Enchanting - Enchanting TESO The elder scrolls online TES. How to quickly level up Enchantment in ESO Teso trivial stamina glyph

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Very hard. I think this is the most difficult job in ESO. However, below are some tips, using which you can level up much faster than usual.

The crafting system in ESO is very interesting. Each player has the opportunity to master all professions. Of course, this is very difficult, but still possible. If you level up several professions at the same time, you will sooner or later realize that some of them are easier to level up than others.

For example, I am now trying to master the professions of Blacksmith, Alchemist, Cook and Enchanter. As for me, the easiest profession in terms of leveling up is Alchemy, and the most difficult is Enchanting. In this article I will give you some tips on how to how to upgrade Enchant FASTER.

If you want to master Enchanting, but know absolutely nothing about this profession, then I recommend you read the following article: Enchanting – Full Guide. (Enchant - Guide). There you will find basic information about this interesting profession. There is no point in writing the same information again here.

What are you doing WRONG?

There is a fairly obvious way to gain more experience in Enchant: the player needs to collect runes and create various glyphs. Once the glyph is created, you can extract runes from it and gain additional experience. Most players think that this is the best way to level up the enchant. They believe that all that is needed is to repeat the process over and over again.

By the way, this scheme really works. BUT only until you “decipher” all the runes you find. The trick is that when you use unexplored runes for crafting, you get much more experience than when you use previously “deciphered” ones. Sooner or later you will realize that all the runes in your inventory have already been deciphered, and you get relatively little experience from crafting.

What to do?

You need to find another Enchanter. The player gains a significantly greater amount of experience from "parsing" runes that were created by other players than from crafting and extracting their own runes.

If the Enchanter you found has the best skills, then that’s great! All you need to gain experience is to ask him to create glyphs. You can give him the materials he needs for this, and he will give the glyphs in return. After that, you need to extract the runes from these glyphs and get experience for it. This circuit will give you MUCH more XP than the create-retrieve scheme.

Acquiring Glyphs

There is another trick that can help you level up Enchantment faster. Purchasing glyphs from other players. This will give you additional experience. It's often cheaper to buy a glyph than to buy a rune for the sake of the glyph, ask your friends to create a glyph and buy it.

For example, price for Potency Rune(Jora, Jode, etc.) levels 1-2 is approximately 200-300 gold. It is very difficult to find a cheaper option. At the same time you can find VR 4-5 armor or weapon glyphs, which are worth 200-300 gold(Normal quality). Of course it is better to buy such a glyph and extract it. Experience guaranteed.


Don't forget to read books while exploring the game world. If you see a bookshelf, use it. Perhaps it will bring you some additional rank of Enchant, and this in turn will save your money and time.

Glyphs from NPCs

Sometimes you will find glyphs after killing an NPC. If your goal is to level up the enchantment, then you should definitely pick up such glyphs and extract them later.

Bottom line

  • If you have undeciphered runes, use them for crafting. This is the best source for gaining experience.
  • If all the runes are deciphered, ask your friends to create glyphs for you and extract the runes from them.
  • Buy glyphs from other players if you have money.
  • Don't forget to read books. The book can give you an additional Enchant rank.

In any case, you will have to spend a lot of time/money. - This is a very difficult profession in terms of leveling up. Even if you follow all the above tips.

Crafting in Elder Scrolls Online can be a little challenging. There are 6 professions, each of which has its own unique resources to collect. While some professions have recipes, Charms and Alchemy require the player to learn the combinations. Enchanting in ESO can be more confusing than alchemy, as players need to collect three different types rune stones and combine them in certain ways to make glyphs. This article will teach you how to create Magicka, Stamina, and Health glyphs in ESO.

Prospective spellcasters in Elder Scrolls Online should look for three different types of runes: Aspect, Potential, and Essence. Aspect runes control the rarity in which the glyph will be obtained: basic, fine, superior, etc. Potential runes determine the power of the glyph. Finally, Essence runes determine the type of spell the glyph will be based on and what item the glyph can enchant: frost damage on weapons, health boost on armor, fire resistance, magic regeneration.

When you make a glyph, it will be in your inventory. To enchant a piece of armor or , you need to right-click (on PC) the item you want to enchant and select "enchant" from the menu. The game will then display a selection menu with glyphs you can use to enchant that item. Click on the glyph you want.

