Tyutchev and Denisieva love story briefly. The True Story of the Last Muse

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More than once you have heard the confession:
"I'm not worth your love."
Let her be my creation -
But how poor I am in front of her...

Before your love
It hurts me to remember myself -
I stand, silent, in awe
And I bow to you...

When, sometimes, so tenderly,
With such faith and prayer
You involuntarily bend your knee
Before the dear cradle,

Where she sleeps - your birth -
Your nameless cherub, -
You too understand my humility
Before your loving heart.

Elena Alexandrovna Denisieva (1826-1864)

The girl from an impoverished noble family was twenty-four years old when forty-seven-year-old Tyutchev noticed her. Their meeting took place at the Smolny Institute, where the poet’s two daughters, Dasha and Katya, studied together with Deniseva, who was a volunteer student. A.I. Georgievsky (her sister’s husband) wrote about Elena: “ ...nature endowed her with great intelligence and wit, great impressionability and liveliness, depth of feelings and energy of character, and when she found herself in a brilliant society, she herself transformed into a brilliant young lady who... always gathered around her many brilliant admirers ...»

The poet's passion gradually grew into passionate love, which did not go unanswered. The news of the “criminal, shameful” relationship quickly spread throughout St. Petersburg, and a scandal broke out. Tyutchev tried not to pay attention to the high society whispering, but the more he “flaunted public opinion,” the more Deniseva got it. The doors of many houses where she had previously been a welcome guest were closed in front of her. The father disowned his daughter, and, moreover, he forbade her relatives to communicate with her.

The noisy scandal dealt Elena Alexandrovna a terrible blow, but did not force her to abandon the love into which she threw herself like into a pool. From Fyodor Tyutchev she gave birth to three children - Elena, Fyodor and Nikolai. At the mother's insistence, all children were registered in the registry registers under their father's last name, but this did not give them any civil rights. By law they were considered illegitimate. Loving Denisyeva, Tyutchev infinitely appreciated Ernestina until the end of his days. The wife knew about her husband’s affair, but, like a wise woman, she experienced this tragedy within herself and did not take her feelings out to people. More than a year after meeting Deniseva, Tyutchev wrote to his wife: “ Oh, how much better you are than me, how much higher! How much restraint, how much seriousness in your love - and how small, how pathetic I feel compared to you...»

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev wrote many interesting poetic works. But his best love lyrics are recognized as the magnificent Denisievsky cycle. This is bright poetry dedicated to the last love of the great Russian poet.

The romantic story began in 1850, when the mature author was already 47 years old. His chosen one was a young graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens, Elena Aleksandrovna Denisyeva. The love affair was long and had a rather tragic end. The beloved woman of Fyodor Tyutchev passed away at a fairly young age due to a fatal illness.

However, despite such sad events at the end of the relationship, the poet had something to remember... The affair with his beautiful chosen one was fantastic, filled with tender feelings of mutual love, passion and madness. They were condemned by those around them for the illegality of the relationship, and these slander made Elena Denisyeva unhappy. Fyodor Ivanovich tried in every possible way to protect his beloved from evil tongues, but all his aspirations were in vain...

During a long-term relationship, Elena Denisyeva gave birth to three children. Tyutchev, without hesitation, recognized paternity and legally adopted them, but even such a responsible step could not change the opinions of others. They did not want to see the poet’s chosen one in society; all doors were closed to her person. She existed in a terrible exile, and this attitude towards her personality did not allow her to plunge headlong into the pool of happiness and love with her chosen man.

The negative influence of society led to serious changes in the character of Elena Alexandrovna. There is no trace left of the once sweet and friendly girl. Now her behavior was dominated by hot temper, resentment and irritation. But even such characteristic changes in the image of his beloved did not affect the poet’s sincere feelings of love.

Soon, misunderstandings, frequent scandals, reproaches and unrest began to appear in the relationship between the lovers. It is not known how this story of forbidden love would have ended, but by the will of fate they were presented with a terrible separation. Denisyeva died of tuberculosis (then still an incurable and fatal disease) in the arms of Tyutchev.

Analysis of the “Denisevsky cycle”

All these intense events and changes in personal relationships between Denisyeva and Tyutchev formed the basis for a fascinating and rather romantic collection of poems - “The Denisyev Cycle”. This book was dedicated to the last love of the great Russian poet.

This magnificent collection contains the most dramatic and romantic stories based on the real feelings of the author. Tyutchev quickly conveyed his worries and feelings about what happened, and at the same time, he told his reader about great love, unshakable by numerous difficulties and misunderstandings on the part of others.

These wonderful poems have deep meaning. They clearly show destructive passion, a mad struggle for justice, emotional tension and a challenge to a misunderstanding community. With all his love for Elena Alexandrovna, the great poet could not enter into a legal relationship with his chosen one, but he showed the public in every possible way his sincere attitude towards the young girl chosen by his heart and soul.

Since the poet was a fairly public person, his stormy romance with Denisyeva was instantly criticized by the public. These condemnations gave rise to numerous traumas in the souls of the poet and his mistress, and the author conveyed all the events experienced in his lyrical works, published in the unique collection “Denisevsky Cycle”.

Many poems from this book are filled with romantic notes and passion. The poet sings of his love, comparing these extraordinary feelings with some natural phenomena.

Each work from the cycle carries a certain meaning. Some poems are filled with tragic feelings and hopelessness, while others glorify the beloved woman and reveal to the world the real feelings that struck the hearts of two people doomed to misunderstanding.

