Environmental problems and ways to solve them, presentation. Global environmental problems and ways to solve them - presentation

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Global environmental problems Destruction of a large number of species of plants and animals Deforestation Rapid reduction in mineral reserves Depletion of the world's oceans as a result of the destruction of living organisms Atmospheric pollution, violation of the ozone layer Pollution of the Earth's surface and disfigurement of natural landscapes Rapid development of industrial enterprises Global warming Rapid population growth

Destruction of a large number of species of plants and animals Many species of plants and animals are disappearing due to the fault of people. IN last years on Earth, from 10 to 130 disappear every day various types. This is more than new ones appear. Animals, the number of species of which is sharply declining due to human fault.

Deforestation The process of forest destruction is a pressing problem in many parts of the world, as it affects their environmental, climatic and socio-economic characteristics and reduces the quality of life. Deforestation leads to a decrease in biodiversity, wood reserves, including for industrial use, as well as an increase in the greenhouse effect due to a decrease in the volume of photosynthesis.

Rapid decline in mineral reserves The number of mineral reserves is rapidly decreasing. According to various sources, coal reserves will last for another year, oil for 45 years, gas for 75 years, and iron ore for 65 years.

Depletion of the World Ocean as a result of the destruction of living organisms The World Ocean is depleted as a result of the destruction of living organisms and ceases to be a regulator of natural processes. The depletion of the world's oceans will lead to the depletion of other parts of nature.

Air pollution affects: human health - pulmonary diseases, allergies, cardiovascular, cancer and other diseases are more common in places with polluted air, and the life expectancy of people in such places is shorter. forests, many agricultural plants - when air pollution occurs, they either die or grow much more slowly; materials – the corrosion rate increases.

Destruction of the ozone layer The ozone layer covers the entire globe and is located at altitudes from 10 to 50 km with the maximum ozone concentration at an altitude of km. The saturation of the atmosphere with ozone is constantly changing in any part of the planet, reaching a maximum in the spring in the polar region. The depletion of the ozone layer first attracted the attention of the general public in 1985, when an area with reduced (up to 50%) ozone content, called the “ozone hole,” was discovered above Antarctica.

Pollution of the Earth's surface and disfigurement of natural landscapes It is impossible to find a single square meter of surface on Earth where there are no artificially created elements. Disfigurement of natural landscapes and pollution of the Earth's surface leads to disturbances in the primary structure of the planet, which in turn can lead to various natural disasters.

Rapid development of industrial enterprises Industry does not stand still, it is developing rapidly, and with it the number of industrial enterprises that pollute the atmosphere by releasing wastewater, toxic gases into the atmosphere, etc. is increasing.

Global warming (greenhouse effect) Global warming is a slow and gradual increase in the average temperature on our planet, which is currently observed. Its impact on our planet can lead to the extinction of many species of animals and birds, to the emergence of a greenhouse effect, and quite possibly to the death of humanity.

Rapid population growth Rapid population growth, despite the difficult demographic situation in many countries of the world, has a detrimental effect on the planet as a whole. The number of inhabitants of the Earth is rapidly increasing every year, but at the same time the amount of supplies of clean drinking water, minerals, etc. is sharply decreasing. We can conclude that humanity may disappear from a lack of vital resources.

Some ways to solve environmental problems Widespread use of clean energy sources around the world Freeing ourselves from oil dependence Introducing efficient electricity consumption Developing policies to manage population growth Compliance with the Kyoto agreement to reduce the greenhouse effect Reducing carbon dioxide production at power plants

The concept of "ecological crisis" for the first time
appeared in scientific literature in the middle

Ecological crisis

- this is an environmental problem,
characterized by stable
negative changes in the environment
environment and pose a threat to health
of people.

Ecological crisis

- this is a tense state
relationship between humanity and
nature, due to inconsistency
size of production and economic
human activity and the resource-ecological capabilities of the biosphere.

The environmental crisis is characterized by
so much by the increased human impact on
nature, how much sharp increase in influence
nature changed by people to
social development.

The environmental crisis is usually divided into two parts:

Evidence of
natural environment
failure to
government and
and make her healthier.

