Dash between subject and predicate examples 5. Russian language lesson on the topic “Dash between subject and predicate” (grade 5)

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Handbook of the Russian language. Punctuation Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 5. Dash between subject and predicate

1. Dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a connective, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case form: Lonelinessin creativity - difficultthing(Ch.); Nextstation - Mytishchi;Moscowgames- beautifulacademysports creativity(gas.).

Usually, dash put:

1) in sentences that have the nature of a logical definition: Geometry - departmentmathematicians who study spatial forms and relationships of bodies;

2) in sentences of book and written styles (scientific, journalistic, official business), containing a characteristic, assessment of an object or phenomenon: Matter- objectivereality,existing outside and independently of human consciousness;Disarmament- commandtime;

3) in identity sentences (the subject and the predicate express the same concept): Moscow is the capitalRussia;

4) after homogeneous subjects: Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan- the largestcitiesVolga region;

5) with structural parallelism of parts of a sentence: Diligentin the brigade -treasure, lazy- heavy burden;

6) to clarify the meaning of the sentence; compare: Olderhis sister - teacher;Olderhis sister is his teacher.

Note. In a number of cases, a dash is usually not placed:

1) in sentences of simple composition in a conversational style of speech: My mother is an engineer; My brother is a schoolboy;

2) if the role of the connective is comparative unions as if, as if, exactly, as if, anyway and so on.: Speeches as speeches(Furm.); The stars are like small diamonds; The clouds are like fairy-tale monsters; Today the sky is like the sea.

Deviations from this provision among classical writers and modern authors are associated with previous punctuation norms or with the desire to emphasize the connotation of comparison contained in the predicate: Your speeches are like a sharp knife(L.); This phrase is like a grand slam in Jumble(T.); This girl is like a holiday!(Already); The duration of the war is like a century of life(TV);

3) if the predicate is preceded by a negation not: This officer is no match for you(Fed.); ... The Ussuri tiger is not a fairy tale at all, it’s almost a reality(March.); Poverty is not a vice(linear); The heart is not a stone(linear); Analogy is not proof.

Placing a dash in this case aims to logically and intonationally emphasize the predicate: But an explanation is not an excuse(M.G.); His views on family etiquette - isn't this a prejudice?;

4) if between the subject and the predicate there is an introductory word, sometimes an adverb, conjunction, particle: Dubava seems to be a friend of Korchagin(AND ABOUT.); Risk, as we know, is a noble cause; Totally rash actstepdangerous;Sergeevnow famousartist; FirSametreeresinous;MarchonlyStartspring. Wed. the presence or absence of a dash depending on the specified conditions: Ivanov- goodchess player; Ivanov,seems goodchess player(presence of an introductory word); Ivanovnow experiencedchess player(presence of adverb); Ivanovalso a famous chess player(presence of union); Ivanovjust a beginnerchess player(presence of particle);

5) if the predicate is preceded by a secondary member of the sentence relating to it: Stepanusneighbour(Sh.); Kolyato meFriend;

6) if the predicate precedes the subject: Beautifulman Ivan Ivanovich!(G.); Slavnoeplacethisvalley!(L.); PicturesqueIndian people(Gonch.); Not badstudentthisboy. The placement of a dash in this case emphasizes the intonational division of the sentence into two parts: Gloriouspeople are neighborsmy!(N.); Amazingcase- dream(T.); Psychologicalcuriosity - my mother(Ch.); deftlittle thing - little mindhuman(M.G.); Coffin - road(TV);

7) if the subject in combination with the predicate forms an indecomposable phraseological unit: Penny pricetheory that fixes some patterns(Goal.); Two of a Kind(linear).

2. Dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if both of them are expressed by the indefinite verb form(infinitive) or if one of the main members is expressed by the nominative case of the noun, and the other by the indefinite form of the verb: About the decisionspeak- onlyconfuse(M.G.); Our duty is to protectstrength until our last breath(P.); Of course it's bigart - wait(Esb.); Teadrink- not firewoodchop(last); Forceturn me off the right path -pipes!; Writemediocre things -it doesn't take any talent(infinitive in the function of the nominative topic, the predicate is expressed in a whole sentence); It would seem that,What's easier - writeresponse letter(cf.: Writing a reply letter is easy).

But (with inversion and no pause): Whichhappinesssonhug!(Dolm.)

