

The poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" is a fairy tale written in 1818-1820. The creation of the author's work was inspired by Russian folklore, Russian epics and popular tales. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" is full of elements of grotesque fantasy, colloquial vocabulary and good-natured irony of the author. According to literary critics, the work is a parody of Zhukovsky's chivalric novels and romantic ballads.

Main characters

Ruslan- a brave prince, the groom of Lyudmila, who saved her from Chernomor.

Ludmila- Princess, the youngest daughter of Prince Vladimir, the bride of Ruslan.

Chernomor- a hunchbacked dwarf with a long magical beard, "the midnight owner of the mountains", kidnapped Lyudmila.

Finn- an old wizard who helped Ruslan find and save Lyudmila.

Other characters

Rogdai- "brave warrior", one of Ruslan's rivals.

Farlaf- "an arrogant screamer, not defeated by anyone in feasts, but a modest warrior", killed Ruslan and kidnapped Lyudmila.

Ratmir- "Young Khazar Khan", wanted to marry Lyudmila, but fell in love with another maiden.

Naina- Finn's beloved, a witch.

Prince Vladimir- Prince of Kyiv, father of Lyudmila.


The author dedicates his work to the "beauties" - "the queens of his soul". The poem begins with a description of the fabulous seashore - a magical world is revealed to the reader, where a learned cat, a mermaid, a goblin, Baba Yaga, Tsar Kashchei, knights and sorcerers live.

Canto One

Prince Vladimir marries his younger daughter Lyudmila to "prince the brave Ruslan". The festival is in full swing, the guests are listening to the song of the "sweet singer" Bayan, glorifying the newlyweds. However, not everyone is having fun, "in despondency, with a cloudy brow" three knights are sitting, Ruslan's rivals - Rogdai, Farlaf, Ratmir.

After the feast, the young went to their chambers. Thunder suddenly struck, the room darkened and "someone in the smoky depths / Soared blacker than foggy darkness." Ruslan, in desperation, discovers that Lyudmila is missing. Having learned about what happened, Prince Vladimir promises whoever can find her, the hand of his daughter and half the kingdom. Ruslan, Rogdai, Farlaf and Ratmir set off in different directions in search of Lyudmila.

On the way, Ruslan notices a cave. Entering it, the knight sees a gray-haired old man reading a book. The elder informs him that Lyudmila was kidnapped by "the terrible wizard Chernomor". The knight stays overnight in the cave, and the elder tells him his story. He was a "natural Finn", a shepherd in love with a very beautiful and proud girl, Naina. However, she refused the young man. Then the Finn went to distant lands and ten years later he returned as a winner, throwing treasures at the feet of his beloved. But Naina again refused him. Finn decided to attract his beloved with charms, studied with sorcerers in the forests for many years and, finally, was able to fall in love with a woman. However, forty years had passed since their last meeting, and now in front of him was not a young beauty, but a decrepit old woman, and even a sorceress. Finn runs away from a woman who has kindled a passion for him, and since then Naina has hated a man.

Canto two

At this time, Rogdai decides to kill his main rival - Ruslan, and goes back. Farlaf, having lunch near the stream, saw a knight rushing at him, got scared and fled. When Rogdai, who believed that he was chasing Ruslan, caught up with him, he was disappointed and let the knight go.

On the way, Rogdai met the old woman Naina, who showed him the way to Ruslan to the north. The sorceress also appeared to Farlaf - she advised him to return to Kyiv, since "Lyudmila will not leave" them.

After the abduction, Lyudmila was in "painful oblivion" for a long time. The girl woke up in rich chambers, similar to the house of Scheherazade. Three virgins, to the wonderful singing, braided Lyudmila's braid, put on her a pearl crown, an azure sundress and a pearl belt. However, the princess is very sad and yearns for Ruslan. She is not even happy with the magical beauty of the garden, where she spends the whole day. At night, "Arapov long row" unexpectedly enters her room. They deposit on pillows long beard, which belonged to a hunchbacked dwarf. In fright, Lyudmila screamed and wanted to hit the dwarf, but he, trying to escape, got tangled in his own beard. The Arabs took him away.

Ruslan leaves for an open field, where a rider rushes at him with a spear. It was Rogdai. Ruslan defeats the rival, and Rogdai finds his death in the river.

Song Three

In the morning, a winged serpent flies to the dwarf Chernomor, which "suddenly turned around Naina". The woman invites the sorcerer to make an alliance, and he agrees.

Chernomor finds out that Lyudmila has disappeared - she was neither in the wards nor in the garden. The girl accidentally discovered the sorcerer's invisibility cap and now had fun hiding from the dwarf and his servants.