1. Dangerous pollution of the biosphere - associated with
development of industry, agriculture
economy, transport development, urbanization,
which emit enormous amounts into the biosphere
amount of toxic and harmful emissions

Signs of the modern environmental crisis:

2. Depletion of energy reserves - related
with the fact that most energy resources
(oil, coal, gas) are
non-renewable natural resources,
their reserves are limited, and their consumption is limited
every year

Signs of the modern environmental crisis:

3. Reduction in species diversity - related
with a reduction in the number of species and subspecies
animal and plant world.

New approaches to solving the energy crisis:

a) reorientation to other types of energy;
b) use of renewable sources
c) mining
continental shelf.

Ways out of the environmental crisis

but legal
International legal protection

Global environmental problems and ways to solve them


Greenhouse effect


Disruption of the CO2 balance in nature due to
burning huge masses of fuel and
emissions of other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
gases resulting from economic activities


Greenhouse gases pass through
sun rays, but block reflected
heat from the Earth's surface, which creates
a threat like that


Melting glaciers, rising global
ocean, decreasing contrast between
natural areas, the occurrence of droughts,
increase in precipitation, change in vegetation
and fauna, soils.


Reducing emissions of CO2 and other gases in
atmosphere, introduction of new types of clean
energy, restoring cycle balance
carbon through forestation.

Acid precipitation


As a result of the reaction in the atmosphere between SOx,
NOx and H20 vapors, sulfuric and nitric acids are formed, causing precipitation to become


Acid precipitation (rain, fog, snow)
change the acidity of the environment, affecting
organisms transmitted through food chains.


Slower growth of biota, damage to trees
insects and diseases, extinction
certain plant species, soil degradation,


Alkalinization of soils, lakes, reduction
emissions of acid-forming substances,

Ocean Pollution


Ocean pollution due to economic activities
human activities oil,
petroleum products,


The load on the World War II is constantly increasing
ocean, which leads to marine degradation
ecosystems with unfavorable


The growth rate of biota decreases,
fertility, productivity decreases,
diseases increase, appear


Rational use of resources
World Ocean, legal regulation
its water

Ozone layer depletion


Nitrous oxide, organochlorines
(freons) as a result of economic
activities entering the atmosphere destroy


O3 breaking down to O2 and atomic O,
becomes unable to absorb and
skip to
Earth's surface
destructive UVL.


Depletion of the ozone layer leads to
increase in skin cancer incidence
eye cataracts, decreased immunity, death
plants animals


Reduce production of freons,
chlorofluorocarbons, apply
technologies for capturing and recycling these

“Prevention of environmental disasters” - Destruction of humanity. Irradiation-type space weapons. From environmental crises and disasters to sustainable development. Flood in Krymsk. Earthquake in Japan. Causes of environmental destruction. Major environmental crises. Ecological problems. Explosion of storage facilities for radioactive materials. Consequences of spontaneous socio-economic development.

“Ways to solve environmental problems” - Solving environmental problems. Natural systems. State of water resources in Russia. The developed countries. The role of public environmental organizations. Principles of State Environmental Policy. Ecological culture. Finding ways out. Environmental tasks public organizations. The role of the state and civil society.

“Modern environmental problems” - Pollution of water bodies and soil. Air pollution. Anthropogenic changes in landscapes. Modern environmental problems. Depletion of natural resources. Exhaustible resources. The influence of human society. The most important task. Environmental pollution. Inexhaustible resources.

“Global environmental problems of humanity” - Countries had to completely stop the production of freons. Pollution problem. The science. The international cooperation. CIS countries. Active life. Population of the Earth. Rational use of land. Cost of one nuclear test. General shortage. Global environmental problems of humanity. Ecology.

“Ecological problems of the Earth” - The Chairman of the Russian Government, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, takes an active part in the protection of Amur tigers. Cut down 1 tree, plant 10. Household waste dumps. Poaching fish with nets. Ecological problems. Installation of filters (treatment facilities) at enterprises. Crafts from waste materials.

“Major environmental problems” - Today, the environmental situation in the world can be described as close to critical. Acidification of water bodies. Solution to the problem. Acid rain. Soil erosion. Extermination of animals. The path of sustainable development. Human influence. Greenhouse effect. May lead to global climate change. Ozone holes.

There are 29 presentations in total

The environmental problem is one of the global problems of our time
The work was completed by: Student of the 10th “M” class of Secondary School No. 9 of Ulyanovsk Sharafutdinova Gulnara

Plan: 1. What is ecology 2. Types of environmental problems (local, regional, global) 3. Acid rain 4. Global warming 5. Ozone holes 5. Water pollution 7. Deforestation 8. Desertification 9. Ways to solve environmental problems

Ecology is a word made up of two Greek words: “oikos” - home, homeland and “logos” - meaning. It is believed that ecology is primarily a biological science, but it is not only nature, but also the habitat, thanks to which a person lives in nature. Ecology examines the problems of the relationship between man and the environment.