3. Dash comes before words this, this is, this means, this means, here, adding the predicate to the subject: Catchruff or perch - what is it?bliss!(Ch.); Sports and culture - here are two keysto joy, beauty(gas.); To understand means to forgive; Latestautumn - Thiswhen the mountain ash shrinks from frost and becomesas they say,"sweet"(Prishv.) - the whole sentence acts as the predicate.

4. Dash is put if both main members of the sentence are expressed by cardinal numerals or if one of them is expressed by the nominative case form of the noun, and the other by a numeral or a phrase with a numeral: Twenty years- goodthing(Sim.); Partings and meetings- twomainparts,from which happiness will someday be formed(Dolm.); Three times five is fifteen; Speed ​​- sixty kilometers per hour.

Note. In specialized literature, when characterizing an object, a dash is often not used in this case: The crane's lifting capacity is 2.5 tons, boom radius is 5 m; The melting point of gold is 1063°C.

5. Dash is placed between the subject, expressed by an indefinite form of the verb, and the predicate, expressed by a predicative adverb (state category) starting with -o, if there is a pause between the main members of the sentence: Giving in is shameful(Tendr.); This is veryunbearable - to move(Gonch.); Thisterrible - chicken outat the last moment; This is fuckingfun - rideon the boat[cf. without pause: Rideon the boatfunny; Judgea man in disgraceeasily(L.T.)].

6. Dash is placed before the predicate, expressed phraseological unit: Both woman and man -a couple of nickels(Ch.); And the porch -God forbid another prince(A.T.); His income now isBe healthy;Seryozha - the seventh water on jelly for both you and me.

7. With a subject expressed by a word This,dash placed or not placed depending on the logical selection of the subject and the presence or absence of a pause after it. Wed:

This is the beginningstarted everyone. - This is not badStart; This is loneliness(Ch.). - This is homeZverkova(G.).

8. A dash is usually not placed if the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun and the predicate by the nominative case form of the noun: He is corruption, he is plague, he is ulcerthese places(Kr.); I'm honestHumanand I never give compliments(Ch.).

Dash in this case it is set:

1) with logical underlining: I am the pageto your pen. I'll accept everything. I'm a white page. I -the keeperto your goodness...(Color);

2) when contrasted: I am a manufacturer, you are a shipowner(M.G.); She is solidclewnot ditches, butHe - embodimentOlympic calm;

3) with structural parallelism of sentences or parts of a sentence: Without youI- starwithout light. Without youI- creatorwithout peace(Br.); We - Peoplerestless becauseWe - in the answerfor the planet, Two people, he and she, walked side by side: he was youngHumanin a dark suit, she is young, very prettyyoung womanin a colorful dress;

4) when inverting the main members of the sentence: Heroof this performance - me; Exampleto that - he.

9. A dash is not placed if one of the main members is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun in the nominative case or a personal pronoun: Tell me,Whois yoursFriend,and I'll tell youwho are you;Thiswhose book?;Who are you?

10. A dash is usually not placed if the predicate is expressed by an adjective, pronominal adjective, or prepositional-nominal combination: The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, the driver is stubborn...(P.); The earth is great and beautiful(Ch.); Cherrymy garden!(Ch.); Heaven withoutsingleclouds; PeopleHereextraordinary kindness.

Dash before the predicate-adjective is placed:

1) with the logical or intonational division of a sentence: Pupils - cat-like, long(Sh.); Heightnear the scattered houses of the farm -team(Kaz.);

2) in the presence of homogeneous predicates: RhythmSuvorov Military School -clear, fast, military (gas);He has changed a lot:gait, movements, facial features,evenlook - softer, calmer, simpler;

3) with structural parallelism of parts of a sentence: The night is warm, the sky is blue, the moon is silver, the stars are brilliant.

11. In footnotes, a dash separates the word being explained from the explanation, regardless of the form of expression of the predicate: Poseidon - in ancient greek mythology god of the seas;Pegasus - considered a symbolpoetic inspiration.