Tyutchev carefully examines the problem of human guilt, lies and the falsity of friendly relations. His characters seem to be confronting the whole world, which wants to destroy the tender and reverent relationships of lovers.

To summarize, we can draw a very obvious conclusion. “The Denisiev Cycle,” unlike other works by Tyutchev, is based on real events and experiences of the author. In these poems, Fyodor Ivanovich independently analyzes his life and relationship with Elena Alexandrovna. These magnificent poems are filled with philosophical and psychological meaning, sound reasoning and the poet’s personal thoughts regarding the events that took place.

O my prophetic soul!
Oh heart full of anxiety
Oh, how you beat on the threshold
As if double existence!..
So, you are a resident of two worlds,

Your day is painful and passionate,
Your dream is prophetically unclear,
Like a revelation of spirits...

Let the suffering chest
Fatal passions excite -
The soul is ready, like Mary,
To cling to the feet of Christ forever.

A novel in verse about great and sincere love

Many literary critics call the “Denisevsky cycle” a real novel in verse. All works from this collection can be divided into chapters that tell about the most beautiful and unhappy feelings of the main character and heroine. Their stormy romance was doomed to malicious condemnation, but, by the will of fate, all the most painful slander fell as an insurmountable burden on the fragile female shoulders of the poet’s beloved.

In the Denisiev cycle, love is unhappy in its very happiness, the heroes love and in love itself remain enemies. But there is another meaning in this novel: the strong seek salvation from the weak, the protected from the defenseless.
N. Berkovsky

In Tyutchev's poetic novel there is a psychological twist that reminds the experienced reader of the appearance of the often suffering heroine from Dostoevsky's magnificent novels.

Denisyeva’s cycle is almost entirely devoted to the experiences of her beloved woman. In some poems, the writer speaks from Elena Alexandrovna herself. Already from the first lines, one can feel the comparison of sincere and mutual love with an evil fate that destroys the life of a young girl. In many poems the epithet “fatal” is repeated - day, gaze, passion, merger and meeting.

The woman prayed with all her soul and took care of her feelings and passionate relationship with her beloved, but fate prepared a terrible sentence for her, and everything that was built with reverent and sincere love turned into dirt and condemnation of the crowd. Denisyeva perfectly understood, and even felt with all her heart, the deep and crazy love on the part of Fyodor Ivanovich, but this love brought not happiness and serenity, but sorrow and painful tears.

The sun is shining, the waters are sparkling,
Smile in everything, life in everything,
The trees tremble joyfully
Bathing in the blue sky.
The trees sing, the waters glisten,
The air is dissolved with love,
And the world, the blooming world of nature,
Intoxicated with the abundance of life.
But also in excess of rapture
There is no stronger rapture
One smile of tenderness
Of your tormented soul.

"Oh, how murderously we love..."

The poetic novel in verse begins with the delightful work “Oh, how painfully we love...”, based on a high and rather tragic note. When reading this poem, sometimes it even seems that with these words the poet is trying to make a final part. However, it is with these loud lines that the story of great and unrecognized love begins, which entailed the most painful consequences for the couple in love.

This lyrical work consists of ten quatrains, and at the very beginning and at the end of the verse the poet repeats the same phrase, the most emotional, reflecting the main idea of ​​the entire poem. When writing, the author uses various epithets and many punctuation marks, focusing the reader’s attention on important nuances. With the help of an oxymoron, the author skillfully expresses the lyrical concept.

If we analyze this work according to its meaning, we can distinguish three main parts. In the first, the poet points to his memories, trying to find the answer to numerous questions that often torment the soul and thoughts of a man in love. In the second part, he already finds the answer and tells the reader about how such an unforeseen event occurred in his fate, which radically changed his entire subsequent life. The last part is final; the result of these relationships is already clearly visible in it. As it becomes clear from the first lines of the poem, the main characters of the lyrical work are Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev himself and his last love, Elena Aleksandrovna Denisyeva.

Oh, how murderously we love,
As in the violent blindness of passions
We are most likely to destroy,
What is dear to our hearts!
How long ago, proud of my victory,
You said: she is mine...
A year has not passed - ask and find out,
What was left of her?
Where did the roses go?
The smile of the lips and the sparkle of the eyes?
Everything was scorched, tears burned out
With its flammable moisture.
Do you remember, when you met,
At the first fatal meeting,
Her magical gaze and speech,
And the laughter of a child is alive?
So what now? And where is all this?
And how long was the dream?
Alas, like northern summer,
He was a passing guest!
Fate's terrible sentence
Your love was for her
And undeserved shame
She laid down her life!
A life of renunciation, a life of suffering!
In her spiritual depths
She was left with memories...
But they changed them too.
And on earth she felt wild,
The charm is gone...
The crowd surged and trampled into the mud
What bloomed in her soul.
And what about the long torment?
How did she manage to save the ashes?
Pain, the evil pain of bitterness,
Pain without joy and without tears!
Oh, how murderously we love,
As in the violent blindness of passions
We are most likely to destroy,
What is dear to our hearts!

In the cycle dedicated to Elena Denisyeva, philosophical issues are visible, clearly focused on clarifying the meaning of human life. The hero of lyric poetry is immersed in special dreams, he constantly reflects on what is happening, compares some facts and draws reasonable conclusions.

