Secrets of our body and brain. Secrets of the body: amazing facts about how cells of the brain, liver and heart are renewed Secrets of your body cells around us

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

What is health? How to understand the body so that it becomes clear how to maintain health and understand why health is impaired? How can we understand what type we ourselves belong to and understand the line at which the balance in the body is disturbed? So what are the secrets of the human body?
Examples, a story about his unique experiment by the famous cardiac surgeon Ravi Shankar. – A person who studied with Sai Baba since childhood, – A person who did not just want to believe in the descriptions of books and universities, but explored the depth and versatility of the capabilities of our body on his own... he was able to explain the main thing!!!

The only beauty I know is health.
Heinrich Heine

Is immortality possible, is longevity possible? A question that visits each of us.

Back at the presentation of the film “The Staff of John” by director and producer Alexander Volkov, on December 13, 2011, we saw the opportunity to get an answer to this question from Dr. Ravi Shankar, who starred in one of the episodes of the film in which he talked about the possibility of immortality and longevity.

Ravi Shankar is visiting the women's magazine Women's Time. Ravi was born in India and passed school education from Sai Baba, graduated from the Vitebsk Medical Institute, worked closely with Sai Baba as a cardiologist for 2 years. Currently, Ravi is working on a very important experiment, which will provide evidence that the body and all its organs and tissues can regenerate.

… “By controlling reactivity, you can control the disease, and therefore be healthy. I treated paralysis multiple sclerosis, ... and I can assure you that any fabric can transform into any other fabric”... says Ravi Shankar.

Ravi Shankar– cardiac surgeon, candidate of medical sciences (the essence of the practical research is below in the interview). He has practically restored the heart function of many patients without resorting to surgery. In... them. Bakulev and... in India... Currently conducting important research on the unlimited capabilities of the body and each organ and preparing to receive a Doctor of Medical Sciences...

DR Ravishankar Polisetty
MD (Gen Medicne), MS (Gen, Lap and Laser Surgery), MS (Cardiovascular Surgery),
CEO and Director R&D, Sai Ganga Panacea LLC,
Clinical Trial Coordinator Arbor Surgicals, Irvine, CA, USA,
Medical Adviser, Speed ​​Well Being, Green Templeton College, OXFORD University, OXFORD, UK
Senior Consultant Cardiovascular Surgery, OOO MANI, Moscow,
Research Fellow at “Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery”, Moscow
Researcher in Ayurveda

Visiting Faculty, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Pune

Visitng Faculty, SRI SRI Ravishankar Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Bangalore, India

As a result of his first experiment (read below), Ravi Shankar proved the necessity of the presence in the body of that element that provides natural regeneration of the body as a whole and each organ. This experiment (2002) was done in modern conditions and in our time, which proves its effectiveness not in words, but in deeds.

– Why did you decide to become a heart surgeon?

– Since childhood, I wanted to be a heart surgeon. My mother wanted me to become an engineer and put more effort into getting me to study mathematics. But I said that “I will cut the heart,” which of course scared her. I was 7 years old then. When I grew up and became a heart surgeon, only then did she understand “why I said that I would cut the heart.”

Tell us about the concept of health?

– I will tell you what modern concepts of health, what ancient concepts of health and how modern concepts helped me understand the ancient ones and vice versa.

The first fact that I couldn't wrap my head around when I started studying pharmacology in my third year of medical school was the starting point for deep research. At that time, I had to study a certain drug, the instructions for which said: “the mechanism of action is not fully understood, side effects are listed, including death...”, as I now remember the page in the textbook. I had many questions. Pharmacology led me to a kind of dead end. I almost lost interest in medicine. I am a believer and I really asked God: “give me a person or a book where I can read or hear something that will help me get on the right path, on the right understanding of health.” After which, I started studying Ayurveda, I didn’t understand anything about what these 5 elements are, it’s all abstract. I believed in what Sai Baba always told me, I studied with him for a long time (10 years), that Ayurveda is a very ancient science and I need to find the answers in it myself. And I began to meditate in order to somehow understand Ayurveda, to see and hear the deep essence.