Ruslan leaves for the field of the old battle, littered with bones, where he picks up armor for himself, but does not find a worthy sword. Heading further, the prince notices a high hill, on which the huge head of a warrior in a helmet sleeps. Ruslan woke his head and she, angry, began to blow on the knight. A strong whirlwind carried Ruslan back, but he contrived and plunged a spear into the tongue of his head, and then overturned it. The prince wanted to "chop off her nose and ears", but the head asked not to do this, telling her story. It used to belong to a giant who was very envious of his dwarf brother Chernomor. Once Chernomor found out that there was a sword that would cut off the giant's head, and his beard (in which "the fatal force lurked"). The giant got hold of the blade, and while his brother slept, the dwarf cut off his head, placing it here to guard the sword. The head asks Ruslan to take the blade for himself and take revenge on Chernomor.

Canto Four

Ratmir leaves for the valley and sees a castle on the rocks in front of him. The knight notices a beautiful maiden walking along the wall and singing a song. The young khan knocks at the castle and is met by the red maidens. Ratmir remains in the castle.

Lyudmila, all this time, wandered around the sorcerer's possessions, yearning for her lover. "Brutal passion wounded" Chernomor decides to catch Lyudmila, turning into a wounded Ruslan. The girl rushes to her lover, but discovering a substitute, she falls unconscious. Suddenly, a horn sounds.

Song Five

As it turned out, Ruslan called the sorcerer to the battle. In the midst of the battle, the knight grabs Chernomor by the beard and they rise into the sky. Ruslan did not let out the sorcerer's beard for three days, and he, tired, descended to the ground. Immediately the knight drew his sword and cut off the beard of the sorcerer, after which he lost his magical powers.

Ruslan returns to the possessions of Chernomor, but cannot find Lyudmila. Grieving, the knight begins to destroy everything around with his sword and with an accidental blow knocks the invisibility cap off the princess. Ruslan falls at the girl's feet, but she is bewitched and asleep.

Suddenly, a virtuous Finn appears nearby. He advises taking Lyudmila to Kyiv, where the princess will wake up. The Knight does just that.

On the way back, Ruslan tells the giant's head that he has avenged himself, and she dies calmly. By a quiet river, the knight meets a fisherman with a sweet maiden, whom he recognizes as Ratmir. Former rivals wish each other happiness.

Naina comes to Farlaf. The sorceress takes the knight to Ruslan, who is sleeping at the feet of Lyudmila. Farlaf "thrice cold steel plunges" into the opponent's chest and kidnaps the princess.

Song Six

Farlaf arrives in Kyiv, but Lyudmila continues to sleep. Soon the Pecheneg uprising begins. At this time, Finn comes to the murdered Ruslan with dead and living water and revives the knight. The wizard sends the prince to protect Kyiv and gives him a ring that will help to disenchant Lyudmila.

Ruslan leads the army and defeats the Pechenegs. After the victory, the prince entered the chambers, touched Lyudmila's forehead with a ring, and the girl woke up. Ruslan and Lyudmila forgave Farlaf, and the dwarf was accepted into the palace.


In the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" Pushkin reveals the eternal conflict - the confrontation between good and evil. All the heroes of the work are ambiguous - they have both positive and negative sides, but they themselves choose which path to take. At the end of the poem, the author, following the traditional fairy tale, shows that good always triumphs over evil.

A brief retelling of "Ruslan and Lyudmila" will help you get acquainted with the plot of the work, as well as prepare for the lesson of Russian literature.

Poem test

Test on the summary of Pushkin's work:

Retelling rating

Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings received: 1715.

“The first thought about Ruslan and Lyudmila was given to me by our famous comedian Shakhovsky ... At one of the evenings of Zhukovsky, Pushkin, speaking of his poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, said that he would redo a lot; I wanted to know from him what kind of alterations he intended to make, but his premature death did not allow me to fulfill this intention, ”Glinka describes the origin of the idea for the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila.

The text of the opera included some fragments of the poem, but in general it was written anew. Glinka and his librettists made a number of changes to the composition of the characters. In addition, the composer abandoned Pushkin's ironic interpretation of the plot, creating a work of epic scope, full of great thoughts, broad life generalizations.

Rethinking the content of Pushkin's playful, ironic youthful poem, taken as the basis of the libretto, Glinka brought to the fore the majestic images of Ancient Rus', the heroic spirit and the multifaceted emotionally rich lyrics.

The opera, with long interruptions, was written in five years. The premiere took place on November 27 (December 9), 1842 at the Bolshoi Theater in St. Petersburg.


