Main events of the Japanese war 1904 1905. Russo-Japanese War: results and consequences

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At the beginning of the 20th century, the Far East was actively developing new lands, which provoked a war with Japan. Let's figure out what the causes of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905 were.

Background and causes of the war

IN late XIX At the beginning of the 20th century, Japan experienced a period of powerful development. Contacts with England and the USA allowed her to raise the economy to a new level, reform the army, and build a new modern fleet. The Meiji Revolution established the Empire of the Rising Sun as a leading regional power.

At this time, Nicholas II came to power in Russia. His reign began with a stampede on the Khodynka field, which left a negative imprint on his authority among his subjects.

Rice. 1. Portrait of Nicholas II.

To raise authority, a “small victorious war” or new territorial expansions were needed to demonstrate the greatness of Russia. The Crimean War outlined Russia's territorial claims in Europe. In Central Asia, Russia was stuck with India, and conflict with Britain had to be avoided. Nicholas II turned his attention to China, weakened by wars and European colonization. Long-term plans were also made for Korea.

In 1898, Russia leased the Liaodong Peninsula with the Port Arthur fortress from China, and construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER) began. The development of the territories of Manchuria by Russian colonists was actively underway.

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Rice. 2. Construction of Port Arthur.

In Japan, realizing that Russia was laying claim to lands that were within their sphere of interest, the slogan “Gashin-shotan” was put forward, calling on the nation to endure the increase in taxes for the sake of a military clash with Russia.

Based on the above, it should be noted that the first and main cause of the war was the clash of the colonial ambitions of the two countries. Therefore, the war that arose was of a colonial-aggressive nature.

The reason for the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905 was the severance of diplomatic ties between the two states. Having failed to agree on the scope of colonial expansion among themselves, both empires began to prepare to resolve the issue by military means.

Progress of the war and results

The war began with active actions by the Japanese army and navy. First, Russian ships were attacked in Chemulpo and Port Arthur, and then troops were landed in Korea and on the Liaodong Peninsula.

Rice. 3. The death of the cruiser Varyag.

Russia conducted an active defense, waiting for the arrival of reserves from Europe. However, poor infrastructure and supplies prevented Russia from turning the tide of the war. However, the prolonged defense of Port Arthur and the victory of Russian troops at Liaoyang could have brought Russia victory in the war, since the Japanese had practically exhausted their economic and human reserves. But General Kuropatkin each time, instead of attacking and defeating the enemy army, gave orders to retreat. First, Port Arthur was lost, then the Battle of Mukden took place, and the Russian Second and Third Pacific squadrons were defeated. The defeat was obvious and the parties moved on to peace negotiations.

The consequence of defeat in the war was an even greater deterioration in the authority of the king among the people. This resulted in the First Russian Revolution, which lasted until 1907 and limited the power of the Tsar through the creation of the State Duma.

Thanks to S. Yu. Witte, Russia managed to make peace with minimal territorial losses. Southern Sakhalin was transferred to Japan and the Liaodong Peninsula was left.

What have we learned?

From an article on history for grade 9, we learned briefly about the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905. It should be noted that main reason there was a clash of colonial interests that could not be resolved through diplomacy.

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(1904-1905) - a war between Russia and Japan, which was fought for control of Manchuria, Korea and the ports of Port Arthur and Dalny.

The most important object of the struggle for the final division of the world at the end of the 19th century was economically backward and militarily weak China. It was to the Far East that the center of gravity of the foreign policy activity of Russian diplomacy was shifted from the mid-1890s. The close interest of the tsarist government in the affairs of this region was largely due to the appearance here by the end of the 19th century of a strong and very aggressive neighbor in the person of Japan, which had embarked on the path of expansion.