At the state exam, I received an “automatic” in the subject of biochemistry. I knew this subject “excellently” (I was an excellent student) and by that time I had read all the literature on biochemistry. State exams don’t include tests, especially “automatic,” but since I could talk about this topic for days, the professor didn’t even doubt my knowledge.

Let's return to Ayurveda. In Ayurveda it was written: “health is the balance of the three doshas: vata, pita and kapha in each organ and in the body as a whole.”

As I pondered to find the essence.

cotton wool- this is what is cold, what is light, what is dry, what is rough... In pita and kapha their characteristics and how to understand them is unclear, abstract. Again I referred to wisdom and thought, after all, they, the ancient sages, somehow came to these concepts in the course of some experiments, their own experience.

And I began to think, what could be cold in the body?

Anything that takes away heat cools the body. This means that all reactions are endothermic. In general, there are more than 80,000 chemical reactions in the body, and we are talking to you now, and more than 80,000 reactions occur constantly, spontaneously and without our permission.

I kept thinking, “Where do endothermic reactions happen all the time? Light, what could it be? This is something that can fly. We read in organic chemistry that aromatic, cyclic organic compounds can fly. They are all volatile and light. This means that all endothermic reactions that occur in the body lead to the formation (in a system where vata predominates) of these volatile organic substances. Something that permeates everywhere.

What can get everywhere? Ions penetrate. What we eat, even glucose, when broken down in the intestines, any starch, carbohydrates, are broken down into glucose. They do not penetrate themselves, they penetrate the intestinal walls only with the help of ions. I realized that ions are necessarily included in the chemical reaction, due to which these volatile molecules can penetrate.

So, Vata. It takes away heat and takes away water. Dry system. The man is freezing. Water does not enter the body, the body becomes dry. I began to understand.

In modern medicine there is a lack of knowledge today and there is a problem of integration.

There are 7,000,000 chemical substances in the body that enter into 80,000 chemical reactions, due to which 800,000 immunological, physiological, biochemical, metabolic, neurophysiological, and humoral processes occur simultaneously. These reactions seem to be separate, but depend on each other. It is impossible to integrate them; there is simply no such equipment.

What else is known to modern science: There are 3,000,000 genes in the body. Modern scientists have come to the conclusion that 30,000–40,000 of them are coding. They code for a certain protein, etc., everyone still thinks that way. But I have a question: “This means that the body should only have 30,000 – 40,000 proteins, this is wrong. We have 35,000,000 proteins in our bodies.” Another question: “What are the others doing?” Means, we know between 1 and 1.4 percent of the genome.

When did scientists think about this? In April 2004, the Human Genom Project took place, with approximately 37,000 scientists participating from around the world. The task was set to completely identify the genome. If we identify the entire genome, since all the information is in the genome, then all diseases can be treated... We came to the first cell. There were a lot of conversations, etc. and I came to the conclusion that in every tissue there can be a predominance of either vata, pitta, or kapha.

According to WHO (World Health Organization), health is not the absence of disease as such or physical infirmity, but “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.” This is an abstract concept of well-being and cannot be measured.

According to the concept of Ayurveda, “health is the balance of the three doshas: vata, pita and kapha in each organ and in the body as a whole.” How to measure them is described. A more objective approach. What diseases and how to treat them are also described. The approach is different. In Ayurveda it is written: “if a person maintains health for 12 years, he becomes a self-realized person.” More precisely, Vata, Pitta and Kapha should be in perfect order for 12 years. Then the person gets liberation.

The goal of health is not to live long (this is a side effect), but to gain liberation.
This is an understanding of the body.

I wanted to pass on what I understood to people. To do this I needed to do experiments. For this I flew to Moscow. I spent a long time giving lectures and seminars on modern medicine, on Ayurveda, and in one of these lectures it occurred to me to carry out electrophysiological studies that scientists conducted in the mid-80s, but were unable to integrate the knowledge gained.

Tell us about this experiment?

The experiment was as follows.

5 sense organs, respectively 5 types of receptors, receptors in which some changes occur and the composition of ions.

