Topic: “General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the law of military life” - presentation. General military regulations of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, laws of military life, presentation of Article 65 of the regulations of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, presentation

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Questions: 1. Military regulations are official legal documents regulating service in the Armed Forces. 1. Military regulations are official legal documents regulating service in the Armed Forces. 2. The process of creating regulations in the Russian army. 2. The process of creating regulations in the Russian army. 3. Internal service charter. 3. Internal service charter. 4.Disciplinary regulations. 4.Disciplinary regulations.

Control questions: 1.What is meant by military duty? 1.What is meant by military duty? 2. In what cases does a citizen of the Russian Federation have the right to replace military service with alternative civilian service? 2. In what cases does a citizen of the Russian Federation have the right to replace military service with alternative civilian service? 3.What legislative and regulatory legal acts regulate issues of defense and military development in the Russian Federation? 3.What legislative and regulatory legal acts regulate issues of defense and military development in the Russian Federation? 4.What, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security,” refers to the main security objects? 4.What, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security,” refers to the main security objects? 5.What law determines the content of military duty of citizens and regulates the issues of military registration, preparation of citizens for military service, the procedure for conscription for military service and the timing of its completion 5.What law determines the content of military duty of citizens and regulates issues of military registration, preparation of citizens for military service , the procedure for conscription into military service and the timing of its completion

7.What law defines the rights and freedoms of military personnel? 7.What law defines the rights and freedoms of military personnel? 8. What benefits are established for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen serving in conscription? 8. What benefits are established for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen serving in conscription?

General military regulations are official legal documents regulating service in the Armed Forces, defining the training of personnel, the basis of their combat operations, as well as the rights and responsibilities of military personnel, their life and way of life. General military regulations are official legal documents regulating service in the Armed Forces, defining the training of personnel, the basis of their combat operations, as well as the rights and responsibilities of military personnel, their life and way of life. Military regulations are either combat or general military. Military regulations define the basis of military operations. Military regulations are either combat or general military. Military regulations define the basis of military operations.

The roots of the creation of charters go back to the distant past. The roots of the creation of charters go back to the distant past. In 1571, boyar Vorotynsky drew up a charter for the border and guard service. In 1571, boyar Vorotynsky drew up a charter for the border and guard service. In 1621, the “Charter of military, cannon and other matters related to military science” appeared. In 1621, the “Charter of military, cannon and other matters related to military science” appeared. In 1647, the charter “Teaching and cunning of the military formation of infantry people - on the organization of marching troops, combat traditions, methods of action with weapons” was published. In 1647, the charter “Teaching and cunning of the military formation of infantry people - on the organization of marching troops, combat traditions, methods of action with weapons” was published.

These documents were further developed under Peter the Great in the process of creating a regular army and navy. These documents were further developed under Peter the Great in the process of creating a regular army and navy. In 1698, the "Charter of Wade" was created. In 1698, the "Charter of Wade" was created. In 1699 “Military Articles” In 1699 “Military Articles” A.M. Golovin. A.M. Golovin. At the beginning of the 18th century, regulations appeared based on the experience of Russian troops in the Northern War. At the beginning of the 18th century, regulations appeared based on the experience of Russian troops in the Northern War.

In 1702, the Sheremetyev Code. In 1702, the Sheremetyev Code. In 1706, “The Charter of Previous Years.” In 1706, “The Charter of Previous Years.” In 1720, "Naval Charter". In 1720, "Naval Charter". In 1770, the “Service Detachment” was created by Marshal Rumyantsev. In 1770, the “Service Detachment” was created by Marshal Rumyantsev. In 1796, under Paul 1, the “Military Regulations on Field Infantry Service” was adopted. In 1796, under Paul 1, the “Military Regulations on Field Infantry Service” was adopted.

