The miraculous dream of the Most Holy Theotokos. Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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In emergency and hopeless situations, believers always turn to prayer. Reading the texts with strong faith, you can notice how gradually life begins to improve, problems recede and peace of mind comes. Miracle prayer Dream Holy Mother of God- this is a request that heaven will definitely hear.

Origin story

Since ancient times, the Dreams of the Virgin Mary have been considered the most powerful amulet. These prayers helped to find a righteous path and a way out of difficult life situations. A total of 77 prayer texts are known. Since their writing, colloquial speech has changed, and therefore the original writings have been partially changed. Despite this, the meaning of the text did not change and the meaning that should be conveyed to every person was preserved.

The first written origin dates back to August 25, 1546. The style of writing prayer texts is not entirely churchly, and in some places it even looks apocryphal and folklore. This is due to the fact that ordinary people did not fully understand Difficult language and translated the story of the Mother of God in their own way. These writings were carefully copied from the words of knowledgeable people, and sometimes simply from memory, and the original form was changed. This explains the difference in the number and variations of texts.

The prayers were carefully kept and passed down from generation to generation. The original appearance has not survived to our times, because for a long time text amulets existed in the form of oral folk art. There is a legend according to which a person who is able to collect all the texts in his possession will certainly gain luck, wealth and power.

Today, the entire collection of 77 Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary can be purchased on bookstore shelves.

The Purpose of the Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayers were collected and rewritten many times by people trying to ward off misfortunes. Each of the believers turned to reading, hoping to find long life, clear mind, good health. A separate Dream is intended for a specific life situation:

Prayers-amulets are considered strong and effective. Many people, after reading Dreams, find harmony and peace, cultivate morality and emotionally direct their energy to the source of human good - the son of God. A person begins to be driven not by passion for something, but by spiritual peace.

How to read prayers correctly

The main thing you need to know is that this prayer cannot be read in God’s house. Dreams are not sinful, but the style of their writing indicates their non-church origin. The texts have been prayed to by more than one generation of Christians, so their protecting and healing power is enormous. Some of them, for example, “Dream about work”, must be kept with you at all times at your workplace.

Before reading the prayer, you need to rewrite its text on a blank sheet of paper, thinking about every word. It is advisable to read the holy scriptures, following some recommendations:

It is necessary to trust the Mother of God without hiding real emotions. In return, the person will receive pure, sincere and unshakable faith. Miraculous Dreams are read for 40 days.

Some texts

All prayers are similar to each other, but have completely different effects. From 77 Dreams, you need to choose the one that most suits your life situation. List of Dreams of the Virgin Mary for all occasions:

“77 Dream of the Virgin Mary” is an omnipotent prayer and has a powerful message. The “Golden Prayer” will protect a person from misfortunes, will cancel the dirty tricks of evil people, damage, and the evil eye. In this Dream, the Virgin Mary meets Jesus Christ, who calms her down and informs her of her imminent ascension to heaven. Text of the "Golden Prayer":

It is believed that after reading it a person is completely protected from evil spirits. It cancels any effect of magic, damage and the evil eye. This protection is stronger than all black forces; it will no longer be possible to influence a person with any magical rituals; the forces of the Lord will not allow this to be done. It is this text that is most popular, relieving the suffering of a person who believes in its power.

The “Talisman from Trouble” is no less popular. Mothers often turn to him to improve relationships in the family, and to improve the financial situation in the family they read the eighth Dream. Strong faith in the written text is of great importance, otherwise even reading it multiple times will not bring any results. Text amulet from troubles and misfortunes:

Passed from fathers to children, from mouth to mouth, from scripture to scripture, these prayers have acquired incredible power. Anyone who has ever resorted to reading them can feel their power from their own example. They can not only get rid of problems, but also give true happiness and faith in life.

With the help of this prayer, you can remove even the most severe curse from your family. For example, if in your family men do not live to be 33 years old. To do this, the third Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos must be read 3 times within 40 days, then ask for forgiveness and blessings for all 40 days, immediately after reading the Dream, in your own words. Also, this prayer will save you in the most difficult, hopeless situation.

"Under the vaults of heaven, under the blue stains, on the green grass, the Mother of God, Mother of God, slept, rested, shed holy tears in her sleep.

Her Son, Jesus Christ, wiped Her tears with His hand and asked His Most Pure Mother:

- Mother My beloved, dear, what are you crying about, what are you suffering about in your sleep, what are you shedding your tears about?