“As soon as the body is exposed to some kind of external irritation (taste buds, sense of smell, etc.), the first thing that happens is not cellular sodium (Na) passes through slow sodium channels inside the cell, it reaches a certain threshold “- 60 mV (millivolts)” . Normally, the charge in the cell is 90 mV. As soon as this threshold is crossed, fast sodium channels are activated and sodium very quickly moves into the cell. Sodium alone cannot go, so chloride (Cl) also goes. AND when it reaches “+20 mV”, the cell understands that “enough is enough” and expels potassium (K) from within through potassium channels. Reverse repolarization occurs.

This is an action potential.

After this, the cell calms down and returns to normal. In this phase, the state of these ions is restored.”

This explanation was not enough for me. I wanted to see if this happens everywhere or if it happens differently in vata, pita and kapha. Therefore, in the experiment I took 5 groups of rats, 2 of them were control ones.

One group was fed food in which, according to Ayurvedic concepts, vata predominates. The second group was fed a pitta-increasing diet and the third group was fed a kapha-increasing diet.

The first week they were fed regular food. At the end of the first week, the cardiac action potential was measured in rats of the same groom. From the second to the fifth week, the remaining four groups were fed according to the scheme.

With vata, the membrane potential is “- 70 mV”

When drinking – “- 90 mV”

For kapha – “- 108 mV”

And everything became clear.

Vata, pita and kapha lead the body to a certain change in the development of action potential.

For example: an explosion occurs and we see that someone is running towards the explosion to help, and someone is running from the explosion to save themselves. Same action, explosion. But, everyone has their own action potentials in their head and everyone does some action depending on their action potential.

Another example: an external influence occurred - a light touch on the hand.

What happens with vata:

– Cotton has a resting membrane potential of “-70 mV”. Threshold potential “- 60 mV”. This means that such fabrics need approximately “10 mV”, and the body reacts immediately. These tissues are compared to pita (these tissues would not react, membrane potential is “-90 mV”) and kapha (these tissues would not react, membrane potential is “-108 mV”). At the end of each reaction, the body loses a certain energy molecule, then the ionic composition in the cell needs to be normalized. Accordingly, the body loses energy. Therefore, generally such people (vata) are very thin.

If the impulse does not reach the threshold, there is no reaction.

Kapha even with an impulse of “30 mV” it does not lose energy, but Vata loses 3 times more, for every “10 mV” there is a reaction.

“30 mV” can even be a fatal blow to vata; a person may not be able to withstand it. Accordingly, for kapha to develop one action potential, approximately “48 mV” is needed. For “48 mV”, pita will react 1.5 times, and vata will react 4.8 times.

Vata is a state of overreaction. They lose energy quickly, which means these people are very exhausted, they are always tired and sleep poorly because there is almost no energy.

I think this is a very important experiment. There is a real understanding of the value and importance of following all dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

After understanding the essence and importance of the predominance of pita in the body, it is, of course, better to read and study about each component in order to balance the state of health. There is already deeply understood and explored value. And reading will not be empty following instructions and recommendations; a person has already grasped the main key.

Kapha is a state of hyporeaction. This is indifference or a state close to indifference.

Pita is a normoreaction or spontaneous reaction.

What else blocks natural regeneration in the body?

– There can also be a lot of toxins, to remove toxins it is better to go through pancha - karma. This is cleansing the body of toxins that block natural metabolism and energy.

I'm currently working on a very important experiment. As a result, tissue is restored after a heart attack. By controlling reactivity, you can control the disease, and therefore be healthy. I treated paralysis, multiple sclerosis and I know for sure that any fabric can transform into any other fabric.

Does yoga solve the issue of health and balance?

I want to tell you who a real yogi is.

Let me quote from the Bhagavad Gita: “That yogi is dear to me who does not hate anyone. Not only does he not hate, he must be friends with everyone and not only be friends, he must have compassion. He should not say: “this is mine, and this is someone else’s,” he must love everyone undividedly. He should not have any ego. Even if he shows compassion for something, for someone, he should not think that he did it, he should understand that this is being done at the expense of God. He must be balanced in both joy and sorrow. Only such a yogi is dear to me.”

