WordPress is completely in Russian. Download wordpress - where and how to do it for free

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A few words about this CMS

It has been proven over time that children are the fastest to understand computer innovations. They
already almost from birth they get acquainted with the riches of the virtual world. Once upon a time
there were filmoscopes that made it possible to demonstrate a silent cartoon in
dark room on a smooth wall. Now children watch cartoons online, great
using the mouse and knowing which link to follow to find your favorite
game. These are the inevitable achievements of progress. Now every student can
ease of creating your own personal page or site dedicated to interesting for
topics, while parents timidly take their first steps in social networks. On
in fact, children "do not discover America", but simply know how to use modern
CMS WordPress, which makes the process of creating a website accessible and understandable.

Due to the peculiarities of age associated with the absence of fear before stepping into
unknown, children can more widely use the power of WordPress without fear
experiment something new. In no case should you attribute CMS
WordPress is among the children's entertainment. This is the real working program,
which is widely known and popular among the creators of sites. She carries within herself
huge potential that opens up to users step by step. She
only as functional as the experience of its user. At the initial stage
development practiced the widespread use of all kinds of patterns, which can
to offer internet in abundance. For more advanced users, WordPress gives
a chance to realize ideas and ideas of your own making. Although the basis for them is also
provides the "almighty web". Based on the direction and subject
developing site, plugins are selected and loaded. At the same time, WordPress, in addition to functional work provides and high level site security,
which is achieved by periodic software updates.

Program interface: Russian


Manufacturer: wordpress team

WordPress- a rather interesting and, in some way, unique application, which is a kind of semantic platform for creating blogs and publishing information on the World Wide Web using the most modern means and tools. Its capabilities, although somewhat limited, nevertheless, the functional set is quite wide.

Key Features of WordPress

Let's start with the fact that for the normal functioning of this software product, the system must have some mandatory features. It is necessary that components such as PHP 4.3 and MySQL 4.0 and higher be installed on the system. Without them, even the launch of the main program module can simply not be counted on.

As it is already clear, the name of the application is taken from the brand of a well-known press service. Accordingly, the possibilities that this software product offers are quite wide and offer, if not a professional level of use, then above average - for sure.

In general, the program allows you to publish absolutely any projects, even using third-party applications. Among the main advantages are features such as ease of installation and configuration, as well as support for such universal and available funds like RSS, Atom, trackback, pingback feeds.

In fact, the possibilities of this software product are absolutely not limited to this. In some ways, the program resembles many publishing tools, however, it has, along with this, rather reduced requirements for system resources, the use of built-in templates, and ease of use. And this is what makes this software so interesting and highly demanded among a large number of users who, perhaps, have never even come across this type of programs and applications before.

Among other things, the program supports a complete change in the interface using built-in libraries and themes, and also allows you to connect third-party plug-ins that significantly expand the already good features of the program. Moreover, the interface itself does not have anything special or incomprehensible to the average user and is completely Russified. That is, all the main functions and features are always at hand in the form of buttons and links.

Taking into account the wishes of some of my readers who vote for the corresponding item in the sidebar on the right, I decided to start publishing materials for beginners. More precisely, I already posted articles in this category when I wrote about smart copyright and, so we will continue to fill the section with interesting materials. Only now I’ll start, perhaps, from the very basics and will develop the topic gradually - the way it happens in real life. What is the first thing you encounter? - Right, - !

WordPress is a blogging system that is completely free. Moreover - it is open source, that is, you have full access to the source code - you can change what you want, as well as develop various plugins to extend the basic functionality. You can download wordpress on the official website of the system - wordpress.org. Just by going to the main page, you will see a small intro and a link to download the latest stable version of cms. At the moment this

Clicking on the link will take you to download page. There, in the upper right corner of the text, you will find a link to the archive for downloading in zip or tar.gz format. A little higher above the description in 99% of cases there should be an inscription "WordPress is also available in Russian." Clicking on the link will take you to a page where you can download wordpress with Russian localization installed.

At we will have a separate post on the Russian versions of the system, for now we are just considering the issue as a whole. Again, we are looking for links to download wordpress on the page and select the format we need.

Let's go back to the download center. There you will also find a description of the various features of beta releases or so-called developer versions of the system. They are released a little earlier, but may contain certain bugs that are fixed during testing. For most users, I would certainly advise waiting final versions. There is also a fun item in the menu on the left called "Download Counter", which says that at the time of writing, wordpress has been downloaded by more than 2 million and 755 thousand users worldwide. Impressive!

Also in this download section there is a "Release Archive", which contains all versions of the system for many years of development, and you can, for example, download wordpress 2.3.3 to remember "how it was", from some nostalgic feelings or for experiments .

It should be replaced that on the official wordpress.org website you can download not only installation files, but also find suitable plugins or templates for your blog. In wordpress inside, we have relevant sections devoted to these issues - all the necessary information is collected there. Let's talk a little more about the wordpress engine itself. The site discussed above is certainly good, but not the only one. There are many projects on the net, one way or another dedicated to the system (it is very popular, after all). Alas, I did not come across similar English-language resources, but in Runet I would single out 2 of them.