Gathering resources

The most expensive part is collecting resources. When you enter the open world of Elder Scrolls Online, you will see glowing stones. The best way get runes - find your own route around an area you know well. To make sure you don't miss runes located around the world, it is recommended to connect HarvestMap, which will display resources - including runic ones.

If you find a lot of Potential and Essence runes, and very few Aspect runes, you can always buy the runes you're missing from the enchanter who stands next to the enchanted stations. These runes will always be of low quality, but it helps when you are just starting out and really need a certain rune. To find the Sorcerer and his station, simply look for a crystal symbol on your map, usually in a city or fortress.

Creating Glyphs

Now that you have collected the runes, you need to make a glyph, go to the enchanted station. In fact, when creating a glyph on an enchanted station, you get three empty slots to place runes, with slots for Aspect, Essence, and Potential runes. There is no hold here, so if you place runes that don't work together you won't get the glyph.

Here are the recipes for health, stamina and magic glyphs:

  • Glyph of Health: Jora, Oko, Ta.
  • Glyph of Endurance: Jora, Deni, Ta.
  • Glyph of Magic: Jora, Makko, Ta.

The Jora rune means that the glyphs are of plain quality, and the Ta rune means that they are white runes (adjusts the quality). Oko, Deni and Makko give a boost to one of your character's three main stats.

Now you can remember these combinations or write them down, but you don't want to use simple glyphs all the time. Connect Enchant Maker, which simplifies the enchanting process by providing you with "recipes" for glyphs. All you have to do is tell what glyph you're trying to make and the app tells you which three runes you need to use.

Elder Scrolls Online - Morrowind - a new version The popular PC/Windows game does not make significant changes to the mechanics, so exploration, as well as completing various tasks given by ordinary inhabitants of this vast world and representatives of the guilds, form the core of the experience. Fighting enemies is also an important part of the game; Their experience level scales in real time to the player character's level. The player can experience the game world solo, although the adventure becomes more intense when certain events are experienced while accompanied by other players.

" is completely different from what we are used to in other MMOs. In ESO, players can create almost any item with minimal restrictions. You choose any skill you like, upgrade it and create items that have level restrictions. The only thing you need to make items of the required quality and level is skill points and time.

You get skill points by increasing your character level, completing dungeons, completing story quests, and increasing your rank in PvP. These points can be invested in the development of crafting as well as in upgrading any combat skills. Each branch of crafting skills contains an ability, leveling which will allow you to create better and higher-level items.

At level 1, players can collect any materials without any restrictions. This allows you to craft the items you want almost immediately, or become a merchant specializing in selling crafting raw materials.

Choice of profession

  • Alchemy- Allows you to brew potions and create other useful consumable items. They can increase characteristics, increase the duration of positive effects, and give the character abilities that he does not have (for example, invisibility).
  • Blacksmithing- Allows you to forge metal weapons such as swords, maces, daggers and axes. This branch is also responsible for creating heavy armor.
  • Sewing (Clothing)— Making magical robes, as well as light and medium armor.
  • Enchanting— Enchanting players create weapons and armor with special properties using runes.
  • Food supply (Provisioning)— Characters who choose this skill line become Elder Scrolls Online chefs. They prepare food and drinks with many special properties that improve the characteristics of the characters for a certain time.
  • Woodworking- Used to make staves, bows and shields.

Gathering materials and ingredients

The player can collect materials and ingredients from any source, without having to level up any skill to do so. This gives players a lot of freedom, allowing them to jump straight into crafting the items they need. Places for collecting materials and ingredients are scattered throughout Tamriel; in addition, raw materials can be purchased from merchants, as well as found in chests or on the corpses of defeated opponents.

  • Fiber Plants (Sewing): Fibrous plants can be used to produce bolts of fabric, which serve as raw materials for creating light armor.
  • Reagent Plants (Alchemy): The crushed parts of these plants become reagents for brewing various potions.
  • Water Sources (Alchemy): Water can be found in lakes and rivers throughout Tamriel. In addition, leather bags with water are found in various camps and settlements. Water is used to make potions.
  • Leathers and skins (Sewing): Skins and skins taken from killed animals and monsters are used to create medium armor.
  • Minerals (Blacksmithing): Found mostly near cliffs or mountains, as well as in mines and caves, minerals are used to obtain raw materials for forging metal objects.
  • Foodstuffs (Food supply): Cooking ingredients can be found throughout Tamriel in various containers, markets and homes. Search barrels, drawers, cabinets and everything else!
  • Wood (Woodworking): Wood can be found in forest areas, caves and beaches. The wood is used to make staves, bows and shields.
  • Runes (Enchantment): Runes are small glowing stones. They are most often found in abandoned ruins, temples, and roadsides. With their help, glyphs are created.