I would say that a real yogi must constantly work for the well-being of others, he must love everyone undividedly. He must do all this at the expense of the wisdom and knowledge of the Almighty.

Constantly working is Karma Yoga.

Loving everyone is Bhakti yoga

The knowledge and wisdom of God is Jnana Yoga

These three aspects must be in balance and only such a person can be called a real yogi.

For example: Let's take the phone. Electrons are constantly moving in it - this is Karma yoga.

And why they move is because of love. This is Bhakti yoga. They have a clear pattern of movement, they move at a certain speed (if they stopped for even one second, everything would collapse), which means there is a component of Jnana Yoga. These 3 components are everywhere. Every person should have these 3 components. That's how I understood who a real yogi is.

Thanks to this knowledge, I understood Ayurveda. A modern medicine I understood due to the fact that I understood Ayurveda.

Is it possible to achieve immortality?

- It's real. The most important thing is that there is pita in the body, that pita never falls in the body and in every organ. As soon as pita falls, the organism or organ slowly dies. Immortality, for me, is the maintenance of pita in every organ; of course, there must be vata and kapha, but pita is a must.

A person should be free from 6 harmful qualities:
desire (passion),

When I worked with Sai Baba, we wanted to perform bypass surgery on one patient. He tells me: “You always want to bypass, cut something. This is not how God created the universe.Where there is a problem, there is immediately a solution.”. We didn’t understand then, but the next day we found natural bypass grafts in this patient. It was a miracle for us that yesterday it did not exist, today it exists... and only years later, I came to understand that both my first research and my research now are connected with this.

Toxins are, first of all, our “bad” thoughts. To understand what I mean by the concept of “bad and good,” I will give an explanation from the Bhagavad Gita. “Good deed is the act that will lead you to God. A bad deed is an act that distances you from God.” Due to this bad act, certain toxins arise in the body.

If pita predominates, the tissue is regenerated.

Therefore, immortality is a person’s constant presence in a non-toxic environment, in non-toxic thoughts, because each thought, as I understand it, has a certain physical basis. As a result, everything we do with our thoughts is reflected in the physical body.

We thank Ravi Shankar for his actionable recommendations and guidance for our readers to be healthy and happy. Exclusive for Women's Time

A series of TV shows will soon be filmed where Dr. In each episode, Ravi Shankar will explain the essence of a serious illness, an incurable disease, explain the causes of the disease from an Ayurvedic point of view and what treatment is recommended. Ravi will talk about the success of using Ayurvedic methods and give examples of patients whom he helped overcome these diseases (patients will also be present in the studio) using Ayurvedic drugs, changing their worldview and restoring a true spiritual connection with God. The main thing is that Dr. Ravi Shankar will tell you in an accessible language how to restore the balance of the three doshas and help the body regenerate, be healthy and happy. Coming soon on Women's Time TV

Oksana Tumadin
editor-in-chief of Women's Time

* when using the material, please indicate author and a link to source - women's magazineWomen` s Time

