Swollen feet after a day at work. If the job is sedentary

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People who perform sedentary, so-called "sedentary" work that is not associated with physical exertion - in offices, offices, institutions - cause the greatest damage to their health, since they spend a significant part of the day without the necessary physical activity, sitting at the table.
As you know, sedentary work does not add health, but, on the contrary, worsens it. A number of diseases can haunt workers of such labor, namely: hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, obesity, prostatitis, etc. This is not surprising, since the factors leading to its development (and sitting at the computer is one of the main ones) are all too common in our lives.

Proper organization of the workplace during sedentary work will help prevent many diseases. Doctors have long noticed that with prolonged sitting, metabolic disorders occur in the musculoskeletal system. In the veins of the spine there is a constant stagnation of blood, sometimes with the formation of blood clots that can lead to blockage of blood vessels. Those who spend the whole day at the computer tense the deep muscles of the back. Long muscle spasm venous congestion further aggravates, legs begin to swell.

Now the most common option for sedentary work is work at the computer, and in the future its prevalence will only grow. To maintain the correct posture, you should put the computer directly in front of you, and not to the side, when you have to keep your neck forced, turning it towards the screen.
Always take rest breaks. When working with a computer for 6~8 hours, you need to rest your eyes for 15 minutes every 2-3 hours.

To maintain good posture, try to spend some time between work in motion.
Active rest leads to a faster recovery of working capacity, which was convincingly proved by the Russian physiologist I. M. Sechenov. Active recreation, based on switching from one activity to another, provides the opportunity for long, but varied activities without the onset of fatigue.

We offer exercises that increase efficiency, knead muscles and give strength for further work. Of these exercises, you can choose one and repeat it periodically, but, best of all, if you do gymnastics in a complex way.

1. Sitting, alternately stretching and bending the legs. Don't put your feet on the floor. 10 - 20 times.
2. Sitting, arching and flexing the spine. 10 - 20 times.
3 Sitting, spread your elbows to the side - inhale, stretch your arms forward with tension - exhale. 4 - 6 times.
4. Sitting, stand up with the deflection of the body and sit down. 8 - 10 times.
5. Sitting, as large turns of the body as possible. The back is straight. 10 - 12 times.
6. Sitting, the legs are extended, bend the leg and press it to the stomach with your hands, draw in the stomach - exhale, while stretching the leg, inhale. 4 - 8 times with each leg.
7. Sitting, tighten the abdominal muscles, then relax. 15 - 20 times.
8. Sitting, legs extended, alternately strain-relax the muscles of the right and left thighs. 15 - 20 times.

Venus Syndrome. This term refers to the formation of fat pads, a decrease in muscle elasticity on the hips and waist. This shortcoming can help correct the daily performance of a special set of gymnastic exercises.
1. Sit on the floor, legs straightened. Grabbing a foot, ankle or shin with your hands, raise your leg up and lower it again. Do the exercise 20 times with each leg.
2. Stand up straight, cross your legs. Stretching out your arms, slowly tilt your torso forward, linger in the slope for 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10 times with each leg.
3. Kneel down, cross your arms over your head. Sit on your left thigh, then straighten up and sit on your right. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each side.
4. Sit on the floor, bending one leg under you. Grabbing the shin of the other leg with your hands, lift it up. Hold this position for 5 seconds and lower your leg. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat the exercise 5 times with each leg.

A set of exercises for those who want get rid of excess weight
1. Stand facing the wall at some distance from it. Press the palms of outstretched hands against the wall at shoulder level. Bending and straightening your arms, push up from the wall. Try to keep your back straight.
2. Stand facing the wall with your feet together. Raise your right hand first, trying to touch the wall as high as possible with your fingertips, then your left, then do this exercise with both hands.
3. Standing facing the wall, lean on it with your hands. Alternately sharply lift to the sides, then right, then left leg.
4. The exercise is similar to the previous one, only lift your legs back alternately with force. Bend over.
5. Press your back firmly against the wall. Exhale, tighten your stomach, tighten your back muscles. Hold your breath for as long as you can, then exhale the air in jerks, gradually relaxing the muscles of the body.
6. Stand facing the wall. With force, lean on it with straight arms, bend the right leg first, pulling the knee to the stomach, then the left.
7. Stand straight, facing the wall, at some distance from it. Raise your leg and place your foot on the wall. Lean forward, wrap your arms around your ankle, and touch your knee with your face. Lower your leg, lift your head and straighten up. Perform the exercise alternately with the left and right foot.
8. Lie on your back, stretch. Bend your knees, put your feet on the wall. Step your feet up the wall as high as possible and straighten your body, propping your buttocks with your hands.
9. Lie on your back perpendicular to the wall and make scissors with your feet. The wall helps keep the legs at a certain height, prevents them from lowering.