Crafting stations

Finding a crafting station

Crafting stations can most often be found in settlements and cities. They are marked on the map with special symbols. They allow players to create and improve equipment, disassemble unnecessary items and research their properties.


The main use of crafting skills. You can create any items for which you have enough materials, skills and time. By changing the amount of raw materials used to create an item, you can change its level and characteristics.


Using special items (specific for each crafting branch), you can improve the quality of equipment from Common (white) to Uncommon (green), Rare (blue), Epic (purple) and Legendary (gold). Improving a weapon will lead to an increase in its characteristics. At the same time, new characteristics can be added to it only with the help of enchantment (glyphs).

You can use up to 5 materials to increase the chance of successful upgrade (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% respectively). If your upgrade attempt fails, you will lose both the item itself and the materials you used to upgrade it. Certain skills allow you to reduce the amount of materials needed to improve the quality of equipment.

Extraction allows you to disassemble an item of any quality into its raw materials, which can then be used to create something else. Depending on the level and quality of the original item, you will receive a different amount of materials. Accordingly, the higher the quality of the item, the better the materials that will be obtained from it. In addition, you can upgrade skills that increase the quantity and quality of raw materials obtained during extraction.

Items can only be disassembled at the appropriate crafting stations. So don't sell the useless junk you find on your travels, rather disassemble it.


The properties of objects can be discovered through study. To do this, you need an item that already has the property you need. When creating weapons or armor, they can only be given one property.


Research allows a crafter to examine a weapon or armor in their inventory to learn the properties it possesses. To start studying the property, find the desired item (it can be either in your inventory or in the bank) and head to the crafting station. Open the Research tab and select the property you want to research.

The research is carried out in real time, which increases for each subsequent property in the same category. For example, you begin to study the property of swords, which takes 6 hours of real time. After completing the research, you begin to study another property of swords, which now requires not 6, but, say, 12 hours. The learning time can be reduced by upgrading the corresponding skills.

At the same time, you can study 1 property for each profession (until you upgrade the necessary skills).

So, here's what you need to remember when learning the properties of objects:

  • The item you use to research the property will be destroyed. So make sure you don't need it anymore.
  • Once you have studied a property, it becomes available only to the category whose item was used in the study. For example, let's say you're learning to increase your critical strike chance on a dagger. After completing the research, you can only apply this property to daggers. The same property for swords, maces and axes must be studied separately.
  • The research takes place in real time. If it takes 6 hours, you will have to wait that long (it doesn’t matter whether you are in the game at that time or not). Therefore, keep an eye on the stations to know when the study of the next property will be completed.

Special crafting stations

As you travel through Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls Online, you'll find special crafting stations. They allow you to create sets of equipment. Items from these sets can only be crafted if your character has learned the properties required to do so.

is one of the 6 professions in ElderScrollsOnline. It allows the player to improve armor, weapons and jewelry by adding new effects to them. The sorcerer cannot change elements directly; instead, it creates glyphs that are then applied to items. This profession will help you customize your own items and earn gold by selling rare glyphs to other players.

Skills Sorcery

Like any other crafting profession, Sorcery has its own skill line, but unlike most other professions it consists of 5 passive abilities (Blacksmithing, for example, has 6 passives) and you will have to spend 20 skill points to master all the skills.


(Skill Improvement) AspectImprovement (1/4) Allows you to use [skill rune type] to create X quality Glyphs.
(Strength Improvement) Potency Improvement (1/9) Allows you to use [Type of Power Rune] to create Level X - Y Glyphs
(Keen Eye: Rune Stones) KeenEye: RuneStones (0/3) Makes it easier to find runes within a 20/30/40 meter radius
(Mercenary) Hireling (0/3) The mercenary sends you runes every day
(Loot) Aspect Extraction (0/3) Increases the chance of extracting a skill from a runestone by 5%

These abilities will help you on your way to progress in this profession. The most important passives are Skill Up and Strength Up because you won't be able to progress in Sorcery without mastering these abilities.


You can create glyphs from runes that can be found throughout the continent. There are three types of runes in ESO: PotencyRunes, Essence Runesand Aspect Runes. You need at least 1 rune from each group to create a Glyph. This is why the collection process is very important - you must collect as many runes as possible.

