What to do if the leg hurts from the inside. Causes and signs of pain in the legs in various cases, alternative methods of treatment

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Many people are prevented from living a full life by pain in their legs. Often this Blunt pain, but attacks happen and it becomes aggravated. Let's try to consider the most common types of pain, its provoking causes, as well as methods of treatment with traditional medicine.

Leg pain due to spinal disease

The cause may be osteochondrosis with pinched nerve, herniated discs, scoliosis. For this pain, it is characteristic that it occurs mainly after lifting the load, or an unsuccessful movement.

In addition to pain in the legs, the lower back may hurt, sometimes there is pain in the side, similar to pain during an exacerbation of urolithiasis. It runs along the back of the thigh, along the side of the leg, the outer edge of the foot, and even the big toe. The pain is greatly aggravated by turning and bending the torso, sneezing, or a sharp cough. Particular pain entails emptying the intestines when it is necessary to strain.

In treatment, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are in the first place, and, given their pronounced toxic effect on organs gastrointestinal tract, it is better to give preference to treatment with bees. Their poison perfectly restores the conductivity of the nerve fiber, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Bees must be placed on the lower back and the point of closest placement of the diseased nerve to the surface.

Acupuncture will also relieve the exacerbation of the diseased nerve. If there is swelling in the place of the blocked nerve, then you need to put leeches on it, they will remove both swelling and inflammation from the blocked nerve.

Traditional medicine recommends putting a compress of clay and vodka on the sore spot, with the addition of 3 teaspoons of turpentine emulsion, cover everything with compress paper on top and wrap it with something warm. Keep for 20-30 minutes, you can do a compress twice a day.

Leg pain due to vascular disease

Diseases of the arteries. This pain occurs when walking, especially when starting to move, weakens if you stand a little, in this case, variable lameness is the first sign of the disease. In addition, pain in the calves, a feeling of fatigue in the lower leg are characteristic. Sometimes the symptoms are worse in cold weather. In the later stages, the skin on the legs becomes thinner, trophic changes occur.

To confirm this diagnosis, you can do the following: raise your leg high for 5-10 minutes. With arterial disease, it will turn white when you put your foot down, it will turn red, and then it will turn bluish. The pulse on the peripheral arteries is poorly palpable.

In the treatment of folk remedies, we give advantages to turpentine baths. You can also use apitherapy (treatment with bees).

  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of honey in one glass of apple juice. Drink one glass of this juice three times a day.
  • limit the intake of carbohydrates, eat a lot of raw vegetables and fruits.
  • move a lot, the best would be walking, running, swimming.
  • It is forbidden to abuse alcohol and cigarettes.

Diseases of the veins. Patients complain of fatigue in the legs, stabbing pain, which is aggravated by prolonged condition, nocturnal leg cramps. If the superficial veins are affected, they will be visible in the form of strands along the leg; in case of damage to the deep veins, the legs can remain smooth, unchanged, only when you press on the projection points of the deep veins, pain will occur. In the later stages, swelling of the legs, bluishness of the extremities, and the formation of ulcers may also occur.

In treatment, hirudotherapy comes first. The only contraindication: with trophic changes, never start treatment from the affected area, first unblock the escape routes.

  • foot massage, blue clay compresses.
  • therapeutic exercises, pumping from heels to toes, walking on stairs, pressotherapy.

Lymphatic disease. In this case clear sign there will be swelling of the legs, in the later stages the leg may burst from the lymph.

In the treatment, pressure therapy, hirudotherapy, blue clay compress are used.

Pain in the extremities in peripheral nerve disease

Causes may be neuritis, neuralgia, diabetic polyneuropathy after herpes.
In this case typical sign are attacks of neurological pain of a variable or extended nature of different duration. Between attacks, the pain is completely absent, or it is weak and dull. The most important symptom is sensitivity when pressing on the exit points of the diseased nerve.

This is treated primarily with bees, reflexology. A decoction of willow and lilac branches will also be effective (they contain a lot of salicylates, which are painkillers and anti-inflammatory) - 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, insist until cool, drink throughout the day in small sips.

Pain in the legs with joint disease

Most often, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, gout are the causes of this pain. In this case, along with pain, there is a deformation of diseased joints, swelling in the areas of the affected joint.

In the treatment, the most effective is apitherapy, hirudotherapy, as well as jars at the site of application of leeches, turpentine baths, physiotherapy exercises.

A healthy person does not think about his legs as a means of transportation. When the legs are healthy, they simply are not felt, but when swelling appears, aching pain, which gradually becomes simply unbearable, it's time to take care of your health. Most often, pain comes unexpectedly and often it is interconnected with other diseases.