In the 19th century: 1884 “Military Charter on Garrison Service” 1884 “Military Charter on Garrison Service” “Charter of Internal Service” “Charter of Internal Service” 1904 “Charter of Field Service” 1904 “Charter of Field Service” 1908 “Combatant Infantry Regulations" 1908 "Combat Infantry Regulations" 1912 new "Field Service Charter" 1912 new "Field Service Charter"

After 1917, the People's Commissar for Military Affairs was instructed to use only those statutory articles that did not contradict the spirit of the workers' and peasants' Red Army. The People's Commissar for Military Affairs was instructed to use only those statutory articles that did not contradict the spirit of the workers' and peasants' Red Army. The first set of rights and obligations and norms of behavior in the “Book of the Red Army Soldier” The first set of rights and obligations and norms of behavior in the “Book of the Red Army Soldier”

The period between 1920 and 1941. Charters were published twice. Charters were published twice - the first revision of the year. -first processing of the city -second processing of the city -second processing of the city During the period since, the “Charter of Internal Service”, “Disciplinary Charter”, “Drill Regulations”, “Charter of Garrison and Guard Service” were put into effect. During the period since, the “Charter of Internal Service”, “Disciplinary Charter”, “Drill Regulations”, “Charter of Garrison and Guard Service” were put into effect.

During the Great Patriotic War: 1942 “Combat regulations of the infantry” 1942 “Combat regulations of the infantry” 1943 “Field regulations of the Red Army” 1943 “Field regulations of the Red Army” 1943 “Field regulations of the Armed Forces” 1943 “Field regulations Armed Forces"

Further changes to the charters: in the 50s, with the creation of nuclear weapons, the charters began to change. In the 50s, with the creation of nuclear weapons, regulations began to change. In the Soviet army, combat and general military regulations were finalized in the 60s and 70s. In the Soviet army, combat and general military regulations were finalized in the 60s and 70s. At the turn of the 70s and 90s, new charters were created, which were used until 1991. At the turn of the 70s and 90s, new charters were created, which were used until 1991.

Currently, the General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces, approved by presidential decree, are in force Russian Federation December 14, 1993. Currently, the General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces are in force, approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on December 14, 1993.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the law of military life Compiled by - life safety teacher MBOU secondary school No. 30 named after. A. I. Koldunova, Elektrougli municipal district Sichevaya V.A.

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In the 16th century in connection with the massive equipping of troops with firearms, the need arose for strict regulation of combat training, and by 1571, governor Mikhail Baratynsky compiled the “Boyar verdict on the village and guard service.” This is the first Russian charter that has reached our time. In 1621, Onisim Mikhailov developed the “Charter of military, cannon and other matters relating to military science...”. The development of statutory creativity of this period became one of the most important prerequisites for the development of regulations for the new national regular army, created at the beginning of the 18th century. Peter I.

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Peter I systematized the basic military legal norms in special legislative acts: the Military Articles of 1715 and the Military Regulations of 1716. Peter's acts legislated for conscription, which made the Russian army nationally homogeneous and one of the most combat-ready in Europe.

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After the death of Peter I, the followers of his school P. A. Rumyantsev and A. V. Suvorov, “not adhering to the rules like a blind wall,” raised the level of national military art to a higher level. There was an urgent need to consolidate tactical innovations in the new charter.

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However, another “reformer” intervened in military affairs - Paul I, who hated everything Catherine and Russian in general. Pavlov's “Charter on Field Infantry Service” of 1796 was a heavy blow to the national art of war, representing the Prussian postulates of Frederick II.

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In the Patriotic War of 1812 and in the foreign campaigns of the Russian army that followed, when it was led by generals who had gone through the Suvorov and Kutuzov schools, combat practice provided the troops with high level combat training. It seemed that the experience of the war with France would influence the nature of the regulations, and all outdated provisions of linear tactics would be discarded. However, this did not happen. The final part of the new regulations, published in 1820, provided for such complex and tedious troop formations that the regulations immediately showed a gap between them and combat practice.

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In the second half of the 19th century. The provisions of the combat regulations of the Russian army continued to lag behind combat practice. Military thought could not keep up with the rapid progress of military equipment. The consequence of this was the too high price that Russia paid for victory in the war with Turkey (1871 -1878), and then heavy losses in Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905

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The troops were in dire need of a new combat manual, but its development, due to continuous discussions, dragged on for many years. Finally, in 1912, the Russian army received the “Field Service Charter,” which took into account previous military experience. It examined in detail offensive and defensive battles, as well as combat under special conditions. The emphasis was on maneuver and interaction of all branches of the military, determination, initiative and independence of officers and soldiers.