- I slept with tears in the month of March for all seventeen days, I saw a terrible and terrible dream about You. I saw Peter and Paul in the city of Rome, and I saw You on the Cross. There is great reproach from the scribes and Pharisees. By order of Pilate You were condemned and crucified on the Cross. They beat him on the head with a cane, they spat in the saint’s face, and they poured vinegar into his mouth. The warrior’s rib was pierced, everything was drenched in the saint’s blood. They crowned with thorns and threw stones. The earth will shake, the curtain of the church will be torn in two, the stones will disintegrate, the dead will turn over, the bodies of the departed saints will rise, the Sun and the moon will darken. And there will be darkness over all the earth from six to nine hours. Joseph and Nicodemus will ask Pilate for your body, wrap it in a clean shroud, put it in a coffin and close it for three days. The gates are copper, the doors are iron, the stones will crumble. And on the third day You rose from the grave, and gave life to the world, and freed Adam and Eve from hell forever. Ascended to the Throne at the right hand of God the Heavenly Father.

- My beloved Mother, Your dream is true and fair. Whoever copies and reads Your “Dream” and keeps it clean with him, let Your “Dream” protect him. Guardian angel, save the soul from all executions and throwings of demons, and he will not fear either hell or the beast and will avoid a vain death. And whoever begins to listen to this “Dream” with diligence and attention, that person will receive remission of sins. Or if a pregnant woman reads this sheet and listens to these words, she will easily give birth during childbirth and will preserve the child for a long life. And whoever reads this “dream” day by day and year by year, the Mother of God and Christ will never forget. He will not see fear in days and nights, he will not be crushed by the enemy. He will read the dream - he will return from the campaign with glory, the enemies will run away from his face. Archangel Gabriel will show him the way. His guardian angel will not leave him before his fiercest enemy. And whoever keeps this dream in the house will save the house from fires, and there will be livestock and grain in it. Whoever reads the dream with true faith will be delivered from eternal torment and fire. This sheet of “Dream” will be written at the Holy Sepulcher, from Jesus Christ, the son of God. Which person truly, from the heart believes in this place, and even if the sins of his family are like sand in the sea, leaves on the trees, that family will be saved and forgiven for the sake of the sleep of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and Her tears for Him. Forever and ever. Forever and ever. Amen."

In the enormous two-thousand-year-old wealth of prayer lists, there are prayers that are not considered canonical, but are recognized by the church. These include the Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos - prayer.

These handwritten creations of religious people, which came from time immemorial, help people even now.

The renaissance of the golden prayers of the dreams of the Virgin Mary has begun. The female half of the Orthodox believer population has become attached to these prayers and the number of people rewriting these prayers is growing rapidly.

Now enterprising businessmen are producing postcards with these texts. But it is better, on the recommendation of ancestors, to copy them with a burning church candle, in ink, if you find them.

A neat, handwritten text must be read with inspiration with faith in the soul, only in this case what is asked can be received by a true believer.

Dream of the Virgin Mary golden prayer

The dreams of the Virgin Mary are considered very powerful, strong texts that help people in difficult, hopeless situations. Since ancient times, people have recognized the “Dreams of the Virgin Mary” as a very significant prayer. Dream texts were most often passed down orally to subsequent generations.

The peculiarity of these prayers is that they are not read in church, but their power protects and heals a person.

The power of the prayer “Dream of the Virgin Mary” depends on the strength of faith of the person who hopes for it. Tradition claims that those who burned or tore handwritten golden prayers died.

Prayers must be rewritten by hand, carefully and without errors. Few people manage to write the Dreams of the Virgin Mary correctly the first time. Damaged sheets should be torn crosswise and burned over a candle, and the resulting ashes should be scattered.

You need to work on these texts from morning until noon. The resulting text of the prayer must be read for 40 days in a row with a lit church candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God.

77 dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary for all occasions

Currently, 200 dreams of the Virgin Mary are distributed on the Internet. But in fact there are 77 of them. There were so many of them in the collection of Dreams of the Virgin Mary, recognized by the Church, handed down by previous generations of the family of the Siberian healer.

Before the development of the Internet, few believers knew about these prayers; these were very rare prayers found in Siberia. The Internet, a modern achievement of mankind, has given new life to ancient prayers.

Reading these prayers helps to find a solution in difficult and dangerous situations.

After writing these prayers with your own hand, you need to read them before going to bed. Each prayer-dream protects against something specific. Only 77 dreams are considered a universal prayer for all occasions, and 75 dreams are protection from everything.

Some prayers have a special reading order. The importance of the seventy-seventh dream cannot be overestimated.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 22 – prayer request

The twenty-second dream of the Virgin Mary is a prayer-request. At the end of it, you need to add a request stated in simple words to the ancient text and end the prayer by pronouncing the word Amen three times.

