Conditions of the urgent revocable bank deposit “Housing and savings. With the help of the Belarusbank construction savings system, you can solve the housing problem Belarusbank construction savings

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Today there are several options for buying your own apartment or house. For example, lending or participation in the construction savings system. The second option is currently offered to Sluch residents and residents of the region by only one bank in the country - Belarusbank.

She spoke about the construction savings system Anna Serzhanova, Head of Sales Department of Retail Banking Products and Services, Branch No. 615 “ ASB Belarusbank"(Slutsk).

The system consists of two stages: savings and credit.

First stage. A deposit account is opened for the participant on the terms of the “Housing and Savings” bank deposit. The interest rate on this deposit is equal to the refinancing rate of the National Bank, currently it is 18% per annum.

The program participant determines the amount of money that will be accumulated over 3, 5 or 7 years in Belarusian rubles. During this period, you need to collect 25% of the cost of future housing.

Second phase. Next, a loan agreement is concluded for the construction or purchase of housing. Loan terms: up to 75% of the cost of construction or acquisition of residential premises for a period of up to 20 years. There are several options for the interest rate that will be charged for using the loan. One of the options is a rate equal to the National Bank refinancing rate plus one percentage point (19%). Interest is paid in equal installments regardless of the system participant’s need to improve their living conditions.

Rates on housing loans in banks (as of October 5, 2016):

  • Belinvestbank - 29.9%
  • Belagroprombank - 26%
  • Priorbank - 25%
  • BPS-Sbarbank “Classic” - from 25%
  • Belarusbank - 24%.

Read more about the ways in which you can now purchase housing in the upcoming issues of the Kurer newspaper.

Construction savings is a system of accumulating funds and lending for housing construction.

Lending methods through construction savings are used in different countries. In Belarus, services in the field of construction savings are offered by JSC JSB Belarusbank.

How do Construction Savings work?

The essence of the system is quite simple:

First the client, i.e. a person who wants to build housing puts money into a savings account in a bank. The annual interest on such a deposit is small, withdrawals are limited, just like most other operations.

The period for placing funds in the bank is agreed upon in advance. The savings account is replenished according to the terms of the agreement, sometimes during the entire period of placement of the deposit, sometimes this stage ends earlier and a period begins in which the only movement of funds in the account is the accumulation of interest.

After the end of the savings stage, the client has the opportunity to pay for the purchase of housing with the accumulated funds. This period is called the payment phase.

Then, when the investor’s own funds are fully transferred to the housing provider, the client has the opportunity to obtain a loan from the bank and continue construction using borrowed funds.

The credit period depends on the terms of the agreement between the client and the bank. Other terms of the loan are also dictated by this agreement and are not fundamentally different from other loans. But the annual interest is assumed to be lower than for other home loans.

The benefit of construction savings is mutual for the borrower and the lender.

The credit institution has the opportunity to use the client’s money on favorable terms before construction begins. In addition to this, during the entire period of accumulation (savings) of funds, the bank indirectly monitors the state of affairs of the client: the timing of deposits, the amount of payments. The interest rate on the loan turns out to be lower than for other similar products, but this is compensated by the benefits already received from the deposit and the supposedly greater reliability of the borrower.

The loan recipient also benefits from a stable relationship with the bank. The comparatively smaller benefit from placing a deposit seems to him to be a payment for the favorable conditions of a future loan and the very confidence of receiving it.

Construction savings in Belarus

In the Republic of Belarus, agreements on the construction savings system are offered only by JSC JSB Belarusbank. It was not possible to find statistics regarding the number of people who used the service. But judging by the reviews on the Internet, the picture seems like this:

The construction savings system has been available since 2006, but has not become widespread. The majority continue to build through concessional lending, or agree to relatively small, short-term loans.

There are clients who were able to use the system, already live in the purchased housing and are rather satisfied with their decision. Most often they write that the transaction was formalized in Minsk, the minimum accumulation/saving period was chosen, and the housing was purchased on the secondary market.

You can clarify the current loan conditions for the construction savings system on the official website of Belarusbank

Let's look at some of the defining conditions of this proposal.

The ratio of own and credit funds should be 1 to 4, i.e. 25% of the cost of housing is financed from the client’s deposit, 75% from a bank loan.