All exercises are performed leaning against the wall. However, they require significant muscle effort. Master them gradually, repeat each exercise 10 times.

TV gymnastics
Anyone who prefers to spend hours of leisure in an easy chair in front of the TV, is acting, as you know, not entirely reasonable in relation to his health. But what to do, sometimes the habit turns out to be stronger than any arguments of the mind.
For those who do not want to sacrifice the habit and nevertheless want to maintain vigor and harmony, we can recommend a few simple gymnastic exercises that can be done without leaving the screen, literally in between two programs. Repeat each exercise 5-6 times.

1. Sit on the edge of the chair, straighten your legs and place them on the floor. Leaning with straight arms on the armrests, bend, look at the ceiling and take a deep breath, then return to the starting position and exhale.
2. Sit on the edge of the chair, lean against the back with your shoulder blades, and grasp its top with bent arms. Straighten your legs and place them on the floor. Raise your straight legs up as high as you can, then slowly lower them back to the starting position.
3. Raising your legs, exhale, and lowering - inhale.
4. Sit on the edge of the chair, put your hands on the seat, straighten your legs and place them on the floor with your heels.
5. Bending your arms, slowly lower yourself and sit on the floor, do not bend your legs at the knees. Then, straightening your arms, return to the starting position.
6. Sit on the edge of the chair, straighten your legs and try to put your feet on the floor. Raise your arms to the sides, inhale, then bend over and try to reach your toes with your hands - exhale. Do not bend your knees while bending.
7. Sit on the edge of the chair, place your palms on the seat with your fingers back. Straighten your legs and place them on the floor.
8. Bend your knees and, leaning your torso forward, try to sit on your heels - exhale. Then, straightening your legs, return to the starting position - inhale.
9. Leaning with straight arms on the armrests, bend your arms, pull your socks off and, placing your shins on the seat, sit on your heels.
10. Lean your shoulder blades against your back and inhale. Then, bending your arms, sit on the seat and lower your legs to the floor - exhale.

To achieve your goal (lose weight), you must invent yourself
Some useful tips for people with a sedentary lifestyle:
A moderately hard bed that does not allow excessive deflection, but does not interfere with a comfortable sleep.
The pillow should also not be too soft and not too high, so that the curves of the cervical region, respectively, are as close as possible to the physiological curvature.
The main advice is to sit as little as possible. For the human body, this is not a normal position. It is better to stand and, if possible, lie down.
An important means of combating overwork is a rational regime of work and rest or the organization of short breaks at a strictly defined time of the working day. Such breaks are arranged taking into account the nature of the labor process.
Fatigue is a physical condition that results from work. Objectively, fatigue will be expressed in a decrease in productivity. And subjectively - in a feeling of fatigue. Fatigue is reversible: having rested, a person is ready to work further. But if the workaholic stubbornly does not break away from work, overwork will occur. Its signs are headache, insomnia, irritability, memory loss, decreased body resistance. How to deal with it? First, properly organize the workplace. Secondly, several times a day to carry out physical exercises - 3-4 minutes to do relaxing exercises: they are most effective just for mental fatigue.
If you have a sedentary job, then, first of all, think about a comfortable chair. Well, if it is something like a car. This is the most beneficial configuration for the back.
If you have to sit all day, then you need to get up regularly and stretch.
These simple preventive measures help you avoid diseases, because it is much more difficult to recover than to warn yourself against this trouble.

Keep your vitality and be always healthy!

Swelling of the legs is a common problem for people with a sedentary lifestyle and vice versa, with a long stay on their feet. What other reasons can aggravate the situation and how to help the legs regain health and beauty, we tell in the article.