Opera in five acts (eight scenes)


Svetozar, Grand Duke of Kiev……………………………………………………………….................bass

Lyudmila, his daughter………………………………………………………………………………................. ..... soprano

Ruslan, knight of Kiev, fiance of Lyudmila…………………………………………………........... baritone

Ratmir, prince of the Khazars……………………………………………………………………............. contralto

Farlaf, the Varangian Knight………………………………………………………………………………….. .bass

Gorislava, a prisoner of Ratmir …………………………..……………………………………….............. soprano

Finn, the good wizard……………………………………………………………………………………… ..tenor

Naina, the evil sorceress…………………………………………………………………….............. mezzo-soprano

Bayan, singer ………………………………………………………………….……………………………............ ............tenor

Chernomor, the evil wizard, Karla …………………………………………………………............without singing


The high mansions of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Svetozar are full of guests. The prince is celebrating the wedding of his daughter Lyudmila with the knight Ruslan. The prophetic Bayan sings a song about the glory of the Russian land, about bold campaigns. He predicts the fate of Ruslan and Lyudmila: mortal danger hangs over the heroes, they are destined for separation, severe trials. Ruslan and Lyudmila swear eternal love to each other. Ratmir and Farlaf, jealous of Ruslan, secretly rejoice at the prediction. However, Bayan reassures everyone: invisible forces will protect the lovers and unite them. Guests praise the young. The melodies of Bayan sound again. This time he predicts the birth of a great singer who will keep the story of Ruslan and Lyudmila from oblivion. 2 In the midst of the wedding fun, a clap of thunder is heard, everything is plunged into darkness. The darkness dissipates, but Lyudmila is not there: she has been kidnapped. Svetozar promises the daughter's hand and half the kingdom to the one who saves the princess. Ruslan, Ratmir and Farlaf go in search.

In the far northern region, where Ruslan's travels have led him, the kind wizard Finn lives. He predicts the victory of the knight over Chernomor, who kidnapped Lyudmila. At Ruslan's request, Finn tells his story. The poor shepherd, he fell in love with the beautiful Naina, but she rejected his love. Neither by exploits, nor by wealth obtained in bold raids, could he win the heart of a proud beauty. And only with the help of magic spells did Finn inspire Naina with love for himself, but Naina, meanwhile, became a decrepit old woman. Rejected by the wizard, now she haunts him. Finn warns Ruslan against the machinations of the evil sorceress. Ruslan continues on his way.

Looking for Lyudmila and Farlaf. But everything that meets on the way frightens the cowardly prince. Suddenly, a terrible old woman appears before him. This is Naina. She wants to help Farlaf and thereby take revenge on Finn, who patronizes Ruslan. Farlaf triumphs: the day is near when he will save Lyudmila and become the owner of the Kyiv principality.

The search leads Ruslan to an ominous deserted place. He sees a field littered with the bones of fallen warriors and weapons. The fog dissipates, and the outlines of a huge Head appear in front of Ruslan. She begins to blow towards the knight, a storm rises. But, struck by Ruslan's spear, the Head rolls away, and a sword is revealed under it. The head tells Ruslan the story of two brothers - the giant and the dwarf Chernomor. The dwarf overcame his brother by cunning and, having cut off his head, forced her to guard the magic sword. Giving the sword to Ruslan, the Head asks to take revenge on the evil Chernomor.

Magic castle of Naina. The virgins, subject to the sorceress, invite travelers to take refuge in the castle. Here the beloved of Ratmir - Gorislava yearns. Appeared Ratmir does not notice her. Ruslan also ends up in Naina's castle: he is fascinated by the beauty of Gorislava. Vityazey is saved by Finn, who destroys Naina's evil spell. Ratmir, returned to Gorislava, and Ruslan again set off in search of Lyudmila.

Lyudmila languishes in the gardens of Chernomor. Nothing pleases the princess. She yearns for Kyiv, for Ruslan and is ready to commit suicide. An invisible chorus of servants persuades her to submit to the power of the sorcerer. But their speeches only provoke the wrath of the proud daughter of Glory City. The sounds of the march herald the approach of Chernomor. Slaves bring in a dwarf with a huge beard on a stretcher. The dancing begins. Suddenly, a horn sounds. It is Ruslan who challenges Chernomor to a duel. Having plunged Lyudmila into a magical dream, Chernomor leaves. In battle, Ruslan cuts off Chernomor's beard, depriving him of his miraculous strength. But he cannot wake Lyudmila from her magical sleep.

Ruslan's camp is broken in the valley. Night. Ratmir guards the dream of friends. The frightened slaves of Chernomor run in, whom Ruslan freed from the power of the evil wizard. They report that Lyudmila has been kidnapped again by an invisible force, followed by Ruslan.

Farlaf, having kidnapped the princess with the help of Naina, brought her to Kyiv, but no one is able to awaken Lyudmila. Svetozar mourns his daughter. Ruslan suddenly appears. Finn's magic ring awakens the princess. The jubilant people of Kiev glorify the brave knight, sing of their homeland.