  • Firstly, it is quite logical to include the mywordpress.ru project here - something like a Russian-speaking community associated with this cms. In the relevant section you can download wordpress latest version with Russian localization.
  • Secondly, this is a well-known assembly from lecactus, which offers its own translation for the system. As far as I understand, this localization was more “human” or something, and not just translations of certain English words into Russian. Although, to be honest, I didn’t really delve into it, although in some projects I used this particular option. A positive moment of the assembly is the presence of a regular version for installation and a whole set with the necessary modules and edits, fixed bugs. It can be seen that the author approached the matter with all seriousness.

What concerns me is i think it's best to download wordpress from the official site– be it Russian or English version. It doesn’t really matter to me how certain words are translated inside the admin panel, but I know what can be done so that users see only Russian translations and texts on the site - therefore, for me personally, there is no need for special localization. Moreover, versions from third-party developers are released with a certain delay, which in the case of critical updates or something like that may not be a very positive thing.

Have you ever wanted to create your own website or blog? Do you want to share your news and thoughts with others? Or maybe you want to make money on it? However, the question arises on which engine to create. But, in fact, everything is simple - Wordpress CMS is a great solution for such a problem. The engine itself is very popular, both among novice web developers and among professionals who have already created more than a dozen of their sites. First of all, such popularity is due to the fact that the engine has very flexible settings. Absolutely anyone can customize it for themselves and create a blog that is never like the others. The fact is that although the application is small in size, it is very effective and has a wide range of settings, functions and options. And how many opportunities open up before you using this engine! With the help of very flexible settings, you can create, for example, a blog-calendar or a photo gallery. You can also create a powerful news portal with automatic posting. In addition, statistics show that even large sites, with a huge number of visitors, running Wordpress CMS have never crashed! It's impressive.

If you are a beginner and want to try yourself as a web developer, then this engine is exactly what you need. The application has a special section that contains all the detailed and detailed information about site building. In addition, you are encouraged to get trained by creating a very simple blog. To create your resource, you are provided with templates, the number of which is more than 200. Therefore, you can definitely find what you like. In addition, additional plugins can be installed. A distinctive feature of the engine is that it is distributed absolutely free of charge. Anyone can download it from the official site to try their hand. You don't have to pay for anything!

Key features and functions

  • a unique engine designed to create blogs and websites;
  • distributed absolutely free of charge, anyone can download from the official site;
  • the presence of a huge number of templates for creating your resource;
  • the ability to install additional plugins;
  • sites running on this engine can withstand a huge number of visitors every day;
  • for beginners, a training mode is built in;
  • there is a section with the most detailed and detailed information about site building;
  • has rich functionality;
  • is in demand among true professionals;
  • it is possible to create both simple blogs for publishing your entries, and entire news portals.

Hello readers! Once I chose WordPress for my blog and, as you can see, I use it to this day, and I also share my experience with you.

Today we will try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of WordPress. Let's take a quick look at other CMS in comparison with the WordPress engine. Let's talk about its purpose and for what purposes it is most suitable.

Types of engines and their popularity in Runet

Let me remind you that CMS (Content Management System) is a site content management system. Various CMS have been created in order to simplify the process of managing content on a web site. Today, it is not at all necessary to understand complex codes and programming languages ​​in order to create your own website. At the same time, various CMS are created for certain needs. Each of them has its own set of functionality and tools, its own kind of interface, its own set of templates. What is the best CMS?

To begin with, let's figure out what CMS exist today. Conventionally, they can be divided into three categories: commercial, free and highly specialized. Accordingly, commercial systems are created for the purpose of selling a license for them, i.e. you can buy such a CMS and make a website with it yourself. At the same time, technical support is provided to you in case of questions or problems. The most famous among paid CMS is the 1C-Bitrix system.

Free CMS, like WordPress, are distributed freely, in addition, they can be modified and published their new versions. Highly specialized management systems are created for a certain category of sites, for example, for online stores (OpenCart, AdvantShop, CS.cart, etc.). In order to decide which CMS to choose for your site, it is important to consider a number of factors. From your financial capabilities and knowledge in the field of programming to the purpose and goals of creating a site.

According to iTrack statistics, the popularity of control systems is distributed as follows:

These are the results for March 2015, based on surveys of about 4.9 million domains in the RU zone. This is a rating of paid and free types of CMS.

Here is a selection of only free engines:

Benefits of WordPress

WordPress is an open source content management system written in PHP.

Here is a list of the main advantages of WordPress:

  • The engine and templates for it can be downloaded for free;
  • big enough;
  • Quick installation;
  • Clear and simple control panel (admin panel);
  • Large selection of available add-ons and extensions (plugins);
  • The ability to make changes to the template code.

Let's expand on each point in more detail.