Minimum savings period, i.e. the period during which the deposit is in the bank is 19 months. The basic savings period is 36 months. The maximum possible duration of this stage is 127 months.

There are 3 loan plan options available, with for different periods depositing and saving funds.

During the deposit placement period, the client is accrued annual interest in the amount of the National Bank's refinancing rate.

After the end of the savings period according to the agreement, the payment period begins, when all accumulated funds are transferred (in non-cash form) to the account of the home seller.

Upon completion of payments, the credit period of the relationship begins. The loan repayment period is 20 years.

The interest rate on the loan depends on the refinancing rate. The client can choose from two options for connecting the annual percentage and rate:

  • National Bank of the Republic of Belarus +1%
  • Weighted average refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus for the period from the month of concluding a housing savings agreement to the month preceding the month of concluding a loan agreement, increased by one percentage point

The Belarusbank construction savings system has several more advantages:

  • Accumulated and loan funds can be used not only for housing construction, but also for the purchase of housing, including on the secondary market.
  • Having accumulated funds, you can transfer your right to receive a loan to other persons (however, this does not relieve the borrower from the usual verification and approval of the bank).

Other terms of agreements can be found on the Belarusbank website and be sure to check with a specialist before concluding an agreement.

Is the construction savings system in Belarus profitable? Let it be a personal choice.

If the current refinancing rate were stable, then buying an apartment according to the described scheme would ultimately cost about 2.75 times more than buying without a loan. The same ratio for a preferential loan will be 1.87 times. Therefore, preferential loans are still much more in demand.

Also, receiving a loan is preceded by a savings stage. During this time, the deposit amount cannot be withdrawn (even partially) under the threat of a fall in the annual interest rate from the refinancing rate to the rate on “demand deposits”. The minimum deposit period is 19 months.

But! IN modern history In Belarus, periods of ruble stability have rarely been long. The collapse of the exchange rate at the savings stage is very unpleasant for clients; in the next credit years, this promises proportional relief of the credit burden.

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1. Funds to the deposit account are accepted in Belarusian rubles. The initial contribution to the deposit account is made (in cash or by bank transfer) at the time of concluding a housing savings agreement.

2. A deposit account cannot be opened in the name of another person.

3. The participant and other persons have the right to replenish the deposit account until the end of the contractual replenishment period corresponding to the selected accumulation plan.

4. Interest on the deposit account is paid for the period from the date of conclusion of the housing savings agreement until the day the deposit account is closed. The interest rate is set at the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. When calculating interest, the number of days in a year is considered to be conditionally equal to 360, and in a month - 30.

5. The return of the deposit is carried out with recalculation at a reduced interest rate of interest due on the deposit in the following cases:

Carrying out any expenditure transaction on a deposit before the occurrence of a circumstance (event) for the target return of the deposit or an expenditure transaction that is not a target expenditure transaction after the occurrence of the circumstance (event) for the target return of the deposit;

Non-occurrence or disappearance of the possibility of the occurrence of a circumstance (event) of the target return of the deposit.

Further storage of the deposit (part of the deposit), if the deposit is not claimed, is carried out with the accrual of a reduced interest rate.

6. Capitalization of accrued interest on a deposit account is carried out:

Monthly until the first debit transaction is made - subject to the conditions for performing deposit transactions;

On the day of the first expense transaction;

At the end of each calendar year:

from the date of recalculation at the rate of demand deposits in Belarusian rubles;

from the date of expiration of the last contractual period of the savings stage, increased by 1 year;

from the date of the first debit transaction on the deposit (including the target one).

On the day the deposit is closed.

7. From the date of the first debit transaction on the deposit account, income on the deposit is accrued in the amount of the interest rate in force at the bank on demand deposits in Belarusian rubles for individuals, taking into account changes in its size over the actual period of storage of the deposit (deposit balance). Capitalization of interest on the deposit is carried out at the end of each calendar year.

From the day of the end of the contractual replenishment period, or the day of the first debit transaction in the period before the end of the contractual replenishment period, no incoming transactions are carried out on the deposit account (except for the capitalization of accrued interest).

8. The date of expiration (the day of expiration of the term) is taken to be the date that, by the name of its day of the month, is the same as the name of the day of the month of the date of conclusion of the housing savings agreement. If the expiration date falls in a month that does not have a corresponding date, then the expiration date is the last day of such month.