These problems require different means of solution and scientific developments of different nature to be solved.

local environmental problem - a plant that discharges its industrial waste, harmful to human health, into the river without treatment. This is a violation of the law. Nature conservation authorities or even the public should fine such a plant through the courts and, under the threat of closure, force it to build treatment facilities. No special science is required.
Local problems - crisis environmental situations in small areas or in individual settlements, their solution is possible at the local or regional levels

An example of regional environmental problems is Kuzbass, an almost closed basin in the mountains, filled with gases from coke ovens and smoke from a metallurgical giant, which no one thought about capturing during construction.
Or high radioactivity of soils in areas adjacent to Chernobyl.
To solve such problems, scientific research is already needed. In the first case, the development of rational methods for absorbing smoke and gas aerosols, in the second, the elucidation of the impact on public health of long-term exposure to low doses of radiation and the development of methods for soil decontamination.
Regional problems are problems that cover large regions and their impact affects a large part of the population.

Acid rain. Near copper smelters, there is a high concentration of sulfur dioxide in the air, which causes the destruction of chlorophyll, underdevelopment of pollen, and drying of needles. Dissolving in droplets of atmospheric moisture, sulfur and nitrogen dioxides are converted into corresponding acids and fall to the ground with rain. The soil becomes acidic and the amount of mineral salts in it decreases. When acidic precipitation gets on the leaves, it destroys the protective wax film, which leads to the development of plant diseases.

Consequences of acid rain

The sharp climate warming that began in the second half of the 20th century is a reliable fact. We feel it in winters that are milder than before. The average temperature of the surface air layer increased by 0.7’ compared to 1956-1957, when the First International Geophysical Year was held. What is the reason for this phenomenon? Some scientists believe that this is the result of burning a huge mass of organic fuel and the release of large quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas, that is, it makes it difficult for heat to transfer from the Earth's surface. The forecast for the future (2030 - 2050) suggests a possible temperature increase of 1.5 - 4.5C. The International Conference of Climatologists in Austria came to these conclusions.

An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere creates the so-called greenhouse effect. These gases allow sunlight to pass through, but partially block reflected thermal radiation from the Earth's surface. Over the past 100 years, the relative concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by 20%, and methane by 100%, which has led to an average global temperature increase of 0.5 °C.

The environmental problem of the ozone layer is no less scientifically complex. As is known, life on Earth appeared only after the protective ozone layer of the planet was formed, covering it from harsh ultraviolet radiation. For many centuries there were no signs of trouble. The problem of the ozone layer arose in 1982, when a probe launched from a British station in Antarctica discovered a sharp decrease in ozone levels at an altitude of 25 - 30 kilometers. Since then, an ozone “hole” of varying shapes and sizes has been continuously recorded over Antarctica. According to the latest data, it is equal to 23 million square kilometers, that is, an area equal to the entire North America.

In 1987, it was discovered for the first time that over Antarctica, over an area the size of the United States, the ozone layer had almost completely disappeared. In subsequent years, thinning of the ozone layer was regularly observed over the Arctic and some land areas.

People have been polluting water since time immemorial. Over many millennia, everyone has become accustomed to water pollution, but there is still something blasphemous and unnatural in the fact that a person dumps all the sewage and dirt into the sources from which he gets drinking water. Paradoxical as it may seem, harmful emissions into the atmosphere ultimately end up in water, and the territories of city landfills for solid waste and garbage after each rain and after snowmelt contribute to the pollution of surface and groundwater.

Clean water is also becoming scarce, and water scarcity can affect faster than the consequences of the “greenhouse effect”: 1.2 billion people live without clean drinking water, 2.3 billion without treatment facilities for the use of contaminated water. Water can also become the subject of internecine conflicts, since 200 of the world's largest rivers flow through the territory of two or more countries. For example, the water of the Niger is used by 10 countries, the Nile by 9, and the Amazon by 7 countries.