You will need

Leaves of medicinal Kalanchoe;

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Legs may hurt different reasons, which are a signal of internal disease organism. Diabetes It starts with pain in the legs, excess body weight also puts a lot of stress on the legs. However, most often these are symptoms of diseases of the joints, muscles and ligaments, that is, rheumatic diseases.

Age-related wear of the joints, in which the legs swell and hurt, is arthrosis. It occurs in older people, not earlier than 50 years. Inflammation of the joints caused by bacterial diseases is called arthritis. It is manifested by bouts of fever, fever and unbearable pain.

Chronic arthritis appears as a result of salt deposition. During the course of the disease, the inner shell of the joint grows, destroying the cartilage. The joint hardens and deforms, mobility is limited, and the pains become stronger, gradually atrophy of the muscle mass occurs.

To cure leg pain, you must first get rid of excess weight, as it causes pressure on the ankles and knees. It is advisable to arrange therapeutic starvation. Nutrition significantly affects the condition of the joints, so you should consume less salt, spicy foods and meat. The diet should consist mostly of vegetables and fruits.

Swimming will positively affect not only general state body, and will help the joints to regain health. In addition, it is necessary to constantly drink tea with medicinal herbs. Tea with birch bark and nettle will help improve metabolism and support the kidneys, tea with thyme and St. John's wort will relieve inflammation, and cleanse the body of excess salts, dandelion extract and comfrey.

Get rid of aching pains in the legs, you can use a tincture of the leaves of Kalanchoe officinalis. To do this, put 5 tablespoons of crushed Kalanchoe leaves in a glass or ceramic container and pour in alcohol. Then cover the container and put in a dark place for a week. When the tincture is ready, it should be rubbed on the legs overnight, starting from the feet. The pain will subside after 3-5 sessions, if there are varicose veins on the legs, they will disappear no earlier than in a couple of months, subject to daily use.


Helpful Hints

If suddenly a cutting sharp pain arises in the legs, then it is likely that one of the vessels is clogged. In this case, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, otherwise it is fraught with serious consequences.

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Acute pain and agony when walking associated with a heel spur is familiar to many people who have crossed the forty-year mark and have a whole bunch of diseases. Flat feet, overweight, joint diseases, posture disorder, excessive physical exercise may appear sudden reasons illness.

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Neither our spine, nor the pelvic bones, nor the cartilage and joints of the legs, nor the veins lower extremities not designed for such a load and wear out quickly. It is not surprising that many people have swollen, aching legs from a young age, and in adulthood there are diseases that can lead to disability. What should be feared and how to protect yourself?

Diagram of the mechanism

According to the anatomical atlas, the leg consists of four large bones (femur, tibia, tibia, calcaneus), forty-four small bones (in the metatarsus and foot), three large joints (hip, knee and ankle) and fourteen fingers. It also has more than twenty muscles, two large, branching veins and one major artery. And all this, unfortunately, can hurt. Joints and cartilage (especially the knee) become inflamed and prone to injury, feet and lower legs due to anatomical features suffer from insufficient blood circulation, veins are prone to thrombosis and varicose veins, the muscles of the arch of the foot are deformed.

Professional sports, heavy physical labor, excessive workload, sedentary work, uncomfortable shoes, excess weight, pregnancy, childbirth, malnutrition - all this hits the legs in the truest sense of the word. Many common diseases also leave their marks on the ankles and legs - problems with the heart or kidneys cause swelling, diabetes leads to trophic ulcers and gangrene of the lower extremities, early menopause causes osteoporosis and provokes fractures. It is not surprising that rare lucky people keep a light gait in old age.

Self check-up

To determine the diagnoses, including potential ones, spend a day on a simple observation of the legs. Examine yourself on a weekend morning when you have had enough sleep and are well rested. What needs to be checked?

Feet and toes. Whether the skin is warm, elastic, whether there are strongly prominent, swollen veins (in the morning, in a rested person, they are not very noticeable). In what condition are the joints of the fingers (especially the big one), is mobility preserved, is the “bone” growing (valgus change of the thumb), are the fingertips cyanotic, is the sensitivity in the fingers and foot disturbed. Are there painful areas, swelling, cracks in the heel, skin lesions between the toes, flattening of the arch of the foot? What is the condition of the nails?

Ankle. Here it is important to pay attention to two things - whether the mobility of the joint is preserved and whether there is edema. There are several tests for latent swelling - if you have toe marks on your feet that do not go away for a long time, if you press your finger on the skin and a dimple remains, if your usual shoes suddenly become tight - you have problems with blood circulation.

Shin. The lower part of the leg is a favorite location for trophic ulcers and varicose veins. Carefully examine and feel both shins - are there swollen, hot veins or pulsating venous nodes protruding above the surface of the skin, are there any non-healing, bleeding ulcers, edema.