Everyone knows that movement is life. However, sometimes the human musculoskeletal system malfunctions in its work. One of these failures is swelling of the legs. It is believed that every tenth person from time to time faces swelling of the legs. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. It's about possible reasons, as well as methods of treating edema will go below.

Swelling of the legs: causes

Causes of puffiness lower extremities may be very diverse. Some of them are practically harmless, as they are associated with a lifestyle or type of work. Other "culprits" of this phenomenon are connected directly with comorbidities or disturbances in the normal functioning of certain organs.

Swelling of the legs has two different characters:

1) unilateral edema (cause may be, for example, arthritis or thrombosis of one lower limb);

2) bilateral edema (occurs most often with serious systemic disorders, for example, with heart failure or a disease of the lymphatic system).

In order to find out the source of the development of edema, the doctor should conduct a deep analysis not only of the patient's lifestyle, but also of his body, since there can be dozens of causes of edema. Sometimes you can determine the root cause of edema by the accompanying symptoms.

Determine cause by symptoms

1. Swelling of the legs may develop due to hypoproteinemia. In this case, a person may experience disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. If the root cause of the edema is heart failure, then the patient may complain of severe shortness of breath (especially at night).

3. In inflammatory processes, for example, with deep vein thrombosis, swelling may accompany pain.

4. With kidney failure, not only the legs, but also the eyelids can swell. The person also develops dark circles.

How does edema occur?

Edema is the accumulation of excessive amounts of fluid in the tissues. In a healthy body, getting rid of excess fluid occurs on its own. If a person has any health problems, then excess fluid cannot be excreted, which leads to the development of edema.

It is believed that the most common cause of swelling of the lower extremities is malnutrition. More precisely, a person consumes a large amount of salt.

Also, quite often, puffiness can develop in the following cases that are not associated with diseases of the internal organs:

1) during pregnancy;

2) with obesity;

3) in the elderly;

4) in people whose work involves a long stay in a standing position or carrying heavy loads.

TO systemic reasons swelling in the legs can be attributed to:

1) heart failure;

2) disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic system;

3) diseases of the kidneys and liver;

4) lack of hormones thyroid gland(hypothyroidism);

5) anemia;

6) venous insufficiency;

7) infectious diseases;

8) the use of certain drugs.

Swelling of the legs with a disease of the cardiovascular system

With heart failure, swelling of the legs is often initially located in the foot area and also on the ankle. Further puffiness may spread to the lower leg. In sick people who have been lying down for a long time, edema may develop on the posterior femoral surface.

In violation of the lymphatic system

Blockage of the lymphatic vessels may occur, resulting in lymphatic obstruction. Primary lymphedema can also cause excessive accumulation of fluid, which may develop due to congenital pathology of the lymphatic vessels, inflammatory processes, injury, tumors, or an allergic reaction.

Edema as a side effect of taking the following medications

1) hormonal drugs (for example, birth control pills);

2) steroid drugs;

3) antidepressants (especially tricyclic);

4) drugs for high blood pressure;

5) medicines used in diabetes mellitus.

How to get rid of leg swelling?

There are many folk and medical ways to get rid of swelling of the legs. However, the approach must be strictly individual in each individual case:

1. Sedentary work

Often people who sit at the computer all day, in the evening (especially in the summer) notice that their shoes suddenly become out of size. The cause of this swelling is a violation of blood circulation, which is very easy to eliminate.

A person with this type of work activity is recommended regularly perform a set of very light exercises:

  • sitting on a chair, take turns pressing your heels and toes to the floor,
  • periodically "spread" the toes,
  • take a short walk at lunchtime, and if this is not possible, then you need to at least walk around the office from time to time.
Such light exercises will help improve blood circulation, which will protect the legs from swelling.

2. Puffiness in heart failure

If you have heart problems, then during periods of frequent swelling of the legs it is recommended to take an infusion of astragalus herb.

For its preparation should be 1 tsp. herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist for 15 minutes. Strain the infusion and cool. It is recommended to take such a remedy 50 ml 4 times a day for 2 weeks. After a 10-day break, the course can be repeated again.

3. Baths to relieve swelling of the legs

It is recommended to use baths with sea salt and herbal decoctions, for example from chamomile. To do this, brew chamomile, and then mix the resulting infusion with cool water and a handful sea ​​salt. Soak your feet in the resulting therapeutic bath for 10 minutes.

