Business plan for a rehabilitation center for the treatment of drug addicts. Recommendations and tips: creating a business plan for a rehabilitation center

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On May 06, 2016, the grand official opening of the new project took place public organization"Dzherelo" - the center of resocialization of drug-addicted youth FreeDom.
The guys were very worried and worried about how this event would take place, because the Governor of the Nikolaev region Merikov Vadim Ivanovich, the Head of the Nikolaev regional council Viktoriya Viktorovna Moskalenko, the People's Deputy of Ukraine Vadim Ivanovich Podbereznyak, the Head of the Ochakiv district administration Sergei Viktorovich Samoukov, representatives of the Clergy, power structures, the public. Nevertheless, everything went great - the guests were given a warm welcome.

The children showed the House with pleasure, as well as the study “Visions” - the hallmark of our organization. And even bad weather conditions did not become an obstacle in conveying to high-ranking guests the mission that our organization has been carrying out for 10 years. We prove to a skeptical society not just with words, but also with deeds, that drug addiction is not a death sentence – there is a way out and people should and can lead a healthy, sober and socially active lifestyle.

Chairman of the Nikolaev Regional Administration Vadim Ivanovich Merikov highly appreciated the achievements of the organization, separately noting that the organization exists without the help of the State, and right at the event appointed the Chairman of the Board of the public organization "Dzherelo" Pavel Kazaryan as his adviser, handing him a certificate.
The guys heard a lot of warm words addressed to them, words of parting words, wishes of prosperity and undisguised admiration for their activities. Given the continuous growth of drug addiction and, as a result, the increase in mortality among young people, we do not stop our activities and the third House to save, like the previous two, young people from death. At the end of the solemn event, all the guests wrote to balloons wishes to the guys and the center, and to thunderous applause they released them into the sky.

Archpriest Dionysius Puchnin, Head of the Department of Social Service and Charity of the Mariinsky Diocese and Head of the Zeledeevo Orthodox Rehabilitation Center

The parish has little funds and not enough people, but is there a need to start the rehabilitation of drug addicts or alcoholics? Where to begin? Archpriest Dionysius Puchnin, who has been heading a successful rehabilitation center in the small Siberian village of Zeledeevo for 8 years, shared his experience during the online seminar.

Rural parishes usually lack funds and lack people. What if there is a need to engage in the rehabilitation of alcoholics or drug addicts? How to choose a house for the center, where to get funds, where to recruit employees, what is the role of a priest in the center and what is the place of worship in rehabilitation - these and many other questions were answered by priest Dionisy Puchnin, head of the Department of Social Ministry and charity of the Mariinsky diocese and the head of the Zeledeevo Orthodox Rehabilitation Center.

The rehabilitation center in the village of Zeledeevo has been operating since the spring of 2007. The new rector of the rural church, who was transferred here from the city parish, at first thought to deal primarily with works of mercy and work with youth. He had no idea to rehabilitate drug addicts. “I thought that I would do, as in the city, work with children: I would open a Sunday school. I never thought about working with drug addicts, ” - says father Dionysius.

His opinion was changed by an incident that happened to a familiar fellow villager. The priest found out that he was a drug addict, but then he left for Tomsk and ended up in a sectarian center for rehabilitation. When he returned, he said that he would open a similar center in a neighboring city.

“Conversations with this man convinced me that it is necessary to deal with the problem of rehabilitation closely, and our meetings convinced him of the need to repent and return to the Orthodox Church,” - continues Archpriest Dionysius Puchnin.

Together they began to study various rehabilitation programs, went to a rehabilitation center in Novosibirsk. After some time, I managed to buy a house in a nearby village. The newly created center had two more assistants.

With the blessing of the bishop, he began to work with rehabilitators. The house was bought for 1 km, away from the highway. It was both cheaper and secluded. However, according to the leader of the seminar, because of the remoteness from the temple, the new center lacked the constant participation of the priest in its work.

Father Dionisy went to study in the village of Sapernoye, Leningrad Region, where Archpriest Sergiy Belkov has been rehabilitating drug addicts for ten years. “It was his program that we took as a role model. We needed such rehabilitation activities that would be carried out without the involvement of specialists. Not because I deny their help. Just the opposite. We just live in a remote village, where there is not even a paramedic, and finances do not allow attracting specialists from outside,” says Father Dionysius.

