Candied lemon wedges. Quick recipe

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Lemon wedges are marmalade that is easy and simple to make yourself. Sometimes it happens that after a festive meal with citrus fruits, there are slices of fruit left and no one seems to want to eat them anymore, and they are no longer so fresh. Don't throw them away, but make some great marmalade.

This kind of marmalade is often sold in stores. But believe me, homemade marmalade is much tastier. And there are no preservatives, artificial colors or other nastiness in homemade marmalade. It contains only vitamins and natural substances. Bookmark the recipe so you don't lose it.

Lemon wedges recipe ingredients

Cooking Lemon wedges

I used oranges as an example. Usually, after the New Year, both grapefruits and tangerines remain. All of them are suitable for marmalade. Peel the slices, remove the seeds and leave them to dry overnight or more.

Pour 150 ml of water into a saucepan and add 250 grams of sugar. Cook for 5 minutes.

Throw the slices into the syrup and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Fruits should not interfere with each other. Turn off the heat and leave the slices in the syrup for a day. After a day, cook again for 5 minutes.

We place the syrup slices on parchment and let them dry for a couple of days. You can dry the slices in the oven with the door open. Roll the dried slices in sugar.

Serve lemon wedges

To prepare the salad we will need the following ingredients: chicken fillet, champignons, eggs, cheese, carrots, onions, garlic, mayonnaise and sunflower oil.

In order to start forming our salad directly, you need to prepare the ingredients for each layer.
The first layer in our salad will be chicken, so we need to boil the chicken fillet

And cut it into small pieces. If desired, you can replace the fillet with a leg, or use a smoked part of the chicken rather than boiled.

For the second layer, you need to fry finely chopped onions and grated carrots.

The third layer will be fried champignons. To do this, you need to cut them into plates.

And fry but vegetable oil. You can also take canned champignons. But I like fried ones better in this salad, so I took them.

The fourth layer is cheese with garlic and mayonnaise. To do this, we grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Add garlic passed through a garlic press and mayonnaise to it. And mix everything.

The next layer will be egg white and yolk. To do this, boil the eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks and grate them on a coarse grater into different containers.

When all the ingredients for each layer are prepared, we arrange our salad.
Since our salad is called “Lemon Slice,” the appearance should be appropriate. To do this, arrange all the ingredients in a semicircle.
The first layer is boiled chicken fillet.

Now you need to grease the chicken with mayonnaise.

Second layer - fried carrots with onion. And we also grease this layer with mayonnaise.

The third layer is fried champignons.

The next layer is the cheese-mayonnaise-garlic mixture.

And after that we will make another layer of chicken fillet and grease it with mayonnaise.

And complete the whole egg. First we lay out a layer of egg white.

Then, to make the salad look like a lemon wedge, sprinkle with grated yolk.

Lubricate the protein areas with mayonnaise. Then we leave our salad for a while so that all the ingredients are well saturated with mayonnaise. And the “Lemon Slice” salad is ready.

Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

Just recently, my mother-in-law treated me to a salad with sprats. For some reason, no one really liked it. Either the ingredients were chosen poorly, or the sprats themselves were bad.

I decided to try to make a salad with this fish myself. I took the ingredients according to my preferences.

This salad turned out much better. It tastes very delicate. And the bright taste of the fish is complemented by pickled cucumber.

I decorated the salad in the form of a lemon wedge. The yolk was not bright, but it was still clear what it was.

Lemon wedge salad with sprats can be prepared for an everyday meal or served beautifully on a holiday table.

Boil vegetables and eggs in advance, cool and peel. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise.

Mash the sprats with a fork, drain a little liquid before doing this. Place on a plate for a month.

Place grated potatoes on top. Coat with sour cream and mayonnaise sauce, you can pepper.

The next layer is grated cucumber.

Then grated carrots and more sauce.

Sprinkle the entire salad with grated yolk.

And sprinkle the egg white on top, making it look like lemon veins.

Let the salad brew in the refrigerator.

Lemon wedge salad with sprats is ready. Bon appetit.

Do you remember how, as a child, we enjoyed candied lemon and orange slices, which then seemed tastier than any candy?

The yellow slices are candied lemons, the orange ones are from oranges, and it turns out that you can prepare this miracle yourself – right at home! Let's learn how to prepare an amazing delicacy from childhood at home from natural ingredients, and treat it to family and friends.

To prepare candied fruits we need

  • 0.4 l of water;
  • 4 medium lemons;
  • 300 g sugar.

How to prepare candied lemon

When you get tired of candies and other sweets or want to diversify your holiday menu with homemade delicacies, try making candied lemon peel. Let’s make a reservation right away: they are so tasty that you can gobble them up in one sitting, especially if there are many children in the house: in this case, it is better to increase the dosage of the products.

Prepare lemon “sweets” as follows:

  • We wash the fruits with warm water using a brush. Fill with cold water and leave for half an hour.
  • Cut the lemons into slices about 3 mm thick and remove the seeds.
  • Prepare the syrup: heat a saucepan with water, dissolve the sugar, add lemon slices and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Gently stir the contents of the pan and cook for the same amount of time.
  • Remove the container from the heat, wait until it cools down, and place in a colander to allow the syrup to completely drain.
  • Place the candied fruits on baking sheets or trays lined with baking paper and leave for 12 hours to dry. If desired, dry them in the oven - when low temperature, otherwise they will fry.

After the candied fruits have dried, cut them in half or into 4 parts, put them in a vase, sprinkle with sugar or powdered sugar and enjoy the incomparable taste!

Tip: pour the syrup left over from boiling lemons into a bottle and store it in the refrigerator. We add it to tea or simply eat it as jam with baked goods.

To prepare candied lemon peels, you need to prepare the following components:

  • Lemon zest - 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar – 5 glasses;
  • Water – 250 ml.

How to make candied lemon zest

If you have a large family or are preparing a delicacy for a party with many guests, we recommend doubling the volume of ingredients: you will significantly save time and will not worry that someone will be left without candied fruits.

We prepare candied lemon peels according to the following recipe:

  • Cut the clean zest into strips and soak in cold water for three days, changing the water twice daily. This is necessary to eliminate bitterness.
  • Cook the crusts in boiling water for a quarter of an hour and place in a colander, collecting the water in a pan: it will be useful for cooking the syrup.
  • We cook syrup from sugar and the same water, dissolving 5 tbsp in 250 ml of water. granulated sugar. Cook it until foam appears, remove it and continue cooking, adding the chopped zest, for another 20 minutes.
  • Cool the pan with candied fruits and boil again for 20 minutes. We repeat the procedure one more time.
  • Add heat to a high boil, cook for 5 minutes. and turn off the stove. Place the candied fruits in a colander and leave until the syrup has completely drained.
  • Place the delicacy on parchment-lined baking sheets and dry at 50 degrees in the oven. Sprinkle with sugar (powdered sugar) and dry again.

We serve ready-made candied lemon peels for dessert, fill pies, decorate pastries and pies, and eat the syrup like jam.

Now you understand how candied lemon and lemon zest are prepared, and what can be done with the syrup left after cooking. Try both recipes to see which treats taste better, just don't reduce the quantity. necessary ingredients, otherwise you will have to go for a new portion.

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