This poem by Zhukovsky.

Orest Kiprensky. Portrait of Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, 1815

"Where are you, honey? What's wrong with you?
With alien beauty
Know in the far side
Changed, unfaithful, to me;
Ile untimely grave
Your bright gaze has been extinguished.
So Lyudmila, depressed,
Bowing his eyes to Persians,
She sighed at the crossroads.
“Will he return,” she dreamed, “
From distant, foreign countries
With the formidable army of the Slavs?

Dust clouds the distance;
Shines military militia;
The stomping, neighing of horses;
The crackling of trumpets and the sound of swords;
The shells are covered with ashes;
Helmets are entwined with laurels;
Close, close military formation;
Rushing in a noisy crowd
Wives, children, betrothed...
"Returned unforgettable! .."
And Lyudmila? .. Waiting, waiting ...
“There he leads a squad;

Sweet hour - connection! .. "
Here comes the militia;
The military formation passed ...
Where, Lyudmila, is your hero?
Where is your joy, Lyudmila?
Oh! I'm sorry, sweet hope!
Everything is lost: there is no friend.
Quietly goes to his tower,
Tomnu bowed her head.
“Part way, my grave;
Coffin, open; to live fully;
Twice the heart does not love.

“What is the matter with you, my Lyudmila? -
The mother screamed in fear. -
Oh, calm you creator! -
“Dear friend, everything is over;
What has passed is irretrievable;
The sky is inexorable to us;
The king of heaven has forgotten us...
Did he not promise me happiness?
Where are the promises fulfilled?
Where is the holy providence?
No, the creator is not merciful;
All forgive; it's all over."

“Oh Lyudmila, murmuring is a sin;
Sorrow - the creator's message;
The creator does not create evil;
The groan will not resurrect the dead." -
"Oh! dear, it's over!
My heart refused to believe!
I, with hope and prayer,
Before the icon of the saint
Didn't shed streams of tears?
No, fruitless pleas
Do not call the past days;
Do not blossom my soul.

Enjoyed life early
My life was eclipsed early,
Early former years beauty.
What to look to heaven?
What to pray for the unforgiving?
Will I return the irrevocable?” -
“King of heaven, then mourn the voice!
Daughter, remember the hour of death;
This life of suffering is brief;
Paradise is a humble reward,
Hell is for rebellious hearts;
Be obedient to heaven."

“What, dear, are the torments of hell?
What is the heavenly reward?
Together with the darling, paradise is everywhere;
With a sweet pink - a paradise
An unforgiving abode.
No, the savior has forgotten me!” -
So Lyudmila cursed life,
So the creator was called to court ...
Here is the sun behind the mountains;
Here it is strewn with stars
Night is a calm vault of heaven;
The valley is gloomy, and the forest is gloomy.

Here is the majestic month
He stood over the quiet oak forest:
It shines from the cloud
Then it will go behind the cloud;
Long shadows stretch from the mountains;
And forests of dense canopy,
And a mirror of unsteady waters,
And heaven is a distant vault
Clothed in bright twilight...
The hillocks are sleeping,
Bor fell asleep, the valley sleeps...
Chu! .. the midnight hour sounds.

The tops of the oaks shook;
Here blew from the valley
Flying breeze...
Rides across the field of riders:
The greyhound horse neighs and puffs.
Suddenly ... they are coming ... (Lyudmila hears)
On the iron porch...
The ring rattled softly...
They said in a low whisper...
(All her veins trembled.)
That familiar voice was
Then the darling said to her:

“Is my Lyudmila sleeping or not?
Remember a friend or forgot?
Vesela or tears pouring?
Get up, the groom is calling you. -
“Are you? Where at midnight?
Oh! barely mournful eyes
Not quenched by tears.
Know that the king of heaven has moved
Poor girl longing?
Is it really dear to me?
Where was it? What fate
Are you back in your native country?

“Near the Nareva my house is cramped.
Only a heavenly month
Rising over the valley
Only the midnight hour will strike -
We saddle our horses
We leave the dark cells.
I started off late.
You are mine; be mine...
Chu! desert owls cry.
Do you hear? Singing, married faces.
Do you hear? The greyhound horse whinnied.
Let's go, let's go, the time has come."

“Let's wait at least the time of the night;
The wind rose from midnight;
It's cold in the field, the forest is making noise;
The month is covered with clouds. -
“The violent wind will stop;
The forest will subside, the moon will look through;
Let's go, we're a hundred miles away.
Do you hear? The horse gnaws the reins,
Beats with impatience.
The moment we are afraid of slowing down;
Short, short term is given to me;
Let's go, let's go, it's a long way."