Father Dionysius began to work under the program "Abode of Healing". Within a month, the rehabilitation center was moved directly to the temple grounds. As the founder of the center notes, the situation has improved rapidly. Initially, the center provided rehabilitation for both alcohol and drug addicts, but over time, this practice was abandoned. The center began to specialize in helping drug addicted young men.

“It has to do with - Father Dionysius explains, - that we found mutual dislike between alcoholics and drug addicts. Each of them considers his illness less shameful than the others.

However, a new problem arose - footage: “For a while, my assistants stayed with me, but after about a year and a half they dropped out. I was left alone. I had to check discipline, even at night. And expel, for example, for smoking. For a year and a half I worked at the center alone. Then the first assistants appeared from among the pupils themselves, who wanted to help their brothers.

Initially, the center existed on donations from the parishioners of the rural church. “When we started the rehabilitation process, we didn’t have a penny for our soul, - says father Dionysius. - The temple is rural, and it is not necessary to count on its budget. I began to bring food and ask parishioners to buy them to help drug addicts. The parishioners took it with great enthusiasm and even began to bring food themselves. Then we planted a vegetable garden."

All the time the center was open, the rehabilitators fully served themselves. Until recently, until a cook appeared, they cooked their own food.

During the seminar a film about the life of the pupils of the center was shown. “I was waiting for me to be cured here, I would leave and live my old life, not using drugs, but also without faith. It turned out otherwise, I have changed forever. The second stage in the center after rehabilitation is training. Without churching it is impossible to avoid mistakes, crises are repeated. Yes, it’s impossible to do without them, because you begin to pull out all the dirt from yourself, get rid of it, ” - says one of them.

“It is important to build new relationships with other people, with yourself and with God during the rehabilitation period,” - says Father Dionysius.

Archpriest Dionysius Puchnin notes that it is important to be in contact with a professional who could help practical advice. For him, Archpriest Sergiy Belkov became such a person. Today, the center in Zeledeevo itself organizes conferences on the rehabilitation of drug addicts in Yurga.

Arseny Zagulyaev

How to open a rehabilitation center in a rural parish | Russian Orthodox Church, Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service
The parish has little funds and not enough people, but is there a need to start the rehabilitation of drug addicts or alcoholics? Where to start?.RU

The development of a business plan for a medical neurological center was carried out using materials from a really working project. Most of the business plans developed by Alto Consulting Group specialists have been successfully implemented and bring profit to more than one entrepreneur.

This business plan is equipped with financial calculations set out in Excel format. The ability to quickly change the main financial indicators allows you to quickly and easily calculate a new, adapted project, taking into account the client's requests.

The ease of submitting the material allows you to make all changes to the project to suit your needs with lightning speed, even for people who do not have a financial education.

All calculations are presented in a format that allows you to quickly enter new parameters and immediately get acquainted with financial forecasts. Changing a business plan to work in any other region of Russia is done simply and without the use of special knowledge.

The business plan of the medical neurological center was created taking into account the analysis of the development trends of this market in the coming years. All factors influencing the success of business development in this area are taken into account.

Name of the project:
"Medical Neurological Center".

Objective of the project:
This business plan was developed in order to calculate the effectiveness of the project and attract investment funds to create medical center.

Initiator of the project:

The implementation of this project will allow:

  • Create a medical center focused on:
    • assistance in the rehabilitation of children with birth injuries, cerebral palsy, ADHD, etc.;
    • assistance in the rehabilitation of CFS, neurosis, insomnia, PTSD, etc.;
    • complex family psychotherapy, psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection.
  • Create a business and get an income in the amount of *** thousand rubles.
  • Satisfy the demand for medical services in this area;
  • Create new jobs.

Number of service areas - 3.

The main characteristics of the project:
The volume of investments - *** thousand rubles.
Net present value - *** thousand rubles.
The discounted payback period is *** years.
The internal rate of return is ***%.
Return on investment - ***%.

The medical center "***" will be created "from scratch" in the city of ***. The center is planned to be located on leased premises in the *** district of the city. Organizational legal form - Limited Liability Company. Founder - ***.

The medical center provides for the creation of a private medical clinic that provides a wide range of services in the field of neurology. The neurological center belongs to the medical and preventive institutions of the outpatient-polyclinic type. The center will specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with various disorders and diseases. nervous system.

The main profile of the center will be neurology with the following list of services:

  • Expert advice
  • Functional diagnostics
  • Treatment

The medical center has no competitors. It will be the first such center in the region.