Belarusbank's housing savings deposit involves opening a deposit account for the purpose of accumulating funds for the purchase of housing, as well as obtaining credit funds in the event of a lack of own funds to complete the purchase procedure.

What savings plans exist, what advantages does a deposit account have, what conditions does a housing savings deposit have in Belarusbank - more details later in the article.

Conditions of the savings and payment period

From 07/01/06 branches of Belarusbank started taking cash into deposits based on the Construction Savings System.

The construction savings system involves opening a deposit account in a bank by a person who wants to build housing.

The savings stage is the period of placement of funds, the calculation of interest and other nuances associated with the deposit. Upon expiration savings, the client can pay for the purchase of housing using accumulated funds – this process has a name payment stage. Next, when the client's funds run out, he can take advantage bank loan for further housing construction.

Schematic representation of the Belarusbank Construction Savings System

Conditions for participants in the Belarusbank construction savings system following:

  1. Citizen of Belarus/foreigner/stateless person.
  2. Registration on the territory of Belarus.
  3. A contractual agreement regarding housing savings must be concluded.

A deposit account on the terms of a fixed-term revocable bank deposit “Housing and Savings” is opened based on a housing savings agreement.

Participant independently:

  • Selects savings plan.
  • Determined with the amount, which will accumulate until the end of the replenishment period.
  • Determined with period term saving.

Based on the amount of the amount, a savings schedule is prepared based on the savings period in equal monthly payments, which begins from the date of making the initial deposit.

Important! It is not necessary to follow the prepared schedule; it is recommended for the purpose of optimal accumulation of the specified amount.

Please note what may affect your disenrollment from the program

If the participant wishes reduce the amount, which he stated, then it is necessary to write an application, which will then be considered by the head of the branch (OPERU Head Office, Center for Banking Services of Belarusbank). The following is add. agreement to the contract housing savings and are installed new dates for the period saving.

You can change your savings plan in the same way.. Transition only can be done provided— the storage period for the Housing and Savings Deposit has expired and not more the basic savings period of the desired savings plan.

More information about the Bank's Construction Savings System can be found here.

Saving plans for housing savings deposit in 2019

The accumulation plans for the Housing and Savings deposit of Belarusbank are as follows:

Plan No.FirstSecondThird
Replenishment period (based on agreement)Not less than 19 months. – no more than 36 months.Not less than 31 months. – no more than 60 months.Not less than 43 months. – no more than 84 months.
Savings period (base), yearsThreeFiveSeven
Replenishment period taking into account the contract, months.
Minimum possible19 31 43
Maximum possible55 91 127
*The terms are taken into account from the day when the contractual agreement for housing savings was concluded
Average shelf life norm, months.18 and a half30 and a half42 and a half

Useful video:

Terms of housing and savings deposit of Belarusbank in 2019

The housing savings deposit implies the following conditions:

  • The deposit is opened in national currency(in Belarusian rubles).
  • An initial fee may be entered both in cash and non-cash.
  • Forbidden discovery of another person's data.
  • Deposit account replenishment is acceptable until the end of the period specified in the contractual agreement.
  • Interest payment for housing savings deposits are carried out from the day when the contract was concluded until the day of its expiration.
  • % housing savings deposit rate equal to the refinancing rate National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (from February 14, 2018 – 10.5%).
  • Capitalization is carried out:
  1. When closing a deposit.
  2. When making the first expense on the deposit account.
  3. At the end of the calendar year.
  4. During the period of 139 months.(the end date of the monthly storage of funds until the day when the deposit will be spent).
  5. At the end of 139 months.(end date of the calendar year).
  • Expiration date is the date that coincides with the date and month of concluding the contractual agreement on housing savings.

You can familiarize yourself with the conditions of other deposits in Belarusian rubles.

Belarusbank deposit calculator

Deposit amount

Interest rate (%)

Cash desk of a banking organization, etc.)

  • Capitalization of interest that has been accrued.

  • More details about capitalization


    mutually beneficial for the borrower and the banking organization. The latter, before the start of construction, has the opportunity to benefit from the deposited funds of the client, who gains confidence in receiving a future loan and its favorable conditions when placing funds in the form of a deposit in a bank.

    Belarusbank's housing and savings deposit is an excellent opportunity to accumulate funds for the purpose of purchasing real estate.