Slide 9

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The first regulations of the Red Army were published immediately after the October Revolution. Charters of internal and garrison service - in 1918, and Field, Combat and Disciplinary - in 1919. In 1924-1925. under the leadership of the prominent Soviet commander M.V. Frunze, temporary disciplinary regulations, regulations for internal, garrison and naval services, combat regulations for infantry, cavalry, artillery and armored forces were developed and introduced into the troops.

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Subsequently, as changes in the organizational structure, the arrival of new types of weapons and equipment, the accumulation of combat experience, and the training and education of military personnel, new regulations were created and old ones were revised. After 1945, the regulations were developed taking into account the experience of the Great Patriotic War.

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Currently, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have regulations prepared in accordance with modern requirements based on the experience of armed conflicts of recent decades and taking into account the best traditions of our army. These are official regulatory documents that regulate the daily activities of military personnel, life, everyday life and service in the Armed Forces and determine the basis of combat operations. Charters are divided into combat and general military regulations.

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The combat regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were developed on the basis of the provisions of our military doctrine, the experience of wars, the level of technical equipment and the development of military thought. They contain theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for the use of troops in battle.

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General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on November 10, 2007, regulate the life, everyday life and activities of military personnel of our army. They include: The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; Charter of garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Slide 14

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The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defines the rights and responsibilities of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the relationship between them, the responsibilities of the main officials of the regiment and its units, as well as internal regulations.

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The Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation determines the purpose, procedure for organizing and performing garrison and guard services, the rights and obligations of garrison officials and military personnel performing these services, and also regulates the conduct of garrison events with the participation of troops.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the law of military life Compiled by - life safety teacher MBOU secondary school No. 30 named after. A. I. Koldunova, Elektrougli municipal district Sichevaya V.A.

In the 16th century in connection with the massive equipping of troops with firearms, the need arose for strict regulation of combat training, and by 1571, governor Mikhail Baratynsky compiled the “Boyar verdict on the village and guard service.” This is the first Russian charter that has reached our time. In 1621, Onisim Mikhailov developed the “Charter of military, cannon and other matters related to military science. " The development of statutory creativity of this period became one of the most important prerequisites for the development of regulations for the new national regular army, created at the beginning of the 18th century. Peter I.

Peter I systematized the basic military legal norms in special legislative acts: the Military Articles of 1715 and the Military Regulations of 1716. Peter's acts legislated for conscription, which made the Russian army nationally homogeneous and one of the most combat-ready in Europe.

After the death of Peter I, the followers of his school P. A. Rumyantsev and A. V. Suvorov, “not adhering to the rules like a blind wall,” raised the level of national military art to a higher level. There was an urgent need to consolidate tactical innovations in the new charter.

However, another “reformer” intervened in military affairs - Paul I, who hated everything Catherine and Russian in general. Pavlov's “Charter on Field Infantry Service” of 1796 was a heavy blow to the national art of war, representing the Prussian postulates of Frederick II.

In the Patriotic War of 1812 and in the foreign campaigns of the Russian army that followed, when it was led by generals who had gone through the Suvorov and Kutuzov schools, combat practice provided the troops with a high level of combat training. It seemed that the experience of the war with France would influence the nature of the regulations, and all outdated provisions of linear tactics would be discarded. However, this did not happen. The final part of the new regulations, published in 1820, provided for such complex and tedious troop formations that the regulations immediately showed a gap between them and combat practice.

In the second half of the 19th century. The provisions of the combat regulations of the Russian army continued to lag behind combat practice. Military thought could not keep up with the rapid progress of military equipment. The consequence of this was the too high price that Russia paid for victory in the war with Turkey (1871 -1878), and then heavy losses in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

The troops were in dire need of a new combat manual, but its development, due to continuous discussions, dragged on for many years. Finally, in 1912, the Russian army received the “Field Service Charter,” which took into account previous military experience. It examined in detail offensive and defensive battles, as well as combat under special conditions. The emphasis was on maneuver and interaction of all branches of the military, determination, initiative and independence of officers and soldiers.