The human body is a complex, highly organized biological system, all of whose constituent elements are interconnected. Scientists have been studying the laws by which the human body functions for centuries, but many mysteries still remain in its structure. In this article we will look at some of the secrets and unknown facts about our body.
Fact 1. Our stomach produces extremely corrosive acid.
Acid, it turns out, is naturally created by our bodies. Our stomach cells secrete hydrochloric acid, a caustic compound commonly used to process metals in the industrial world. Hydrochloric acid can destroy steel, but the mucous lining of the stomach wall protects us from getting this poisonous liquid into our digestive system, using it exclusively for digesting food.
Fact 2. The position of the body in space affects our memory
Memories are very embodied in our senses. Smells or sounds can trigger a memory of a forgotten childhood episode. Connections can be obvious (for example, a bicycle ringing allows you to remember an old ride route) or inexplicable. Modern scientific research is helping to decipher some of the relationships between sensations and memory. Psychologists say that episodes from your past are remembered faster and better when you take the same body position, take a similar position, as in a memory situation.
Fact 3. Our bones not only support the body, but also store nutrients.
In addition to the fact that our skeleton serves as a support for the organs and muscles that make up our body, bones are also involved in metabolism. Human bones with contain large amounts of phosphorus and calcium, the latter of which is very necessary for muscles. If there is a deficiency of calcium in the body, muscle cramps begin and they become weak.
Fact 4. The brain is a small part of the body, but a huge part of the body.
Although the weight of our brain is only 2 percent of the total body weight, it is the brain that consumes 20 percent of the oxygen in the body. To maintain a good supply of oxygen to the brain, the three main arteries of the brain constantly supply it with fresh blood. A blockage or rupture in one of the blood vessels can cause oxygen starvation of brain cells, disrupting their functions. This condition is called stroke.
Fact 5. Thousands of germ cells remain unused
When a woman reaches the age of 45-5, her menstrual cycle, which controls her hormone levels and prepares her cells for conception, stops. The ovaries produce less and less of the hormone estrogen, causing physical and emotional changes in the body. Her follicles do not develop fully and cannot produce eggs as well as before. The average teenage girl has 34,000 underdeveloped egg follicles, although only about 350 mature during her lifetime (over the course of about one month). Unused follicles degenerate. With no potential pregnancy on the horizon, the brain may stop releasing eggs.

These little tricks, which you hardly knew existed, can be very useful and effective when you need to rid your body of unpleasant sensations.

1. If you have a toothache, rub an ice cube in the V-shaped area between your thumb and forefinger. Numbness in the hand will reduce the intensity of the toothache.

2. If you have to listen to your interlocutor in a noisy room, then turn your right ear towards him. The right ear is better at picking up words, while left ear hears sounds and music well. Remember this in case you are going to take a phone number from some beauty at a club.

3. By the way, about clubs. If you've had too much and feel like you're starting to feel dizzy, put your hands on something hard and stable. Tactile sensations deceive the brain, which allows you to maintain balance.

And if the unbearable dizziness does not go away even after you lie down in bed, then place one foot on the floor. This will reduce the painful sensation of imaginary movement.

4. No matter how strange it may sound, it has been proven that people who hate injections need to cough before doing so. Experiments have shown that unexpected coughing reduces painful sensations which a person experiences when a needle is inserted into the skin.

5. If you go to bed immediately after a hearty dinner, be sure to lie on your left side. Sleeping on the right side causes the stomach to be higher than the esophagus, which is why digested food and gastric juice can enter the esophagus and cause heartburn and other unpleasant sensations.

6. If you are in a bad mood, then hold a pencil in your mouth. It activates the muscles that a person uses when smiling, which will "fool" your brain.

7. If you urgently need to “go small” and there is no toilet nearby, then to suppress this desire, think about sex.

8. For nosebleeds, the following will help: Place a cotton swab on the upper gums behind the small indentation under the nostrils and press it with your fingers. Most of the blood comes from the cartilaginous septum of the nose, and pressing firmly on it will help stop the bleeding.

9. If you want to hold your breath underwater for a much longer time, take several short breaths instead of one deep one. This will trick your brain into thinking it's getting more oxygen, and you'll gain a few extra seconds.

10. There are dozens of “guaranteed” ways to get rid of hiccups. However, research shows that it's all about elevated level CO2 in the blood. Therefore, a surefire way to stop hiccups is to breathe into a plastic bag for 30 seconds.

11. If you feel sick and feel nauseous, press the point between two tendons on the inside of your wrist.

12. If your hand is numb, try shaking your head from side to side. This will relieve tension in your neck and ease the tingling sensation in your arm. And if your leg goes numb, it’s best to walk around a little.

13. To restrain the urge to gag, clench your hand tightly into a fist, so that thumb ended up inside him.

14. To increase the range of vision, clench your hand into a fist and look through the resulting hole, as if through a telescope. This trick allows a narrow beam of light to reach the retina and increase depth of field and focus.

15. If you get a pain in your side while running, you're probably exhaling when you step on it. right leg, and this puts additional pressure on the liver. To avoid painful sensations, exhale on the left step.