    The terms of the deposit allow both any citizen of Belarus and a stateless person to conclude an agreement, but only subject to registration on the territory of the republic.

    Oh, what a long review ahead! I hope it will be useful. Make yourself comfortable, because I can't be stopped)

    Getting your own home is the dream of 70% of the population, especially when you wander around rented apartments (and more than one). I first heard about the Construction Savings System (CSS) about three years ago, when a Belarusbank consultant (and for me she was a friend, Aunt Katya, they worked nearby) shared with me how she built an apartment for her daughter. I read it on the website, talked to her again and refused this option, because renting an apartment and saving at the same time seemed like a crazy idea.

    The construction savings system is a solution to your housing problem, subject to the accumulation of part of your own savings and obtaining a loan for housing construction on favorable terms.

    And then... One of my friends and her husband bought an apartment, and two years ago my grandmother gave an apartment to another friend of mine (the main amount was from her, the friend also contributed her own investments) and my mother took care of providing me with an apartment: “All the girls have apartments , but my daughter doesn’t!” Honestly, it was her “fire” that ignited my interest and activity. It was December 2016. I was actively studying loans from all banks, sadly assessing my chances, studying again and getting upset again. And at the same time I studied the prices. And suddenly... my mother talked to my brother and asked him to help - to give me money on the condition that I would not apply for my parents’ apartment. The amount of cash was $4,000, so we began to think about what to do. And then I again saw information about SSS, was the first to read negative reviews on the Internet, and then came across a large discussion on one of the sites where users shared knowledge and chewed on each other’s features of this contribution (and initially it is necessary to make a contribution). There were a lot of pages, I read it at night after work. And I dreamed. At the same time, I went to the bank and consulted, asked questions and clarified points that were unclear to me. I went to the bank 2 times before the stage of concluding a deposit agreement; the branches and branches were different, as were the consultants). Of course, it was easier for me, because... I had the amount for a 25% contribution and the opportunity to get a loan after 19 months.

    The construction savings system consists of two stages:

    • accumulating your own savings by opening a “Housing and Savings” deposit;
    • lending period.

    Those. You can enter into an agreement for a period of 36 months, pay 25% of the cost of the proposed housing in the first month, and after 19 months you can already apply for a loan. Or you can replenish your deposit in installments over the entire 36 months and eventually accumulate that same 25%. By the way, there are three accumulation periods to choose from: 3 years, 5 or 7 years. You can receive a loan within one year from the date of expiration of the contractual period of the savings stage.

    I soberly assessed the risks, I understood how fragile the exchange rate in our country is and that we could lose money due to inflation. But did I say that my mother and I burned down the apartment together? What tiny little ones we looked at, in what areas they were located! The thought was warming: tiny, far away, but your own! Moreover, I rented an apartment in the middle of nowhere. Inexpensive one-room apartments cost approximately $16-17 thousand at the beginning of 2017, so we decided to borrow another $1,000 and make a deposit. After all, who doesn’t take risks... The first stage was exchanging currency for my own squirrels, I changed money with my parents in the city (with my brother it wasn’t so scary), thanks to the reviews I already understood that the “bags of money” were from negative feedback- this is not an exaggeration. The $ exchange rate at that time was about 1.93 rubles upon delivery. They exchanged the entire amount for me in 5 ruble bills. - 2,000 bills!!! Rounded up to 10,000 BYR. I can responsibly declare: this is a big backpack of money. I had already thought in advance what to do with this amount, because I needed to open a deposit in Gomel, and traveling with this backpack was scary and difficult: I opened an account and deposited money there. Without any problems I transferred the amount to the deposit account on 02/08/2017 and off we go...