From the book Handbook of the Russian Language. Punctuation author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

SECTION 2 Dash between members of a sentence § 5. Dash between subject and predicate 1. A dash is placed between the subject and predicate in the absence of a connective, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case: Loneliness in creativity -

From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

XXI. Dash between the members of the sentence § 79. Dash between the subject and the predicate 1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a connective, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case, for example: Man is the smith of his own happiness;

From the book Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 79. A dash between the subject and the predicate 1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a connective, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case, for example: Man is the smith of his own happiness; The meeting point is the train station. Usually,

From the book Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete Academic Reference author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

XLIII. Agreement of the predicate with the subject § 183. Predicate with a subject containing a collective noun With a subject containing a collective noun with a quantitative meaning (majority, minority, row, part, etc.),

From the book Mythology of the British Isles author Korolev Konstantin

§ 185. Coordination of the predicate with the subject, which has Appendix 1. By general rule the predicate agrees with the subject, and the presence of an application in the latter form of a different kind or number does not affect the agreement, for example: The girl pilot drove the car skillfully; Roast –

From the author's book

XXI. DASH BETWEEN SENTENCE MEMBERS § 79. Dash between the subject and the predicate 1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a connective, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case, for example: Moscow is the capital of Russia. Place

From the author's book

§ 79. A dash between the subject and the predicate 1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a connective, if both main members of the sentence are expressed as nouns in the nominative case, for example: Moscow is the capital of Russia. The gathering place is the parade ground (Sholokhov). As a rule,

From the author's book

§ 82. Connecting dash 1. A dash is placed between two or more words to indicate limits: a) spatial, for example: train Moscow - Irkutsk - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok; b) temporary, for example: Crusades of the 11th–13th centuries; mass holidays in July -

From the author's book

§ 133. Comma and dash When a comma and a dash occur within a sentence, a comma is placed first and then a dash, for example: The history of discoveries, inventions, the history of technology that makes people’s lives and work easier - this is the actual history of culture (Gorky); Alas! My box, checker with

From the author's book

XLIII. COORDINATION OF THE PREDICATE WITH THE SUBJECT § 183. The predicate with a subject containing a collective noun With a subject containing a collective noun with a quantitative meaning (majority, minority, series, part, etc.),

From the author's book

§ 185. Agreement of the predicate with the subject, which has an application 1. As a general rule, the predicate agrees with the subject, and the presence of an application in the form of a different kind or number with the latter does not affect the agreement, for example: The girl pilot skillfully drove the car, Roast

From the author's book

DASH BETWEEN THE MEMBERS OF THE SENTENCE Dash between the subject and the predicate § 10. Between the subject and the nominal predicate, a dash is placed in place of the missing connective if the subject and predicate are expressed by nouns in the nominative case: Outbuilding near the house on Sadovaya street

From the author's book

A dash between the subject and the predicate § 10. Between the subject and the nominal predicate, a dash is placed in place of the missing connective if the subject and predicate are expressed as nouns in the nominative case: Outbuilding at the house on Sadovaya designed by Mikhail Alexandrovich

From the author's book

A dash between the subject and the predicate between the subject and the predicate, expressed nouns § 10 before the predicate with the words here, this is § 11 when expressing the subject and the predicate (or only the subject, or only the predicate) with an infinitive § 12 when the predicate has words

From the author's book

Dash as a function of highlighting between members of a sentence to emphasize their meaning for stylistic purposes § 21, paragraphs. 12;

From the author's book

Chapter 10 HALLOWEEN: BETWEEN WORLDS, BETWEEN TIMES Samhain. - Christianization of pagan holidays. - Day of Another World. - Witches. - Bonfires of the Druids. - “Burning the Witch.” - Dressing up. - Games and entertainment. - Enchantment and fortune telling. - Recipes. In the middle of the table is a pumpkin: top

Option 1


  • Don r...ka is capricious
  • June night.. k..r..tka.
  • Only labor is the basis for everything.
  • It's up to the person to decide.
  • The artist's direct responsibility is to depict reality.
  • Understanding the environment is my goal.
  • The vessel's carrying capacity is large.
  • The first and main charm of the story is its simplicity and sincerity.




Option 2


Fill in the missing letters and punctuation marks. Underline the grammatical basics and write down which part of speech they are expressed in.

  • A kind word is a great help... in trouble.
  • The book is a source of knowledge.
  • Love for your homeland is a fiery desire for its prosperity.
  • The truth is a victory of conscience in a person.
  • Emerald lake.
  • Fiction is the art of words.
  • D..horns are dirty.
  • The steppe is a solar disk.