2.1 Description of the medical center
2.2 Characteristics of the medical center
2.3 Regulatory documentation
2.4 Structural divisions
2.5 Flows of customers, personnel and materials
2.6 Sanitary maintenance of premises, equipment, inventory

3.1 Specifications equipment
3.1.1 Equipment for functional diagnostics
3.1.2 Equipment for methods and programs
3.1.3 Equipment for the gym
3.1.4 Massage equipment
3.2 Other technological processes
3.2.1 Registry and cash desk
3.2.2 Cloakroom, lobby and waiting area
3.2.3 Doctor's workplace
3.2.4 Engineering equipment and interior decoration
3.2.5 Working conditions and safety
3.3 Center promotion
3.4 Environmental issues

4.1 Characteristics of the medical industry
4.1.1 Key health indicators
4.1.2 Number and specifics of healthcare facilities
4.2 The market for paid medical services
4.2.1 Market size and dynamics
4.2.2 Market structure by income
4.2.3 Factors affecting the market
4.3 Consumer rating
4.3.1 Target audience

5.1 Directions of investment investments
5.1.1 Preparatory phase
5.1.2 Equipment costs

6.1 Project financing
6.2 Loan repayment
6.3 Service delivery plan
6.3.1 Duration of work shift and work schedule of employees
6.3.2 Duration of services provided
6.3.3 Health center capacity
6.4 Income plan
6.4.1 Cost of services
6.4.2 Revenue forecast
6.5 Cost plan
6.5.1 Fixed costs
6.5.2 Variable costs
6.6 Depreciation charges
6.7 Tax payments

7.1 Key performance indicators
7.2 Indicators of investment attractiveness of the project
7.2.1 Calculation of the discount rate
7.2.2 Net present value (NPV)
7.2.3 Regular (PB) and Discounted (DPB) payback periods
7.2.4 Profitability Index (PI)
7.2.5 Internal rate of return (IRR)
7.2.6 Project performance indicators


9.1 Project sensitivity
9.2 Qualitative analysis





List of charts:
Graph 1 - Number of medical institutions in Russia, units.
Graph 2 - Number of doctors in Russia, thousand people
Graph 3 - Number of hospital beds in Russia, thousand units
Graph 4 - Number of health facilities in Russia, units.
Graph 5 - The volume of the market for paid medical services in Russia, billion rubles.
Chart 6 - Number of organizations operating in the CHI system, units
Chart 7 - The number of non-governmental organizations working in the CHI system, units.
Chart 8 - The volume of the CHI market, billion rubles.
Chart 9 – Volume of the VHI market, billion rubles
Graph 10 - Standard of living of the population of Russia, rub.
Chart 11 - Dynamics of income growth in Russia, in % to 2008
Chart 12 - Structure of household spending on paid services
Graph 13 - Number of patients with diseases of the nervous system, thousand people.
Graph 14 - Dynamics of cases for the first time
Chart 15 - Number of children under 14 diagnosed with nervous system diseases, thousand people
Graph 16 - Dynamics of the number of children under 14 with a diagnosis of the nervous system who fell ill for the first time, thousand people.
Chart 17 - Equipment cost structure, %
Chart 18 - Dynamics of income, thousand rubles.
Chart 19 - Dynamics of expenses, thousand rubles
Chart 20 - Dynamics of the value of assets, thousand rubles.
Chart 21 - Dynamics of the discounted flow, thousand rubles.
Chart 22 - Impact of Parameters on Net Present Value
Graph 23 - Influence of parameters on internal norm profitability

List of tables:
Table 1 - Equipment
Table 2 - Availability of medical personnel in Russia
Table 3 - Provision of hospital beds in Russia
Table 4 - Dynamics of the paid medical services market in Russia
Table 5 - Investments
Table 6 - Estimated cost of the preparatory phase
Table 7 - Required equipment
Table 8 - Structure of attracted funds
Table 9 - Loan conditions
Table 10 - Loan payments
Table 11 - Key indicators for loan repayment
Table 12 - Staffing
Table 13 - Staff work schedule
Table 14 - Services provided
Table 15 - Calculation of the capacity of the medical center
Table 16 - Attendance of functional diagnostics rooms
Table 17 - Prices for services
Table 18 - Revenue Forecast
Table 19 - PAYMENT
Table 20 - Variable part of wages
Table 21 - Cost of consumables
Table 22 - List of consumables in the average bill
Table 23 - Calculation of depreciation charges
Table 24 - Tax payments by years
Table 25 - Financial indicators of the project
Table 26 - Calculation of the discount rate (WACC method)
Table 27 - Net present value calculation
Table 28 - Economic efficiency of the project
Table 29 - Calculation of break-even income
Table 30 - Operating lever
Table 31 - Sensitivity analysis for project profitability
Table 32 - Risk assessment