The reality surrounding the main character proves the opposite meaning of true love. Now, the hero understands that this feeling is built not only on joyful and pleasant things for the soul. Love often presents numerous trials and tormenting experiences, which were clearly felt by the author of the brilliant novel in verse - Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

All day she lay in oblivion,
And all of it was already covered with shadows.
The warm summer rain was pouring - its streams
The leaves sounded cheerful.

And slowly she came to her senses,
And I started listening to the noise,
And I listened for a long time - captivated,
Immersed in conscious thought...

And so, as if talking to myself,
She spoke consciously
(I was with her, killed but alive):
“Oh, how I loved all this!”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

You loved, and the way you love -
No, no one has ever succeeded!
Oh my God!.. and survive this...
And my heart didn't break into pieces...

Tyutchev became a master love lyrics, each of his poems accurately conveys the emotions and worldview of a person in love, creates a special mood and influences readers. The most romantic and successful is considered the “Denisyevsky cycle”, dedicated to the poet’s beloved woman, Elena Aleksandrovna Denisyeva.

In July 1850, Tyutchev met Elena Deniseva, a student at the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens. During these years, he created a cycle of poems - masterpieces of love lyrics - addressed to Denisyeva, a kind of “novel in verse”, in which the poet spoke about a proud young woman who challenged secular society.

All poems of the “Denisevsky cycle” in chronological order

Send, Lord, your joy
To those who in the summer heat and heat
Like a poor beggar passing by the garden
Walking along the hard pavement -

Who glances casually through the fence
In the shade of the trees, the grass of the valleys,
To the inaccessible coolness
Luxurious, bright meadows.

Not hospitable for him
The trees have grown into canopy,
Not for him, like a smoky cloud,
The fountain hung in the air.

The azure grotto, as if from fog,
In vain his gaze beckons,
And the dewy dust of the fountain
The head will not dawn on him.

Send, Lord, your joy
To the one who is on the path of life
Like a poor beggar passing by the garden
Walking along the sultry pavement.

And again the star plays
In the light swell of the Neva waves,
And again love entrusts
She has her own mysterious boat.

And between the swell and the star
He glides as if in a dream,
And two ghosts with me
Carried away into the distance by a wave.

Children, is this idle laziness?
Do they spend their leisure time here at night?
Or the blessed two shadows
Are they leaving the earthly world?

You, spilled like the sea,
Lush jet wave,
Take refuge in your space
The secret of the humble boat!

No matter how hot the noon breathes
Through the open window,
In this calm temple,
Where everything is quiet and dark,

Where are the living incense
Wandering in the dark shadows
In the sweet twilight half asleep
Immerse yourself and relax.

Here the fountain is tireless
Day and night he sings in the corner
And sprinkles with invisible dew
Enchanted darkness.

And in the flickering half-light,
Busy with secret passion
Here is a poet in love
A light dream is blowing.

Under the breath of bad weather,
Swollen, darkened waters
And they were covered with lead -
And through their harsh gloss
Cloudy and purple evening
Shines with a rainbow ray,

Showers golden sparks,
Sows roses of fire,
And the stream carries them away...
Above the dark azure wave
The evening is fiery and stormy
Tears off his wreath...

Don’t say: he loves me as before,
As before, he values ​​me...
Oh no! He is inhumanly ruining my life,
At least I see the knife in his hand is shaking.

Now in anger, now in tears, sad, indignant,
Carried away, wounded in my soul,
I suffer, I don’t live... by them, by them alone I live -
But this life!.. Oh, how bitter it is!

He measures the air for me so carefully and sparingly...
They don’t measure this against a fierce enemy...
Oh, I’m still breathing painfully and difficultly,
I can breathe, but I can’t live.

More than once you have heard the confession:
"I'm not worth your love."
Let her be my creation -
But how poor I am in front of her...

Before your love
It hurts me to remember myself -
I stand, silent, in awe
And I bow to you...

When sometimes it’s so touching,
With such faith and prayer
You involuntarily bend your knee
Before the dear cradle,

Where she sleeps - your birth -
Your nameless cherub, -
You too understand my humility
Before your loving heart.

Oh, how murderously we love,

We are most likely to destroy,
What is dear to our hearts!

How long ago, proud of my victory,
You said: she is mine...
A year has not passed - ask and find out,
What was left of her?

Where did the roses go?
The smile of the lips and the sparkle of the eyes?
Everything was scorched, tears burned out
With its flammable moisture.

Do you remember, when you met,
At the first fatal meeting,
Her magical gaze and speech,
And baby-like laughter?

So what now? And where is all this?
And how long was the dream?
Alas, like northern summer,
He was a passing guest!

Fate's terrible sentence
Your love was for her
And undeserved shame
She laid down her life!

A life of renunciation, a life of suffering!
In her spiritual depths
She was left with memories...
But they changed them too.

And on earth she felt wild,
The charm is gone...
The crowd surged and trampled into the mud
What bloomed in her soul.

And what about the long torment?
How did she manage to save the ashes?
Pain, the evil pain of bitterness,
Pain without joy and without tears!

Oh, how murderously we love!
As in the violent blindness of passions
We are most likely to destroy,
What is dearer to our hearts!..

The sun is shining, the waters are sparkling,
Smile in everything, life in everything,
The trees tremble joyfully
Bathing in the blue sky.

The trees sing, the waters glisten,
The air is dissolved with love,
And the world, the blooming world of nature,
Intoxicated with the abundance of life.

But also in excess of rapture
There is no stronger rapture
One smile of tenderness
Of your tormented soul...