By decision of the Japanese commander-in-chief, Marshal Iwao Oyama, Maresuke Nogi's army began the siege of Port Arthur, while the 1st, 2nd and 4th armies that landed at Dagushan moved towards Liaoyang from the southeast, south and southwest. In mid-June, Kuroki's army occupied the passes southeast of the city, and in July repelled an attempted Russian counter-offensive. Yasukata Oku's army, after the battle of Dashichao in July, captured the port of Yingkou, cutting off the Manchurian army's connection with Port Arthur by sea. In the second half of July, three Japanese armies united near Liaoyang; their total number was more than 120 thousand against 152 thousand Russians. In the battle of Liaoyang on August 24 - September 3, 1904 (August 11-21, O.S.), both sides suffered huge losses: the Russians lost more than 16 thousand killed, and the Japanese - 24 thousand. The Japanese were unable to encircle the army of Alexei Kuropatkin, which retreated in good order to Mukden, but they captured Liaoyang and the Yantai coal mines.

The retreat to Mukden meant for the defenders of Port Arthur the collapse of hopes for any effective help from ground forces. The Japanese 3rd Army captured the Wolf Mountains and began intensive bombardment of the city and the interior roadstead. Despite this, several assaults she launched in August were repulsed by the garrison under the command of Major General Roman Kondratenko; the besiegers lost 16 thousand killed. At the same time, the Japanese were successful at sea. An attempt to break through the Pacific Fleet to Vladivostok at the end of July failed, Rear Admiral Vitgeft was killed. In August, the squadron of Vice Admiral Hikonojo Kamimura managed to overtake and defeat the cruiser detachment of Rear Admiral Jessen.

By the beginning of October 1904, thanks to reinforcements, the number of the Manchurian army reached 210 thousand, and the Japanese troops near Liaoyang - 170 thousand.

Fearing that in the event of the fall of Port Arthur, the Japanese forces would increase significantly due to the liberated 3rd Army, Kuropatkin launched an offensive to the south at the end of September, but was defeated in the battle on the Shahe River, losing 46 thousand killed (the enemy - only 16 thousand) , and went on the defensive. The four-month “Shahei Sitting” began.

In September-November, the defenders of Port Arthur repelled three Japanese assaults, but the 3rd Japanese Army managed to capture Mount Vysokaya, which dominates Port Arthur. On January 2, 1905 (December 20, 1904, O.S.), the head of the Kwantung fortified area, Lieutenant General Anatoly Stessel, having not exhausted all possibilities for resistance, surrendered Port Arthur (in the spring of 1908, a military court sentenced him to death, commuted to ten years imprisonment).

The fall of Port Arthur sharply worsened the strategic position of the Russian troops and the command tried to turn the situation around. However, the successfully launched offensive of the 2nd Manchu Army towards the village of Sandepu was not supported by other armies. After joining the main forces of the Japanese 3rd Army

Their numbers were equal to the number of Russian troops. In February, Tamemoto Kuroki's army attacked the 1st Manchurian Army southeast of Mukden, and Nogi's army began to encircle the Russian right flank. Kuroki's army broke through the front of Nikolai Linevich's army. On March 10 (February 25, O.S.), 1905, the Japanese occupied Mukden. Having lost more than 90 thousand killed and captured, Russian troops retreated north to Telin in disarray. The major defeat at Mukden meant the Russian command lost the campaign in Manchuria, although it managed to retain a significant part of the army.

Trying to achieve a turning point in the war, the Russian government sent the 2nd Pacific Squadron of Admiral Zinovy ​​Rozhestvensky, created from part of the Baltic Fleet, to the Far East, but on May 27-28 (May 14-15, O.S.) in the Battle of Tsushima, the Japanese fleet destroyed the Russian squadron . Only one cruiser and two destroyers reached Vladivostok. At the beginning of summer, the Japanese completely ousted Russian troops from North Korea, and by July 8 (June 25, O.S.) they captured Sakhalin.

Despite the victories, Japan's forces were exhausted, and at the end of May, through the mediation of US President Theodore Roosevelt, it invited Russia to enter into peace negotiations. Russia, finding itself in a difficult internal political situation, agreed. On August 7 (July 25, O.S.), a diplomatic conference opened in Portsmouth (New Hampshire, USA), which ended on September 5 (August 23, O.S.), 1905, with the signing of the Portsmouth Peace. According to its terms, Russia ceded to Japan the southern part of Sakhalin, the rights to lease Port Arthur and the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula and the southern branch of the Chinese Eastern Railway from Changchun station to Port Arthur, allowed its fishing fleet to fish off the coast of the Japanese, Okhotsk and Bering Seas, recognized Korea became a zone of Japanese influence and renounced its political, military and trade advantages in Manchuria. At the same time, Russia was exempt from paying any indemnities.