“How long has it been night?
Midnight has just struck.
Do you hear? The bell is ringing." -
“The wind has died down; boron is silent;
A month looks into the water current;
In an instant, the greyhound horse will rush along. -
“Where, tell me, is your cramped home?” -
“There, in Lithuania, a foreign land:
Cold, quiet, solitary,
Covered with fresh turf;
Shroud, cross, and six boards.
Let's go, let's go, it's a long way."

The rider and Lyudmila are racing.
Timidly the maiden embraced
Another gentle hand
Leaning your head against him.
Dap, flying through the valleys,
On hillocks and on plains;
The horse blazes, the earth trembles;
Sparks splatter from hooves;
Dust rolls after clubs;
Jump past them in rows
Ditches, fields, mounds, bushes;
Bridges shatter with thunder.

The dead man rushes with the girl;
Their path to the coffin cell.

“Chu! a leaf shook in the forest.
Chu! a whistle sounded in the wilderness.
The black raven started up;
The horse shuddered and staggered back;
A fire broke out in the field.
"Is it close, dear?" - "The way is far."

They hear the rustle of quiet shadows:
In the hour of midnight visions
In the smoke of the clouds, the crowd,
Ashes leaving the grave
With a late month sunrise,
Light, bright round dance
They twisted into an air chain;
Here they rushed after them;
Here are the airy faces singing:
As if in dodder leaves
A light breeze blows;
It's like a trickling stream.

“The moon is shining, the valley will be shed;
The dead man rushes with the girl;
Their path to the coffin cell.
Is it scary, girl, with me? -
"What about the dead? what about the coffin?
The dead house of the earth is the womb. -
“Horse, my horse, the sand is running;
I feel the early breeze;
Horse, my horse, run faster;
The morning stars lit up
The moon has gone out in the cloud.
Horse, my horse, the rooster crows.

"Is it close, dear?" - "Here they come."
They hear: the pines staggered;
They hear: constipation slept from the gate;
A greyhound horse with an arrow to the yard.
What, what is in the eyes of Lyudmila?
Row of stones, crosses, graves,
And among them is the temple of God.
The horse rushes over the coffins;
The walls resoundingly echo the clatter;
And in the grass a barely audible whisper,
Like the quiet voice of the departed...
Here the daylight is busy.

What does Lyudmila wonder about? ..
To the fresh horse rushing to the grave
Boo in it and with the rider.
Suddenly - deaf underground thunder;
The boards cracked terribly;
Bones clattered against bones;
The dust rose; hoop clap;
Quietly, quietly the coffin opened...
What, what is in the eyes of Lyudmila? ..
Oh, bride, where is your darling?
Where is your wedding crown?
Your house is a coffin; the groom is dead.

Sees a numb corpse;
Straight, motionless, blue,
Wrapped in a long shroud.
The formerly cute look is terrible;
Dead cheeks fell;
Muten eyes half-open;
Hands folded in a cross.
Suddenly he got up ... he beckons with his finger ...
“The way is over: to me, Lyudmila;
Our bed is a dark grave;
Zaves - a shroud of a coffin;
It is sweet to sleep in the damp earth.

Well, Lyudmila? .. Turns to stone,
Eyes dim, blood cools,
She fell dead to dust.
Moaning and screaming in the clouds;
Screeching and grinding under the ground;
Suddenly the dead crowd
Stretched from the graves;
A quiet, terrible chorus howled:
“The murmur of mortals is reckless;
The Almighty King is just;
Your groan was heard by the creator;
Your hour has struck, the end has come.