O my prophetic soul!
Oh heart full of anxiety
Oh, how you beat on the threshold
As if double existence!..

So, you are a resident of two worlds,
Your day is painful and passionate,
Your dream is prophetically unclear,
Like a revelation of spirits...

Let the suffering chest
Fatal passions excite -
The soul is ready, like Mary,
To cling to the feet of Christ forever.

All day she lay in oblivion,
And all of it was already covered with shadows.
The warm summer rain was pouring - its streams
The leaves sounded cheerful.

And slowly she came to her senses,
And I started listening to the noise,
And I listened for a long time - captivated,
Immersed in conscious thought...

And so, as if talking to myself,
She spoke consciously
(I was with her, killed but alive):
“Oh, how I loved all this!”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

You loved, and the way you love -
No, no one has ever succeeded!
Oh my God!.. and survive this...

When there is no God's consent,
No matter how much she suffers, lovingly,
The soul, alas, will not suffer happiness,
But he can suffer himself...

Soul, soul that is completely
I gave myself up to one cherished love
And she was the only one who breathed and was sick,
God bless you!

He is merciful, almighty,
He, warming with his ray
And a lush color blooming in the air,
And pure pearl at the bottom of the sea.

How she poured all of herself into me.

And now it’s been a year, without complaints, without reproach,
Having lost everything, I greet fate...
To be so terribly alone until the end,
How alone I will be in my coffin.

There is not a day when the soul does not ache,
I wouldn’t pine for the past,
I was looking for words, I couldn’t find them,
And it dried up, dried up every day, -

Like one who, with burning melancholy
I was yearning for my native land
And suddenly I would find out that the wave
He is buried at the bottom of the sea.

These poems were written under the impression of sudden, strong and destructive love. The cycle began to describe not only love itself, but also how it can be perceived by others; a motif of suffering appeared, which was not characteristic of early creativity.

From the biography

At the 47th year of his life, the poet met a young graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens. By that time, Tyutchev was already known as a poet and a family man. He had a wife and children, but this could not restrain his passion for Elena, who was almost the same age as his daughters. A forbidden passion flared up between an adult poet and a 24-year-old girl.

The affair continued for 14 years and became disastrous for young Elena. Society could not accept such an open manifestation of feelings. Tyutchev and his chosen one were talked about everywhere; they were no longer accepted in the world. Even Denisyeva’s father abandoned his daughter. It was a hard blow for the girl. Her character has changed a lot. Elena became irritable and nervous, but did not leave her beloved.

Their love continued to blossom despite the condemnation of society. Tyutchev understood what he had done and how he had ruined the young girl’s life, but he could not do anything.

Soon Elena fell ill with tuberculosis and quickly fell ill. Fyodor Ivanovich sat with her until her death. By that time they already had three children, whom Tyutchev recognized and recorded under his last name.

The poet remembered well the last day of his beloved’s life. She carefully examined all the objects around the bed, as if she understood that she would soon pass away. This served as a powerful impetus for writing a special cycle, which was supposed to reflect the full weight of their love.

When Elena passed away, Fyodor Ivanovich could not come to his senses for a long time. He continued to work on poems and often wrote to friends, saying that he missed Elena. Soon the poet returned to his family and completed the cycle, which reflected his experiences and guilt for everything that happened. The poems, supported by feelings, turned out to be strong and carried a reproach to a society that could not accept such love.

Features of the “Denisevsky cycle”

Some literary scholars believe that the cycle is very similar to a novel in verse. It can be divided into chapters, stitched together by a common idea and theme. The poems were based on the author’s real experiences and real feelings for Elena. Almost the entire “novel” is about tough love. In some poems, Denisyeva herself is the lyrical hero and everything is told on her behalf.

The cycle reflected all stages of the lovers’ life together. Tyutchev sought to describe how love can be both good and terrible evil. It itself inspires and destroys everything that was built before. Fyodor Ivanovich did not forget to mention the society that controls these feelings and evaluates them. Every step of the lovers is monitored and spread by gossip. Judgment and discussion everywhere - makes love become poison for the weakest of the couple.

The cycle is characterized by a comparison of love with natural phenomena, glorification of feelings and emotions, and depiction of romantic moments. The poems can be divided into two parts: some describe the tragic side of falling in love, all the troubles and obstacles that come along the way, others describe the depth and tenderness of forbidden feelings.

The heroes of the cycle seem to be confronting the whole world at once, which sets itself the goal of destroying the union. Society is portrayed as a collection of barriers and anger, unable to understand motives or forgive passion. Heroes have to defend their right to happiness. Together they are both happy and unhappy. They understand everything that is happening and are lost in feelings. They are able to reason sensibly and assess the situation, but they cannot help themselves.

In some poems in the cycle, the word “fatal” is constantly repeated, creating the desired connotation, indicating the peculiarity of the relationship of the main characters, their doom. The poet seems to curse and at the same time rejoice at that day, the meeting, the merger, the gaze that brought him together with Elena. Merging these words with the epithet “fatal”, he gives his own assessment of what is happening, focusing on the reality of the feelings experienced.

The entire cycle consists of romantic poetry depicting his relationship with Elena Alexandrovna, but among them there are also deeply tragic ones. The last poems describe the sadness of loss loved one. The poet even depicted the last day of his beloved’s life, her every movement and the shadows that enveloped the dying woman.