Japan, which as a result of the victory took a leading place among the powers of the Far East, until the end of World War II celebrated the day of the victory at Mukden as Ground Forces Day, and the date of the victory at Tsushima as Navy Day.

The Russo-Japanese War was the first major war of the 20th century. Russia lost about 270 thousand people (including over 50 thousand killed), Japan - 270 thousand people (including over 86 thousand killed).

In the Russo-Japanese War, for the first time, machine guns, rapid-fire artillery, mortars, hand grenades, radio telegraphs, searchlights, barbed wire, including high-voltage wire, sea mines and torpedoes, etc. were used on a large scale.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

1905 Main events.">
One of the main reasons for the Russo-Japanese War is considered to be the rivalry between the two empires, Russian and Japanese, in the Far East. There was a dispute between these two countries over the division of spheres of influence in China and Korea. Another reason for this war is said to be the desire to distract the rest of the world from the revolutionary movement that was gaining strength in Russia. Nikolay II believed that he would be able to conduct a war that would be beneficial for the country, but from the very beginning of hostilities Japan had the advantage.
The beginning of the war is considered 27 January 1904 g. - Japanese attack on the Russian fleet, the result of the attack was the siege of Port Arthur. As a result of this attack, the Russian army was deprived of two of the best Russian battleships - the Tsarevich and the Retvizan. 27 January a battle also took place in the port of Chemulpo (Korea), during which the cruiser “Varyag” was sunk and the “Korean” was blown up.
Defensive actions of Port Arthur took place with 27 January By 20 December 1904 In the fall, the Japanese made three attempts to storm the fortress, but they suffered huge losses, and the result was never achieved. 22 November Mount Vysokaya, which dominated the fortress, was taken. December 1904 Port Arthur was abandoned by Russian troops led by General Stessel. At that time, the fortress was in a hopeless situation.
11 August 1904 The Battle of Liaoyang began - one of the main events of the Russian-Japanese War. The battle was a psychological blow, as everyone was expecting a final repulse to the Japanese, but the battle turned out to be only bloody. The Liaoyang operation brought another defeat to the Russian troops. Completing the operation – 21 August 1904 G.
22 September 1904 there was a battle on the river. Shahe. Despite the fact that it began with the successful advance of Russian troops, the battle was lost due to large losses (approximately 40 thousand wounded and killed). 17 October an order was given to end the attacks on Japanese troops.
In February 1905 The army suffered a difficult defeat near Mukden. TO 7 Martha The Russians were already deprived of hope of resuming the offensive and fought for Mukden. However, 10 Martha Mukden was abandoned by Russian troops - the Japanese forced them to retreat. The retreat lasted ten days. This land battle was the largest in history until the First World War, as it unfolded on a front of more than a hundred kilometers. And again, the losses of the Russian army exceeded the losses of the Japanese.
14-15 May 1905 The Battle of Tsushima took place. In this battle, the Japanese fleet almost completely neutralized the Russian maneuver units under the leadership of Zinovy ​​Petrovich Rozhestvensky.
7 July 1905 The final major operation of the Russian-Japanese War was launched - the Japanese invasion of Sakhalin. 29 July the island stopped resisting the invaders.
The result of the war between the two empires was the Treaty of Portsmouth (peace negotiations took place in Portsmouth, USA; Theodore Roosevelt took part in the negotiations), concluded 23 August 1905 d. It was decided to appoint Sergei Yuryevich Witte as the first commissioner - he conducted negotiations on the Russian side. At the conclusion of peace, Russia lost the southern part of the island. Sakhalin and gave Port Arthur to the Japanese. Witte was able to get the Japanese side to make a decision to waive the demand for payment of indemnity. Korea was recognized as a territory of Japanese influence. Japan was also granted the right to engage in fishing along the Russian coast. The Liaodong Peninsula was given to Japan for temporary use.
The war brought huge losses to both Russia and Japan. All the main events of the Russo-Japanese War did not unfold in favor of the Russian troops. In Russia, after the war, the situation in the country destabilized, and the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War was perceived as a national shame.