In the twenty-second dream it is reported that the Mother of God dreamed of Jesus Christ wearing a crown of thorns and carrying a cross. The Mother of God asks the Lord to deliver her son from torment. She meets Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The power of this prayer has been tested by centuries of generations of believers, who testified that their request was often fulfilled. The request must be stated specifically, simple, necessary for the person.

Dream of the Virgin Mary 9

The ninth dream of the Most Holy Theotokos says that in the city of Artepe she dreamed of the torment of Christ, but her son told her about his resurrection.

It is recommended to read this prayer 3 times a day, once before bed, to get rid of a difficult and dangerous situation. This dream is called “for help in difficult times.” The ninth dream is one of the most popular prayer dreams in our time.

Dream of the Virgin Mary 70

The seventieth dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary is considered a prayer for improving one’s material condition. The ancient name for this dream is “Money Pot” or “Full Cup”.

This prayer should be kept separately in the house and read every night before bed. If wealth comes to the house from the husband, it is more effective to read such a prayer to the wife. Those who hope to achieve wealth with the help of this prayer are unlikely to obtain it. At all times, it was about a comfortable existence.

14 dream of the Virgin Mary

The fourteenth dream of the Mother of God helps with divorce from her husband, in modern world This prayer is called like this. In ancient times its meaning was called “for family reconciliation.”

Dream of the Virgin Mary 10

The tenth dream of the Mother of God is a prayer against any damage.

In order to remove the damage, the prayer must be read 40 times in a row for three days.

Dream of the Virgin Mary 1

The first prayer, sleep protects from offenders and enemies. In ancient times, its meaning was: “so that no one offends.” This dream-prayer was discovered in the storage of books by Ivan the Terrible.

67 dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary

67th dream-prayer protects a believer “from all evil.” This prayer has had the same name since ancient times.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 3

This prayer is called “Salvation from all misfortunes.”

Now people call it “from the court.”

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 71

It's called a prayer against thieves against evil intentions.

Prayer must be kept at work. She brings good luck.

Prayers are extremely important in a person’s life, because it is a direct dialogue with God, however, not everyone can find the right and the right words, so you can use already created prayers. There is a so-called golden prayer - these are the “Dreams” of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Essentially, it is a set of requests, each of which is intended for a specific problem or need. The author was inspired by the Holy Spirit, so reading these texts is necessary and beneficial.

History and meaning of prayer

The “Dream” complex of the Blessed Virgin Mary includes 77 prayers, the author of which is unknown, as is the time of writing. It is only known that they were compiled in ancient times, in the first centuries of the birth of Christianity. Prayer was an extremely important thing back then, because asking Jesus Christ was the only salvation for a person amid constant wars, epidemics and natural disasters.

Prayers addressed to the Mother of God have great power

The petition is sent to, because she acts as an intercessor and intercessor for all people. Mother Mary has love for every person as for her child and therefore people prefer to turn to her.

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Reading the “Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary was then considered a kind of amulet, which was necessary for warriors, travelers and ordinary people. They read it in case of temptation from Satan, in illness, during an attack by enemies or an active war in the country, as well as to protect themselves and their family from attacks and disasters.

Prayers were transmitted by Christians orally, without writing down, until they were collected and included in one book of prayers by an unknown author. Later, a collection of these prayers was published as a separate collection, which is still popular today.

“Dreams” of the Most Holy Theotokos are often used as a talisman, but it is worth remembering that, first of all, this is a request to the Lord, and He can act differently with His children. Therefore, you should not expect miracles; it is best to stock up on humility and patience and wait for the mercy of the Lord. It is worth remembering that God's will is best for man, whatever it may be.

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In Dreams there are a total of 77 separate short prayers, which are called dreams. They are similar in content, however, each has its own reasons for reading. Among them is a prayer for troubles:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen. - Beloved Blessed Mother, My Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, Are You sleeping or not sleeping, And what terrible things do you see in Your sleep? Rise, My Mother, from Your sleep! - Oh, My beloved Child. Sweetest, most beautiful, Jesus Christ, Son of God! I slept in Your holy city and saw a very terrible and terrible dream about you, which is why my soul trembles. I saw Peter, Paul, and you, My Child, I saw in Jerusalem, sold, caught, bound for thirty pieces of silver. Brought before the high priest, innocently condemned to death.