The cycle ends with poems of separation. They describe the difficult fate of Elena, her premature death and regret. The poet says that many years have already passed, and he still could not forget his beloved. His soul dries up and languishes without support, wants to find its former strength, but can no longer do this.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was able to describe all the experiences and worries that a person experiences during a relationship. This is the joy of a first date, and romantic everyday life, and even farewell to love and the bitterness of loneliness.

The cycle is rightfully considered a novel in verse, because it contains character development and action that inexorably leads to the destruction of the family and complete loneliness. You can even find a force that interferes with the achievement of happiness - the opinion of the public, which, as if with its own hands, brought the weakest - Elena - to the grave.

Analysis of the poem “Oh, how murderously we love...”

The poem “Oh, how murderously we love...” sets the tone for the entire cycle. The first line gives impetus to the beginning of the love story and at the same time completes the entire cycle. The poem can be called the first and the last, because it identifies not only the main problems, but also shows the whole life of a man in love.

It can be divided into three parts, which are interconnected. First, the poet draws attention to his memories, which torment his soul. A lot of guesswork and attempts to find answers to complex questions that make him vulnerable. It’s as if he got confused in himself and now can’t understand what was for the better and what was for the worse.

In the second part of the poem, the hero already knows the answers. He experienced the first and most difficult stage of falling in love. Now he has confidence in the future. It becomes clear to him exactly how all this happened. The hero confidently tells the reader about how and what happened. He describes everything that happened without a doubt and easily talks about the decision that changed his life.

In the third part, all previous stories are evaluated. The hero talks about the results of his destructive love, shows her as she is, but does not want to change anything. He is still confident in himself and that he is right. However, the last lines make you think about who is to blame for the anger of the crowd, who caused everything that happened.

Oh, how murderously we love,
As in the violent blindness of passions
We are most likely to destroy,
What is dear to our hearts!

In the main characters of the poem, Elena and Fyodor Ivanovich himself can easily be guessed. This is the story of their meeting, falling in love and falling. The poet seems to draw a line with the last lines; he separates the poem from the philosophical search for the culprit.

The poem “Oh, how murderously we love...” is considered one of the best examples of love lyrics. It is the most recognizable of the entire cycle due to its chronological narration and a large number of epithets. Punctuation marks indicate nuances, drawing attention to what would be invisible without them. All this makes the poem unique, combining both a romantic line and philosophical overtones.

Analysis of the poem “Last Love”

One of the few poems written on behalf of the author. It is constructed in a special manner of dialogue. There are no replicas or questions, but the words are perceived as a stream of speech. You can hear disturbed breathing, slight disappointment and dissatisfaction. Rhymes and assonances, the size of the poem and some epithets create the illusion of living speech, consisting of answers to non-existent questions.

The dialogism of the poem creates the impression that there is a silent listener nearby who participates in the conversation but does not interfere directly. All the words written in the poem answer questions that no one has ever asked.

This is poetry of contrasts, in which heavenly love is contrasted with fatal love, south with north, and thunder with silence. The poet skillfully describes natural phenomena, comparing them with the state of his soul, talks about the problem, but does not name it directly. Everything is presented through images and actions that serve as a reflection of what is happening in reality.

The poet conveys impressions of objects and phenomena in the present tense, as if during a conversation he sees and hears everything that is happening (“crystal day”, “the sea lulls dreams with a quiet wave”, “that gentle smile of withering”). He conveys the past days in the present, as if returning to pleasant memories, wanting to make them a reality after a long time.

The poem seems like a fragment of a conversation in the middle, when the topic has already been set and all that remains is to maintain the dialogue. As if the interlocutor has already asked his questions and is simply waiting for answers. “Last Love” is an example of love lyrics that shows feelings differently than before. It creates an imitation of communication, rather than a simple story about feelings, as was often the case before.

Analysis of the poem “All day she lay in oblivion...”

The poem is very tragic, devoid of any hope for the best. This is a description of Elena Alexandrovna’s last hours, her farewell to life. The poem can be roughly divided into several parts, united by the common motive of suffering and grief at the loss of a loved one.

In the first part, the poet describes a rainy day when his beloved already felt her death. She was unconscious all the time and only a few hours before her death finally came to her senses. Elena understood that her time was running out and listened carefully to the sounds of rain. She still reached out to life, but could no longer change anything.

The second part is devoted to the furnishings of the house. The hero seems to be diligently remembering everything, so that later he can recall this day in his memory more than once in all its details. He pays attention to little things that were previously completely insignificant, notices what was not important to him before. He has to create an exact copy of the room in which the great grief happened.

And then the state of the man’s soul is depicted. He is heartbroken, he does not want to believe that this can be survived. Left him very important person, who loved in a way that not every woman can. The hero has to put up with this, but the very thought terrifies him.

Oh, Lord!.. and survive this...
And my heart didn't break into pieces...

The poem contains many exclamatory sentences that convey the mood and priorities of the main character. They highlight the most important emotions at that moment and make them dominate over the others. Also often there are ellipses, which emphasize the incompleteness of thought. This is not a dry documentation of facts, but the perception of the creative soul of a great tragedy. Therefore, the emphasis changes and the main things in the poem become the little things that were not important before. They all gather around death and create its portrait.

Frequent repetition of the sounds “l”, “s”, “sh” imitates the sound of rain and creates a musical accompaniment to the words. This allows you to immerse yourself in the moment described by the poet, feel it, and create your own impression of it.

The warm summer rain was pouring - its streams
The leaves sounded cheerful.