For hundreds of years, scientists have been trying to unravel the most amazing mystery of nature - the human body. Despite more and more advanced technologies appearing every year, there are still many secrets in our body that are still unknown to anyone. But most people don't know even a small part of what scientists have already discovered. But the body that each of us owns is a real miracle of the world. the site invites you to get to know yourself a little better and discover 33 secrets of the human body that will amaze you to the core.

Incredible secrets of the human body that you didn't know yet

The human body is a collection of organs and structures that must harmoniously perform many functions, creating optimal conditions for the existence of the organism.

Our body has enormous potential, the implementation of which is the personal choice of each person. Here's what you didn't know about your own body:

  1. When a person blushes, the lining of his stomach also changes color.
  2. The human body contains so many blood vessels that they could wrap the earth twice.
  3. The human brain is capable of reading about 1000 words in just one minute.
  4. If the Earth were flat, the human eye could notice an object flickering at a distance of 30 km.
  5. The fingertips are so sensitive that if they were the size of the Earth, a person could use them to tell the difference between a house and a car.
  6. There are significantly more atoms in the body of one adult person than there are stars in our galaxy.
  7. During falling in love, a person’s body produces the same substances that he receives when taking amphetamines. The euphoric effect is present in both cases.
  8. The lens in the human eye filters out ultraviolet radiation so we don't see it. People who have had lens removal surgery can see ultraviolet light.
  9. The bacteria that live in the human belly button form an entire ecosystem comparable to a tropical forest.
  10. Under the influence of adrenaline, a person's muscles are able to work with such force that allows them to move very heavy things, for example, an entire car.
  11. The bones in the human body are as strong as granite. A piece of bone the size of a matchbox can support 9 tons of weight.
  12. In just half an hour, the human body generates enough heat to boil 4 liters of water.
  13. Man is the best runner on the planet. Thousands of years ago, man was able to drive his prey to death.
  14. The atoms that make up the human body were formed during the Big Bang.
  15. There are as many hairs on the human body as on the body of a chimpanzee. Most of them are thin and colorless.
  16. Human DNA and banana DNA are 50% identical.
  17. The human brain is capable of performing more operations per second than the most powerful computer on the planet.
  18. Physical pain in the human body can arise from a feeling of loneliness.
  19. For every kilogram of fat or muscle tissue the body creates about 10 kilometers of new blood vessels.
  20. The muscles that fix the eye bear the most stress during the day: they move about hundreds of thousands of times a day.
  21. 90% of the cells in the human body are the same cells that make up bacteria and fungi.
  22. The human body glows in the dark, but our eyes are not able to perceive this glow. You may be interested in: " "
  23. The neurons that are found in the brain resemble the structure of the Universe.
  24. Every second, the human body produces about 25 million new cells.
  25. Every month a person completely renews the top layer of skin, losing about 40 kilograms over a lifetime.
  26. The human brain consumes approximately 20% of the calories and oxygen that the entire body needs.
  27. In addition to the traditional senses, such as hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch, a person has about 15 others, which include the sense of time, pain, thirst, suffocation, satiety and temperature.
  28. Human blood contains approximately 0.2 milligrams of gold.
  29. Crying is a physical way to relieve stress and suppress feelings of sadness and anger.
  30. Some women have more color receptors and are able to see a wider range of colors.
  31. In a stuffy room, a person breathes more often not so much because of the need for oxygen, but because of the need to remove carbon dioxide from the body.
  32. Depending on what caused the tears, they will look different under a microscope.
  33. Synesthesia is the ability to experience one sense through another. Some people are able to hear colors or smell sounds.

The human body amazes with its functionality, endurance, ability to adapt and many other amazing features.

On the site you can find even more interesting and useful information about your body.

It is known that the cells in our body are renewed. But how does the body’s cells renew themselves? And if cells are constantly renewed, then why does old age set in, and not eternal youth last?

Swedish neurologist Jonas Friesen found that every adult is on average fifteen and a half years old!

But if many “parts” of our body are constantly renewed and, as a result, turn out to be much younger than their owner, then some questions arise, writes

For example, why doesn't the skin remain smooth and pink all its life, like a baby's, if the top layer of skin is always two weeks old?