At the end of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century, relations between Japan and Russia, aggravated due to the ownership of China and Korea, led to a major military conflict between the countries. After a long break, this was the first to use the latest weapons.

In contact with


Ended in 1856, it limited Russia's ability to move and expand south, so Nicholas I turned his attention to the Far East, which negatively affected relations with the Japanese power, which itself laid claim to Korea and Northern China.

The tense situation no longer had a peaceful solution. Despite the fact that in 1903, Japan made an attempt to avoid a conflict by proposing an agreement under which it would have all rights to Korea. Russia agreed, but set conditions under which it demanded sole influence on the Kwantung Peninsula, as well as the right to protect the railway in Manchuria. The Japanese government was not happy with this, and it continued active preparations for war.

The Meiji Restoration, which ended in Japan in 1868, led to the fact that the new government began to pursue a policy of expansion and decided to improve the country's capabilities. Thanks to the reforms carried out, by 1890 the economy was modernized: modern industries appeared, electrical equipment and machine tools were produced, and coal was exported. The changes affected not only industry, but also the military sector, which was significantly strengthened thanks to Western exercises.

Japan decides to increase its influence on neighboring countries. Based on the geographic proximity of Korean territory, she decides to take control of the country and prevent European influence. Having put pressure on Korea in 1876, an agreement on trade relations with Japan was signed, providing free access to ports.

These actions led to the conflict, the Sino-Japanese War (1894−95), which ended in Japanese victory and eventual impact on Korea.

According to the Treaty of Shimonoseki, signed as a result of the war, China:

  1. transferred to Japan territories that included the Liaodong Peninsula and Manchuria;
  2. renounced rights to Korea.

For European countries: Germany, France and Russia, this was unacceptable. As a result of the Triple Intervention, Japan, unable to resist the pressure, was obliged to abandon the Liaodong Peninsula.

Russia immediately took advantage of the return of Liaodong and in March 1898 signed a convention with China and received:

  1. lease rights for 25 years to the Liaodong Peninsula;
  2. fortresses of Port Arthur and Dalniy;
  3. obtaining permission to build a railway passing through Chinese territory.

This negatively affected relations with Japan, which laid claim to these territories.

03.26 (04.08) 1902 Nicholas I. I. signs an agreement with China, according to which Russia needs to withdraw Russian troops from the territory of Manchuria within one year and six months. Nicholas I. did not keep his promises, but demanded from China restrictions on trade with foreign countries. In response, England, the USA and Japan protested over the violation of the deadlines and advised not to accept the Russian conditions.

In mid-summer 1903, traffic on the Trans-Siberian Railway began. The route passed along the Chinese Eastern Railway, through Manchuria. Nicholas I. begins to redeploy his troops to the Far East, arguing this by testing the capacity of the built railway connection.

At the end of the agreement between China and Russia, Nicholas I. did not withdraw Russian troops from the territory of Manchuria.

In the winter of 1904, at a meeting of the Privy Council and the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan, a decision was made to begin military operations against Russia, and soon an order was given to land Japanese armed forces in Korea and attack Russian ships in Port Arthur.

The moment of declaring war was chosen with maximum calculation, since by that time it had assembled a strong and modernly equipped army, weapons and navy. While the Russians armed forces were very scattered.

Main events

Battle of Chemulpo

Significant for the chronicle of the war was the battle in 1904 at Chemulpo of the cruisers “Varyag” and “Koreets”, under the command of V. Rudnev. In the morning, leaving the port to the accompaniment of music, they tried to leave the bay, but less than ten minutes had passed before the alarm sounded and the battle flag rose above the deck. Together they resisted the Japanese squadron that attacked them, entering into an unequal battle. The Varyag was severely damaged and was forced to turn back to port. Rudnev decided to destroy the ship; a few hours later the sailors were evacuated and the ship was sunk. The ship "Korean" was blown up, and the crew was previously evacuated.

