It is better to take a bath in the morning or in the evening. The benefits and harms of a cold shower for men or women - how to take it for health and weight loss

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Each person has his own habits regarding what he does every day. Among them, you can highlight the shower. Someone takes it in the morning, and someone does it in the evening. Of course, no one can tell you exactly what you should be doing, but you will be surprised that there are scientific studies on the advisability of showering at certain times of the day. Read the information and decide for yourself when you want to take a shower, in the morning or in the evening. Or maybe you just do it twice a day?

wonderful morning

If you have a tough work week ahead of you and need to show your best side, especially creatively, you should consider taking a shower in the morning. The logic here is based on a scientific (psychological) concept called "incubation period" - this is the time that passes between asking a question and finding an answer to it. If you have a problem that you want to solve, try, try, but nothing comes of it, just leave it in the “backyard” of your brain and let it stay there for a while while your subconscious mind works on it. These processes are most noticeable in the shower, as this is the place where you are both relaxed and stressed in your brain.
This is the same state that is observed during meditation or after physical activity. When you are in the alpha state, which is the opposite of the beta state, when you are fully focused on solving a problem, your cognitive processes relax, refresh and regenerate, allowing brilliant ideas to just suddenly pop up out of nowhere. And like the slow cooker dish you get in the evening, these ideas are exactly what you wanted. Write down the ideas that come to your mind at that moment (waterproof notebooks were even invented for this) and go to work fully armed. Moreover, the morning shower has another benefit for those who are not very careful with the razor - in your body, an increased number of platelets occurs early in the morning. This means that if you cut yourself, the bleeding will stop much faster.

Get soaked to sleep

On the other hand, if you often feel energized late at night and can't sleep, taking an evening shower can help. Everything here is based on your body temperature, which rises when you come into contact with hot water and then drops when you dry out. The sudden chill your body experiences when you leave the shower is a natural sleep inducer. This is a great way to fool your body and convince it that it's time for you to sleep. In addition, a relaxing shower can lower your cortisol levels, which will give you the chance to say goodbye to stress - and as a result, you will be able to fall asleep much easier.
But even if you sleep like a baby, you might want to consider showering in the evenings and always staying clean. It's not just about the days when you exercise or sweat a lot. The dirt and oil that gets on your skin during the day anyway can clog your pores if you don't shower before you go to bed. And given the fact that your face produces the most oil around 1 pm, your skin can get pimples if you don't wash in the evenings. At night, your skin's oil production is minimal, unless you sweat a lot at night. In this case, you should wash your face in the morning to always feel fresh.


If you're looking for creative ideas, your best bet is to shower in the morning - naturally, if you have enough time for the incubation process to lead to solutions. Do you have acne problems or are you trying to sleep but can't? Let warm water wash away dirt, grease, and all your problems and excess energy, rid you of cortisol and prepare you for a restful sleep.

Individual approach

But, of course, things are not always as simple as we would like. Therefore, you need to decide for yourself. Try to wash both in the morning and in the evening, see how the shower affects specifically your brain and your body - and choose the perfect option for yourself.

Personally, I often have the choice of taking a shower before bed, or dropping in early exhausted and showering early in the morning to wake up. Of course, you can do it in the morning and in the evening, but for this you need to sacrifice not a rich sleep. And then scientists say that this issue is not so simple.

According to a Harvard University study, you need to choose the time to go to the shower, taking into account your characteristics and lifestyle.


  1. You know it's going to be a tough work week.

  2. You have to solve difficult problems during this week.

  3. You need peak creativity and work potential.


The morning shower stimulates the activity of the brain at a time when it is still calm enough, but is already in anticipation of the upcoming tasks.
Shelley Carson, professor of psychology at Harvard University, explains that when our perceptions are relaxed, pleasant sensations (such as showering) stimulate associative connections and make it easier to find strong solutions to problems than when we think hard about them. And "The morning is wiser than the evening", thus, receives a scientific justification.


  1. It is difficult for you to disconnect from the reflections and experiences of the past day.

  2. You find it difficult to relax and fall asleep.


An evening shower helps to regulate body temperature, relieve nervous tension and give a feeling of greater relaxation, since the rapid cooling of the body after a hot shower triggers natural drowsiness. A relaxing evening shower also reduces levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and helps you relax into dreamland.