  1. He pushed the vase.
  2. The boat disappeared into the distance.
  3. Suddenly the seagulls swooped in.
  4. Cloudy.

Emphasize the grammatical basis.

Compose a word from the first letters of the grammatical basics.

You will find out how today's lesson went.

  1. He pushed the vase.
  2. The boat disappeared into the distance.
  3. Suddenly the seagulls swooped in.
  4. Cloudy.

Emphasize the grammatical basis.

Compose a word from the first letters of the grammatical basics.

You will find out how today's lesson went.

  1. He pushed the vase.
  2. The boat disappeared into the distance.
  3. Suddenly the seagulls swooped in.
  4. Cloudy.


Slide captions:

1 ? 2? 3? 4 ? 1. Which section of the Russian language studies punctuation marks and the rules for their placement? 2.Which section of the Russian language studies the construction of phrases and sentences? 3. “Are you going to the cinema today?” Indicate the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement. 4. The main member of the sentence, which names the one who acts, experiences the action?

1 Punctuation Syntax Interrogative Subject

Dash Hyphen “Have you done your homework?” – Dima asked. Because From From Under IMPORTANT

By what principle are the sentences distributed in two columns? I love Russian nature. Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. Daniel Defoe was born in Bristol. Arena is a round area in a circus. Summer has thrown off the green caftan. A nest is a bird's home. The nightingale sang all night. A brochure is a small book. Only the gray crows made noise in the meadow. A proverb is the wisdom of the people.

Dash between subject and predicate

Noun in them p. – noun in im.p. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness

Clue! You can quickly check the need to put a dash between the subject and the predicate. You need to insert the index word THIS or HERE between them. A verb is a part of speech. A book is (this) the best comrade. Repetition is (this) the mother of learning.

Marking criteria 0 – 1 error 2 errors 3 – 4 errors 5 or more errors “5” “4” “3” “2”

Don r...ka is capricious. A kind word is a great help... in trouble. June night.. k..r.. weaving. The book is a source of knowledge. Only labor is the basis for everything. Love for one's Motherland is a fiery desire for its prosperity.. for a person it is his business. The truth is a victory of conscience in a person. The artist's direct responsibility is to depict reality. Emerald lake. Understanding the environment is my goal. Fiction is the art of words. The vessel's carrying capacity is large. D..horns are dirty. The first and main charm of the story is its simplicity and sincerity. The steppe is a solar disk.

The Don is a capricious river. A kind word is a great help in trouble. June night short. A book is a source of knowledge. Only labor is the basis of everything. Love for your homeland is a fiery desire for its prosperity. The price for a person is his business. Truth is a victory of conscience in a person. The artist’s primary responsibility is to depict the reality of the Emerald Lake. Understanding the environment is my goal. Fiction and literature is the art of words. The vessel's carrying capacity is large. The road is dirty The first and main charm of the story is simplicity and sincerity. The steppe is a large solar disk.

Compose a word from the first letters of the grammatical basics. He pushed the vase. The boat disappeared into the distance. Suddenly the seagulls swooped in. Cloudy. You will find out how today's lesson went.

He pushed the vase. The boat disappeared into the distance. Suddenly seagulls flew in. Oh cloudy. Great

Complete the sentences I liked the lesson... I was interested... Today I understood...

Class: 5

Lesson summary: developing the ability to correctly place dashes between the main parts of a sentence; practicing the skill.

Lesson topic: Dash between subject and predicate.

Lesson objectives:

  • repeat students' knowledge of syntax and punctuation; consolidation of information about the grammatical basis of sentences and ways of expressing them;
  • find out the conditions for placing a dash between the subject and the predicate; nurturing a careful attitude to the word.

Equipment: textbook for 5th grade / T.A.Ladyzhenskaya, M.T.Baranov, L.A.Trostentsova. M.: Education, 2003; interactive board; Handout; Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language./ Russian Academy of Sciences. - M.: Azbukovnik, 1999.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. (Appendix 1 slide)

2. Repetition of what has been learned in syntax. (2, 3, 4, 5 slide)

1) The third is odd. (2, 3, 4, 5 slide)

Write down the words that are redundant in these lines.

a) winter came, cold winter, came early;

b) cheerful titmice, titmice and nuthatches were pecking at food;

c) near a tree; flew past; cold wind;

d) have fun playing, running and jumping, a fun day.