Death and deforestation
A particularly great environmental threat is posed by the depletion of forests - the “lungs of the planet” and the main source of the planet’s biological diversity. There, approximately 200 thousand square kilometers are cut down or burned annually, which means that 100 thousand (!) species of plants and animals disappear.

Under the influence of living organisms, water and air, the most important ecosystem, thin and fragile, is gradually formed on the surface layers of the lithosphere - soil, which is called the “skin of the Earth”. It is the guardian of fertility and life. A handful of good soil contains millions of microorganisms that maintain fertility. It takes a century to form a layer of soil 1 centimeter thick

According to geologists, before people began to engage in agricultural activities, graze livestock and plow land, rivers annually carried about 9 billion tons of soil into the World Ocean. Nowadays this amount is estimated at approximately 25 billion tons. Soil erosion, a purely local phenomenon, has now become universal. In the United States, for example, about 44% of cultivated land is susceptible to erosion. In Russia, unique rich chernozems with a humus content (organic matter that determines soil fertility) of 14–16%, which were called the citadel of Russian agriculture, disappeared. In Russia, the area of ​​the most fertile lands with a humus content of 10–13% has decreased by almost 5 times. A particularly difficult situation arises when not only the soil layer is demolished, but also the parent rock on which it develops. Then the threshold of irreversible destruction comes, and an anthropogenic (that is, man-made) desert arises.

According to UN experts, current losses of productive land will lead to the fact that by the end of the century the world could lose almost 1/3 of its arable land. Such a loss, at a time of unprecedented population growth and increasing food demand, could be truly disastrous.

Ways to solve environmental problems: Legal. It includes the creation of environmental protection laws. International economic agreements are also of no small importance. Eliminating the consequences of man-made impacts on nature requires serious financial investments. Technological. In this area there is room for inventors and innovators to diverge. The use of new technologies in the mining, metallurgical and transport industries will reduce environmental pollution to a minimum. The main objective is to create environmentally friendly sources of energy Organizational. It consists of uniformly distributing transport among flows to prevent its long-term accumulation in one area. Architectural. It is advisable to landscape large and small settlements, divide their territory into zones using plantings. Planting around enterprises and along roads is of no small importance.

Environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources and disruption of ecological connections in ecosystems have become global problems. And if humanity continues to follow the current path of development, then its death, according to the world’s leading ecologists, is inevitable in two to three generations.

Resources: https://ru.wikipedia.org http://environmentalengineering.ru/problem.html http://www.grandars.ru/shkola/geografiya/globalnye-ekologicheskie-problemy.html

Environmental problems and their solutions
student of class 11A
Naumenko Evgenia

This term, first used in 1866 by the German biologist E. Haeckel (1834-1919), refers to the science of the relationships between living organisms and environment. The scientist believed that the new science would deal only with the relationships of animals and plants with their habitat. This term firmly entered our lives in the 70s of the 20th century. However, today we actually talk about environmental problems as social ecology - a science that studies the problems of interaction between society and the environment.
What is ecology?

Throughout the history of development, environmental problems have never arisen on our planet. These problems began to appear at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. The emergence of these problems is associated with an intensive increase in the human population, with the need to use a huge amount of natural resources, with the problem of waste disposal, with the development of the automobile industry, processing plants, etc. One of the most significant environmental problems is the destruction of the biosphere. For their needs, people cut down an increasing amount forests, which leads to the disappearance of many species of flora and fauna. As a result, soil degradation and desertification occurs. The combustion of various fuels by industrial enterprises and the release of huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere contributes to the development of the greenhouse effect and the destruction of the ozone layer.
Ecological situation on the planet

The most widespread and significant is chemical pollution of the environment with substances of a chemical nature that are unusual for it. Among them are gaseous and aerosol pollutants of industrial and domestic origin. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is also progressing. The further development of this process will strengthen the undesirable trend towards an increase in the average annual temperature on the planet. Environmentalists are also concerned about the ongoing pollution of the World Ocean with oil and petroleum products, which has already reached 1/5 of its total surface. Oil pollution of this size can cause significant disruptions in gas and water exchange between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. There is no doubt about the importance of chemical contamination of the soil with pesticides and its increased acidity, leading to the collapse of the ecosystem. In general, all the factors considered that can be attributed to the polluting effect have a noticeable impact on the processes occurring in the biosphere.