Siege of Port Arthur

To block Russian ships inside the harbor, Japan tries to sink several old ships at the entrance. These actions were thwarted by "Retvizvan", who patrolled the water area near the fort.

In the early spring of 1904, Admiral Makarov and shipbuilder N.E. Kuteynikov arrived. At the same time, a large number of spare parts and equipment for ship repairs arrive.

At the end of March, the Japanese flotilla again tried to block the entrance to the fortress by blowing up four transport ships filled with stones, but sank them too far away.

On March 31, the Russian battleship Petropavlovsk sank after hitting three mines. The ship disappeared in three minutes, killing 635 people, among them were Admiral Makarov and the artist Vereshchagin.

3rd attempt to block the harbor entrance, was successful, Japan, having sank eight transport ships, locked the Russian squadrons for several days and immediately landed in Manchuria.

The cruisers “Russia”, “Gromoboy”, “Rurik” were the only ones that retained freedom of movement. They sank several ships with military personnel and weapons, including the Hi-tatsi Maru, which was transporting weapons for the siege of Port Arthur, due to which the capture lasted for several months.

18.04 (01.05) The 1st Japanese Army, consisting of 45 thousand people. approached the river Yalu and entered into battle with an 18,000-strong Russian detachment led by M.I. Zasulich. The battle ended in defeat for the Russians and marked the beginning of the Japanese invasion of Manchurian territories.

04/22 (05/05) a Japanese army of 38.5 thousand people landed 100 km from the fortress.

27.04 (10.05) Japanese troops broke the railway connection between Manchuria and Port Arthur.

On May 2 (15), 2 Japanese ships were scuttled, thanks to the Amur minelayer, they fell into placed mines. In just five days in May (12-17.05), Japan lost 7 ships, and two went to the Japanese port for repairs.

Having successfully landed, the Japanese began to move towards Port Arthur to block it. The Russian command decided to meet the Japanese troops in fortified areas near Jinzhou.

On May 13 (26) a major battle took place. Russian squad(3.8 thousand people) and with 77 guns and 10 machine guns, they repulsed the enemy attack for more than 10 hours. And only the approaching Japanese gunboats, having suppressed the left flag, broke through the defenses. The Japanese lost - 4,300 people, the Russians - 1,500 people.

Thanks to the victory in the battle of Jinzhou, the Japanese overcame a natural barrier on the way to the fortress.

At the end of May, Japan captured the port of Dalniy without a fight, practically intact, which significantly helped them in the future.

On June 1-2 (14-15), in the battle of Wafangou, the 2nd Japanese Army defeated Russian troops under the command of General Stackelberg, who was sent to lift the Port Arthur blockade.

On July 13 (26), the Japanese 3rd Army broke through the defenses of Russian troops “at the passes” formed after the defeat at Jinzhou.

On July 30, the distant approaches to the fortress are engaged, and the defense begins.. This is a bright historical moment. The defense was carried out until January 2, 1905. In the fortress and adjacent areas, the Russian army did not have a single authority. General Stessel commanded the troops, General Smironov commanded the fortress, Admiral Vitgeft commanded the fleet. It was difficult for them to come to a consensus. But among the leadership there was a talented commander - General Kondratenko. Thanks to his oratorical and managerial qualities, his superiors found a compromise.

Kondratenko earned the fame of the hero of the Port Arthur events; he died at the end of the siege of the fortress.

The number of troops located in the fortress is about 53 thousand people, as well as 646 guns and 62 machine guns. The siege went on for 5 months. The Japanese army lost 92 thousand people, Russia - 28 thousand people.

Liaoyang and Shahe

During the summer of 1904, a Japanese army of 120 thousand people approached Liaoyang from the east and south. The Russian army at this time was replenished by soldiers arriving along the Trans-Siberian Railway and slowly retreated.

On August 11 (24) there was a general battle at Liaoyang. The Japanese, moving in a semicircle from the south and east, attacked Russian positions. In prolonged battles, the Japanese army led by Marshal I. Oyama suffered 23,000 losses, Russian troops led by Commander Kuropatkin also suffered losses - 16 (or 19, according to some sources) thousand killed and wounded.