The first regulations of the Red Army were published immediately after the October Revolution. Charters of internal and garrison service - in 1918, and Field, Combat and Disciplinary - in 1919. In 1924-1925. under the leadership of the prominent Soviet commander M.V. Frunze, temporary disciplinary regulations, regulations for internal, garrison and naval services, combat regulations for infantry, cavalry, artillery and armored forces were developed and introduced into the troops.

Subsequently, as changes in the organizational structure, the arrival of new types of weapons and equipment, the accumulation of combat experience, and the training and education of military personnel, new regulations were created and old ones were revised. After 1945, the regulations were developed taking into account the experience of the Great Patriotic War.

Currently, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have regulations prepared in accordance with modern requirements based on the experience of armed conflicts of recent decades and taking into account the best traditions of our army. These are official regulatory documents that regulate the daily activities of military personnel, life, everyday life and service in the Armed Forces and determine the basis of combat operations. Charters are divided into combat and general military regulations.

The combat regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were developed on the basis of the provisions of our military doctrine, the experience of wars, the level of technical equipment and the development of military thought. They contain theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for the use of troops in battle.

General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on November 10, 2007, regulate the life, everyday life and activities of military personnel of our army. They include: The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; Charter of garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defines the rights and responsibilities of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the relationship between them, the responsibilities of the main officials of the regiment and its units, as well as internal regulations.

The Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation determines the purpose, procedure for organizing and performing garrison and guard services, the rights and obligations of garrison officials and military personnel performing these services, and also regulates the conduct of garrison events with the participation of troops.

The disciplinary charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defines the essence of military discipline, the responsibilities of military personnel to comply with it, types of incentives and disciplinary sanctions, the rights of commanders (superiors) to apply them, as well as the procedure for submitting and considering appeals (proposals, applications and complaints).

The drill regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were put into effect by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. He determines drill techniques and movement without weapons and with weapons; formations of units and military units on foot and in vehicles; the procedure for performing a military greeting and conducting a drill review; the position of the Battle Banner of the military unit in the ranks, the order of its removal and removal; responsibilities of military personnel before formation and in formation and requirements for their drill training, as well as methods of movement of military personnel on the battlefield and actions in the event of a surprise attack by the enemy.

The requirements of these charters must be strictly followed by all military personnel and officials of military units, ships, headquarters, departments, institutions and military educational institutions of professional education of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Based on the experience of many generations, the regulations provide a concise and clear statement of the procedure for performing military service, the rights and responsibilities of military personnel and their actions in peaceful and combat conditions.

Questions What functions do the regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation perform? 2. What issues are regulated by the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation? 3. What charter defines the purpose, procedure for organizing and performing garrison and guard services, the rights and responsibilities of garrison officials and regulates garrison activities? 4. What aspects of military service are defined by the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation? 5. For what purposes is the Drill Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation intended?

  • Sichevaya Vera Anatolyevna
  • 31.01.2016
  • Material number: DV-397315

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    Presentation for the life safety lesson “General military regulations”

    Presentation for a life safety lesson in 11th grade on the topic “General military regulations” (16 slides), the history of the formation of military regulations, analysis of modern general military regulations.


    Slide captions:

    Topic: “General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” MOUSOSH No. 15, grade 11 Teacher-organizer of life safety Mokhova E.N.

    The first attempt to establish a general procedure for military service dates back to 1571, when boyar M.N. Vorotynsky compiled the “Boyar verdict on the village and guard service.”

    In 1621, the “Charter of military, cannon and other matters relating to military science ...” appeared (developed by Onisim Mikhailov), which determined the actions of troops in various types battle.