Of course, the first advantage of WordPress that allowed it to gain wide popularity is its free. Those. everyone who wanted to create their own blog could do it without extra costs and investments using WordPress. You will say that there are still a lot of free engines! Yes, but WordPress won everyone over with its ease of installation, configuration, and use. Everything is very clear and accessible.

You can add content to the site using a visual editor that is no more complicated than the interface in Word. The admin panel is intuitively understandable to everyone and everyone, you can master it in a very short time. a short time. To expand the functionality of the site, just install the . Most of them, like templates, are freely available. If you want to make changes to the display, style, or structure of your site, you can do so by editing the code in your theme files. , its file hierarchy is also relatively simple compared to the Joomla CMS.

In addition, due to its popularity, on forums and specialized sites you can find answers to all possible questions about working with this engine. Also, thanks to the work of developers and the simple installation of official system updates, WordPress sites are sufficiently protected from infections. And emerging vulnerabilities are eliminated very quickly.

Here, for example, is one of the studies of 2013-2014 on the level of security of various CMS (conducted by RuWard and SiteSecure) in a sample of 30,000 domains from the RU zone. The diagram shows which systems are the most vulnerable.

It is also important to independently pay attention to protecting your resource, checking its vulnerabilities, which will significantly reduce the likelihood of infection.

For a more complete disclosure of the topic, consider in addition to the pros and cons of WordPress.

Disadvantages of WordPress

Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Sometimes slow site loading speed;
  • Limited set of basic functions;
  • Duplicate pages and images;
  • A large number of low-quality themes and add-ons with errors;
  • Relative distrust of search engines to sites on free engines.
  • The WordPress engine, and especially a large number of add-ons to it, can significantly load the server on which the site is located. In order to avoid excessive load, you need to reduce the number of installed plugins to the required minimum. In addition, it is important to host a blog on . These options will also help increase the site loading speed. In addition, to speed up the blog, you need to use .

    One of the disadvantages of WordPress is that it automatically generates duplicate pages, which negatively affects blog promotion. Read and prevent their occurrence. Also, the WordPress engine creates copies of images when uploading images. different sizes. To remove unwanted images, use the DNUI (Delete not used image) plugin.

    We have already discussed how to choose a quality WordPress theme for a blog. It is also advisable to use proven add-ons so that your site works properly and without errors. And before installing the template, you need to check it.

    The popularity of WordPress is its advantage and disadvantage at the same time, since on the basis of the engine, along with the SDL, many GS and satellites are also created. And accordingly, search engines are wary of young sites on WordPress and other free CMS.

    Initially, the capabilities of your resource are limited to a set of functions that are the basis of the engine and the installed template. Plugins can be used to expand the capabilities, however, as we noted earlier, a large number of them can affect the speed of the site. In this case, you can additionally make changes to the template files, add new functions by editing the code. However, this will require the appropriate skills, or the services of a specialist. Therefore, it is important to initially determine the goals, type, structure and necessary capabilities for your resource. Depending on this, choose the most suitable control systems with the optimal set of functions.

    We've broken down the pros and cons of WordPress. Now let's look at what types of sites this engine is most suitable for.

    What platforms is WordPress suitable for?

    Initially, this engine was created as a convenient management system for blogs. And, accordingly, WordPress received the greatest distribution precisely in the . Find out, . Therefore, if you are wondering which CMS to choose for a blog, then the answer is obvious.

    It is for this type of resource that the WordPress engine is best suited. The main functionality is aimed at creating author's thematic posts with the possibility of commenting by visitors. In this context, it is also suitable for creating news resources.

    Also on this CMS, you can create simple static sites using the "Pages" post types. It is also suitable for creating simple catalogs, portfolios and galleries, while adding custom post types.

    And now information for those who decide which CMS is best for an online store. As for the creation of dynamic sites, online stores with the ability to filter, sort and other functions necessary for this, in this case it is better to use specialized CMS or more advanced engines, such as Drupal. I develop more complex functional sites on the Modx Evo system.

    WordPress is ideal for blogs, but it is not worth developing projects with complex functionality or online stores on it!

    On WordPress, you can create an online store using special plugins, or more complex sites with additional features. However, their creation will require more effort and time than when using the same Drupal. And most likely they will be inferior in terms of convenience and opportunities to sites created on more suitable CMS for this. And the question is not that Drupal is better than WordPress, it's just that they have different purposes and they are focused on developers. different levels. For example, working with Drupal requires a lot more knowledge than using WordPress or Joomla.

    Considering all the pros and cons of WordPress described above, you can determine whether this engine is suitable for your resource.

    Watch a video about the connection between SEO and engines:

    P.S. The other day I participated with my friends in a game that is very popular today. This is a quest like "getting out of the room", in St. Petersburg, many companies offer such entertainment. In 1 hour we had to get out of a closed room stylized as a submarine. We looked for clues, solved puzzles and riddles, thought and had fun. I advise everyone to try!

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