"Where are you, honey? What's wrong with you?
With foreign beauty.
Know in the far side
Changed, unfaithful, to me;
Ile untimely grave
Your bright gaze has been extinguished.
So Lyudmila, depressed,
Bowing his eyes to Persians,
She sighed at the crossroads.
“Will he return,” she dreamed, “
From distant, foreign countries
With the formidable army of the Slavs?
Dust clouds the distance;
Shines military militia;
The stomping, neighing of horses;
The crackling of trumpets and the sound of swords;
The shells are covered with ashes;
Helmets are entwined with laurels;
Close, close military formation;
Rushing in a noisy crowd
Wives, children, betrothed...
"Returned unforgettable! .."
And Lyudmila? .. Waiting, waiting ...
“There he leads a squad;
Sweet hour - connection! .. "
Here comes the militia;
The military formation passed ...
Where, Lyudmila, is your hero?
Where is your joy, Lyudmila?
Oh! I'm sorry, sweet hope!
Everything is lost: there is no friend.
Quietly goes to his tower,
Tomnu bowed her head.
“Part way, my grave;
Coffin, open; to live fully;
Twice the heart does not love.
“What is the matter with you, my Lyudmila? —
The mother screamed in fear. —
Oh, calm you creator! —
“Dear friend, everything is over;
What has passed is irretrievable;
The sky is inexorable to us;
The king of heaven has forgotten us...
Did he not promise me happiness?
Where are the promises fulfilled?
Where is the holy providence?
No, the creator is not merciful;
All forgive; it's all over."
“Oh Lyudmila, murmuring is a sin;
Sorrow is the creator's message;
The creator does not create evil;
The groan will not resurrect the dead." —
"Oh! dear, it's over!
My heart refused to believe!
I, with hope and prayer,
Before the icon of the saint
Didn't shed streams of tears?
No, fruitless pleas
Do not call the past days;
Do not blossom my soul.
Enjoyed life early
My life was eclipsed early,
Early former years beauty.
What to look to heaven?
What to pray for the unforgiving?
Will I return the irrevocable?” —
“King of heaven, then mourn the voice!
Daughter, remember the hour of death;
This life of suffering is brief;
Paradise is a humble reward,
Hell is for rebellious hearts;
Be obedient to heaven."
“What, dear, are the torments of hell?
What is the heavenly reward?
Together with the darling, paradise is everywhere;
With a sweet pink - a paradise
An unforgiving abode.
No, the savior has forgotten me!” —
So Lyudmila cursed life,
So the creator was called to court ...
Here is the sun behind the mountains;
Here it is strewn with stars
Night is a calm vault of heaven;
The valley is gloomy, and the forest is gloomy.
Here is the majestic month
He stood over the quiet oak forest:
It shines from the cloud
Then it will go behind the cloud;
Long shadows stretch from the mountains;
And forests of dense canopy,
And a mirror of unsteady waters,
And heaven is a distant vault
Clothed in bright twilight...
The hillocks are sleeping,
Bor fell asleep, the valley sleeps...
Chu! .. the midnight hour sounds.
The tops of the oaks shook;
Here blew from the valley
Flying breeze...
Rides across the field of riders:
The greyhound horse neighs and puffs.
Suddenly ... they are coming ... (Lyudmila hears)
On the iron porch...
The ring rattled softly...
They said in a low whisper...
(All her veins trembled.)
That familiar voice was
Then the darling said to her:
“Is my Lyudmila sleeping or not?
Remember a friend or forgot?
Vesela or tears pouring?
Get up, the groom is calling you. —
“Are you? Where at midnight?
Oh! barely mournful eyes
Not quenched by tears.
Know that the king of heaven has moved
Poor girl longing?
Is it really dear to me?
Where was it? What fate
Are you back in your native country?
“Near the Nareva my house is cramped.
Only a heavenly month
Rising over the valley
Only the midnight hour will strike -
We saddle our horses
We leave the dark cells.
I started off late.
You are mine; be mine...
Chu! desert owls cry.
Do you hear? Singing, married faces.
Do you hear? The greyhound horse whinnied.
Let's go, let's go, the time has come."
“Let's wait at least the time of the night;
The wind rose from midnight;
It's cold in the field, the forest is making noise;
The month is covered with clouds. —
“The violent wind will stop;
The forest will subside, the moon will look through;
Let's go, we're a hundred miles away.
Do you hear? The horse gnaws the reins,
Beats with impatience.
The moment we are afraid of slowing down;
Short, short term is given to me;
Let's go, let's go, it's a long way."
“How long has it been night?
Midnight has just struck.
Do you hear? The bell is ringing." —
“The wind has died down; boron is silent;
A month looks into the water current;
In an instant, the greyhound horse will rush along. —
“Where, please, is your cramped home?” —
“There, in Lithuania, a foreign land:
Cold, quiet, solitary,
Covered with fresh turf;
Shroud, cross, and six boards.
Let's go, let's go, it's a long way."
The rider and Lyudmila are racing.
Timidly the maiden embraced
Another gentle hand
Leaning your head against him.
Dap, flying through the valleys,
On hillocks and on plains;
The horse blazes, the earth trembles;
Sparks splatter from hooves;
Dust rolls after clubs;
Jump past them in rows
Ditches, fields, mounds, bushes;
Bridges shatter with thunder.
“The moon is shining, the valley will be shed;
The dead man rushes with the girl;
Their path to the coffin cell.
Is it scary, girl, with me? —
"What about the dead? what about the coffin?
The dead house of the earth is the womb. —
“Chu! a leaf shook in the forest.
Chu! in the wilderness there was a whistle,
The black raven started up;
The horse shuddered and staggered back;
A fire broke out in the field. —
"Is it close, dear?" - "The way is far"
They hear the rustle of quiet shadows:
In the hour of midnight visions
In the smoke of the clouds, the crowd,
Ashes leaving the grave
With a late month sunrise,
Light, bright round dance
They twisted into an air chain;
Here they rushed after them;
Here are the airy faces singing:
As if in dodder leaves
A light breeze blows;
It's like a trickling stream.
“The moon is shining, the valley will be shed;
The dead man rushes with the girl;
Their path to the coffin cell.
Is it scary, girl, with me? —
"What about the dead? what about the coffin?
The dead house of the earth is the womb. —
“Horse, my horse, the sand is running;
I feel the early breeze;
Horse, my horse, run faster;
The morning stars lit up
The moon has gone out in the cloud.
Horse, my horse, the rooster crows.
"Is it close, dear?" - "Here they come."
They hear: the pines staggered;
They hear: constipation slept from the gate;
A greyhound horse with an arrow to the yard.
What, what is in the eyes of Lyudmila?
Row of stones, crosses, graves,
And among them is the temple of God.
The horse rushes over the coffins;
The walls resoundingly echo the clatter;
And in the grass a barely audible whisper,
Like the quiet voice of the departed...
Here the daylight is busy.
What does Lyudmila wonder about? ..
To the fresh horse rushing to the grave
Boo in it and with the rider.
Suddenly - deaf underground thunder;
The boards cracked terribly;
Bones clattered against bones;
The dust rose; hoop clap;
Quietly, quietly the coffin opened...
What, what is in the eyes of Lyudmila? ..
Oh, bride, where is your darling?
Where is your wedding crown?
Your house is a coffin; the groom is dead.
Sees a numb corpse;
Straight, motionless, blue,
Wrapped in a long shroud.
The formerly cute look is terrible;
Dead cheeks fell;
Muten eyes half-open;
Hands folded in a cross.
Suddenly he got up ... he beckons with his finger ...
“The way is over: to me, Lyudmila;
Our bed is a dark grave;
Veil - a shroud of a coffin;
It is sweet to sleep in the damp earth.
Well, Lyudmila? .. Turns to stone,
Eyes dim, blood cools,
She fell dead to dust.
Moaning and screaming in the clouds
Screeching and grinding under the ground;
Suddenly the dead crowd
Stretched from the graves;
A quiet, terrible chorus howled:
“The murmur of mortals is reckless;
The Almighty King is just;
Your groan was heard by the creator;
Your hour has struck, the end has come.