If muscles are about 15 years old, then why is a 60-year-old woman not as flexible and mobile as a 15-year-old girl?

Friesen saw the answers to these questions in the DNA in mitochondria (this is part of every cell). She quickly accumulates various damage. This is why the skin ages over time: mutations in mitochondria lead to a deterioration in the quality of such an important component of the skin as collagen.

According to many psychologists, aging occurs due to the mental programs that have been embedded in us since childhood.

Here we will consider the timing of renewal of specific organs and tissues, which are shown in the figures. Although everything is written there in such detail that this comment may be unnecessary.

Renewal of organ cells


Brain cells live with a person throughout his life. But if the cells were renewed, the information that was embedded in them would go with them - our thoughts, emotions, memories, skills, experience. An unhealthy lifestyle - smoking, drugs, alcohol - all this, to one degree or another, destroys the brain, killing some of the cells.

And yet, in two areas of the brain, cells are renewed.

One of them is the olfactory bulb, which is responsible for the perception of smells. The second is the hippocampus, which controls the ability to assimilate new information in order to then transfer it to the “storage center,” as well as the ability to navigate in space.


It became known quite recently that heart cells also have the ability to renew. According to researchers, this only happens once or twice in a lifetime, so it is extremely important to preserve this organ.


For each type of lung tissue, cell renewal occurs at different rates. For example, the air sacs that are located at the ends of the bronchi (alveoli) are reborn every 11 to 12 months. But the cells located on the surface of the lungs are renewed every 14-21 days. This part respiratory organ takes on most of the harmful substances coming from the air we breathe.

Bad habits (primarily smoking), as well as a polluted atmosphere, slow down the renewal of the alveoli, destroy them and, in the worst case, can lead to emphysema.


The liver is the champion of regeneration among the organs of the human body. Liver cells are renewed approximately every 150 days, that is, the liver is “born” again once every five months. It is able to recover completely, even if as a result of the operation a person has lost up to two-thirds of the organ.

This is the only such organ in our body.

Of course, such endurance of the liver is possible with your help to this organ: the liver does not like fatty, spicy, fried, smoked foods. In addition, her work is made very difficult by alcohol and most medicines.

And if you don’t pay attention to this organ, it will cruelly take revenge on its owner with terrible diseases - cirrhosis or cancer. (By the way, if you stop drinking alcohol for eight weeks, the liver can completely cleanse itself).

* Intestines.

The intestinal walls are covered from the inside with tiny villi, which ensure the absorption of nutrients. But they are under constant influence of gastric juice, which dissolves food, so they do not live long. The time frame for their renewal is three to five days.

* Skeleton.

The bones of the skeleton are renewed continuously, that is, at any given moment in the same bone there are both old and new cells. It takes about ten years to completely renew the skeleton.

This process slows down with age, when bones become thinner and more fragile.

Renewal of body tissue cells


Hair grows on average one centimeter per month, but hair can completely change in a few years, depending on the length. For women, this process takes up to six years, for men – up to three.

Eyebrow and eyelash hairs grow back in six to eight weeks.

* Eyes.

In such a very important and fragile organ as the eye, only corneal cells are capable of renewal. Its top layer is replaced every 7 to 10 days. If the cornea is damaged, the process occurs even faster - it can recover within a day.

* Language.

10,000 receptors are located on the surface of the tongue. They are able to distinguish the tastes of food: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty. The cells of the tongue are quite short life cycle- ten days.

Smoking and oral infections weaken and inhibit this ability, and also reduce the sensitivity of taste buds.

* Leather.

The surface layer of skin is renewed every two to four weeks. But only if the skin is provided with proper care and does not receive excess ultraviolet radiation.

Smoking also has a negative effect on the skin - this bad habit accelerates skin aging by two to four years.


The most famous example of organ renewal is nails. They grow 3–4 mm every month. But this is on the hands; on the toes, nails grow twice as slow. It takes an average of six months for a fingernail to be completely renewed, and ten for a toe nail. Moreover, nails on the little fingers grow much slower than others, and the reason for this still remains a mystery to doctors.

The use of medications slows down the recovery of cells throughout the body.

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