2) Find matches. (6 slide)

Remember that learning syntax.

What is a phrase?

What are the types of phrases?

How are phrases connected grammatically?

What is an offer? Give examples.

Name the types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement. Examples.

What sentences are there based on intonation?

Can a proposal exist without main members?

What is the subject? Predicate?

How can they be expressed? Your examples.

What branch of the science of language studies the system of signs and the rules for their production?

What role do punctuation marks play?

3) Please read the poem. (7 slide)

What's wrong with this poem? Why does reading it make you laugh?

In the river there is a fish on a hillock
A cow moos in a kennel
The dog barks on the fence
A titmouse sings in the corridor
Children playing on the wall
A painting hangs on the window
Frost patterns in the stove
Firewood burning in hands
There's a smart doll in a cage
Tame goldfinch sings napkins
There are skates on the table
They are preparing glasses there for winter
There are notebooks for grandma
Always kept in order.

Place the dots (done on the board using a felt-tip pen).

Read the received text.

* The period is an important punctuation mark. Konstantin Paustovsky wrote: “Punctuation marks are like musical notations. They hold the text firmly and don’t let it fall apart.”

3. Explanation of a new topic.

1) Observation of sentences (8 slide)

What questions does the subject answer? Predicate?

Read these sentences. Find grammar basics. How are they expressed? In what case are these words?

Knowledge is the highest wealth.

A book is the best gift of friendship.

The bridle for the tongue is the head.

A long tongue is a ladder along which misfortune enters the house.

Draw a conclusion.

* If the subject and predicate are expressed as nouns in the nominative case, then a dash is placed between them.

2) Reading theoretical material (textbook p. 65).

Physical education minute.

4. Consolidation.

Place punctuation marks in these sentences. Emphasize the grammatical basis. Explain punctuation marks. Make diagrams of these proposals (handouts for each child).

A good start is half the battle.

Seven is a mysterious number.

Mind is a garment that will never wear out.

Lies have short legs.

Friendship with a good man light, friendship with bad snake venom.

Lies are bad for everyone.

Childhood is a journey that no one can take twice.

5. Generalization.

What are the main parts of the sentence?

How can they be expressed?

When is a dash placed between the main terms?

* Work according to the textbook. Completing exercise 167 (using the Explanatory Dictionary, you need to explain the meaning of the words).

6. Homework. Exercise 169.

7. Grading for the lesson. (9 slide)

8. Reflection.

I liked the lesson...

Today I realized...

To use correct punctuation...

A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate...

1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a connective, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case, for example: Moscow is the capital of Russia. The gathering place is the parade ground (Sholokhov).

As a rule, a dash is placed:

  • 1) sentences that have the nature of a logical definition, for example: Geology is the science of the structure, composition, history of the earth’s crust;
  • 2) in sentences of a scientific or journalistic style, containing a characteristic, assessment of an object or phenomenon, for example: Life is a special form of movement of matter that arises at a certain stage of its development;
  • 3) after homogeneous subjects, for example: Flattery and cowardice are the worst vices (Turgenev); Space and time are the basic forms of all existence;
  • 4) to clarify the meaning of the sentence; Wed: The elder brother is my teacher; My older brother is a teacher.

A dash is usually not placed, although the subject and predicate are expressed in the nominative case of the noun:

  • 1) in sentences of simple composition in a conversational style of speech, for example: My sister is a student;
  • 2) if between the subject and the predicate there are comparative conjunctions like, as if, as if, exactly, no matter how, no matter what, sort of like, etc., for example: A pond is like shiny steel (Fet); You are like a white dove among sisters among gray, simple pigeons (Nekrasov); Your brooch looks like a bee (Chekhov); The houses of the city are like piles of dirty snow (Gorky). Deviations from this rule are associated with the author’s desire to emphasize the connotation of comparison contained in the predicate, for example: Silence is like a piece of ice, you can break it further with a whisper (Leonov); Your speeches are like a sharp knife... (Lermontov); ...Such a phrase is like a grand slam in a jumbled mess (Turgenev);
  • 3) if the predicate is preceded by a negation Not, for example: This officer is no match for you... (Fedin); Analogy is not proof. Wed. proverbs and sayings: The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it; Poverty is not a vice; The heart is not a stone. But a dash is placed if the purpose is to logically and intonationally emphasize the predicate, for example: But an explanation is not an excuse (Gorky); “Human blood is not water” (Stelmakh); Living life is not a field to cross (proverb);
  • 4) if between the subject and the predicate there is an introductory word, adverb, conjunction, particle, for example: ... The goose, it is known, is an important and sensible bird (Turgenev). Cf. the presence or absence of a dash depending on the specified conditions: Cotton is the most important industrial crop. - Cotton, as is known, is the most important industrial crop (an introductory combination has been inserted). Cinema is the most popular form of art. - Cinema is still the most popular form of art (adverb inserted). Kok-sagyz is a rubber planter. - Kok-sagyz is also a rubber grower (a conjunction is inserted). December is the beginning of winter. - December is just the beginning of winter (particle inserted);
  • 5) if the predicate is preceded by an inconsistent secondary member of the sentence relating to it, for example: Stepan is our neighbor... (Sholokhov);
  • 6) if the predicate precedes the subject, for example: Wonderful man Ivan Ivanovich! (Gogol).The placement of a dash in this case emphasizes the intonational division of the sentence into two parts, for example: Nice people are my neighbors! (Nekrasov); The good side is Siberia! (Bitter); Psychological curiosity - my mother (Chekhov);
  • 7) if the subject in combination with the predicate forms an indecomposable phraseological phrase, for example: A theory that fixes only patterns is worth nothing (S. Golubov).

2. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if both of them are expressed by the indefinite form of the verb or if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by the nominative case of a noun, and the other by the indefinite form of the verb. For example: To teach a scientist is only to spoil him (proverb); Our duty is to defend the fortress until our last breath... (Pushkin).

3. Dash is placed before words this, this is, this is what it means, adding the predicate to the subject. For example: The Kremlin is a treasury of Russian architecture, the creation of great masters, a living chronicle of centuries-old history (From newspapers). All the past, present and future are us, and not the blind force of the elements (Gorky).

Wed: The very latest autumn is when the mountain ash shrinks from frost and becomes, as they say, “sweet” (Prishvin) (the whole sentence acts as the predicate).

4. A dash is placed if both main members of the sentence are expressed by the nominative case of a cardinal numeral or if one of them is expressed by the nominative case of a noun, and the other by a numeral or a phrase with a numeral. For example: So, nine forty is three hundred and sixty, right? (Pisemsky); Ursa Major - seven bright stars; The specific gravity of gold is 19.3 g/cm3.

Note. In specialized literature, when characterizing an object, a dash is often not placed in this case, for example, the melting point of gold is 1064.4; The crane's lifting capacity is 2.5 tons, boom clearance is 5 m.

5. A dash is placed between the subject, expressed by the indefinite form of the verb, and the predicate, expressed by the predicative adverb -O, if there is a pause between the main parts of the sentence, for example: Preparing for exams is not so easy (Fedin); Giving in is shameful (V. Tendryakov); It’s very unbearable to move (Goncharov).

But (in the absence of a pause): It is very easy to judge a person in disgrace (L. Tolstoy).

6. A dash is placed before the predicate, an expressed phraseological phrase, for example: Both a woman and a man are a pair of nickels (Chekhov); And the porch - God forbid another prince... (A.N. Tolstoy).

7. With a subject expressed by the pronoun this, a dash is placed or not depending on the logical selection of the subject and the presence or absence of a pause after it. Wed:

  • a) This is the beginning of all beginnings; This is the actress's first performance; This is loneliness (Chekhov);
  • b) This is Zverkov’s house (Gogol); This is a net for catching quails (Chekhov); This is a very difficult problem.

8. A dash is usually not placed if the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun and the predicate by the nominative case of a noun, for example: ... I am an honest person and never give compliments (Chekhov); I am terribly glad that you are my brother (L. Tolstoy); He is corruption, he is the plague, he is the plague of these places (Krylov).

In this case, a dash is placed when contrasting or when logically emphasizing the predicate, for example: You - old baby, a theorist, and I am a young old man and a practitioner... (Chekhov); I am a manufacturer, you are a shipowner... (Gorky); Not I, not I, but you are the harmful element (Fedin).

9. A dash is not placed if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by an interrogative-relative pronoun, and the other by a noun in the nominative case or a personal pronoun, for example: Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.