List of diagrams:
Diagram 1 - Specialization of medical institutions in Russia,%
Diagram 2 - Structure of income of medical institutions, %
Diagram 3 - Behavior of Russians in case of health problems, %
Diagram 4 - Financing structure, %
Diagram 5 - Structure of personnel costs, %

List of drawings:
Figure 1 - Scheme of flows of patients, medicines and personnel

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Unfortunately, the problem of alcohol and drug addiction is still very relevant for our country. Not in all regions the fight against this social "illness" is carried out at the proper level. Therefore, the business of organizing private clinic rehabilitation of drug addicted citizens will not only be very profitable, but also beneficial to society. We will talk about how to open a drug treatment center yourself, avoiding many difficulties and problems, in this article.

Features of the implementation of this business idea

To open a drug treatment center, you need to collect a great many permits. The medical activities of the center are subject to mandatory licensing, so the requirements for personnel are the highest. Only qualified specialists with specialized higher medical education can work in a drug treatment clinic. In addition to the diploma, the staff of the center must have valid certificates for the implementation of medical activities. It is better to choose an individual entrepreneur as the form of organization of this business - this will save you from some legal delays and future problems with the tax service.

As for the location of the narcological center, the building must necessarily be non-residential and located closer to the sleeping areas of the city. The total area of ​​the institution must be at least 100 square meters, with a "reserve" for future business expansion. The main requirements for the planning of a drug treatment clinic are as follows:

  • A short corridor ending in a hall with comfortable benches for waiting.
  • Two equipped bathrooms (male and female).
  • Walk-in closet.
  • Small business premises.
  • Ordinatorskaya for staff.
  • Fenced-off reception desk equipped with filing cabinets.
  • Three single rooms for patients that meet all SES requirements.

The narcological center should have soft “cold” lighting, pastel-colored walls, as well as permanent cleanliness and sterility.

It is best to promote your drug treatment clinic on the Internet: your website with a price list for services and reviews of grateful customers is a must. You should also agree with others medical institutions cities to place booklets and business cards of your clinic in them. If your employees work from the heart and treat each patient individually, then the good reputation of your center will quickly spread throughout the region, providing you with a constant influx of clients.

financial question

A private drug treatment center does not belong to the category of business projects, the implementation of which requires huge financial investments. The one-time cost of opening such a center will not exceed 500 thousand rubles. Monthly expense items will look like this (data are focused on the capital region):

  • Rent - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Utilities - 10,000 rubles.
  • The salary of a narcologist is 60,000 rubles.
  • The salary of a nurse is 35,000 rubles.
  • The salary of a receptionist is 25,000 rubles.
  • The salary of a nurse is 20,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of medicines - 50,000 rubles.

As a result, every month you will have to "fork out" about 250,000 rubles. Let's now consider the main sources of income for the drug treatment center. For example, the average check for treatment for alcohol and drug addiction is 5,000 rubles per day. The duration of the course of treatment for alcohol dependence is 4 days, heroin - 5 days, and the most serious - methadone - up to 14 days.

A small narcological clinic includes no more than three equipped wards. Accordingly, its maximum occupancy is three patients. The clinic will work without days off and holidays - the specifics of the activity oblige to adhere to such a schedule. If the occupancy of the wards every day is one hundred percent, then the monthly income from the work of the drug treatment center will be 450 thousand rubles. Excluding mandatory expenses, net profit it turns out very pleasant - 200 thousand rubles a month.

Naturally, if there are queues to your center, the number of wards can be increased. No matter how regrettable it may sound, the likelihood of queues is very high, regardless of the region where the drug treatment center is located. He definitely won't be without a job.


Quite rarely, drug addicts voluntarily agree to treatment in a drug treatment clinic. In most cases, they fall at the cost of the incredible efforts of their relatives and friends. Accordingly, in the work of the drug treatment center there is a clear division into clients and patients. Patients don't pay money, clients do. Sometimes you can't even expect gratitude from patients. Nevertheless, picking up other people's broken lives piece by piece is an occupation worthy of respect. Well, a good financial profit can be considered compensation for harmful working conditions. Good luck in business!

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