    Russian statutory documents received further development in the process of creating a regular army by Peter I

    "Field Service Charter" (1912)

    In 1918-1919 the first regulations of the Red Army were approved 1918 - “Charter of Internal and Garrison Service” 1919 - “Field Regulations”, “Combat Regulations”, “Disciplinary Regulations”

    Charters of the Armed Forces are regulations, which regulate the life and everyday life of military personnel, service in the Armed Forces and determine the basis of combat operations. Internal Service Charter Disciplinary Charter Military Regulations Charter of Garrison and Guard Services Naval Charter

    Internal Service Charter The Internal Service Charter - defines the general rights and responsibilities of military personnel and the relationships between them, the responsibilities of the main officials of the regiment and its units. The Internal Service Charter defines the following responsibilities of soldiers: Study military affairs; Comply with the requirements of military regulations; Follow the commander's orders; Know military equipment, comply with safety requirements when handling weapons; Know positions and military ranks.

    Charter of garrison and guard services The charter of garrison and guard services determines the purpose, procedure for organizing and performing garrison and guard services, the rights and obligations of garrison officials and military personnel performing these services, the procedure for conducting garrison activities. Garrison service is intended to: Ensure military discipline; Providing the necessary conditions for everyday life, training of troops; Carrying out garrison activities with the participation of troops. Guard duty is intended for: Protection of personnel of a military unit; Protection of military banners, storage facilities with weapons, ammunition, military equipment; Guarding those arrested and convicted in the guardhouse.

    The following incentives are applied to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen: declaration of gratitude; removal of a previously imposed disciplinary sanction; permission for another dismissal out of turn; rewarding with diplomas, valuable gifts, money; assignment of the next military rank; provision of short-term leave (up to 5 days), not counting the time for travel to the place of vacation and back.

    Disciplinary sanctions imposed on soldiers: reprimand; rebuke; deprivation of another dismissal; appointment out of turn to a service outfit (up to 5 outfits); arrest with detention in a guardhouse - up to 10 days; deprivation of an excellent student badge; deprivation of the military rank of corporal.

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    Presentation on the topic “General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the laws of military life”

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  • Abstract for the presentation

    Presentation for schoolchildren on the topic “General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the laws of military life” on life safety. is a convenient catalog with the ability to download powerpoint presentations for free.

    General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - laws of military life

    General military regulations are normative legal acts that regulate the life and everyday life of military personnel, their relationships with each other and daily activities.

    Charter of internal service, disciplinary charter, charter of garrison and guard services in accordance with Federal law“On Defense” was approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation - Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on December 14, 1993 and has the status of laws

    General military regulations Charter of internal service Disciplinary regulations Charter of garrison and guard services Military regulations Naval regulations of the Navy

    Internal Service Charter Internal Service Charter - defines the general rights and responsibilities of military personnel and the relationships between them, the responsibilities of the main officials of the regiment and its units

    Disciplinary regulations Disciplinary regulations define the essence of military discipline, the responsibilities of military personnel to comply with it, types of rewards and disciplinary sanctions

    Charter of garrison and guard services Charter of garrison and guard services - determines the purpose, procedure for organizing and performing garrison and guard services, the rights and obligations of garrison officials and military personnel

    Ship's Charter of the Navy On ships, the internal service and duties of officials are additionally determined by the Ship's Charter of the Navy

    In 1621, the “Charter of Military, Cannon and Other Affairs Relating to Military Science...” appeared, which determined the actions of troops in various types of combat.

    The “Military Regulations on Infantry Service” incorporated the combat experience of the Patriotic War of 1812

    In July 1918, the Main Military Staff approved and sent to the troops “Information from the regulations of the Disciplinary, Internal and Garrison Services.”

    Presentation on the topic: General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the law of military life

    General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the law of military life

    General military regulations are normative legal acts that regulate the life and everyday life of military personnel, their relationships with each other and daily activities. The charters of the internal service, disciplinary, garrison and guard services in accordance with the Federal Law “On Defense” were approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation - Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on December 14, 1993 and have the force of laws. The drill regulations of the Armed Forces were put into effect by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on December 15, 1993 No. 600.

    The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces defines the general rights and responsibilities of military personnel and the relationships between them, the responsibilities of the main officials of the regiment and its units, as well as internal rules.

    All military personnel of military units, ships, headquarters, departments, institutions, enterprises, organizations and military educational institutions of professional education of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are guided by the Internal Service Charter. The provisions of the Charter, including the duties of officials of the regiment and its units, apply equally to military personnel of all military units, ships and units. The Charter applies to military personnel of the Border Troops, Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Railway Civil Defense Troops, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation and other troops.