Air pollution
The high rate of industrial development in developing countries is causing a sharp increase in air pollution. The low quality of technology and the lack of financial resources for modern treatment facilities lead to a large number of emissions. Also one of the most important reasons is the use of low-quality fuel. The ecological situation in urban areas is at a critical level, since the peculiarity of these countries is the concentration of the population in a small number of large cities. After a significant increase in the standard of living and material income of residents, the number of vehicles has increased, which has created a recently unknown problem of exhaust gases. This situation is worsening due to the inability of most residents to purchase modern, technologically advanced cars. Also, the use of used cars is associated with the phenomenon of noise pollution. The lack of air purification facilities can lead to dire consequences. Currently, the countries of Europe and America are carrying out air purification, but it will be possible to restore the level of cleanliness as it was before only after centuries...

Acid rain
During the operation of automobile engines, thermal power plants, and other plants and factories, nitrogen and sulfur oxides are released into the air in large quantities. These gases undergo various chemical reactions and eventually form droplets of acids, which fall as acid rain or are carried in the form of fog.  Acid precipitation causes soil erosion, inhibits the growth of vegetation and reduces its biodiversity. When acidity in the aquatic environment increases, the animals living there die. In humans, acid precipitation can cause respiratory and eye diseases. In addition, they are catalysts for the destruction of architectural structures, and thus cause significant environmental and economic damage.  Acid rain is observed in the USA, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Australia and other countries. Economic losses from acid precipitation, for example in the United States, amount to more than $12 million annually.

The most common are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium mineral fertilizers. Of these, the main pollutants of groundwater are nitrates. Currently, groundwater under over-fertilized soil contains nitrates in concentrations of more than 1000 mg/l. This is much more than normal and can be dangerous for humans. Nitrates absorbed by plants, which we in turn eat, in large quantities can cause severe poisoning. Irrational use of mineral fertilizers can cause soil erosion.
Mineral fertilizers

Water pollution
The most common pollutants include oil and petroleum products. They cover the surface of the water with a thin film, preventing gas and moisture exchange between water and near-aquatic organisms. Oil extraction from the bottom of lakes, seas and oceans poses a serious threat to the cleanliness of water bodies. Serious water pollution is caused by sudden releases of oil at the final stage of drilling wells at the bottom of reservoirs.
Another source of water pollution is accidents with oil tankers. Oil enters the sea when hoses rupture, when oil pipeline couplings leak, when it is pumped into coastal oil storage facilities, and when tankers are washed.
Surfactants, including synthetic detergents (SDCs), are becoming increasingly important (as pollutants of water bodies). The widespread use of these compounds in everyday life and industry leads to an increase in their concentration in wastewater. They are poorly removed by treatment facilities, supplied to water bodies, including household and drinking water, and from there into tap water. The presence of SMS in water gives it an unpleasant taste and smell.
Dangerous pollutants of water bodies are salts of heavy metals - lead, iron, copper, mercury. The greatest supply of their water is associated with industrial centers located near the coast. Heavy metal ions are absorbed by aquatic plants: along tropical chains they travel to herbivores, and then to carnivores. Waters containing household waste and agricultural runoff serve as sources of many infectious diseases(paratyphoid fever, dysentery, viral hepatitis, cholera, etc.). The spread of cholera vibrios by contaminated waters, lakes, and reservoirs is widely known.

The greenhouse effect, as some scientists believe, is a modern physical and chemical process of disturbing the thermal balance of the planet with an accelerating rise in temperature on it. It is generally accepted that this effect is caused by the accumulation of “greenhouse gases” in the Earth’s atmosphere, formed mainly during the combustion of fossil fuels. Infrared (thermal) radiation from the Earth's surface does not go into outer space, but is absorbed by the molecules of these gases, and its energy remains in the Earth's atmosphere. Over the past hundred years, the average temperature of the Earth's surface has increased by 0.8 ° C. In the Alps and Caucasus, glaciers have decreased in volume half, on Mount Kilimanjaro - by 73%, and the level of the World Ocean has risen by at least 10 cm. According to the World Meteorological Service, by 2050 the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere will increase to 0.05%, and the average temperature on the planet will increase will be 2-3.5° C. The results of such a process are not accurately predicted. It is expected that the level of the World Ocean will rise by 15-95 cm with the flooding of densely populated areas of river deltas in Western Europe and Southeast Asia, a shift in climate zones, a change in the direction of winds, ocean currents (including the Gulf Stream) and the amount of precipitation.
Greenhouse effect and ozone holes

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