The poem is dedicated to Elena Alexandrovna, although it accurately conveys the grief of any person before whose eyes a loved one dies and creates a sad mood full of grief and pity.

Analysis of poems written on the first anniversary of Elena's death

The poem was written before the first anniversary of Elena's death. Tyutchev took this day very hard. He constantly blamed himself for everything that happened because he thought that he could have saved his beloved. At that time, men were forgiven for their love affairs more readily than women. And Elena bore the entire burden of the crowd’s condemnation on her shoulders. Because of her love, even her aunt had to leave the Smolny Institute. She was left completely alone, without support. And Tyutchev knew this, but he always refused to legitimize their marriage.

He understood that if he had decided to take this step, Elena would not have suffered so much. Every year before the anniversary of her death, Fyodor Ivanovich very much regretted that he had not helped his beloved. He wrote two poems a few days apart, which conveyed his warm and tender feelings for the deceased.
Poem “On the eve of the anniversary of August 4, 1864” very different from all other works included in the cycle. It deliberately creates a depressing atmosphere. The epithets “quiet light”, “fading day” indicate the onset of night, which appeared in the poet’s soul after the death of Elena. The use of “r”, “s” and hissing sounds makes the atmosphere more gloomy and mysterious.

The poet also uses addresses, for example, “my angel,” which transfer the actions of the poem into an unreal world. It’s as if Elena is still alive and hears every word addressed to her. She appears as a ray of hope in the dark kingdom and cuts through the darkness surrounding the hero.

The poem “How unexpected and bright...” is very different from the previous one. It is brighter and happier. There is no more thickening of colors in it, the world does not become gloomy and hostile, but, on the contrary, beckons to itself, creates comfort and warmth. Voiced sounds create a feeling of happiness and calm.

The poem has many epithets that make it softer and brighter (“rainbow leading”, “air arch”). They show Tyutchev’s mood, create a picture of the world that surrounds him, and which is trustworthy. However, the poem also reflected the sad fate of Elena.
The tone turns from sublime and joyful to sad and tragic. The verb “turned pale” completely changes the mood of the entire poem, again returning it to the original theme. The death of his beloved does not let the poet go.

These two poems are very different from each other. This can be explained by the fact that they were written on opposite sides of the critical date - August 4th. The date seems to act as a barrier through which the poet has to pass every year. Before her, he is sad and cannot forgive himself for much. He is ready to repent for every mistake he makes. After August 4, Tyutchev becomes himself again. Accepts everything that happened. He regrets the lost opportunities, but does not value them above all else.

That is why these two poems are so different and very different from each other. They show a different poet who struggles with his emotions and desires, against all odds.

Analysis of the poem “Today, friend, fifteen years have passed...”

The poem was written a year after the death of Elena Deniseva. In it, the poet recalls a happy life with his beloved and the tragic death of a girl. This was a shock for him that cannot be forgotten. The poet thinks that Elena gave him the opportunity to love, breathed her soul into him.

Memories of her are only bright, there is only a shadow of sadness in them, but they never cease to please the poet.
This poem is like a tribute to Elena, who was able to awaken feelings and make you fall in love again. She gave her emotions without worrying that they could be destructive for herself. This was what captivated Tyutchev. He knew that not every woman is capable of giving herself over to love as sacrificially and going to any lengths just to be close to her beloved.

The poet wrote a poem, trying to convey this to the addressee. In eight lines, he managed to depict his entire happy life with Elena and convey the pain due to her death.

Today, friend, fifteen years have passed
Since that blissfully fateful day,
How she breathed in her whole soul,
How she poured all of herself into me.

The epithet “fateful day” appears again in the poem, which appears more than once throughout the entire cycle. He points at once to both the joy and sadness of meeting his beloved. The second stanza talks about loss. The hero is unhappy and crushed, he believes in his eternal loneliness and can no longer find a place for himself. His love was shattered by fate, and there is no turning back.


Tyutchev’s “Denisevsky” cycle combines the joy of a first date, the passion of forbidden love and a bitter fate. Each poem intertwines opposites and obstacles. Society does not allow us to fully achieve spiritual harmony. The hero understands this and constantly exclaims: “Oh, how murderously we love!” to convey the fate of those who dared to break prohibitions and try to find happiness. Each poem is both tragic and joyful, because they combine everything that the author himself has experienced. He put his experience into the lines, trying to convey his own experiences and worries on paper as accurately as possible. That is why his poems still resonate in hearts, because they are filled with real emotions that are difficult to hide.


She came from an old noble family of the Denisyevs, recorded in the 6th part of the noble genealogy book of the Ryazan province. She was born into the family of a poor nobleman, a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, Alexander Dmitrievich Denisyev. Widowed at an early age, he remarried; After the appearance of her stepmother, the girl was taken under her care by her aunt Anna Dmitrievna, who worked as an inspector in. Her six nieces were brought up in Smolny: Maria, Olga, Anna, Pelageya, Alexandra and Elena, who, having become a pupil of this educational institution, however, she was (unlike her other nieces) “in a special position” - she lived in her aunt’s apartment. As pointed out A. I. Georgievsky Elena Denisyeva received a fairly free upbringing: from her adolescence, she began going to balls and attending social events.

Nature gifted her with great intelligence and wit, great impressionability and liveliness, depth of feeling and energy of character, and when she found herself in a brilliant society, she herself was transformed into a brilliant young lady who<…>She has always attracted many brilliant fans around her.