4. Removal of puffiness in renal failure

In order to remove puffiness in this case, you should drink decoctions of diuretic herbs. For such purposes, decoctions of birch buds, horsetail and knotweed are often used.

For preparation of herbal infusion mixed in equal proportions, and then 1 tsp. the resulting mixture is poured into 200 ml of boiling water. Boil the infusion for about 15 minutes using a water bath. After the broth is infused for 30 minutes, it should be filtered. To use such a diuretic should be 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals for 3 weeks.

They also have a diuretic property, which we wrote about in one of the previous articles.

5. Other remedies for swollen feet

Experts say that it is good for swelling of the legs helps Kalanchoe.

To prepare the remedy it is necessary to pass the leaves of this plant through a meat grinder. Fill the resulting gruel into a 1/3 liter jar, and 2/3 with vodka. Infuse the remedy for 2 weeks in the dark. The resulting product should be applied to the skin of the legs with massaging movements. The next day, you need to start taking 1 tbsp. spoons before meals. Use the remedy until the swelling of the lower extremities disappears completely.

Also effective method getting rid of edema is considered massage with castor oil and turpentine.

To do this, take 2 tbsp. heated castor oil and 1 tbsp. turpentine. Spread the resulting mixture on the legs, and then massage for 5-10 minutes. After that, put on socks made of natural material (for example, cotton) on your feet for a couple of hours. At the end of the time, wash your feet with chilled water.

A person who suffers from private swelling of the legs is recommended to divide food into 5-6 meals in small portions. The last meal should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. A good prophylactic against edema is cold and hot shower and hardening.

Many are accustomed to considering swelling as a common occurrence, but with the onset of summer, this ailment can remind of itself every day. Swelling of the legs is ugly and unpleasant. We have selected seven of the most effective ways fight against puffiness.

During sedentary work. When you sit at the computer all day in the heat, in the evening your shoes become small. Swelling of the legs associated with sedentary work is easily relieved by a simple set of exercises that can be performed anywhere. Sitting, alternately press the heel to the floor, lift the toe, and then vice versa - press the toe and lift the heel. Spread and squeeze your toes, bend down and lift up. You can also do a two-minute warm-up every hour: pick up a pencil from the floor with your fingers. Walk on tiptoe for three minutes a couple of times a day.

Edema with a sick heart. If you have heart disease, then swelling will always occur in hot weather. Take a special infusion. Pour a teaspoon of dry astragalus herb with 200 milliliters of boiling water, wait 15 minutes, strain and take 50 milliliters four times a day for two weeks. Take a break of 10 days and repeat the course again.

Rub your legs for swelling. Mix until smooth two parts of heated castor oil and one part of turpentine. Spread the mixture on the feet and calves, rub for at least five minutes. Then put on cotton socks and walk like this for several hours. Then wash your feet with cool water.

Baths to relieve puffiness. Baths with decoctions of herbs and sea salt will help you. Brew chamomile, pour the broth into a bowl of cool water, add a handful of sea salt. Lower your feet for ten minutes. Then wipe them dry, lubricate with any nourishing cream and massage your feet and fingers. Contrast baths can also help.

Massage for puffiness. Do it in the evening after a shower, wiping your feet dry. Knead your feet with light massaging movements, from thumb to the heels. Then massage the shins towards the knees, and lastly rub the legs from the knees to the hips. Next, pinch your legs for three minutes. Finish the massage with stroking movements. You can also massage your legs with a tennis ball.

Swelling in diseased kidneys. After seven in the evening, try not to drink or eat salty. To remove excess fluid, drink decoctions of diuretic herbs. A collection of knotweed, horsetail and birch buds helps well. Plants are mixed in equal proportions, a teaspoon of the mixture is brewed with 200 milliliters of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath. Insist for half an hour and filter. Drink for three weeks on a tablespoon three times a day after meals.

Kalanchoe against edema. Pass fresh leaves through a meat grinder, fill a half-liter jar with this mass by one third. Top up with vodka, insist in a dark place for two weeks. Rub your feet with this infusion before going to bed so that it is completely absorbed. Then put on light cotton socks and take them off only in the morning. The next day, take a tablespoon of infusion before each meal until the puffiness disappears completely.

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