    On ships, internal service and duties of officials are additionally determined by the Ship's Charter Navy. In wartime in the field and in peacetime during exercises and classes to train military personnel to act in combat, the relationships between military personnel are determined by combat regulations and instructions for ensuring combat operations.

    The disciplinary charter of the Armed Forces determines the essence of military discipline, the responsibilities of military personnel to comply with it, types of incentives and disciplinary sanctions, the rights of commanders (chiefs) to apply them, as well as the procedure for submitting and considering proposals, applications and complaints.

    All military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, regardless of military rank, official position and merit, must strictly follow the requirements of the Disciplinary Regulations. In addition, the provisions of the Disciplinary Charter apply to citizens discharged from military service with the right to wear military uniforms (if worn).

    The charter of garrison and guard services determines the purpose, procedure for organizing and performing garrison and guard services, the rights and obligations of garrison officials and military personnel performing these services, and also regulates the conduct of garrison events with the participation of troops.

    The Charter of the garrison and guard services guides all military personnel and officials of military units, ships, headquarters, departments, institutions and military educational institutions of professional education of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    The drill regulations determine drill techniques and movements without weapons and with weapons, formations of subunits and military units on foot and in vehicles, the procedure for performing a military salute, conducting a drill review, the position of the Battle Banner of a military unit in the ranks, the procedure for carrying it out and carrying it, the duties of military personnel before formation in formation and the requirements for their drill training, as well as on the battlefield and actions in case of a surprise attack by the enemy.

    All military units, ships, headquarters, departments, institutions, enterprises, organizations and military personnel are guided by the drill regulations educational institutions professional education of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Presentation on the topic: “General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the law of military life”

    Take advantage of up to 50% discounts on Infourok courses

    General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the law of military life Prepared and conducted by: Teacher-organizer of life safety Mikhail Yuryevich Ulanov 01/09/2018

    The first attempt to establish a general procedure for military service dates back to 1571, when boyar M.N. Vorotynsky compiled the Charter of the Border and Guard Service.

    During the Great Patriotic War, general military regulations were not revised

    Currently, the General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces are in force, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2007 No. 1495.

    Disciplinary charter Disciplinary charter - defines the essence of military discipline, the responsibilities of military personnel to comply with it, types of incentives and disciplinary sanctions

    Disciplinary Charter Armed Forces RF.

    Charter of garrison and guard services A guard is an armed unit that performs the tasks of a guard service. The guard consists of sentries. A sentry is an armed guard who performs his duties at a post. A post is everything entrusted to the guard and defense, as well as the place where he performs a combat mission. It is carried out by patrolling between the external and internal fencing of the object, along it or from towers.

    Charter of garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Drill Regulations Drill Regulations - determines drill techniques and movements without weapons and with weapons, formations of units and military units on foot and in vehicles, the procedure for performing a military salute

    Combat regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Lesson summary What did we study in class today? What general military regulations do you know? Homework: §4.7 pp. 129-136. 1. Compile a chronological table of the actions of military regulations in the Russian Army. 2. Find examples of both conscientious and negligent military service in literary works or films.


  • Ulanov Mikhail Yurievich
  • 09.01.2018

Material number: DB-1017570

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Slide captions:

Topic: “General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” MOUSOSH No. 15, grade 11 Teacher-organizer of life safety Mokhova E.N.

The first attempt to establish a general procedure for military service dates back to 1571, when boyar M.N. Vorotynsky compiled the “Boyar verdict on the village and guard service.”

In 1621, the “Charter of military, cannon and other matters relating to military science ...” appeared (developed by Onisim Mikhailov), which determined the actions of troops in various types of combat.