Sovereign Vladimir arranges a feast with his sons and close friends, as they have a great holiday - the wedding of Lyudochka's daughter. Everyone rejoices at the wedding, except for the three knights. Since all three would like to be in the place of Ruslan's fiancé.

The holiday ends. The sovereign gives the newlyweds a blessing and they are taken to their chambers. Out of nowhere, the wind picks up, thunder rumbles, and a voice comes through the gloom. After Ruslan comes to his senses, he discovers the absence of his young wife.

When the father finds out that his daughter is missing, he sends knights to search for her, and to the one who finds her, he promises her hand and heart, and half the kingdom as a gift. The Knights are leaving.

Ratmir, one of the knights, is already looking forward to the embrace of the rescued. Farlaf dreams of great deeds. Rogdai, as always very quiet. Knights arrive at the crossroads, and each decides to go in his own direction. Ruslan went separately, in front of him he notices a cave in which he finds an old man. The old man says that he has been waiting for him for a long time. He informs the groom that he will be able to save the bride, and reports that she was kidnapped by Chernomor. But before being rescued, he will have to go through quite a few difficulties, it is necessary to find where Chernomor lives and kill him.

The old man tells the story of Ruslan's life at Ruslan's request. Once he worked as a shepherd in the most beautiful fields of Finland. He was inexperienced in love. By unfortunate chance, he fell in love with Naina. This girl didn't love him back. After the refusal, he could not find solace for himself for a long time and left his native places. Gathering a squad, he went to seek adventure in naval battles. He failed to forget the insidious Naina, and he began to dream of coming home. After 10 years, having accumulated a sufficient amount of wealth, he dared to again ask for the hand of this woman, but this time he was refused. Leaving no hope, he learned witchcraft, but here he failed, as Naina appeared before him in an aged form. He did not even notice that while he was studying with the wise sorcerers, forty years had passed, and his beloved had turned seventy. The spell worked, but he didn't need her so old anymore. He found out that she was also a witch, and dumbfounded by this news, he ran away wherever his eyes looked, and after he heard the curses of his former lover.

That's how he ended up in this remote place where he lives all alone. The stories continued until morning. Ruslan gathered his things and inspired went on a journey for his beloved.

Meanwhile, Rogdai is plotting to leave Ruslan and free Lyudmila's heart. Turning his stallion around, he gallops to meet Ruslan.