Oh, My beloved Child, I ask what will happen to a person who writes My Mother of God’s dream six times from a pure heart in his book and keeps it in his house, or carries it with him in purity on his journey - Oh, My Mother Theotokos. I will say truly, as I am the True Christ Myself: No one will ever touch this man’s house, grief and misfortune will be washed away from that man, I will deliver him forever from eternal torment, I will stretch out My hands to help him.

I will also provide his house with every good thing: bread, gifts, livestock, belly. He will be pardoned by the court, he will be forgiven by the master, and he will not be condemned by the court. The servants of the devil will not approach you, the cunning ones will not deceive you. The Lord loves His children. It won't kill anyone.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

The prayer “Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary” is intended for home readings

As protection from enemies and troubles:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. May the Most Holy Theotokos be my mother. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, scary and creepy. That Jesus was crucified on three trees. They gave us vitriol and placed a crown of thorns on our heads. And I bring this dream to Christ on the throne. Here Jesus Christ walked through distant lands. He carried the life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and preserve. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, cover me with your veil.

Deliver me, God's servant (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and illnesses. From a creeping serpent, from a running beast. From thunderstorms, from drought, from floods. From all enemies visible and invisible. From scrip, from prison, from courts. Here Nicholas the Wonderworker walked, bearing a salutary bow to save me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases, from a creeping serpent, from a running beast, from a thunderstorm, from a drought, from a flood.

From all enemies visible and invisible. From scrip, from prison, from courts. Jesus Christ, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you... (state your request here in your own words) Amen. Amen. Amen.

As a prayer-request for the fulfillment of the expected:

In the city of Jerusalem, in the holy cathedral, Mother Mary slept on her right hand on the throne. Jesus Christ asks her: “Mother Mary, are you sleeping or not sleeping?” - “I can’t sleep, but I see a dream about you, Jesus Christ. As if the Jews crucified you, Jesus Christ, into three trees, into three mindras, into three dinarites, and chained your hands and feet with nails.” The torment of the Holy Spirit lay on my heart. The golden cross on the chest spills out, Jesus Christ rises to heaven. - “Mother Mary, your dream is complicated - not complicated?

We need to write a letter and give it to all believing slaves. Let that slave read three times a day. That slave will be saved, preserved and pardoned from all troubles, from all misfortunes: from thunder, from a flying arrow, from a lost forest, from a devouring beast, from a burning fire, from drowning water. If he goes to court, he won't be judged. Standing in the ranks means you won’t be killed.” Amen. Amen. Amen.

For every salvation:

Lord, help, Lord, bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! The spirit stands on the mountain, Mother Mary slept on the rock, saw the same thing six times, suffered six times in her sleep during the night. As if the Pharisees took her son Christ, crucified him on a huge cross, nailed his legs and arms to the cross, put on a crown of thorns, and spilled hot blood on the ground. Angels flew from heaven, offered golden cups, and did not allow drops of the saint’s blood to fall. Whoever puts his hand to the cross of Christ will truly never know torment.

Whoever reads the sixth six times a day, the Lord Himself saves him from trouble, earthly judgment will not take that person, not a single hair will fall from him without the Lord God, he will not burn in fire, he will not drown in water, drops of blood will fall from the hands of villains won't drop. It’s not me who says, it’s not me who affirms, it’s not me who frees you from troubles - the sixth dream will help in all matters. Whoever has the sixth dream, God will not forget him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!

In addition to them, you can also find prayers:

  • from melancholy and illness;
  • as protection of angels;
  • assistance in various endeavors;
  • relief from suffering;
  • from the evil eye;
  • in case of divorce;
  • for pregnant women;
  • for the forgiveness of sins;
  • for good luck;
  • from fire.
Important! It should be remembered that reading a prayer text does not automatically fulfill all desires and does not bring into life what the reader passionately desires. It is only the source of words that constitute a request to the Almighty Creator.

How and when to read a prayer

The “dreams” of the Mother of God are not read in church during services. They are intended for home readings, so it is recommended to follow some order when reading:

  • light a candle in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary;
  • close the doors to the room;
  • dim the lights;
  • turn off all sources of noise: computer, TV, radio. If desired, you can also turn off your mobile phone;
  • spend a little time in silence to clear your head of empty thoughts;
  • repent before the Lord for the sins committed, glorify His mercy;
  • cross;
  • read the text of the prayer quietly out loud three times, crossing yourself each time when finished;
  • think about the words that were spoken. Live them, and not just shout them;
  • thank the Lord for everything He gives and for His mercy.

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Important! It should be remembered that prayers are not spells and there will not be an immediate 100% desired result.