10. As a rule, a dash is not placed if the predicate is expressed by an adjective, pronominal adjective, or prepositional-nominal combination. For example: She has a very kind heart, but a bad head (Turgenev); My cherry orchard! (Chekhov). The shark’s back is dark blue, and its belly is dazzling white (Goncharov).

Placing a dash in these cases aims to break down the sentence intonationally and facilitate the perception of its content, for example: The pupils are cat-like, long... (Sholokhov); The height near the scattered houses of the farm is commanding... (Kazakevich).

11. In footnotes, a dash separates the word being explained from the explanation, regardless of the form of expression of the predicate. For example: Lakshmi is the goddess of beauty and wealth in Indian mythology; Apis is considered a sacred animal by the ancient Egyptians.

1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a connective, if both main members of the sentence are expressed nouns in the nominative case form: Loneliness in creativity - difficult piece (Ch.); Next station - Mytishchi, Moscow Games - a wonderful academy sports creativity(Gas.).

As a rule, a dash is placed:

1) in sentences that have the nature of a logical definition: Geometry - department mathematicians who study spatial forms and relationships of bodies;

2) in sentences of book styles (scientific, journalistic, official business), containing characteristics, assessment object or phenomenon: Matter is an objective reality, existing outside and independently of human consciousness;Disarmament is a command time;

3) in identity sentences (the subject and the predicate express the same concept): Moscow is the capital Russia;

4) after homogeneous subjects: Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan— the largest cities of the Volga region;

5) with parallelism of constructions (parts of a sentence): A diligent person in a team is a treasure, a lazy one is a heavy burden;

6) to clarify the meaning of the sentence; Wed: His older sister is a teacher; His older sister is his teacher.

Note. Usually there is no dash:

1) in sentences of simple conversational style: My mother is an engineer; My brother is a schoolboy;

2) if the role of the connective is comparative unions as if, as if, exactly, as if, anyway etc.: Speeches as speeches (Furm.); The stars seem small diamonds; The clouds seem fairytale monsters; Today the sky is like the sea.

Deviations from this position among classical writers and modern authors are associated with previous punctuation norms or with the desire to emphasize the shade of comparison contained in the predicate: Your speeches are like a sharp knife (L.); Such a phrase - it's like a big helmet in jumble (T.); This girl is like a holiday! (Already); The duration of the war is as long as a lifetime (TV);

3) if the predicate is preceded by a negation not: This officer is no match for you (Fed.); ...The Ussuri tiger is not a fairy tale at all, it’s almost a reality (March); Poverty is not a vice(Progov.); The heart is not a stone(Progov.); Analogy is not proof.

Placing a dash in this case aims to logically and intonationally emphasize the predicate: But an explanation is not an excuse(M.G.); His views on family etiquette - isn't this a prejudice?;

4) if there is an introductory word between the subject and the predicate, sometimes an adverb, conjunction, particle: Dubava, it seems, is a friend of Korchagin (N. O); Risk, as we know, is a noble cause; A rash act is generally a dangerous step; Sergeev is now a famous artist; Fir is also a resinous tree; March is just the beginning of spring.

Wed. presence/absence of a dash depending on the specified conditions: Ivanov - good chess player; Ivanov, seems to be a good chess player (having an introductory word); Ivanov is now an experienced chess player (adverb presence); Ivanov is also a famous chess player (the presence of an alliance); Ivanov is only a beginner chess player (presence of a particle);

5) if the predicate is preceded by a secondary member of the sentence relating to it: Stepan is our neighbor (Sh.); Kolya is my friend;

6) if the predicate precedes the subject: Wonderful man Ivan Ivanovich! (G.); This valley is a wonderful place! (L.); The picturesque people are Indians (Gonch.); This boy is a good student.

The placement of a dash in this case emphasizes the intonation division of the sentence into two parts: Nice people are my neighbors! (P.); An amazing thing is a dream (T.); Psychological curiosity - my mother (Ch.); A clever little thing is a human mind (M. G.); Coffin - road (TV);

7) if the subject in combination with the predicate forms an indecomposable combination -— phraseological turnover : Grosz price theory that fixes some patterns(Goal.); Two boots of a pair (Pogov.).

2. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if both of them are expressed in an indefinite form verb (infinitive) or if one of the main members is expressed by the nominative form of the noun, and the other by the infinitive form of the verb: To talk about something decided is only to confuse (M. G.); Our duty is to protect strength until our last breath(P.); Of course it's big art - wait (Personal); Drinking tea is not cutting wood (Last); Force lead me astray- pipes!; Write mediocre thingsit doesn't take any talent- an infinitive in the function of a nominative topic, the predicate is expressed in a whole sentence; It would seem that it would be easier to write a response letter (cf.: Writing a reply letter is easy).

But (with inversion and no pause): What a joy it is to hug your son! (Dolm.)

3. Dash is placed before words this, this is, this means, this means, here, adding the predicate to the subject: Catching a ruff or a perch is such bliss! (Ch.); The latest autumn is when the mountain ash shrinks from frost and becomesas they say, “sweet”(Prishv.) - the whole sentence acts as the predicate; To understand means to forgive; Sports and culture- here are two keys to joy, beauty(Gas.).

4. A dash is placed if both main members of the sentence are expressed by cardinal numerals or if one of them is expressed by the nominative case form of the noun, and the other by a numeral or a phrase with a numeral: Twenty years - good thing (Sim.); Partings and meetings- two main parts, from which happiness will someday be formed(Dolm.); Three times five is fifteen; Speed ​​- sixty kilometers per hour.

Note. In specialized literature, when characterizing an object, a dash is often not used in this case: The crane's lifting capacity is 2.5 tons, the boom radius is 5 meters; Melting point of gold 1063 about S.

5. If there is a pause between the main members of the sentence, a dash is placed between the subject expressed indefinite form verb, and a predicate, expressed by a predicative adverb in -o (state category): Giving in is shameful(Tendr.); It’s very unbearable to move (Gonch.); It's terrible to chicken out at the last moment; This is fucking fun - boating [cf. without pause: Boating is fun; Judge a man in disgrace easy (L.T.)].

6. A dash is placed before the predicate, expressed phraseological turnover: Both woman and man- a pair of nickels (Ch.); And the porch - God forbid another prince(A.T.); His income is now- Be healthy; Seryozha - seventh water on jelly both you and me.

7. With a subject expressed by the word this, a dash is placed between the main members of the sentence depending on the logical selection of the subject and the presence of a pause after it; Wed: This is the beginning of all beginnings. - This is a good start; This is loneliness (Ch.). - This is Zverkov’s (G.) house.

8. If the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate by the nominative case form of a noun, a dash is usually not placed between them: He is corruption, he is plague, he is ulcer these places (Kr.); I am an honest person and I never give compliments(Ch.).

However, in this case the dash is placed:

1) with logical underlining: I am a page to your pen. I'll accept everything. I'm a white page. I am the keeper of your goodness... (Color);

2) when opposition:I am a manufacturer, you are a shipowner(M.G.); She is a complete ball of nerves, and he is the embodiment Olympic calm;

3) with parallelism of constructions (sentences or parts of a sentence): Without you I’m a star without light. Without you I am a creator without a world (Br.); We are people restless because we are the answer for the planet; Two people, he and she, walked side by side: he is a young man in a dark suit, she - young, very pretty young woman in a colorful dress;

4) with inversion of the main members of the sentence: Hero this performance - I; An example of this is him.

9. A dash is not placed between the main members of a sentence if one of them is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun in the nominative case or a personal pronoun: Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are; Whose book is this?; Who are you?

10. If the predicate is expressed by an adjective (including pronominal) or a prepositional-nominal combination, a dash is usually not placed before the predicate: The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, the driver is stubborn... (P.); The earth is great and beautiful (Ch.); My cherry orchard! (Ch.); The sky is without a single cloud; People are here extraordinary kindness.

A dash is placed before the predicate-adjective:

1) with the logical or intonational division of a sentence: Pupils - cat-like, long(Sh.); Height near the scattered houses of the farm - team (Kaz.);

2) in the presence of homogeneous predicates: Rhythm Suvorov School -clear, fast, military(Gas.); He has changed a lot:gait, movements, features faces, even looks - softer, calmer, simpler;

3) with parallelism of constructions (parts of a sentence): The night is warm, the sky is blue, the moon is silvery, the stars are brilliant.

11. In footnotes (notes, explanations), a dash separates the word being explained from the explanation (regardless of the form of expression of the predicate): Poseidon - in ancient Greek mythology, the god of the seas; Pegasus - considered a symbol of poetic inspiration.

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