The Russians successfully repelled attacks in the south of Laoyang for 3 days, but Kuropatkin, assuming that the Japanese could block the railway north of Liaoyang, ordered his troops to retreat to Mukden. The Russian army retreated without leaving a single gun.

In the fall, an armed clash occurs on the Shahe River. It began with an attack by Russian troops, and a week later the Japanese launched a counterattack. Russia's losses amounted to about 40 thousand people, the Japanese side - 30 thousand people. The completed operation on the river. Shahe set a time of calm at the front.

On May 14-15 (27-28), the Japanese fleet in the Battle of Tsushima defeated the Russian squadron, which was redeployed from the Baltic, commanded by Vice Admiral Z. P. Rozhestvensky.

The last major battle takes place on July 7 - Japanese invasion of Sakhalin. The 14 thousand strong Japanese army was resisted by 6 thousand Russians - these were mostly convicts and exiles who joined the army to acquire benefits and therefore did not have strong combat skills. By the end of July, Russian resistance was suppressed, more than 3 thousand people were captured.


The negative impact of the war was also reflected in the internal situation in Russia:

  1. the economy is disrupted;
  2. stagnation in industrial areas;
  3. price increase.

Industry leaders pushed for a peace treaty. A similar opinion was shared by Great Britain and the United States, which initially supported Japan.

Military actions had to be stopped and forces directed toward extinguishing revolutionary trends, which were dangerous not only for Russia, but also for the world community.

On August 22 (9), 1905, negotiations began in Portsmouth with the mediation of the United States. The representative from the Russian Empire was S. Yu. Witte. At a meeting with Nicholas I. I. he received clear instructions: not to agree to the indemnity, which Russia never paid, and not to give up the land. Due to Japan's territorial and monetary demands, such instructions were not easy for Witte, who was already pessimistic and considered losses inevitable.

As a result of the negotiations, on September 5 (August 23), 1905, a peace treaty was signed. According to the document:

  1. The Japanese side received the Liaodong Peninsula, a section of the Chinese Eastern Railway (from Port Arthur to Changchun), as well as Southern Sakhalin.
  2. Russia recognized Korea as a zone of Japanese influence and concluded a fishing convention.
  3. Both sides of the conflict had to withdraw their troops from the territory of Manchuria.

The peace treaty did not fully respond to Japan's claims and was much closer to Russian conditions, as a result of which it was not accepted by the Japanese people - waves of discontent swept across the country.

The countries of Europe were satisfied with the agreement, as they hoped to take Russia as an ally against Germany. The United States believed that their goals had been achieved; they had significantly weakened the Russian and Japanese powers.


War between Russia and Japan 1904−1905. had economic and political reasons. It showed the internal problems of Russian governance and the diplomatic mistakes made by Russia. Russia's losses amounted to 270 thousand people, of which 50,000 were killed. Japan's losses were similar, but there were more killed - 80,000 people.

For Japan, the war turned out to be much more intense than for Russia. It had to mobilize 1.8% of its population, while Russia had to mobilize only 0.5%. Military actions quadrupled the external debt of Japan, Russia - by 1/3. The ended war influenced the development of military art in general, showing the importance of weapons equipment.

Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 was of great historical importance, although many thought that it was absolutely meaningless.

But this war played a significant role in the formation of the new government.

Briefly about the causes of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

At the beginning of the last century, the interests of the Russian and Japanese powers clashed in securing China on the seas.

The main reason was the foreign political activities of states:

  • Russia's desire to gain a foothold in the Far Eastern region;
  • the desire of Japan and Western states to prevent this;
  • Japan's desire to take over Korea;
  • the construction of military installations by the Russians on the leased Chinese territory.

Japan also tried to gain superiority in the field of armed forces.

Map of military operations of the Russo-Japanese War

The map shows the main moments and course of the war.

On the night of January 27, the Japanese attacked the Russian flotilla in Port Arthur without warning. Then followed the blocking of the port of Chemulpo in Korea by the rest of the Japanese ships. On the map these actions are shown with blue arrows in the Yellow Sea area. On land, blue arrows show the movement of the Japanese army on land.