Humility and submission to the will of God is the most important quality of a Christian that should be cultivated in oneself. Therefore, you can read the prayer in the name of the Father several more times in this way, and then accept from the Lord what He sends, giving thanks.

The dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos are a strong talisman against any misfortunes, misfortunes and diseases. Experts say that there are 77 dreams that are similar in content, but have different effects on a person. For example, the 10th dream gets rid of damage, and the 70th is aimed at obtaining material benefits and a comfortable life. The last, 77th dream helps in any situation. In order to feel the miraculous power of these prayers, you should write each one without errors or blots on a separate sheet of paper using a fountain pen.

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    How to rewrite a prayer correctly?

    The main rule for rewriting the dreams of the Mother of God is to write the prayer text in your own hand without blots or any errors on a white blank sheet of paper with a fountain pen.

    If you didn’t manage to write the sacred text correctly the first time, then you need to take a new sheet of paper and start all over again. Before rewriting the prayer, you should light a wax candle purchased in the temple.

  1. 1. Calligraphic, very neat handwriting.
  2. 2. The ink in the pen should be black or red. Other colors are not suitable.
  3. 3. You need to do this business from 5 am until lunch. If it was not possible to write the prayer correctly before the specified time, then the work should be continued tomorrow.
  4. 4. Damaged sheets need to be torn crosswise and burned on the flame of a candle that burns on the desktop.

The Dream of the Virgin Mary should not be given to anyone to read; it must always be carried with you and the text hidden from prying eyes. You can draw an Orthodox cross on a sheet of paper with a prayer. In the first 40 days, you need to read the prayer text several times a day, and after this period - as needed.

Impact on humans

According to popular belief, the one who collects everything from the 1st to the 77th dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be a prosperous, successful, rich and influential person.

Some sources list 89 dreams that are aimed at wealth, deliverance from sins, spiritual cleansing, good luck and other benefits. The 10th dream helps to get rid of negative magical effects; it is recommended to be read by people of public professions.

The action of the Mother of God’s dreams and their purpose:

1stProtects from enemies and sworn enemies
2ndRelieves melancholy
3rdHelps solve accumulated problems and find peace of mind
4thHelps a lost person find the right path
5thGives powerful angelic protection
6thPromotes success in any endeavor
7thKeeps the house from misfortunes and misfortunes
8thReceiving material benefits
9thRelieves suffering
10thProtects from the evil eye and damage
11thSaves from illness and physical pain
12thProtects from accidents
13thForgiveness and mercy of God
14thRead when divorcing your spouse
15thProtects from abusers
16thTo live and not know grief
17thProtection from enemy revenge
19thRead during pregnancy so that childbirth goes smoothly
20thFor salvation
21stFor justice to prevail
22ndFulfillment of a secret desire
23rdProtect from evil people and save from showdowns and scandals
25thHealing for the seriously ill and those who have lost all hope of recovery
26thRemoves trouble from all close relatives and from the person himself to whom this prayer belongs
27thTo avoid going to trial
28thSunday prayer
29thSaving prayer words
30thRead before going anywhere
31stCasts out demons
32ndFrom the machinations of cunning and deceitful people
33rdFor colds and infectious diseases
34thRelieves mental and physical pain
35thGets rid of troubles
36thForgiveness of trespasses
37thFrom making fatal mistakes
39thFor longevity and a peaceful state
40thKnowledge of love
41stProtects against hatred and helps to forgive everyone who has caused pain
43rdCleansing from defilement
44thRead by a person who lives in need and feels depressed
45thGetting rid of loneliness
46thHelps single and childless women discover the joy of motherhood
47thPraise and Unwavering Faith
48thProtects the house from fire
49thConservation and happiness
51stRead on January 1 to attract good luck for the whole year
52ndRead for good luck in February
53rdGood luck for March
54thLuck for April
55thRead in May and June
56thRead in July and August
57thFor good luck in September and October
58thRead in November
59thGood luck in December
60thExpulsion of evil spirits and evil spirits
61stFor a prosperous family life
62ndFor travelers and people who are often on the road
63rdSpiritual cleansing and enlightenment
64thFrom obsession and suspiciousness
65thFrom grief
66thProtection of the Lord and Higher Powers
67thFrom all evil
68thBlessing of the Blessed Virgin Mary
69thSaves the soul of an innocent
70thFull Cup, for gaining wealth and financial independence
71stFor career growth and good relations with superiors. Must be kept at work
72ndRepentance and Faith
73rdPurity of thoughts
74thRescue from black magic and evil sorcerers
75thProtects the innocent from accusations and slander
77thUniversal prayer for all occasions in life

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