In the second half of the 1840s, Tyutchev’s daughters from his first marriage, Daria and Ekaterina, studied at the Smolny Institute. The poet often visited them; in turn, Elena Alexandrovna and Anna Dmitrievna were included in his house. Mutual interest matured gradually, the day of explanation - July 15, 1850 - became the most important milestone for Tyutchev and Deniseva. A decade and a half later, in the middle of the summer of 1865, the poet noted this date with the lines: “Today, friend, fifteen years have passed / Since that blissfully fateful day, / How she breathed in her whole soul, / How she poured all of herself into me.” .

Denisyeva’s romance with a married man, who was old enough to be her father, was negatively perceived not only by secular St. Petersburg (the doors of many houses were pointedly closed in front of her), but also by Elena Alexandrovna’s parent, who disowned his daughter. Anna Dmitrievna also encountered difficulties: she was forced to resign from the Smolny Institute and move out of her service apartment.

During her fourteen years in the “illegal union,” Denisyeva gave birth to three children for the poet - daughter Elena and sons Fyodor and Nikolai. They were all recorded in metrics by the Tyutchevs. Georgievsky, who was Elena Alexandrovna’s brother-in-law, wrote that she always behaved very directly, considering herself “more of all his wife than his ex-wives.” The recklessness and immensity of her feelings was such that in 1862 Denisyeva admitted: “I live his whole life, I’m all his, and he’s mine.” The poet spoke about what she experienced in a poem written in 1851.

Oh, how murderously we love,
As in the violent blindness of passions
We are most likely to destroy,
What is dear to our hearts!

Fate's terrible sentence
Your love was for her
And undeserved shame
She laid down her life!

A series of tragedies

Death of Deniseva

In May 1864, Denisyeva gave birth to a son, Nikolai. After giving birth, her health began to rapidly deteriorate; doctors diagnosed tuberculosis. She died on August 4; Three days later, Tyutchev buried his beloved at the Volkovsky cemetery. Being in a state of complete despair, the poet, according to the recollections of his contemporaries, was constantly looking for interlocutors with whom he could talk about Elena Alexandrovna. As Afanasy Fet said, Tyutchev “was feverish and shivering in a warm room from sobs.”

Time did not relieve the severity of the pain. In January 1865, the poet’s eldest daughter Anna (from his marriage to Countess Bothmer) wrote to her sister that her father, being in a state of terrible grief, “does not even try to overcome it or hide it, at least in front of strangers.” Turgenev, who met Tyutchev in the spring of 1865, spoke about the poet’s lifeless voice; his clothes were “soaked from the tears falling on them.”

According to Georgievsky, Fyodor Ivanovich was constantly tormented by a feeling of guilt in front of Denisyeva and constantly recalled the “false position in which he put her.” The poet was tormented by the thought that he had not fulfilled one of his beloved’s requests and had not released a collection of poems dedicated to her.

Children's destinies

After Denisyeva’s death, her daughter Elena lived in a private boarding house; the youngest - four-year-old Fyodor and newborn Nikolai - were taken in by their aunt Anna Dmitrievna. In the spring of 1865, Elena and Nikolai fell ill with consumption; they died in early May. The departure of the children, as Tyutchev admitted in one of his letters, “brought him to complete insensibility”:

Having asked his eldest daughter Anna to take Fyodor with her, the poet sent her 15,200 rubles; income from capital was supposed to go “to support my son in an educational institution.”

Denisievo cycle

The Denisiev cycle created by Tyutchev is, according to the definition of literary critic Boris Bukhshab, a “novel in verse”, in which, according to the laws of the genre, there is a prologue, climax and finale. The works included in it trace the development of the conflict, in which, on the one hand, the drama of loving but separated people is indicated; on the other hand, their clash with the “hypocritical morality of the crowd” is shown.

The cycle opens with the poem “More than once have you heard the confession...” (1851); it closes with “There are two forces - two fatal forces...” (1869). If the first is a subtle, intimate confession addressed to a beloved woman, then in the last, written eighteen years later, there is a tough challenge to society, to an inhuman human court that passed a verdict on the “proudly young force”, which desperately entered into an “unequal battle” with threats , abuse and slander.

The image of the lyrical heroine of Denisiev’s cycle has changed over the years, but the bottomless feeling that she carried within herself remained unchanged: “You love sincerely and ardently, and I - / I look at you with jealous annoyance”. The poet compared his beloved to an unruly wave that is not afraid of anything: “Be you in the stormy elements / Sometimes gloomy, sometimes bright, / But in your azure night / Take care of what you took”. When the world began to loudly condemn Denisyeva’s “illegal love,” the poet responded to the scandal with the lines: “The crowd entered, the crowd broke / Into the sanctuary of your soul...”

One of the most realistic poems in the cycle is “All day she lay in oblivion...”, which “with frightening truth” tells about the passing of her beloved. The poet reproduces the situation, focuses on the details, and remembers the last phrase uttered by the heroine.

The picture is cut short by the painful spasms of death. And like the cry of the soul, concluding the lines of the poet: Oh, Lord!.. and this been through
And my heart didn’t break into pieces...

Literary scholars compared Denisiev’s cycle with “Anna Karenina,” seeing in Tyutchev’s poems “a living protest against the hypocrisy and cruelty of the moral laws of society.” At the same time, the tragic intensity of love opposing the “terrible world” is close to the stories of Paolo and Francesca, Leila and Majnun, Romeo and Juliet.


  1. , With. 145.
  2. , With. 285.
  3. , With. 146.
  4. , With. 284.
  5. , With. 286.
  6. , With. 147.