A year later, in February 1905, one of the main battles took place on land near Mukden (Shenyang). This is indicated on the map with a sign.

In May 1905, the 2nd Russian flotilla lost the battle near the island of Tsushima.

The red dotted lines indicate the breakthrough of the 2nd Russian squadron to Vladivostok.

Beginning of the Japanese war with Russia

The Russo-Japanese War was not a surprise. The conduct of politics in China presupposed such a development of events. Russian ships were on duty near Port Arthur to prevent possible attacks.

At night, 8 Japanese destroyers defeated Russian ships near Port Arthur. Already in the morning, another Japanese flotilla attacked Russian ships near the port of Chemulpo. After this, the Japanese began landing on land.

Chronological table of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

Events unfolded on land and sea. Main stages of the war:

On the sea On the land
Jan 26-27 (Feb. 8-9) 1904 - Japanese attack on Port Arthur. Feb. – Apr. 1904 – Japanese troops land in China.
27 Jan (Feb. 9) 1904 - attack by a Japanese squadron of 2 Russian ships and their destruction. May 1904 - the Japanese cut off the Port Arthur fortress from Russian troops.
May 31 (April 13), 1904 - attempt by Vice Admiral Makarov to leave Port Arthur harbor. The ship carrying the admiral hit one of the mines placed by the Japanese. Makarov died with almost the entire crew. But the vice admiral remained a hero of the Russo-Japanese War. Aug. 1904 - battle near the city of Liaoyang with General Kuropatkin at the head of the troops. It was unsuccessful for both sides.
May 14-15 (according to other sources May 27-28) 1905 - the largest battle near the island of Tsushima, which was won by the Japanese. Almost all the ships were destroyed. Only three broke through to Vladivostok. This was one of the decisive battles. Sep. – Oct. 1904 – battles on the Shahe River.
Aug. – Dec. 1904 – siege of Port Arthur.
Dec 20 1904 (Jan. 2, 1905) – surrender of the fortress.
Jan. 1905 - resumption of defense by Russian troops on Shahe.
Feb. 1905 – Japanese victory near the city of Mukden (Shenyang).

The nature of the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905.

The war was aggressive in nature. The opposition of the two empires was carried out for supremacy in the Far East.

Japan's goal was to capture Korea, but Russia began to develop infrastructure in the leased territories. This hindered Japan's aspirations, and it took drastic measures.

Reasons for Russia's defeat

Why did Russia lose - because of the wrong steps of the Russian army, or did the Japanese initially have all the conditions for victory?

Russian delegation in Portsmouth

Reasons for Russia's defeat:

  • the unstable situation in the state and the government’s interest in quickly concluding peace;
  • Japan has a large reserve of troops;
  • it took about 3 days to transfer the Japanese army, and Russia could do it in about a month;
  • Japan's weapons and ships were better than Russia's.

Western countries supported Japan and provided assistance to it. In 1904, England provided Japan with machine guns, which the latter did not previously have.

Outcomes, consequences and results

In 1905, a revolution began in the country. Anti-government sentiment demanded an end to the war with Japan, even on unfavorable terms.

All forces had to be thrown at settling the situation in the state.

Although Russia had enough resources and capabilities to win. If the war had lasted a few more months, Russia could have won, as the Japanese forces began to weaken. But Japan asked the United States to influence Russia and persuade her to negotiate.

  1. Both countries were withdrawing their armies from the region of Manchuria.
  2. Russia gave Port Arthur and part of the railway.
  3. Korea remained in the sphere of interests of the Japanese state.
  4. Part of Sakhalin now belonged to the Japanese state.
  5. Japan also gained access to fishing along the coast of Russia.

In both countries, the war had a negative impact on the financial situation. There was an increase in prices and taxes. In addition, the debt of the Japanese state has grown significantly.

Russia drew conclusions from the loss. At the end of the decade, the army and navy were reorganized.

Significance of the Russo-Japanese War

The Russo-Japanese War acted as an impetus for the revolution. It revealed many problems for the current government. Many did not understand why this war was needed at all. As a result, sentiment against the government only worsened.

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