Farlaf had a hard morning. He woke up and tried to have breakfast in the silence of the forest. But, before he had finished his breakfast, he noticed how a rider was rushing at him. Dropping everything, he ran away. Rushing on his heels, the horseman threatened to cut off his head. Rogdai was chasing him, who thought he had caught Ruslan, but, realizing that this was not his main opponent, he left.

Rogdai meets a decrepit old woman who shows him the way to his enemy. A old woman helps Farlaf to get up and sends him home, since he has nothing to do on such a terrible path and the fact that the beautiful Lyudmila will still become his wife. He does everything as the old woman said.

Ruslan, still inspired, was looking for his beloved, but in an instant he realized that he was ordered to stop and saw Rogdai, brandishing a spear at him.

At this time, the stolen Lyudmila wakes up in the monastery of Chernomor, in a beautiful room on a charming bed. The maids approach her to help her change and braid her hair. And someone's beautiful voice sang charming songs to her. But Lyudmila did not feel any better from this, she went to the window and saw that she was very high, and only the tops of the snowy mountains were visible to her. She went out into the yard and found herself in front of a beautiful garden. In her sadness, she sits down on the ground to cry, but a set table appears in front of her, and a beautiful melody is in the air.

Lyudmila, without noticing it herself, eats up. Getting up from the ground, she noticed that the treats were gone. She was tired and something weightless carried her to her chambers. Lyudmila senses danger. And, suddenly, the Arabs appear in front of her, carrying in their hands someone's gray beard. At the end, she notices an old man. She screams and the dwarf is frightened, entangled in his own beard, and the servants immediately carry him away.

Ruslan fights with Rogdai not for life, but for death. Ruslan wins, and the enemy finds his death in the river.

In the monastery of Chernomor, servants comb their beards, a snake appears on the threshold, which in the blink of an eye turns into Naina. She warns Chernomor, but he is confident in his strength as long as his beard is in place. The snake flies away, and the bearded old man goes in search of Lyudmila in his possessions, but does not find her anymore. She did not disappear anywhere, she simply hid under the invisibility cap, which fell off at the fright of Chernomor.

Ruslan finds himself on the battlefield, where swords and shields are scattered next to the bones of former soldiers. He finds equipment for himself and continues on his way. He sees a hill in the distance. But, as it turns out a little later, this is not a hill, but a huge head of a warrior in a helmet. Ruslan woke up his head, and she, laughing, blew him into the field.

Ruslan throws down his weapon and pierces the warrior's tongue.

The head lost control, and Ruslan hit it with all his might. The warrior's head rolled to the side, and in its place Ruslan found a helmet.

He really wanted to finish off the head, but spared her and went on. The head told the story. For a long time she walked like a giant warrior, but she had an evil dwarf brother. The brother shared a secret that they could be killed with the help of a special sword, but as soon as they found it, a negligent relative cut off his head. Chernomor put his head here to guard the sword.

The third knight, Khan Ratmir, saw a castle along the way, on the wall of which stood a beautiful maiden. As soon as he came closer, a huge crowd of no less beautiful girls greeted him luxuriously.

Ruslan spends the whole night with his head.

Ludmila spends her time teasing the slaves. Chernomor is not stupid, he takes the form of a wounded lover and catches a negligent captive. The call of the horn is heard and Chernomor leaves Lyudmila alone.

They fought for two days and two nights, Chernomor weakened and asked for mercy. Having descended, Ruslan cuts off his beard and goes towards the invisible bride. Accidentally touches the invisibility cap from Lyudmila's head and the lover hugs the bride. The old man from the cave explains that she will wake up in Kyiv in her native land.

On the way back, Ruslan meets Ratmir, who also found his happiness with a beautiful maiden. And wishing each other happiness, the former enemies disperse.

Naina teaches Farlaf how to kill Ruslan. Farlaf kills the sleeping Ruslan and leaves with Lyudmila. The people of Kiev meet a new misfortune - there are crowds of Pechenegs around the city. The old man from the cave revives Ruslan with living and dead water, he also gives Ruslan a ring that will help remove the spell from his beloved.

Ruslan immediately leaves for Kyiv. Enemies lean on the walls of the city, but there is no winner in this war. In the morning, a horseman comes out of the crowd of Pechenegs. Ruslan defeats all Russian enemies, leaving the dead villains at the walls of the city.

Arriving at the place, he is looking for his beloved in the tower in order to awaken her, but he meets Vladimir and Farlaf on the way. Farlav begins to repent that he killed Ruslan and took Lyudmila. Ruslan, blinded by the desire to see his beauty again, runs to Lyudmila and puts on the ring. Lyudmila wakes up.

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