The Denisyevsky cycle is called the most lyrical and piercing in the work of Fyodor Tyutchev. The addressee of these poems is the muse and last love of the poet Elena Denisyeva. For the sake of love for Tyutchev, she sacrificed everything: her social status, the location of her family, the respect of others. Their relationship lasted for 14 long years. They were sweet and painful at the same time.

Portrait of Elena Alexandrovna Deniseva.

Elena Aleksandrovna Denisyeva came from an old but impoverished noble family. Her mother died when Elena was still a child. After some time, the father married again, but the stepmother did not like the rebellious stepdaughter too much. Therefore, the girl was urgently sent to St. Petersburg to be raised by her father’s sister Anna Dmitrievna Denisyeva. She was in the position of inspector at the Smolny Institute. This position allowed the aunt to arrange for her niece to study at the Institute of Noble Maidens.

Anna Dmitrievna, usually strict with her students, doted on Elena and spoiled her. She bought her niece clothes and took her out into the world. Both older socialites and ardent young men paid attention to the young beauty with ideal manners.

Years of study at Smolny allowed Elena Alexandrovna to master the art of court etiquette, speak German and French without an accent, and acquire other skills necessary for students. A completely successful fate awaited the girl: after graduating from the Smolny Institute, she was supposed to become a maid of honor at the imperial court, if not for a big scandal, right before Denisyeva’s graduation.

Ernestina Tyutcheva, wife of Fyodor Tyutchev. F. Durk, 1840

The daughters of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev studied in the same class with Elena Alexandrovna, so Denisyeva was a frequent guest in his house. The poet’s daughters came with a friend to tea parties at home. Gradually, Tyutchev began to pay more attention to the girl than etiquette required. The poet's wife saw how he was caring for the young beauty, but did not attach any importance to it. Ernestina Fedorovna, remembering her husband’s past intrigues with aristocratic women, considered that his attachment to the orphan girl did not pose any threat.

Elena Denisyeva with her daughter.

In March 1851, just before his release from Smolny and subsequent assignment to future positions, an incredible scandal broke out. It turned out that Denisyev’s pupil was pregnant and would soon give birth. The director spied Elena Alexandrovna and found out that she had secretly met with Fyodor Tyutchev in a rented apartment not far from the Smolny Institute. Denisyev already in May of the same year.

The aunt was immediately expelled from her place of work, although she was awarded a generous pension, and almost everyone turned their backs on Elena. Her father cursed her and forbade her relatives to communicate with her daughter. Only the aunt supported her niece and took her to live with her.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a Russian poet.

Then Denisyeva was 25 years old, and Tyutchev was 47. For him, the young and stately Elena Alexandrovna was a muse, an all-consuming passion. Their painful relationship lasted fourteen years.

Tyutchev did not intend to dissolve the official marriage, but he was also unable to part with his beloved. They had three children. Elena Alexandrovna forgave Tyutchev for her infrequent visits and for living in two families. When the children asked why dad was practically never at home, the woman lied that he had too much work.

Only a few weeks a year abroad, Elena Alexandrovna was truly happy. After all, no one there knew her story, and when she checked into the hotel, she resolutely called herself Madame Tyutcheva.

In Russia, Denisyeva again had to put up with the position of half-wife, half-mistress. She understood perfectly well that she was engaged in self-flagellation, but she could not help herself, because she loved the poet too much.

And yet, sometimes this submissive woman could not stand it and showed her temper. When she announced that she was pregnant for the third time, Fyodor Ivanovich tried to dissuade her from giving birth. Then Denisyeva became furious, grabbed the figurine from the table and threw it at Tyutchev with all her might. She didn't hit him, but only knocked off the corner of the fireplace.

Their painful relationship would have continued, but in 1864 Elena Denisyeva died suddenly from tuberculosis. Tyutchev was inconsolable.

All day she lay in oblivion -
And all of it was already covered with shadows -
The warm summer rain was pouring - its streams
The leaves sounded cheerful.
And slowly she came to her senses -
And I started listening to the noise,
And I listened for a long time - captivated,
Immersed in conscious thought...
And so, as if talking to myself,
She said consciously:
(I was with her, killed but alive)
“Oh, how I loved all this!”
You loved, and the way you love -
t, no one has ever succeeded -
Oh God!.. and survive this...
And my heart didn’t break into pieces...

Still from the film “Tyutchev’s Last Love” (2003)

After the death of his beloved, Tyutchev wrote to his friend: “...The memory of her is like the feeling of hunger in the hungry, insatiably hungry. I can’t live, my friend Alexander Ivanovich, I can’t live... The wound festers and doesn’t heal. Whether it’s cowardice, whether it’s impotence, I don’t care. Only with her and for her was I a person, only in her love, her boundless love for me, did I recognize myself... Now I am something meaninglessly living, some kind of living, painful nonentity. It may also be that in some years nature in a person loses its healing power, that life loses its ability to be reborn and renewed. All this can happen; but believe me, my friend Alexander Ivanovich, he is only able to appreciate my situation, who out of a thousand has had the terrible fate of living for fourteen years in a row, every hour, every minute, with such love as her love, and experiencing it.

[…] I’m ready to accuse myself of ingratitude, of insensitivity, but I can’t lie: it wasn’t easier for a minute as soon as consciousness returned. All these opium treatments dull the pain for a minute, but that’s all. The effect of opium will wear off, and the pain will still be the same...”

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