Knee. First of all, check the mobility - whether it bends easily, whether there are any unpleasant sensations, hardening, bumps, inflamed, hot areas. Squat down and stand up - does the joint crackle.

Hip. Cellulite, contrary to the assurances of some doctors, is not a disease at all. But thrombophlebitis and varicose veins are also here, especially in the elderly and very obese people.

Hip joint. The same as with the knee - mobility, range of motion is important. Lie on your back, try to raise your leg, move it - is there any discomfort in the joint.

Then spend the day "on your feet": go hiking, visit a large supermarket, climb stairs, run cross country, etc. And in the evening, check the condition of the legs again - if there are swelling and if so, how strong, if there are any pains in the joints and arch of the foot, how the veins and muscles feel. Write down your observations - if you get worse, you can compare the condition. Repeat inspection 2-3 times a year. Be sure to check with your doctor if something is bothering you.

Tablet or compress?

Leg pain can be deadly or completely harmless.

You should call an ambulance if the leg suddenly becomes very hot or cold and insensitive to pain. Also, if a focus of inflammation or deformation of the skin the size of a palm or more is noticeable, watery blisters appear, the skin turns black or blue, the patient has a fever (temperature of 39 and above), excruciating pain, fetid or profuse purulent outflow from wounds or ulcers, swelling and inflammation spread rapidly. Important - if you were not admitted to the hospital or turned away from the emergency room, but your health continues to deteriorate, new symptoms appear - call the ambulance again or go to another hospital on your own.

Urgent (within 1-3 days) you need to see a doctor if you notice redness, swelling and impaired mobility in one or more joints, feel an unreasonable strong sharp pain at the knee or thumb, found an inflamed venous node, a large boil, a non-healing ulcer, an immovable dense tumor, a violation of sensitivity in one or two fingers, a strong (above the middle of the calf) edema of both legs, you can hardly lean on your leg, noticeable gait disturbances appeared. Important - if the temperature rises, it is better not to postpone the visit.

Scheduled (within 1-2 weeks) it is worth visiting the clinic if something prevents you from moving. For example, cracked heels do not respond to home remedies, joints ache in bad weather and do not bend well, toes get cold and numb in the evenings. Many problems (including age-related ones) can be solved or weakened. Important - if the previous medicines have stopped helping, the condition has deteriorated sharply - hurry up for a consultation.

Does not require medical attention moderate pains of an obvious origin for you - if you conquered the dance floor yesterday in brand new high heels, walked 20 kilometers on foot or overworked in the gym, it is unlikely that your gait will be easy in the morning. Unpleasant sensations in the joints and muscles often accompany the flu and other infectious diseases, occur during PMS or in the last stages of pregnancy. Often pain is a consequence of new uncomfortable shoes, rapid weight gain, sedentary work. Important - if the condition worsens, it is better to seek help.

My own doctor

First aid for pain in the leg depends on the presence or absence of inflammation. Abscesses, ulcers, myositis (muscle inflammation), varicose veins and hematomas do not heat or rub. Antiseptic ointments, lotions and cold compresses are shown. You should carefully monitor the condition of the sore spot - whether the edema is spreading, whether the skin lesion is increasing. Festering, oozing ichor areas should be washed with a disinfectant (chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) at least 2 times a day. Under no circumstances should you use folk remedies(urine, manure, kerosene, etc.), especially on open wounds.

Muscle and ligament sprains, joint pain, on the contrary, are best treated with warm compresses, natural wool bandages, and anti-inflammatory ointments. With tired legs, sprains, small swelling, self-massage is very useful, which improves blood circulation. A warm or hot salt bath, a visit to the sauna will not hurt. You can take a painkiller pill.

For the prevention of acute and chronic diseases legs in the first place are important moderate physical activity. It is useful to walk 2-5 kilometers a day on foot, swim in the pool, walk barefoot on grass, pebbles, fleecy carpet, wooden floor. It is dangerous to carry weights, overdo it with exercise machines or a bicycle, stand a lot or sit in an uncomfortable position. Properly selected, comfortable shoes that do not compress the metatarsus and ankle and correctly distribute the load are very important. If after a day in heels you have swelling and pain, it is better to change your shoes.

After a strong load, with tired legs, it is useful to massage, lubricate the muscles with a cooling ointment. Mandatory for varicose veins compression stockings. With swelling, you should sleep with a pillow under your feet and do not drink at night. When sitting or standing work - once an hour for 5-7 minutes to give the legs a rest.

Take care of your feet - diseases of the joints and veins are much easier to prevent than to cure!

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