Runes are not hard to find. They are usually found near rocks or trees. But you have to be very fast because other players are also looking for them.

Creating a Glyph

You need to find the Arcane Station in order to start crafting. She can be found in all major cities throughout the ESO game. Like any other crafting station, the Arcane Table can be used by many players at the same time.

Witchcraft is very similar to alchemy: when you first start, you don't know anything about the effects of runes. If you look at appearance runes of time, you will notice that something is written there. But your character doesn't know how to use each rune. You must discover all the effects. This process is called “Deciphering Runes”:

You can do this by combining different runes and trying to create something. If your attempt is successful, you will create a glyph and discover new characteristics (effects) of certain runes. This process is very interesting and at the same time difficult, because it depends on luck.

Now let's talk about the different types of runes.

Potency Runes

Power runes are the type of runes you will need first. They are square in shape and easy to recognize. Power runes are important because they determine the level you must be at to be able to use the glyph.

Power runes can be either additive or subtractive. Additional ones can strengthen, increase, receive or add something. Subtractors can reduce, reduce, weaken, or subtract something.

For example, an additional power rune combined with other runes will give you a glyph that (to a weapon) adds X Frost damage, while a subtractive one will give you a glyph that adds Frost Resistance.

Additive Potency Runes



Potency Level

Gear Level

Jora Development trifling Level 1 Level 1-10
Porade addition lower Level 1 Level 5-15
Jera increase small Level 2 Level 10-20
Jejora increase minor Level 2 Level 15-25
Odra acquisition small Level 3 Level 20-30
Pojora addition less Level 3 Level 25-35
Edora promotion moderate Level 4 Level 30-40
Jaera promotion average Level 4 Level 35-45
Pora increase strong Level 5 Level 40-50
Denara achievement strong Level 5 Level 40-50
Rera exaggeration big Level 6 VeteranRank 1-3
Derado extension big Level 7 VeteranRank 3-5
Recura increase great Level 8 VeteranRank 5-8
Cura activation ? Level 9 VeteranRank 8-10

Subtractive Potency Runes



Glyph prefix

Power level

Game level

Jode decrease trifling Level 1 Level 1-10
Notade subtraction lower Level 1 Level 5-15
Ode reduction small Level 2 Level 10-20
Tade decline minor Level 2 Level 15-25
Jayde calculation small Level 3 Level 20-30
Edode demotion small Level 3 Level 25-35
Pojode decrease moderate Level 4 Level 30-40
Rekude weakening average Level 4 Level 35-45
Hade decrease strong Level 5 Level 40-50
Idode deterioration strong Level 5 Level 40-50
Pode deletion big Level 6 VeteranRank 1-3
Kedeko merger big Level 7 VeteranRank 3-5
Rede deprivation great Level 8 VeteranRank 5-8
Kude negation ? Level 9 VeteranRank 8-10

Defensive Runes

Defensive Runes can be obtained from yellow nodes; they can be recognized among the inventory by their trapezoidal shape. While Power Runes mean an action (adding or subtracting), the defining item of Defensive Runes is a sign (attribute) or condition caused under the influence of sorcery .

Rune Decoding
Dekeipa freezing
Deni endurance
Denima mana stamina
Deteri armor
Haoko disease
Kaderi shield
Kuoko I
Makderi harm spell
Makko magic
Makkoma Magic Mana
Meip shock
Oko health
Okoma health recovery
Okori power
Oru alchemist
Rakeipa fire
Taderi physical harm

Runes that improve skills

Skill-increasing runes can be obtained from red nodes; they can be distinguished among the inventory by their round shape.

This type of rune determines the quality of the glyph you will create. As you probably know, there are 5 quality levels, starting from basic to legendary. You can influence the quality of your future glyph by changing skill-enhancing runes.

Advice: Skill-enhancing runes are quite rare and much harder to find than other runes. Never miss red collection nodes.

How to enchant an object?

Once you have created a Glyph you can apply it to an element. Simply go to your inventory, right-click on the object you want to enchant and select “ charm” from the context menu. You will see a special window where you can select a glyph and apply it (the glyph must be in your inventory). Once the process is complete you will receive new effect at your object.

Extracting runes

Sorcerers can not only create Glyphs but also extract runes from them. All you need for this is the presence of the glyph in your inventory. The extraction process will not only provide you with additional runes, but will also give you some experience in sorcery.

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