As you can see, you do not have to choose once and for all between morning and evening. Just the opposite. The absence of a routine, the alternation of the time of taking a shower, the focus on well-being give the maximum effect for the body. Be it relaxation or activity.

Some people prefer to wake up in the shower, while others prefer to go to bed clean. But is there any particular difference between bathing in the morning or in the evening? In fact, it all depends on the characteristics of your body, on what you are doing and what you are going to do.

Take a shower in the morning if...

…you have oily skin. Skin can get very oily overnight, so taking a shower in the morning is a great way to cleanse your pores.
You are a creative person and you have a creative job. Then the morning shower acts like meditation, relaxes the body and brain and sets them up for productive work and the birth of new ideas.

“If you have to creatively solve some problem, you worked on it for a long time and could not find a solution, then you could give a break to the brain, take a shower and literally refresh the body and head,” says Harvard psychologist Shelley Carson.

If you find it hard to get up in the morning. For many people, showers simply help wake up and cheer up. Doctors say that it even starts the metabolism. And even better, on the advice of doctors - in the last few seconds of taking a shower, turn on cold or cool water. Then the invigorating effect is guaranteed!

If you train in the morning. It makes no sense to take a shower at night if in the morning, getting out of bed, you immediately get on the treadmill and do 100 push-ups. Take a shower after your workouts.

If you are prone to cuts while shaving in the morning. According to doctors, in the morning in the human body there is a rush of platelets, because the blood on the cuts stops faster.

Take a shower in the evening if...

… you have a hard time falling asleep. Yes, we just said that the morning shower invigorates, but in the evening everything is completely different. Firstly, the water relaxes, and secondly, leaving after a warm shower, you feel a little cool, and you immediately want to wrap yourself in a blanket and fall asleep.

If you have dry skin, then the morning shower is literally contraindicated. Don't dry your skin any further before it's exposed to outdoor irritants. Save your shower for tonight.

If you are worried about the cleanliness of the sheets and you are simply intimidated by the thought of sleeping on your bed unwashed.

If you have a "dusty" job. If you work outside all day, in the sun, then you yourself will want to wash off all the sweat and dust from yourself in the evening. But even if you are sitting in an office, the pollutants around you will still get to you while traveling on the subway, bus, and through contact with other people.
Let's expand the question and decide how often you need to wash in general. Several large-scale studies were carried out on this topic at the end of the last century (Schroeder, Germany; Albert, USA; Lucati, Israel; Duhmovsky, Poland), as a result, it turned out that ideally you need to wash no more than twice a WEEK, the rest of the time only wash particularly sensitive areas.

The thing is that too frequent washing, especially with the use of soap and shower gels, disrupts the acid-base balance of the skin, which leads to a weakening of the protective layer of the skin. In addition, a connection was found between frequent washing and a lack of vitamin D in the body - it is believed that with frequent washing, a person constantly washes off the upper layer of the epidermis, which disrupts the absorption of the vitamin by the body. And especially care must be taken to ensure that after washing, there are no residues of soap and shower gel on the skin.



Of course, we cannot lose sight of our habits and daily routine, but when we take a shower also depends on the effect we want to get.

Most people around the world take shower every day. This is a good habit, especially if you live in a hot climate or exercise regularly.

But we bathe in the shower not only to cleanse the body.

There are other reasons: for example, we want to relax, refresh ourselves, or even cure various diseases.

Only now water and shower gels can damage our skin, destroying its natural protective barrier.

Why do you need a shower?

In the morning, a shower helps to cheer up before a working day, in the evening - to relax before going to bed.

The best time to take it depends on our lifestyle, work schedule, the characteristics of the body and the condition of the skin.

1. For hygiene

It is difficult to add something: water procedures always give a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

2. For fun

Many people like to take a shower just to relax their muscles and enjoy a few minutes of relaxation.

No one cares about the condition of the skin!

This is the most important aspect, which, unfortunately, is rarely taken into account.

Our skin has a protective barrier of bacteria. If you wash several times a day and abuse soap and it will collapse.