Russian statutory documents received further development in the process of creating a regular army by Peter I

"Field Service Charter" (1912)

In 1918-1919 the first regulations of the Red Army were approved 1918 - “Charter of Internal and Garrison Service” 1919 - “Field Regulations”, “Combat Regulations”, “Disciplinary Regulations”

Charters of the Armed Forces are normative acts that regulate the life and everyday life of military personnel, service in the Armed Forces and determine the basis of combat operations. Internal Service Charter Disciplinary Charter Military Regulations Charter of Garrison and Guard Services Naval Charter

The charter of the internal service, the disciplinary charter, the charter of the garrison and guard services in accordance with the Federal Law “On Defense” were approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation - the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on December 14, 1993, have the status of laws

Internal Service Charter The Internal Service Charter - defines the general rights and responsibilities of military personnel and the relationships between them, the responsibilities of the main officials of the regiment and its units. The Internal Service Charter defines the following responsibilities of soldiers: Study military affairs; Comply with the requirements of military regulations; Follow the commander's orders; Know military equipment, comply with safety requirements when handling weapons; Know positions and military ranks.

Charter of garrison and guard services The charter of garrison and guard services determines the purpose, procedure for organizing and performing garrison and guard services, the rights and obligations of garrison officials and military personnel performing these services, the procedure for conducting garrison activities. Garrison service is intended to: Ensure military discipline; Providing the necessary conditions for everyday life, training of troops; Carrying out garrison activities with the participation of troops. Guard duty is intended for: Protection of personnel of a military unit; Protection of military banners, storage facilities with weapons, ammunition, military equipment; Guarding those arrested and convicted in the guardhouse.

Disciplinary charter Disciplinary charter - defines the essence of military discipline, the responsibilities of military personnel to comply with it, types of incentives and disciplinary sanctions

The following incentives are applied to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen: declaration of gratitude; removal of a previously imposed disciplinary sanction; permission for another dismissal out of turn; rewarding with diplomas, valuable gifts, money; assignment of the next military rank; provision of short-term leave (up to 5 days), not counting the time for travel to the place of vacation and back.

Disciplinary sanctions imposed on soldiers: reprimand; rebuke; deprivation of another dismissal; appointment out of turn to a service outfit (up to 5 outfits); arrest with detention in a guardhouse - up to 10 days; deprivation of an excellent student badge; deprivation of the military rank of corporal.

Drill Regulations Drill Regulations - determines drill techniques and movements without weapons and with weapons, formations of units and military units on foot and in vehicles, the procedure for performing a military salute

Ship's Charter of the Navy On ships, the internal service and duties of officials are additionally determined by the Ship's Charter of the Navy

Lesson results: The history of the creation of military regulations in Russia is considered; The modern general military regulations of the RF Armed Forces, their purpose, and main content are considered. What explains the need to introduce military regulations in the modern Russian army?

summary of other presentations

“Kravchenko, Pevtsova “Social Studies”” - Table of Contents. Drawing up a plan for the report. Preparation for completing a task type C9. Endpapers: state symbols of Russia. Forms of entrepreneurial activity. Schedule. Endpapers. Civil society. Dictionary. Designed for studying social studies at a basic level. Preparation for completing tasks of part C6. The paragraph is divided into paragraphs. Scheme-graph. Preparation for performing tasks of type C1-4. Preparation for completing the tasks of part A.

“Power in Russia and the USA” - Federation Council - two representatives from each subject. Chairman of the Government. Constitution. Conclusion of agreements with foreign states. In general, the Russian Constitution is significantly influenced by the US Constitution. House of Representatives: elections every two years. Citizens' rights. Judicial sweetness. Construction of diagrams and tables. Legislative process. Representing the country's interests in international relations.

“Communication with parents” - I love my parents. Everything is fine in my family. Beloved moms and dads. Recipe for happiness. Your contacts with your parents. How do your parents punish you? Harmony of communication is the key to a child’s mental health. Happiness is when you are understood. Are your parents often unfair to you? Are you asking for forgiveness? Happiness is when you are understood. How do you make your parents happy? Continue the sentence. Be kinder to each other and to us children.

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“Questions on social studies” 10th grade” - Type of activity related to participation social groups. Activities aimed at achieving true knowledge. Drives related to need satisfaction. The main content of the object and phenomenon. The process of formation of society. The most general concept. Gradual, continuous changes. A thought that distinguishes a certain class of objects from reality. Social and humanitarian knowledge. Something established, patterned, repeated without change.

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