    I joined a group on housing issues, where they discussed new buildings, housing prices and purchasing methods. And I tirelessly looked at apartments in advertisements... and came to the conclusion that I could aim for a two-room apartment, albeit an inferior, small one... I fell in love with the apartments and “parted” with them, crying from powerlessness and fear for the future. And I followed changes in legislation, in the SSS, and studied legal acts in detail. Needless to say, discussing the purchase of a home has become a favorite topic? The forum where you could complain and feel support, as well as your mother, saved you. 19 months have not passed - they have flown by. I was ready for this event, because I periodically came and took statements about changes in the deposit amount, and also clarified questions that arose along the way. Unfortunately, I can tell a couple of stories about the incompetence of employees, but I was lucky to still receive professional advice both during the accumulation stage and the credit stage. The deadline for obtaining a loan was 09/08/2018, but we started looking at apartments in August. And the course jumped. It would seem that from 2 rubles it grew to 2.05, then 2.20, but for large amounts it was a disaster... I didn’t like the apartments: either the price was wrong, then the size was like a doll’s house, or a real shithouse. Nevertheless, I visited the mortgage department for a consultation. The first time they turned me away with the wording “the deposit runs out, you’ll come back,” so I was wary. And I was lucky: Irina Alekseevna Baydun became my consultant and accompaniment. She told and explained everything in detail. And I found out that the waiting list for applying for a loan was already 2 weeks (!) and I signed up “just in case.” And she continued to search. It could have been a separate big review of a loved one and several months of nervous tics.

    Important! All 19 (and I ended up with 20 months) my money on deposit worked: it was accrued interest in the amount of the refinancing rate. In total, at the time of the money transfer, my 10,000 turned into 12,179, or from $5,181 to $5,612 (at the time of the transaction, the rate “jumped” to 2.17 rubles). In the end, I even ended up with a good profit.

    Refinancing rate is the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, which is the basic instrument for regulating the level of interest rates in the money market and serves as the basis for setting interest rates on operations to provide liquidity to banks.

    I completed the purchase of the apartment with the help of an agency; I will leave the stages of preparing the documents outside of this review (and I mainly came to sign and pick up the documents). At the branch where I made a deposit, I took a statement, which indicated the amount of savings and a possible loan, and also found out the CMR coefficient. By the way, it can work both in + and - credit. That is why the borrower can either use it or not. My SMR was 1.21, which gave me about 5,000 BYN + to the loan!

    The system of indices (coefficients) for recalculating (changing) the estimated cost of construction is the most important tool for pricing in construction in modern conditions. Indices are used to determine the cost of construction in current (or forecast) prices and for settlements for completed construction and installation work between customers and contractors.

    The main purpose of indices (coefficients) is to take into account the factor of increase in the cost of construction in relation to the base level.

    I ordered an income certificate in advance, because... they gave it to me from another city. The bank advised me of 3 guarantors, but there were only 2. And again I was lucky: the wife of one of the guarantors agreed. My guarantors also ordered certificates; while receiving the certificates, I went to the bank to check them. Before the day of submitting documents (preliminary agreement, salary certificates, copies of passports) I was very afraid of some obstacles, but everything went well, I announced 2 guarantors (it was difficult for one of them to come later), I left the 3rd “in reserve”. The documents were submitted on Friday, and on Tuesday evening I heard “yes”. I concluded an agreement with a notary, registered it with the BTI, and took it to the bank for verification. And again my Irina Alekseevna helped: I brought the documents at 16-17 hours, and in the morning I arrived with the guarantors to sign the agreement. I transferred my part of the money from the deposit to the seller’s account, took the payment to the mortgage department, and managed to transfer part of the bank’s money to the seller on the same day. I ordered currency at my bank branch, fortunately, Elena Vladimirovna Voitekhovich (bank branch manager, she also advised me on the deposit throughout the entire period) coordinated the work of the employee in transferring money from the deposit and ordered the currency without problems during “after-hours” hours (applications were left until 10.30 , and I was 12).

    The total loan amount was 39,427 rubles. Due to the jump in the exchange rate, I had to deposit my own funds that were not included in the deposit, because... the bank could not issue a loan for more than 75% of the cost of the apartment. The preliminary agreement was concluded at an exchange rate of 2.10 rubles, and the transaction itself was 2.17 rubles. Yes, the contract states the price in Belarusian rubles, but there is a line “which is equivalent to... thousand dollars at the exchange rate.” The seller doesn’t care about the exchange rate and everything else, he wants to receive his amount in hard currency.
    I have been living in my large apartment for 1.5 months now, renovations and 20 years of loan payments lie ahead. By the way, for the first 18 months I pay only % - 195.07 rubles, from May 2020 the principal debt will be added to 178.40.
    A few words about interest: when concluding a loan agreement, you can choose 2 options for the interest rate - CP + 1% or the weighted average rate (I still don’t understand what it is) for the term of the deposit. You can only move from the first option to the second in all 20 years. Because at the moment SMR 10, then I chose SMR + 1, because... my weighted average is 13.

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