Doctors usually advise you to shower no more than once a day, so you allow the skin to keep its protective barrier intact.

Otherwise, later skin can suffer from such unpleasant diseases as dermatitis and allergies.

Morning shower or evening shower?

There are constant debates on this topic and there are many polar opinions, so you will need to make a choice depending on your lifestyle and individual needs.

Here are a few arguments in favor of morning and evening showers:

In the morning if...

  • Get up early
  • Feeling tired after waking up
  • at night
  • Not a very busy day ahead.
  • Evening shower keeps you awake
  • you have oily skin

In the evening, if...

Carry out water procedures right before bedtime, if all of the above is not about you or:

  • You don't have enough time in the morning
  • you use cosmetics
  • Constantly
  • Work is exhausting
  • you have dry skin
  • Intense workouts (for example, you run or work out in the gym).
  • You sweat a lot during the day
  • Ride your bike
  • Want to unwind before bed

What is the best water temperature for a shower?

It's not just when we shower that matters, but how we do it: in particular, what kind of water we use for this.

Going to extremes is not recommended. The most beneficial for our skin is warm water, about 38 degrees. That is, cold is better than hot, since the latter can lead to and make it more vulnerable to external factors.


Hand, M., Shove, E., & Southerton, D. (2005). Explaining showering: A discussion of the material, conventional, and temporal dimensions of practice. In Sociological Research Online.

Sandercock, G. R. H., Ogunleye, A., & Voss, C. (2016). Associations between showering behaviors following physical education, physical activity and fitness in English schoolchildren. European Journal of Sport Science.

Stewart, R. A., Willis, R. M., Panuwatwanich, K., & Sahin, O. (2013). Showering behavioral response to alarming visual display monitors: Longitudinal mixed method study. Behavior and Information Technology.

According to a Harvard University study, you need to choose the time to go to the shower, taking into account your characteristics and lifestyle.


1. You know it's going to be a tough work week.

2. You have to solve difficult problems during this week.

3. You need peak creativity and work potential.


The morning shower stimulates the activity of the brain at a time when it is still calm enough, but is already in anticipation of the upcoming tasks.

Shelley Carson, professor of psychology at Harvard University, explains that when our perceptions are relaxed, pleasant sensations (such as showering) stimulate associative connections and make it easier to find strong solutions to problems than when we think hard about them.

And "The morning is wiser than the evening", thus, receives a scientific justification.


1. You find it difficult to disconnect from the thoughts and experiences of the past day.

2. You find it difficult to relax and fall asleep.


An evening shower helps to regulate body temperature, relieve nervous tension and give a feeling of greater relaxation, since the rapid cooling of the body after a hot shower triggers natural drowsiness. A relaxing evening shower also reduces levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and helps you relax into dreamland.

As you can see, you do not have to choose once and for all between morning and evening. Just the opposite. The absence of a routine, the alternation of the time of taking a shower, the focus on well-being give the maximum effect for the body. Be it relaxation or activity.

Many people take a shower just when they feel like it, others prefer to do it before bed, and others, on the contrary, after waking up.

Is there a difference between morning and evening shower?

It turns out that there is a difference, and a significant one. It affects your skin, health and life rhythm. If you still don't know how exactly, then we will tell you, and you can choose best option shower time for yourself!


If your skin is dry, then it is better to shower in the evening, because the procedures in the morning will make your skin even drier during the day, which is highly undesirable. At night, such a process will not occur, so you don’t have to worry about it.

If you are the owner oily skin, then it is better for you to take a morning shower, as it contributes to the drying of the skin, so that it does not shine during the day. This item is especially relevant for women!

Do you have sleep problems?

If you suffer from insomnia, then you should not take a shower before going to bed. The fact is that warm water contributes to the fact that the temperature rises, a person feels vivacity. This is exactly what is needed for those who wake up hard, so in the morning it is better to go to the shower for such people.

Do you feel clean during the day?

Some people want their body to be clean when they go to bed, wash off all the dirt that has accumulated during the day. Such people should bathe in the evening. Well, if you like to feel fresh during the day, then the morning shower is much more suitable for you.

Now you know the difference and you can decide for yourself when it is best for you to take a shower!

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